Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 17, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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    MMIFiftWYrfrtTl 1
lllfl 01 ,
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MCfllOTQ ' U31Iy inDUUC
A LIT Paper In a Lire Town.
. a titl f'r ftar .f I niog a uutmnln-t.
"ubliitiMl t-very rveniog except 8uiiday;jiit ' ,J Pr,ut n of
Medford Publishing Company.
; 0. I ITAAM, junior auu 3iauHger.
Aijintttttl a Ht-coinI .'Ias Matter
file I Oil OI I ire at .lirciiuru, srrjgJN.
Subscription Bates:
Doe montb, by mail or earm-r. . . .0..10
On by mail 5.00
Court ar' auppowl to d-;il out jim
tir. That i the bnain'rta for which
t h' v are upjnrfk-i to exiMt. Hut down
in Jnkwn th'Ti in ne rourt that ha
ii)iJul'ti in th rnnkrnt jw-rvi rwinn of
justice yi't on word. We Hpfak of the
iiifM'.of EiUtor 1'ritoam of 1 1- Modfurd
Tritium, who enticiifd Urn Jack twin
bounty grntid jl,ry which failed to re
turn an indictment aainxt I'rcHidcnt
- Harnum of the Kfiguf Iflver railroad
"r who attempted killing Mayor HeiMy
1 1 with an ax. Putnam wan arrcm-d and
Ui-d ln-for Jmlge Hntina, who reftiHei
to allow defendant to milnnit evident
or wit wane in aupport of hin Midi of
the caw and of nnirtw Putnam wan
railroaded through an guilty. The ne
tion ha rained a great trior in of indig
nut ion nrnont; the honorable eitizemihii
of .ImUnim county. Mere m one
r;ie at If ant where Cloi ernor ( hnm
birlain ran do a riglitenim net and,
one for which he will be commended
from one i-nd of tin Hliite to the other
Meanwhile llanna ia deservedly in din
fepute and it will have a decided e fleet
upon hi future political ioiih.
The Corvallin Time, diKunHing the
cane, put m it right when it say:
"The Mlrlkirit feu I 't re of the cane if
that during the trial Mr. Put nam de
n re I t o pro ve the truth of bin e r i t i
nam, but the court ruled out the evi
denec. Thin wan done by the judge ir
the face of the fact that an Oregon
At at tit e f'jq ircfwly provide that t In
truth of the newHpit per Ktatcmerit
may he 't up " n 'I'fenne in cane of
libel proceeding. How, in the face of
the law, the court reached i t h couclti
Minn in n puzzling proportion.
It in n dfciaioii t lint cnmint Mtaml
and ought not to aland. If men in of
fical pordHnr. do ht"ii,' and cannot
Jie criticised for it by u newHpaper, the
HtrrfiigeHt and beat defense ngainnt pub
Itr crordtettneHtt in lout. The fear of
newspaper critieiHiu and newHjraper pub
I if it y docn more than all the piuiteuti
arteit on eurtll to keep public officialH
out of thu iirimroai' path. If I he pub
lie, acta of public, officials won't itand
tlm tent nf publicity and diHi-UNHiou.
Hi era ia Homething wrong. If a court
InNtHta thnt tuich acta hIiuII not be din
ruffHfd or condeniDcd by a newspaper,
the court ia wrong, that 'a all.
Thia new and wierd dermion miL'ht
mm n .Brj W4l In Huhkiii, but uot in a loun
inn of rtf a. fre (i iieoote and free Hiieech.
-rQCL5,wmi PUTNAM.
outfttj following, under the above cai
tion, ftp pea ra in the Portland .lournnl
' of January .":
"Porthmd. Jan. 1 1. To Ihe Kditor
- The Journal. I have awaited witli
iiuch Interest thn outcoine of the libel
hrmoflit iiiriiiiiHt. t he frill nr of I lie
m r---pi -
l 1 TrUinnv. 0'",r.'"',J,uliiiiin. and
L II ' nuv'"K Htudieil the cane
w UoBeTrrJ'iia mo aurpriae In me.
