Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 14, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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-s Follow the Crowds to I g-
t Van Dykes Store J
ro" a2-f ; : 09
It's Easy to Find the Place Lasts This Week antfllext Week a
Seventeen Beautiful Prizes to Seventeen
Popular Young Ladies-It Is Up to You
' to' Be Among the Lucky Ones.
In Inst evening's issue "f the Trih Thousands of votes can bo gained by
lino appeared I ho first .f names of . Imvinis nil your friends save thoso votes
those lu,li x who hnvo boon n,.inin:ilo.l ; and In n very short tiino n fow thou
... .,Or,,i. for llio iSMHI ill ivriros ! .sand mil bo oollorto.l from thonl. flip
hioh will bo n warded to the sevoll
toon Indies in .luokson. Lake. Joseph
ino. Klamath nnd Siskiyou oonntioK.
securing I ho turnout number of votes,
bv tho Medford Tribuno.
Today nro entered several names of
othor Indies who will compete for tho
vnlniiblo priros, and nominations will
bo received ill' until tho last dav of the
contest, but those whoso names iiro on J
tered early have tin advantage over)
thoso ontoro.l hitor. as many roHilors of !
tho Tnbnno an.l tho Soiithorn Orego ;
man will pick ont a favorite candidate 1
an.l Mick by li.r until tho on.l of tho1
contest, giving lo r all tho ai.l in their !
power. Then, too. thoro is a scatter
nig oto in tin1 of those who'
have not ot .boid.-d to whom to give
thoir otos. If r nanio is entered
v.u mil r. .'.o.1 vonr .hate of tin so
volos. linn. In. Is of votes come 1111
asked t'oi contestant, from but,
contestant, cannot r Iv on their t'ri.ti,!,
h. Ipt tiki then to :iiiv groat extent Willi
out a little personal solicitation.
Start Woik Burly.
Statt o.-i''. llon't wait rtttil to
m.-rtox. ,. l. lion ...tmotlo tttai have
be, n to .. o tho patticnlsr partv von
int. !.,!..! ... o k'. and either secured tho
. r the ptomi.e. w hi. h IS
1 w.'l conic in later,
.f oiir triiii-ls w lui intend
tl., ir, this mouth
'tho coupons from tho paper an.l do not
'roll or fol.l thorn, but oithor mail or
send thoin to tho offioo in flat park
Votes to Appear Wednesday.
Tho number of votes credited to tho
.lifforoiit candidates will appoar in
W. ilnos. lay 's issno of tho papor. an. I
tho list will bo changed daily thereat'
Tho otis will bo oouuto.l every day
at Iblbl p. in. daily, totals to appoar
in tho next day's issvio of tho papor.
fomineueing Thursday a ballot box
will bo found in tho offioo of tho Trib
uno into which tho votes will bo put by
tho contestants or thoir friends. This
box will bo locked, and o'iied only at
the hour above mentioned. Tho votes
will bo counted, and any coming in ftf
t.r that hour will bo connte.i the next
Go in to Win.
h, n
lake up
'U start ill to
our mind that a
it, is. it p."
autiful lie
- c -d. :
VA th.
nr fa
a ti.l
ace " .ii b,
, .,1 (.. win
V- biti..
1 .ju-ti IV. tit'
.t b -!, .. ..,
t little V '''
'ar. .1 a w int . r
Methosts of
Vet,. wtM b, c
.ell. to t' e IV,, i
ill the
el will
up, mots
ate the .
t ii '
w I.,
, f-r
lire vot- s
it the ,11.1 of
to be aittotii;
iMo. tlie win
HoatMor Nil
It. form votir friends how
Sox- . us von are to w in this car and you
will bo surprised how roadily thov w ill
conic to lour assistance. You will haio
thousands of votes before yon knew it,
and then the rest is oasv . simply make
up our mind to win an.l i;o after the
votes with that Olid in view.
Grand Capital Priie.
It l as been decibel bv tho nianace
met t of the Tribune to Hive as a Orand
i 'spits! Vrtio a l .' s Keo h'oadster Auto
T'u. Iv, snt if nl car is es'.vctally adapt
. d ... u, lit tens in tins section of the
!'. aid con-bino. .tv),..
slre- cth. tu-.dv.rancc and econotuy to a
e tl.
a nt
t tr..
.. t'
et t"
Keo '
's. a
e fr
partionlnrly desirous of j;ettinir. open
inn llH it does for them tho moans nf
securing tin oducatiou to IllKO tnoir
places ill tho tinny of business women
who now hnvo remunerative positions
in the lurjrest luoreantile establishments
of tho 1'nited States.
