THE MEDFORD DATLY TRIBUNE. MED FORD. OR.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 14. 1908. o Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. Published evry evi-niiig except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. G. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second Class Matter in tlio i'o.stoff ice at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Bates: One month, y mail or carrier, .$0.50 One year, by mail COO OPTIMISM TH9 VBYNOTft. A roivdid hall, an enthusiastic audi cue, entertaining oratory and npprerr iitc.l nuiNir were predominating fi-atureH in the ' iirosnerit v meeting" whii-h bronglit together all factions of Med ford and united them in work for the common good Monday evening. It was unanimously agreed to bury the hummer and the ax, to cease knock ing, to forget trivialities and petty quarrels in a uuitM effort to booat for Medford and the liogue Kiver val- ley. Speakers clearly outlined reasons why the prosperity Medford has en joyed should con tin lie, increase and multiply. The giirden spot of the world is about us, destined in the near fu ture to be the earth's greatest orchard. We are destined to have the greatest per capita of wealth in the United i-ilnh'H. Vo are, herore many years imKH bv, to ship aiinuullv from 10,000 to "."i,ni)0 earn of fruit to eastern, Hiiro pean nnd Asiatic markets. To handle this will take many times the number of people now employed, and bring many times the present income into this viilley. It. was brought out plainly that we must not only cry our resources to tin world to induce immigration, but we must boost imlividuiilly when the stranger comes among us, and make him think he is among a pcnple fit in every way to inhabit and possess such a f.-iir hind. tei i a in i ne humt wagon, do your share and ymt will find your property increasing in value like a snowball ndi ing down hill. Most of im in Medford are optimistic of the future. It is hard to live in this country without being optimist ic. " 'Tvvixt optimist mid pessimht The difference is droll; The optimist sees the doughnut. The pessimist the hole." DUNNE REFUSES TO GIVE SCHMITZ FREEDOM HAN FRANCISCO, .Ian. 13. Super ior Judge Krauk M. Dunne today re fused to admit to bail ex-Mayor Eu gene K. HcJimitz, whose conviction on tne charges of extortion were reversed last Wednesday by the Appellate court, which declared he. wai illegally con vie ted. The court declined to tak eog nizance of the reversal until the re mittitur eomett from a higher court. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. ROOMS TO LET by month at tly Emerick. day, week or tf FIKST-CLASS Japanese cook wiMhes situation. Address Cook, Tribune. 50 FOI SALE Town lots; good location, $.")0 each; terms. I'age & Law tun. iili" FOK KALE Ono fsH show ease, S feet Jong, nearly new; cheap. Lindley & Lindlev. tf UNCLE SA MTO LEAVE CUBA NEXT SPRING WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. In trans mitting the report of Governor .Ma goon, or Cuba, to the president, sec retary Taft commits the United States to promise to withdraw completely from Cuba in the spring of l'.tOl. Governor Magoon's report shows that the eondi tions are very encouraging to Cuba, WANTED All kinds of second hand goods at the Woods building near Hub bard 's Lindley & Lindley. tf FOIt SALE -"jt)0 buys Lorimer's fruit and confectionery stand if bought at once. Morse blk, West Side. tf FOK "lOJNT A""furaislH iMiite of rooms and 2 rooms, with or without board. Mrs. Joe Thomas, So. II nt. tf For City Recorder Benj. M. Collins INCUMBENT Candidate forReElection. REAL ESTAT ETEANSFEES. CAUSE OF CONTEMPT. ('. Nnriroaa to Pleasant A. PoouiH, lots 7 ami 8, block o, Xarre;au Addit inn, Medford . J Mar(sirct Taylor to Mrs. I'auliue