o O 4 O O TIIlAlKDFORD DAILY TRIHUXK. MKDFORTJ. OR.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, IfKW. o SOCIAL AJ PERSONAL BIO CHIEF FIOERALD nC O 1 I WC T A I Y C MARRIED 4$ ALBANY j Llrnii4j inMiu UPON POLITICS .1. If. rilu'TJiM, liiu ' lii'f "f Wi Wat rh I lie Storn fir VjiIwi- tiii'-H. I'. V. Ivrwliiivv li-ft for North. ni 'iilif'oriiiii l-'riilsiy lMiniri-n. Kin'n fur I.owncy AI'1"ii'n mid Guntli'T 'h chucolnlcM. tf A. rt, WcIIh iinidc a liusiiH'HH trip t( CrnwXn J'iikh Tlninuliiy, ivfiiriiiiitf Tri'liiy. Mr, l-'ml Uwfii f Sh'simlxmt, Or., in ifitiny in M' lll'nr'l. .1. W. Wib-y i-iiiim- in Tliiirndity i'rom htH niiirh iimHIi.iihI if Mnlford. AII'Tt 1 1 l mih lit' Climax llllHlirt.i I. iiHin.Hs in M'lt'nid Kridny. William Mill nf (JrilTin ito-Ic whh a Medfonl liiiHiiM-sn fiilli-r Tlturfdiiy. ,1. Wen l.iivvtnii in Ji newly iiiinoiiiH'i-d c:iiilijile fur Dm office uf iM.uiity jih HVHuur for .Jitrknun county. Trui Cix, I lie AhIiIiiimI meiit, iniirld t, man, H mi Medfonl Ijiihj ih-hh culler TliurHduy. Llidii-M, iillentinii! Dmii'I f;iM hi we the ni'vv iiHKorhin-Mt of Cliiim Silk mid Kmhioidi ry Wn'mtH. "Tin Ititf Shire," Iciiel & Kent imt 'm, -7 Mih. H. Dyer nf Went. Medfnrd, who litiH 1 n very Hick at tier home, in re jKirted in lit-li hotter. hlhlii-M, iiltonlion! Don't, fitil to kcp IIh' new fiKMortment of liina Silk mid Kinhroidi ry Vnintn. "Tin Mijf Shire, ' Deuel & Keiltner'H. -7H I,. K. Hoover returned Friday from rorllmul, wliere he lias 1 a on Inini- IH'HH fur the (Hint two weeks. Tltl'IT TI(i:i;S I Inm- riiUI extra heavy N'ewlown pippinM, Hiiitalde to re plant wliere hers have di d. I. It. Warner. , Mm MeN'eil nf Cooh Hay arrived in Aledl'ord l-'riday to visit with relaliven. Mr. MeN'eil wan al one tin iU'K'"l '" mih liny, localed lit AhIiIhihI. IjolieH, attention! Don't fail to nor the now aHHortinent. of China Silk and Kiiiluoidi ry WainlM. "The liitf Store," Iti'iiel A Kentuer'H. -7S Niw arrivalH in Bedford are: F. tfood, Pierre, S. It.; V, Taddikea Marri etle, S. I).; S. T. VoorheeM, SturyiM, S. D.; L. It. Mark haa, !rand Ha.idH, Midi., and M. D. M e. rhicn, Oil, Mih. II. K. Anlicny, whom- home in in KilUene, tint who Iiiih tieen v ini t i n it in Klamath KiiIIh, Or., arrived in Med ford Friday to visit with her two ilaiiixhtei-H, Mih. .1. A. Orlh and Mrs. A. II. Miller. V. W. LeniiriMter, the HeW photo radier of Mrdt'ord. haw jiiirdinsed a h.t in North Mi-dford from W. K. I.auo and will m I to build an iilodale cottage iiion il, which he will niviiy hil'self. V. llnldiason of the linker lluhduisou ujHtuv, Iiiih returni'd from Sun l-'nni'-isi-o, whi-ie he had I a oil husiiiesH for the past week Inlying n Hint' It of drynoods for t lie enlarged Hlor.. J. II. Maiklev sold a lion" and two lots in Sunt I, Medt'm.l to M. Dillon. Mr. Dillon recently tinned n Med ford from the in ii-li en-t nf town, and will make Med ford his f at are h.niie. 'Die cotmidei ;it inn as $1 HOll. Mr. and Mih. Da id Taylor. ulm re eelillv s.il-l oiil their ioiell' in Smith M ,,.,! .1 t . . V. V. Tiu.iv of (Javl.ird. Mn )i . left lii-.t nii-iii for Vim er. W a-.li.. u here t hey hi iv linked a nun 1 1 tinel of hind. M i-s Kn MeXeill of Si. Johns, Or., Hid Mr, Hi,. I Ml .. II. li. SlnMivr :n l i ci Thin sdav all. l it oo n. l iM Me Neil ill v i-il illi the S a,, i fam il V I'm a few Weeks hel h her home. I. J Dailev and laiuil through Me.lh.id Thurv.lav on tlteir wav In h M holn U eu.it.'lie. . W a-.ll. Thev had lieen i-.il nii; in Soul he i n r.'ihroruin. Iml ill let to Vh .ll'md in I he tii a I ii l The .ulatij.'d i.li.n.w ihat we hae hvn t;i viiii; awnv