THE MEDFORD DATLY TRIBUNE, MKDFORD. OR.. MONDAY, JANUARY 13. I'lOS. Medford Daily Tribune , ..,, A Live Paper in a Live Town. IJuljIihiQii every evening t-xct'pt Sunday Medford Publishing Company. (i. IMJTXAM, Kiiitor mid Muuajr. Admitti'd nn Heroml rla Matter : tliu I'oHtof't'ice ut Medford, Oregon. Subscription Rates: One month, by nmil or currier. .$0.50 One year, by mail 5-00 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. i be corree what the like to have from anation of Ijm re- or we AhmiM Jike 1 if our understanding a eibioii in is not correct. REAMES IDEA OF AN EDITOR. The conviction of tin; editor of the Tribune and hid fine of 4 1 50 upon n charge of criminally libeling the grand jury und deputy prom-mting attorney C. L. J tea men will in no manner duter this paper in its duty to the public in criticising the misconduct of public of ficials in the future. Our personal interests in the outcome of thin trial nrei hides any criticism on our part of the conduct or motive of the prosecution. It h:m alway been and will remain the policy of thin paper to treat all mutton from an tin perHonal and unprejudiced ut and point and we will therefore leave it to the unprejudiced prrB of the state? (is to whether justice has been properly ad ministered, without malice and vindict ivcm'HU. "In morals, hh in medicine, there no ant inept ic tike the sunlight of Al mighty iod. " U'e regard t ho criti cistu of official acts as one of the highest MutieH winch a newspaper owes to mankind. It is always an obnoxioim and invidious task to d inclose to the public the misconduct or neglect of its servants in their official duties. If it is not done fearlessly, it cannot be done effectively, and it. is not from editorti trembling under t he uplifted scourge of the prosecuting attorney that tit public may expect a fulfillment of the highest function of u newspaper. However, this paper proposes to turn on the light whenever or wherever there is a malfeasance in office, and neither jail nor (me will swerve it t nun its course. While this may be a new theory Southera Oregon as to the function and dutv of a newspaper, it is not a new theory ill the State of Oregon or in the 1' ni led Slates, and though tin1 court may place grand juries upon a higher pedestal than was ever occupied by Knropeaii tyrant or Asia! ic potentate and oirmmid I heiu wit h t hat ancient and obsolete perogatixe of infallibility. any ilt-n l;i-t inn on the part of grand juries will be promntlv and severely eritic:sed in the columns of this paper. The friidom of the press is the free dom of the people, ami (lie greatest safeguard of their rights. No govern ment can circumscribe the liberty of the press without dismantling public spirit. ;i,tetii't to elevate public officials :boc the fnir critic:mn of the press is a blow at the fie'do-n of the 'I lie fallor of American heiuocraey said iii;mi vinrs ngo that tternnl vigi tame 's the priiv of human liberty. The vigilance -'' (he presis : th' v'gilanre of the people, THE C.ST3 OF 7UTNAM. Tie- Porthud ( 'n goirnn of .laiiuary 12, midi r the above caption, savs cdi torially : " We h:ie j, t closed II Week notable chiefly for its and ext raordi nary legal decVons. Jtidge Huniiit, of the circuit I'.irrt for ,'acksoii coiiutv, add- h p..t i. a tit 1 he nMo!i;shiiig ri coiii by t.-niiig a .Smlle-rii Oregon editoi tie' right to nh ol the tin! 1 1 in a ca criminal l-bel. Hue I'm nam. .- Meilfonl editor, hid liar-hlv ci it ii-iv, ,! the grand jnry and presecut j ing a'toM-. ;, i f .l;'ct,,iM c 'liatv for I their failun to i-rnin an in Met ait nt in as. .i -... I: at Medford. The I ,M t.