o Orchards In The Rogue River Valley Pay $1,000 Per Acre Annually THE WEATHER. I': roniohi iiii.l S:itiml:iy, OHMrllv willils. Associated Press Dispatches VOL. II. MKDFORl). OR., FRIDAY, FEURl'ARV L'l, ISKks. NO. I'S.") Nl ' KINLEY IN PUTER'S OLD PRISON CELL ASK COURT MARTIAL TO TRY KUROPATKIN AND PRINCE ALEXIEFF Eussian Newspapers Show Little Satis faction, But More Sympathy for Geu eral Stoessel, and Ask Commutation of Death Sentence. i ST. PKTKItSBrRG, F.b. 21. The Notorious Land Fraud De-: . n,, .nte ,u,o ' (Jeneral Stoesnel lias given but little sat- fendant Arrives In Port-:tM:,lT!77';;:,,'i,',,;;,T I it is felt that tht trial of Stoessel, Fuck, Ifllld "" PflSS6(l TlirOllflll ' c"ll' ""thin towards estiihliliinnHthV 3 . real responsibility for tht fal lof Port MoHfftrfi ! Arthur. Newspapers express sympathy iMUUIUiU, I with Ueneral Stoessel and declare that the sentence will undoubtedly be com- muted, nnd demand that General Kuro j pat k in. Viceroy Alexieff nnd other of I ficers intimately responsible for the Horace G i tne WI,r )p il'so P',,(,,'d mi trial. PORTLAND, Feb. 21 McKinley, the fugitive loud-fraud de fendant, who has given the authorities much anxiety uud a lively chase in his apprehension, arrived here today in custody of two detectives from Son Francisco, nfter having been captured in China. McKinley occupies the cell in the county jail vacated recently by S. A. I). Puter. SPOONER ENGAGED TO DEFEND SOUTHERN PACIFIC Horace ii. McKinley, a fugitive from WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Senator Fulton's resolution authorizing the de partment of justice to institute suit, against the Oregon & California rail road, has been postponed. Mr. Fulton expects it to pass whenever time is had for debate. B. 1). Tnwnsend 's report is bv no to .!.. c... c- :.... means complete, and does not begin ' . ' . , furnish the facts which he gathered as two years ago in company with "Little I n ,)llf)is f()r t,u, suit T(l fm,tR maAo pi)b. Ktfypt" 011 tue l'"'1 Mongolia, passed lie review the ease only in a general through Medford Thursday evening on way, nnd present only such facts as No. Hi. in custodv of J.F. Kerrigan, r recently called for by the senate. . , ' , , , A full statement will not be made nn- deputy Luited States marshal, enroute, thp ?jm, Ki)(tR int0 courL for Portlnnd. ' ! Ex-Senator John C. Spnoner of Wi There are more than 100 federal in-jeonsin has been engaged by the South diet merits againt McKinley in eonuee- ern Pacific as lending counsel in this 1 inn with Oregon land frauds nnd ever ease, and he will probably be assisted since he disappeared government dc- by John B. Milburn of New York, at tectives have been on his trial. Me- Whose Buffalo home President MeKin Kinley was arrested at Mnkdon, but ley died. Mr. Spooner and Mr. Milburn whir waiting extradition escaped with will mnke as strong n team as can be the assistance of the most notorious found among the lawyers of the nation, robber band in the far east, which and thei ermployment indicates the so hid him for weeks nnd would hnve riousness with which the railroad corn placed him beyond even Uncle Ram's pnny regards the government's contem reach but for the treachery of one of nlated move. Mr. Spooner has arrived its members. in this city. Piece Goods Prices Facts Worth Knowing Onr )i;ivitij put in a Imp' linn of roltnn pii'cc oooil ami Htiiplos lum much' iuitp a slump in prici's. An you oiviiin us tlif frwlit Yes. wo arc on joying n fino triolo, uml wo boliovo thai tin- of this com- nullity apprci'iiiti' tin' fart that wo hnvo ioworoil tin' prii'i'S on most till cotton piri-n goods ami staples. Mori' an- a IVw ipiotntions just to show vou how tht' savings run: Best Aui'M'ii'iin l'riuts only.... Oc A Splon.li.l Apron (iinnliain 5c Heo. ltlc Dress ;iii.li:iilis. . .8 l-3c lieo. I-"."