i I 1 V . h LIGHT ON LOW TAXES. (Continued from Page 1.) RIES CUNiNGHAM At Portland. tion, amounts to the sum of $22,565,- j 629; and it will riQire a levy of 7 mills on the dollar to raise the required amount of revenue. Had the board of equalization not raised the valuation as returned by the assessor, the levy would neeBssarily have had to be about 11.7 mills on tho dollar. This amount would be 1.2 mills higher than the county tax was last year, but we have to pay about $4K)l) more state tuxes, $"lil4 more school taxes and $.0i0 for the election expenses, which will account for the in crease almost exactly. So, as I said before, it will not make a particle of difference with the amount each taxpayer will have to pay whether we made the raise or not. We had to raise a certain amount of money and the low was based on the amount to be raised and not on the valuation of tho property, except relatively. Kvery school district and towu iu the county was duly advised of the action of the board of equalization and alio of the amount that the property in their respective districts totaled, so that they could base their tax levies on the new Valuation. Lovies Made for Year. The levies made by the county court for the coming year are as follows, to-wit: For county school, l.S mills. .$ 40.G1S.1H For state tax, 1.1 mills 3).lio.00 For roads, 1.6 mills 30,105.00 For general county fund, 2 mills 45,131.27 1. HH7, Klmer M. Tti, and Mhu I VI Cunningham. JEXNMNG.HOBKRTS In Grants P of the mother of the iss Blanche Roberta V On Williams' creek. iwii, Parker A. Berrv. al., and Mis lVssie A. . A. Heard officiating At U ill Inn-. Or.. i, James M. ratton. brunts Puss, and Miss fion, both of Laiillnw. ly of f it-iiit injf. MIXXlK.l.VboxsAt n,,lf. Cul., Doeen- 2.-,, ii)ii7j Raymond J. Minnie of ( us Pass and Miss Leah Hello Kami, of n,.,i MHff. TAYI.OIf.C01 EAt Grants Pass. .Imiimry S. k .)miKo Stephen .),. ell olficintiirharlos W. Tavlor and Lizzie ( oft mugs an. BKRRY-IX) Deeeinber of Ciazt-ll Doney, Kli PATTON'M Deeeinber formerly Nva i. Rev. 0. M Total Slor.floSUO Which amount I think you will find is as little as the eounty court is justi fied in levying, as we will certainly have to cut out all extras and be pretty iineonifortabl ystinyy to pull through without inoreasinij that heritage that has been handed down to us by those who have irone before. I refer to the countv debt. From your article it would seem that von are in some doubt whv taxes are hitfh and also what goes with the inonev. If vou will take a few min utes' time each month our obliging county clerk can show you exactly what everv dollar is expended for. Kverv bill is filed and the number of the warrant issued therefor is mini bored the same as the bill, and each month's bills arc filed in a separate package so that it is very little trouble to ascertain what goes with the money. Comparison with City. If you will take the trouble to com pare the county levy with that of your own city and school district you will not have to study long to know why the citizens of Medford have to pay pretty stiff taxes. Please compare