th p w ROOMER MEDFORD TRIBUNE'S .908 HOR1 (CULTURAL EDITION-ORDER COPIES NOW I sp -.- THE WEATHER. possible showers Saturday. (Q.udy wcghcr tonight ami Associated Press Dispatches J yj iVUUll y VJ7U uwuuw- AQL 11 0 i.. J ..m.MnuT m nr InmriinnnT iCflfin APDCO MNNFOTNG XI H 1 IH nIAtt UAVENrUKI JUUU huivlo UU II 1LUII 1U iUhUUUiUUU miwii.... - NEW YORK If! GRIP OF STORWl KING F ULTON WITH LAND FRAUDS ENDANGERS LIVES OF 100 PYTHIANS AI PORTLAND, ML PLEASED WITH ROGUE VALLEY FRUIT TREES BEING PLANTED Entire Atlantic Coast Snowbound While dales Rage at Sea -Traffic Is Tied Up. NEW YOI1K, Jan. 24.-Yester.lay 'S J , into a blizzard h? streets' are piled deep in I oes with drifts and Htr ttf L delayed. There much su te ag among the poorer classes on the east Li e ami a rush to the charitable .... " it. t ions for shelter. A dead was found under a porch where he crawled for protection a..d was frozen to death. In Brooklyn nearly every of travel is blocked by snow, and no ef fort was ...ade to move cars. Hundred., are employed at work in the streets. At Sandy Hook a northeast gale is 'blowing, and the swirling slow makes navigation hazardous. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 24. A severe Delaware, jiuij". .. .,. m. It is especially severe ... Northern New Jersey, wnere iuik'T"' --i --- rHilroad Bervicc ibjv Paul Street of Missoula Mont., a it ,wi f ,.-.. u nA will locate newcomer iu - permanently if suitable investments can he touihi Steiwert Testif ies'city Hall and Police Buildings Destroyed- CelebratedCartoonist Probably That Senator Saw Hall and Took Cor respondence Later. Fraternal Convention in Sessionhire Caused By Crossed Wires-Panic Averted Aid Summoned to Kelp Quench Flames. Much Interested in Stock Raising Possi bilities of Country. no YOU KNOW: That The TOGGERY, since its inception five years ago. witli a nicve handful ot i;o(Hte, has forged ahead with such colossal strides as to i. Uo ivvnu'tli nrmrece- HlilAC i-s n . dented in the annals of elotn- mil blOie llioiui.y That The TOGGERY car vies the best and largest wv nf exclusive men s .roods in Southern Oregon? h tw ti.p TOGGERY car ries the most tremendous and ..ii,,r, lino of stan-iara ,i,.tn..i- in the whole . v . 4-1, 9. OF COURSE YOU KNOW n ,n:rtutnp knows that jsecuuni; cm -l The TOGGP.RY'S enoiino s trade, which is greaie. ..v... oil other clothing stores in the csty combine.., tii m n to sell better roods on a smaller margin than any of their cotup a tors. THERE'S A REASON vol;. TP: Anv one familiar with tuc , t1.,i of "Totr- irerv Bill knows mat nc im put his tiine, his intelligence and his energy into building up a reputation based oh act ual values. Tl,e TOGGERY stands for a reputation that cannot afford to injure rtselt uy ,.riv.,r inferior Hoods. 13 v the strict integrity ot its methods and by giving tcr value for less money. 1 He TOGGERY has leaped ward to its present propor tions. 1)0 YOU "WANT THE BEST? YOU KNOW IT! POHTLAN'I). Jan. 24. Iu the llall- t.,,. the Diilit phase was reached this morning Prosecutor F. .1. Honey endeavored, through Ex State Senator Steiwer, to connect Senator Ful ton with the case. According to the. contention of the prosecution, Fulton ! saw" Halt on 01 oioinc., ...... , xacted the promise from Hull that a .......... l,n hrnmrlit nainst i Cll II in..."" ,,... - " " the Butto Creek Land, Livestock and I Lumber company, instead of the crim inal prcwecution of individual ...embers or rno