THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OR.. THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1908. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL lti 't it -i.-iiriMtiBf 219 Map-No.-! T. W. Ktcvi im nf lirownshoro wan a font visitor Thurwiay. Jaiiit-rn ', carftcntiTH ' anl matonH ovcrallH unl jackctM at Van iJyke 'n.Wi William (Jihbon of Ontral j'oint pre tifir-t wan a ,Mefonl visitor Thurwiay. J. .1. Hti-wart, who ha bwn at tioM Hill for wtveral w--k, haw return 8-e tin- 7.V poMtals at Hull J'oHtal Shop, near bridgi. tf Merchant Hull of Hrowiixhoro tra rut acted himincttH in Medford Wednesday. Southern Orison ttce nery at JIull ' Art Ktiidio, near bridge, tf Dr. Heely left Thursday for the ITp per Jtoue Jliver country. Dry wood for Bale. Inquiro at War ner'B (f'roeery or wo W, J. Warner, tf Judge . (I for aft if. Durban) of (Jrantu I'ajw came to Med ford Thu ruddy on bun JnoHi. Well worth n trial. 296" Mftpeienel Mapelene! 290 Attorney W. K. Phipps left Thurrtdny for A Kb land to look after bumnesit m ut ters. For novelties and funcy milline.ry and popular prices, sex- Mr. W. I. Jirown on the West Hidn. tf Dr. J. F. Keddy and Willinm Hart Hamilton spent Thursday afternoon in Grants i'uns. For novelties and fancy millinory and popular prices, see Mm. W. I. Hrown on the West Side. tf Mrs. Hither' of Grants Pass pawned through Mod ford on her way to South ern California Thursday. Mapelene! Mapelene! Mapelene! 290 William Harrison, a prominent ranch er of ftrownshoro, was a business culler in Med ford Wednesday. Just received at Ward's Cash Store, now jardinieres, crocks and churns, tf W. C Deneff, one of Jacksonville's businens men, made Med ford a business rail Wednesday. Just nweived at Ward's Cash Store ' anw jardinieres, crocks and churns, tf Stan. H. Akin, tin- pro parous merch ant fit Prospect, wus a Medford busi tiiwh culler Wednesday. Now express shipment of fancy back combs and belt buckles at Van Dyke's. 200 Attention, orchard meat Now is the time for spraying. We have a full line of guaranteed spray hoe. Nicholson Hardware Co., Med ford, Or. 298 (-, 71. KoHtel of Central Point was a caller in Medford Wednesday. Mr. KoH tel was formerly a merchant in Med ford. Attention, orchurd men! Now is the time for spraying. We have a full line of guaranteed Hp ray hose. Nicholson Hardware Co., Medford, Or. 298 Charles Schmidt, son of J. M. Schmidt, west of Medford, is a new ar rival from Turoina, Wnsh. Ho will lo cate in Medford. Attention, orchard men! Now is the time for spraying. We have a full line of guaranteed spray hose. Niehelsou Hardware Co.. MMford, Or. 298 James It. Howard of Yreka, Cal., is vixitifig relutiven west of Medford. He formerly rexided hen-, ojM'rating a, blarkHiiiith wimp, I In you want a f irt Hans biiHiness I locution on Medford 'h Ihihh'hI vtreet? I'lnsy terms. If so, call on J. C. Hrown, Culm Itlork. tf (J. W. Hrown, rutin ty mniiiiiHHionr-r, paHHed t lirciugh Medford Thursday, re turning to his home at Kagle Point mm JackHonville. Only three more frames, 22xUH, with Southern Oregon Scenery to fit are left from the npecinl sale. If you wish one rail nt once. Komembcr that the pho tos are free with the frame. Hull's Art Studio, near bridge. tf Judge J. H. Neil and his son, Frank Levi Strauu No. 1 leather label over- HAWLEY TALES FOB WANTED Stenographer and book alls, $1 a pair at Van Dyke's. 296 FULTON'S RESOLUTION keeper of some experience; slate age Charles T. Higinbotham, wso was un- 1 and experience. T 1, Tribune off ice. tf til recently a resident of this city, has WASHINGTON, March 5. Represen-! WAXTKD Girl, a Xd cook, two in been sp-nding the past nix months look- tative Hawley bud a conference with ing over the country, visiting all of the the subcommittee having in charge Sen principal towns in Kaxtf-ru Oregon and ator Fulton's resolution authorizing the Washington, has return, better sat- attorney-general to institute unit against iufW-d than ever and says that Medford the Oregon k California Railroad corn is good enough for him. pany. He found the subcommittee fa . - vyrable to the resolution, and it is ex- U'EEN WILLINO TO QUIT jK-eted it will be favorably reported to IF CAKE WILL DO SO, TOO hu without having hearings. . The attorney general has written a W. H. C'Ken, who last week an- I"' " bairman Mondell explaining nounred his candidaey for the republi- thp uwhuHv for the passage of the res can nomination of Cnited States sen- "bition, and it is believed his letter, ator, is willing to get out of the race, combined with Representative Hawley 'b providing H. M. Cake, also a candidate argument lust week, will be sufficient for senator, will do the Barne. Mr. 