' WliilVJ deeply HViupalhie with
'Mr. Pntniim, yet 1 cauiud help bul
f think that for the bent interentH of the
& people nt large, anil of JnckHoti county
l-: in particular, it waa the IichI I hiu
, thnt could have hnppencd.
, "It neetna that antneone inuHt needh
bo Rttcrificed before the people will
arise to assert their own rights and
demand that they be heard. Mr. Put
nam has taken it upon hiit-Jclf to
champion the rights of the citizens and
1 taxpayers of Jackson count v, and in an
J' ' doing he hits had the misfortune to
Incur the enmity of those who nit in
! high place.
1 "Mr. Putnam Is, T judge, well able to
defend himself, but as the case is oui
which strike" directly at the root of
r our conHtittttlonal rights and liberty of
i the people, f think it is now in order
t for the people, nnd particularly the cdl
( tors of the state, to join together not
oulv in morn), 1) ut also in f iunueinl
J support tn enable htm to at once carry
i the case to the supreme court. 1, my
Hclf, atn witling to contribute to the
fund, providing someone enn be found
who wljiaJiu-elMtrge' ht It.
t.--Tope this view will meet with the
npprn'nl of the people. S. N K. "
At last the postal depart merit v
liecome wearied of carrying the ulihh ul
diadhead circutat i"H that cuiint ry edi
tors have padded their subnei ipl ion iif
wit h, and put into ef fe I new tule
w -h icli will I'ompid n bunnies like h n
tern in newspaper offices. I l-n-a ft i
subscribers to daily papers mint pa
up within three months, subscriber t
setni weeklies within nine months ami
those to weeklies within a year. Mli
irwise the published enuuot send I lo in
- aeennd rluss mail matter. The rea
noli given by the government that thir
clans of matter ia carried at a b-sit than
cost rate, and it in desired to reduce the
bulk an much as possible.
It has oiij4 been the custom of the
country publisher, and Home cily pub
linhern, loo, (n keep Ni'iidiug a paper,
mice thu name w.-is on the list, and trust
hi luck to colh.t.
Ill t Iip old pioneer d:i it w as a
matter of honor with the subscriber,
and he always paid, even if the bill
was ten years old; but times have
' "lUfed, New people are constant U
'i, and dd timers moving out,
vxpaper that does not
' ;on in advance is
t of a
ln-l Sarn liai ruin to lb rtrncut, fr
av-n.- rountry .tit..r in Orui.
Iun '( ut rvt nmmi to Ur-rnaini thai
nUu.h i(l riKttly but, i frn to -l
i nw or to tak a .-rioit ataod, left
lit offcii'i aoim-out.
The ladif of Mtdtord art making a
iimst com no itdahlc effort to wcure a
public library. Committer are out hunt
ling funds and eitiu-nn generally Hhould
make it a point to asaist thin long
iit-ele.J and much desired feature.
It is the intention to locate the li
brary t mporarily in the new city hall,
a convenient and central location,
available to every one. Assistance it
pledged by the (ttate library hoard, pro
viding a start is made by the citizens
thetnwlves, and the nuclcuN of a library
installed. To secure this ncucltiH, the
public spiritel ladii s are seeking to
raise 4'etl. Thexe books will be sup
plcmcnt'd by a circulating library sup
plied by the state, thus giving reader?
p chance to secure latest books.
The ndvantngtn of a library are too
c.;;ini rous and too self evident to need
d tailed notice. The library in a ne
ffssity, anil how Med ford has managed
to grow to its preiu'Nt size without one
it. hard to grasp. It can only be ex
plained by the rapid growth, which has
dihtanced most civic improvements.
For the sake of the growing genera
tion as well an for Ihe sake of the vis
ii ing tourist, nnd for your own sake,
subscribe a little money to thin needed
improvement, for a city to be without
a library in this age is almost as bad
is to bf- without schools.
( Iuipo;ua Valley News.)
The inst ructions given to the jury
in the (ieorge Putnam case at Med ford
last week by Judge Ha una may have
been according to law. If so, it's tirm
tlje law was repealed. . It may have
worked all right a thoimand yearn ago.
but in this age it's a 'ttle crude to
tt a ml t k'rough in vest igat ion.