corpoi.ii.iuii. The prosecution contends that Fulton wrote Steiwer, telling him of his nr- rangement will, nan, ""i, letter is not in possession of the gov ernment. Steiwer test.neu today univ immu had requested him to bring all corre spondence that passed between them to .i..i...i i -!.;o hen. Fulton select- ed this particular letter, and ho either destroyed it or 81. i. nuo " r session. Ileney also elicited the statement from Steiwer that Fulton had not nt- A t.te communication tempieu to n-i.v ---- until after Steiwer, Hall, Mays, Hen dricks nnii various ieiu ii Homestead stealers luiu oeen ." COUNT BONI SUED FOB TWENTY UEJN AB UAJiinww PORTLAND Mo.. Jan. 24.-rire which did property damage amounting to over SI 000,000 early today destroyed the city hall and police huildiugTaW en dangered the lives of more than 700 per.ons. More than that number were at tending the Knights of Pythias Jubilee, gathered in the auditorium of the city haU Only few were hurt. Chief Engineer Colville being the only one serf on ly injured, and he was able to remain and direct the fight against the n.m Not nicluded in the financial loss is the loss of papers and documents in the registry of deeds, where everything was destroyed. The city clerk's and city registry ui wwo, nithnmrh trin monev and trpn surer s offices were swepv nZZ inbum to be intact. It will be impossible 8"'u . . ,, nii tho vaults have cooled. to ascertain denmte.y w.. , eItT alectrlcian.8 The blaze was caused Dy crossea ot".". ---- -. .hi. makin it impossible to ring in the fire call. The fire was discov- v . ...nanBr man on his way home. Ho rang in a call, but the alarm ' " . -j .M,dd.nM tlmn nlaosed be rang only in the station nea.v - rang om, .,,mmond bv telephone. When the chief fore the whole aeparcmmn. - - arrived he saw it was hopeless to try to save the building, and confined his efforts to the surrounding propenj. When the names were discovered, Chairman Turner of the Pythian body , oinitlnB fire, and a panic was averted. Early Til th e we e oZ o pons "in the auditorium. The city prison T fned v X offenders, and these were set free. Aid was summoned Z lZ button was the only one to get apparatus to the city before daytireaic. . rT T RT A CIV. KUAU OULDL PEARSON PUSHES TIMi-B MANy BQLD CEIMES 1P UfX vr-- n it)iq To ii o'A All Paris is awnit- ,..:!. o.ikI.rnHM(i1 merriment the out lliu nun - , " . . . . .. . , ..f Pr iiipp ,.in it tint HlllL uruiiiiiiu j - Helie de Sagan ngi.inst t:ount Boni de Castellane, his cousin, in iv.uc.. . ..., ,.,e franc, or 20 cents, as damages because of the alleged "un- nrovoked assault " eoinmiiieu u) on the prince. The action is set lor hearing and win uiiuuou.., -i.....i.i. f .l. nobility and social eclat of France to the courtroom. While the ...:.:.,nlD nuanrt Ouit tlie OUarrei uronv over a purely personal mntter, popular rumor has it tl.nt jioiu . .... v- e v. l,tw.. Anna UOIHU. tne o'- yorcd wife of the latter. It is an open secret that Count isoni is kni . : i. nff,,i.t,nns. and. incident- 10 regiiin -- ..It.. Fnr.nIlA OI I11H loilllt". " , hurt a rival in Prince IU HUB". dc Sagan, the rissolute cousin of the count, who is so notoriously ............. that he has become a stench in the nos trils of even Parisian society, ot" times De Sagan has been reported en gaged to Mme. Gould. While these ru mors have been uenieo, u . n.... ,he prince haa appeared very devoted to Mme. Could, ami mi he has openly displayed for the fair