mv mailv all yion If ori W lo eet one nf lliein. call at "in e ;ind uiaKe a i t ;nt ijeMieii t s for it. Hull "s rt Sm.ho. Unhhatd hU, n-nr t.l id- . tf hmkti Tribe of Iti. yid. r of If.d Men, and a wejl known an t j.onnlar bn-irieHs man of M'-df'oid. ivas married Weltn-H . day evening at Albany. Or., to Mrs. M.J DaM-ley of Loh ( anuis, Wash., by i .mhi ty Judoe Stewr-t at hi office. M r. I 'itii'-iald s weddiuy; is a biy surprise to his friends here, and he j-avr no ink lin y of Ink intent ions when he left Me. lord the first of tin- week. M r. Kit zeji-rald is president of the Knyue ItiviT 'oust met ion company. WEBSTER, CLOSES DEFENSE FOR HALL AT PORTLAND POKTI.AM). Feb. 7. L. If. Web Hter for t he defense closed Iuh argu ment for John II. Hall this afteruoou. He laid ureal st reus upon Hall 'h en deavor lo have Hpeeial aentn ai(ointed to investigate unlawful fendnjr by the Hutte ( reek company, asKi rtini; that de lay wan no evidenee of conspiracy, and reiterated t hut II nil had in- er yi ven peraiiHHinii to erect or inaintain a fom-e, and that, ilefeadant never had an nil ileisland iujj or agreement with the of fieer of the eompany. The cane will yo to the jury tonight. BUI Willis Burglarized. The residence of Kill Willis, Ash laud's best known and must pietur csipie i-ha racier, located .just on the outskirts of the western city limits, was hiirn;luriod last Priday afternoon about I ii 'dock while Hill was absent vis iline; his iieioJiborH. The intruder ran sacked the premiHes yeiteially and aunle ijiiite a job of pit Hi n nj hinys nut of their proper places, lie was rewarded with (.' cents which Dill had b-ft ty iny on his ilininj; room table, but misseil a liopr ilollar that L'"' coered up with a patent itieilieitie hot lb' and was thus lost to (he robber's view. Hill's Iosh was a liltle heavier than what the in truder stole, as Hill had HiispiciniiH that perhaps tlu robber was tin enemy that wished hi pnisnii him, ton, sn he threw away all the nrub lie had in the house that could be tampered with. Valley It id. PANIC FOLLOWS FIRE IN TENEMENT HOUSE Ni:V VoltK, Peb. 7. One woman is di ad mid several persons were injured jis the result of a fire which early In i lay desi roved a five story apart ineiil building at 'nlninbii avenue and Scv i-lltietll street. Maioaret I,, lilllldon fell from tlie tilth floor and was fatally in jured. The loss- is iTi.nito. ritANKI.INVIU.i:. Ky.. Peb. 7.-Ti-n iaHseiiters wi-re injured in a wred on the I'etin .y K atiin railrnad, two mile: east of hero today, caused by the de railtiieut of several cars. ' CARDS LEAD TO EXPULSION. ( I out iiiin-d f fi'lll I'aoe 1 .) Hilling p(..d The s. ,,,. boatd. emi-ist ine; of Mi ssts. t n. lirati, P.nli'r. Warner, Slrany and Watt, d-bal d etionslv the .ptes lion lor two das and 1,-1 that the -.hool official- weri' ill the wrono and had e d.d tle ir a n I h. i t y . '"'liev mi,!, r.d tin -upi t'iiiiendeiit to reiu-,lale all i I lie bos and piildi.lv apoloej.-,. to t he n i lor I In i r ivnim a I. Tins wa b ii . -.ti-i-hn . an. I lodav Snperinlen d mi Sins i f-iyn- .1. In n t In- -n per inl.-nd. el aOeeUi , d I lie accuse,) bo s 1 1" lo-l ed. s snd Ihat the ,11 no Mlb. I - o of w inoii mi.' o nd look upon ' i . , 1 1 ! ' i . w , i . t ,r l.el ill! ll.b 111 , bill I 1 bo.-ud u.i- not. 'I'lie trouble w vml ' ed la-l ' 1 1 1 i ' ma a I e-I l 1" ,1 pack Buy Tickets by Wire. 'Soin. ihiui; which N of rmi-oderablc in f en-it to 'tie publ te pellet (i liy and winch is peiliap Hot yeuenil 1 v '.Hewn i tl" -v-l ni .i-i.iid ,o,b-:s n.ov in ttl'.et between vtatiops ,.l' the S.'iitliern D o i ' ' . ..:np r.iv an all s hi til.' Fn.l. .1 "-ii',- ic. an- ol t In- si -ten ti. '- .v be pel .