The Watches.
Tho wntohes to bo (jivon nway iu this
contest nro little beauties ill ovory re
spect : all are e, pupped with the stund
nr,l Waltham inovonieut. full jeweled
and stem sot.
Piano Certificates.
Tho next prizes, which consist of tho
piano certificates, carry a vnllto of $1H0
ouch. Tho Indies winning those prizes,
should she or her family contemplate
tho purchase of a piano, will bo entitled
to a reduction of $100 on any instrii
inent they may select at tho House of
Hale, Me'dfoni.
Commence Now.
t'oinntenco now to acciimulnte the
neoessarv votes to win one of thoso vnl
niiblo prizes and keep continually at it
until the curtain rtnirs down oil the
Impost contest ever iiiaunurntod by n
newspaper in Southern Oregon. Thoro
are to bo seventeen ladies winners of
these prizes. Ask yourself. Will yon
be nuloiii; tho fortunate onesf
district No. i aiedford, oast of the
Southern Tacifio track:
Miss Iternice t'auieron.
Mrs. 1'. .1. McMahon.
Miss Margaret Fay.
Miss Meta Nichols.
Miss Margaret McCoy.
M,ss C.eraldine Theiss.
Miss tlraco l.awton.
Miss Kdna Kifert.
Miss tlula .bicobs.
Miss Knid Hamilton.
Miss lllanch Merriman.
Iiistrict No. - Modford, west of the
Southern riieifie track:
Miss Itlain-h Woods. I
Miss Alice Street.
Miss Hazel Knyurt.
Miss 11, ssio Kinu. !
Mi.. Melon Coss. ,
Miss Cecil liosvv,!!. j
Mi.s Inez McKay. j
Miss l.ou Hart?, 11. j
l'-..trt.t No. ;l Jacksonvt'ilo. Storl I
n Ivii.h. Crit'titi cr,,k. Mutton. Peer, j
i tirrv i ..'.'.nty. and Pel X.,rto county.
i alifoTtiia: j
I'roin .lack,, n ill,. '
Miss It, rtl.a Prim. 1 l.eotts l
Mix ,ls, phtno
Miss Molly Towne.
Miss tiladys SllSW.
Miss V:n:ua W.iuit.
Mis Mary Peter.
Miss Louise .lones.
Miss Lena H -stick.
Miss l.anra Ncuber.
Miss Polh N.wlrry.
Miss Maude Tucker.
Miss t'.retchcn Puhl.
Miss Krtima Wolfe.
Mrs. S. .1. Pous.ntn, Stcrlini;.
Mrs. ti!a,ly Heard. Storling.
M-s, .t e.phitic liusse'.l.
Mrs. l.cvvts l 'ri.h.
Pt.lnct No. 4 Central Point. K.1
j P -.t. Tta.l. Pro;sst. Wo.-h illc. lio'.d
tin". We'.lcn. sr.d .1 -scph
Good for TWENTT-FIVE VOTES when used as a lotion blank.
This Coupon, cut out and mailed to the ContoiPartment, or depos
ited in the ballot box at the Tribime Office, will , as one vote for the
lady whose name is filled in.
Miss Lizzie Gibson, Central Point.
Miss Anna Slurry. Central Point.
Miss Esther Pankey. Central Point.
Miss Slary Olson, Central Point.
Sliss Kffie Grimes, Central Point.
Miss Louisa Thiolo, Gold Hill.
Sliss .losie Huston, Central Point.
Sliss Ethel Pankey, Central Point.
Miss Slabel Peart, Central Point.
Sliss Minnie Rinn. Gold Hill.
Sliss Hallio Alexander, Central Point.
Sliss Fannie Montgomery, Grants
Sliss Eva Wittier, Grants Pass.
Sliss Muggie Voatch. Grants Pass.
Sliss Chloo Slclxinsey. Grants Pass.
Sliss Silvio Anderson, Grants Pass.
Miss Georgia Smith, Grants Pass.
Sliss Slyrtle Loo. Grants Pass.
Sirs. Merman Horning. Grants Pass.
Mrs. Earnest Leister. Grants Pass.
Sirs. Fred Gumpert, Grants Pass.
Mrs. Frank Skillman. Grants Pass.
Miss Ruth Lovoridge. Grants Pass.
Pistrict No. " Phoenix. Talent, Ash
land, liarron. Klamath and Lake Coun
ties, and Siskiyou County. California:
Miss Nellie Keames. Phoenix.
