TftE MEDFQRD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1908. DAVENPORT FRIDAY. Homor Davenport, wiio will lecture at the Mwlford Opera House, Friday nitfht, January 24, in Amoricu's moHt diatin uishoil artist in black und white, and liig cartoons have had a decided influ ence on national affairs, beginning with tho firnt Bryan campaign in 1 896. The fart that he was born in On-gon, jrew to manhood here and in one of the moat loyal Ori'jfonianH, endears him to every citizen of tin state. During the y tiara he hanfM'n prominently in the public eye he has enjoyed the friendship and confidence of the most famous men, not only of tlim country, but of Kurnpe lis well, Recently Mr. Davenport has turned bin attention to the breeding of blooded hirwn and not long since mailt a journey into the heart of the Arabian desert to secure the pure-blooded Arabian horse for impor tation into the United State. Ho was received by the sultan of Turkey and given a royal commission to penetrate tho wilds of a region never heretofore visited by white men. He will toll, in his inimitable way, of this journey. Of how be met the Sheiks of t tin desert and wns adopted into the warlike tribes. These incidents and a hundred others will be recounted by tho distinguished author and traveler. An added feature of great interest is the fact that he illustrates his lecture with original drawings made in the presence of the audiences. The Daven port lecture, under the auspices of the high school, will be one of I he most interesting affairs of the winter. 'THE MASCOT ' TONIGHT.' BEST INVESTMENT F02 THE fcOHET It was the privilege of a Tribune representative to attend the final dress rehearsul of "The Mascot" company last night, and judging by the work done t hen, Med ford people are ill for a big surprise, at, lensl t he Tribune wiw. Of course, we were expect ing something good, but were not prepared for a big city show, mid nil by Med- ford people. 'ir every member nf the roiupuny is n local resident. The prin cip:ils are all tlrst rlus. t lie ensmble perfect, the costuming inaiiitieent, the comedy sidesplitting and scnttered all through arc the old, familiar airs, "The (iobble Duet, Hie Omen N.uitf," " I Near the (innl, ' ' etc. Take it as a whole, you don't want to miss it, for you will be nnre thnii repuid in every way. PROBATE. I-Ntlite of Willitnn Howell rinnl re port of adiuiuist rater f'li'd; Muntlny, March ! set im d:v for settle ment of final necioint. Kslate of .!:icob Sli.ul l 1'mi:'I report filed; Monday, Man h l!. M'IK, set as illlV for settlement of' filial IM'COHIlt. ( on rd in n of 'ei a Si-h:t iiim lof'ft l - r dor ui;ide ntipoin' ini; .1. K. Van Saul, I. W, l'itiu uii'l TlmuuiH Siiriis.(i. Kstate of lltdieccll M. M.Dnlioilgh AdiMiiiiHtrntMr's ImokI tiled. I-Nlnle of l.toi ia l.invrev Adoiini- tnitor'N bond filed. KHlate of Anna I,. It -irv Order made appoMiting John I'atty, executor. Bnkobciun Tourist's Accident. A U'line; iiuhi of 'o years giving his lt:i n.- as IL.trlil i :ni.f liis horn- as Kan 'as. w r I .Ml;!il to the hospital at Aslilnn.l Saturday ecn;e. with his rilit I ii - t I -a tl eru-hed a- to re niie MMii'Otrtt 'mi aKoe the nnkle, , was il'linj; the I. ii l,e mds into ilnoii on Siirtlnra I'aritir pateiier train No. III. n ml when mar Siskiyou was dun Mug Ins foot along I lie rail w hen it was drawn under the car wheel and grottml to pulp. ( 'out pi i cat ions are and tin1 Voiiu man's condition j is iittle serimiM. Adilaud Tiding, j OF NoTicK or Dissoi.rriox IWKTNKIfSllll'. Not ire is hereby iven that the firm' id' I'hurrh & Van Hardenberg has this day been dissolved, (ieorge II. Church having sold his entire interest in and to the Mod ford Steam Itakery to Viui Hardenberg Itros., who assume all of the indebtedness of Cluireli & Van liar doulterg; and all accounts due to the firm of Church Si Van Hardenberg, by virtue of this sale, are due to Van liar d.-nberg Urns. No one in imthori.ed to coutrai't any debts or to collect nnv tolls in onr name. van iiAiiii:.iti:K'(i itifos. Medford, Or., Jan. I I, ltiH. 