Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 08, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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Associated Press
Cloudy weather, with probable
No. 245.
Mayor Reddy's An
nual Message Re
viewsWork of Coun
- cil During Year.
' At Tuesday night's meeting of the
city council Mayor Reddy submitted his
annual report for the first year of his
term a follows:
Mayor's Eeport.
MEDFORD, Or., Jan. 7.
To the City Council of the City of
. Med ford:
." Pursuant to the provisions of the city
Charter, I beg to submit herewith a re
port of the condition of affairs of the
It k unnecessary for me to go into
details as to the receipts and expend
itures of tho city during the past year,
as the reports of the treasurer and re
corder show those details fully; from
fhoBO reports, however, it can be seen
that thore is now on hand iu the vari
ous funds tho following amounts, aftor
deducting -sufficient to pay all out
standing warrants against the respect
ive funds:
General fund $1422.05
Contingent fund 197.45
Park fund 499.37
Sewer District No. 5 fund 194.94
General sewer fund 394.78
Lateral sower
No. 2, District No. 5 fund 11.73
No. 7, District No. 5 fund 29.S6
No. 6, District No. 5 fund 25.22
No. 4, District No. 5 fund 47.39
No. 3, District No. 5 fund 59.20
No. 1, District No. 5 fund 2.66
Total balances $2884.65
Total Indebtedness.
Against the remaining funds we find
tho following amounts outstanding in
warrants, after deducting the respect
ive amounts on hand in the respective
funds, for payment of warrants:
Lighw and water fund $0215.10
Street and road fund 817.82
Sewer District No. 4 fund 210.83
Sewer District No. 3 fund 281.69
Ilateral sewer No. 2, Sewer Dis
trict No. 3 fund 140.73
Lateral sower No. 3, Sewer Dis
trict No. 3 fund 243.89
Total outstanding warrants. .$7909.46
This leaves the city with a net in
debtedness, in warrants, of $5024.81, to
which must be added the face value and
accrued interest on the outstanding
bonds, aggregating $76,333.34, making
the total indebtedness $81,358.15.
During tho past year, in addition to
the ordinary running expenses of the
city and tho payment of interest, there
have boen expended $5237.50 in pay
bent of a judgment against the city,
and $3244.23 in payment for the city's
op tie tank, or a total of nearly $8500
of unusual expenses, ull incurred prior
to the administration of the present
Income of New Tear.
During the onsuing year there should
be realized from taxes and all other
tourees, outside of bond sales, approx
imately the following amouuts:
City tax, 4 mills $ 7,500.00
Park lax, Ml mill 950.00
Go no ml sewer tax, 2 mills. . 3,750.00
Street lighting tax, Va mill... 950.00
Street and road taat, 3 mills. . 5,700.00
Debt fund (only to be ex
pended in paying interest
on bonds), 4 mills 7,500.00
Saloon licenses 5,000.00
Miscellaneous, fines, etc 1,000.00
Total $32,350.00
This amount should be sufficient to
cover all the contemplated improve
mnts, in addition to the running ex
penses of tho city, excepting, of course,
the larger improvements, for which
bond issues are contemplated.
Supply of Pure Water.
The principal problem confronting
the city at the beginning of this ad
ministration, and whk'h will continue tn
be tho paramount isRiie until disposed
(Continued on Page 4.)
The Sign of Safety
Watch the Daily Tribune
Council PassesMonth
!y Budget of Bills
Finances Revealed
by Annual Reports.
Tho city council held its regular
monthly meeting Tuesday night, ap
proved tho monthly budget, kenrd an
nual reports of the mayor and city
ti (.-usurer and tho monthly report of the
eity rocordor, ordered several ordinances
druwn and passed a preliminary resolu
tion for tho grading of a street to be
known as Kiversido avenue.
Dove of Peace Alights.
All was harmonious. Tho meeting,
one of the last of tho present council,
was the most peaceful on record, and
devoid of the exciting clashes that have
enlivened many of tho sessions. The
c.fficials' messages reviewed tho work
'f tho past year, the condition of the
finances and tho prospects for tho coin
ing year.
Mayor Eeddy presided. Councilmen
Ilafer and Olwell were absent. Tho re
corder's report showed receipts for the
month of December as follows: General
fund, $1105.88; light and water,
$315.44; street and road, $234.18; con
tingent, $27; park, $40.30; lateral No.