Above all else, the work of the Ii
brary begins by reaching out and touch
ing the liven of the young.
If you teach the child to read bul
do not teach him what to rear) nor help
him to form a good taste in the. selec
tion of his reading, you have furnished
hi in uilh edg( tool which may in his
hand become weapons turned against
hia neighbor or against his own life.
The dime novel libraries and the gaily
painted vulgarity of thu Monday news
paper were uexer ho much in evidence
as they are today and perhaps never
piite so noxious in their eftYrt iimhj
the heart and imagination of the future
"itiwi, husband ami father. The weak
nnd silly stoty paper, the vapid and im
poMHihh romance pour in a flood from
1 Hi; roaring pre sse; and it is from
, In hc (hat our girltj are to get their
ievs of life.
Luth.r Ituihaiik says: "If we hope
lor any improvement of the human race
we iiiieU begin with the child, as the
child responds more readily to environ
incut than any other creature in ex
islnuce, "
It is the mission of the public library
to bring to these young liven the rip
cnod fruit of the love and temlenicnh
which Immunity has in all ages borne
toward childhood; to fill these in genu
ous hearts wit h such visions of truth
and beauty (hat there shall be no room
left for whatsoever ib-fileth or maketh
a lie. Our children h:ive tasted of Ihe
Iree of knowledge; it lies in our power
to enable them to grasp the fruit of
life; ami one genera t ion of fully re
deemed childhood would show us a re
deemed world.
The library deserves our nympal hy
then and our support because it may be
of such benefit to those who need it
most -the teacher of the untaught, the
refuge of the friend lean, II dispenser of
t he ' ' medicine of t he sou I ' to thoHc
who have found Ho physician for their
Dad Mrooks hud a slight attack of
paralvHin Saturday night, but is bet
Wheeler and family from the
isited here with friends Sun
H"li Hughe, tho Ashland real estate
man, was here Sunday, visiting with
t he hot air club.
Mihh Clara Elmer spent Saturday and
-uiid:iv in Ashland with friends.
There will be a grand social da
here Saturday i.'ght.
Itev. ohcrt Eunis of Jacksonville
b-liered a iiiohI interesting sermon
here Suudiiv.
Calvin Tucker of Independence dis
I rict Hpent Sunday with us.
Mchhm. Ewrcti Edsall, A. Wheeler.)
John Calhoun. Louie Cooh v, Frederick
Trait, A. S, Furry. Mathew Callumu,
John linitTiM and wife, l.iuuie and Jesse
Taylor, A. Moore and L. I.aeey spent
Tuesday in Medtoid.
I.eNter Wei of near Welled spent
Monday and Tuesday lore nith rda
James Harev, h ho recently sold out
lure and mord to near Myrtle Creek,
is back among us again.
Tennessee Smith and Ves Stevens
were among the many who spent Sat
Midav in Medford.
The Native Daughteis and Sons held
l social meeting in their hall Wedncs
day evening, when Miss Prim's side in
the contest entertained for the last
time. Shadow pictures was the amuse
ineiit of the evening, followed by dic
ing and refreshments.
Surveyor Frederick Perkins spent the
hint two days in town, surveying the!
rusting for cement walks.
0. II. rierce Son
Art' Ihiiiuiik tor (xttnsivt atlvortisin
mien. I. lit your prfMrl Kith thorn
gut beat results. J tf
Business Tells of Close Alliance of Press
nnd Community T Good Live Kews
Qapcr, Well Patronized, Means an
Up to-Date and Energetic Town.
Th Tribune and other papers of
Mwlfnrd came in for a great deal of
praise at the Commercial club Mtiok r
the other evening, and sjH-akers clearly
ihowed how th profcjwrity of a com
inanity wan allied to the prosjK-rity of
its newspaper, and how the progressive
ness and character of a city's husim-
was summed up from the newspaper by
the general public.
W. K. Thornton of North Yakima
started t he talk in t he d iree t ion of
a wspapern. He said: "I do not think
that you H-ope of Med ford realize how
much the Tribune in doing for you.