- Dress Citiolinms. . . .10c Hig. I.'ic Dross liiinrhums 12V2C Roo. I'll.. Dress Oinolinms. . . .10c Ken. i'.e Dress iiii;liiilii 20c Ki'g. 4V Sheetinc ID 4 Meai h M.35C lieu. :iSc Shorting, ill lilvaohe,1.33c li.o. :!. Sheeting, S-4 lile.'u-heil ,30c Keg. till' Hleaeheil Muslin 7c He. li'-i- lileaelieil Muslin. . .10c Hog. l.V Mlon.-lio.l Muslin .... lS'C Key. 'Joe l.awns aul Summer (mi.i.Ih 20C Beautiful Lawn Waists Finest Assortment in Medford 1 ('V 1 elk : If yon want to s.-,. the finest assortment of white waists ever shown in South ern Oreo, hi. we invite you to lool; lu re. Waists iii:i." of I'""' wii'l- '" linen nixl lin Ian- ins. n int. l.i I ii- eh. I lis; t rilinie 4 w it ll , ..4-.... ..ml.r..i..Ty in r ms. ; -e an. I . nil. rei. 1. i.v ie.,11 f..-'s ami tan.; lo.o.l. -i.-: h'.i-li 4 .,1 ii..- 1. vail ! ., .4,1 v. ,li li- -'e,v, a Ii THIRTY PERISH IN EXPLOSION OF IE Powder Works Near Berk eley Blow Up Four Whites Killed, Balance Are Chinese. HKKKKLKV, Cal., Feb. 21. The lat est reports from the scene of the dvna- mite explosion at the HcrculcH powder plant at Pinole yesterday evening place the number ot dead at HO, in eluding four whites. The rest are Chi uese. Six girl and four men were in jured, but will recover. The damage to the plant in ifO,00U. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. .S. Hay, prop Addition, Cen- 200 7.")0 Henry Hill to M ertv in Cooksev tral Point $ Hattie I. Calvert, to Charles E. Houston, proTty in Phoenix V. Hohs to ( 'harleH N. Hansen, lots ti, 7 and S, block 2, Wtvst Medford C. X. Hansen to (J. (I. Dow. lots (I, 7 and S, block 2, West Med ford Leon Pacieu to Kstabrook &. Ol son Furniture Co., H!0 ncres in section H, township H.'i. rnnge :t w James Taylor et al. to W. It. Taylor, land in section 7, town ship .'t!l. range 2 K .John H. Ilelmau to A. K. Imb ler, property on Main street, ANhland 1 Irvin Pinley to Prank J. Xew tiinn, 40 acres in I). L. C. 7'., township :t7, range 2 W ..... 13,000 Lizzie A. Dotan to (J. 1. Haven, land in section (t, township 3!) range 2 K J. I j. Downing to IF. K. Onle, I.4.") acres in section ii, town ship 'Mi. range 1 K (i. K. Chnnib-'rhiiii to V. M. Ward, land in 1. 1. C. (if, township .'H. range 1 W T. H. P. Kngel to Charlotte P. A crop, propert y in block HI, Phoenix J. X. Smith to Minnie V.. I.ovo, one acre in section 3, town ship 117, range 2 W Paul Demmer to Ernest K. Wal ter, land in section 2.1, town ship :!7. range 2 W Paul Demmer to Ernest Wnlter. fi.OK ncnn in section 2". town ship '!". range 2 W Tivdia K. Brarlen to l?oma mo Brad en power of Attorney C. B. Ttowe et al. to Heinrich Hoist, itropertv in Sam's Val ley Susie T. Xeil to Josephine Bus- sel. lots 7 and S. blnck Med- fodr N'ancv Anna Dnwr-11 to B. A. Tnwn, nnrth Mork 10, Jackn)iit!e (Jenrgf KiiiL' to Itngne Itivrr TiniluT Co.. .'120 :!rr's in town ship :J rang.' 2 E 400 12o0 10 2.100 .100 SUIT TO RECOVER RAILROAD LAND IS ORDERED BY SENATE Tillman Resolution Instructing Attorney-General to Prosecute Suits Against Transportation Companies in Oregon Is Adopted Without Debate. WASHINGTON'. Feb. 21. The Till man resolution, instructing the attorney general to prosecute suits against the t rn importation companies in Oregon which hnve received land grants and have not complied with terms of grants wa today called up by Senator Fulton and adopted by the senate without debate. WRECK OF JAG VIN FAST FLYER PROBATB. Volunteer Switchman the Cause of WhatMight Have Been Fatal Disaster--Engine Derailed. Potato of C. C. Channel! Order to show cause why order for sale of real ! estate should not be made. j Estate of Forrest J. Heeox Order A volin,(or switchman caused what made continuing hearing ten days. ! . , , t , . Estate of Frederick Itnrnebnrg-Or-1 '"'K1'1 hnvi ,,,M"' " lMtMl wwk on thp der made confirming sale of jersonal , Jaeltsonville "cannonbair' limited of property. jthe Kogue Hiver Valley railroad Fri- Estate of Anna Clay Order made,IliV inoriiing, near where the Medford appointing V. S. Clay executor. depot ought to be. As though bv a miracle, no passengers were injured, and the train crew escaped with a severe jolting. President W. S. Haruum, personally in charge, was driving the great mogul locouiot ive of the system north at a terrific rate of speed. The day conch had been disconnected and was pur suing the engine at a fast clip, (icn eral Manager John Haruum was about to drop off at the switch to throw the coach onto a siding. A stranger was standing near the switch, and see KANSAS VOTES SOLID I ing Mr. Haruum motion for him DELEGATION FOR BRYAN , to get away, supposed that, he was be- " 1 to do. NOTICE. Heal estnte agents and brokers are hereby notified that the licenses due the City of Medford under Ordinance No. 112 are now due nnd should be paid at once. Failure to pay renders offenders liable to a fine of from $2.1 to $100, or imprisonment. P.EXJ. M. COLLINS, St Recorder. HPTCHINSOX, Kan., Feb. 21. The delegates to the Democratic National convention have been instructed bv the date convention to vote solid for W. J Bryas. Notice to Red Men 10 111 1.1(1 noo in DIED. Pay. February Dnttmi, aged 2 )OTS X At Cntnt lit. Earl E. years. TIM MHV At Waldo. February W. puis. .I.i idi Trimhv. aged 0 vears. M'MP'HAEL At (irants Prt. Febrti arv I1'. I0"t. infant son if Mr. and Mr-. William MeMichaef. Til' ISS -On Hngiir river. Jisi',hine .-(iMiitv, February .1, Pins, Mrs. .Vmiicv Jan- Thnss. widow of the late j,.k Tli')"--, aged .1:', years, .1 mnnihs nml To all members of the improved O. II. M.: Members of Weatonka Tribe and visiting brothers are requested to join in celebrating Washington's birth day, Saturday evening. February 22, at S p. in., at the Red Men's Wigwam. If there is any day in the calendar other than the Fourth of July thai may lie fittingly celebrated by lied Men it is Washington's birthday. In the times that tried men's souls. Red Men fol lowed where Washington led, and Red Men conceived a government f, fur and by the people, of which Washington became the first and glorious head. They wire patriots and heroes together in a i-anse tie- suece.s of which brought inw hopes, new a si dra t ions and new possibilities scarcely dreamed of lie fore' 1 1 v prophets inspired. Every couaril brand of every branch of the Improved O. li. M. beneath ev ery sl;v under which Red Men gather should 'on the 22d of February be filled ami burn wit h sweetest incense. Let us then revel in their perfume, joy in t loir symbolic meaning and glory in the blessings that have come to us and to all the world, from the sacred fires our fathers lighted in secrecy and dan Lfei, and from the vb-tories won by him whose ir. iiius and unfaltering pat lioiistn made the American flag a sym bol of world wide leadership. Who has better right, than we to sit in front of the flag, every slnr, every stripe and every color of whieh Wash ingtoii chose with holy purpose, and in every ilorv of which our fathers in the Improved Hr.l, ourselves had a part .' Who lias better right and re constantly does the dutv rest to see that the day diall riot be forgotten. cellii;ite. with .hgNltv t'itt ing its historic un-.it mi. I en joy yourself ; t li i- and tet'r eshno nts a nd 1 he ,v ,! be pa-se.l around. I. W. FITZ'ilMf LI, The locomotive whoels struck the rails with the flange nnd immediately slipped olf the track astride the rails. The MJUIW renl 'nl-'im' tor, "" bumping and j crushing into the ties for 'Mi feet be- fore its mad career was cneciieu. i ne day coach following, kept the track, ! but drove