A. II iiM'H, property in block le(, .lacknoiivillo coryc W. I'nyh to .lolill Lett, laud in townsliip '!, inni:' 1 K. Iinrl.s Davis to William Inivis, !.'HI acres in section "o, town sliip (17. nm-je 2 W William Davis to ('. W. Davis, lots 15 iiimI HI, Work li, Park A.Miti Medford I. T. Kadi to (leorce Kails, prop erty in Davis Aiiilition, Med f.ird .1. T. Kails to Kvorott Kinls, prop erty in Davis AiMit ion," Mod .1. T. Kails to Clarence Kails, propi-rty in, Davis Aiiilition, Mcilfon'l Ili'tty Peterson to ('. K. Kails, lot in, block r,i, il.'ilt'or.l Kilwanl K. Koss anil Kmnia L. .f. I-'oss, acres in D. I.. ('. (o, townsliip .'IN, rane I W. (life lease) Kulpli I'. iMissiii'r to .lolm ,1. Ifitter, .'I'i ncn i rl.nrlos llatemaii to .1. T. Kails. " ncres in MiiiiL"'r's subdivision, section -I, township :i7( rane " W 500 WA X'i'l-JD To rent u umall unfiir nished house, electric lifflits, close in Call at my office. l)r. li. R. llamil ton. tf o - Competent, faithful, hon est. H is record speaks for itself. Q t'UK EAiJJiAiS'liE Aledford property for other property. Adrdess Lock lioi 418, Mddfurd, Or. tf l-'OK SALE Town lots, good location. $.j0 each; terms. Page & Lawton. L'7 WANT TO liE.N'T 5 or Groom limine. Address, stating location, etc., II. L. iltliverv, citv trial at taiiif :i liad a Hiu-iih'gc Muring the I'utinim lilud .larkson jib, Prosecutor Id great denl to h;i about tin of criticising griinil juries, district at tornevs and couriH, and how such com ment tended to bring into contempt the administrators of justice. No nit 'rism ever ut tered can (mis nibly litwer-eourts in pulilic estimation as much as abuse of powrr and wrong t ul ads by the courts themselves. h Is not the comment upon mistakes, but the miscarriages of justice that shatter con :'nlence in those supposed to be im pr-rtinl administrators of lh liw. It is not tlx n niavl-s of m w i).,ii -r.--that opened (l gltes for tile fli.nd of ciitM-.i:iii ii,. w dr!riiin: the Cabforuiji appM.iic itiurt. but Uu act of theourl itself in ti.'Mim S -iiit'. and pntnounc ing i ;m-t "un and briltery l.-gil imnte action. All the in ss cmii do is to pnint to the acts of Hie eourt, and if thosi- acts uieril relml e hih criticism, the news piiier is not in bliinie. The c.nirt 's own recoid nth"! justi.'ies or diitui: t it. 1 1' titer1 is tii;illejis:iiice in office, it is t'he duty nf thr prefS to call miMic 111 t when those who their duty fail, uatiirul nit- ul i mi to( it are sworn to .. ly it : u g-e I he il- I it .in ul of piHdicity : .Ml of. t the Mini is sin in the . have the s up "ii their - .yes of uivUight horlcotti I'h" than lit; r i . 1 . :il SA LK OF MI'Ml'l PA Ij POXHS. Sealed propn iils will be received by he city eouncil of the city of .Medford. 'r"g"i,, .( tie other ot t tie city recopl r i.f s:t'i tity. until Friday, January .1. li'i-.s. j;t i' o'elocl; p. m,. for the pur of .,",ilti!) in ten vear. o" per rent '.iij-oii bonds of said city, in deiioiuiun t ions of $."lii each, int rest payabl" semi annually. Kach bid must be ac ciiiiiiinied by a certified eheeli for an amount ei-unl to " -jn-r cent of the amount of such bid, payable to the city of Medford, and said city council re serves t lie right ,to reject any or all I. ids. tit Medford, ( regon, January Young, general FOIi KKXT Gentleman wanted for nicely furnished room, near in. Apply' at Motel Moore. tt Ft.) It SA LK One five horsepower mo tor, .good as new; take it away for Jr7". J'eils Klito Laundry, Medford. Or. tf FOK SAM-; .".MxL-mi-fnot lot. 'M lot from cor. 11th and t, Hts.; a bargain;' S. W. Medofrd. fall any time. W. Vogili, residence. FOIt KKXT Furnished light house- j keeping rooms, bath, electrfc lights, water; I. W. Thomas block, 7th audi Hts. L'."