There is hardly an issue in which the
city or country is not boosted, and in
which facts, attractive to the home
seeker are not net forth.
Hutchason's Opinion.
"A good n'-wspaper is a community
best advertisement. It speaks constant
ly lor it and deserves patrol. age and
support. If it in not patronized and
mipportcd, an it merits, it does not
tptak well of the community. We who
are traveling about, looking for a place
to locate, are guided largly by the
newspapers, and if we find a live and
up to date pacrf generously supporter,
we naturally decide that the community
in a live and progrensive one. I think
all of you businetifl men ought to help
'i paper that is a credit tn a place the
size of Med ford. ' '
J. K. Ilutchasoa, manager of the
linker Hut chason ( 'o., said: "I deir
to go on record nn saying that I believe
that the greatest single factor in the
growth of a community in the daily
newspaper, and I think that we bushiest,
men should patronize our paper most
liberally, not only for our own business,
hut for our city. The newspaper goes
into hundreds of homes ami is sent to
many places where it does inisHiorinrv
work for its town.
Is Best Advertisement.
"It is hard to tell where the influ
enec of the paper stops, or what it
does not accompliHh. When it is n cred
itable one, there is no better advertise
merit for th community that publishen
it, and the more patronage extended the
better the paper possible. It ia a duty
we owe our town to help the press in
every way we ean, for the press i con
stantly helping each of us in the up
building of the city."
What Shorti Thinks.
"All of my success in business I at
tribute to advertising," said Shortie
arnett. "To the newspapers is due
largely my commercial growth. I pur
haseil three years ago an undeveloped
holiness and it has increased nearly
four fold since, principally by the aid
of printer's ink. It is due to the
newspapers to patronize them liberally,
for they are the agents that build up
Hot only private business, but the com
mtimnity as well. o you think I Could
have sold PJ7 Toledo ranges la -t vear
if it had not been for the newsoap'Ts .'
No, and Medford cannot n,r : I it
fare in the east without new ci-iers.
The Nash.
Adam Mueller Portland; 'arl Oety
ren, Vancouver, Wash.; A. ( '. Sin it It,
iaa Francisco; A. T. Ihilinmol, Seattle;
It. J. Kirk ley, A. Sinsheiiner, II. Hrash,
Portland; F. C. heekaback, Salem; (.
M. Itisseii, Portland; 1.. K. Kimn, Phoe
nix; Will K. Kapson, Oakland, Cal.;
J. A. Macaulay, Iterkeley, Cal.; James
P. Nash, (irants Pass; !!. Spencer, Wat
kins; II. F. Kindlav, San Diego; Del C.
Mogart, (leorge It. I'ratt, Frank King,
Portland; Henry D. Kubli, Applegate;
O. W. Todd, Klgin; Mr. and Mrs. W.
UoHcnherg, Frederick, S. D.; W. T. Hin
lop, Cleveland. .
The Big January Clear
ance Sale continues at
MEEKER'S Great Dry
Goods Store. Bargains
in Everything; you need. Pay
The Nasi Hotel and Grill
Only first-class houso III tlio c.ty AV.-ol !'. ! ! f :iost grill bctwc
Portlnnd ami San Francisco. A specialty S of oyt rs, shell aa otkc
flHh. All rui'ate used are cold -toriT' tmrrtwaml )n : '4. Cnttrtag 1 ail
Its uraiokoa.
R. W. GRAY. Builder
Mrs. II. M. Ilanw-n to Kdith A.
Wells. I ' a r.- in -rtioo S?
towu.-hip ;Ji. raiigi I Y. t
Kdith A. Wells to W. K. Yorker,
.VMl arris in -rtiou t, town-
hll .'Si, rang-- 1 K
H.ury Clark to l. U. Sage,
property in Cottage Addition,
M.dford -
T. H. Cilhain to Amy A. Duran,
acres in section 10, township
;;. range 1 K
Ira Kime toJ.n l Hartley, land in
D. L. C. township SS,
range I V
Ira C. Smith to T. H. Kinsman,
t :. t lot l'J and lot 11,
I ra ht a Addition, Ashland. .
