1908 HORTICULTURAL EDITION OF THE DAILY TRIBUNE 10,000 COPIES-READY IN JANUARY Dtltetif ord Daily Crilmine. THE WEATHER. Western Oregon Occasional ruin touight ; Thursday, south easterly winds. Associated Press . Dispatches VOL. II. MEDFOIM), OR.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1!)0S. NO. 251 CQUNCILMEN CHOZEN FOR NEW til Eifert, Merrick and VVortmen Victorious "Socialists Vote To tals Fifty in City Four hundred and ninety nine votes were polled in yesterday 8 election, probably half of the vote it is possible to get out. There was but little ex citement or interest in the outcome. Collins and Jacobs were re-elected re corder nnd treasurer, respectively, by large majorities, and Eifert, Wort man and Merrick were elected councilmen. The returns by wards are us follows: First ward For recorder: B. M. Col lins, 150; Perry Sewart, 17. For treas urer: L. L. Jaeobs, 154; John A. Smith, 19. For councilman: J. H. Fitzgerald, 39; F. E. Merrick, 114; J. M. Simmons, 11. Second ward For recorder: Collins, 154; Stewart, 23; Jacobs, 150; Smith. 12. For councilman: L. Bundy, 69; H. G. Wortman, 00; J. W. Wilson, 11. Third ward For recorder Collins, 130; Stewart, 30; Jacobs, 142; Smith, 10. For councilman : F. A. Bliss, 52; W. W. Eifert, S7; E. Walters, 10. The new council will consist of Hafcr, " V'b Trowbridge, Eifert, Wortman and Merrick, and will be in every way representative, one from which much is Imped in the way of civic better ment. CHRISTIANITY AS CURE FOR TOO MUCH BOOZE CITTCAfiO, Jan. 15. A sanitarium for the treatment of "drunks" and "dope fiends" will be established by Bishop Fallows of the Reformed Episco pal. church, who two weeks ago launched out as a mental healer of diseases in this city. In the new sanitarium "Christian psychology" is to take the place of the "gold cure" and other specifics for the cure of alcoholism. "There is no doubt that drunkenness r.nd various forms of drug habits can be cured by christian psychology, " says Bishop Fallows. " Drunkenness is a disease just the same as tuberculosis, pneumonia or other dangerous ail ments. " EXPERT WILL ATTEND STATE DAIRY MEETING Ed II. Webster, chief of the dairy division of the bureau of animal in dustry, United States department of ag riculture, lias notified W. L. Crissey, secretary of the Oregon State Dairy as sociation, that he will arrange to have one or more government representatives in attendance upon the state dairy meetings of both Oregon nnd Washing ton during the present year. Decem ber 10 and 11 have already been chosen as the date of the Oregon meeting. Cuts Throat and Stabs Himself. ROSKBUItG, Or., Jan. 15. Adam Weaver attempted suicide at Canyon ville last week by slashing his throat and stabbing himself in the abdomen with n poekotknife. He was 80 years old nnd has lived at Canyonville 30 years. Ill health and financial troubles were the cnuse. His recovery is doubt ful. He has n wife nnd three children. Wise Talks By The Toggery's Office Boy The other day a fellow came rushing into the store and wanted to buv a suit of our swell underwear. He was in an awful fix. He paid he had bought n combination union suit early in the winter and was having trouble galore. The boss says: 1 ' What 's the matter; doesn't the suit seem to suit?" Tho man said: "Yes. the -uit suits all right nil'l Hie pen in eei-m ;m nym. .ni'i iu- wool just tickles me to death. But. yon nee, it is one of the combination .suits, and I have lost the combination and can't get it off." When am vmi cominu in f WIT, UK. .t tin- To::. ry. Medford. CORTELYOU'S RESIGNATION IS RUMORED Secretary Denies Stories of Quarrel with Administration Says Reports Faked. WASHINGTON, Jan. IS. Secretary G. H. Cortelyou was at his desk to day. At the White House it was said positively that nothing whatever was known as to the secretary 's reported proposed resignation. Cortelyou said that the report was