-ka-.-d at Medtotd tio-i, ,,n p' u e Ml .e riU'e.l V,s r,nd (n:ul. 1 i, , o..,pb, d dir. . t lo the pa-' w U -o k.-tc. Steeper l. .'eiMiMo.l.iM.-us and vi, all ai-ionnf of . i-h '"i , ,-iinc, r i.'ti wi'h Mi.-' tii'kt'ts ' .iv ' :-ied a Ike -aoic t; " tf IV H Ptcu-e . Sen -.tltrd . Il ; e the veho. b..Mle ..f be oi waved ! ..f tl e -I'!. hot debate 1.- t beaid. -ed to card play s -infill. These .tainiuo the -ii to have t'n-l -tail lo u al the l lili-l me of the in-: i lie ith an elaborately i mi w i a p ted ill I In- I and found I a r. upon which the w i oi Ii a iiud t In' "t-, ThU i; iiin tiacd to s e of Logilsator Back From Bant Finds Panic Over and Money Becoming Plentiful for Industrial Enterprises Predicts Nomination of Roosevelt. "The panic is a tiling of the past. TiiaeH are daily rowin le tter cast, and money is plentiful for indii-strinl enter prisi , though not for speculative ven tures," said lion. .1. W. I'erkius today, w ho has re) it mod from a I rip to the east. ' ' Med ford is ond iiioujjh for me. I wouldn't live aaili in I hica-o if you jave me two blocks of State street. "The 1'acifii ast is liecniuiii more I more talked about every day and a larger hum ignition than ever can be looked for this Hummer, and the Uouc (fiver valley is becnmhin; famouH. "It looks to me as thoiio.h 'ronident Ihtosevelt would be renominated by the U publicans. Tat't seems to In- losing ground, and if it is not Uoose i It it will be Jluhes. I was surprised, though, at the bitter feeling against the Tri-sidi-nt amou influeuiial capital ists. "I Mopped over lo nee Isaac Ander son of Spuknuc, who n nlly had an option to purchase the Fish Lake irri gation works, and found him si ill work in n on the proposit ion and expecting to secure the property before lone;. "There is no truth in the statement that. I am cultiii-r my orchard into small tracts. The place is not for sale, and if water eiMiicH, never will be." The Library Tax. . Any public spirit! d man ounht to be willing to help to maintain a public mipply of d books at. the rate of 10 i-eii ! for rverv ::'" i of hi tscii yt re cent t for i-vi rv .f.'lHD of his actual wealth. One third of a mill on a dollar w-nnld I"- 1 c ftjoii 111 cents on f 1 on .-fifat'i. Ordinarily property n il-es-ed at from ."" to HO per cent of its real value. Assume that tin valuation is To pec cent. A ..';ihiii house would be n-c!ist'd for ?--", and the annual tax at one third of a mill would be 7o cents, and for this tin- taxpayer and the mem bers of his family would yet all the hook tlev could read in ll! months, and the children would have the benefit of the referem-t-s in their studies. For the owner of a modest .flo'io home the one third of a mill would be ;ts cents, and he would (jet in return the uho of h In-ds of the very best books and ninijaziaeK for himself and hiti family. Surelv this is no burden. A town which had i:'.."'! a year for the library loaned its thousand volumes SlinO times in one vear. Figure the cost uf each book to each reader and see what other co-operative plan yields better returns on the investment. FOH KFT Rooms for light house keeping, with bath and electric light. Inquire above tea and coffee store, 7th and (i. Mrs. A. llaycox. i-7"i FOR liKNT Two ranches; good chance ''or man with one. tvi or thre good t num. JI, Fierce Son, Medford, Or. iI74 FOR SALE. Having purchased over 5bO,000 f.et of first-class milling logs, wo are prepared to furnish first-class lumber of all kiwis in any amounts on short