THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1908. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL See the 7c postals at Ilull'ii Postal Hjop, near bridge. Albert ll'-lim "t Climax was a bui no caller in Medford Wednesday. Southern Oregon scenery at Mull's Art Studio, near bridge, tf Charles (iay and S. A. I). lliggina ijpent Tuesday in Central Point. Jrv wood for Half-. Inquire at War ner 's l roecrv or see W. J. Warner, tf (ieorge A. Patterson iH the new man ager of tin- Medford Telephone system. for novelties and fancy millinery and popular prices, nee ilrs. W. I. Urown ln the Weil Hide. tf Attorney H. H. I'entz lias returned to Medford from lintte Kails, where he has been on business. For novelties and fancy millinery and popular prices, see Mrs. W. I. lirown s the West Hide. tf Captain William Carroll, a rancher near Ontral I'oint, was a business caller in Medford Tuesday afternoon. Just received at Ward's Cash Store. new iardinieres, crocks and churns, tf J. K. Olson ol northwest Medford has just completed a new residence, lie will build another house for rent. Just received at Ward ' Cash Store, new jardinieres, crocks and churns, tf T. M. Jones, the furniture dealer, of Central I'oint, was a Medford business caller Tuesday. J. 1). Throckmorton of Applegate transacted business in Medford Wed nesday. Attention, orchard men! Now is the timo for spraying. We have a full line of guaranteed spray hose. Nichelson Ilardwaro Co., Medford, Or. 298 Mrs. Ij. B. Hrown and daughter left for Albany, where they will visit with acquaintances for tbo next two weeks. Attention, orchard ment Now is the time for spraying. We have a full line of guaranteed spray hose. Nichelson Hardware Co., Medford, Or. 293 Mrs. I). T. I,awton has left for Tal ent, where she will spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Forbes. Attention, orchard men I Now ia the time for spraying. We have a full line of guaranteed spray hose. Nichelson Hardware Co., Medford, Or. 29S Dr. J. O. Ooble, the optician, will open up an office in the old Wells-Fargo office, in tho corner or the rerry ware house. Do you want a first class business location on Medford ' busiest strcett Easy terms. If so, call on .T. C. Brown, J'alm Block. tf .Tense D. Butler, the efficient clerk at Strong's drug store, has been on the sick list for the past two dnye, but is better at this writing. Only three more frames, 22x29, with Southern Oregon Scenery to fit are left from the special sale. If you wish one call at once. Remember that the pho tos aro free with the frame. Hull's Art Studio, near bridge. tf A. M. Ford, W. (I. Mill-r, Fred II. Hopkins and F.ditor S. A. Patterson of Central I'oint were Medford business callers TucHdny. The building restriction on Queen Anne lots should Interest every home builder in Medford. If you nre looking for residence property on which to build a home, arfiiuint yourself with the terms under which these lots lire being sold. Impure of K. K. Kelly. I'lilm block. tf .1. M. CiiNtidy, who Iiiih been on the Applcgntc rier milling for the piiHt five mouths, returned Tuesday and will remain for a mouth. Henry Mel, had me misfortune to stoo itiinn a anil mid puncture his foot. which places him under the cure of it physician. James Owen of Welleu wan a Med , find lolMini ss culler Tuesday, lie stales j thill he is II Jl III I ill II t ' for tile iit'l'ii-e of j count V I'liiiini mMiiiii r, 1 C. M . Ki.ld. " Huston lluhhcrs for , Spring, lli.i Kip, iiiih 'm hem y working. shoos. Tlii- ih II ily leather which liuie or wealher -nil mil harden. It' yon j time 1 ii weiirini; nut ii pair of -Inn's everv si or eight mouth, irv u pair i get II year 's weur. Dr. O. W. Stephenson, who sprained lowing: Paul H. Cremer and Edward F. his ankle two weeks ago and has been Joast, Portland; George W. Humphreys confined to his home ever since, ven and George C. Mason, Jefferson; J. C. ture.I out today for the first time. He MeCue. Astoria. still lame, but manages to get about - - - - - - - !TO HASTEN SURVEY OF OREGON PUBLIC LANDS I 1 ujou crutches. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT 3. LITTLE ONES INCINERATED. (l'ontlniid from i'age 1.) WAXTKDFurnished house of four or i five rooms. Inquire Hotel Nash, tf SINGER Sewing Machine Co. Tele phone No. 945. A. D. Singler, Mgr. 29 WANTED A boarder in a private fam ily. Addresa P. O. Box 21. tf ided between the working and wealthy ! WANTED Woman or girl for silver classes. I !'JiIllI'y. Apr . to tewar-j, -asn i.aie. ' ! WANTED Teamsters with teams want ed at Western Oregon Orchard Co. 's orchard. Apply to Fred Lundahl. 315 tion of the town is the site of palatial homes of Cleveland suburban residents, so that the families stricken by today's frightful disaster are about equally di- -1- WASHINGTON, March 4. The sin ate public lands committee has re jMjrt. l favorably Senator Ilevbnrn's bill providing tor a survey of the Idaho public lands regardless of settlement, amending it to include Oregon in the provisions, fnder the existing law, surveys are only made on the applica tion of settlerB and settlement is often retarded through disregard of their requests. New5tyies on Tap. it you dont Seewhd want ctsk for it OREGON MAY SUPPLY POTATOES TO WARSHIPS PORTLAND, March 4.Thre i a jKjnibility that th. jfovfrnment order for 21 tarn of potatoy for the batth; nhip fk'-t will be filh-d in Oregon. The bid were opt-nr-d at San Francisco and the lowest bid wan tl.03. The potatoes are to be delivered at Ran Diego and the specifications call for a quality that can only be secured at WatHonviile or in Oregon. Neither thin order nor the larg'-r order that will later be placed for delivery nt Kan Francisco are like ly to have effect on the market, owing , WANTED 100 men, 75 per cent min- FOR H.LK Two incubators, used only one reason, for .sale cheap; capacity of each, 216 eggs. Inquire at War ner 'i store. Warner k Snyder, tf WAEDkiood-dairy or fruit farms in Rogue River valley in exchange for Minntaixdis rental projerty. Address C, Medford Tribune. 304 WANTED A girl for general house work, small family, no washing. Mrs. Wm. M. Colvig, near West Hide .School. 2t7 to the large available supply of pota toeB on the coast. The onion market was quiet. Some growers no Id in a small way at $2.50, and buyers were willing to pay this price, but would go no higher. A direct shipment of 800 sacks of Japanese on ions reached San Francisco Monday and 300 sacks are due in Portland this week on the Oriental liner. ENJOINS SHERIFF FROM SELLING GRANT LANDS era, at once. Magic of Gold xl ill, Xev. For particulars, address W. Vo geli, Medford, Or. tf I HAVE 800 Newtown Pippin apple trees on hand and for sale at popular prices. L. B. Warner. tf WANTED 100 young men wanted for railway positions; also 50 ladies for Western Union and Postal Telegraph; no experience required. See H. L. Sterling at Palace Hotel at once. 29" KLAMATH FALLS, Or.. March 4. Judge Henry L. Henson of tho circuit court has issued an injunction to pre vent the sheriff of Klamath county from selling the lands of the Oregon & California Land company for delinquent taxes. Thin order is in accordance with the complaint filed last week by the company's attorneys, protesting against the 1906 valuation on the large hold ings of this company. Thousands of acres in the northern part of Klamatb county, practically worthless, according to the complaint, were valued at $3 and 1 per ncro in 1906, while the 1907 vnl aution was 75 cents per acre. Lands for sain on account of delinquent taxes were offered Saturday, but the judge's order excluded these lands, pending fur ther court proceedings. HARRIMAN RAILROADS TO ANSWER TO REBATING HAN FRANrJHCO, March 4. Ray mond Benjamin, asaistant attorney general nf the state, has returned from , Angeh-H, where he had been in (gating the allegr-d rebating prac tice nf the Santa Fe and Halt Lake n.ilnmd. He brought with him a long report prepared during the fortnight he spent in the Hmithern city examining the book of the Santa Fe and (-'lark roads. Todav he submitted the report to Attorney (ieneral Webb. On Thiirmlny the railroad commission will beiin its investiifation nf the re bating methods of the Southern Pacific eouipiiiiv, nnd it may be found that from the data obtained by Menjainin in Los A ngeles it will be possible to proceed with the in vent igii t ion of the ther roads also. Meiijarnin refused to diseuss his work in the south. " Tomorrow 1 shall make my report to fieneral Weld)," said he. ml if nnvthing is to lie ifivcn mil it will I'litne from him. " SHORTHAND and Typewriting Those wishing work of this kind done in evening call up Van, phone 855, Rogue River Electric Cov or address P. O. Box 876. tf WORK WANTED Japanese contrac tor; can do all kinds of general farm ing; general helper in all work; town or country. Address A. E. Tatsumi, Oenl Del., Medford, Or. tf FOR BALE New residence, just com pleted, second block west of high school, West Seventh street; fine col onial interior; cheap if sold soon. In quire Tribune office. tf FOR SAL: One hundred tiers pine Btovewood, cut last full, $1.75 a tier. Two hundred tiers of oak wood at $2.25. You can haul four tiers at a load; no hills; adjoining depot grounds at Phoenix. T. J. Fish. 300 WANTED Stenographer and book keeper of some experience; Btato age and experience. T 1, Tribune WANTED Girl, a good cook, two in the family, 4-roora cottage; no wash ing to do; will pay good wages. Ad dress P. O. Box 385. tf FULTON TO FIGHT FOR RAILROAD RATE BILL of Orn Kip and Price $1.".i. A 1 1' red Hm if ll is a ro-W real est ale miin in M.-.lCit.l, Mr. Smith lum fires with W. M. I jipioii, (he 111111 nun tniui, i.vit the .Iih Ks.iii loiiiitv k'Uik. WlUi-ll ltnlli:ill. II tetelllll of' til.' nil :ir, lni Fiji's In til ci' soli lit hi li.inii- in Wrst Mt'dfnnl, is recover iiie, r;i'it!lv :iin will moti In- n;n th ft i .it -i nyit ii' . Ke. V;in Mait'T and liev. (!.- W. :.i,. liv lii:i. wlm 1 diictmi; lev ix. -i tns :, the M. V. chill, h on II street fm tlie p:ist three v. .1 h, hjixe I. ll l.,r i ..rxallii. x her.1 tliev u ilt li.-M :i seri, s nf u ! inu, l ii. M..L.e is i ,,i, Sl 1. It.'iH l'i..m fob.irolo f. i. n.ts i,i in.iMi v ..f,ud iin.1 the l.'tx ri V-M.-x. i.e -l:iti ,1 l,:, 1, met .1 . .'.xl, h,i i,-, ruth1 tl.MMi-h M. ,11',. i, , 1 1 1 tin' MM W Is' .It ..f r.l. ti, lev x:it t'l:it t .'i-nii;. WASHINGTON, March I. Senator I'n 1 1 on leclnred today he would get a report on his rate Inxv amendment hill. Me proposes not to "lay down," but is prepared to fight for his measure. It is learned that some members of the interstate roiniiieree com iii i ssion are displeased lhat 1 hiiiiiiiiiu Knapp com mil led them against the Fulton bill. Considerable feeling may develop in the l oiniiiisHioti over the aspect the en st' has assniiif.l. BLUE MOUNTAIN RESERVE i 800N OPEN TO SETTLEMENT I WASHINGTON. March I. The PH.. tili! n res of land eliminated from t lie Kbie mountain forest reserve hv the in... I:im.ili..ti ..f .l:imi.-n v S w ill 1 ,,. -i:).jeit to settlement .Iniie 1, mnt entrv't an. filiiiy July I. I'orty per real ( 1 tliis hind is embraced in pending t"l ! nis or a'.li.'at ions, ' vral :i Line; .Ve,1ie Lad nss.-d Mr. I'i .la ilul.l, . at. ..I. I I ; d Tnes.l:, 1,1. is" hoi i le.i.l.d .1 i Sttow Off Trolley Line. :i'G: Mr.. Mai. h I A lm men and li:ilt a d. -n t. ams xx a Woll, nil Hie Knil-'lie S.'llie1i. !d I'm I mi.- M, nd. iv and the road xx ill n, . ..iiipli'ted. 