THE MEDFOKD DAILY TRIBTJNlff MED FORD. OR., FRIDAY, FEBRTJAY 14, lf)08. DOUBLE VOTES ARE EXTENDED ONE WEEK Double Votes Extended at Request of ! Majority of Candidates, Who have Prom ises to Gather in. By request of a majority of the can didates in the Tribune's big prize con test, it bus been decided to extneil th" double-voto offer on all subscriptions anther week so tliat promises of votes and subscriptions that have been made to contestants can be gathered in. i So many of the candidates have prom I isea of subscriptions that it is deemed advisable to offer double votes for one more week to enable the contestants to "use this argument why the subscriptions should be given now. The double-vote offer which was in augurated last weok was very success ful and met with tho hearty approval o every candidate competing for the ' rich and elegant prizes offered by the '. Tribune, so during the coming week from Saturday, February 15, uutil Thursday, February 20, at 8 p. m., dou ; ble votes will be issued on all sub 'criptious. This is the very best offer of votes that will be made on any subscription 'during eht entire contest and absolute ly the greatest amount of rotes that will be given, so do not expect a greater dumber of votes than that offered this "week. Excitement is running higher at the present stage of the contest than the votes, and the final outcome of the struggle for supremacy is being watched "by thousands of people who are inter ested in the race of their particular fa- vorite. From now until the end of the contest will see one of the prettiest contested tiigs-of-war that has ever taken place on any newspaper west of the Kocky mountains, and one of the noticeable, as well as the most commendable features of the whole contest, is the lack of ill feeling, and frequent comments are made regarding the harmony and good fellowship displayed by the candidates throughout the contest. Numerous changes have occurred dur ing the last few days and it is hard to tell just how a contestant stands and where her name will appear in tho list the next day. The contest race has now about reached the last lap, and those of the contestants who have worked hard from the commencement aro eagerly waiting for the end. Although they now have thousands of votes to their credit and looked forward to being among the win ners, they are not letting up in their efforts for a moment and are securing subscriptions from whoever they can. And the extension of the double votes will give thein tho additional opportu nity of getting thousands more votes. In today's issue appears tho picture of little Miss Browning Purdin, who now leads the entire list of candidates. Miss Purdin 's friends are straining ev ery nerve to have their favorite de clared the winner of the Ro Roadster, and to show how they are succeeding, one has ouly to glance over the list of candidates. This week it is up to the candidates to make every momnt couut, as the double vote extension is posi tively the last and best offer that will be made during the entire contest. DISTRICT NO. 1. Medford, east of the Southern Pacific track: Miss Krowning Purdin i)ti,:H3 Mrs. P. .1. MeMahon '2-MOS Miss Gladys Wilson 2i!,S5ii Miss (irace Whitehead lL"flti Miss Kula .Iambs 11,923 Miss Nellie Oressler 9,S72 Miss Grace Lawton 9,fiS7 Miss Ilernire Cameron , 3,199 Miss Klla Gunyou 2,895 Miss Nellie Evans 23 Mws Emma Taner 25 