-r"e fan ei Tut nan mii 1 . .jueiit trial l.'f cri district Attorney Ifeauies in prose cuting the Mind case, wherein Jeorge I'utnam was accused of printing scan dalous and tlefamatory matter of and concerning his brother and others, de livered the following remarkable dia tribe upon editors in general: ' A man wit h a pail of lampblack, a hatful of old type, a shoe brush and a thimbleful of brains," which was intended and probably does repre sent the lieaaies idea of an editor. This eloquent and expressive bit of diatribe did not originate in the fertile brain of the distinguished prosecutor. Mr. Kennies mudo use of the above- quo tation before a jury, while acting in the high office of district attorney and at a time when the defendant wan on trial because of the publication of al leged Hcandalous matter. Mr. lieames' objection to the alleged libelous publication wart that it held certain persons up to ridicule and pub lic hatred, and while occupying this high moral plane lie himself, it appears, was not above holding the defendant up to the scorn and ridicule of all his hearers. The rules of procedure, de nied the defendant the right of answer ing or defending the vituperative abuse of the district attorney. We have never known a respectable newspaper to resort to such viilifica tion under any circumstances, and the columns of the newspaper are always open to the persons who have been criti cised that they may vindicate themselves. Woolievor, the defendant, op rand in this section about six years ago, win a he solicited membership for the Modern Woodmen of America. Ho l ft South ern Op-gun with an unsavory reputation. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. dav, week or liOOMS TO month at th LKT by Kmc rick. FJ liST-CI.ASS Japanese cook wishes situation. Add reus f'ook, Tribune. 50 FOK SALK -Town lots; good location, $50 each; terms. I'age & Lawtun. 2iJ7 KOIt 8ALK One glass show case, 8; feet long, nearly new; cheap. Liudb-y j & Untllev. tf WA.NTKU All kinds of second hand goods at the Woods building near Hub bard's Lindley & Lindley. tf r)K BALE $50U buys Lorimor's fruit and confectionery stand if bought at once. Morse blk, West Side. tf For City Recorder Benj. M? Collins INCUMBENT Candidate forReElection. Competent, faithful, hon est. His recorS speaks for jtself. WANTKU To runt a Biniill unfur nished house, electric lights, close in. (all at my offico. Dr. R. H. Hamil ton. tf FOB EXCHANGE Medford property for other property. AdrdcBS Lock Box 418, Medford, Or. tf FOK .SALE Town lots, good location, $o0 each; terms. Page & Lawtou. 2(i" WANT TO HUNT 5 or C-roiim l.oiise! Address, stating location, etc., II. L. Voting, general delivery, city I'Oli KENT Gentleman wanted for nicely furnished room, near in. at Hotel Moore. tt Koli .SALK One f ivehorsopower mo tor, good as new; take it away for $75. Peils Elito Laundry, Medford, Or. ' tf CHANCE FOR A FINE. flic Portland Journal of .laiinary 1L' says editorially: ".fudge Manila, holding court in .Incksoa comity, has held that Uililor I'lltiiiim of the Medford Trilinne can not iulrodi any evidence proving the truth of his statements alleged to lie 'Ions. I'litiiain proposed to show that ill what he published K. was not netii. iled I iy any malice, and stated onlv the exact truth: this the .judge ho. Is lie Minimi do. At the risk of being in contempt ot court, nod itself libelous. 1 he Journal will remark that this is it her justice nor common sense, and are pretty oire it is not law." FOIt ItKN'T Desirable furnished rooms for housekeeping; convenient; for family of three; no children. H07 N. 0 street. 207 WELL -ESTABLISHED retail bnsi ncss for sale in Medford. Address P. O. liox 71C, or inquire Tribune of fice, tf l''OU HALE Eight lots, west of school house and one block north of 7th St., for .filoil. Apply or write J. E. Pay ette, Medford, Or. 253' OREGON'S CRIMINAL RECORD FOR YEAR 1907 IS DARK iircgon s criminal blotter lor the year I '.ni7 shows the ciimiiiissioii of 5(i homi idei. Per tlese crimes nut one con vietion of murder in the first degrei has 1 ii secured. Onlv two of tin lomicidi's were convicted of inui'ilor ii he second d. yioe, and are serving sen tellces III the state penitent iiirv. Olli it In r was convicted of manslaughter, hut he is out on bail tieiiding nn no " al t" th ' siii.reine court. Fourteen vi le acipnttid fur different causes, tell 'inimiitl'-d suicide. II have not be ioj r-'hi iuled and Kl cnsi s are pending the courts. (If the M defendants iv.a fug trml. ! will plead self do i use or justification, 3 went free lie ause of lack of evidence, 2 were nc puttid as iiistitie and 1 snccessfullv I'.-idetl the "unwritten" l.