notice. If you contemplate building place your order with us; prices very reasonable; dimension and line finish lumber a specialty. Wrire or call. Butte Falls Lumber C ornpany, office over Jackson county bank, Med ford, Or. tf BATHS Mep anly; hot air, steam and medicated ea salt, 5bc; with massage, fci.tHt; good for rheumatism, coitis, sun joints, paralysis, etc.; will purify and ton- up generally. Prof. Valeske, A street, corner of 7th st. tf XHiSEKY STOCK All kinds of fruit trees, both large and small fruits, standard varieties of njip-ps and pears and peaches, including Newtown and Kpitzeuherg apples; a full line of up todutt nursery stick, in large or small lots; also all kinds of njfjiamental trees and shrubbery, at my residence in Smith Medford, having just re ceived a large shipment, am prepared to fill orders immediately. Inquire at Warner's Store. L. B. Warner, Sr., Medford. Or. tf PREMIER FRANCO RUNS AWAY TO SUNNY ITALY LIS1IOX, Feb. ". Italy will be the future home of ex -Premier Franco, lie has already arrived in t hat count ry, never more to return to troublesome Lisbon. Manuel, the boy king of Portugal, is showing marked improvement as a ruler, and his ability to grasp situations is surprising his new ministers. The cabinet is trying to persuade him not to attend I he funeral kit v icon of his father ami brother on Saturday, but so far he is determined to accompany the mourners. The diplomat ic corps wilt visit t he morl nary chapel to view t he remains of the king and crown prince. MARION COUNTY TO HOLD REPUBLICAN CONVENTION SALKM, Or.. Feb. 7. Marion county b'epublicaiis wilt hold a county couveu lioii this year, as in the days before I In direct primary wa. adopted. This much was decided at a c. inference of b'epublican loader last Monday even ing. While the meeting was not pub lielv announced and its cotii-lnsioiis are not iieecssjirily binding upon the party, yet it is believed that those who Were present represented the general senti ment of the Republicans of the county and that there will be no strong dis icnt. The sentiment was unanimous in favor of a county convention mid eipiat I v una a i in "its a ga inst the si n tig of St ;i i, in. ni o, I by Republican eandi dates for the legislature. KENTUCKY FEUDIST KILLED BY HIS SON Dixon-Crance Wedding. A ijuiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nidi-; ols. in this city, Wednesday evening of ' last week, the contracting parties being Walter lixoii of lioseburg and -Miss (iraee Trance of Ashland. The cere-' mony was performed by Professor A. .1. Ilauby, after which the company was invited to tin dining room, where a , most elegant supper had been prepared by Mrs. and Miss Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Dixon expect to reside in Ashland. Central Point Herald. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. l'(;i:i( Sewing Machine Co. Tele phone No. !il."i. A. I. Singler, Mgr. 2f WANTKD Woman or girl for silver pantry. Apply to Steward, Nash t'nfe. j PO It KXCHA NO H M ed ford property for other property. Adrdess Lock Box 418, Medford, Or. tf FOlt It F.NT (leiitlemnn wanted for nicely furnished room, near in. Apply at, Hotel Moure. tf FIHST -CLASS .Japanese cook wishes situation. Address Cook, Tribune. 