2 sower district No. 3, $53.55. Dis
bursements wero as follows: General
fund, $1378.1(1; light and water,
$235.80; stroot and road, $1210; con-
tingent, $108.8!); park fund, $03.85.
Tho following bills woro ordered
Street and Eoad Funds.
T. W. Osgood, $165.17; F. N. Cum
mings, $1)0; Woods Lumber Co., $80.34;
Iowa Lumber Co., $72.30; J. A. liob-
bins, $54; S. A. D. Higgins, $52; R. E.
O'Brien, $50; J. W. lloskdull, $50;
.forko Oiiult, $49; Clnrenw) rtousHoni,
$40.50; Thomas Turpin, $32; William
Fletcher, $28; Iowa Lumber Co., $22.05;
Earl Scott, $21; W. S. King, $17;
Wood Lumber Co., $18.1.8; Nicholson
Hardware Co., $10.45; II. E. Boyden,
$10; James (1. Smith, $!l; J. Moshcr,
$8; W. S. King. $0; P. A. Wind, $5.70;
P. A. Wine, $5.(15; W. S. King, $5.05;
C. S. Biilcum, $5; W. S. King, $4.50;
ChnrleB Bonssnm, $4; L. L. Jacobs,
$3.!)0; L ,1. Phipps, $3.50; Georgo Mer
riman, $2.85; G. P. Merrimun, $2.45.
Water and Lighting Street Fund.
F. J. Wiggins, $8.75; .1. Welch, $5;
B. M. Collins, $55; L. L. Jacobs, $11.24;
P. H. Pnrrar, $100; SC. (!. Higiubotham,
$51.40; T. J. Morgan, $29.50; B. A.
lloone, $15; O. C. Cook, $7.50; W. S.
Crunk, $08; H. W. White, $57.85; C.
Duggan, $07.25; It. W. Wyatt, $07.85;
Thomns Plynn, $35; William Puggun,
$73.25; W. A. Duggnn, $08.50; Philip
Ako, $2.50; T. B. Ball, $77.50; W. 11.
('nop, $72.75; W. A. I'atton, $55.50;
oe Smith, $20.25; William Viueont, $03;
William I'hleglev, $51.75; George
Moses, $3; li. A. Bo $10.37; B. A.
Boon, $34.50; B. Johnson, $2.50; Iowa
Lumber Co., $130.95; Medford Furni
ture Co., $1.95; Jackson County bank,
$13; J. A. Smith, $24.60; Medford Sash
Sl Door Co., $7.85; II. S. Bramble, $1.50;
R. W. Gray, $7.50; E. N. Warner, $3.67;
George Merrimun, $24.75; Smith &
Malouy, $19.75; Deuel 4- Kutner, $1.97;
Hubbard Bros., $22.30; Medford Iron
Works, $21.90; Iowa Lumber Co.,
$20.05; Scott & Doris, $120; Nichalson
Hardware Co., $20.83; H. E. Boyden,
$26.80; Wood Lumber Co., $60.0S; F.
E. Martin, 50c.
General Fund.
Oregon Granite Co., $25; Iowa Lum
ber Co., $1.30; J. A. Mcintosh, $26.27;
George Merrimun, $20; L. L. Jacobs,
$16.18; A. S. Mover, $030; A. S. Moyer,'
$1000; II. E. Hoyden, 65 cents; Nichol
son Hardware Co., $2.65; A. S. Moyer,
$997.75; II. Withington, $20; Joseph
Scott, $50; ('. W. Lomin. $75; E. A.
Mnnn. $60; B. M. Collins, $20; W. J.
Pruilenberg, $65; Medford Publishing
Co., $5(1.88; W. II. Colvig, $15.
Miscellaneous Funds.
L. L. Jacobs, 40 cents; T. J. Wilkins,
$15; L. L. Jambs, 53 cents; L. L. Ja
cobs, $2.14; Medford Book Store, $5.90;
G. II. Pads, 2; Wood Lumber Co.,
415.24; .. L. nrobs. 99 cents.
Barkdull Withdraws
From Race for Coun
cilWho Aspirants
For Office are.
