THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR.. FRTPAY, JANUARY 17, 1908. S I NOT TO LATE TO ENTER GRAND PRIZE CONTEST CANDIDATES WILL BE ENTERING THE VOTING CONTEST FOB 8EV EBAL WEEKS. THOSE WHO ENTEB NOW WILL HAVE THE AD VANTAGE. CUT THIS OUT. MEDFORD TRIBUNE AND SOUTHERN ORE GON I AN GRAND PRIZE CONTEST . ONE VOTE. Good for TWENTY FIVE VOTES when used as a nomination blank. FOB. DISTRICT NO This Coupon, cut out and mailed to the Contest Department, or depos ited In the ballot box at the Tribune Office, will count as one vote lor the lady whose name is filled in. COUPONS SHOULD BE SENT FLAT, NOT BOLLED OB FOLDED Already tlie friends : of the .adieu whose names appear in the contest are at work with, a will, and are securing all the rotoi possible for the contest ants they wish to have secure the beau tiful prizes. These friends ar in ear nest and will use every emqj in an effort to have their favorites, wla. - Yesterday there were several tele phone calls at tbe office of the Trib une, inquiring if it were too late to enter now names in the contest, and - as there seems to be some little misun derstanding about it, it would be well to repeat that new entries may be made any time up to the last, and there have been instances where ladies have enterod their, names during the lust wek of : the contest and have obtuined more votes than any one else during the whole six weeks of the contest, but the earlier the start the better the chances are, for success in the finals, and it would be much better to enter the name now and secure at least a great many promises for votes than it would be lator on and then find out that some of your opponents have already secured the votes. Right now hi -the time for votes and subscriptions to be securet. Get your friends into the race early and keep thm in it. The way, to keep them working for you is to show them that you are in dtwd earnest about winning a prize, and it will be hard to find ao one who will not give you all the Asuistanco that they possibly can, pro vided they huvo not promised their help to some one of the other candidates. Determination Counts. Determination is what counta in any thing and the sooner you make up your mind that the Boo Automobile is just what you want, or that the building lot would be a valuable piece of realty to have in your own namo, or that the business education is junt the thing you need to fit yourBelf for a business career, or that one of the beautiful gold watchos would look pretty upon you, or the piano certificate will mean a big saving in the price of a piano, the sooner you will be able to get right out among your friends and got the votes, and the sooner your friends will come to your aid. People sometimes got along without friends, but in this caso the number of friends you havo will make a big difforonco in the number of votes you will get, and it is certainly a positive fact that huatlo and energy will get plonty of friondi. The Hustler Is Winner. Nothing counts bo much in this world as a man or a woman full of ambition and lifo, and who is determined to get , there at all hanards. Business mon aro continually watch ing the progress and moves of thoso whom they may at some time or other employ, and they invariably pick out , those who are hustlers and thoso who display & spirit of determination and j an earnestness of purpose. Success ! counts, and to be successful one must work, and work hard, to obtain any end whatever. This contost will be worth more in practical experience to an ambitious, energetic person than one would imag ine, and is an experience that will dou ble 4 1 self many times in value in more ways than one. Groat care has been taken in the se lection of the prizes to be made to the ladies in the territory covered by the Medford Tribune and the Southern Or egonian, who are fortunate to have enough votes at the close of the con test to entitle them to