'I'lie xxnrl; xxas ,t...j..' t lall win n the funtncial sinn-M-nr a. and ii.t liine; had been I'ROHLKM If in one day you can haul eight tiers of wood, worth in Medford $-4, and vun buy the same in Phoenix for $14 and make (or save) ten large American dollars, what more do vou wantf Write to or call on T. J. Pish, Phoenix, Or., and ask him how! it 's done. 2i5 FOR WALK 10 uems land on Rogue! Ifiver, two miles from (.rants Pass; I about half cleared, rich bottom loam, first-class orchard or garden land; oak j ami pine timber on balance worth en- tire price asked for land; terms $2lH)' down, $15 a month on balance. Ad dress P. O. Box 571, Medford, Or. ,T 1 8 ' , IF U want to buy n farm, see Wilson,! i Kinyon. If IT want to buy a house,! see Wilson & Kinyon. If lT have a' house to rent or 1 want to rent n : house, ee Wilson & Kinknn. Tell us what V want, and if we have not got it, we will try ami get it. List your; property with us. We nre here to slay. Wilson & Kinyon, Adkins hlk.. 7th and (' sts. .'llfi j FOR sSALK Having purchased over r.nn,000 feet of first class milling logs,, we nre prepared to furnish first class ' lumber of all kinds in nny amounts on short notice. If you contemplate building place your order with us; I prices very reasonable; dimension and. Hue finish lumber a specialty. Write or call. Butte Falls Lumber Company, offieo over .Inckson county bank, Med ford, Or. tf FOR SALK I will sell by bid on March, lit, 1!HK, ten acres within tpiarter mile! of Talent depot, either as a whole or in lots llnx."r'o feet. This is nn op portunity for laboring men to see nre a home where labor is in demand. Bids xxill bi received either in person or hv mail. Kieht reserved to reject any or all bids. Terms: One half rash, balance at buyer's option at S per cent, interest. Minimum price per lot. .lo0. Highest bidder takes his choice of hit. all on or address Welborn Beesop, Talent. Or. 300 alio 1 M.dl'.Td. M llnds W P.dston of l.,lrlsn Creel, xxa a Medford business caller Wed lie day. lie has s.d.l his ranch nnd will b-axe soon for n inil with his brother, at Shoshone, Idaho. From there he will go lo Nebraska, where he will make an extended visit with relat iv4j) -h to . concrete .'. A lamer 'on as the xv .. . ted the electric rais ll'o Spi ilieti, !. hv 1 he imiii. r hi tin b ll!a'..e te at SpiillL'tield i as t in- xx at.-r beno'it-s able the r. Ultra, f.-ls t, piers. lei I x.ll b. settl. S id une New Notaries. SVI.CM. Mr.. March 4. -Xolnrinl omniissimm have been issued to the fo- MMD III' V- -Known as the Buck ' ranch, located in Klamath eonntv. Mis acres: "no acres of timber, esti mated to have from 1 M.Mi ni.noo to 11. i nn i.i ii io f,rt of t i tuber, consist in g of xelloxv pine and white pine and fir; "0 acres of grass and hay" land; T'tit't acres of tule sxxamp; small house and bam ; ! miles ttf wire fence, barber xx ire; 7 miles of i! wire and 1' of ." wire sxxamp is fed by la rue spring", rising oil the ground of the place; about 7'1!) a res ran be irrigated and drained by a large flood ijate: price .1'J per ncr. Title guaranteed. A key to the sur rounding count ry which is ipiite u slock country; ;" miles east of Ash land and -tl miles west of Klamath Falls. Address P. l.'ti, Ashlnnd, Or. .112 Scale Spray for Sale Scale Spray, Lime and Sulphur Solution, ready for use; in any quantity. J. A. Perry, Medford, Ore. MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Hazelrigg A Williams. Managers Commencing Thursday, March 6. PEOF. FAIT IS COMING WITH A STBONO ATTRACTION. Fait the Great and Company will be here for three nights, commencing Thursday, March 5. He will intro duce many new and novel features in psychic phenomena, mind-reading, hypnotism and clairvoyance. Prof. Fait has with his company the noted baritone singer, Geo. Congable, who will sing two of the latest and most popular illustrated songs each eve ning. The professor haB also one of the largest and best moving picture machines and a great collection of pictures, both in motion and viewB from all parts of the Pacific CoaBt States. Prof. Fait was in San Fran cisco at the time of