Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 17, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    'v TRIBUNE." ' ' YfEDFOUD. OH DAY JANUARY 17, 190H.
l ill, ii n i I H t 1 i i
Sixth annuat sala of TJluslin Underwear at
Five Day's Sale, Commencing
Tuesday, Jan. 21
0 beautiful pictures or flowery talk, but the best line of Ladies' Muslin
Underwear on the market, mis line 01 ouus uasuwu -
the last six years and the ladies of Medford and vicinity are thourougnly
acquainted with it. You must wait for their BIG SALE Good goods and
prices talk and we have both. : : ' ' 1 : . ' '
f T? A Tnn 1 "7 we have our January REMNANT
UI1 rriOtiy, Jail, 1 SALE. That day we place all rem
nants in every department at about onehalf the value. Don't forget you
can fix out the children in fine shape for little money.
The Big Store, Medford, Oregon
. Mi
l. IV4-' 1 n i
I King's for Lownoy'H, Aldim's Mini
puntlior's chocolatus. tf
Lm'ko f Out nil l'uint wim ii Ihih
y filler in Mi'dfoi'cl Tliurniliiy.
1. (Joro whs it iHiHiliiiHH rillliT In
trd Thunultiy.
I'i IjlVI'IIKIKIll III' 1'lltH'lliX WIIH II
JlT!htrHA-lrifflhiiB OiiIIit Tlnirmlny.
j K. I. 1 1 nlu'H of AhIiIiihiI wiih II
Midfonl ItiiHini'BH rullor Tliurmluy.
I .1. ('. I'l'lnllotoil of Tublo Kuril Ilium
tried bimiiu'si) Ui Mudl'iinl Tlnnmliiy.
A. II. Tliuininiiii of Trail Cnwk wan
IIiikhiipim culli-r In Mi'dfurd Thumday.
Ii. JliTKr of Piioviiix wait 11 Miilfurd
initiir Kriilav.
; Chief of J'olii'U Sinuiim of AhIiIhihI
win a Modford viaitnr Kriilny.
, Mihh Currln H'ikiniin of .liirkHniivillr
'a orportt'tl to lie quit UI.
.rt. ('. Ki'iiliior, tlio nierrlwint, bim-iiI
NWdupwlay aftornoou in Anlilnml.
l.vro(riiiirn' outfits, wood nail liiili-n,
fur 'burning, nt. tho Art Htwlio, Hub
'irard btlllilinir, nonr lirldttt". "
' Mr. mid Mm. W. W. (Irciiory of
M mi ml diatrirt spout Wcdnoiolny after
lionn in Medford.
Hi-nil piircfiilly tho now rial mlnlo
lint of (.'. II. I'iorro & Hon In thi in
f Tlionilia II. Tleilfonl of Kvnnn I'n-i-k
jiliHtrirt miido Modforil n bnainraH viait
) 1 d I'lll'fnTlj llin i'w ronl' iHliili
Hat' nf ('. II. I'lorcp Hon in tliia ia
, ano.
J. It. AlnKav, tlio auoroaaful minor,
wna among tlio Oold lllllcra la Medford
Mra. Cninoron'a iinrlors nro open evo
ninga and Hnndnya for tlioau who nre
too Iniav In pomo other tnnea. ."
J. J.' linker lina returned from hia
trip to Nelirnakn, better aatiafied with
Honthorn Oregon thnn ever.
Rend rarefnlly tho new real eatati-
liat of C. II. Pierco Son in Una ia
s.o. .
Mra, J. Knaaoll and Miaa Fraaeea Nu
nan of Jaekaonvillo viaited with Med
ford frlenda Wedneadny afternoon.
Hienography and typewriting at rea
lonahle ratea. Clmrlea Vim lluakirk
ti-Iiver KliTtrle Co. If
I John Miller nnd Mr. and Mra. C
rare wore mi from Phoenix Wednea
dnr. I
W. (1. Miller, daughter nnd aon, of
Central Point were Medford callcra
Dr. Hamilton left by team on an ur
gent fall for the Hlue Ledge inino on
Thursday evening.