into the engine, smashing tliii car stens and iniurinir the locomo t ive. The wrecking crew was put nt work at once and this afternoon, it is ex pec ted, the track will be cleared suf ficiently to resume t raffie. CONTROLLER ISSUES CALL FOR BANK STATEMENTS WASHINGTON. Feb. lei ot t he currency all for a statement of if all national bank tr. at bnvinef Pebniarv M but. 21, Tin l lias issued a t he comlit ion the close of NEED EXPERTS TO . CARE FOR ORCHARDS ON CONTRACT PLAN J. E. Enyart Tells of Ono of Valley's Qrea tost Wants Non-Residents Do sire to Invest, But Can Find No One to Take Care of Orchards. 4 'The Rogue River valley needs hor ticultural experts who will contract to plant, cultivate, prune and spray orch ards, take care of them in proper shape for the non-resident, ' ' said J. F. En yart, president of the Medford national "bank, yesterday. "Miuiy people of moderate means, both in Oregon and in the east, and even in Medford, would invest in orchard property if they could be assured of proper care,' he continued. 11 It would surprise one not in touch with the ut untion to know just how great the do main! for such competent, contractors is. "Another thing Medford needs Is a real estate exchange, where all property can be listed nnd people kept in tho country. Hrokers should stop knocking each others' sales, and remember that, every man who locates hen will bo tho means of locating some other man, nnd if they cannot make a commission from one tliey probably enn from another." FOURTEEN MINERS ARE KILLED IN EXPLOSION NEWCASTLE-OX TVNE, Feb. 21. Fourteen miners were killed by n ex plosion in the mine village of Washing ton last night. Shortly before the nc ciilent .100 miners ascended from tho pit Only one man in the mine es caped. MINERS KILLED BY FALLING ICE IN SHAFT WILK ESHAKR E, Feb. 2t. While 10 miners were descending into the Stun tou mine, a large block of ice in tho shaft fel Ion the cage, demolishing it. Three are dead and Ihree not expect ed to live. GIRL KILLS HERSELF OVER STOESSEL' S SENTENCE It ARTPORD, Conn., Feb. 21. He cause of remorse over the conviction of Stoessel, Amelia Harris, n Itussian girl, killed herself last night with illumin ating gas. She was formerly in the em ploy of Stoessel 's family. Can Enloln Union Boycott. CHH'AOO, Feb. 21. The Illinois su preme court al Springfield yesterday de clared that labor unions' unfair list is in effect a boycott, and could be enjoined. The late-st importations- ..f Kv.l M.-n "ml wlooii .h.-.'l I.. mi. I . will 1 I'M"1 RESOLVED THAT the Amountof Goods ru Your Garment isnt all THAT 15 NEC E5JAKY. WET HAVE THE QUALITY' AS WE'LL. AS THE QUANTITy: ToCETHFR WITH STYLE ATMP PIT AND VARIETY! WELL. YOU 6T.OLILD SEE TVIEK BUSTER BRcVlM D" A". . $1 and up to S15 T.KADKI.'S IN l.(V IM.'K KS. Baker-Hutchason Gomp'y .irSTNOHTIIOlMACKSON CO. HAN K r h k BIJOU THI2ATI-R Passion Pla y BtAUTIf UL AND SUBLIME. THE LIFE OF CHRIST FROM BIRTH TO ASCENSION. REMEMBER. THE PRICE OF ADMISSION REMAINS THE (IAMB 10 CENTS. SSlSiyand 'Feb. 21.-22 Two Matinees Two Evei.O.g Pcrformanc-s Each E and P. M.; Evening, j, l.r) V .tirr P M 41 o m t i WHY .SO MUCH COOD CLOTH I.S CAU.SE IT .S NOT MADE UP R.IGHT UN DER. .STAND. YOU KNOW THOUGH GREAT PART OT THE GOOD CLOTH MADE IS MI.STREATED Y LW::!NG PUT MADE .SUIT. 5. HT I.S A TKITiG WE VHEM WE SUY OUR Gr.oD.S. VIGHT JUT A.S WELL GO To . GOOD FITTING GOOD.S" CL.O WASTED BE WE CANNOT THAT A THAT S INTO ILL LOOK To Yo' MoT lOK'i THAT HA E.S THAT FIT HEEL better, and good clothed that fit. make a man feel better. thi.s i.s the only .store in .southern orecon that employe a tailor to fit your clothed. the tailori can fit YOU No BETTER. AND CHARGE YOU MORE. RESPECTFULLY DANIELS' MEW CLOTHING. STORE o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o 0