Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 04, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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    Medford Daily Tribune
A Live Paper In a Live Town.
Published every evening except Sunday
Medford Publishing Company.
0. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second Class Matter in
tl) PoHtoffiee at Medford, Oregon.
Sub rip tl on Bates:
One month, by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50
One year, bv mail S.00
Society Notes
The firemen's bull at Jacksonville
New Year'B eve proved to bo a delight
ful affair in every respect. Though
not as large a crowd wax present ! j,,.nt of the m.M for the remainder
In both faculty and student circles
at Ashland normal the news that Clyde
A. Payne, of the department of uci
ences of the Southern Oregon State
Normal school, had been designated by
the state normal regents to aet as pres-
Coming Attractions.
January (J "A Ciirl of the Streets.
January M "Are You Crazy f "
Under the present system of running
nflairs in .Inckson county, the tiupay
cih can know hut little of what h go
ing nn, (niiity Ijuoks are never export
ed find only the most superficial cxuui'
inatioim made, Taxjmyers are fn:
ipiently nn 1 1 tied to pay taxes twice
money Hen! fur tuxes w sometimes up
plied on the wrong property and Ian
on which tuxes have been paid and re
rcipts given pluced on the delinquent
tnx list.
To still further complicate the situa
tion, the legislature at its last session
passed a bill abolishing the publication
of delinquent tux Hsu, o that n proj:
erty owner hem-eforth lias 110 method of
linowing whether he h on the delfuqiiciit
list, except by personal inuuirv. Win
the bookkeeping is faulty, as it is fro
qnently, any one can sneak up to the
office of the sheriff, quietly pay the
listed tax arrears on any given parcel
and thus secure a secret claim on the
property, with the chance of securing
deed at the end of two year-t, while tin-
owner receives no official notice that
his laud is in peril.
If county accounts are regularly
checked up by an expert in a basin
use manner mere will at least le par-
protection for taxpayers. The
amount of money received, the amount
expended IUI, ())ier details should be
made known.
( nreless ami slipshod methods nf
bookkeeping are responsible for most o:
the shortages reported in county offi
ciiiIh ices. Once in a wliilo there
is a crooked official who makes a clean
iifi, ihii mom or i ne HeiiiKjiKuices are
due to incompetence rather than to in
tent lonal wrongdoing.
wniciais are usually elected on ac
count of popularity rather than for
their competence. The hail-fellow
wt II -met is the vote-getter. The quiet
orderly, methodical man of business is
hopelessly out of the running. Ueuc
it rollnv-i that a majority op office
holders are good-natured, easy going in'
(iivHiuais without, special training,
whose carelessness is responsible for
shortages that creep in.
Hut the effect on '(lie taxpayer is tlid
name, whether his money be stolen or
lost by incompetence, If in Iherefi
ft matter of public interest that regular
inspection lie made by experts.
A ruse in point is that of II. h. Wil
cox, who for twelve years was sheriff
of Oilliain' county, and one of the most
popular men in the county. No in spec
lion was made 'of his books through
these years. Finally an export, chocked
up accounts and the office was found
$12,000 shy, due entirely to sloppy meth
ods, not to crookedness.
What would be the condition revealed
in Jackson county, where for over
twenty years there has not been an
expert placed on the hooks! Do you
not think it high time for such a move!
"(Irandtna " Mary Unioney Wood,
who was )') yearn old May liM)'.
died at I he home of her daughter, Mr.-.
C. It, Kt vnohh, in Dishorn, Jaiiuan
1. The t'ause of her death was general
debility. Mary Itmnscy Wood was th"
dauhh r of a bricknu..ton, Kh-htnd
Ramsey, and was born at Kuoxvillt-.
Tean., May 'JO, 177. At the age of 1'J
years she joined the Methodist Kpisco
pal church. She married Jacob l.cui
oiis in I Sill, and bore the following
children: Mary Jam- Lemons, born in
I.sim,, .hed l!OI; ime Lemons, I
ISii'l ami
on " -II
Ml... '
at whose
l-esidi'd fo
K, b
iMirn in
I, em
ISliO; Mrs. Nancv
I is'; ,..i d' l l"
'"'' vim. I . in., n is;,, i ;,ud
home the nged woman has
manv vears.
usual, on account of the "Toymuker"
being played in Medford the same
night, alt present seemed to enjoy
selves to the utmost and pronounced
themselves wiO pleased. Mrs. Klmer
served a delicious supper in the 1. O.