All ehanco for aspirants for city of
fices closed last night and only those
who filed petitions have a ehauce to get
into trouble. Harry Angle has evident
ly abandoned his offorts to elect a now
mayor, so that he mny again be chief
of police, for no effort has been made
to invoke the aid of courts to mandamus
council or recorder, and Medford has
in issed some more advert ising by not
having two mayors to fight over the
The Socialists have a full ticked nom
inated, but no otlior political organiza
tion has. The fight for place in the
eity council is principally a personal af
fair between tho various contestants,
the personality and popularity of the
candidates being tho determining fac
tors. Councilmanic Candidates.
In the first ward the candidates to
be voted upon aro J. H. Fitzgerald, the
"Big Chief" of the Jtedmen, who is
manager of tho Rogue River Electrical
Construction company, and P. E. Mer
rick, tho well-known orchardist. John
R. Simmons is tho Socialist candidate.
In tho second wurd, Dr. Louis Bundy,
the well-known and popular dentist, has
been induced to make the run, J. E.
Barkdull retiring in his favor. II. O.
Wortmau, tho butcher, and J. W. Wil
son, the Socialist, are his opponents.
In the third ward, Councilman W. V.
Eifert will make the race at tho in
stance of friends. F. A. Bliss and Er
nest Walters, Socialist, will be his op
ponents. For Other Offices.
Benjamin M. Collins, incumbent, has
only one opponent for tho job of re
corder Ferry Stewart, Socialist, and
the chances favor Collins' election. For
eity treasurer, there is not much doubt
that Lee L. Jacobs will again count the
city's cash. John A. Smith, Socialist,
is his opponent.
PARIS, Jan. 8. Tho Echo de Paris
today prints an interview emanating
from an "authorized Japanese source"
with the object of showing that Japan
has so absorbed the maintainence of
Asia that war with America is impos
sible. Tho entire attontion of Japan
is occupied with China, and Corean de
velopments. China has just dismissed
a number of Japanese instructors and
replaced them with Germans. The Man
ehnrian sit nation is full of complica
tions, China demanding the immediate
integral application of the treaty of
Portsmouth, which would deprive Japan
of the possibility of exercising an effi
cacious influence in Manchuria.
Installation of officers of the Wood
men of the World took place last night
at the new lodge hall in tho Angle
block. The installation wns preceded by
a business meeting, which was 'largely
at tended. Follow ing t he ceremon ies
came refreshments, consisting of cof
fee, doughnuts and eako, which were
much enjoyed by all present.
The new officers are: L. E. Hoover,
C. C; J. II. Atwoll, A. L.; Maultby, es
cort; Perry Stewart, watchman; A. S.
Wells, manager, and W. B. Jackson,
clerk of the camp. Mr. Jackson has
been reelected to the office of clerk
in a n v times and is an efficient officer.
SAX FRANCISCO, Jan. 8. .lames
Dalzell Brnwn, general manager, and
Walter J. BartiK'tt, vice-president, and
James Tread well, director of the Cali
fornia Safe IVposit Trust company,
were arraigned before Judge Dunne on
indictments charging embezzlement in
connection with making loans to them
selves while officials of the wrecked
bank. The judge declared lie would not
W rin it furthirr delay in the trial of the
accused bankers. The story published
that Jlrown and Burtnett would plead
guilty and throw themselves on the
mercy of the court was emphatically de
nied by both. Brown ridiculed the re
lort and Bartnett declared his innocence
of wrongdoing.
CurrentfBill Favored.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8. The house
sub committer on bunking and currency
today agreed on the bill to increase the
plasticity of the rur&icy and will re
port it tu(e full euittep.
Ed R. Van Dyke, the eonelentious and able manager, of J. CI. A'nn Dyke
& Co. 's Dry floods Store, one of tho oldest and most favorably known business
firms in this section of tho Btate.
Special Train to Jack'
sonville Tonight
Officers Installed.
Weatonkn tribe of Red Men go on a spe
cial excursion to .lack sonville this
(Wednesday) evening, to help install
new officers in Oregon Pocahontas tribe
No. 1. The train loaves at 7:110 P. M.
sharp. Jmlge llanna is Dist Dep. C S.
of the Pocahontas tribe.
The installation of officers of the
Weatonka tribe of Red Men took pluee
Saturday evening, and was followed by
a supper. Chief ,1. II. Fitzgerald had
charge of the installat ion ceremonies, as
sisted by (ireat Officers F. K. Martin.
