1908 HORTICULTURAL EDITION OF THE DAILY TRI BUN E 10,000 COPIES-READY IN JANUARY Crflnme. THE WEATHER. Bain tnuKt au) Friday; &i'sh Aoutlttr)v hivozo. - yVssnctated Press t Dispatches o o 252 VOL. II. MEDFORD, OR., THURSDAY, JANUARY 1(1908. V PROSECUTION KtdllKtU BY Governor Says Put nam Should Never Have Been Fined 1 Committed No Crime. '.- The Portland Journal of January 15 contains the following: "Salem, Or., Jan. 1i. Georgo Put- CHAMBERLAIN ' nam, editor of the Medford Tribune, who was fined $l."iO for alleged 'libel on the grand jury of Jacksonville county, refuses to avail himself of the effort of his friends to procure from Governor Chamberlain a remission of the fine. and proposes to carry his case to the supreme court. . jj "Numerous friends of Putnam wrote t or wircu to uovernor v,uuuiuuiiuiu "'g ing the exercise of executive clemency, And now there is no doubt that the governor would have complied with these requests, but today Railroad Com missioner Oswald West received n letter from Putnam saying. "I can neither ask nor accept a remission of the fine imposed on me. I have done no wrong, I am guilty of no crime, and a fair 4 trial will prove my cause to bo a just one. ' . In view of Putnam's attitude the gov ernor cannot intervene, but he said to day: , tit Aoaiiminrf tho faota tn tto fl.Q arnted in the presB reports. Air. Futnnm is cer tainly entitled to remission of the fine imposed by the Jacksonville court if ' he wants it. My knowledge of the facts has been derived from the newspapers 7 and from the information thus received t I am certainly of the opinion that the .; fine should not have been imposed. But since Mr. Putnam is determined to carry his case to the supreme court, there is no occasion for me to intervene. "Putnam's alleged offense, consisted in eriticising the grand jury of Jackson county for its failure to indict W. S. Barnum, who made a murderous as sault with an ax on J. F. Roddy, mnyor of Medford. The grand jury retaliated by indicting Putnam for libel and on his trial the judge refused to allow the admission of evidence offered by Put nam to prove the truth of bis charge against the grand jury. ENGINE IS DITCHED, DELAYING TRAFFIC While bowling along at full speed yesterday morning near Bloody Run, Or., Southern Pacific train No. 15 suf fered a peculiar accident, delaying traf fic ten hours. The front truck and wheels of the huge engine tender left the track, swerving to an angle of 45 degrees, badly damaging the trnek for 300 feet. All that saved the Southern Pacific company from a disastrous wreck was a side chain attached to the truck, which held in spite of the strain. Had it given way, trainmen state nothing could hnve saved the train nnd loss of life would have been inevitable. PROHIBIT IMPORTATION OF OPIUM TO ISLANDS WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Within a little over a month the law prohibiting the importation of opium into the Phil ippines will become effective. A large quantty of opium is consumed in the islands by the ChineBe, but the habit is rapidly extending to the natives and Americans. Wise Talks By The Toggery's Office Boy Tho other lnv n frllnw cnnio rushing into the store am wanted to buy suit of our swell underwear. He was in an awful fix. He said he had houirlit a combination union suit early in th winter and was having trouble palore The boss savs: "What's the matter: doesn't the suit seem to suit!' Th linn saifl: " Y' t. the suit suits nllriirli and the sinis in all rich, and the ml .iut tiekbs Pie to death. lint n e, it i one 'if these cunbinati' O '. fcid i l e e lot (tie cAbiiiatiiin njl : ' (jef it off." When vmi com i n T T 84 LBS. BEEF TO EVELYN Evidence of Irrational Conduct on the Part of the Defendant Of fered in Trial. NEW YORK, Jan. 16. More evi dence of alleged irrational conduct on the part of the defeudant was offered in the trial of Harry K. Thaw today, the most impressive witness being Ab raham II. Beck, who taught a select school for 15 boys in Pennsylvania in 1S81 and 18S2, young Thaw among the number. Beck described Thaw's un governable temper and produced a let ter from tho mother of the defendant, who said Bhe feared Harry's mind was unbalanced, lie was so different from the other four children. One of Thaw's recent