50 71 SQUARE DEAL The finne Kiver Land Company has always contended that there is no good reason why the real estate business cannot be carried on honorably and honestly, with due regard for the rights of both purchaser and landowner. Actuated by this opinion, the company has never yet misrepresented as to the character of the noil or the ipiality of the fruits produced on sami', with the result that all who have bought orchards through this agency so far could sell out, if desiralile, at an advance uf 1(H) to 5i)0 per cent above t lie purchase price. This is a history of which we are proud, and we shall continue along the same lines in the future. Men who come into this favored valley looking for a new place of abode are entitled to fair treatment. We only ask of them that they will exercise ordinary business sagacity in investigating the resources of the valley before buying. There are three things the average investor wants, if he buys country property in this valley. First and foremost, he wants a home wnere he and his family can enjoy good health and the fruits of this section. Fsually he wants to get located where he is within easy reach of the leading commercial centers and close to local markets. And he always wants property which will bring in a good income and is sure to advance in value as the valley develops. Will he be apt to find this combination in the bauds of the street-corner broker or the average "butter-in" who perst'cnte-s the homeseeker about the hotel offices? When out- considers that the situation is not urging many men with good holdings to sacri fice their property here, it is up to the homeseeker to apply to the regular dealer for what he wants. If he wants the VERY BEST IN THE WHOLE VALLEY he must apply to the .Rogue Kiver Land Company. When in Med ford, do nut fail to call on the AT THE EXHIBIT BUILDING. Roue River Land Go. EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD, OREGON. l-'ul'NI An I'liiiiin-iitc HSMortim-nt. of I,uIh's' UniM-rir, rliirm Silk Mini Km hr.iiili'rv Waists. "Tin- llitf Slim-," IVni'l & Ki-nln.r. -TS l-'Oli SALK "ill- acre-, wi st nf Mi-ill'iiril .ity limits; priri- tL'Oil, piivnlili.' $10 il,ivn ami $ln a uinntli. without inter est. Ail.lli'ss 1'. (I. Iinx -71, Mrill'nril. Orejj'nii. WANTKD Situation liy lady wlm is willing to wink at fair waj.es; Jire- for work that I ean I in at. home niojils. Aililiess Triliune nffiee. or M. I-:. II., Tostoffiee liox SIT. -Tl! I The Nash Hotel and Grill Only first-class house in the city. Absolutely the finest grill between Portland and San Francisco. A specialty is made of oysters, shell and other fish. All meats used aro cold storage government inspected. Catering in all its branches. .1 ( KSi IN. K v ll;M;n. I, noun :e liiiin i s in t In- lliv i.-.-.-iit years, via Ins shoe here I ii llareis. 1 I.. 7. .Iil.lue .las, one of ttie priih-ipri! Illitt eolilily feuils of shot .-in.l 1, ill- ill sin.lav liv his son. AMERICAN SQUADRON IN STRAITS OF MAGELLAN rr vr i;i:n vs. r. lions are i, ..!,. .1 ah. slops Ii. 7.- I'le.aia ar.l the kinle II. I t..l.e.io l.oal tlostroveis for lite ovaee Miroueli do. western straits ..I' Mai;. -II. iii in .. the I'.i. it'i, . The start Hill I..- ma.ie tonight, an. I when loeal.s Satur.lav the lioats will have r.nmilo.1 lap.- I'oiwai.l. Hlfi.-oil fan .!! w ill he ina.le this adorn i. WANTKD A rnnrh; not inure than ll miles from Meilfor.l; must lie reason- aliie. A.l.lress. yiviiii; ileseriptinn anil i priee, A. D. Triliune offiee. No agents. ; -us I WANTKD : s i-1 for g eneral house work; no washing; must room at home. Impure at Triliune office, tf Knit S. I, I-! Two ini-iiliators. useil only one soason. for sale cheap; ea'aeity of ea.h. L'lli ei:es. lniiiire at Win ner's store. Warney Suy.ler. tf I-'ol; SALK Seasone.l piae stove w I. OHO mile west of I'lloellili. ill lIKI lit it ii'A to suit. Apply on premises or a.l- .Ir.ss Chillies (lis, -a. I'hoeniv. Or. -71 KOI! SAI.K One five horsepower inn tor, (jo.,,1 as new; take it away for m7."i. l'eils Klite l.aun.lrv, Meilfor.l. Or. f Kill! SAI.K. -.".".