DISTRICT NO. 2. Medford, west of the Southern Pa cific track: Miss Helen Coss 26,521 Mrs. Jesse F.nyart 10.834 Mrs. Dr. E. B. Piekel 11,221 Miss Cecil Boswell 7,972 Miss Fannie Whitman ; 7,06$ Mrs. Orin Davis 1,238 Miss Inez McKay 682 Miss Stella Sanders 631 Miss Bessie Finn 625 Mrs. W, 11. Gore 588 Miss Mabel Kent 338 DISTEICT NO. 3. Miss Laura Neither, Jacksonville.53,319 Miss Mary Peter, Jacksonville. .33,895 Miss Emma Wendt, Jacksonville.16,388 Miss Maude Tucker, Jacksonville.14,387 Mrs. Gladys Heard, Sterling 11,568 Mrs. J. S. Boussum, Jacksonville 9,419 Miss Leona Ulrich, Jacksonville.. 8,131 Miss Annie Spicer, acksonville. 5,938 Miss Molly Towne, Jacksonville. 4,392 Miss Grorehen Puhl, Jacksonville. 3,027 ' Browning Purdin, District No. 1. Miss Ada Dunn, Jacksonville... 1,862 Miss Bertha Prim, Jacksonrillc. 1,483 Miss Maverna Kinney 1,2S6 DISTRICT NO. 4. Central Point, Englo Point, Trail, Prospect, Woodvillo, Gold Hill, Wollen, Brownsboro and Josephine County: Miss Lottie Taylor, Eaglo Point. .25,187 Miss Jennie Lewis, Eagle Point.21,917 Mrs. Geo. E. Tex, Central Point. .17.416 Miss Kffie Grimes, Central Point.17,216 Miss Ethel Johnson, Grants Pass.19,632 Miss Fannie Montgomery, Grants Pass 10,402 Miss Georgia Smith, Grants Pass 9,9118 Miss Alta Farmer, Gold Hill 6,988 Miss Daisy Dungey, Gold Hill.... 9,942 Miss Addio Jones, Woodville. . . . 2,498 Miss Hattie Stepp, Big Butte 1,272 Miss Etta Williams, Central Point 1,068 Miss Mubel Peart, Central Point 1,038 Miss Bessie Bell. Brownsboro.... 1.364 Miss Eva Tucker, Brownsboro., 1,227 Misa iiallio Alexander, Cent. Pt. 1,172 Mrs. May Grant, Gold Hill 797 Miss Mary Olson, Central Point. 427 Miss Fern Oppenahain, Bift l'4)tl 25 Miss Opal Herring, Talit 714 Diamvi M&. 6. Phoenix, Talent, Ashland, Irr, Klamath and Lake Counties, and S kiyou County, California: Miss Anna lleivsou, Klnm. Falls. .34,011 Miss Edna Neil, Ashland 1(1,438 Miss Mabel Parson, Ashland 16,06 Miss Murrel Morris, Ashland 11,894 Mrs. James Pellett, Talent 10,847 Miss Ina Ontman, Talent 10,763 Miss Clara I'aktn, Phoenix 10,111 Miss Hazel Whito, Ashland 4,447 Miss Bertha Eose, Phoenix ..... 3,1f67 Miss Ada Reynolds, Phoenix.,., 1,918 Miss Addie TWnlap, Talent 1,897 Miss Clara modes, Ashland 1,64 Mrs. J. D. Brans, Phoenix 1,593 Miss Lula Vard, Talent 473 Miss Ketha Dobbins, Phoenix.,.. 438 Miss Josio Calhoun, Phoenix.... 148 Miss Minnie Robinson, Talent. .. . 114 Mrs. Blnncho Pollard, Talent.... 77 Miss Anita Dodge, Talent 25 Pride themselves on pleasing custom ors, d&ig a straight commission busi ness and leaving the option business to others. tf fit 0 fail U the o; And buy one of those 5 to 10-acre tracts offered by Pierce & Son. 5 acres, $.00p $."it) cash and $10 per month, 0 per cent interest. 10 acres, $1000; $100 cash, balance $20 per month. Ladies, attentioul Don't fait to Bee the new assortment of China Silk and Embroidery Waists. "The Big Store," Deuel & Kentner's. 27$ Coal for Sale. We are now prepared to furnish hand picked ceal at tho mine, five mu -ast of town, in any amount desired $7.50 per ton. tf PACIFIC COAL CO. FETJIT TREES. Surplus stock, 500 Bartleot pears, 200 Do Angon, 25,000 Spitienborg, 9006 Newtown, 1000 Crawforda (early peach), 800 Muir poaches, 600 Elbertaa. Inquire of L. B. Warner. tf VOTINQ POWER OF SUBSCRIPTION 8 AND PRICE. Three months subscription, Daily. . Six months subscription, Daily.... One year's subscription, Daily Two year's subscription, Daily..,. Five year's subscription Ton years' subscription era Oregonian. Now j Old Subscripi 8ubscrlp- Mail. Carrier. tion. tion. 400j 200 $ 1.50 $ 1.50 1,000 500 ' 2.50 i.09 3,000 1,500 5.00 6.90 7,000 3,500 10.00 18.00 20,000 10,000 25.00 30.00 45,000 20,000 5040 60.00 BOO 30 2.00 2.00 New subscribers are those who were not taking this paper January 8, 3ttrs.3reru TKampton Isaacs "Instructor of "Plarto.Tlszt Jttttboo StuMo at leilitc. 