eccentricities which it wa-s said will soon be testi fied to, was the sending of 84 pounds of beef to Evelyn Nesbit one morning when she was ill. Attorneys have re ceipts for the meat. Mrs. William Thaw, mother of the defendant, has arrived in New York and may be called as a witness this after noon or tomorrow. GLENDALE BANK CASHIER IS PLACED UNDER ABE EST ROSEBUItG, Or., Jan. 16. Harry N. Pratt, cashier of the Glendale State bank, of this county, has been plnced under nrrest by D. J. Jarvis, constable of this city. Tho charge is embezzle ment of the bank funds and the amount alleged to be short is $3570. E. E. Kedtleld, one of the directors of the bank, filed the information. When the bank holidays were de lared at an end by Governor Cham berlain on December 16 the bank failed to open, Pratt boing sick at home. A few days previous a fire in the bank office left tho books and papers of the bank in a bad condition, and it was to this reason the closing of the bank was attributed. There are inti mations now that the fire may have been for the purpose, of covering up evi- lence of wrong. Mr. Pratt has heretofore been in the confidence of tho bank officers and the people nt large, and the presnt action is a shock to hiB mnnv frinds. SHOULD NAME DELEGATE TO DRY FARMING CONGRESS PORTLAND, Or., .Inn. 10. The sec ond session of the Trans-Missouri Dry Farming congress is to be held in Snit Lake City, I'tah, .January 22 to 2(1. The proceedings of this congress are of es pecial importance to a vast area of Ore gon and Washington, and everv com mercial body in tho two states is asked to appoint nt least one delegate. Their whole territory east of the Cascades honld be represented, nnd both Gov ernor Chamberlain and Governor Mead are anxious that Inrge delegations knoum oe present nt the convention J no executive committeemen from the I'acitic .Northwest are Hon. W. J. Kerr of the Oregon Agricultural College and lion. it. i,. .Mecroskoy of Washington. President Fisher Harris of the organ i.ation requests that didegates be ait pointed nnd names sent to him nt once at Salt Lake Citv. MERLIN SAFE CRACKED; HUNDRED LOOT SECURED The safe in the Merlin Mercantile company s store, nt Merlin. Or., was blown open Sunday nnd $100 secured Entrance to the store was effected bv Taking out a large window pane front of the building. The cash drawer was bmkeu, emptied of its contents and hidden away. About ?170 in checks was left undisturbed. Besides taking the money, the robbers supplied them selves wifli three witches, tobacco ami several other article of aluc. A den- uty sheriff b ft r th train thi iir ing to invctitrtfr t matt-r, as par tits i.rally are mcfe4 of the crime. Lnf.tf A.A apery. ' pv'ie, l vour toundny dinner at the Ladi-' Aid marketp .Saturday after- no..n. in iT.d''v ' Keronftand fjorc. t near Hubbard uil.Wng. M member d to bring AW SEN A Friendly Salute in Medford. ; rJ Y TAFT FAVORS L Secretary Appears Before Senate Com mittee to Discuss Pamama Ditch. WASHINGTON, Jan. 16. Secretary W. II. Taft appeared before tho senate committee on inter-oceanic canals to day and gave the committee informa tion concerning the Panama canal pro ject and suggestions for legislation, Taft expressed the opinion that the canal should be completed within six years from next .luly, at an ultimate cost of approximately $300,000,000, in cluding the purchase price. Taft gave considerable information regarding prices paid for labor on the canal and urged that there be no reduc tion in wages paid skilled laborers, in spite nf the fact, according to his esti mate, they are receiving from 50 to 60 per cent higher wages than they earn in the United States. NEW WITNESSES IN HARRY THAW'S TRIAL NEW YORK, Jan. 15. Many wit nesses entirely new to the case testified in the Thnw trial today and told stor ies of his eccentricities during the years preceding the killing of Stnndford White. All declared that be impressed them with being irrational. The most interesting was that of f'hristopher Haggan, steward of the New York Whist club, who told of Thaw's doings the day of the tragedy, and who, when under cross-examination bv .Jerome, gave amusing details of whist games in which Thaw and several men of promi nence participated. CHINAMAN IS KILLED IN WAR OF TONGS OAKLAND, Oil., Jan. HI