-uv. I" a I I est o II hull I I.. I. Iloil Irs int n. ' t v i llie liulii. i.OI .'I III. Pi a in ell.! she d I ny i.f u -t " he jildg ' .1 ,.f this ! l: .1 it lite: . In . I Hi. n.l Ronl Estate Transfers. I linnbiir to I'lifford Coggins, :;ns. In acr.-s in section 111, township 4 1, range I F. . I'irinai! S. I'liinn. to ,1. A. Ward. n i. ase of bo, A. Ward to Aii.'llst l.n lit :, iir.o.i rty in Park Ailili- Medfoni William b'oss In Timothy Daily et al.. Int 2. block ... b'oss .liti.m, Medford Kphriinn lladger to Alpha M. Walker, (VI Ion a, re in tow n 'hip oil, ranor I I-:.: also p'.ip i Ttv on Clanile sti'.'el.. Ash- i I :'a .1. l.'Wis to II. .I.o.hng. prnort in Park Addition. M ili'i.rd. bond for d. e.l el nn : ll'i .e. I.--I. ,11 :.'- . I,',,g-,l I'M.-.n. 1. 1, . - W.I . . . I . -. MI NI, ll'AI. .. ',1s ,V, il of tie- , in office of III, lv. Ul'lil I'li.l I . I U p. Ml ., lltiXDS. ViliM',1 bl ,f Me, It., li! ity i. ...rd V. .I.'MIIKIII FOIt HE NT Nicely furnished rooms: electric lights. Impure of Mrs. Ad die Itippev, West Seventh St., in the White bld'g. 252 ITPATION WANTED (lirl. 15 years old, desires position to do housework .r care for children. Address Mrs. W. P. lingers, Jackson ille. tf WOHK WANTED .lapanise contrac tor; can do all kinds of general farm ing; general tnipir in all worn; town or country. Address A. E. Tatsumi. Cen 'I Del.. Mull'ord. Or. tf No Fire in the Kitchen Range No Hot Water in the Bouse Then is the time you ap preciate the convenience of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS Attach a plug to the nearest lamp socket aud turn the switch PINT. QUART, TWO QUART AND LARGER SIZES Pint Size la specially adapted for nursery Clean Sale .Uiv. A Simple iCMUKClrPlbWasf . i ut i i s GET UNDER COVER It's a good idea for everybody ot get under cover in Med ford, including the city council, and we are here to furnish you f the BEST PROPERTY IN MEDFORD for tbo least money. If you are a stranger in Medford, you can't afford to loso money by boarding with your family at a hotel. The business man's way of doing is to buy a nice cheap tract and build a nice house while the present financial situation contin ues. It 's a fact that you cun build cheaper now than you could a mouth ago; or, better yet, BUY A CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN TO A BUSINESS CENTER and watch it grow into more money before spring. We are pre pared to equip all homeaeokers with desirable homes at a low ( figure. Now is the time tc buy, savo rout and make money by the advance in price. Rogue River Land Go. EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFOHD, OREGON. J. E. EXYAHT.I'resid ent. .T. A. I'KHHV, Vice-President. JOHN' S. ORTH, Cashier. V. 11. JACKSOX, Ass't Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to lient. A Cicncral Banking Business Transacted. "We Solicit Your Patronage Coudor Water and P.-nver Co. Phono Office on Seventh Street. OppoHit-o' the Rig Kleptri-: Siii. KOH SA LH nt 4.Yliursen)Wir unto Hint i Kussell engine, in f irHt-e1:isn siipi'; limit tliis up, the price will sur prie you. Peils Klite LuttmVy, Med ford. Or. tf l-'OK SA!,K One acre, west of Mi'dford Citv limits; nrire $tf(i), pavable $10 down mid $10 a lU'-nth, without inter rut. Address P. O. Mux S7i, Medford. PoU SAI.K lk'fore buying nnrserv or ortin men till stink en 1 1 and see (i. F I.inxwiler, Xnrth (' street, ur address him Ilox 114, Medfiml, Or., and get lowest priees, LMH l-'OK HALE -New residence, just corn pli'ted, ttectind block west nf high K-linol, West Seventh street; fine eol utiial interinr; cheap if sold soon. In ipiire Tribune office. tf KOk SA LK Having purchased over rnn,00(i feet of first-class milling, we are prepared to furnih first-class lumber of nil kinds in any amounts on short lit t ice. If you contemplate building place your order with us; prices very reasonable; dimension ami line finish lumber a specialty. Write or call. Hutte Palls (timber Company, office over Jackson eon nly bank, Med ford. Or. ' tf KA I IIS Men nnlv; hot air. steam and nii'dii-at' 1 m :i salt. .".ie; with : 1.IMI; flir rlii'iiiiiatism. elds, stiff t'liiLts, piralxsis, etc.; will pun tune gi nerallv. Prof. Vah" street, -oiior o( 7th "t. Special Sale Closing Out of a Large Stock of