Cr. San.; Joseph Conkey, prophet; O. M.
Selsby, Or. Sn Sag.; J. C JonoH, (.Jr.
Jr. Sag.; O. A. Jackson, Or. C. of li.;
W. B. Jackson, (V K. of W.
The new officers installed are:
11. A. Fredenberg, achem; J. E. Fan
gle, Sr. Sag.; S. 1. Brown, Jr. Sag.; C.
R. McClintock, prophet; L. L. Jacobs,
C. of It.; W. M. Kennedy, K. of W.;
first San., P. C. Bigliam; second San..
F. E. Martin; first War., O. R. Meiss
ner; second War., Charles ( 'aid well;
third War., Fred Vincent; fourth War.,
S. F. Rawlings; first brave, Ralph Al
leu; second brave, T. O. Corkcy; third
brave, F. I J. Tompkins; fourl h brave,
William Conchar; C. of W., Charles
Bimrdmau; 0. of F., .1. C. Jon s.
The trial of (I. Putnam, editor of the
Tribune, for libel, is scheduled to begin
at H o'clock Thursday morning at Jack
sonville. On account of the delay in
cone hiding the Simons manslaughter
trial on account of the illness of one of
the juror's family, the trial may he de
laved until later in the day or Friday.
The state hud rioted iu the Simons cast
on Tuesday afternoon, when illness
summoned one of the jurors, and court
wns adjourned until Wednesday aft
FRANKFORT. Kay., Jan. H. The
first mi ssage of (inventor Willson to
the general assembly was read today.
It was devoted largely to iCstirring re
eital of t he lawlessness t hat had de-veoM-d
niiice the tobacco war, Accom
panied by vigorous denuiiciut ion of the
malefactors and ! specific recomrnen
dutjnriN having for the object of break
ing up the trouble.
OTTAWA. Kan.. Jan. M. Robbers
k of
wrck d the safe in tUc state bank
Oik m ino at thnt .l;n"v ami secured
er IT''" Ol'lieQ.I.I.eM. helicvid to be
fmir men, en-aped.
Thaw Defense Springs
Surprise -Subpoena
NEW VOKK, Jan. H. The defense in
the case of Harry K. Thaw sprung itH
first surprise of the second trial to
day iu announcing lhat it had issued
subpoenas for several of the expert wit
nesses who testified for the prosecu
tion at the first trial a year ago, when
district Attorney Jerome applied fur
a lunacy commission and made affidavit
that in tln-ir opinion Thaw at the' time
of the iuiptiry was suffering from an
incurable form of insanity. These .same
doctors, however, had previously testi
fied on tin witness slaud, iu response to
Jerome's famous hypothetical ipiestioii,
that they believed that Thaw knew
what, he was about when lie killed
White. This move is intended by the
defense as a block I .t t he pins, nit ion
in putting same 'doctors on the
stand, ami is taken ,y miiiic as showing
the (leterininat ion that Thaw shall not
be convicted even with the danger of
staying iu the asylum for the criminal
insane, at Mnttnuau, as the nlternali w.
If successful in Oils, the defense WoyM
force the trial of Jie case strictly on
Thaw's mental condition iu tho sum
mer of !Hio and this would force ,b
none to apply for a lunacy eomiui.-eion.
and Thaw 's lawyers are eonf i.b-nt of
liis ability to make piod his claim of
present sanity before a lunacy board.
Only two tentative jurors were secured
this morning.
The basketball gam- pnlycd here hist
flight between Medford high s-Iio-,1
ten rn a ml I lie Young Men 's. I m pro e
merit el n! i of , 'dilii ml, re -oil d-d jir it
scon of .'!'! to 7 in favor of the locals.
The visiluis were rather unfortunate
at times, but, the result was never 'in
doubt, as our boys mi t classed tin- Y.
M. I. i'.'n from start to finish.
(uite a n ii of friends aecom
janied the Ashland club, and a dance
fololwin t lie con I e t ended the cv
ning's enjoyment. The game was well
conducted and the gentlemanly spirit
evinced by t he visit i tig players was
warmly commented. The line up; V. I-. Strang, center; H. M.
RothweM. li. U. PMmiale. gourds; F.
Strang, !!. ('. Cochran, forwards.
Aslaml M. Caldwell, center; C. M.
Uannhmaii, I). i. Ciod, gtmrds;. II. I).