Anna is apparently reciprocated. HUSBAND'S SUICIDE FREES SHOPLIFTER .m-nns -Inn. 211. The passage of the London Times from the control of, the Walter family, in which it had been vested for tir-'e generations, to the lmds of C. Arthur Pearson the "Yankee yellow" journalist of Lon don has already been marked by minor changes tending to make -me iuu derer" of a n.ore popular nature, l-ears .,.,.;,,..,! in high circles that The are t"11"'" Times, which has become an institution "nost as important as ,. - England and nas - r',Ht . reputation as the world's t 1 .wmiorate under the newspaper, ,velt ...nnm 111) OI rVUiav" J " for the purchase of The Times ami - ity are being diacuaaeu. -krtTTn.TV.T cn-v nr .Tan. 25. Three years'each in 'the penitentiary was the sentence imposed upon Arthur I urn . .... t.'ii.... iiiiltro Konn. 1 new and Harry iwm-j . two boys were recently I complicity in tbe rouoery ... . ' . .....I : davlight. Accord- I i to the evidence brought out at the i trh.1, Paine and Kelley rece.ved no part of the $0.75 stolen, but merely stood b5 ,d watched another fellow take the money. L r V r r-i .Tn.w t. l,.n 24. Because heri husband killed himself through worry over her arrest hero tor sno i...K.. Mrs. Ellen Vnnder'.ip of Halsey will es cape prosecution for the crime. Believ ing that this tragedy has obviated the necessity of punishment ami mu cause the woman is '' tlt ul" Morphine fiend. Chambers & McCune, the merchants in whose store she was caught stealing, have decided to refuse to prosecute her. . ,,.. of Ttenrv Vanderl.p 1 lie J'" . wu, found hanging in the smokehouse t his home, one mile west of Halsey. He had tied a rope to a ratter building, fastened a noo neck while standing on a box and then kicked the box from bom-ntn i...... ... derlip was 70 years old and had been an invalid for two years, being nffl.ct ed with erysipelas. The sudden am, of his wife and lier confession so preyed his mind that, coupled with his ill ness, -it caused him to take his life. FORM NEW UKuann."' ARMY "to 8ECURE CANTEENS VSIIINOTON. Jan. 24.-1 here can .... ' fr.l,r doubt as to the opinion armv authorities entertain concerning the canteen question. In his annual re ,,r, , chief of staff just submitted. (Jeneral J. Franklin Bell ay: " Regular and speciij reports made . ... .i,e establish the fact urt iroin i. in.- " that the armv. from the Infest rank up. is practically unanimous in its desire to nave the canteen reestablished. Even many officers who are opposed to the , of intoxicants realize that drinking ' cannot be stopped, and that the sale of beer at a post would be a lesser evil. I am satisfied that the abolition of the canteen has resulted in an injury to the service." v.jfir.v I'nl .Inn. 23. The old stage - l ....tut...... tl.i.s city and Scott valley. which in earlier yearB was famous for robberies and holdups, has not quite i..-. :.u rn,i,..ce for within the last few davs a robbery occurred oa the .noun ...l liere and the vallev that in audacity quite equaled any of the exploits ot tlie roan agenis oi n.e ..... ier days. Tim Barnard, a liveryman of Greenview, in Scott valley, on his ... .. .. . . ... . ai way from tins city to n.s oooie, miles from here, and when, on crossing the mountain, a uozen nines i...... - ........... ....I nr. on the rear end ...III,.