Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, January 02, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Medford Dally Tribune
A Live Paper In iva Town.
Q (tlicd every evening except Sunday
O 0. ? LXVAH, 4'tor !iC Mana
Admitted av Htn& CliM Matt.
the P utf 6 at Medford, Oregon,
Oifl tuoatb. b naiJ or carrier. .. .$0.50
Oae war. b nail 500
Coming Attractions,
Trmiffb "Tto- Tyaiak0 "
ianonvv " Wh (liili
Xl.mi." ,
JiPfl v
Jaimrr A "A (iirl id tb Rtnflt.
January '-"lw Yn Craayf"
Fro in all Hourcett come iMiininemlu
tiuiiH of thin pajM-r'a Kiii'Htiuii that
the ImoltH of the I'Miiiity he exported
no tlmt the people nmy know what n:
count their Htewardn are rendering.
Probably mi siiL'jft'Htion we ever made
liux met with hh favorable a reception
as tlllft OIH',
All raiikn of taxpayers are in favor
of introducing modern hiiHinesH met h
oiltt into county H,ffuir:4. Kvery year h;
Been an im-rensp in annexed valuatiouH
nud an increase in taxen. What lian he
come of tin money and what in be
coming of it f
Thin year the bmird of equalization
put a t'liit inereaHe of 10 per cent on
valuatioim of all property in the conn
ty. J Jim menriH 40 per cent more taxes,
Why wim the inereiiHe madef Have the
comity n expeitMes increased 40 per pent
tins yiarf If ho, whyf
What ih done with the money f
Will any btiHiucHH man iMTmit
period of 20 years to jdnpxe with first
one aau and then another handling
nil his money, without cheeking any
or all up f Would ymi vourmdff Well
that in exactly what you are dmn with
your own and every one oIhc 'h coin
when you permit the year tit run by
cheerfully paying your money in, re
RardliMM ol where it gum or what you
get out of it.
)o you not think it hih time to Imv
tile county h hookH experted and find
out what becomes of .hirknoii county
taxes and why they are increased 411
per cent in a single yearf
Not lens than a score of the thirty
three insurance companies doiu busi
ness in Wisconsin, representing sixty
per cent of nil the insurance in force
in the state, excluding (lie Northwest
ern Mutual, censed to operate in Wis
consin ycHterday on account of the hos
tile insurance laws which became ef
fective. I'uiler an opinion of t ho nt
lorney general, However, the retiring
companies, while they may write no
more policies, may legally culled prem
inms Ihmuuli the present offices or at
torneys in Him slate until their licenses
expire on May I. It is estimated that
there are .lOO.OOn residents of the state
holding policies in these companies who
are eniiccnicd in their withdrawal.
Mngoii's blue law reads as follows:
"If an v person shall ke"p open any
stole, shop, grocery, ball alley, billiard
room or tippling house, for the purpose
of labor 01 traffic, or anv place of
amusement, on the fir tt da v of t he
week, commonly called Sunday, or the
I. old 's tu . Milch pers.wi, upon couvir-ti-Mi
llieivnf, Hindi punished bv a
fine 111 t rH than fie nor more than
fifty iout: o-..ided that the above
pio i-iuns . hall not a'Ph t,, rlr )itu.t
ers of drug voces, doctor -di...s, nil
derta!.. is. Inerv talde K. epers, bar
bers. butrli. is and bakers, ami all ir
eiMM-l:in, . ,,f tiecessily and tlli'ivv IIWIV
be ph :ide.l in d-f- ti- . w In. It 1..
treated Ils .pietielM ..f fuel for the
jnn ( .1. tiiniiir. , 11 (I,,, ntt'.-nsr is
tlti d bv the jurv. ' '
Tin) ( hristian Woman 's Board of
Missions is a new work for the congre
gation. It now numbers 11 members,
arid has done a good work.
The church has added 75 to its mem
bership ijjfrring the year. Thin is a re
markable growth for the church.
Larger tiling are plttpcd for 1J08
than were possible in lY'07.
The following office were elected
for the ensuing year: Klders, ('. H.
I'ierce, M. F. Horn; deacons, 0. A.
Hover, II. L. Robing, H. K. Ktarr,
Menjamin (iaruett. O
.Many are prophesying great things
f or t he 'h rist ian eh tiTV h in Med ford
during 1!i0S. Harmony, good will and
an intense ilesiw? to nee the cause of
Christ prosper are the things that in
sure HuceesH in any congregation. So
ciability is another factor. All these
the church of Christ in Medford pos
sesses. Hence it is destined to taxe a
leading part in shaping the religious
and moral sent 1 men of our peoph
Kverv one desires to see it succeed.
Heckathorn At Kuttc Kails, I)e
miter 2nf Jerry Heckathorn; aged IIS
.Mankins Near Jacksonville, Decem
ber H, James Mankins; aged 4.1 years,
Mnrphv At Wildirville, December
2"i, M. Murphy; in his imtli year.
Riley At Grants Puss, December 20,
(ieorge Riley; aged 70 years.
'resident Ross of the Title (iuaran-
& Trust company will be forced to
lisgorge tht1 -lli'i per cent interest held
by him in the ( 'ommercial building
which interest is valued at $14i,0n(
should he fail to give over the shares
voluntarily for the benefit of the dead
bank s creditors, says the Oregonian.