Patterson, I). B. Rice, forward;). -
NKW YORK. Jan. s. !
Ileiuze, who wiiH arreted vest er da v
charged with over certif ical ion of
! check while on sifb fit of the Men-ail
tile ntiotinl P,nk. today entered ,-.,h-a
f riot euiltv. reserving the rb'M I oV
itiur to the indictment imv time before
J January
Greatest of Voting Contests Inaugurated by
Southern Oregonian and Tribune Enter
Your Name or That of a Friend as a Can
didate to Win the Beautiful Automobile.
Today formal announcement is made
of the Medford Tribune and Southern
Oivg.uiian V grand prize contest, the
most extraordinary offer ever made by
a newspaper in Medford. Frizes to the
amount of ifc'J.'iim.OO will be awarded to
17 ambitious and energetic ladies of
Jackson county by this paper. This
coutost promises to eclipse anything of
the hind ever held in Southern Oregon.
' Just a word as to what this contest
is for, as one might say this is one of
t iie ' 'cornet li ing-for- not hiug " ideas.
The object of the Tribune and Southern
Oiegoniau is to advertise themselves
and to be introduced into new homes,
so that all may know them as the lead
ing exponents, of the new Oregon fam
ily papers that print all the news all
the time.
By this way of advertising, ladies re
siding in Southern Oregon will be ben
efited to the extent of .$:. -.00.00 iu
prizes, and these are just what any
lady would be glad and willing to put
forth great offorts to secure.
Can) has been, taken by the manage
ment in securing these prizes that they
may not only be valuable and useful,
but appropriate as well.
Graud Capital Prizo.
First, us a grand capital prize, ih
the llios Reo automobile. It has been
decided, after much study on tho pari
of tlx' mnnagement, that the Koo is the
best machine thai can be put on as a
grand capital prize, it being especially
adapted to conditions iu this section of
the state.
The Keo roadster combines speed,
style, e1 rengt h, endurance and economy
to a degree-; that makes it one of the
foremost nutumobilos. The Reo selected
is one of the Dins models, a two-cylinder,
tMJ liorsj'poT-er, four-passenger ear,
and .is handled by the firm of Klmhursl
& Walker of this city.
Grand Tvize Numbor Two.
The second grand -prize iu the Trib
une's contest h a building lot in the
beautiful Cueen Anno Addition to the
city of Medford. The bit, with a value
of $:!o0.MM, rum to a Iwelvc foot nlley
wav and is within five minutes' walk
of the center of the city.
Coieen Anne Addition is one of the
choicest, subdivisions for cottage homes
in Jackson county, the soil is a rich
loam and tin1 elevation is such that one
has mi unobstructed view of the sur
rounding cmtntiy.
This lot is a prize well worth having,
not only -as a- homo site, but as an in
vestment, although a houutifiil location
for a heme.
Scholarship l-rlzes.
The scholarships provide a l) excellent
opportunity for any lady desirous of
securing a full and complete business
In this ae of progression there are
continual cull? for ladies to fill posi
ttons iu the largest mercantile eslnb
lidiments all over the country, and the'
"hading bu rner colleges find it dirfi
cult to keep up with the demand that
is 'out iuinilly beint,' made upon t hern.
I'n a t,'"'11' many rexjn-cts the scholar
ships, ate the mi, .4 aluable of the many
pr 'Jo 'be awarded,' iu that Ihey'ure
'n'ot'uily for today or tomorrow, but
are for Jill t ime.
Gold Wntcuon nti Frizes.
The watches that will bo awarded to
f i e li n't limit e lad ies are indeed vulu
aide prizes'. They are each nbd every
one cfiiip''d with f lie Well kiloWll
Wallhaui movement, nlein wind and set,
with 'JO sear cases.
Finno Certificates.
To the next, five young ladies will be
unaided a piano certificate, carrying a
value' of 1 oti.nM, and w Inch will ap
ply on the piirih;e of any piano so
cured at tie- well known firm of Male
& Co. Should t he contestant winning
one of t hese eert i f Scales, nr any one
of In-r family, contemplate the pur
chase nf a'pnuio, flo-y will receive a re
duetion of floo.oo on the list price of
any instrument handled by the firm of
Male & Co.