'Jliu NOTICK Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular nteetini; of the vil ,,, , ,,i (lie t llv of Med ford, Oregon, t.. be held on February 1. I'.i'K, (or a Miens-- t.i sell spirituous. i nons a ul malt hipiei- in -print it n less than oho gallon l.-i a p. riod of nix months, at th-ir pla.-e of (mishh at t.ot I 1, in Hie. k L'H, in vaid 'it . w m. ki:ni:iv. Dated Jannai v '.'ii, I'.ios NOTICK In h n hv i;ien tl. .1 th, nnd. i-in, .1 w ill apply to the , it . mm, i ,.f ., fold. Oreyeii, at its n f ine-Mi'; to lie! held r brnary I, o"s, f,.r a h. ense f tell malt, inoiiH tind -iiiitu.Mis Inpinr-i ill bsH 0,11.111! it ies IIihl a jjal'.ot. f.r a period of m months, m pbt,.- nf 1 business at l.t I". Ibs V '.'1. M,..lfotd. 4 r. JOHN II KKI.To ' Dated Jaimai L'1 l"os. j;n j Tho Med ford Publishing company, publishers of the Medford Tribune and Southern Oregouian, offer the people of Medford and Jackson county tho Hafust and Burcrit of investment, name ly, first mortgage five-year bonds, bear ing 6 per cent interest, payable semi annually. The bonds are in small de nominations and a negotiable security. Creeks on any Mod ford bank taken in payment. What the loatfs Are. These gold bonds are in denomina tions of $5, $1U and $-5. They are in the form of a popular loan for $4000. They are secured by a first mortgage upon the property and plant of tho Medford Publishing company, compris ing a daily newspaper, Tho Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper, the Southern Oregon ian and Jacksonville Times, with the largest circulations in southern Ore gon; and an up-to-date newspaper and job printing plant. The bonds are a safe investment at a higher rute of interest than any bank will pay and butter security. They are negotiable and recommended by loading business men of Medford as a good investment. They draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payablo the first of June nnd the first of December. They mature in five years. Kach bond has coupons attached, on presentation of which upon the dates on which it ma tures, calls for the interest due, which will be paid by the trustee, the Jack son County bank. Why the Bonds ire issued. These gold bonds are issued to raise money to enlarge and improve the print ing plant and to continue the publica tion in a better form of the Daily Tri bune ami the Semi-Weekly Southern Orcgnejuu. Jt is desired to make it wt ill ncttcr. It is proving inadequate to handle the volume of business which the rapid growth of the city insures. It is desired to make the daily cover all the towns of the Itogue Kiver val ley and make it in every way a news paper that t he cut ire vjillcy will be pnnnl of. All of the money secured by the sale of tliene bonds will be invest ed in the property, all of which will be subject to t he mortgage given us security for the bonds, Medford is destined to be a large city, its daily a yrcat newspaper worth many times the original investment. Medford Publishing Company. The Mi d ford I'ubli.shtng company is eoiiii"S'-d of reputable business men of Mediuid, uho have backtd their judg tneiit .villi their money. It is iucorpo whieh only part has been subscribed. The balance is treasury stock. Of the rated for itilii.iii'ii capital stork, of stock already issued, a majority is in tin1 name of (t. Putnam, editor and man uger. Then' is no "water" in the stork, it all represents money actually paid in. The by-laws of the company pro i.lo that t he ed it or and manager alone is responsible for the editorial and business policy of the paper. The dircctois of th uu-ern are the follow "ng well known business men of Med lord: W. I. Vnwttr, K. Osenbrugge, J. I'. lfe.hly, II. c. Stoddard, '. K. Kay. ' . 1 'lit nam. K. (i. Sin i 1 b and J. I. oju.