(). F. hall.
The Kastern Htar held an interesting
session last Thursday evening, when
Mrs. Hay L. frherwin of Ashland in
stalled the officers for the ensuing
year. A number of out-of-town
"Stars" were present and a delight
the evening. .Among the out-of-town
people were Mr. and Mrs. Kobinctt,
M r. and Mrs. Norcross and M r. and
Mm. Leever of Central Point, Mrs. C. C,
Taylor, Mrs. A. S. Itosenbaum and
Mist liernice Cameron of Medford and
Mrs. Hubert Cameron of Uniontown.
Miss Margaret Tilm of Portland and
M rs. George Linn and daughter, of
Kugenc, who have ben spending their
holidays, at tho home of I. Linn' of
this place, returned to their respective
homes Friday.
Miss Maude Prim spent n few hours
in Medford Friday.
Miss Lenin Farland, who has been
teaching in the public school at Med
ford for n number of 'months, left fori
Kverett, Wash., Thursday evening,
where she has accepted a more lucra
tive position. '
Mrs. Kiln Cook is visiting Mrs. Blaine
Klum of Medford this week'.
Won tonka Social club gave another
of its popular dancing parties during
the past week. A large number at
tended ami all enjoyed themselves
Many of Medford s fraternal soci
ties are electing and installing off i
ers mid social sessions are held on the
nights of installation, which are gen
erally well attended and pleasant af
fairs, and include banquets. Our city
has many fraternal orders, nearly all
of which are in a flourishing condition.
The Tidings says that Thomas J. Fu-j
son, manager of the Ashland Opera
House, was in Medford one day this
week and completed arrangements with
IluTclngg & 'Williams for the produc
iuou.,iu " i ue; mascot, n comic oihth,
ni iAslnud soon. This piny, is consid
ered one. of. the most pleiwiug musical
attractions. Mr. , Hazelrigg Jiaff taken
pams ,lo assemble, the best, possible tal
willow Nnitlmm Orugou. . -The most cx
costumes . have
been" secured especially for this produc
tion. ...
'I he New ear's ball -riven by the
Jacksonville fire department was one
r'tlto Boeinl Events of tho season. The
attendance was large and nothing had
ttueij left undone for the ' eiitertninment
i inu uancers,k uperior music was
furiuslied by Nnrllnjr'n orchestra, while
the supper served by Mrs. Klmer could
not havo been excelled.
Tno dancing party given at Kuch's
hall at Applegate Thursday night was
success in every way. The music and
upper is highly spokeu of by the many
no were in atteiu ance.
of the school year to fill tho vacancy
caused by the resignation of President
I. F. Mulkey, was received with pe
culiar satisfaction. It was felt that
no other member of tho faculty is quite
so well fitted to take up the work and
carry it on successfully as Mr. Payne
He is young and vigorous, has excellent
executive ability, is in close touch with
( the students . individually and collect
ively and is exceedingly popular among
all. Mr. Payne is a native sou of Or
egon and while a student at thq State
university was very prominent in ath-
supper was served at the close of I itioH, hohling some of the records
field events. He u always prpopmiuent
in the athletic affairs of the State
Normal, with which institution he has
been connected, .with two exceptions
only, longer than Jiny other present
member of the faeulty. Mr. Payne
will undertake the direction of affairs
at once..
Christian Science services are held
every Sunday morning at II o'clock
in the Commercial club rooms. Subject
for January ti, "tioil." All are welcome.