O. Olivia uad II. T. llurnett of
l" k,Hiiiiville wen- Medfor.l eallera
I 'Mion of Agale, a pie
vountv, "pent Tlnira-
' V --
W -uir men
Henry Wiiih'tlinl.h r of W!l n Irium
not wl liiiNinrHH in .Mrillonl 1 hiirHthiv
Word Iiiih lirrn n ivi-d thnt Henry
(1. Shi'itrrr nf Pi.rllun.l will nitirii to
Mi'tll'onl nml Ink' ti Iim n'ttifti'iirr
Mih, ('iiiih' K. CjiriHiliiin iinl iliiuli
lor Hit' HI frtilll I In- Ml no Leiltfi' to
sjioml ii low iIiivh in .Mriiiurti.
Tliroiloro l'!nlo nml illuiin .1.
tti'iinlHlcv n( I'liocnix wrro M nl font
nllotM Kriilnv.
Tlio lai jfcHt tiHHiirl nu nl of poHlitla rvor
xliiliil(-l in Sunt litTii nt tho Art
Stuilio, llnM-ai'il Imililin, niiir )rilt'.
Also a nirr lino of iillnmm, tf
II. 11. Kyv nnd wifo nf Willow
Springs niino in on (ho morning trnin
I'Vidiiy to xiont a low itayH visit inj;
rolal ivos in .Mrilfortl.
I'lililii' tonoraliy nml typowrit iiijj
iiiir oviMiinn, Impiiro of Van, Itonc
Hivor Kloctrio 4'o., or .Diamond Room
intf linuso. tf
,1. II. Iloo liiTNii.itli loft l-'ridav for
Axilla nd, wlioro In will viflil wit It
daughlor, who in allcmliiii; tho Ashland
normal ftrhool, for a day or two.
Idulii'H Hliatnpoo, .SDi1; ontrt nhnio
poo, .'I'm", '2 troiitmciittt olot'lrio vibra
torv courKo for dandruff and f:illiny
hiii'r. laldirH ;.uu, L'.'iiH $I.Oil. Mrs.
rmnoroii, llotid Mooro Annox. MM
Ainon iii'wi'oinfrit in Mod ford an1
('. II. Widmtor, I'aHa.lonii, Cal.; II. 1.
)oano, hoiivor, Colo., nml (looro II.
JtdiiiHun of Pcnvrr, Colo.
(IrnlN farial nnirvinm', l'n"t lndioH'
fat'O and ih'i'U, .'iDr; inanirnrin, ""(; nix
hody t rent montx, oloot ri x il.ratory iiijih
na'o, sf.' Mtm. Catnoron, Hotel Mooro
Aimi't. UttO
W. K. .lohtiMoil, who wan ft recent
arrival in Medford from Wen n tehee.
Wash., wiin ealled home on aeeonat of
the HerioiiH illness of his wife.
A few enlarged plodos of Southern
( lroon seenery, left over f mm t lie
ChriMtinaK trade, wilt lie iven free with
frame to fit. on reeeipt of retail priee
of frame. A limited mipply. The Art
Studio, lltildiard ldl;., near bridge, tf
lan HiinwiMon of I'm tl;nnl, (lie getiiat
reprrsentiil i e of the llluinauer Prng
eompany, wnn among hix nniuertniH ens
totner?! in the valley during the week.
Tlionwi 1'anKev, foreman of t lie
Snowy Unite on-hard, allMided the (r
egon fniitgrovvern ' meeting, held in
Portland thin week.
am" Hays, who is sneeessfnlly en
iag'd in blarksmithing at SnoliomiMli,
Wash, ha been al Cold Hill visiting
relatiM's and friends, lie was in Med
ford. Vedin sda v afternoon.
Pisl i irt A t lornev Kennies went to
(iranlH I'a-Hs Tuesday evening to join
-lintgi1 Hiiiina, w ho is hohling the Jann
arv term of ein-nit emirt for .losephim
".I. K. Watt, one nf tho-,- wh ntlend
oil tho Horticultural Noetety meeting,
held ill I'ortlimd tins week, returned
l-'ridavl. Mr. Walt reports that the
meet i nir wti n mieeew in every feature.