The Chinese tong war is responsible for an other murder today. An unidentified Chinaman was shot six times and in stantly killed at the corner of Fourth and Washington streets. The mur derer, Wong Tip, made no attempt to escape. The dead man was an official of the Hop Sing flic tion. The pat red of ( hinatown has been doubted and fur ther ttonble is feared. BURNS SAWDUST FOR FUEL AT GRANT PASS; Though located in th midt of n h' Iv timbered region, rants Pass S, suf - f'Ting from a (f'l famine this wintpf. Wooi I c:ti lmrdlv bethought at anv iriee, and as a last resort many resi ii)nts are burning sawdust) one of the 'ocat factories disposing of tue 'intT HIGH WAGES UPON CANA ) W KEYNOTE OF El Commercial Club Smoker a Success- All to' Work for Up building of City. The Commercial club smoker was largely attended last night and a long liHt of newcomers filed applications for membership. Enthusiastic speeches for Medford 's growth and upbuilding were made and the work of the club indorsed in short talks by all in attendance,. A committee was appointed on mem bership, which will conduct an active campaign for new members. Every present member is requested to bring in at least one candidate for member ship at the next meeting, early in Feb ruary, when the annual election of of ficers takes place, A committee was appointed author ized to collect contri but ions and sub scriptions for another election of the dub's famous pamphlet on MM ford and the Rogue River valley, the present edi tion being exhausted. An edition of ;it least -".OOil copies is contemplated Other commit tecs were named to work along various lines for tin1 benefit of the club. Visitors told how Medford impressed them and what they tnought of the country. New Net tiers told how they happened to come here, and in all their narratives the Medford Commercial club pamphlet, played an important part People not only in the east, but ii Southern California, arc planning to POme here as soon as they can get away. Manager Hutchasoii, of the linker Hutcliasoii and Shorty finrneit. each paid a glowing tribute to the press and the part it played, not only in building up tlK-ir own bnines, but in building up the community, which was judged largely by nmi r-sid' nts by the news papers published in it. A paper well patronized by local merchant meant more than anything ele a progressive and enterprising .-lass ,,( merchants and an appreciative rnmnimiity. TREASURY MAKES DRAFT FOR GOVERNMENT DEPONITB The treasury department i making another draft on the banl i for a part of the governim'iit. deposit?. Ten -day ago. the tia-urv got about. .'H"i.(H-). h was hop. d that tiia-' that int-?lil ipts from, .utott.n1 Hits aii'i the J. part nt ralb-d 1 ii-oi. 1 9ouId up to ) in iv a I arm mane unn a rynai tl.,.r ,.-.11 mi tbo Unh. Hut th tr-asn- statement flowed Pw, lil-.li'td. of this iTie, th tna-iu inn - h'i ill orii-c O'' w"r I' ffv ENTHUSIASM GATHERING j 1 HARR1MAN TO ANSWER All QUERIES Court Rules That Rail road Magnate Must Reply to Commis sion's Questions. NEW YORK, Jan. 10. E. II. Hnrri man was directed, in a decision given by Judge Hough, in tho United States circuit court today, to answer all ques tions propounded by the interstate com merce commission, except those relating to the purchase of the Union Pacific and Southern 71acific railroad stock in connection with the dividend of Au gust, ittoti. .Judge Hough also directed Otto If. Kuhn of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., to answer all questions asked him by the inter state commerce commission. GOVERNMENT IS AFTER NATIONAL AIRSHIP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, Jaa. 1(1. The Ex aminer says that federal authorities have started nn investigation of the of rs of the National Airship company. Sales of stock amounting to JUtfO.n'in are alleged to have born made. The company offices are in Portland and on Saturday J. A. Morrell, president of the corporation, was subpenaed to ap pear in Portland to explain the status of his company to the authorities. It is asserted that he has disappeared. Fed eral authorities, it is alleged, have se cured much information of the com pany's affairs from Miss Alum Smith, who formerly acted as secretary. PORTLAND, Jan. HI. The National Airship cempany has been doing bmi ncus in this city for several month. It extensively advertised its stock ami made glowing promise ,,f dividend a ad the future of tin in puny. Stock was sold her- at cent a harf, whor-as it is averted "inidar fork was .