I113rTHE "WINNER o : " " I - o oo : j 1 B ' & 1 " 1 BOOST YOUR FAVORITE HELP HER TO WIN THE CAR HAVE Y IJ U ANY FINDS? Chances are You Have' Enlist Their Aid to Help You Win a Valuable Prize. CUT THIS OUT. MEDFORD TRIBUNE AND SOUTHERN ORE GONIAN GRAND PRIZE CONTEST Good for TWENTY-FIVE VOTES when used as a nomination blank. FOB. DISTRICT NO This Coupon, cut out and mailed to the Contest Department, or depos ited in the ballot box at the Tribune Office, will count as one Tote for the lady whose name is filled in. COUPONS SHOULD BE SENT FLAT, NOT ROLLED OR FOLDED And ("till the main topic of conversa- tion among the contestants and their friends is the Medfon. Tribune's innni iroth prize content. The office is be sieged daily by calls from friends of tho different contestants desirous of knowing how the one in whom they t;iKe nn interest i progressing ;ind are nnxiouH to find out what progress their friend. have made. The first announcement of the names o the ladies entered in the race for the valuable prizes to be given away by the Tribune was made ten (lays ago, and as each day passes by there is a no ticeable iiierease in the standings of the cont'itants and in the interest be ing ta';ui in tin ntist by the paper'? r ader. The contest promises to develop infi n wv pr-tty race anmng the fair con-Muaiif- entered for tle prizes. Pp t. ,;,(.. the chances are about even, as no om l a e,'nred mere than enough vnN'i to l.o'd The I. ad long, r than a day or Ka.-h day slmw that they ft'" nontenant! r.ali.'e the importance of Martin in .arly. Not for m- momT pheil.' titlie be lost . and the,nd Ildatfe. ""I,r early bird. etc."'. will be ful: ovnplif i I before the end of the rot test. The la.lv acclaimed the winner of the 7V Antn will indeed be fortunate. Tin is an 1'." model, two . lin.b r. power car. capar.le or tarrying uie m n-r nnd "V.r;( ,,f jH.r friend-. It U ijvb I a b. a-, I f ''y equipped with nil the latest eastern im provements. The beautiful home site to be award ed in the (ueen Anne Addition to the city of Med ford will prove a valuable piece of realty to some lucky lady. This property is constantly increasing in value, nad is generally looked upon as the choieo residence locality of Med ford. The scholarships to be awarded are considered by some to lie the most val uable of the many prizes to be given away by the Tribune. The lady who is fortunate in securing one of these business educations is to be congratu lated. All realize the importance of a full and complete business education to a young lady. After the completion of one of these courses she will be fully equipped to enter the business officii of lawyers, corporations, railway corn anies or. in fact, any place wh- re th' services of n smart, progressive, up to date business woman are in dernnnd. The lady who has her mind set on a watch must not let this opportunity go by. This is just the chance she h:i been looking for a beautiful little tirnepie to each one of five energetic ladies, each watch fitted with the well Known W'altiiarn movement and stein wind and et. And last, but not least, the pinno cer icate on the House of Hale. Medford. Kach certificate j worth K'O on any piano you may select from this firm. Make Up Tour Mind. Ma;;r up yojir mind to win, and then go after your friends and enlist their support in your favor; show them that you are in the contest to win and are going to strain every nerve to attain that end, and to do so you must have their assistance. Demonstrate how anx ious yon are to be declared one of the lucky ladies, and then their support will be forthcoming and they will not only give you their subscription, but will get their friends to do the same. Get your friends, and your friends' friends, interested in your behalf and the first thing you know you will have thousands of votes to your credit. Wheu once the votes start to come in they roll up with remarkable rapidity. Htart in and get the votes rolling in your