Antoinette De Peatt to Barrett
& Campbell, property on Main
street, ABhlaud $
E. J. Gilmore to T. F. Doran, 5
acres in township 30, range 1
Anna Lane to Elizabeth Wilcox,
20 acres in L). L. C. 70, town
ship 37, range 2 W 1
I..O. O. F. Lodgo of Medford to
Anna Lan lot 1, block 103
Cemetery, Medford
Kebeeca M. McLonough to Frank
N. Ray, 3HMH acres in D. L.
C. Ci, township p36, range 2
W 20,000
C. N. Farmer to B. J. Dreisomer
20 acres in Grouse creek min
ing district '
P. W. Xetherland to E. S. Rice,
land in D. L. C. 70, township
38, range 1 W...
II. J. Van Fossen to A. D, Hel
nian, 20';. acres in section 5,
.township 30, range 1 E
Orant Kawlings to P. P. Weir,
120 acres in section 20, town
ship 37, range 1 E
Frederika Wolf to Jowa Lum
ber & Box company, land in
section 13, township 34, uugu
3 E
T,, J. Downing to Oscar II out h,
property in Downing 'h subdi
vision of Ashland . : ,
Oscar Holds to Allen Davis,
same as above.
V. M. I ,...1.1 Iki mki I ,i uiiiiriinl....
ny Mli-llt nf ...H f t. (;r
nntni' Trust i:nil, in tivn : n.l t li r.--von
witli I n-r ,',.,n ini,.r,.s ii,. j, t.i ri'ti.-h tin iiyr.-nnriit with
the Anu'riiNin Snn-t' t.'.l.iv.
Thin will ,.i.nipl,.,. tln. niiiittiiit,,,. .,n,
Ktltint'y till lilltl,,H.
Me "'ill I n I Mr .ill tl. ., ,,f
(lie fnlii-n l. -nil, nu, ,;1 - ,,.,,,yilN ,,(
$.'tt'l Itr ll'f.H in IWO Vl-lt ;Hl, ;r.,.r .,.
tniln in ttlli'i. veillH,
Stn-ll win Ml". I.n,,l ,.t'',,r (, M,
lit p.iHitnrs ' riiiiiiiiilli.... .'in, it n..(s n,.
i'i pfetl. Tin. .lntii it t. . Ii.,, :isK,.,l f , ,r
pitvini'iit nf tlllll ,l,,...v,ts i,r Ir.s in
tI0 llllVH.
Th in ilitri-i-iiienl will t. .j
uf . iiio.iiiiii n itltin t,i v
niMition. Inn. nil" to r It I
litml. i n J -. ( i . n 1 1 1 1 I..,, ,
'.'it-, tin.) tit
A Tilt,.n.
Il.. Itltter mi! in?. Iiii 1 11 I.e. ii
In the flittering l.tinK jnnt l (,,
W oiilnnkii Trihe will In, hi u Hiieial
BrHH'on this (Hiitur.liiv) eveniiiL'. whieli
ll hIh.i lie tlie neeiisiiiii nf the rtliniii.'
up nf the newly eleeteil cliiefH. crr,
anil veniii.iii will I,,, i H...
iinelnsiini nf the linsiness tiriiLrniinni..
Hi. II. .1. V. I'erliillN mill Mrs. Perkins
III In. in their llillerest erehiiril
.left l, llettril lel't fr n three
i'l' trip tn New York city lln,
ler eastern imints. Mrs. I Irani mill
iiw lleanl eaine in from Sterlinir to
Ii i ill off.
KilKi.r II iifer, who lias I,, seriously
ill with lypliohl fever in the (looil Sn-
,i.. ii. in.spiim ai i ortlniiil, is report
e.I iiineh Letter toilay. Mrs. Ilnfer is
ith him.
1 1 rent interest is arouseil over the
openiiiK "f a Htuilio l.y Mrs. Irene
Hampton Isntii's, an, I the people of Moil are eoiiraliilatin themselves nn
liavinj; Hieir miilst an nrtiste of so
.listillKllisheil til.ility.
Mrs. Isaaes' talent has roeeivoil r
oaition l.y some nf tho worlil s j;reat
el artists. In tl list she was niven
aililieiiie l.y Mine, llloouif iehl .eisler,
the in,, -I famous lixiuj woin.-iu pianist;
the t"at Kosenthal a,....i,r,l h,.r nn
iut, rvirw of nn I r's lenoth, nt whieli
he . ti.i,l,, her oreat eii,.,iui...,.iien.