I. 11. C. Mae key. have fwdd my photo
graph gallery to Mr. F. W. Lestneister.
rbe r. jhn that I have not announced
it sooner was to find out first what kind
of a photographer Mr. Lesmeister wan.
Now I can sav that he is a good all-
round photographer and I recommend
him to all of my customers and frienus.
j-,t H. C. MACKF.Y.
In re. the Esta of William Russell
lweas4'd Not" s hereby given that
'he nnd'r:!gf. administrator of said
Mtate han filed hin final account in
said matter, and by an order of the
-oiiutv voirt the final hearing and set
tlement thereof will be heard on Mon
day, March 2, 1!K)K, at 2 o'clock p. m.
of said day. All person interested
therein are hereby notified to present
their objection to said account on or
before said time. Date of first pubh
cation, January IS, l!)H. L. C. XA li
ft EG AX, Administrator. K2
Buy Tickets by Wtro.
'Something which w ot considerable
'iiterest to the public generally nnd
which is perhaps not generally known
is the svstem of prepaid orders now
effect between stations of the .Southern
Pacific company nnd all points in the
I'nited States. Pv means of this system
tickctn may be purchased at Medford
from any place in the United States and
railed or telegraphed direct to the
rty wishing to come here. Sleeper
accommodations nnd small amounts of
cash in connection with these tickets
ruav also be furnished at the same
tirfie." tf
S aled proposals will be received by
the city council of the city of Medford,
Oregon, .it the office of the city record
er -t' sair. t ity, until Friday, January
1!'"S. f;t. ft" o'clock p. in., for tho pur
c h US' of 2",0,, i ten year, fi per cent
'(-Uj-on bonds of said city, in denominn
tions of .-f.")i mi each, interest payabb
semi annually. Each bid must be ne
coinpanitd by a certifitd check for an
amount equal to 5 per cent of the
amount of such bid, payable to the city
of Medford, and said city council re
serves the right to reject any or till
Datnl nt Midt'urd. Oregon, January
i:i, liitiH.
I citv Recorder.
The Soul hem Oregon State Xormnl
Sehool at Ashland off era especial op
port unit ies for teachers to review for
t he teachers ' examinations in Febru
ary nnd August, and tn take work in
Pedagogy and in Special Mot hod a in
teaching in the various grades of the
training school. Since the public
schools of Oregon are calling for tench
em who can tench Manual Training,
many are taking advantage of the in
dust rial work lately installed in the
school. Expenses of board and lodg
ing and tuition nominal.
The State Normal School nt Ashland
is enjoying the largest appropriation of
state funds ever granted a Normal
school in the history of Oregon. Cat
alogues sent on application to the
& CO.
Coal for Sale.
are now prepared to furnish hand
picked coal at the mine, five mil'
a-t of Uwn. in any amount desired
$1SJ zt ton.
C. H. Pierce Son
Pride tbfluselveS oo -Bmg :u..-.
Vrs. di.iug a straiul.t eummission busi-1
. i . .l- r ...n KiiainOS to '.
new ana itaiu)$ iuc
others. tf
So. 16, Oregon Express 1 5:39 p. in.
No. 14 Portland Express... 9:a. m.
No. 223 for Ashland 10: 13 a. m
No. 13 California Express.. 10:35 a.m.
No. 13 San Francino Eip. 1 1:30 p.m.
No. 223 From Grants Put..; 9:15 p.m.
No. 1 ; U-aves Medford I S:00a. m.
No. 3; Leaves Medford j 2:45 p.m.
No. 2 j Arrives Medford j 10:10 a. m.
No. 4! Arrives Medford I 5:00 p.m.
Nu. 2 j U-aves Medford ! 10:40 a. ra.
No. 4 ! Leaves Medford j 5:55 p.m.
Motor Leaves Medford 2:00 p.m.
Motor! Leaves Medford I 9:00 p.m.
No. 1 j Leaves Jacksonville.. j 9:00 a.m.
No. 3 Loaves Jacksonville..! 3:30p.m.
Motor' Leaves Jacksonville.! 1:00p.m.