one of the sev enteen prizes. Reo Auto First Prize. First comes the 1908 Roo Automobile to the lady having the largest number of votes, irrespective of any district limitation. This is the grand capital prize, and enough cannot be said in praise of the Reo Roadster, both in re gard to simple construction and its wonderful possibilities. The car will soon be on exhibition, that all may see that the management of The Tribune chose the best car for the money and that it will compare favorably with any car sold for several hundred dollars more. Then, as the second capital prize, pomes the beautiful building lot in Queen Anno Addition to the city of Medford, and this is a prize well worth a little time and effort to secure, be ing situatiil as it is only five minutes' walk from the center of the city. It will certainly prove a valuable invest ment for some fortunate lady, especi ally when you take into consideration the fart that the purchase will be made in the currency known as hustle and uggrossivonoss. Seventeen Frizes. Seventoen valuable prizes to seven teen hustling ludios, a reward for nn effort. Now is the time. . Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Get after your friends immedi ately and secure their promises of votes, and the moment you gain a little con fidence in yourself the rest wilt come easy to you.- A start is all that js needed, and the first thing you know you will have thousands of votes and will be on the road to winning a beau tiful 1908 Model Roo Automobile, It is the ono Who works the best Who gets more votes Than all the rest. DISTRICT NO. 1. Medford, east of the Southern Pacific track : Miss Eula Jacobs 1,593 Mrs. P. J. McMahon 1,580 M)bs Grace Lawton 1,531 Miss Bernice Cameron. 1,031; Mrs. Ralph Clark 1,0291 Miss Geraldine Thoiss 488! Miss Grace Whitehead 625 j Miss Ella Gunyon 493 Miss Enid Hamilton 407 Mrs. W. F. Isaacs 425 ; Mrs. W. H. Stalker 425 Miss Blanch Morriman 47 Miss Nellie Evans 25 1 Miss Emma Taner 25 Mibs Ethel Bursa 25 DISTRICT NO. 2. Medford, west of the Southern Pa cific track: Miss Helen Cobb 1,581 Mrs. Jcbs Enyart 680 Miss Lou Hartzell 620 Miss Bessie Finn 625 Miss Blanch Woods 514 Mrs. W. H. Gore 488 Miaa Huzul Enyart 442 Miss Cecil Boswell 42R Miss Bess Nickel 425 Miss Alice St reo t 98 Miss Inez McKay 62 Mrs. Dr. E. B. Pickel 25 MiBS Mabel Kent 25 DISTRICT NO. 3. Mrs. Lewis Ulrich, Jacksonville. 2,129 Mrs. Gludys Heard, Storliug 1,548 Miss Molly Towne, Jacksonville 1,043 Miss Laura Neuber, Jacksonville 1,228 Miss Mary Peter, Jacksonville. 1,028 Mra. S. J. Boussum, Jacksonville 651 Mrs. S. J. BouHSUin, Jacksonville 629 Mrs. Josephine Russell, Jackson- villa 652 MiHS Bertha Prim, Jacksonville 648 Mine Gludys Shaw, Jacksonville 625 Miss Emma Wendt, Jacksonville. 625 Miss Lona Bostick, Jacksonville. 438 Miss Louise Jones, Jacksonville 218 Miss Maude Tuckor, Jacksonville 148 Miss Josephine Donegan, Jack sonville 68 Miss Dolly Newberry, Jacks 'villo 64 Miss Loona Ulrich, Jacksonville. 28 Miss Uretchen Puhl, Jacksonville 28 DISTRICT NO. 4. Central Point, Engle Foint, Trail, Prospect, Woodvillo, Uold Hill, Wellen, Brownsboro and Josopbino County: Miss Alta Farmor, Gold Hill 1,587 Miss Daisy Dungey, Oold Hill. . . . 828 Miss Minnio Ring, Gold Hill 82H Miss Maude Leo, Central Point 728 Miss Ada Welsh, Central Point.. 687 Mi. Hallie Alexander, Cent. Pt. 568 Mrs. May Grant, Gold Hill 563 Miss Etta Williams, Central Point 405 Miss Lillie Ulrich, Eagle Point. 648 Miss Lizzie Gibson, Cent. Point.. 443 Miss Georgia Smith, Grants Pass 441 Miss Lottie Taylor, Eagle Point 431 Pass 427 Miss Mary Olson, Central Point. 427 Miss Eva Wimer, Grants Pass.. 425 Mrs. J. B. Jackson, Eagle Point. 425 Miss Edith Brown, Cent. Point 425 Miss Ruth Lovcridgo, Grants Pass 425 Miss Pearl Ross, Central Point. 160 Miss Dora Cain, Gold Hill 140 Miss Bessie Bell, Brownsboro.... 131 Miss Esther Pankey, Cent. Point. 116 Miss Maggie Daley, Eagle Point. 