Miss Ada Reynolds. Phoenix.
Miss Clara Pakin. Phoenix.
Miss Clair Lamb. Talent.
Miss Herring. Talent.
Sliss Addie Pnnlap. Taleat.
Miss lr.a Oatman. Tabnt.
Miss Anita Podge. Talent.
Miss Relha Bobbins. Phoenix. IVnlia Rose. Phoenix.
Miss I.ula Ward. Tab nt.
Mi-s Minnie Robinson. Talent.
Miss Edith Fish. Talent.
Miss Cecil E.isal. Phoenix.
Sliss .losie Calhoun. Phoenix.
Sirs. Fr-sl Rapp. Talent.
Mrs. .lames Pellett. Tab nt.
Pkinohe Pollard. Tabut.
Clara Ashland.
Winnie Spencer. Ashland.
Mabel Hicks. Ashland.
Edith Nelson. Ashland.
Miss Slurrel Slorris. Ashland.
Sliss Slary Orr. Ashland.
Miss A'.tie Long. Ashland.
Sliss Ruby Palmer. Ashland.
Miss Slab-1 Parson. Ashland.
Miss Slabel Storv. Ashland.
Mrs. Robert N,il. Ashland.
Sirs, l.iddie Hunt. Ashland.
Mrs. Martha stunksrd. Ashland.
Sirs. Minnie Lane. Ashland.
Miss Hard W l ite.
Miss Slsrie Rice.
Mrs. .1. P. Evans.
King's fwney's, AUIod 's and
Gunthvr's ates. tf
B. F. Mif Jacksonville was a
MtHlfonl viTui'sday.
William of Knyle Point was a
Modford b oalh-r Monday.
Kninu tt "i "f Talfiit was it
Med ford C1'11 business Monday
K. 1. lv l'n'd Hill is visiting
reliitivcs I ''-''r Mdtord.
U. Vintlu ri'li:1"t from Ashland,
sjnt Mtdford.
Thi'inas'll f Talent spout Sun
day in M
H. r has returned from
ViIliaifiller of Central Point
s ent Sa afternoon in Medford.
tv.-ar returned Saturday from
Vntral '
pvrogiuits, wood and hides,
for bunt the Art Studio, Hub
bard bu: ' bridge. tf
hurl t'"rd, the transfer man,
w:ls ov .larksonville for freight
on Satu
Two 1 "lore of that famous
UnustxU11" jst received. Hutchi-
Mr. f. .IaiiH-9 Mays of South
, M dfor-not were recent visitor?
! in Mrtl
' Mr-;. ,n "s parlors are open eve
I ni'.iirs "days for those who are
I tif. bn''IU' other times. "2"
j Har ""p. w'i locate!
! iiraut; -nade his former honit:
j this s-1 visit recently.
r. en arrived ir.ini . raig.
('.do. .v am w''l visit with his
s- ns. an,l Willis Green, awhil
( ii- t. Short left Saturdav
eveni Portland on business. He
will ?: wo wit ks.
p r-o n and fa m i I y left Sa t u r
,iftV r a f w days' visit on the
tip Pumett. wife and baby
ai-n'iay in M-lford shopping
and: friends.
i arroll of near Central Toint
wriP!ford business caller Satur
jrtlo Forbes of Talent ha
b.- C several davs with her par
eTl.nd Sirs. P. T. Lawton.
nningham. from Train creek.
.-I business in M-df.-rd Monday
'N'tel of Fast S!-if..rd ha
Ormd No.
-,sl (or tl.
,'.F Pr-..-
M.s. Fav Pi. I cr.tral Pctr.t.
M .s F-llu r IPrr-.t. I entrai P n t.
V - Ktta W i.' at' s. . ntral P, int.
M s, A ll F.irtv. r. ;. ' i Htl'.
. P ra i sit'. Co'. i Hill.
Mi., Ma i ic l..v. , estrV. Pont.
V.-s l'c ii. t r.tra! P i:.!
V Mass c ih:i, -s. l'-. ' Hi".
V-. P--.sC. K "v 1 Ufa! Petit.