the city's 14-inill tax with the county's 2-mill: also tho city's 7-mill school tax with the county s l.S mill. Some of the country school districts have levied school taxes far in excess of the entire lew made by the county for all purposes and one in particular has levied a 20-imll school tax tor the vear 1SHIS. The countv court at all times is mix ions to have their work inspected and will nlwnvs esteem it a favor to be called down if we exceed our authority or are in anv way remiss in the per formance of our duties; but wo would humbly ask to be permitted to explain to vou anv matters over which wo have control, if vou do not understand them and would most respectfully ask your sumiort and co-operation in the iipluiim ing of Jackson county. Very truly, (I IX). V. IH'NX, County Judge. Mr. and Mrs. li. C. Kclitner gave partv at their homo in South Medford last night ill honor of their daughter, Miss Ilcssie. About 23 couples partici pitted in social games and plays, am: spent the evening very on.ioynbly, fp shinents were served. Re BUSINESS CARDS. Decembe; at the h ' TIE MEDFORD DAILY TRTBTTNE. MEDFORD, OR., TUESDAY. JANUARY 14 inns MARRIED. ' -- ? groom, Jdary lO, lilns, Jasper Jen- DRN. Kl.Mt At (.t Pass. Janunrv isms, to .Mind Mrs. Arthur I King, a dim A.ui-lll'.AK-itirants Pass. Janu 11 ry in, mot Mr. ,,,i Mra w I.amphear, alght WHO IS WHOkONQ TAXPAYERS (Coiitimijroin Page 1.) r Vo. R. R. HAMILTON. M. D Physician and Surgeon. Successor to Or. R. S. DeArmond. Office in Hitter Dunlap Block. Phone 0S3. Ym. M. Colvlg, Medford, Or. COLVIO & DURHAM, Attorncys-at-Law. .Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. VM. W. P. HOLT, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Kngle Toint, Oregon. LINDLEY A LINDLEY, llealers ifl new and second hand furni ture, stoves and tinware, hardware, etc. Storage and commission. Woodynrd in connection. All foods delivered to any part of city. NEW TOILET PARLORS Modern Bnd scientific methods for the care of all diseases of the hair, seal; and face. Shampoo flu cents. Klectric sculp massage following shampoo 2"i cents. Physical, deficiencies (level oped, manicuring, -finest toilet articles i arefull compounded. MRS. W. L. CAMERON, Suite 41, Hotel Moor? Annex. Mrs. S. K. Ash Mrs. 8. .T. I. C. W. S. Iiarnum 1 Pish Lake Bite Pacific & Enstei Sugar Pine Li ( L. R. Parkhurstlte. ich. Glass Bros. . . . Kmery Hunr William Scott Alate. O. C. Culev Kstate of .1. T. Frank Mixt.'r Kstate of Willi;! li. L. liieks AVl. A. Tj. Aikons. . K. K. Anderson. Ashland Mfg. Co Ashlano Hotel ( -shli.eu Ice A: St Ashland Imp. Co Ashland Light & A. S. Barnes Billings & Billingl liichard Bcswick T. K. Bolton Benton Bowers . K. D. Briggs Mrs. li. K. Brown C. S. Butler R. P. Camnbell. . F. II. Carter Carter Land Co. J. M. Casibeer .. Kstate of ('. C. CH J. P. Dodge and so J. P. and S. M. Doi Mary M. Dunn . . George V. Dunn Rebecca Kgglestou First National banl Kstate I.ucinda (iai A. D. Helms Agnes Herndon .. J. li. Merrill .... M. 1,. Hicks, trusteil Kstate of H. .1. Hid Fred Jesse and Gnl D. 11. Jackson S. V. K. Mickelson .1. F. Moikle .. II. R. Mills William Myer . . . Mnrv K. McCall Mrs. A. G. McCarth. K. M. Mclntyre iiik L. A. Xeil C. V,. Nuninger P. V. Paulson. Kmil Peil II. F. Pohlnml I'rovost Bros. J. X. Uinharl . G. W. Roper . . W. M. Sell' dde I-'. W. Sheffield . . . I. X. Shook T. II. Simpson Simons & Selling. . . Klizabeth Smith . . S. T. Songer W. F. Songrr G. W. Stephen-" ill . . Thompson & Butler Vani.el. Hi-.I.e A- Kin! J. K. Van Sunt . c. il. Vi.ght . . . A. .1. Virgin . . . .1. (I. V:iH-. r .. Giles Wells. Jr.. Knoch Wheeler I .e. Wing Barroi K. B. Barron George W. Barron . . II. W. Barron Coggim Br. J. A. Graves Julius Hart S. C. Holmes A. C. Hopkins Keith Oil Land Co. W. R. Kincaid Jacob Kalliner Bonis stark Land .1. .1. Murphy Oshkosh Land Co.. G. W. Owens !. C. Peltoll William Taylor . . . .T. M. Wagner W. Walker estate Wyerhauser Timber Co Big Butte Aztec Land & Cattle . J. CLfll.- 50.215 21, 7 20.1100 32.200 81,ofi0 i 8.SSI. 10.7 It H.OoO S.S00 ;n.i;i; !i.7on 11,520 12,000 s,:i2. :t:i,sii (i0,(i25 2 1 .lllili 25.000 11.3:1:1 :io.ir 10.1.170 . 11,52." io.on:i 7S.7(I5 k,:m i n,5s:i :w.7:t.'i 1-1,007 10.517 20,8!I2 21,133 1(i.llS3 8.333 10,833 15,00(1 33,050 15,542 (12,350 40,733 12,850 8,107 22,108 13,325 8,333 22,042 SI.883 10.873 8.300 10,208 8.303 8,750 11,125 8,812 17,502 15.833 0.1II0 23.007 22.008 lo,.",oii P.20S I0.3S3 10.202 8.1 S3 11.S33 i i.ooo 20,117 II. liio P,5os 1 I.OOH 2S.002 III. 55s 1 I .Ollrt I 8.13:: 1 1.300 17.017 lo.s:::: I il.M. I 15.512 22.200 2 1.5.-, I 10.707 8.200 0.188 :i2.5i:: IS.712 13.010 12.750 p.ooo 15.521 .11,0011 8.CI7 i 8.000 i 11 1 loo I 1.307 Joiicb & Mays l.S.tilitf George F. King 31,333 George F. King 12.M6 John Moerkle 16,000 M. J. McDonald .' lo.tititi James Mct'onnoll 44.067 L. C. Rodney 10,606 Fred Schwab 11,183 Central Point William Alexander .. 11.716 R. V. Beall 17,358 Hen ag,l Asberry Beall 14,283 Oliver ilursell 37,000 A. Caley S.0S3 Central Point State Hank ... 0,100 M. M. Cooksev 10 72.'; ranfill & Hobinett 21.201 M. P. Hanley 42.583 F. II. Hopkins 43.400 Isaac Merricau 9.025 j J. W. Morritt 25.875 I Merritt jj Co 11.000 W. O. Miller 8,333 j J. W. Prall 24,000 Climax. J. A. Broadbent 8,300 Eagle Point. Kstate of Sol Abrahams 10.0116 George Brown & Sons 15,333 1 S. A. Carlton 10,012 A. .1. Dailey 8,875 Juliou estate 0,1:13 Kstato of D. Polk Mathews... 22.083 It. R. Minter 8,700 Minimis K. Nichols 18.626 13.000 14,000 15,483 8,400 1S,20G Muslin Underwear Sale See the Tv o Big Window Displays Knoiigh Muslin Fndervear left to decorate our two big show windows; completely dici.iato the interior of the store uud to have two extra whin tables completely filled from tho front of the storo to the back. The ladies are finding out by comparison that we have made the price lower than they have seen for a long time. COME AND GET SUPPLIED The Glove Store This is the place to buy your Gloves, "if" you want them to wear, look good while they wear and bring you back for another pair as soon as needed. SATISFACTORY GLOVKS in long capo and kid in tans, blacks and white; 111 and 12-button lengths; also short gloves. GIVE US A TRIAL. LADIES' GOODS EXCLUSIVELY