114 Miss Esther Merrit, Central Point 114 Miss Noma Lewis, Cent. Point. 114 Miss Thelma Hnmcrsley. Gold Hill 87 Miss Jennie Lewis, Eagle Point.. 87 Miss Effie Grimes, Cnt. Point. H3 Miss Hilvie Anderson, Grants Pass 83 Miss Hattio Childers, Gold Hill 83 Mrs. Frank Hkillman, Grants Pfws 67 Miss- Ctaloe McKinsoy, G 'nts Pass 60 Miss Jeisie Huston, Cent. Point. 60 Miss Ethel Pankey, Central Point 43 Mrs. Fred Oumpert, Grants Pass 3H Miss Mlidred Elliitt, Cent. Point 38 Miss Myrtle Lee, Grants Pass. 38 Mis Bessio Hazelton, Eagle Point 27 Miss Fay Pleasant, Central Point 2 Miss Anna Murrv, Cent. Point. 28 Miss Louisa Thicle, Gold Hill.... 2K Miss Volney Hensley, Cent. Point 25 Miss Eva Norcross, Cent. Point. 5 Miss Mabel Hauck, Gold Hill. .. . 25 Miss Gladys Grazier, Cent. Point 25 Miss Georgia Cline, Cent. Point. 25 Miss Lizzie Stark, Cent. Point. 25 Miss Mabel Peart, Central Point 25 Miss Maggie Veatch, Grants Pass . 25 Mrs. Earnest Leister, Grants Pass 25 Mrs. Hermau Horning, Gruuts Miss Fannie Montgomery, Grants Pass 25 Miss Eva Tucker, Brownsboro. ... 25 Miss Hut tie Stepp, Big Butte 25 Misa Fern Opoushuin 25 DISTRICT NO. 6. Phoenix, Talent, Ashland, Barron, Klamath and Lake Counties, aud Sis kiyou County, California: Mrs. J. D. Evans, Phoenix 1,557 Miss Nellie Reames, Phoenix.... 1,225 Miss Hazel White, Ashland 1,02S Miss .Winnie Spencer, Ashlaud.. 663 Miss Lula Ward, Talent 473 Mrs. Martha Stunkard, Ashland 426 Miss Clura Rhodes, Ashlaud 425 Miss Mabel Parson, Ashland.... 168 Miss Clnra Dakin, Phoenix 16S Miss Josio Calhoun, Phoenix.... 148 Miss Mabel Hicks, Ashland 145 Mrs. Liddio Hunt, Ashland 133; Miss Ada Reynolds, Phoeuix.... 118 j Miss Bertha Rose, Phoeuix 116 Miss Tna Oat man, Talent 114 Miss Minnie Robinson, Taleivt... 114 Mrs. Robert Noil, Ashland 88 Miss Dessie Herring, Talent.... 86 Miss Mabel Story, Ashlaud 84 Mrs. Miuuie Lane, Ashland 81 Mrs. Blauehe Pollard, Talent... 73 Miss Cecil Edsal, Phoenix 68 Mra. James Pellett, Talent 68 Miss Addie Dunlap, Talent 67 Miss Altie Long, Ashland 67 Miss Edith Nelson, Ashlaud...!. 43 Miss Clair Lamb, Talent 41 Miss Anita Dodge, Talent 41 Miss Marv Orr, Ashlaud 28 Miss Retha Robbins, Phoenix.... 28 Misa Edith Fish, Talent 25 Miss Murrcl Morris, Ashland.... 25 MiHS Marie Rice, Ashland 25 I PLANNING A MEDFORD EXCURSION TO CALIFORNIA H. T. Giudley has returned from a trip to Southern California, mumch im pressed with the beauty of the small cities and towns of the orange belt. Everywhere were paved streets and ave nues lined with shade trees, attractive homes aud inviting repeats. Mr. Findley is heading a movement amoug Medford citizens to organize au excursion to the golden state, to in clude tbe mayor and members of the city council and as many people as cure to go. It is planned to charter a special car and Medford will be adver tised along the way. Ideas useful in the upbuilding and development of town and country would be received by the excursionists, who would return to the Rogue river valley imbued with the idea of making Medford a city beau tiful. Inquiries are being mado as to the feasibility of the excursion and as to the number of those who will want to go. STOP INVESTIGATION OF - REMOVAL OF TRAINS JJ. Lane of Tulent was a Medford businetts caller Thursday. The railroad commission has made an order discontinuing the investigation of the complaint agaiust the services of Southern Pacific passenger trains Nob. 11 and 12, operating between Roseburg ami Portland, with a view to ordering an exteusion to the train service farther south to Ashland. This action is taken because the people south of Roseburg, upon whose petition the complaint was made and for whom hearing was had at Ashland several weeks ngo, failed to produce sufficient evidence, in the opinion of the commission, to warrant an extension of the train service far ther south than Roseburg. This order prpactically disposes of the. case altogether. Ivan Humison, formerly druggist in Medford, but now traveling salesman for Blunmuer-Frunk Drug company of Portland, passed through Medford on Thursday. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. ROOMS TO LET by day, week or month at the Emenck. tr FOR SALE Town lots; good location, $a0 each; terms, i'age iawton. zo FOR SALE Ono glass show case, 8 foot long, nearly now; cheap. Lindley & Lindley. tf WANTKD All kinds of second hand goods at the Woods building near Hub bard 's Lindley & Lindley, tf WANTKD To purchaso modern cot tage, eloso in, from owner. Address room 25, Hotel Nush. 255 WANTKD To rent a small unfur nished house, electric lights, close in. Cull at my offico. Dr. R. R. Hamil ton, tf FOR EXCHANGE Medford property for other property. Adrdess Lock Box 418, Medford, Or. tf FOR SALE Town lots, good location. $50 each ; terms. Page & Lawton. 267 FOR RENT Gentleman wanted for nicely furnished room, near in. Apply at Hotel Moore. tf FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wishes situation. Address Cook, Tribune. 50 FOR SALE One five horsepower mo tor, good as new; take it away for 75. Poils Elite Laundry, Medford, Or. tf FOR SALE 50x200-foot lot, 3d lot from cor. 11th and L Bis.; a bargain; S. W. Medofrd. Cull any time. W. Vogili, resilience FORRENT Desirable furnished rooms for houwkoeping; convenient; for family of three; no children. 307 N. C street. 267 A WELL-ESTABLISHED rotail busi ness for Bale in Medford. Address P. O. Box 710, or inquire Tribuno of fice, tf FOR SALE Eight lots, west of school houRo and one block north of 7th Bt., for 0io. Apply or write J. E. Pay ette, Medford, Or. 255 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; electric lights. Inquire of Mrs. Ad die Rippey, West Seventh st., in the White bldg. 252 SITUATION WANTKD Girl, 15 years old, desires position to do housework ,r eare for children. Address Mrs. W. F. Rnacrs. Jacksonville. tf FOB RENT Furnished front room with bath and eleetric light stove; suitable for two; $10 a month; I. W. Thomas block, 7th and O ats. Inquire niiHtiiirfl. 254 FOR RENT Furnished light house keeping rooms, bath, electric lights, water; I. W. Thomas block, 7th and G sts. 254 FOR SALE New residence, juot com pleted, second block west of high school, West Seventh street; fine col onial interiar; cheap if sold Boon. In quire Tribune office. tf . WORK WANTED Japanese contrac tor; can do all kinds of general farm ing; goneral helper in all work; town or country. Address A, E. Tatsumi, Gon'l Del., Medford, Or. tf FOR SALE One 45-horsepower auto matic Russell engine, in first-class sapo; look this up, the prico will sur prise you. Peils Elite Laundry, Med ford, Or. tf FOR RENT Newly furnished light housekeeping rooms, closo to business part of town; bath, hot and cold wa ter, oloctric light. For tonus see Nra. Joe Thomns, South II st. FOR SALE One acre, west of Medford City limits; price 200, payablo $10 down nnd $10 a month, without inter est. Address P. O. Box 571, Modford, Oregon. 266 BATHS Men only; hot air, steam and medicated sea salt, 50c; with massage, tl.flO; good for rheumatism, colds, stilT joints, paralysis, etc.; will purify and tone up generally. Prof. Valesko, A street, corner of 7th st. tf FOR RENT Nowly furnished rooms, by day, week or month. Tho Odell, ovor postoffice, Medford, Or. tf FOR SALE Having purchased over 500,000 feet of first-class milling logs, wo are prepared to furnish first-class lumber of all kinds in any amounts on short notice. If you contemplate building place your order with us; prices very reasonable; dimension and fine finish lumber a specialty. Write or call. Butte Falls Lumber Company, offico over Juckson county bank, Med ford, Or. tf NURSERY STOCK All kinds of fruit trees, both largo and small fruits, standard varieties of and pears and peaches, including Newtown nnd Spitzenberg apples; a full line of up tod ate nursery stock, in