Iler Inst t.a,.i, r, II. Tr llermon Ceuss.
the presi.lent of the I :i I i I. .r ii iii eonserva
torv of iniHi... is lavish in praise i.f
i,. r v. oiiiom i in a, lilev einents. her mar
velous tr.linie iu.,1 mtivi. iaiilv interpre
tat ions. Tor so voinio an artist ami so
,.lin. .st ii worker, the future offers al
most niiliiiiile.l ,ssil,,,i That she
lias .lei i,,,l to tiv,. M,,f,, . .,i,.fit
of h. r t.-,l, t,t ai.,1 wi,le ttnisi,.:i know I
-Ii.'.. is i;, calls,, f,,
'I int.. rest, -, it, tl
,ii, e
of all
The Nash Hotel and Grill
Only first-class house in the city. Absolutely the finest grill between
Portland and San Francisco. A specialty is made of oysters, shell and other
fish. All moats usod are cold storage, government inspected. Catering in all
its branches. ,
Great Dry Gods Store
I 1
. January has in store
'.' -
great Bargains for many
, customers.
Watch! Watch f
& CO.
Hotel Nash Grill
Sunday Table d'Hote Dinner, $1.00
Pystrrs on Deep-Sliell
f r'rfsh Tomatoes en Tnsse
California tlives
Ktlot of Sra Hass, 1'arnley Smire
Potatoes (instrononie Sliecd Cncmnbers
Itrai.til Calf's Sweet lnv.-uls with
tlrren Peas
Hroilnl Siiiab-Chirki'n in Toast
Urowned Sweet Potatoes
A"'aramis Tips
Hot IliMiHi' Lett are
Tnlti I'rntti lr
-n Apple
Kaili'V Cake
Siskiyou Sparkling W'ate
(i. OPKLL. Steward.
January fi, i)7
Will It Appear
It's a good idea for everybody ot get under cover in Sled
ford, including the city council, and wo aro hero to furnish you
for tho least money. If you aro a stranger in Medford, you can't
afford to lose monoy by boarding with your family at a hotel.
The business man's way of doing is to buy a nice cheap tract
and build a nice houso while the present financial situation contin
ues. It's a fact that you can build cheaper now than you could
a month ago; or, better yet,
and watch it grow into more money, before spring. Wo are pre
pared to equip all homeseokors with desirable homes at a low
figure. Now is the time to buy, save rent and make money by
the advance in price.
Rogue River
Land (Bo.
! 1
They drain the towns of mone). and, neither
giveithe fit, style nor distinction yoiir clothes
thatlyour own city tailor can.
The clothes I make are the kind that "carry
distinction,'" that. bespeak the man, that keeps
your money at home and are superior in every
, detail to the "sweatshop" goods of satalogue
The City Tailor Medford
Tonight's tin. niK,t you try
til blow the end mil of burn
in order to celebrate the New
Year and tomorrow is tlie day
you ro on the water wagon.
If you're going to turn over a
new leaf and do all your trad
ing nt thin store next year,
come in this evening and get
better acquainted a ml have a
glass of that good mountain
cider the old man has opened
up for all our customers. He
isn't much of a hand to get
out in front and give the glad
hand to folks, but he wants
every one to know that we ap
preciate their trade, and we'll
do our level best to earn the
continued approbation of those
who love goo, things to eat.
N.. Happy New Your! And
don't forget the good eider on
tap all day tomormw.
Miller & Ewbank
Grain Alfalfa and Stock
DB. C. R. RAY,
Medford, Or.
For City Recorder
Benj. M. Collins
Candidate forReElection.
Competent, faithful, hon
est. His record speaks
for itself.
Is hereby given the undersigned
will apply to the city council of Med
ford. Or., at its next meeting to lie
held .tanuary 7, Inns. fr liccn!H. to
sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors
in less quantities than a gallon, for a
period of six months, nt my liii- ,
business nt lot 14. block 20. Medford,
Ur- ii. M. OII'SOX.
T'ated IUceniber 2s, l!ln7. El'i
o o o
o o o
o n o