Fancy ChinaWare AtCost-AtCost Call At C.O.D. Grocery 7th St., for Particulars. II. MEMZ & SON. THE SIGN OF SAFETY 1ST NATIONAL BANK fl OF MEDFORD CAPITAL, 550,000 ALWAYS COXSKRVAT1VE, ALWAYS SAFE Win. S. Crowell, I'resiilciit. Cien. W. Dunn, 2d Viee -President. P. K. Deuel, Viee l'reniilent. M. L. Alrord. Cashier. Olio Crawl'ord. Assistnnt Cashier. Because He Paid by Check Not long iign, a business man in this community was presented with n hill Unit he had ulready paid. He produced the paid check ns voucher in evidence, and it was thus at once proven that he had paid the hill. Don't you see the importance of paying by check? This bank cordially invites your account, subject to clieek, aud will be pleased to render yo-i the most efficient service. JACKSON COUNTY BANK Established 1888 MEDFORD, OE. Capital, Surplus and Deposits Over 8625,000 1 1 I tie v triy.-$!& 'OK bv i: i:ni il.v. p..:..i Newly f 111 tlil.ll. d I. or' in. mill. The i. e, Medl'.ird. Or. J 1 5 oo . ,i 4 Mite .! 2) J If I i.l .li eer 1 ; ache .'ill , Mini- li.-a. I i.e, ' ' III t in i Medford Steam Bakery HOT BOLLS FOR BREASFAST or dainty little dinner rolls that will tempt the uppetite of the most fastidious, ts the kind wo serve every day when ordered. ISrcadstuffs, light, white and de licious, is our specialty, as well as the richest, finest cakes, pas try and pies. When you wair ' enjoy your meals, order :,i. baUestuffs from us. el Km pr. i I'lllll,! hi II e tie,! n - be, , ( li e i.nii:.l ' 1U N I. M HI. I. INS. ! -i;l I iM liirerder. SHE GOT A DIVORCE FROM CHEAT ADVENTURER eel II il sh.iP I.. .ihius il-. lure II I, 1 111, l,v I II, . I 1,, II. I 1,1 1 1 III ; I . T t,. el a tl,e '.1 ni linli-l. Sehea. I I"?. e..,.l,, Will.. i, A. h,le In i l,e 1,11.1.. 1. 1 I.. ,,ll,e . .'I II. I !!.,!. I l.el e i '"1 ii iii 1 1 i:i In lyir. 11-. ill I!'"'.. Mi. 1,'niu. .1 a d, . i. c ili.-xoi. She .aid i alil'ertii.i le S.m of bi bui ri , e,l in lliai I .1., I,:i. I.. . ear;!,.,,,;,..,. r. tLte., ... S,e l'K SAl.le At a liaraiii, niiieiy acres of the choicest fruit laiel in li,,e;;ie river alley, rich soil, all level, well Will, Ted. g,.od MX room ho. ise, o;..., biuti, lliree ooil 'Veils, aluin, lance of waler. All under cult i utioli read , for orelisr.l. I titetidine; purchasers slinlild see this place before, -I. , (leo. Minis. Nash lloli I. Medfoni. l: II;. nt Ii, Or. m i;si:i;y stuck trees, both larne nt. a li. la id varieties .-iii.l pi ad: enbel K4tf All kinds of f -it i t md luall fruits, f app es and pears . iiu hi, line; Newtown ami apples; a full line of up elene. t.-.late lnirs. r stock, ill larL.'e or s 'J, a 1 1 lots; also ail kinds of ornamental tiers mill slirtibb. rv, at my residence in s.oi'li Medford, havitii.' .ie-t ro ast idc l'ei e. a kilo..' shipment . to fill orders inie.ed ia teli Waimr's I.. 11. NT d'erd. (IT. a-tl pr- ::ilc. ln.piire at Warner, Sr.. tf n r tile LTio i . r in seel s. and li:i v e fill IIS tlo,ll.;ll V.-ll'd out the nielit before tryine; to .MilH.iu'se,. lam, ois. alitv u.-i.' :.. : '. .-. " : ..nil all a ill it l, .wist in,, plaster n, r yee- w islileo e an 1 your s stein full ,,f ! . I a: .mid,, a ii I t'lav- e.l tea and l::on:li all pnckeri I l;p with ..iil:;i.e .' 1'a sas tle-re is no part;re; so b:!ler as the parting of1 a ipiillilie capsule ius as veil are Ml tl.e act ol swallowini; it. Ma hasn't any .ln.ter's d'ploma. but! In 11 it colli, s to things like prip or col-1. she knows the proper dope to knock tlleln silly. And when xeti'tv c. none; tliroutli. sh knows li.ov t,. .pake the dandy broth and v kitiee ai.d poached "ls tin 1 Jots ,,f thi, gs to briui; you riyht up on tl,e bit and make v..u feel like your old self tti;ain. W'o have all the lliiiig. ml I-ats more, like olive oil, and urapo juice and stuff to tone up your system after you've been ' up 'acaiest it. MILLER & EWBANiC CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of monev .and neither flive the tit, style nor distinction t your elotlics thatiyonr own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MOUEr UOUE F&ESCH MT CLEWM EIFERT Th? City Tailor Medford ASDEfJlllirRSNI!IiIi; o o o o o Oo o o o o o o O O G o o O o o i i o o o o o O O O O oo o o G O o