-.Id in San I'rain-isco nt 7" con.. It pro-nito'd a line uf airhiti b - -n San !r;ti'-i.-o and i'.rt!i!fid, the tirt trip t-i be mad April 1. SWEDISH KINO OPENS II IJ FIRST PARLIAMENT VT n K Hol.M, Jan. HV Formal p tm.g of tin riMt puriMtio nr niei'T ; tfcc rtigo of Kil'g liusf ive look plnei'.i fufsy 'ii. i ! t-tiiioiiti. King. ' j ,,,,";,v )-" j V-f. tf'M"l "'l' "p"T "'i "y . -- i J."- . it" J1"'1- " n . tdXvlKiV .tan. 'i-.l-Tlii. ml .if i nut :i )v. in. .a fti j 1.' TQ CUT OFF mm DEADHEADS Postal Authorities En force New Rules Re quiring Paid in Ada vance Subscriptions. The newspapers of Jackson county, at a meeting held in Ashland on Sun day, organized the .lack son County Press association, and for tho first time in history, harmony reigns among tho representatives of the press. All papers were represented or telephoned their membership. The primary object of the organiza tion is to agree upon uniform meth ods ot conforming to new regulations of the pustoffice department, which re quire that newspaper subscribers mutt pay in 'id v mice in order that publishers may secure second-class rates. The rad ical changes in the postal laws com pel a revolution in the business ninth ods of nil Southern Oregon papers. The new postal regulations, in effect the first of the year, require that sub scriptions entitled to second-class post age rate shall not be delinquent longer than the following periods of time: Dailies, three months; tri-woehlies, six mouths; semi-weeklies, nine months; weeklies, one year; acini monthlies, three months; monthlies, four months; bi-mont lilies, six months; quarterlies, six months. The mails are not forbidden subscrib ers who are in arrears longer than tho time provided by the new ruling, but these subscribers are placed in a aopa rate classification, the postage rato bo ing. so high that publishers could not afford to send papers at the price, of subscription now in vogue. H. A. Pattisou of the Central Point Herald was elected president of the ( 'oiinty Press nssocint ion, and Lynn I'urdin of the (iold Hill News, secre tary. Messrs. Kaiser and Wagner of Ashland were appointed a committee, to draft a constitution and bylaws for permanent organization. All publications are requested to bo represented at the State Press Associ ation meeting at Portland Friday and Hnturdnv. GERMAN CRUISER TEARS HOLE IN HER BOTTOM KIEL, Jan. HI. The Oerman nrmored cruiser Soharnhorst ran aground near Muelk last night, while engaged in evo lutions. It is reported that, a holn 100 feet long was torn in her double bottom, requiring the closing of the col lision bulkhead to prevent her from sinking. She docked under her own steam. There were no casunlties. THIRTY LIVr.H LOST - ON WRECKED VESSEL SEATTLE, .Jan. 11. The Hritish ship If art field, from Liverpool for Seattle, is believed to have been wrecked wilh ItO souls aboard off the west coast of Vancouver Island. A wireless report that the ve-nel 'n deckhouse and f!T eral boats were washed ashore this morning. DAY Or rUNERALfl IN PENNSYLVANIA HAMLET HoYERToWN. Jan. HI. This little borough today engaged in burying it dead. All ttt'.'ht long the work of pre paring liodi- f"r interment proceeded and 'odav s.-orr s of funerals Here held. It is. bt !i d that 0 b.nl its will never !. identified. W iT' A, '. Fire nrly today nearly d-iro,d ti.e S.-cond (Wgn ga tional church in DoMo-ster, The. wi was i.Vt, Tt is b-lievd Hie Ida.i was ft an incendiary origin. Fnt"iin 8Mnin Vtd; ! , .T:jn. Tit. I tie iii'ii i nn ',,, ,f pnn.e fMward F. !. Zll Ini t, mi n -in I Ki Th;iu n. ' pMi lrnt i r ?. I Tn . ni(". . ! i .iti in J:?. ' 7 4 A . j r-. fW... ... - . 4 IT. -I. . it't , '; r. h"wti !. i.'In'., l 1'IM, lu-.l.ot !l lt-. Il.ih- 'I mj 11.1 dt Ml, Oi 4. i i ' it cii'iii ,1 ,lii, if WII.UK. rv. M-.!'.! o o ..f ( )Vt fh'Qh p u) to the (nVM-t. o o & 6 ffti n nominal figure. (J I i-,Vi non. 1 (", " o CO o o o O o o o C3d O O Ooo o Co o o oo O O O o o o o p O o o o o o o o n o v n on r. o o o oo o o- C? 0 o o o o n i ) o o n o o !OG O o co O O - o o o o o O' o co