MIhii I.orottn Miirtin, of Mfdford,
wbu in teach iiitf fc'li! at Un wiborn,
spent n few days with home folk thin
ok. Minn Murtin belong to ont of
"irdii bent fmnilieii nml in a mic-
teacher. n
Roguo Rivor Valley Woll Roi-ro.sciitod
nt St a to Horticultural McotinR, but
CommtHsiou Men Award Honors to
Growors Whoso Fmlt They Handle
At the Stale liorlieiiltural exhibit
hold this week in Portland, Medford
growerH were for the first lime in evi
denee with a creditable exhilnt of fruit,
hut Ihey eaplured no prize exeept for
penrH, Tin1 reason is probably duo as
mtieli to the Hinall nuiuher of members
from Medford and the iudifferenee with
whieli loenl growerH view the exhibit.
The judged were fort land eomniiH-doii
men who handle Hood liiver produets
almost exelnsively.
Hood Rivor Swoop stakes.
Having the most extensive display.
Hood Hivor growerd captured a majority
of the awards in I lie fruit exhibit
held in eon nee t ion will) the meet iug
of the Slate 1 1 orl ieull ural dociety. The
judges consisted of (toorge I.. Iaven
port and .1. M. Koskey, two commission
merchnnlM, and Professor C. I. I,eviM.
of the Oregon Agricultural College. The
sweepstake prize, consisting of in
cash, offered by tin II a .et wood Cn am
ery company for I he five best boves of
baking apples, was awarded to K. II.
Sh'pard of Hood Uiver.
Three tier displays Yellow New
towns - C. K. Maishall of llnod Hiver.
H. Weber ,
.f Th
Medford; Y II. Hopkins, Medford.
tt'inoMip -!'. K. Merrick, Medford; .1.
A. I'erry, Medford.
Hi st l ive boxes, sweepstakes K.
Mi nick, M.dfnrd.
To Irrigate Roguo Rivor.
Five n snlul inns, all of importance
to fruitgrowers, were considered and
adopted. The first of these provides
that the society get to work with the
end in view of securing n permanent
hoiiicullurul building at the -state fair.
A legislative committee will be nnmed
to take this mailer up and carry the
idea through.
A second resolution creates n com
mittee lo be named by the president to
confer wilh the tditle board of agricul
ture at Salem for the purpose of revis
ing the premium list on horticulture.
The Fuited States department of ag
riculture, iir com ))l in nee with a third
resolution, will be linked to undertake
the seieiit ific in ion of the up
plication of water in Kogue river and
Hood river valleys. There is now a
great ileal of iincerlainty among the
horticulturists of these districts as to
how much water, if any, dnutld be ap
plied to produce the best results. The
time for irrigation is also a matter of
some question, he Oregon delegation at
Washington, I. C will be asked to use
its best efforts : n securing the neces
sarv appropriation for thie exper'i-
Old OI'i'iLVT. Ro-olectod.
I'.l.e v tl of concise, complete and e water laws was likewise the
sub ieet of a resolul ion, presented by
K. II. Lewis, stale engineer.
Appointment of u committee of three
was provided for in another resolution,
to look after the exhibits and awards.
Old officers were reelected as fob
!);. .1. II. Cardwoll, honorary
- sioui ; II. C. Alwell, Forest tirove,
;n,; C. II. Lewis, Medford, first
C. P. Huffman, La
id ice president ; K. It.
La'-.e. (Vrallis, secretary and treas
uvi r; L. T. I.' yenlils, Salem, correspoud
ifg s -en larv.
The pall, s v as i deeted as the point
: ::dsi,in e.i r meeting. Change
wan made in the date of annual meet
ing so that next year the dessions wilt
be held during the first week of Decern
A coyote drive, after the method of
the rabbit drives of KaJdem Oregon,
has been planned for Williams valley,
near Grants I'ass, next week. CoynteB
have become very numerous and are
committing wholesale depredations in
the pigpens and chicken houses of the
fanners. The ranchers havo decided
upon extermination. All the boys and
men of that part of the county will join
in the drive, together with ft number
from this city. Captains, leaders and
scouts have been chosen. A long line
will be formed and th coyotes routed
from tho brush and driven to the cen
tral rendezvous. No guns will bo al
lowed, flubs will' bo the only weap
ons and dogs will assist in the drive.
A supper and dance will close the
day's wholesale slaughter of "var
mints. ' '
(Portland Journal.)