direction. You will have all kinds of votes coming your way before you are aware of it, and when your friends and acquaintances see that you are do ing so well they will be only too willing to come to your assistance, as the ma jority of people believe in helping a good cause along. They will help you if you will only help yourself. DISTRICT NO. 1. Medford, east of the Southern Pacific track: Mrs. P. J. McMahon 1,707 Miss Knla Jacobs l.fin.t Miss f I race Law ton 1 .504 2. the Southern Miss Bern ice Cameron ... Miss Klhi (iiinyon Mrs. Kalph Clark Miss Oeraldine Thejss. . Miss firace Whitehead... Miss Ktiid Hamilton .... Miss (Jladvs Wilson Mrs. W. P. Isaacs Mrs. V. H. Stalker iss Kthel Murss Miss Pdanch Merriman. . Miss Nellie Ewins M'ss Kintiia Taner Miss Browning Purdin .. DISTRICT NO. Medford. west of cific track: Mrs. .les-i Knvnrt Miss Helen CoS Mrs. Dr. K. P.. Piekel Miws I,ou Hartzrll Miss Bessie Finn Mi.s (Wil BosweJI Mk W. II. iore Mi- Hlan'h Woods M !., Ha-1 Knyart Miw H's Nickel Mii Stell;, Sanders Miss Alice Stn-et . Miss Inez McKay Miss M:ibe Kent c DISTRICT NO. 3. Mrs. Lewi T'lrich. Jacksonville Mi Laura Nenb.-r. Jack son vill Mrs. C;jdvs Heard. Sterling Mis Mollv Town", ,larl:onviIl Miss Bertha Prim, o-ksonville. Miss Kmma Wendt, Jaeksorivilb Miss Mary Peter, Jacksonville . Mrs. Josephine Ttusvdl, Jarkson-O 1 ,438 1,1117 1.029 ill 4 6;"H 407 4(2 42.' 425 110 47 4,4!0 , 1.7. 1.033 ran I 025 ! 5s .114 442 425 32 02 2.123 1.5-3 l.o:t!i li:n villo 052 MrB. J. S. Boussuin, Jacksonville 003 MiR8 Gladys Shaw, Jacksonville G25 Miss Mamie Tucker, Jacksonville 5S8 Miss Lena Hostick, Jacksonville. Miss Louise Jones, Jacksonville Miss Ada Dunn, Jacksonville. . . . l.'ti Miss Dolly Newberry, Jncks'ville 8! Miss Josephine Doncgnn, Jack sonville 01 MisB Leona Ulrich, Jacksonville. 2 Miss Gretchen Puhl, Jacksonville i2J DISTRICT NO. 4. Central Point, Kngle Point, Trail Prospect, Woodvillo, Gold Hill, Wellen, Brownsboro and Josephine County: Miss Daisy Dungcy, Gold Hill... 1,104 Miss Alta Farmer, Gold Hill 1,043 Miss Georgia Bmith, Grants PaBB 1,208 Miss Effie Grimes, Cent. Point. 1 ,098 Miss Lottie Taylor, Kagle Point ),l.r6 Miss Eva Tucker, lirownsboro. . 984 Miss Silvie Anderson, Grants PaBB 9K4 Mrs. Mnv Grant, Gold Hill 70S Mrs. May Grant, Gold Hill 703 Miss Uessie Bell, lirownsboro.... 738 Miss Maude Lee, Central Point 728 Miss Ada Welsh, Central Point.. 0S7 Miss Hnttic Stepp, Big Butte 008 Miss Lillie ( Inch, Eagle Point. 007 M'ss Gladys Gni.tcr, Cent. Point 038 M'ss H.-illie Alexander, Cent. PI. MS M'ss Etta Williams, Centra! Point 405 M'HS Lizzie Gibson, Cent. Point.. 443 M:ss Mary Olson. Central Point. 427 Mrs. ,J. H. .lacksnn, Eagle Point. 425 Miss IMitli Urown, Cent. Point 425 Miss Esther Merrit. Central Point IsO Miss Pearl Hoss. Central Point. 100 M:ss Esther Pnnkey, Cent. Point. 110 Miss Moggie I:iley, Eagle Point. 114 Miss N'ema Lewis, Cent. Point. 114 M:s Jennie Lewis. Eagle Point.. 87 M s. Frank SkillMmn, Grants Pass 07 M'ss JoMe Huston, Cent. Point. O'l Miss Ethel I'arikev. Central Point 43 Miss Mlidred Elliitt, Cent. I'oint 3s Miss Myrtle 1 Grants P:i. 3S M;sM Bessie Hazelton, Eagle Point 27 Miss Fay Ch-a-ant. Central I'oint 2 Miss Anna Marry, t ent. Point. 2s Viss Volney Hen. ley. fent. point 2.' Miss l.'a Norerr.ss, Cent, point. 2" Miss ti(,rgia I'line, Cent, point. 2-' Miss Lizie Stark, Cent. I'oint. 2' Miss Mabel peart. Central Point Mrs. Earae,.t l.ejster, (Jrants Pass 2.' .Mrs. Hirn:an Morning, (irants Mtss K.taiiie M..nti;i.iiiery. firants I'mss 2' Miss Fern tt.iea-l,ain. Big Butte 2." Miss Luev (.e.oge, ( i r a ti t s pass... 2' DISTRICT NO. 6. I'lioeaix. Talent. Ashland. irron Klaiiuith and Lake Conniies. and Sis i.iyen (;,.uiily. nhforiii.'i: Miss Ina 'latniaii. Talent .... Mrs. J. . Emiiis, Phoenix. . . Miss H.