lnrge or email lots; also all kinds of ornamental trees and shrubbery, at my residence in South Medford, having just re ceived a largo shipment, am prepared to fill orders immediately. Inquire nt Warner's Store. L. B. Warner, Sr., Medford. Or. tf Tbre mon t hi subscription Daily Sim moot hi subscription, Daily OM fear's subscription, Daily Two year's subscription, Daily Fivs year's subscription Oae year's subscription Semi-Weekly South era Oregon! New Old iRubscrip- flubscri; tinn. tion 400 1 1,000 1 3.0041 7,000 1 20,000 ipi Mail 200) 500 1,5001 8,500 10,000 600 300 $ 1.59 2.50 5.00 10.00 25.0 2.00 Carrier. "Trio 1 3.00 1 6.00' 12.00 30.00 2.00 New subscribers r those who were not taking this paper January 8, 1008. PEKIN RESTAURANT OPENS .SATURDAY, JANUARY 18. BREAKFAST, 23 CENTS, FROM C TO 11 O'CLOCK. CHOI' SUEY AND NOODLES UP TO MIDNIGHT. DINNER FROM U O'CLOCK A. M. TO 8 O'CLOCK P. M. 22 C Street, Medford gale of Undermuslins Your Opportunity to Save Money DO YOU WANT NEW UNDERMUSLINS 1 This is the place to see brand-new styles in the prettiest, daintiest nndernnislins; manufactured by a manufac turer who enjoys the largest sales of any manufacturer in tho United States, according to his undisputed state ments. COME AND EXAMINE OUR LINE. WE LEAVE THE SELECTION TO YOUR JUDGMENT MED FORD'S EXCLUSIVE LADIES' STORE BAKER A CO, FIRST ROOM NORTH OF JACKSON CO. BANK- Begin the New Year IN THE RIGHT WAY By Building A good start means much to you. Oct off on the right - ,. ': foot and keep going. Don't continue to throw monov- - away by paying rent, when you can own your own home. '.'" How much did you pay out for rent during 1907? Stop and figure it out. What have you got to show for it? Nothing but a bunch of receipts. Suppose you had put this money into building a home and buying a lot? You'd have something to show for your coin, wouldn't you? The same tiling holds true in the coming year. Are you goiTi ii. i7 to waste your mazuma all year, and have 1908 net you noth ing but a living? Ask your wife about it, and see what she says. Building is going to be cheaper this year than ever. You can buy practically at your own terms. We sell all kinds of lumber everything needed in any kind of a house from a small cabin to a palatini mansion. We also sell Booth-Kelly lumber. Iowa Sox and Lumber Co. BUSINESS OABDB. E. B. HAMILTON, M. D., Physician and Hurgoon. 8ucreaor to Or. R. 8. DoArniond. Off ire in Hitter Dunlap Mock. Phono (Mil. Wm. M. Oolvig, Modford, Or. OOLVIO & DURHAM, Attornoys-at-Law. Ooo. II. Durham, Grants Pasa, Or. WM. W. P. HOLT, M. D, Physician and Surgeon. Kaglc I'uint, Oregon. LINDLEY fe LINDLEY, Honiara in now ami second hand furni turo, stoves anil Unworn, hardware, etc. Htnrage and f omuiiaaion. Woodynnl in cnnnurtion. All goods delivered to any part of city. NEW TOILET CABLOR0 Modern and ariaotifie aeliods for tks cure of all dimiww of tbe k.'tir, malp and fare. HkiUop ' note. Elvtrir. arnlp massage fullnsriaf noimp'ni f.'i rents. I'kysical dafiritwies alarol op4, Manicuring, finoti toilet articles inrefnlly compounded. Kit. V. L. CAWESOJf, Suite 4H, Hotel Moorn Annei. Masonic Teniple Bums. BALTIMOItK, M.I., Jan. 17. The Masonic Temple, on North Chariot Mtswt, was gutted hy fire oarly today The Iota is :t.Vi,ll, Medford Opera House IIAZKIJIKK1 & W1LMAMH, Mgrs. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22, THE BIO OOMIO OPEEA SUCCESS, , THE MASCOT. A ('OUi'I.ETB riiOUl'DTXOi. 40 I'KOl'LK 10. ' Heats Now Selling. YOU ARE WELCOME WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON'S WILL BE LADIES' VISITING DAY AT I'EIL'S ELITE LAUNDRY. LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND UO THROUGH THE ES TAMJHIIMKNT SEE HOW THE i'AfTiVM ARE WASH ED IN AN Ur-TO-DATE AND MODERN LAUNDRY. ATTENDANT, WILL BE ON HAND TO EXPLAIN DETAILS :: :: :: Peil's Elite I aaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaaaaaaj- si I I f ..I i