-l i FOIt HKXT Desirable furnished rooms' for housekeeping; convenient ; for family of three; no children. .'il7 X. (' street. 2(17 A W K L I j- FST A 1 1 1 i I S 1 1 K D retail busi ness for sale in Medford. Address P. O. Pox 7I(i, or impure Tribune of fice, tf FOIt SALK Fight lots, west of house and one block north of for .tUnO. Applv or write .1. li ette, Medford, Or. chool Dated !.'l, HHW. ItKX.I. M. COI.MXS, Citv Itecorder. Buy Tickets by Wire. 'Sound hing which is ot considerable intenat to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known ift the system of prepaid orders now in eJVeet between stations of the Southern Pacific company ami all points in the Fnitcd Starrs. Py means of tilts system hickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the I'nited States and .nailed or telegraphed direct to the jinrty wishing to come here.. Sleeper aceommodat ions and small amounts of cash in connect ion with t hese ticket's may also be furnished at the sanif time." . tf Folf I; FXT Nicely furnished i-oouik; electric lights. Inoiiire of Mrs. Ad die b'ippey. West Seventh St., in the White Iddg. L'-"2 No Fire in the Kitchen Range No Hot Water in the House Then is the time you ap preciate the couvenieuce of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS -TO Attach a plug to the nearest lamp socket and turn the switch PINT, QUART, TWO QUART AND LARGER SIZES Pint Size is specially adapted tor nursery GET UNDER COVER It's a good idea for everybody ot get under cover in Med ford, including the city cuuncil, and wo are here to furnish you the BEST0 PROPERTY IN ' MEDFORD for the least money. If you are a Btranger in Medford, you can't afford to lose money by boarding with your family at a hotel. The business man's way of doing iPto buy a nico cheap, tract and build a nice house while the present financial situation contin ues, it 's a fact that you can build cheaper now than you could a month ago; or, better yet, BUY A CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN TO A BUSINESS CENTER and watch it grow into more money before spring. We are pre pared to equip all homeseckers with desirable homes at a low figure. Now is tho time to buy, savo rent and make money by the advance in price. j Rogue Land EXHIBIT BUILDING, River (Bo. MEDFORD, OREGON. Clean Sale Simple Durable Coudor Water and P-wer Co. I'huno Sfi'i. Oppnsifi' Office on Seventh Street, the ISig Eloctri-: Sign. -mii . i n. A , i li l ) uirl. l.i venrs '!'!, ilcsiri'H isilinii tu lo limisrwurk r emu fur rhiMiv'N. AiMios.y Mr. W P. Rogers, .I;icl(s(iiivilli-. tf i ' ' i( lil-,. l l u i-ii islii'il Irunt mum with linlli -ili.l clnlric light sluvi'i wilitilhh' fur two; $ln li month; I. V. ThoniHs hloi-k. "th tinil ( .sts. Inquire iiistnir.s. 254 U'OI.'K WA.N'TKD .iMjmnmc rtmtriic tor; can do tilt kituls of gcni'ml fnrm .ing; gi'iiornl 1icIiit in nil work; town nr i-oniitry. Aihlross A. U. Tntsnini, Ci n'l Del., Miilfor.l. Or. tf I I,: h iliv.-hj, il',it''ll t.'ll ill o on II,,- tin- :. r i Ul- Ill:-.l, , ill rieM. .'4'f. 1:1 li.-lll sill.l-'.I. :lt ' Hint 'i .iii li i i- llt.T I Ot' III.' OKfXIOX FKUIT. Tli,. i: I I.. ..,.. in tl.. . U , i.ll I .ll.l..-t,t,. Coat for Sale. We tin- now lir..iirv'l to furnish h.-iti-i i..Ui'il conl lit th.1 initio, fivi' tnih- nt of town, in nny ninount ili'sirnl f'.ot' per ton. tf . l'.VlFIC I 'DA I, CO. AU NOTICK. 1). tl. I'. iiisinlhit ion .of ot'li IMt'i.i,.,v ill g I stiiiiiling ; ti .1 .. ni t. n. I in .t:ill:,ti..n ol tl ti.l ..oik in tin ftrst ilforot iM ning. .ijiniiriiv i;t. i-iling Lrolli.-ls hit illw.s Wo I il,.'! i'. .!.... ton:,. I t i . . . TA Vl.i il:. N... I til. I . ! ' l'!n. . . r, l-.rv. l''ttU SAI.K Oni' 4i-horHi'irfwt..r tinto ninlic Rnssi-ll I'ligine, in f irst-eliiHS Hiiiia; look tliii. U., the ric; will snr von. IViiltt Kltte I.tminlry, Mctl fonl, Or. ' tf I'VIH HAI.H Oni- iti-rc, wost of .Moilfortl City limit; price .fjllll. pnynhlc lll ilown tinil $10 it month, without inter est. Aihlress I". Itox S7i. Medfonl. Oregon. 