without foundation. He had had no serious difficulties with the president, he declared, or with any member of the cabinet, and he expected to continue to serve as secretary of the treasury. He pronounced the story that he had been offered the presidency of the Knick erbocker Trust company of New York as absolutely without foundation and said that the report that he had con ferred with J. P. Morgan during his re cent visit to New York was a "fake" in every particular. He had not seen Morgan or any one" else in his interest. EVERYBODY INVITED TO COMMERCIAL CLUB SMOKER There will be a smoker tonight at the rooms of the Commercial club, to which every man in Med ford is invited. There will be apples and cigars and story telling. The social is planned to help bring about an era of harmony among all factions in Med ford, so that they can work together for a greater Med ford. It is especially desired that new arrivals in the city be present to become acquainted with the city's leading citi zens. An invitation is extended to everyone. SIGHT OF FOUR ACES KILLS POKER PLAYER CLEVELAND, O., Jan. lo. Sight of four aces, dealt to him in a poker game, killed Thomas Sachs at midnight. He toppel off his chair as his thumb and forefinger raised the fourth nee, his heart, action stopped, and he died in the nmbnalnee en route to a hospital. There was not such a big "pot" on the table, either. It was a quarter limit, and the "pot" had something like $.'l.7o in it, Sachs' companions say, when tho dealer passed him four aces, one nfter the other, on the fourth round to six players. As the fourth came up Sachs slid off his chair and half an hour later he passed out. His physician had warned Sachs, who was o.l yenrs old, about his weak heart, cautioning him against undue excitement. EDGAR HAFER BETTER; TO RETURN THURSDAY Kdgar Hnfer, manager of the Jown Lumber & Iiox factory, who hns been at the Good Samaritan hospital in Port land several weeks, suffering with ty phoid fever, is so much improved that he has been moved to the Hotel Port land. Mr. Hafer's father nnd mother of Des Moines are here. Thursday Mr. Hnfer and his wife return to their home at Medford. OFFICERS RE-ELECTED BY MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK Stockholders of the Medford National bank held their annual meet ing last year and elected officers for the com ing year. The same board of directors was again chosen. The annual report shows that the bang passed through the panic without damage and is in better shape today than ever in its history. Letters nnd press clippings were rend showing that this bank made one of the best showitiL'1 of any bank in the conn try when bank statements were last called for. The officers reelected are: J. E. Envnrt, president: J. A. Perry, vice-president ; John S. Orth. cashier; Y. H. Jackson, assistant cashier. XKW YORK, Jan. I.",. Frank Ximno, a wealthy young banker, was found stabbed to death beside hi wagon. There were appearance of a fierce struggle. H' had a lanr'- sum of money and n watch upn.. him when he I. ft Ardlev. It is bidievfd he w:i waylaid .n tho road by the same ung that killed a v.iiniir insurance atrrnt near Klmafitrd twu week nil", and which robbed se ml potof fie- S in Vestehe. T.-r c:uitv. Great Prosperity Edition The Tribune's Horticultural Number, containing all essential facts and figures of the Hone Uiver Val ley, and its varied interests, replete with illustrations, printed on book paper, will be issued soon. It is necessary, on account of limited mechanical facilities, to know in advance the exact number of copies wanted. No large orders received a fter January 120. Don't delay. Send in your orders now. Jt is the best advertisement ever issued of this section. The Commercial Club pamphlet is exhausted. There will not be another edition this year. The Tribune will be the only literature available to send prospective emi