M . tt, v ii- -: v. i , rtral P i
' .. V !v W ,'sV tr.x',
.. , r, : ... : . V
v ;i-,.. !, - ... , i . i It '
,: m ! : h ..-..'. :i H
v, .-!:' i- :
V .. , is , . -. i' :
. .'-"
V - 'T ot t '
health for the las
The P rt'.a
Sir.tlg Ti-ssi
1 S-. .-taT. r. that t'cter
V. To'i
:sa..-tl b:
t Kachc
; t V g.vj ti
.j -.a'.C.i- s of t.
r. -t to say dcyv
r; Vr.. ws rsxr
c v-try. b"t
- k-sa
: H. C,
, 1
, r. lay.
from tic w.s: i-io
with SI-l:' r-i -r
f the W.
l--trg r.
w bitti-io-
a- 1 J :
IsFargi fx
r, v.-f fr -
' t '
i-li 1
G. T. Richards, who recently sold out
his merchandise business at Butte Falls,
will again engage in business at the
Falls early in the spring.
H. -V. Chirk, from Minneapolis,
SI inn., is a recent arrival in Medford.
E. E. Slurrison of Griffin ereek was
a Slodfortl visitor Tuesday.
The largest assortment of postals ever
exhibited in Southern Oregon at the Art
Studio, Hubbard building, near bridge.
Also a nice line of albums. tf
J. S. X. Smith of Gold Rav. who has
been visiting his family in Ashland for
a few days, passed through Sledford
Sir. and .Sirs. Wells are conducting
a dancing class nt Angles Opera House,
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights,
S to 10. Call and get onr terms. 254
G. C. Culey of Watkins transacted
business in Sledford Tuesday. He is
engaged in the stock business in the
Applegate country.
Sir. and Sirs. Wells are conducting a
dancing class at Angle's Opera House,
Slunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights,
to hp. t all and get our terms. 254
Sirs. Phillips, from Sisson, Cal., re
cently arrived in Sledford and is visit
ing at the home nf her parents, Sir.
and Sirs. Cutting, f the Ross Addi
tion. Gi-ntr, ' facial ntas.-age, 35c; ladies'
face and neck, 50c: manicuring, 25c; six
body treatments, electric vibratorv mas
sage. $5.1(0. Sirs. Cameron, Hotel' Sloore
Annex. &
A very successful protracted meeting
is being conducted at the Presbyterian
church under the direction of Rev. J.
K. Howard. The meetings are well at
tended. Ladies shampoo, 50c; gents' sham
poo. 3.1c; 12 treatments electric vibra
tory course for dandruff and falling
hair, laldies .5.0u, gents $4.00. Sirs.
Cameron. Hotel Sloore Annex. 2(i0
(leorge H. West of Butte Falls passed
through Sledford, en route for Ash
land Slonday to visit Sirs. West, who is
taking treatment at the Ashland hosni-
Frank Xetherland of Butte Falls
transacted business in Sledford Tues
day. He states that merchant ,1. W.
Hailey has sold out his general mer
chandise business to Slossrs. Claspill
k Wheeler, who will continue to oper
ate the s' - on a larger scale.
George Herndon of Central Point
transacted business in Sledford Sfon
day afternoon. Sir. Herndon is a new
comer in the valley, but speaks in the
highest terms of it.
Arthur Podge, who is a homesteader
on Butte creek, is spending a few days
in SI-lf,.rd. He reports that the roads
between M-Hord and the Butte creek
coun'ry. wh. ro they are not rocked and
grav.'ie.i. are in bad condition.
Ti c i.VMfellows of the Medford lodge
will install officers Monday night at
their hall. The installing' officer is
Mark Baker from Ashland. He will in
stall the officers of the Gold Hill lodge
Saturday night.
Henry C. Slaokey, who ha? sold out
his phot, -graphic business and wili re
tire from business for at least a year,
says that fce has b. en in business c -n-tintially
f.-r years, and will take a
r-,T. bet will eventually engage ic the
san;.- busiC'-ss.
Art rrey S. . pn:t has ree:vd
s.1 1 r.ew announcing the death of a
s:sr. Sirs. Laura L. I.-lge of Wah
;g' F. P. c. H... -1-arh -occurred Jan
uary 4. Sirs. P -ig- haves surviving
b-r a hvbar. l. Captain A. Podge, ar.d
no d.v: ght.-r. He was '6 vears old.
Mr. ar.d Mr.. W. H. Norton left Sun
lay fvnir.j for their h.-me in Port
ar.d. Mrs. X-.rton is a daughter of
Mr. ar.d Mr- R. X. E-ttler of West
rl. w' they Vave bc-n vi.iting
t. P-. K
. i ..
s- b" '
in SI., i ford are:
P'V.-er. N. P.:
r.. Wash.; W. P.
i. r.: S. R. King
: H. A. I.cwi. a-.l
P-''on and w;:'.-.