All the above prizes will n. given
awav absolutely free by TIIF MKI
IMfN' OliKCoNIAN', to the ladies se
curing the largest number of votes in
tins j;niud prize contest.
How to Secure Votes.
There an1 two ways of securing Viftes.
There will be f Vote coupon published
in each day's issue, beginning January
H, aii.P until I he clo-e of the contest,
good forlie .te, and the Illli.TT better
W:' and o,uieI.-r way of Securing votes
is by, get i ing subscript ioits to tie- Daily
Tribune and The Soiiiherti Ongoaiaii.
For iiistnntf-, any one who pays for
this paper for one year is given 3000
votes, if a new subscriber, and -IflOO
votes if an old subscriber, and this
person mny give these votes to any
lady they desire. Tho full schodulo of
votes will be found on another page of
this paper.
Nomination Coupon.
In the announcement ou another pago
of this issue will bo fuund a nomina
tion blank good for 25 votes. This
coupon will count for twenty-five vote
only when prpoperly filled out and
brought or mailed to this offico. Only
one will count fur any ono candidate.
Votes will be given-on ull Cash brought
iu on subscriptions, whother monoy ia
for payment in arrears or in advance,
and whether old or now subscriptions,
although a new subscription will count
for more votes.
Enter Your Name Early.
Knter your name and your friends
will do tho rest you will never know
who your real fricudB aro until you
have entered a contest of this kind.
Possibly you may think of a friond
who will want only a little encourage
ment. Knter her name by means. of
the nomination blank, which will give
her twenty-five votes. Other friends
will Hee her namo and before long your
choice will bo iu tho lead. Do florae
one t his favor.
That every ono may fully understand
who is eligible to enter this contost, it
may bo stated that thero is no age
limit, there is no objection to married
ladies entering this contest in fact,
there is gerat; curiosity on tho part of
the management as to whether married
or unmarried ladies aro tho most ener
getic. This question will havo to be
decided by the readers.
Publication of Names, ,
The first list of the candidates who
will take activo part in this great offer
will appear in this paper on Saturday,
January II, and nvory ipsuo thereafter
till the close of tho contest, with the
number of votes recorded by tho lady
for whom they havo boen polled, bo that
those who havo taken nn interest in tlio
contest iloingM will havo n full idea of
how their fn'-orito is progressing .from
day to day,
The only way to aeeure votes Is by
subscribing Ui the Medford Daily Trib
une or tho Southern Oregoninn, eqmi
weekly, or by clipping the coupon from
the papers, Kvory cent must reprosont
a subscription. No em ploy o of this pa
per or member uf tho employe's family
can participate In this contest. Candi
dates are not confined to securing votes
in their own district; votes will bo 'al
lowed ou subscriptions secured- any
where iu tho wido world. -'Active vot
ing will begin in this great $2500 con
test Monday morning, January 13, tho
first coupon with tho names of candi
dates being entered up to January 11,
being published next week.
Start Out Today.
As it is not too early to let your
friends know that you are going to be
a candidate tho minutes tho contest
starts, it would not be a bad idea td
get all the promises of subscriptions
possible before tho opening day. There
are so many liberal prizes offered that
nearly every ono who enters tho rnco"
will be sure of a splendid reward. See
jour friends, announce -your candidacy
among them and fill out a nomination1
blank at once. The contest will oxtend
only over the. period of six short Weeks:
good start will work wonders. If
yon are not eligiblo to enter yourself,
enter the namo of your wife, sister,
mot her, friend or sweetheart, as the
case may be, in this contest. Hhe may
win the automobile.
Soe Full Page Ad.
Full details of this great offr, giv
ing thn fields to be covered, or the
districts and what prizes are to be
awarded in each district, appears on
another page nf this issuo.
After having read thw over, sec the
Iwud contest manager at his office, over
the Medford National bank, and if .you,
do not fully understand this proposi
tion ho will cheerfully givo you all do
tails. If you nro interested in the con
test, come up and get acquainted and,
state what you desire to know. Any
iii'piiries addressed to the Cuiitost Man;
ager ll receive prompt attention,. r,. w
The next time that you are down
town dropinto this department and let
the manager explain to you the details
of the plan ami how easy it. is to jtl&
'mo of tho prizes, . ,
II. C. Maury and , Ilellrf Uriiaf u? Cn4
t:nl Point prccliift wur nmnnj( thuir.
Medford friends during tho week r