grants. PRICE, 5 CENTS TER COPY Medford Daily Tribune Medford, Oregon. IMi'Rsp reserve copies of the Tribune Horticultural Edition for which I nyree to pay 5 cents per copy. XAME ADDRESS CITY STATE PEARS WIN FIRST PRIZE Winter Nell is From Hopkins' Rogue Riv er Orchard Capture Honors at Meeting. At the state horticultural meeting nt Portland, Winter Nellis pears from the F. H. Hopkins orchard nt Central Point captured first prize, Tho information was. conveyed in n telegram from Su perintendent Parker, who is attending the meeting. Tho display of applet made by the Medford Commercial club is reported to bo a good one, but not as fine as might have been niado if growers had taken care to save their choicest fruit. This carelessness of the growers lists frequently deprived the Rogue River valley of awards at apple fairs, when local products in eastern markets wore sweeping all before thorn. A letter received from .7. K. Watt states that the ( 'ommereial club's "dis plpay of apples is elegant ami it looks like a 'stand-off between Koguo river and Hood river." Last year but five boxes of South ern Oregon apples wore shown at the state meeting. This year the display is more creditable. PENSION FOR VETERANS OF MODOC INDIAN WAR A provision for pensioning survivors of tho Modoc war in Oregon and Cali fornia during 1S73 and 1M74 wns of fered recently by Representative Haw ley in n bill to amend tho net, grant ing pensions to Indian war veterans of the period froinm 1V12 to lHt.'l. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Dr. R. T. Burnett and wife spent Sunday with friends living in Ash land. J. W. Fitzgerald and L. W. Fanher. two Mdfnrd citizens, spent n few hours nt the county seat Monday. Mrs. C. W. Conklin of Mod ford is spending this week with friends living hero. Monday night, Ruth. Robeknh Lodge So. 4, installed its officers for the on- suing six months. Mrs. Martha Xorrts was initiated into the lodge that night and a supper was served in the banquet hall at the eloe of the evening. Fol lowing is the list "f the newly installed officer-: Nellie If offer, rtoblo grand; Krnrria Ihinford. vire grand: T-oona Ul rich, r cord in? "ec rotary; Kf fie Prim, financial secretary; Amelia Flrm r, con duet res; Flora Thompson, warden; Fannie Wilson, chaplain; Charbw Dun ford. .Tr.. inside guardian; Roy Ulrieh. o-itside guardian. AT PORTLAND IIWNTY BATH V DEFENDANTS Heney Anounces That Only Hall and Mays are to be Prosecuted Others Aid State. PORTLAND, Jan. 1.1. Francis J. Honey created soniwidiat of a sensation Hunt's courtroom that of the five per sons indict i'il in connection with the Hutto Creek alleged land-fraud cases, only two, ex-United Statts Attorney John II. Hall and I'M win Mays, will be tried at this time. This is taken to indicate that there exists an understand ing between Money and tho other three defendants, ex-State Senator W. W. Stoiwor, M. M. Hendricks and Charles M. Xachary, and that they will testify against 1 1 all and Mays when called upon. I It has been rumored for several days; that an immunity bath was ready for! certain of the defendants, and Honey's! announcement is believed to eon firm ; the rumors, I The selection of jurors went on this morning, five being accepted before the I noon recess. Those accepted were: A1-! f red Freer!; sen, Li tin county; William j I'mpia, Clackamas county; Charles J. Sunderland, Multnomah county; R. W. Pry, Linn County, and Samuel W. Miles, j Lane countv. MORE OREGONIANS WANTED IN EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION Juno ! to July ."