3lorn J 5trt JJbonc 824 EASY TERMS Will purchase a business prop erty that will yield 8 per cent return on the investment and double in value within the next two vears. It is located on what hvill be Medford's busiest street inthe heart of the business section J.C.Brown PALM BLOCK The Nash Hotel and Grill Only first-class house in the city. Absolutely the finest grill between Portland and San Francisco. A specialty is made of oysters, shell and other fish. All meats used are cold storage government inspected. Catering in all Its branches. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of nionej and neither give the fit, style nor distinction t your clothes thatiyour own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make arc the kind that ''carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps vonr money at home and arc superior in every detail to the '"sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY pft"" The City Tailor FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING NrooR Medford WOMAN SUFFRAGIST GOES TO FRISON FOR RIOTING LONDON, Feb. 14. Mrs. Parkhurst, leader of the woman suffragists, and other delegates, arrested for the demon stration in the house of commons, went to jail for six weeks today rather than give bond for good behavior. BUSINESS CARDS. E. L. BALCOM. Xew West Side Confectionery Fruit store candies, nuts, cigars, tobaccos, fresh fruit in season. Near Hotel Moore, Medford, Or. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician iiml JSurgi'on. Office nt Residence. R. R. HAMILTON. M. D., i Physician and Surgeon. ! U.w...nuui. Tl T? H It,. A mrnrl Office in Kitter-Dunlap Block. Phone 0S3. Win. M. Colvig, Medford, Or. COLVIG & DURHAM, Attorncys-at-Law. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Young Men's Clothing. Snappy spring styles just received from the factory last week. The best and most novel line of young men 's clothing ever shown in the city. The newest cuts and weaves in blue serges, blacks, browns, tuns and grays. See our windows. .1 li. Van Dvke & Co. Eagles, Attention. All members of Kogue Hiver aerie, No. 1277, Fraternal Order of Eagles, are requested to be present at the reg ular meeting February 13. There will be initiation work, after which refresh ments will be served. Hv order of the Aerie. 278 J AS. STETWART, Sec. Money to Loan. We hare several thousand dollars ta lonn on approved real ontnte security in sums to suit. Apply to JACKSON COUNTT ABSTRACT CO., Medford, Or. 232 WM. W. P. HOLT, M. D, Physlc'.an and Surgeon. Eagle Point, Oregon. No Fire in the Kitchen Range No Hot Water in the Douse Then is the time you ap- ' prec-iatc the convenience of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS mi Attac h a plug to the nearest lamp socket and turn the switch PINT. QUART, TWO QUART AND LARGER SIZES Pint btze in tl'Ctia!l ;i'la!)tcd for nursery Clean fCDi0 Simple Sale G0 a CAI AND