-' foot lot, "..I lot from cor. Mill 1 I. sis.; u liaiL'ain; S. W. Me.lotr.l. ( all any time. Y. Vooili, resilience. I'oli liKNT-A re oichin.l for rent; II acres prunes, lialauee apples; 1 to o veal s; ..o.l iinpr.n einelit s ; one mil,, f i .lacksonvillo. Or. Win. His lice, .la.-ksonville, Or. tf Rogue River Valley Orchards Company CAPITAL S200,000 We have purclias.-il from Mr. K. V. Carter ami Mr. K. T. Stajiles of Ashlan.l a tract of lo7.'i acres of what is coiisi.lere.l as io.i.l apple ami pear laml as there is in the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, which we have sul.iliviuVd in fie ami ten acre tracts, which we are selling upon the followine; terms: Selline. I'riee Total -Aniount I'. r Acre. Cost. Neccs 'v. " ' i . i i. . . M'.r'T Ti;r.; - t " !:. t . . u . '. - . v.. . . ... ... , ..i..,i . :." i ,at.-.N ,. ,. ; M ,.r !!.. I I f . Iv.,,.-. Vf I l! ,. ,f I' II V eue fe Sen A', j noi.i'd I .r ......t. r. a.ivcit ,n.; It h' I e- ..:.-; Willi 1 1. , III t,.-, l .(r..'t tf O FQR SALE mmmmKrnmmmmmmmmtmwmmmtmmmKmwumimuiBmmmmMmManmmmKmm A One-Story Brick Ikiild hijr 50x0. A snap if taken at once. I:ASY TI:RMS. See d.C.Brown PA LAI BLOCK WANTKD- steiioernphy ami typewrit- ino Well, .lone eellilii;s at reaonal.l.c rates. In,iiiie of Van. Kooiif 1 1 r Klectlic Co.. or Diailloil.l li" online house. "' l-'Olt SAI.K New rcsi.teiu-e. .lust com J plete.I, sccoil.l Mock West of lliejlil s.liool. West Secnth street; fine col oliial interiar; cheap if sohl soon. Ill ,liir,- Triliune office. tf WOIM WANTKD tor; Five-acre Or.-hanl t tpt ion 1 Plant -.1 Option I' I'laiitr.l ami option ;: I'lani. .1 Option ( I "l-i ii t --.1 Optioe. o I'lanic.l oi.ti.m : - !'!:s nl .-.I ' pt ion 7- I'lante.l an.l l ipt ion s 1 -In 1. 1 -.1 ami Option li - Plant..! an. I Amount neeesxarv 1 f..r 1 voir. ml cai-eil for 2 years, mi c.-ir- .l tor o years, ml care.l tor I years, ml care.l for o years, n.l care.l for ti years, ti. I car. .1 for 7 years. ii. I en..! for 7'-. vear fl-'irt - 7-lit .t7-'n LV'i 1 1 4'in 217 iL'-t.-i :;so L'P4 1-17(1 o-J'l :'.-ll 17iio L'.-io pun ism 4:'.-- 217.-. 123 4s2 24 1 0 (ill ."ill) 2oi"l0 (i0 -t ilet.l ami possession. EASY TERMS 10 TER CENT DOWN AND 1 PER CENT PER MONTH. D. taile-l iiif-uiciiri.-ii au.l lit- rature w ill ! sent in application to our home office. Jos lliriil.-il.lt P-ai.l; l-l-li:., Saa Francisc.-i, or to any real estate :io.,, i ill,. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. '.lilt I pane. a ,lo all kin-Is of e. u-ral farm n.-ial h.h.cr in a'l work; town nirv. V.i.lr.-ss A. F. Ti-sii'iii. D.'l . M-.lfer.l. Or. tf Fui; -ap. ; f.e.l. .-: i;-.- i in. !1 IV-'-. i.'. hot- FOl: VIA T - N l.v w -1 r T' ' "I i -l. Or. ' ' I'lil: II'A r N. w t '-in,-. I ,c.t foil-, keep: I e. tool-, s. . Vs.. to .es-i..s pan ,.f tow ii; I.ii'Ii. hot acl , ol 1 ni t. r. i I. ct-ic l.lit F. r t. hi s s. , Nrs .1...- Tl . n;a. -s. -i;h II .t. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They ihaiu the towns ol" r.ioiu- an.! lK-itlu-r ci(.' I iu- fit, ;-iv!c n.iv liis'.iiKtinii vv.v olotlics tli.ii lyniir owti 1,'itv tailm' can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The cii'tlu's I make aiv tlic kind tliat "carrv ilist'.-.u iinn," ih.it bespeak tlu- man, that keeps your niuihA ;;t home and are superior in everv detail to the "sweatshop" t;oods ot" catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONET HOME FRENCH DRY CLEANING EIFERT The City Tailor Medford o o o o o o O O o