( the National IMu catioTial association will hold its an nua! convention at, Cleveland, O. At present there are only six active mem bers of tho national association in the state, and an effort is being made by State School Superintendent Ackcrinnii to enlist many more upon the active roll before the convention. Letters have been sent to all the hailing dii'ators by Mr. Aekcrmnn, eaMir:,; attention to the advantages of active membership over .iKsficia" niember'liip. the latter giv ing merely the right to attend and sit t hroiighout one con vent ion. The lltus convention promises to lie one of the most important over held in the history of the association, and Superintendent Aekcrmnn is anxious to secure as large an attendance from Oregon as possible. I'.. H. Harris is down from Suite Falls and r. port that I u-iiio-s is i""d it the Fall-. There ere vwrnl dwell- ing Icies ii nd i r emi-i rn-t ion at the pf sent firm . Mr. llarr-M is busily en gag.-d with lumber at tho mill Hint he recently purchased from the trustee of tlteSityar Pine l.urnb' r Cr,,. whh h went into ha n!: nt.icv. BY PORTLAND PRESS CLUB Jackson County Cir cuit Court, District Attorney and Grand Jury Grilled. PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 15. The Port land Proas club last night adopted stir ring resolutions condemning the action of Judge llanna and District Attorney Reames and the grand jury for their shameful manner in handing the har poon to Kditor Putnam of tho Medford Tribune. Tho resolutions intimate that if these tactics arc generally adopted throughout the state every newspaper man in Oregon would be thrown into jail hourly. There was much indignation among tho assembled journalists and speeches were made declaring the midnight nr rtwt and consequent unfair trial a re vival of the gag law and n disgrace to Oregon. NEW PUBLICATIONS OF GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The United States geological survey announces new publications ns follows. Bulletins liHi. Contributions to economic geol ogy, HMMl, Part II, lignite and peat, by Marium R. Campbell, geologist in charge, and others. 53- pp., 2'A pis. TJU. O oology and oil resources of tho Santa Maria oil district, Santa ltarbnra county, California, by Ralph Arnold and Robert Anderson. 1(11 pps., pis. 1(23 Fxporimental work conducted in the chemical laboratory of the United States fuel-testing plant, Ht, Louis, Jan uary 1, 11105, to July 31. limit, by N. W. Lord. 4! pp. ;t'JI. Tho San Francisco earthipiake and fire of April IS, l!MKl, and their effects on structures and structural ma terials, by (i. K. Gilbert, It. L. Hum phrey, J. S. Sewell and Frank Soule. 17(1 pp., "i" pis. (Reprint.) ;t2o. A study of four hundred steam ing tests made at the find-testing plant, St. Louis, Mo., I!H4, li'u.'i and I WW, by v. P. Preekcnridge. 1!i(l pp. ;!;!.'!. Coal-mine accidents: their causes and prevent ion, by Clarence Hall and Walter O. Snelling. 21 pp. Water-Supply Papers L"!!, Surface water supply of lower v. estern M tHsissippi river drainage, 1'Mili. 7i pp., 2 pis. 2 lit. Surface water supply of West ern (iulf of Mexico and Rio f! ramie drainages, l!Kni. 114 pp., ps L'bl. Surface water supply of South orn California, IH'Ifi, with a section on ground water level in Southern Cali fornia. lit pp., t pis. 2 1-1. Surf n ce water supply of Norl h Pacific coast drainage, ISCKI. 'J')M pp., :i pis. UN!, Ocologv and water resources of the Republican River valley and adja cent areas, Nebraska, bv 0. F. Cnridra. 71 pp.. l:t pis. (ieologic Folio Ouray 'Colorado) folio, by Whitman Cross, Kmest Howe and J. D. Irving. folio pages of text, 1 page illustra tions and .'I maps. Price n." cents. Twenty eight h A initial Report of the Director of the United States Ideologi cal Survey, (ieorge Otis Smt ih, direc tor. i pp., I pi. The geological survey has a limited number of copies of those publications for free distribution (except those whose price is stated), and some have b ' n delivered to members nf congress f tr distribution. The survey cannot give more than one copy to any person, and g nora 1 requests for all the pajHTS can not be complied with unless a salist'ac tory reason why every one- is desired is given. Payment for sale publica tions