-. ,.r of the wagon driven by Mr. Barnard, made a vicious assaipt on rne oiu mun, striking him over the head with a heavy Bixshoou-r, anu n.ier oeuiu.K i..n. i v II in OI n.m;i. ueuv- ing the unconscious man in the rig, the ,1 Iu.. .......I F.i.l in tVin woods. niuun u.n..ip,.... - Searching parties have been scouring the woons anu niouuiaiu.t, un. no of the outlaw has been found. ...... i,A ni.i aitioe roni. wan lion ...... ;. t.nt. it has been a dozen years since a robbery has occurred on that highway. The last noted one was in the late 'ls, when a stage was helil up near me summit, o. un- n.uuu ...;. ... n .linn, turn in the road, and near the spot where Mr. Barnard wiw robbed a few days ago. . no .one nig" wavmnn wns nmi.en oeniiiu u ....K. rock at the roadside and demanded that the treasure box be thrown to him. When the driver hesitated a shot from the outlaw's rifle killing a passenger by the side of the Jehu emphasized the demand, and the treasure box came ....1. Aft..r Hie 1 ill sse.lL'ers had also been despoiled, the stage was permitted tn ttrneeetl. the roliher remaining in- hind. He was sought for a long time, and was finally traced to near Hcddilig. where, iu a pistol duel fought at cios. range, the rubber was killed, not how ever until he hud given the deputy "her iff, who shot him. his death wound. ,r It US the world's greatiwt. cartoonist 11 ml almost arrived in Medford t'riday lliieruooii to lecture ill the evening at the .lleuioro .. n....u.. .... il,.. ' Womtiuce and ..pern i. .'..:-- u...i..n. ..I' the Arabian Desert," and V i.:.. ... tin. t'nr east. Mr. Davenport is u native iiregonmu and in .Med. on. reneeti v,t..... . . . t- i tl,..nt I)r with ...any om i.ic.m", M. Keene, I.. lining. . ...i..... i... b.,i.u. in lmhvhoml Ker ami oui.-.r. ... ------- Sneaking of the valley, Mr. Davenport aid: .... ... m i ret.:.. ... ..... r nit visit, to itieoiorii .... i t ...,uu...l ttirnnoli here tllOUgll 1 nut'- ..."". " ,, ninny times. The Hogue Hiver valley is certainly one or iiauuc n .........v i-- , i.:.... tl.n utntn fn. 11.1(1 vour . i uu e. moils, for you hear such marvelous stor- that the truth is nan. 10 re... i. ; ...i.-cituiilv. thoiiL'l.. as a pos sible home for fine horses that 1 am . . .. .i ... . i... .Millev. I have most Il!iriu-i..- , - , e i heard that conditions are about ported ..... i.:. .i...u. l.n.n.l .if itn- for proiiucing me inn... ". - - - imal 1 understand a large stock farm is proposed by some of the racing mag ! 1 . .... . " n.,.iliir.ttH ccrta.nlv nates, aim im ..- - , ii,,.... In California. I see no reason why the Hogiie Kiver val ley snouiii ..... " ; - .lav for its Horses as n. is ..rr-" and pears." Half Million Apple, Pear and Peach Trees Will be Added This Season 1.. the noinioii of Fruit Inspector Tay lor at least 3000 ncres of fruit trees have been or are being set out in tho liogue liiver Valley about Mciltoru uus season. He expects tl.e loiai mi....... of trees to be planted will probably reach 500,000 and may exceed o.on ...i amount. I have inspected 2'.0,000 trees," said Mr. Taylor today. "There are 70,- (100 more from two otner uiirei.u awaiting inspection. In addition, many trees from outside nurseries have been planted, that I havo no record of as yet, but will have soon. The total number of acres planted may reach 0000 or ....... . i .i 1....H.K. nnt.uon is ended. 