2li(l Th,- , l fe IiiH)Oft..lit tj iiou-;Mi.l.-s ti:; iu r . I: !;:il:.l 1.1 11. t III s, lit tin Kill S. i.t It' , 1 w t 1 1 win ol Oiego HI sii.,ii,.r. I. w ing ,1 C.'ililouii: tropn :il He. otirego nil oilier ti Oregon, if lowll, Ins h'ogne Ui I'lirnisli :in ,,t:,l,l t 'HI l.oeliol le.l Sillies. II i; Ir.-!.V llll.l HI,. I HieV il i on in to Miortie nn.l on the right minilx-i's. I on ill 1 1 ; ii i.l, r lor -1 1 Short;.' j ttie :: hi,'!, ; I e, nts per ,1 iiiiinli, r long, lirii,, j will tni.ii'! I'0 SAI.1'1 Itefore buying nursery or ornntnetittil stock cull 'anil s.-e (i. 1''. I.inxwiler, North C street, or n.lilress him Mux 111. Mc.lforil, Or.. nn,l get lowest prices. 'Jill l-'OK rAI.K New residence, jnst conl' pleleil, secoiitl lilo.-k west of high ' li hool. West Seventh street; fine col oniiil -interim-; chenp il'"sol,l (.oon. In ipiire 'rriliune office. tf I'OUsAl.i; llnving 'pni-ehns,,! over fei t of first -class niiltiiig logs. we are prepareil to furnish first class limilier of nil kin, Is in any amounts yn. short notice. If you contemplate luiililing place your onlcr w.ilh us; j prices very reasonahle ; ' il itt.ensi, ,n niiil'1 line liiiHi a specially. Write i .' call. Ilntte falls Liiliilu-r Vtl:t.llv. i Jackson county haul.. Me l j tf 'I .'li! i Jl"t ilir. ste;:.i ai.f a salt, ."-lie; w it li i;i:i, . S too j J. E. ENVART.I'resiil cnt. J. A. PIOKRV, Vice-Presiilent. JOHN S. OKTir, Cnshier. W. R JACKSO.V, Ass't Cashier. The Medford National Bank OR. MEDFORD, CAPITAL .$50,000 SURPLUS .' 10,000 ' Safety Boxes to 'Rout. A General Banking TnsinoRs A"e Solicit Your Patronage Transacted. U.rd, ir.'di.-i I ." ; T)id you vver have the priji aidie all over in snot a, and have your hi-ad feel as though you'd ln'rn out the niyht ln'fore tryiuj to "malic Milwnnkcc .famous," when in n ulity you went to bed at 7:li0 with an nntiflonjiiM hie filaster over your w:ii!Hii!c and your systcin Pull of h d lemonade and f In xsecd tea and your niouf h nil puckered up with (utiihief ':i sav.- there is no parting hitter as the purling of a ()iiininc capsule just as you arc in the act .tf swiillowtni; it. Mn h.isn 't nny duu-tor 's dijiloma, lmt when it conies to things MUc i;rip or cold, she knows the proper dnpe to knork them silly. A lift when you're cniuini; through. knowt lio.t I-. ,r.nM- tli dandy lnoth and: yeditine and t..:H-hcd eyes ainf lot f oi limits io iniiiij you n'Mt up on the lit mid innkc vmi fi-cl like vour -'d ,!f a.ri-in. We have nil the tli'"!- mid l-'ts inure, like olive oil j nnd (jrnpc jirire nnd stuff to tone I up y-!ir system after you've been nji nninst it. ! MILLER & EWBANn THE SIGN OF SAFETY 1ST NATIONAL BANK 1 OF MEDFORD CAPITAL, 550,000 ALWAYS CONSERVATIVE, ALWAVS SAFE Win. S. Crowoll, 'ri'silent. V. K. Doucl, Vice J'resiilent. Orio Crsuvford. Geo. V. Dunn, 2d Vice-President. M. L. Alvord. Cnshier. Assistant Cashier. - Because He Paid by Check Not long go, a business man in this eoiiiniunitv was presented with a lull that he had already paid. Ho produced the paid check as voucher m evidence, and it was thus-at once proven thnt ho had paid the bill. Don't you see the of r,.-.vl h,. hn This bank cordially invites vour account. ...hioef tn i."i, j pleased to render you the mosf efficient 'service. ' JACKSON COUNTY BANK Established 1888 MEDFORD, OR, Capital, Surplus and Deposits Over $625,000 vill be mmmM Medford Steam Bakery HOT ROLLS FOR BREAKFAST or dainty little dinner rolls that will tempt the uppetito of the most fastidious, Is the kind w serve every day when ordered. Hreadstuffs. Iijfht. white and de licious, is our specialty, as well as the richest, finest cakes, pas try and pies. When you wan" ' eojoy your tneal, order y. .,, bakesniffs from us. "I I'er rill -i'Ullti r.