LAI C I h Ol r ICE "1 iD!H 1HIIS All Kinds and Varieties of Lumber Are You Thinking of Building? WHY NOT SAVK YOUR MONKY BY BUILDING A HOME OF' YOUR OWN? WE MAKE AND SELL ANYTHING AND EYERYTHING NEEDED IN THE LUMBER LINE. CALL, SECURE OUR' PRICES AND PLACE YOUR ORDER BEFORE THE SEASON'S HUSH BE GINS. THIS IS GOING TO BE MED FORD'S BANNER' BUILDING YEAR. GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR' AND GET IN NOW Iowa Box & Lumber Co. MEDFORD OREGON i XOTH'K TO COXTliACTOKS. Sealed hids for Mir count ruction, ex--.-nation him! laving of tin water main from thr water riant on ltivernide ave nue o Seventh street ami on Seventh street to .1 Htreel. will In- received hy the City Council of the City of Med to id, ( )rejrnil, Up 1 1) 0 0 'clock p. Ill,, Kehninry IS, l!Nx. Specification!! may le neeii at the of lice of the City Ifecorder. All hids niuxt he accompanied hy a certified check cojnal tn f per rent nf :he amount did. and the successful hid der to a bond eual to i'l per cent of t lie con t tact price, to awsnre Lr""d faith and the faithful perform ance of the work, IliiN will he received for either the e.:i at ion or hiving the pipe, or Imth. The rinlit is reserved hy the City C'lnricil to reject nnv or all hid. Hated Medford. Orison. Keh. li. ItlA.r. M. UI.UXS. '"L' Citv l.'ecorder. Condor Water and Power Co. Phone Office on Seventh Street. Opposite the Big Electric Sign. I'l.TIT TKi;i;S-l haw- .Vmi extra I ' -i '. y .Wut..nri l'ippin. uilnMr to re plant where 1 1 c - h;iw I - I.. li. Warner. L'7S Ladies, attention! I)n 't fail to see 1 he new a H.-or t meat of ( hi mm Sill; and Kuthroidcry Wai-fs. "Tin- liiy Store," lene & Kent ner V. HRUBY BROS' Minstrels UNDER AUSPICES OF THE HIGH SCHOOL LYCEUM BUREAU. A Company Consisting of Five BrothorB, All Born Musicians, PlnyiiiR 10 Different Instruments. They aro: FIJ A NK: Piano, Clarinet, Violin, Hnsnct horn, Xylophone; appeared with liiheratti, the Castle Sipiare ( pera 'ompany , I n nes, t he lioyal Hungarian Orchestra and other or dainat ioilH. P Kit NINA X f : Piam I Clarinet; nii-mher of the .John l. Itockefeller Siimhiy School t (rdicst ra, a nd d i rector of the Cleveland ((.) Juve nile Kind. This mimical attraction hit rod my- tli ALOIS: 'Cello, Cornet Vellophono (the only one in America), mid Trumpet; meniher ftf the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra; was cornet no loi.Ht at the aire nf fourteen with the Hoyal I! iiiiy.ii i;iti ( )r client r a. .PMI: Violin, Comet and Trumpet, CM AltLKS: Comet mid Trumpet; considered the greatest cornet Hidoint of his aye, i'eatet nowdly nvtT present''! to the Lvcciiiu i.latfnrni, yivin fiiiintets. cornet solos and rhieta: cliamle-r iriuiic with the violin, 'cello and piano; introducing wu-al tiart'ts with their in strnmeiital tiniie and an iimumiiiI nnrnher in duet between clarinet and cornet. This sphndid company of ymmy nni-icians h aMHiHted liv Miss (hrtrude Canfi'ld, a tender of exci-p' toti.i I ahilily and promise. Medford Opera House, Friday livening, February 14 TICKETS ON SALE WEDNESDAY. C. H. Pierce & Son Ar.- plarniifitf for 'xt'n,ivc al vt( iiri' it .hi'-'-. I.i-t v-iiir 'rnj-.-rty witli tftm tf R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON IAL I'OK'UI YOIM.iKILL AND LATH W'OKK, I'AT'l'Kli'NS. I)TC. 'IKLKI'HONK 171. il KDI-'OKD, OIJ. O O o o o o o o o () o co O o O o o o o o O O O o O o o Ooco oo O o O o