1IOU ocioru in.' i .i.i.iu .it tlm troos are pears. one-third apples, with ft number of . iinn..,in nHHortiuellt. peaches, auo a inim-c. of other fruits." . NEW YORK TO SUPPORT BRYAN IN WBViiinion mimn TTHr.S TP.I.EPHONE TO UNITE YUUMU uw-" 24. ('lipid Wttll'onl's Fashion Stort for .r.i.Ti ivti lnr, 2:!. The hardware di alers ,ef Pacific const, who have been in session in this citv mr s. .. .... days, decided today not to attinaie with' the national organization, but to frm a Pacific Coat a-ociat ion. in cluding the loOfwnro iren of Oregon. Washing'""- 'a!if.iri,i:i. Idaho. Mon tana and I'tati. O THAW TBian ay-- mMT.n 1J rtitrtii NEW VISE. Jan. 21 Th- Thaw ,.,. was ndiourned until Monday at the renne-t of the defense, he storm np'the shipping "'id prevented the dock iL. of the Adriatic, on which witnesses were cipe.-f d to arrive from Europe Vnother witness. Dr. HingJ...... cannot ,irrivc ,.rc until tomorrow. .aid he will nt Wl'"'" ,k" motion, if .. .n ...ii f.,r,,i-h iianieS if tl"' ,:L.X'. Witnesses. Littleton ob..t.'.l. but Judge Howling said otlmt the re- ,.,,,.t was oulv reasonaoie. re.,.on.1-l that' it h'l '! ""I";"- enee that whenever the -list net attor W..y knew of the arrival 'if anv wit nesses he m-rfhem with .lip..e,.as I.H ,1 ,B' . .1 .i.:,t th- would un- O LEAVES WITH TEAM TO ! DRIVE TO OAKLAND u..,.r,.i,. N'oves left Medford Thurs day afternoon for Oakland. Oil., by team. During Ins stay in .neoioro or- made many friends. Mr. Noyes will lie remembered as the baggageman Hint wns iiIwmvs lit his post near the South ern IV.-ific depot, ready to accommo date all who came his way. Mr. Noyes was the leader of the conservative wing of the Socialist party in Soutnern i ire gull. He shlpl "is nimny nn.i hold effects to Oakland, where he will join them later. tinpyi . l..i. Jan used a telephone today to win a signal victory over the coun.y uiiu.o. .... As a result, Earl Brown, n prisoner in . .. . -ti..ii: V... tho county jail, ami .... feldt, both of this city, are man and wifo. rri. n..l,i;r..r WHS to hl.VC tllken plilCC several weeks ago, but when the guestH wero gathered, it wiib ioiio.i nm had taken tome of his fiancee's jew elry and gone to Seattle. Ho was enp . .i n-,i itroinrht. to Helena. When Lhe found that sho would be the prose cuting witness in a grniiu .......v Miss Kutelin reiouieo. . i :i.ui v. united for life last Sat urday, but Sheriff lloemaker refused to allow the ceremony to take place in ' ..... ' , Hobnrt L. t laynerg, couns.-i i..r .... prisoner, assembled at his oltice .hiss Knfeldt, Key. Martin Mertz of the Her man Lutheran church, and several wit nesses. He then called his client in the telephone at the office of the jail and the minister performed the cere- .. .... A....:..,.n f'MtntV Attorney Phelnn sat within ten feet of Hrown at tho time, in coinpice .K..... nnce that his plnns were being foiled by eupid. nisnraAT, PROMISED FOR UWlTtiU BLniua iiiivtM ti, "'I. Announcement was made today of nnollier consistory, to be I...I.I l.v I'o'ne 1'iiis.shorllv before Easter, at, which it is intimated that a new American cardinal will he nnmeii. no spile the pressure brought to bear ill favor of Archbishop Irelond of St. i ; ..... 1 1, i,i,,. lit that he will be selected. Archbishop Farley of New v,l. Archbishop O'Coniiell of Huston. ...i.i.;ui,., It.nn of Philadelphia and Archbishop liiordan of San Francisco are most prominently mcntloiieo m con ;ili 11... .lisoosal of the new ll.TI-ll.... I ....i 1...1 A n..