Motorl Leaves Jacksonville.. 7:30 p.m.
Special motor car trips during day,
$2.00 and upwards, according to nuui
ber people. Phone Jacksonville office.
Did you ever have the grip
aehe nil over in spots, and have
your head fotd as though you d
been out the night before trying to
"make Milwaukee famous,' when
in reality you went to bed at 7:30
with an antifloogistine plaster over
your wishbone and your system full
of hot lemonade and flaxseed tea
and your mouth all puckered up
with quinine! Pa says there is no
parting so bitter as the parting of
a quinine capsule just as you are
in the net of swallowing it. Ma
hasn't any doctor's diploma, but
when it cornea to things like grip
or cold, she knows the proper dope
to knock them silly. And when
you're coming through, she knows
how to make the dandy broth and
gelatine and poached eggs and lots
of things to bring you right up on
the bit and make you feel like your
old self again. We have all the
things and lota more, like olive oil
and grape juice and stuff to tone
up your system after you've been
up against it.
For City Recorder
Benj. M. Collins
Candidate forReElcction.
Competent, faithful, hon
est. His record speaks
for itself.
No Fire In the Kitchen Range
Jio Hot Water in the Bouse
Then Is the time you ap
preciate the convenience of
Attach a plug to
tk nearest lamp
Mcbutt aad turn the switch
Pas Am is specially adapted for nursery
frtcv? DnrnWe
I 1 1 i'i til in (i J
Condor Water and P.iwer Co.
Phone 8S5. Office on Berenth Street
Opposite the Big Electrio Sign.
1 1 If
ih i
If, , good idea for everybody ot get under cover in Med
ford, including th. city c.uneil, and we are here to yon
for the least monev. If vou are a stranger in Medford yon ean't
afford to lose money by boarding with your family at a hotel
The business man's way of doing is to buy a eheap traet
and build a nice house while the present financial situation eontin
ues. It', a fact that you can build cheaper now than you could
a month ago; or, better yet,
and watch it grow into more money before spring. We are pre-par.-d
to equip all bomeseekere with desirable homes at a low
figure. Now is the time to buy, save rent nnd make money by
the advance in price.
Rogue River
Land (Bo.
J. E. EXYART.Presid ent.
J. A. PERKY, Vice-President.
The Medford
CAPITAL $:0,000
surplus mooo
Safety Poxes to Pent. A (ieneral Banking Business
Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage
CAPITAL, $50,000
Win. S. ( ronoll. President. Oeu. V. Dunn, 2d Vice President.
P. K. Deuel, Vice President. M. L. Alvurd. Cashier.
Orio Crawford. Assistant Cashier.
Because He Paid by Check
Not long ngo, a business man in this community was presented with
a hill thnt he had already paid. He produced the paid check as
voucher in evidence, nnd it was thus at once proven that ho had
paid the bill. Don't you see the importance of paying by check t
This bank cordially invites your account, subject to check, and
will be pleased to render you the must efficient service.
Established 1888 MEDFORD, OR.
Capital, Surplus and Deposits Over $625,000
They drain the towns of moiiej and neither
give, the fit, style nor distinction t" your clothes
thatiyonr own city tailor can.
The clothes I make are the kind that "carry
distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps
your money at home and are superior in every
detail to the "sweatshop'' goods of catalogue
home tlrtnl
The City Tailor Medford
.lollN' S. ORTH, Cashier.
V. H. JACKSON, Ass't Cnshier.
National Bank
Medford Steam Bakery.
or dainty little dinner rolls that
will tempt the appetite, of thu
most fastidious, Is tho kind we
serve every day when ordered.
Hrendstuffa, light, white and de
licious, is our specialty, as well
as the richest, finest cakes, pin
try and pies. When you wan? '
enjoy your meals, order y .,.
b.-iltestuffs from us.
Is where gin. fare and moderate price!
prevail. The public knows that there ia
no better fu .il t'liruiKlied than at Nash's,
on Seventh street, nnd that very mod
erate prices art charged. In addition,
perfect cleanliness rules, and our scrTioe
is prompt and officiout aud our cuisine
CD 0