RY SIMONS FOR KILLING TRAMP o Ashland Chief of Police to Face Tri bunal on Manslaughter Indictment for Shooting Tramp Last November Who Was Escaping Arrest. r Court reconvenes from the holiday xeoesa at Jacksonville next Mom! a v. Among the criminal cases to come up is' that of Charles A. Simons, chief of po-! lice of Ashland, who was indicted by! the lust grand jury for manslaughter inj tjie killing of Albert Engvnlt just out .side of t ho Ashland city limits in the' eastern part of town about 10 o'cloo':' on the night of November 23. The in I dictmeut reads as follows: I ' Charles A. Simons is accused by I the errand iurv for the countv of Jack-1 sou, statu of Oregon, by this indict ment of the crime of manslaughter, committed us follows to wit: " That the said Charles A. Simons, on te-wit, the 23d day of November, liM-7, in the county of .Jackson, state of Ore gon, then and there being did then and there feloniously and by his act of culpable negligence in tho handling nnd discharge of a firoarm, to-wit, a pistol, did then and there discharge said pistol with such culpable negligence that he then aud there killed Albert Engvall by then and there shooting said Albert Kngvall with said pistol, said killing being neither justifiable nor excusable, us provided by law." Witnesses Examined. Contrary to the statutes in such cases made and provided aud against the peace and dignity of the state of Ore gon, "Dated at Jacksonville, Or., this 21st day of December, 1007. Witnesses examined before the grand jury: A. E. Kellogg, Dr. P. R. Hower sox, Edward Thornton, Dr. D. M. Hrow er, Dr. F. G. Swedenburg, J. K, Thorn ton, C. A. Simons, Henry L. White. "A. E. RKAMKS, 4t Pro3ecuting attorney for the first prosecuting attorney district of Ore gon. ' ' The section of the code and penalty: thereof under which tho indictment was returned read as follows: - "Section 1750. Every other killing of a human being by tho act, procure ment or culpable negligence of another, when such killing is not murder in the first or second dcgr(V) or is not justifi able or excusable as provided in this ehaptper, shall be deemed manslaugh ter. "Section 1753. Every person con victed of manslaughter shall bu pun ished by imprisonment in the peniten tiary not less than one nor more than fifteen years, and by n fine not exceed ing five thousand dollars." Plead Not Guilty. Tho grand jury and district attorney had deliberated over the evidence sov eral davs. Tho defemUmt was invited before the inquisitorial body a number of times. He pleaded not guilty, and Judge llanua placed his bail bond in the sum of $l'M)it, which was furnished by George X. Lewis aud J. Nunan of Jacksonville. CALIFORNIA BANKERS ONCE MORE INDICTED Following a thorough investigation into the nf fairs of the California Safe Deposit & Trust company of San Fran cisco, which failed, owing depositors nearly fti.OOQ.noo, aud the methods of its oft"ciils alleged to have been re sponsible for wrecking the bank, in dictments nave been returned by the grand iurv charging James Dal .ell lirown, ex-general manager; Walter J. Bartnett, ox-vice-president, general counsel and director; James Treadwell, director, with felony embezzlement. One indictment was returned against Brown and Bartnett, and two against Tread-well. Bench warrants were issued and bail fixed at $30,000 for Brown; $35,000 for Bartnett, and $50,000 on one charge against Treadwell and $25,000 on the other. Benton Bowers of Ashland passed through Med ford on his way home from a business trip on the Rogue river. OUR NEW YEAR'S BILL OF FARE Contains all the good old-fashioned dishes associated with the day and many more besides. Como nnd eat yours here. Bring your wife with you. Sho'll enjoy the cooking at this restaurant we know. And she'll appreciate immensely the treat of eating such a fine meal without tho trouble and labor involved in its cooking. . THE NASH Medford Steam Bakery HOT BOLLS FOR BREAKFAST or dainty little dinner rolls that will tempt the appetite of the most fastidious, Is tho kind we servo every day when ordored. Breadstuff's, light, white and de licious, is our specialty, as -.well as the richest, finest cakes,' pas try and pics. When you want to enjoy your meals, order youi bakestuffi from us. Scene From "A Girl of the Streets" Oni' of tin- most si "t'ul plays on the ra. this mil'"" is "(iirl of t li- Streets," n inelo.irniiin wliirh rutin to the Opera lion "ii M. unlay. .limitary (1. Thi play n-hievo.l of the liils of last s.-aion. It remains liberal per il, us i f rattling an,..! nir.lv an. I .Irainati.- thrill'. It is built up nf the mil final that appeals b theateroo.-rs win. a.lmire simple virtues. The villain .run a wnvs be r.-li-.l upon t.. merit the holiest hatred "f his nolieiir... ami the cnl'iU' (.-litleni. n have iron houn.l tri.-t- w it It the aa.li. n.e that they be giv'.'n an opportunity to furnish a laugh oerv smiiels. "I.irl of the (Streets'- .Limit" of novel jWoitir efforts ami the ...mpai.r pre..-ntitii; it has a well established repuuthn for effective work. Nun.' r..n- iirhr'aMies will b given. This is n play every woman 'uouh'. see. Horse Sense It is plain common sense that tho storo turning their stock the most rapidly has the newest goods and the latest effects. Xo one in Southern Oregon will dispute the statement that The Tog gery is that store in Med ford. Good buying judgment enables us to give you such values as these in the latest metropolitan styles. Personal guaranteed Cravenette Rainproof Overcoats in Oxford, grays and other late color effects, in the very newest up-to-now models, with hand-padded shoulders and felled collars, with every seam taped, half satin lined a full finished Coat now $21.50 AND UP. Toggery Coat Shirts with and without cuffs attached, in Oxfords, Madras and Percales; in dressy effects; now selling at the exceptional values of $1.50, $2.00 AND $2.50. JUST OPENED We are now open for business on the West Side next to the Presbyterian church. We carry a full line of TEAS, eOFFEES, Spices and Extracts " We make a specialty of pure goods; also have a complete line of QUEENS WARE, CUT GLASS, HAVELIN CHINA, VASES AND JARDINIERES and a large Jap assortment. M'GLASHAN&JUNKEN On Your Honor We will deem it a favor if you will conic to ns in the year of V.H)H and tell us frankly when anything you buv at this store docs not prove satisfactory. We will leave it all to vour honor and cheerfully, gladly MAKE GOOD KHIht by giving back your money .or doing anything you think right. We don't intend to sell anything that, you can complain of, but you may think you have a com plaint understand I We want to make it. right, in your mind.. Sincerely, THE BIG BOOMER MEDFORD TRIBUNE'S MAMMOTH 1908 EDITION READY IN JANUARY PROMOTING PUBLICITY THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY CONCERNING AMERICA'S GREATEST APPLE AND PEAR PRODUCING DISTRICT, THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, THE CREAM OF CREATION FIRST ISSUE 10,000 COPIES ORDER NOW TO SEND THEM TO YOUR PBIENDS. DISTRIBUTED OVER THE WORLD SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS. BAKER-HUTGHASON Gtt. I FIRST DOOR NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BATTS o o o O 0 o The Nash Hotel and Grill Only flrt class house in the city. Absolutely tho finest grill betweon Portland and San Francisco. A specialty Is made of oystors, shell nnd other fish. All meats used are cold storage government Inspected. Catering In all Its branches. O O c o o O o o O o o