- Hioith American elinll ..l r.,,.1 i. ui essor to the lair' I'lirdinnl i-e I.,.,,.,. ,.f I'liinelll will also likely III 'appointed "I " consistory to be held , later in the year. ti..i. voiit' .inn. 24. The stnto of New York will support W. J. Bryan for president in the Denver convention. At least this is the significance leading Democrats attacl. to u.e k " " the proposed conference of conserva tive Democrats who had been scheduled to convene in the Waldorr Astoria. This conference had bien heralded as another Bryan nffair. According to ... ,.:.,i,.n'. .he conference was called off because it became apparent that . .. .1 . i.. opposition to llryan coi.iu m .... (led sufficiently to becomo dangerous. DOUMA MEMBERS APPEAL FROM FKIHUn bbbii.ii ot. TPTVI)MniIKO. Jan. 23. Exe cution of the sentence of three months' imprisonment imposed on eac.n oi .no 107 members of tho first do.imn who were convicted of treason in Higning the Viborg manifesto, and which was to have become effective on Janunry 20, i...u rlr.lnved bv .... a. incal from tho sentence to ti.e senate, the highost tri bunal in Hussin. rariiamcni win con vene today anil tho appeal of the ex- legislators will be among me nrsv mnv tors considered. If the sentence is ratified by the' sen ate there cm. be no further argument or I IIP ense, nnu cootie..-.. .. n ... 'ilher have to serve out their sentences! or flee Russia. MRS ANNA BBADLET IS HARD UP AND FRIENDLESS SALT LAKE, Utah, Jan. 2.1. With out friends or money and with four small children to support, Mrs. Anna llrndley is poverty-stricken in .. small hut on the outskirts of the city. Imemilialelv following her Irinl for the murder of former .Senator Arthur Mrown. she sold books and Willi tho money paid her fare here and pur chased groeerirs Unit lasted up to tho ...u....t lime Hot HOW sllC IS penniless. Hhe (Inds that all her friends have ile- rled her. not one of them lining h hand to aid her. She has answered " " advertisements without suc cess. Her condition became known yes terday when she asked a laywer whn was in Brown's office years ago for assistance. AUCTION SALE OP FAMOUS FLAG FROM CHESAPEAKE v.ui Tncomnrations. Articles of incorporation have been ni.-l in II ffi'-e of the secretary of The hevs'r Motel cmnpi.nv, principal iffice. I'..r land. Or.; capital s...c. omi; A. M. f-flort. .xito II. Sliort and ''. H. E.lmmnls. .. hliimatli Oil company: principal o. fice. Klamiith Fall-, Or.; capital -ock iHoo ooo- inc.irpnnitiirs. E. M. Il'.ll. J. V ilolnos. E. E. Weaver. Pierce Kv s, ( loirl. s l..ri..n. I!. 1 Kilg.f " id LONDON. Jon. 2.'l. At lin liuclion sale to be held ill London the olfering-. will include an article of great interest 10 patriotic Americans. It is the flag of the IVitod States frigate I'hesn pcake, the vessel captured off ItosL.n harbor in 11.1 by the llritisli war-nip Shannon ami towed to Halifax. It is likelv that all the bidders for the his tiric flag will be Wan ricaiis, and Hint the relic n ill i.i'.n npv plc. i onie American rouseum. PARLOR MATCH TO 00; REPLACED BY SArETY COLI'MHI'S. ).. Jan. 21. That the "parlor" match in common use must go. 111..I be replaced by the "safety" match, which strike on tl.e box. is the conclusion of State Fire Marshal f'rea mer who has been making a thorough investigation of the pauses of fu.s ,. i,. l,. f "111. tier" matches il i the coun.rv ,,f,-1, 1" 1 p.f " wtIHV.T..N. Jit.. S4 - 1!.M...'I. .... .... .aV.a M (! "I.-.. R Hi ii-,...-. - , - ciiintri n I." -' - -. yefir is .lire.t'y a'frtoti , "J r- i.'ol.n- Oc,oo0 ?.o u.j . n m .!, tij'"-." "Vo- "C! -'"K G O o o S3 o o o o O CO " o oO 0 o O O o o ( ; rt GO W o o o1 0 0 -K O O 0 O o o 0 0