-ll. All of these gentlemen, with i he exception of Putnam, took stork merely from a public spirited stand ; potitt, to serine for Medford a good ; la'l y newspaper. None of t hem exer cises "iiy control over the poliev of tin pap.i. Not a Speculation. If you are ioouing far speculation, don't buy these gold bonds. They are not a speculation. They are an invest nieut. These gold bonds will not make von rich, but they will give you a good re turn upon the money invested. You will not put in a dollar expecting to get out ten dollars, for you won't do it. Hut vou can put in your dollar and be sure of getting it nut again with good inter est also. Again, t hese gold bonds beat nny scheme of hiding coin in tin boxes or stowing it nway in safety deposits vaults. It keeps the money in circula tion and helps make times better, as well as encouraging a praiseworthy en terprise. It is to the investing, not the speeu biting public that these bonds are of feri'd. The best financiers in the city recommend them. Tho Paper' a Future. A great future lies before this conn try, and before this newspaper. The ptoperty is built upon business lines a let run upon business principles. Its policy is pr.nressj e, forceful and in dependent. Its manager has had many rieih r hi prnettcut newspa The newspaper pmpert ies bound to lie great news a use t hey represent the e ami standing for the peo will be supported by t he people, daily has grown wonderfullv since Vrars rip per wor. owned arc I '. I'" ! I I'lio FRUIT TEES. r -1 ii hi..,-I,. Ilaitlr.-t .-:im. :0 i Alison. -J". "-'i jj'.-r. !'M1 ,.vi, IO. vl Muir -.1.1.. -. l!i0 Kll'.-rlnV 1 mi lit n nf 1.. II- Wi riirr. If 0 0 th.- present manager took charge. He I'l'iind a bankrupt institution with noth ing but debts, ill will snd prepaid circu latino. It wilt out of favor with the public and w ith the ad vert ior. Look at it ed muss today. It i in f Hvor ith both the puhlir .l tW advertiser. The chang'- lois 1 ti nroutflit with but i tittle money, in a r'ry short space of from. A still greater change will t. iMed-rn and wi'UiL'lit in the next tVw mouths. A Htfrt to Heart Talfc-1 "lugarding the policy of The Tii -A THE MOST POFULAB CAFE Is where good fare and moderate prices prevail. The public knows that there is no better food furnished than at Nash's, on Seventh street, and that very mod erate prices are charged. In addition, perfect cleanliness rules, and our service is prompt and efficient and our cuisine irreproachable. o THE HASH eral public. As long as I am connected with the papers, and I intend to be con tinuously, they will be newspapers ia tho strictest sonse of the word, and not organs of any person, corporation or clique. "Because a person is a stockholder or bondholder in this concern does not entitle him to special favors when tho interests of the public clash with his; or to immunity from criticism. "I desire to enlarge the scopo of the daily, to make it the newspaper of the valley, instead of one city in the val ley, and to quadruple its circulation and business. To this end I ask your co-operation, and in no way can you co-operate better than by buying our securities. 11 G. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager." Aro Good Investment. These gold bonds pay higher interest than banks, nnd nro amply secured by mortgage. They nro on a growing property in a growing city. They not legitimate investment, but aid mate rially in the promotion of a praisewor thy enterprise that means more to tho country than any other Biuglo enter prise in it, more for its development and progress. Send your subscription to MKDKOIU) PUBLISH! NO CO., Medford, Or. Coal for Sale. We are now prepared to furnish hand picked coal at the mine, five mil nsl of town, in any amount desired $".."0 per ton. tf PACIFIC COAL CO. No Fire in Ihc Kitchen Ranye No Hot Water in the House Then is the time you ap preciate the convenience of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS mm A 1 Special Bargains In Real Estate. C. H. PIERCE & SON MEDFORD OREGON. Attnih n )I"K to the nearest lump socket and turn the switch ' PINT, QUART. TWO QUART AND LARGER SIZES Pint Size is ,lH:ua!ly ml aptcj for nursery Clean Sale ILu 'iZ Simple HOMIKCWIIMIS VClS "tirable Condor Water and Power Co. I'hone M". Office on Scvonth Street. Opposite the Hijr Eleetri; Sign. BUSINESS CARDS. B. B. HAMILTON. M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Successor to Or. It. 8. DeArmond. Office in ititter Dunlap Hlock. Phono tiSS. Win. M. Colvlg, Medford, Or. COLVIO & DURHAM. Attorneys-at-Law. Ooo. II. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. WM. W. P. HOLT, M. DH Physician nnd Surgeon. lvtile Point, Oregon. LINDLEY & LINDLEY, j lV:tlcrs in new and second hand furni-1 tore, sloven and tinware, hardware, etc. j stor:ii;e ami commi.Mion. Woodyard in i connect inn. All good dclivergd to nny j part of city. j HtW fOILlf ?AL0S nr : nd -v II :':n b. i, ft, ;,rd , iH.-nai or i-t --no on.- I ith-m run a i r ni:in Th iihb'pi-n b-ut . :illv. 1 i , ittir"i-i to pro except the c icntific metlmU for the 1 :rO of fH'l diseases of Hie hair, scalp nl face. Shampoo .".0 cents. Klectric clip iiKisvte followitiji shainpt ents. Physical deficiencies devrl ' pd, ir-iuicuriim. finest toilet articles urcfully funded. MRS. W. L. CAMERON. ; Hotel Moor.' Annex 1 . I Suite 4i Canvass thi list carefully, but bear in mind that it is only a small portion of tho list we have on our books. Come to, our office or write us and we will take pleasure in assisting you in so curing the very best bargain in the line in which you wish to invest. 1 4 Iota, new 4-room house, barn, woodshed and well, uico location. Price $1300. 2 2 lots, 50x150 feet each, C-room house, in North Medford. Price $1700. 'A 1 lot, new G room house, two nice shade trees, south front. Price $SQ. 4 140S acres, a combined Btoek, fruit, timber and mining ranch, well lo cated, worth twice the money; if you can handle this proposition, don 't fail to look it up at once. Price $25,000. 5 100 acres, a fine mountain ranch, with irrigation. Price $5000. 7 lOi acres, fine garden land, well improved, joining Medford. Price $2500. S 1 acre in North Medford, 5-room house and barn, well, woodshed. Price $1000. ii SO acres near Medford, good im provements, $1000 outfit goes with place; can be irrigated. Price $tiO(iO. 10 IS acres near Medford, in the fin est fruit district, with buildings mid over half in fruit, mostly 'A vears old. Prieo $f!0un. I j pi ll(.ri $ ()f fine bottom laud, 5 ai res of Newtowns, beginning to bear; 12 acres of alfalfa. Price $su00. 1 I Kin acres fine timber and stock ranch nnd mining proposition, near g I mail. Price $:Uiim. 15 100 acres, a splendid ranch, SO acres farm bind, acres alfalfa, 2Mi inches in in i tig irrigation, fine irrigation proposition, snndv loam laud, (I room house, 2 barns, hen j bouse, shop, 2 miles from good ! town, good well, berries, fine open j range. Price $sno0. ' i Hi 50 acres finely improved well lo i cateil choice alfalfa land. Price $10,000. j 7 do ncres, fine timber proposition. Price $25n0. IS I acres joining Medford, nice new i 5 room house, good well, barn and ' chicken house. Price only $1M. I I!' in acres, li room house, .'I acres in fruit, good location. Price $2000. 21 50 acres of fine alfalfa land near i Phoenix. Price $125 per acre. 25 SO acres, (jo acres under cultiva tion, 5-rooin house, good condition, two barns, woodshed, smokehouse, blacksmith shop, good well water, springs, 2 acres of bearing orch ard, 14 acres young orchard, 12 acres Spitzcnberg and Jonathan. 2 acres apricots and peaches; place wel I oca ted. 1 1 a miles t o I O. Price $(000. 2U .'120 acres, well improved, 100 acres (told Hill. Price $5500, and a spe t'in bargain. 27 10 acres near Medford, well im proved, all set to fruit, 5 acres bearing. 3 acres young trees. Price $:t50l. 2S 1 lot close in. 7 room huse, city water, small house on back of lot; rents for $20 per month. Price $2Npo. 20 :1 acre, fine front, as nice a loca tion as there is in the city, south front, on 7th St.; good 5 room house,! well, woodshed, good barn, chicken house and park, fruit trees and J lawn. Price $.1200. j ;t0 1 ' i acres, smith front on 7th st.; nice building site. Price only $100. j ;;i 100 acres, splendid fruit and wood. ranch, some improvements. 