BAKER-HUTCHASON CO FIRST ROOM NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BANK I. M. Under George Stowell II. Wadsworth Walch Bros William I'lrich Florence Rock. K. Harlow 40,600 C. L. McKenzie 10,406 L. J. Pierce !).:)53 G. H. Sheblcy 8.000 W. E. Wheel'er 114,466 Foots Creek. Mrs. C. S. Birdseyo 13.40U A. Chauipliu 4-1.013 S. G. Van Dyke 10 408 Gordeu Vorhies 62,205 Alfred Weeks and Edith Orr.. 14 183 W. M. Wheeler Sl,:su5 Rock Point. Estate of Ben Haymond 10.406 II. L. White 11,175 Rosy. D. II. Bainebnrg ll,2)l .1. W. Broadbent 17,000 O. Dillon 10,125 Black I hanni'l Gold Ming Co. 12.000 li. Hair 8,483 .f gue River Mining & Lum. Co. 60,000 Gold Hill. .1. IT. Beel'nan 0,575 Ksnte of Th, nuns Charner 16.025 Phoebe Deku 0.36- Gol.l Hill Bank 12,500 Gold Hill Canal Co 2S.330 i:. (,'. McClendon 0,563 S. V. McClendon .'. ., 15,067 I'. F. Young 8,3j)2 Jacksonville. A. P. Armstrong 14,017 Heirs of A. M. Berry 12.053 E. and A. Britt 48.661 I. W. Bvbee 14,333 F. K. Bvbee 24.328 William Bvbee C. C. Bookman Cameron George De Barr K. De Rohonm A. K. Ilanlev K. K: Ilanlev E. B. Ilanlev Mrs. P. Hines f. J. Kenney Mra. E. .1. Kubli Kstate R. F. Maurv A. Mast, Sr Mrs. J. X. T. Miller lohn D. Morgan L. Niedermever lorry Xunaii Opp. Con. Mining Co. ... C. D. Reed A. L. Renter estate P. .1. Ryan W. II. Stewart T. .1. Williamson Lake Creek. I. W. Slinger Mound. W. .1. Gregorv W. W. Gregorv lackson County Imp. Co.. M. .1. Marshall & Son .1. M. t'pton Phoenix. P. S. Casey L. C. Coleman Mrs. A. B. Ferns Mrs. A. Furry .1. G. Gore . T. .1.- Hamlin William Hamlin 0,750 54,803 8,483 20,600 13.017 12.065 11,200 21,7,83 15,408 10,701 1 1,408 10,533 11,500 0,083 10,050 65,756 26,716 24,017 8,801 8,500 50,325 13.300 0.612 10,808 10,158 8.238 :i8.083 13.8751 F. K. Merrick I. W. Perkins !. A. Pruett I-Nlnto of Mrs. E. Stewart L. A. Wilkinson Kstate of .1. X". Moody Sum's Valley, L. C. Col. man J. B. Dungan Hester Gallowav I. B. McDonald II. Pellett Horace Pelton B. R. Porter Sterling. Peter Mankin Andrew ('antral Sterling Mining Co Sterling Mining Co Talent. A. Alford 10,008 E. Heeson 11.373 German Loan & Saving Co.... 10,7-11 IT. A. Hanseom 0,625 James Helms 16,850 F. M. & F. X. MrMahon 16,233 .Tosh PattiTsun v-i Fred Rap) 24.801 Andrew Weill nor 1 1,3.83 C. M. Wolters 0,050 Trail. Booth Kellv Lumber Co 2(1.283 10,220 17,850 8,000 0.275 0.212 11,383 27,333 13.0-.8 12.233 Bl.041 0,333 28,428 8,417, 13,308 13.083 63,458 30,167 The Big January Clear-. ance Sale continues at MEEKER'S Great Dry Goods Store. Bargains in Everything you need. Pay LESS and DRESS BETTER W. H. MEEKER & CO. 1 1,51 Kmaniiol King Union. J. n. Buckley R. J. Cameron John Devlin John Offenbacher William Rav M. F. Scholi K. A. Spaulding Wntkins. William uud Francis Spauliliug Willow Springs. X. K. Price W. N. Wright Wimer. Columbia Mines Co Edmunds Land Co - C. M. Johnson .1. Kanghmail Jesse X'eat hammer ooVno,',Jir Brewing Co, ... .... i i . rouian 8. 80S 15. 000 o. i.is 8 or, A. Moore 13.07" George A. ,l orse . . . . Kstate. W. Realms . S. G. Simon Tandelle ic Williams Frank Towne 17 10,666 8.448 16,471 12,716 0,715 8,101 8,000 13,083 21,000 10,500 ! 