the earthquake and fire, and took a great many views of the destruction of that great city, whieb he will exhibit on the opening night. All will be thor oughly explained. The public clair voyant work that the professor is giving has brought forth a world of praise from the press wherever he has been. So, if there is something that you would like to know, juBt send in the question, all sealed, and reedve your answer. The professor certainly 'delivers one of the most interesting programs ever witnessed by an intelligent audience, and no one should overlook this opportunity to see him. There will be an entire change of program each evening. i.isc?;-w-'5ry CtSmr DRESSER, i & W Sag k M- TL Ll MR. DRESSER: YOU ARE NOT DRESSED RIGHT FROM HEAD TO FOOT UNLESS YOU HAVE A NEW SPRING HAT. YOUR HAT IS NEAR YOUR FACE. COME IN AND ASK ,US FOR A NEW HENRY STETSON HAT. WE WILL NOT TAP YOU HARD BE CAUSE A TOGGERY HAT WILL CO 3T YOU ONLY $3.00 BUT IT WILL BE A GOOD ONE AND RIGHT UP TO THE MINUTE IN STYLE. IT DOES NOT PAY TO BE OUT OF STYLE. THE TOGGERY LEADING HATTERS & OUTFITTERS. The Medford Brick Co. COMPOSED OF W. G. PRIDDY, O. D. NAGLE, G. T. O'BRIEN, MANU FACTURERS OF COMMON AND PRESSED BRICK. GENERAL CON TRACTORS AND BUILDERS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. LIME AND PLASTER AND CEMENT FOR SALE. A SAFE Place to Trade EVERY ARTICLE SOLD IS GUARANTEED. Po you risk your judgment in buying goods, or do you go o an expert and where goods nre guaranteed to give satisfaction? When you are sick you find it poor policy to doctor yourself. When you buy goods why not go to the store that keeps up-to-date the -store that knows how and where to buy the best and gun rant ims everything? Values in Hosiery New shipments of hmii-rr for iniss.-. children nnd infants. You can find almost anythiiiKKoud in hewicry nt this store. We are constantly adding steady customers and feel that once yon buy here you, too, will be a steady customer. Prices 10c to SI. 75 MEDFORD'S LOW-PRICK STORE BAKER-HUTCHASON CO JUST NORTH OF JACKSON CO. BANK Medford Rink WINDELL & LOOSLEY, Props. Two Sessions Pnily. Kink f'lnsi'd on Sundays. Afternoon Session 2:00 to fi:00 Evening Session 7:30 to 10:30 The nmmigt'iuriit will endeavor to .'tuidiirr flii- rink to sccuri' the pat roimgf of the best people; where tin v muy yo for rem-ation :uid healthful i-xorrMo. People patrnniz ing it nniM at all times conduct themselves as ladies and ir'lil leuirii. Muie will he pro ided and special features mhh'd i'ro mt ime to t ime, Alt skaters pay 'J.'i rents for use of surface. Admission free, except on spoeial nights, which will he an liouiued through tlie pres. SPECIAL MUSIC. Society Night Wednesday ADMISSION 10 CENTS SKATES 25 CENTS Rogue River Valley Orchards Company CAPITAL 200,000 We have purchased from Mr. E. V. Carter and Mr. E. T. Staples of Ashland a tract of lu;.1 acres nf what is considered as good apple nnd pear land as there is in the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, which we have subdivided , fve and ten acre tracts, which we are ,ei,lg pn the following terms: Selling Price Total "Amount I'er Acre. 'ost. Xeeos'v1. ive acre ( Irehard Option 1 Plant ; tl-n f ..Q option - Planted and car. ,1 t'r 1 year 2"tl 1000 4o0 Option :l Planted and cared for 2 years "47 1o:!- g- Optina -I Plant, d and car, .1 fur :l years 214 1470 300. option . Planted and f.,r 4 yars .'141 170.1 033 option li Planted and cared tor ," years :!, 1.140 (fl ' " I'lanl.d an.l e:ir. d lor ll years 4:1". 2173 23 "I1- " -I'lant 'd and car. d f..r 7 years 4e 2410 go "!' " "-i'laiif'l ' '!ire, fr 71.. yean. 300 2.-.00 00 "Amount necessary get .bed and possession. EASY TERMS 10 PER CENT DOWN AND 1 PER CENT PER MONTH. hotailed information and literature will be sent upon application to our Lome office, Jos Humboldt Hank bldg., San Francisco, or to aiiv real estate agent in the OOUE RIVER VALLEY.