'D to bas favorable report. (J 'Hen's solo object is the elevation of T,lf- resolution will probably go to the Statement No. i, and he is willing to hou,ii in thfi nfar future, and no ma sacrifice his own political ambition, al- t,'riul bction to its final passage is ways providing that Mr. Cake will do anticipated, likewise. 1 1 '" Mr. IJ'Ken's proposition to Mr. Cake LLLUMINATE PAEK WITH is simply that they both withdraw and ORNAMENTAL LIGHT POSTS allow the Statement No. 1 republicans j to center their strength on some man j Tne ornamental electric posts which who will bo satisfactory to all factions. w' USf'l unng tne carnival are Deing He mentions Judge Mcllride, Hen Sell- installed at the corner of the city park, ing, T. B. Wilcox and I. If. Bingham, ' Tne ladies' park committee ia having but they are only instances, as Mr. the wiring done and the Rogue River U'Jten cares not for men, but for meas- ' Electric company will rurnutt iree eiec-; ures. Mr. Cnko replies: inc current to ngnv toe nine uu-canaic, The open letter of Mr. U'Ren comes power electric lights which will be on u surprise. I would say in reply ach post. that more thnn a month ago T an- ! nouueed my candidacy for the nomina- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE ME NT a I the family, 4-rocn cottage; no wash ing to do: will pay good wages. Ad dress I O. V.rx V . tf five rooms. Inquire Hotel Nash, tf tion for tho United Htatca Benatorflhip XTED Furnished house of four ft iter uue aenncraiion upon ana care- ful consideration of the responsibilities involved in my candidacy, and must now most respectfully decline Mr. U'Ren 's proposals." IF 1" want to buy a farm, see Wilson F & Kinyon. If V want to buy a house, ' see Wilson k Kinyon. If V have a house to rent or V want to rent a house, see WilbOfl k Kinkon. Tell us , what U want, and if we have not gt it, we will tn and get it. List your property with us. We are here to stay: Wilson k Kinyon, Adkins blk., 7th and C sis. 316 A GOOD BUT Known" as"the Buck Lake ranch, located in Klamath county, 2018 acres; 500 acres of timber, esti j mated to have from 10,000,000 to 12, I 000.000 feet of timber, consisting of 1 yellow pine and white pine and fir; ; 500 acres of grass and hay land; 1000 t acres of tule swamp; ma!4 house and I barn; 9 miles of wire fence, barbed i wire; 7 miles of 6-wire and 2 of 5-wire , swamp is fed by large springs, rising! on the ground of the place; about 700 acres can be irrigated and drained by a large flood-gate; price $12 per aero. Title guaranteed. A key to the sur rounding country which is quite a stock country; 35 miles east of Ash land and 20 miles west of Klamath Falls. Address P. 0. 156, Ashland, Or. 312 BUSINESS CARDS. FINNS REMOVE ROOSEVELT'S PICTURE PROM THE WALL WANTKD A girl for general house work. Inquire at Burrell Orchard, tf SINGER Sewing Machine Co. Tele phono No. 945. A. D. Singler, Mgr. 290 WANTKD A boarder in a private fam ily. Address P. O. Box 2S1. tf ASTORIA, Or., March 5.-The 8u- wx vTED Wnm.n or airl for silver omi Temperance society of this city, an nantrr. Annlv to Steward. Naiih Cafe. organization composed entirely of Fin-1 nish memberH, went on record by a ma- WANTED 100 people to have their jority vote at its meeting on last Fri- repaired at C. M. Kidd'B Hnoe day evening as being opposed to the J Htore. Our shoemakers are experts, tf government, and even went so far as to , FOR SALE A slightly used Style 66 order President Roosevelt's picture re moved from tho walls of the hall, where it had bung for a long time. This action, it Is said, is not sanc tioned by the leading members of the society, but wus the work of the rad ical element. It appears that at a social held on Sunday, February 25, tho announcement was made that anyone who desired to join tho society within a stated period conld do so without the payment of the usual initiation fee. As n result, 55 people joined at the meet ing on Friday evening, and 45 of them wore rail i cal socialists. Tho claim is made that it was these 45 new members who passed tho motion directing the in sult to the president. Singer machine. See Slewing at Dan iels' store. 