0,1 (If, ' j 1 0,000 ! 41,133 , 20.000 I 10.660 ! 0,533 0,125! 8,608 : Woodvlllo, Bagley Imp. Co 10.833! Mary F. While 8.050 Condor Water k Power C 1.82.573 Pullman Car Co 15.107 Western I'liion Telegraph Co.. 37,0011 Postal Telegraph & Cable Co.. 25,8:',:: Pacific Stales Teh-phone & Telegraph Co. YOU ARE WELCOME WKDNKSDAY A VT KR NOONS WILL UK LADIHS' VJMITINO DAY AT PKIIH IOMTK LAUNDRY. LA DUOS AR 10 ESPECIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND GO THROUGH TJIIO ES TABLISHMENT SIO 10 1IOAV THE CLOTJ I I0S A R 10 WAS 1 1 10 1 ) IN A N UP-TO-DAT10 AND MODERN LAUNDRY. ATTENDANTS AVJLL DE ON HANI) TO EX I LAIN! DETAILS :: :: :: Peil's Elite Laundry Duofold iM-inif ritjuli- uf tun s ). :ir;itr t':i)irir, is wiinniT tli:iii ;i nin!f t';ilric of twice (In- thief: II. S. Tllf IM.It-l li'Hisru il'c fniti ;i itonl.lc it:nik't i t In- In-' I fur t lie h;i nic p'tmoii, '! hi-imiI-t f';i l.rii- in hiitifi.M rx.-lti'ls Mn v'. tin- iniMT rctiiins t lie h';it . Duofold lifiny iii;kIi- frmri t wit li;;ht t':tlpri.- Mit-Tknit, it hn w:irnith witlimtt Imlk or wciylit. t)i iliiifT fnl.ric lu iiiL' iii;nle of cry fine cnniri'il cot t mi nml iittiifltcd to the inter fiilirlc of wool, lu-ops tin wi. f rum shrinking. Tin guml lioiisckofjH'r, iti wfisliinc a pieco of Ijh'i-, xi'wm it to a cotton fjihrie to lifi'p thf lui'o from Khrinkinjf. Duofold Ecasons Wl y You Should Wour DUOFOJD UNDERWEAR DUOfold licilijr MI.'wl'' of t WO S" j a rati- f":tli its with tin- ;iir H:tri' lie- Weill. lirfifH to tin- liimiaii 1h.i" tho same rclatii'i, as that of tin- ilniit.le window of tin li'-n"'. Air hciiij; a immi i-ondurtor of cold, the yarnii nt mad' of two m-iaia1r f;ilricM with an air spun lctwi'i'ii it warmer than a siiiglo ganiHiit of dou It If t In- tli i d iicss. Duofold's ifimr fahric of i-otton v.ith air nils ln-twfii the impiiri tifH of tin- hodv arc ahsorln-d y tltf out i r tadrii', while in tho fr dinarv ninj.de yarnient t he j in pari-tit-H are retained next to the skin. Duofold heiiif made with the inner Tabrir of a very fine i-otton. in oft, and i-an therefore l.e worn by tlnr who would like to wear wool, Init think thev cannot. Duofold has twice (lie fabric. altHorliiny ami vent i la I ing (pin I it iet of a single SOLD ONLY AT The Toggery OP.EOON S GREATEST VLUE GIVERS SATISFACTION AND PLEASURE ia eatiiiy are attained at NiihIi'h. Kv- ''r.vllliliK' illeil here has that ilelicions flavor llu.t only an expert, cook can t!ive.. (inr iiii ati. j 1 1 r v anil fish nr.. elms. -n from the choicest in hn nun -l.el. Dor col'feeH, tellH mill wines aio best. When i-mii iv.-int to enjoy n jji.i.jI meal tn Nash 's. THE NASH The Nash Hotel and Grill Only flrst-clasB houso In the city. Absolutely tho flnost grill botweeu Portland and San Francisco. A specialty Is mado of oyptcrs, shll Kid olkv fish. All meats used aro cold storage government Inspected. Oatorioe in all Its branches. R. W. GRAY. Builder COLONIAL I'ORCII WOIl, GRI LL AND LATI L WOlfK, PATTERN'S, ETC. TELE I Ml ONE 471. M EDI'ORI), OR. o o O o o o 0 O o o o 0 ooo o G G oc? o 90 ' a