4o acres cb-arcd. well located, near P. O.. school and store. A bargain at $2500. .12 27 acres in the midst of choice fruit district of the valley; new improve ments, 5 room house, hnlf acre of strawberry patch, beautiful loca tion. :t miles from Medford. 12 acre- in one year old Iturtb tt pears. spec in I Lanolin at only fliooo, t;t acres. Met) ford corporation lines on two sides, a choice piece of bot tom bind, ijood house, some fruit, 2 la r lie barns; would make splen did piece to plat ill U) II o' Price oulv $ (no ail acre. o nr moMo it: "To please ci&iMitcrs and to t :it tlicm s they wi'j n';iys be our fri. nds and send their friends to i;s, when they re hQ.iiii for any t hint; in our line. " Office up-lairs in Mibs building. 1 block eaT of the depot. C. H. PIERCE & SON. Mtord, Or. 8ALE OP MUNICIPAL BONDS. Sealed proposals will be weired by the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at tbe office of the city record er of sairt Lity, until Friday, January 25, 1008, t 6 o'clock p. in., for the pur chase of $25,000 in ten-year, 6 per cent coupon bonds of said city, in denomina tions of $500 each, interest payable semi-annually. Each bid must be ac companied by a certified check for an amount equal to 5 per cent of the amount of such bid, payable to the city of Medford, and said city council re serves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated at Medford, Oregon, January 13, 1908. BENJ. M. COLLINS, 201 Citv Recorder. The Southern Oregon State Normal School at Ashland offers especial op portunities for teachers to review-for the teachers' examinations in Febru ary and August, and to take work in Pedagogy and in Special Methods- in teaching in tbe various grades of tSfe training school. Since the public schools of Oregon are calling for teach ers who can teach Manual Training, many are taking advantage of tfco in dustrial work lately installed in the school. Expenses of board and lodg ing and tuition nomimU. . The State Normal School at Ashland is enjoying the largest appropriation of state funds ever granted a Normal school in tho history of Oregon. Gat alngues sent on application to the 266 PRESIDENT," THE SECRET of why our bread is in such demand for its fine quality, lightness and moat delicious flavor is that it is made from choice winter wheat and by the best methods known in baking to givo nu-' trition and enjoyment of eating at tho same time. If you are not using Van Hordenberg Bros.' bread, try it. Medford Steam Bakery GET UNDER COVER Xt's a good idea for everybody ot cet under cover in Med ford, including tho city council, and we are here to furnish you the BEST PROPERTY IN MEDFORD (or the least money. If you are a stranger in M ml ford, you can't afforj to lose money by boarding with your family at a hotel. The business man's way of doing is to buy a nice cheap tract and build a nico houso while the present financial situation contin ues. It's a fact that you can build cheaper now than you could a month ago; or, better yet, BUY A CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN TO A BUSINESS CENTER and watch it grow into more money before spring. We are pre pared to equip all honieseekers with desirable homes at a low figure. Now is tho time tc buy, save rent and make money by the advance in price. $ue River Land 0. EXHIBIT BUILDINO, MEDFORD, OREGON. PBKIN RESTAURANT OP13XS SATURDAY, JANUARY IS. BREAKFAST, 2.3 CENTS, FROM 6 TO 11 O'CLOCK. CIIOR SUEY AND NOODLES UP TO MIDNIGHT. DINNER FROM 11 O'CLOCK A. M. TO 8 O'CLOCK P. M. 22 C Street, Medford CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of mone and neither give the tit, style nor distinction t your clothes thatlyour own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that-keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. keep YttuR money rirrnT mi tlrtnl The City Tailor FRENCH DRY CLEANING ANDREFIRINSM Medford o u O o o o o o 0 o o o