-ilvsis. etc.; w i;i iii-iii!!-. l're riu-r ol" 7th t. i. i-.-i.i-. -.ii-; I'tirl t v iili.t ' Vnlesl.e. A tf ( tf H. i; Il II t b'V" "II I llr! I I II i t '.lint II,. IM' ,... -.T.-t 111;.--, ,.-t .'lll... ItH .111.1 i "l.-itii; I'lu.-i, in I il 1 1 1". T ti i :i " 'r I f .-.-.t loliiil II. .1 til.- l. ,nt.iti t.. :ui , ,1 o-, .1 t In- s.-iuii- ix Inn el !H'. l.'s; lint ,,t,,-r t--liit-' .-HI. I i; II. I. II !,'t' ;l I these but in .-i- ,-,-ti,,- nllM" 1'llt i .11,1. 1. -I..- II ,lli;, - III. ..I' I,. I m The Southern I I at A-kl 'Itnnities for ttiit.m Slate Normal id offer- i special of, eachers t., rex iew for roi; bv .KENT Ne lay. week 'I'stoffice. furiiislie.l tniith. The dl'd. tr. rooiiis. tldi-lr. tf TIME TABLES fimJTilERN PACiriC RAILWAY, Northbound. it. Il) (Ire.iU K pit's-. . , II I'flithuhl Kxprcs.. '2-::, i'or Ashland Southbound, i. ,t i !iiit'ti ui: Kxprcss . Kl Nitu I'niiu-isctt llx . '2'2'i Prom (irants Pms.s. I '.!'J.. i y : I:.". :1.1 p. in. -I. Illie teai-hers' eamin.-it ions i I :ii-- ainl A'liiist. nnd In lake j IViI:ii:i,i: and in S ial M. lea.-liini: in the prions j;rad t r.-i in mj; schools , is who can tea.4i .Manual inanv are taking ad a lit a ij,- lustrial .1 l'elirit- j work in t hods in I . of the school. Since the public t'rcijou are eallini; for teach j Trainini;, i f the in rk lately installed in I lie I school. Expenses of beard and led,; I ' iiii: and tuition noniinal. Mate X, " mi; t lie will b. II,, tit tin- i;,-n, r.-,l .r, sl:,t, s, li... rilUlfr Si t'uls ever i;r:i I in tin- liis'-rv . is sent ,,n ;lo-b ho.d at Asl.lai.d iil'propriat ion of t'-.l a Normal f t ir, o.,Mi i a. Js to the i M'liSEKV STOCK All kinds of fruit trees, both laro aird small fruits, standard varieties of app ,s and pears and piai-lies. including Newtown and Spit, -ul,, -r apples; a full line of up t, slate nursery stock, in laro,. or small lots; also all kinds Qof ornamental trees ami shrubbery, at my residence in South Medford. having .just re ceied a laiye shipment, am prepared to fill orders iiuiiieiltately. In,uire at Warner's Store. I,. H. Warner, Sr., PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY. No. j le aves Mo.lfor.r77.. . ' s:int a. ill. No. il Leaves'ord i 'J ; -I.", p. in. No." Arrives Medford J 10: lit a.m. No. 4 Arrives Medford I 5:ti0p. in. ROQUE RIVER No. 2" l.eax.s" .M No. 1 l.eav Motor l..-av Motor l.eav No. 1 l.eav No. .'I l.eav Motor I.ea Motor l.eav VALLEY RAILWAY 111; in a. in. "too p. in. Q, 9-cial I ford. . . Medford. . . Miilford . . . Mivlford .. .lacksonvillc Jacksonville lacksonvill, Jacksoavilb' t rips motor car upward . -:oii p. m. . I 0:011p.m. it. 00 a. m. . .-i:.10p. m. . 1 1:00 p. ni. 7:. 10 p. m. dtiritio ilay. aceorditii: to nnmr CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS Thcj- chain the towns of money and neither Sive the tit, style nor distinction t" your clothes thatiyour own city tailor can. . PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "cany distinction," that bespeak the man, tnat keeps your money at home and arc superior in every " detail to the "sweatshop" 0goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY HOME EIFERT The City Tailor Medford FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING 1 V Ol let nnt.-o . Phone .la ksonviUe office. o c ' o o o o O O O O i o o & o o o 6J n O O o o o O o O C3 Co o - C) oo o o oo o o 0 o n O 0 O o o 0o0o o o o . T o o' 0 o CO o o o O O O o o o o o Cj O ' O o u o o o o O O on crtro o o o o n o O O CO o 1-UESII'NT. I M-dtfld. Or. tt her peopl " O ' o () I r O 'o O o n o " o o, - O c O 0 cO o