301 WANTED Teamsters with teams want ed at Western Oregon Orchard Co. 'a orchard. Apply to Fred Lunduhl. 315 FOB 8ALI3 Two incubators, used only one season, for sale cheap; capacity of each, 216 eggs. Inquire at War ner's store. Warner to Snyder, tf E. L. BALCOM. New West Side Confectionery Fruit store candies, nuts, cigars, tobaccos, fresh fruit in season. Near Hotel Moore, Medford, Or. WILLIAM YOUNG CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Window and Door Screens to Order. Mission Fttmiture Built. Box 67L Medford, Or. OREGON DELEGATION FALLS TO SELECT NEW ATTORNEY WASHINGTON, March 5. Effort h of the Oregon delegation to hold a meet ing to take up tho district attorneyship quest ion were not miccensf ul. 1 1 was firnt proponed to hold a meeting nt 4 o 'eloek, but it was impracticable for the limine members to attend at that hour. It was then proposed that the meeting be held last night, but prior en gagement h prevented Senator Hourno from agreeing to 1 1) in arrangement, so that the matters goes over until today, when another effort will be made to get together. W hen t he delegat ion dues get to- gether it will endeavor to pick a man for district attorney from the first con gresHional district becaimo the second district already has a majority of the large federal offices. If the first dis trict does not offer a man with suitable requirements mid willing to nerve, then candidates from the second district will FOR SALE House and lot near Cath olic school; prico 41700; this is a bar gain. Address letter to Box 312, Med ford, Or. 323 WANTED Good dairy or fruit furms in Roguo River valley in exchange for Minneapolis rental property. Address C, Medford Tribune. 304 WANTKD A girl for general house work, small family, no washing. Mrs. Win. M. Colvig, near West Side School. 297 WANTED 100 mon, 75 per cent min ers, at once. Magic of Gold Hill, Nov. For particulars, address W. Vo geli, Medford, Or. tf I HAVE 800 Newtown Pippin apple trees on hand and for sale at popular prices. L. B. Warner. tf Neil, of Kagln Point, and John Marsh I bo eminidered. No member of tho dele of Jacksonville, were Medford callers gatioii admits any preferences and the .lelegatiou is to u.4e everv endeavor to pick a man who is comjtetent and ac ceptable, regardless of his past political affiliation. He must bo a good repub lican, however. Thursday. Frank Neil was on his way borne to Kngle Point. P. Centeinrri Co. 's kid gloves, all lengths, at Van Dyke's. 2!Ml I'hillip Looni-Iv, owner of the roller skating rink in Medford, has Hold his; ranch of HtO acres of bind in Sum ' , TORTLAND LEADS SOUND Valley to Thtniias W, Strut hern for :tri. . White waists, voile and I'anama j Close to ;iiiti,i)iiil more bushels of skirts, ladiiV suits, at Van Dyke 's. Dtiti , wheat wi-re shipped from Portland in J. K. It ic hards has been in Medford February than from t he en tin1 Puget for several months pitst looking over Sound district, according to figures IN WHEAT SHIPMENTS WANTKD 100 young men wanted for railway positions; also 50 ladies for Western Union and Postal Telegraph; no experience required. See H. li. Sterling at Palace Hotel at once. 207 SHORTHAND and Typewriting Those wishing work of this kind dono in evening cull up Van, phono 855, Rogue j River Electric Co., or address P. O.I Box 870. tf DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO., Medford Oregon. Houso Furnishers and Undertakers. Day Phone 353. Night Phones C. W. Conklin, 495. J. H. Butler, 148. Wm. M. Colvig, Medford, Or. COLVIG ft DURHAM, Attorneys-at-Law. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. WM. W. P. HOLT, M. D Physician and Surgeon. Engle Point, Oregon. WORK WANTED Japaneao contrao tor; can do all kinds of general farm-1 ing; general helper in all work; town' or country. Address A. E. Tatsumi, . Gen'l Del., Medford, Or. tf j FOR RALE New residence, just com-! pie ted, second block west of high I school, West Seventh stroet; fine col onial interior; chenp if sold soon. In quire Tribune office. tf Scale Spray for Sale Scale Spray, Lime and Sulphur Solution, rendy for use; in any quantity. J. A. Perry, Medford, Ore. the valley. He reside in i'nge County, Iowa, the home of Dr. Butler, Captain Kawtiii's and M. i. Iloe. V. I'. Hrown, son in law of It. N. Hut ler, who has Ixtii confined in a hospi tal at Salem, dr., for the pat two months, ha retiiito-l in tl. .-limy,. f a hoflit;il IoiIh. , H iifer, manager of the Iowa which have been eompib-d by the Mer chants' exchange. Including the coast Wise traffic, 1'nrtlnnd net afloat -.41.!,-7JO bushels an against 'J.I l..pilJ bush el a, dispatched from Seattle, Tacuina, Kverett and the other ports of Western Washington, Fort la rid sent l-'t, i'.'tO bushels to California and Paget Sound VU'i bushels. pan; I.uinle r Mo sawmill 1 1 t lie Plttte Cie, k along the propos,-,! i f tl,, tnilua Tie !. Milling le-Mi-ti,,,! .. nne Ii .( h -tiMiill interest e. llllMrr Ml M. ,tfofd. It' Veil MI fitr r. -i-t. II. e 'l ...( I I oil 1 1, I a hello1. Mi .(llMMll MUISi-lf v tn ois inoli r hi. h t hce ,.( -'II. In-,11 f I!. I!. K.!i bio. K. Mr. I selv. owner and oj. ect ing a ' . 1 1 1 n t r v . P. K. JACKSON COUNTY PIONEER IS LAI DTO FINAL REST t f el tlr Well the nw roll r sl-iimg tinl, on tin nor of Tenth ;nu! stir. ts. VMfU he lias li.ol a hea v inn I' j'it r. rwT "iin pening Ins rink, ai' l is pleased w itli Ins hiv eminent, Mr-. V theiton of Vcrmgion. Ne , a Ulster in law ot" t. 11 Kiiiiil v of West Mod ford, lo has n imting at the Numli'V home for the past three weeks, b ft TMiur-dav for her home. M. N'eth erton will return to Medford in the future and make this her home. The Inneral of 1 1 v Mittha i linens toel, ia e this r t l"t i noon from Iot home on I sir. 'ft and was attended bv a luge n u mi K.-r ef I'tn inN. Mrs ( l ei ens Was lo ll til high esteem by .lit W ho knew ler. She leaves tO lllolUH l'.,r lef ' lr e da light eis and one son and a unrulier ..f gi i ndeli 1 1 ren. Mis. i I m ens :id resided ill .ll.ksoll .olinfV for i.- ii !v in x , ars. MEDFORD COAL MINE HAS SIX rOOT VEIN lie Medford al si mii'.in has elll ef coal le. This is of the Xfl v lest V em i f t his si,-c means much for Med t'or-l The mine is no longer a prospe.t or a speculation the at the i ipialit v , ids are to b FO It S A L K ( ne hund red t iers pi ne .stovewiHid, cut last fall, $1.75 a tier. Two hundred tiern of oak wood at You can haul four tiers nt a load; no hills; adjoining depot grounds at Phoenix. T. .1. Fish. :tO0 FOR SALK 40 uvrtief laud on Rogue River, two miles from (i rants I'ass; about half cleared, rich bottom loam, lirst claws orchard or garden land; oak and pine timber on balance worth en tire price asked for land; terms $-00 down, $1." a moiit4j on balance. Ad dress P. . Hox r7l, Medford. Or. HIS i FOR HA I.K Having purchased over ."it ii 1,000 feet of first class milling logs, we are prepared to furnish first class I ntuber of all kinds in nny amounts "i short notice. If you contemplate luilding place your order with us: r iii e xery n-asonable; dimension and tine finish lumber a specialty. Write r call. Ittitte Falls Lumber Company, ot Tier i.vrr Jackson county bank, Med t r.l. Or. tf IMR SALK I will sell by bid on March 1", 10ns, t, acres within quarter mile "f Talent depot, either as n whole or .ii lots llMvc'n feet. This is an op portunity for laboring men to secure a home when labor is in demand. Mids will be received either in person or by mail. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. Terms: One half cash, balance at buyer's option at S per cent interest. Minimum price per lot, $400. Highest bidder takes his choice of lot. Call on or address Welborn Peeop, Talent, Or. 300 MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Chas. Hazelricg. Manager Commencing Thursday, March 5. PROF. FAIT IS COMING WITH A STRONG ATTRACTION. Fait the Great and Company will be here for hree nights, commencing Thursday, March 5. He will intro duce many new and novel features in psychic phenomena, mind reading, hypnotism and clairvoyance. I'rof. Fait has with his company the noted baritone singer, tco. Congable, who will sing two of the Intest and most popular illustrated songs each eve ning. The professor has also one of the Inigest and best moving picture machines and a great collection of pictures, both in motion and views from all parts of the Pacific Coast States. Prof. Fait was in San Fran eisvn at the time of the earthquake and fire, and took a great many views of the ibstructi"ii ef that great city, which he will exhibit on the opening night. All will be thor oughly explained. The public clair voyant work that the professor is giv ing has brought forth a world of praise from the press wherever he has been. So. if there is something t hat you would like to know, jut send in the question, all scaled, and receive xour answer. The professor certainly delivers one of the most interesting programs ever witnessed by an intelligent audience, and no one should overlook this opportunity to iee him. Thcrf will be an entire change of program a.'h evening. It Pays to Watch These Advertisements HERE IS AN ILLUSTRATION: A few days ago we advertised -ot: ginghams at 2Uc a yard a cer tain lady read the advertisement, bought twelve yard r-of gingham, thus saving 60c. This same lady resolved to read tho ads every day (for we change our ads daily) and the next day she saw 25c Soisettes advertised at loc a yard. She had been figuring on a dress of soi sette, su came down and purchased 10 yards, thus saving $1, making a total tf $1.00 in two days. It pays to read our advertisements and buv goods here. WE SELL AS WE ADVERTISE. New Butterfly Suits BIG ASSORTMENTS OF SPRING SUITS. New suits for ladies are arriving everj few day a and we invite you to come in often and see the new arrival. New suits ar rived this morning and are now on sale. If you come in the morning you get the first chance at them. We are confident that we can save you money on a suit, no mutter what price suit you want. Over 125 new suits from which to select. Not a Buit in the store but what is a good style all but five having arrived recently. PRICES $8 TO $50. The Embroidery Sale GROWING IN INTEREST EVERT DAT. You can't miss it if yon buy Embroideries now, because we haye a brand-new stock from which to choose; the patterns are well selected, the valueB are unsurpassed, and the prices aro certainly low enough to please. The fuwings range from 20 TO 50 PER CENT. READ OUR ADS AND SAVE. M R- A N CO JUST NORTH. OF JACKSON CO. BANK Rogue River Valley Orchards Company CAPITAL $200,000 We hnve purchased from Mr. E. V. Carter and Mr. E. T. StaplcB of Ashland a tract of 1073 acres of what U considered as good apple and pear land as there is in the EOGUE EIVEB VALLEY, which we have subdivided in five and ten-acre tracts, which we are selling upon the following terms: Selling Price Total 'Amount Per Acre. Cost. Neces'y. Five-acre Orchard Option 1 Plant?d $1,10 $ 759 $750 Option 2 Planted and cared for 1 year 200 1000 450 Option 3 Planted and cared for 2 years 247 1235 385 Option 4 Planted and cared for 3 years 294 1470 320 Option 5 Planted and cared for 4 ycara 341 1705 055 Option (i Planted and eared for 5 yenrs 388 1940 1 90 Option 7 Planted and cared for 6 years 435 2175 j25 Option Plmitv'd and cared for 7 years 482 2419 60 Optioa 9 Planted and eared for years 500 2500 00 Amount necessary to get deed and possession. EASY TERMS 10 PEE CENT DOWN AND 1 PEB CENT PER MONTH. Detailed information and literature will be sent upon application to our home office, SOS Humboldt Hank bldg., San Francisco, or to any real estate agent in the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. The Nash Hotel and Grill Only first-class house in the city. Absolutely the finest grill between Portland and San Francisco. A specialty is made of oysters, shell and other fish. All meats used are cold storage government inspected. Catering in all Its branches. R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON 1 AT. Rni VMI?lv IU) 1 win i'tmi WOKK. PATTERNS, ETC. ' TELEPHONE 471. M EDEORD, on. Mtrs.Urene Ufamftoit Usaacs "3nstructcr cf "plano.Tlwt JUcthoi Stuilo al Huvnci. M.Tib J Strict o