Portland newspaper men, many of
whom have devoted a quarter of ft cen
tury of their lives to journalistic work,
are practically unanimous in the opin
ion that the trial nnd conviction of
George Putnam at Jacksonville for crit
icising a grand jury, was a farce, and
that the course of A. E. Reamea and
C. L. HeamoB in conducting the prose
.it inn and arbrinc all evidence that
would tend to clear Putnam was a
travesty of the office of a district at
torney. At a meeting of tho Portland
Pnvss association recently resolutions
u'nrn mlimtod exoreHsiiiir condemnation
of Judge Hanna's decision in the caso
of the .Medford Tribune's cuitor.
The meeting selected W. H. Galvnni,
Frank Lee and Georgo L. Hutchin as
delegates to attend the convention of
the Oregon Stato: Press association to
be held in Portland Friday and Satur
day of this week. A meeting of tho
Portland Press club has also eben called
for this afternoon to tako similar action.
I trm
! i.i'.im'c.
Spit .enbergs
Winter Hananas
Other Prino Winners.
I laid w ins L. K. Clark, Hood Kiv
b'ed Check - L. K. Clark. Hood 1ii
Wairoiier C. K. Marshall of ll
Orlley - C. K. Marshall, Hood Uiver.
Hen hnvis-C. K. Marshall of II I
. Winesaps--C. .1. Kurt.. Salem.
Four tier displays - Northern Spy
A. Holladay, Seappoose.
Hahlwiiis- I. C. Van Porn, Payton,
Vainhill county.
II. st fixe boxes Willamette all.v
apples -P. C, Van Porn. Payton.
Spit.enbergd - K. 11. Shepard. I loo 1
o1low Newtown K, II. Shepard,
Hood b'iver.
M isi-ellnueons P. Harry pe ,
Ibdlnilay, Seappoose.
Winter Nellis pears V. H. Hopkins.
Central Point.
F.uglish walnuts Thomas Prince,
ftoKM Vivcr Exhibits.
Among the individual exhibit of ap
itles were the followiiii? from the Houue
I R,er Mllley:
I Nowtowim - Huni Lewis, MMford; L.
0. Harris, Medft-rd : Thomas Paukey.
MMfoftl; W. 11. Noicn. Medford.
SpiteiiMi' K. K. Merrick, Med
ford; J. A. Perry, ldford; J. K. WaUjenusc no mora trouble.
,c is fille
iuiston- .
tt0.dtto. the South
; in the tall bridge
across loiiustoii- . nvon, near Leland.
"'th deco-v t auite. The work is
being done by contract and will require
a crew of oO men. several team, donkey
engine, car and construction engines
an entire vear to complete. This bridge
is one of the highest on the entire
Southern Pacific system, the middle
support being 1 !" feet high. The
bridge has burned out t w ico and has
otherwise caused the company much
trouble. With a solid filling of gran
ite and an immense owning of concrete
for the paage of the water of the
crook, it is believed the canvon will
Duof old HealthUnderwear
AVKAU, being made of two separate fab
rics, it is warmer than a single fabric
of twice the thickness. The good house
wife imts a double blanket on the bed for
the same reason. The outer fabric in
Dnofold Health Underwear excludes the
cold, the inner retains the heat.
WEAK, being made from two light fab
rics int.erknit, it has warmth without
bulk or weight, the inner fabric being
made of very fine combed cotton and at
tached to the outer fabric of wool, keeps
the wool from shrinking. The good
housekeeper, in washing a piece of lace,
sews it to a cotton fabric to keep the lace
from shrinking.
WEAR, being made of two separate fab
rics with the air space between, bears to
the human body the same relation as that
of the double w indow of the house. Air
being a non-conductor of cold, the gar
ment made of two separate fabrics with
an air space between is warmer than a
single garment of double the thickness.
DUOFOLD 'S inner fabric of cotton
with air cells between the impurities of
the body are absorbed by the outer fab
ric, while in the ordinary single garment
the impurities are retained next to the
WEAR, being made with the inner fab
ric of a very fine cotton, is soft, and can
therefore be worn by those who would
like to wear wool, but think thev cannot.
WEAR has twice tho absorbing and ven
tilating qualities of a single fabric. .
rpTTT? THrPFDV Oregon's Greatest;
Value Givers