hsoiild bo made by postal or ex press money order, payable to tho di rector, United States geological survey, or in cash the exact amount. Checks, drafts and postage stamps cannot be aeeepteil. Applications sent to the geo logical mrvy rdrauhl bo addressed to the Dir-cfor. Lndies Guild to Moot. The lidi-s " fiuild of St. Mark 's Fpis cop.t! church joeet- at the residence of Mrs. C. L. S.'lo rrnerhorn at SiAth ami f; utt.eN, on Tlnii sdsi v, January l'i, at J P. M. 1 IMPROVISED Sorrow's Hand Touch3 es Every Family Forty Unclaimed Teams in Stables. HOYKRTOWN, Jan. 15. With tho opening of four improvised morgues to day, itt which lay the victims of Mon day night's theater horror, the inhabi tants of this borough began to realizo the nwful extent of the tragedy. Tho hand of sorrow has touched nearly every family in town, niniid many neigh boring villages. Four buildings used as morgues contain I til! bodies. Most of the bodies are in such condition that few of them can be recognized by tho features aloue. Fully 'lit teams are un claimed in stabler, showing that n, largo number drove in from surrounding towns to witness the production of tho ' Scottish Reformation. ' One of tho injured died today. Tho coroner an nounces that he will sift all the circum stances surrounding the holocaust to tho bottom. FIRST NATIONAL BANK RE-ELECTS ITS OFFICERS The annual elect io nut the First Na tional bank yesterday resulted in tho reelo-'tieti of all the old board of di rectors and officers. A semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent was declared, which indicates that tho prosperity of the hank was not affected by the recent panic. The sumo officers and directors nro now in office that were first selected when the bank was organized, nnd tho continued growth and prosperity of tho institution speaks volumes for tho man agement. The officers chosen nre: Wil liam S. Crowell, president; F. K. Oouel, vice-president; (leorgo W. Dunn, second vice president ; M. h. A I ford, cashier; Oris Crawford, assistant cashier. Is Robbed by Actors. KOSKHURti, Or., Jan. lo. f II. Shipman. a mining man from (ilcndnlc, was hold up hero recently nnd robbed of $li)0 in money ami a gold watch. He, claims two stranded vaudeville net ore hit hint on the head and cut a pocket out of his trousers. The officers have a good clew to the whereabouts of tho alleged robbers. NEGRO IS ARRESTED ACCUSED OF MURDER KANSAS CITY, Jan. Io. Claude llrooks, a negro, arrested at Carrolllon, Mo., charged with the murder of Sidney llemdon, who was found dead in his a pa it men ts in this city. It rooks was formerly in the employ of llemdon and a member of a wealthy family in Texas. 1 1 was k a own t lint, lie It opt a largo sum of money on hand. Brooks wan seen in the build ing before nnd after the murder. Itroolcs later confessed that ho mur dered llerndon and robbed the body of -t I ."it. II attacked llerndon from be hind, crushing his -skull with a hammer. PROBATE. F.st ate of C. C. Chappcll Order made modifying order of sale of real prop erty. Cnardian of l.vdia Jane Parker et al.-- Order made to show cause for sain of real estate. (iiiardian of Mabel Irene 1 1 earn et al. nb-r made appointing Andrew lieiiiu guardian. I-Male of M ichaol (ianoy Order made appoin'ine: ' h;( r Jh uNiiaii, John F, .Milb r and f l.tis Kinney appraisers; administrator's bund filed. F.slate of Liiciuda f laniard -Order made determining inheritance tax. (.uaidiau of Maiy K. I'eninger et al. Report of guiidiaa filed. F.st a to of William W. Krb Ord'T niiido ai'p'diitiiig Lunra A. Krb admin i.tratiix. and llcorfo V. Owen, James (J. Walker and William Littiken ap praisers. l-Miile of Mary A. V g- -Order , made appointing F. M. a!l, ins ex.cii I tor. Jap Minister IloiJgm. T' K IO, Jan. I." - Nal;asho.ji, vice-mini-tor of com m on i rat ions, resign d f.dav. o o o o o o r o o O o o o 0 n w D O o o . o o u o o 0 o O 0