-rtha lies,., phoenix Mis Hael White, A.hbin.l. . . Miss Addie Inml.'ip, Talent... fiss Miirrel Morris. Ashland. Miss Anna ll' i Klani. Fall New I Old ;SnhBcrip- SnhBcrip tion. 438 Three months subscription, Daily 218 i Six months subscription, Daily Ono year's subscription, Daily Two year'B subscription, Daily Five, year's subscription One year's subscription Heine Weekly South ern Oregoniun tion. 400 1 1, 000 1 3,000 7,000 20,000 600 ' Mail, j Carrier. 2110 1 500 1 ,000 3,500 10,000 .too' $ 1.50 2.50 5.00 10.00 25.00 2.00 $ 1.50 3.00 0.00 12.00 30.00 2.00 New BubscribcrB aro those who were not taking this paper January 8, 1008. Miss Clara Dnkin, Phoenix 778 Mrs. JameB Pellett, Talent 008 Miis Winnie Hpeneer, Ashlnnd.. 003 Miss Lulu Ward, Talent 473 Miss Ketha Knhbins, Phoenix.... 438 EEAL ESTATE TEANSFEES, ('. M. Poley to Elmer W. Har rington, property in block X, H. It. Addition A.liliin.l MiBS Edna Neil, Ashland 420 Elmer W. Harrington to Gottlieb "' t . Npieirol. snmo as nliovo . . Jti 148 Miss Clara Khodes, Ashland Miss Mnbel I'arson, Ashland.... Miss Josie Calhoun, T'hoeiix.... I 10 850 Miss Mabel Hicks, Ashland 145 Mrs. Liddie Hunt, Ashland... Miss Ada Koynolds, Phoenix.. Miss Minnie Robinson, Talent. . Miss Opal Herring, Talent.... Miss Ruby Palmer Miss Mabel Story, Ashland.... Mrs. Minnie Lane, Ashlnnd.... Mrs. Blanche Pollard, Talent. Miss Edith Nelson, Ashlnnd... Miss Mary Orr, Ashland Miss Anita Dodge, Talent 133 118 114 108 OS 84 81 73 43 2S MEDFORD IS HONORED BY EDITORS OF OREGON pres Tribune, Tie- following officers were elected by the Oregon State Editorial associa tion for the ensuing year at Portland Sat urdav: .1. S. Inlling.r, Daily Astorian lent. Cet,rge I'ntl.ain, Medford i.-e president. 1 George Seil.inl. Cnion Republican, I i-. ord i ng si e ri tary. A. D. Moe. Hood River Glacier, cr I i sF.ondit'g seer larv. . Francis Gotshall, While Ribbon Re-. ii w. t T i asii r er. Tin t- i . I.. It. Small, linker city Democrat; ( harles II. Fisher, Eugene Coord: c. I,. Ireland, Moro Observer. I 10 100 ono 400 son 1.010 1.120 1.2S0 10' III 1.21s Lizzie E. Evans to Viola Hicks, 4.8 ncres in I). L. (',. 40, town ship 30, range 1 E Goorgo V. King to H. N. Lums den. lots 3 and 4, block 12, Medford J. A. McCall to city nf Ashlnnd, lot 17, McCall Addition, Ash lnnd .1. A. Lyon et nl. to J. T. liodges, lots I, 2, II and 12, block 3, Fruitdnle Addition. Medford.. J. A. Lyon to J. It. Horning, lots 1 iiml 2, block 5, Ernitdale Ad dition to Medford O. Wilsey to ,1. G. Hodges. 2(1.18 acres in D. L. C. 73, township 3. range 2 W E. J. Eastmnn to H. F. Pohluud, property in Bunker Hill Addi tion. Medford 1 Fred-rick c. Page to William Bridge, loo acres in D. D. C. 13. township 37. range I W.. 23,000 W. c. Lticcy to Ada E. Walz, property in block 111. Medford Susan E. Willils to Andrew Can trail, property in I'ool Klip, pel A.ldtiion, l.'i,.(son ill,. . , , . II. C. Hansen to W. Jones. 10 lores iii D. E. C, 4,-, township 30. rain... I E IM'card E. Toss to Eiiiinn I,. J. Foss. laud in l, I.. C. 115, town ship 3S, range I W Eiiiuia L. J. Foss to K. K, Foss. land ill 1 1. I.. C. 05, township range 1 Greaser to A. E. Mr Farland. propertv in Woob n 's Addition. Ashlnnd Er-iila I. loan to ll.'iidrick II. fioddard. lfl.17 acres in section 35. township 38, range 1 W... Sarah E. Richards to Bessie llau drill, land in section 15, town ship 30, rang,- 4 W 1500 1200 10 450 Buy Tickets by Wiro. .-imi.-iiniiK mii.ii is oi consnieraiiie , j , , f x uircresi io run puniie generally nnn which is perhaps not generally known j is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Houthern) Pacific company mid nil points I the t'liited States. My means of this system ' tickets inav be piirchasi y at Medford from any place in the I'nited States and mailed or teli graj, lied direct to the ,,,irtv wishing to come here. Hleep- accommodatiom and small nuionnts ofj C. II. Pierce & Son nsn in connection wttti tliesi- t (tets i A re planning for extensive advertising furnished lit the same , nt once, I.iif y..nr proper) o'vil h them tf to get best results. tf inav nls be tin" O. o O o n o 8o o oo c o o