Heps will be taken to compel him
to surrender the books of the ( ominer-
ial Trust company, which owns the
niilding. These books will reveal shady
lea Is in the purchase of the building
in P.ini' from the I'nited States Mort
gage & Trust company, and in the ae-
piisitioii by Ross of 1m interest in the
District Attorney Manning declares
will indict on January fi all persons
responsible for the wrongdoings of the
bank, and that the records arc the
most criminal Portland lias ever knnwn
in finance.
The public in warned to Jook out for
men and women working in various
partB of California and the Pacific
coast, claiming to be authorized agents
for the Iturr Mcintosh Monthly of New
York City, and for other periodicals.
These people are ufferinall sorts of
inducements to the public to subscribe,
in many cases offering a set of books,
the value of which is more than the
subscription price of the magazine.
Do not subscribe to any magazine
through a stranger unless he or she cau
show written authorization from the
office of the publisher. In case our
readers should run ncross any of these
frauds they should report the matter
to the police. The namos of J. Fields
and H. C llurr are used by two of the
frauds who are operating olon the Pa
cific, coast.
The J., Fields referred to operated in
Southern Oregon and Northern Cali
fornia and defrauded a number of pco-
F, A. Hliss is the newly announce
candidate for councilman from the third
Fl lST-CLASS Japanese cook wishes
situation. Address Cook, Tribune. i0
FOR SALIv Town lots, good location,
$."0 each; terms. Page & Lawtoii. 207
FOli SALK One gla x show case. S
feet long, nearly new; cheap. Lindlcy
& Lindlev. ' tf
CF.T A HON of fancv candv at Lewis'
for that New Year's gift. Prices cut
almost in half. 243
KlSKli ART CALK.VDARS now selling
at 40 per cent discount. Lewis' West
Side Confectionerv. 243
WANTKD All kinds of second hand
goods at the Woods building near Hub
bard 's IiindleT & Lindlev. tf
FOR SALK Fine lots, good soil, excel
lent building ground, 12th and I sts.
See owner, Prof. M. B. Signs. tf
FOR R F.NT Gentleman wanted for
nicely furnished room, near in. Apply
at Hotel Moore. tt
arties owning lots in Unite Fall;
townsite should make pavmeuts to J
i. Perrv, trustee in bankrnptcv, at his
ffice. 244
Iffrebv given Hint the undersigned
II jtfnply at- the regular meeting of
city council of the city of Med-
'ord. Oregon, to be held on January
lilOS, for a license to sell spiritous,
iuoiis and malt liipiors in quantities
ss than one gallon for a period of six
mouths, at their place of business in th
otel Nash building, on lots 5, 6, 7 and
in block 20, in said citv.
Dated December 20, 1007. 240
Buy Tickets by Wire.
w 1 1 1 ... 1 ' 1 .
p.M..ed I'll
PI.. ml:, II
.nous . 1. 1..
I.:.- be.
atur mnit
Something which is of considerable
Interest to the public generally and
Inch is perhaps not generally known
the system of prepaid orders now in
ect between stations of the Southern
Pacific companv and all points in the
I ii'ted States. My means of this system
tickets may be purchased at Medford
from any place in the I'nited States and
.railed or telegraphed direct to the
iarty wishing to come here. Sleeper
aei-oinniodat ions and small amounts of
cash in connect inn with these tickets
may also be furnished at the same
time." tf
Tip - is t iiily that I will prosecute
:ni partv r partiis to tin- full extent
of llie law Unit attempt to tut timber
0. 1 in v elit i his, Incut 1 d in t lie sunt lieast
tu:irler of t he it or t hea si ipmrter, the
tioith half of the southeast iiart--r and
tin- northeast tptarter of the southwest
piaiter of sec! ion s. in township ;:: S.
1. f t'M.e.. 1 west ,,f Willamette Meridian
1 11 ihim, , oitl a in ilig one h 11 nd red Mini
siM v acres of land. tf
igned AN. NIK M. LODF.K.
FOR EXCHANGE Medford property
fur other property. AdrdoBs Lock Box
418, Medford, Or. tf
A VK L L KSTaTj L IS H K I) retail busT
ness for sale in Medford. Address P.
O. Box 710, or inquire Tribune of
fice, tf
Ft Hi KENT Nicely furnished rooms;
elect ric lights. I nipiire of M rs. Ad
die Rippcv, West Seventh St., in the
White bld'g. 252
FOl'ND Ladies' pin; owner can
have same by paying for this ad and
d Ascribing property. Room 15, Km
erick block. 2;tfl
FOR SALK One acre, west of Medford
City limits; price $200, payable $10
down and $10 a month, without inter
est. Address P. O. Rox 571, Medford,
Oregon. 200
FOR SALK Ilefore buying nursery or
ornamental stock call and see C. F.
Linxwiler, North C street, or address
him Box 114, Medford, Or., and get
lowest prices. 240
FOR SALE New residence, just com
pleted, second block west of high
school, West Seventh Btreeb; fine col
onial interiar; cheap if sold soon. Tn
ipiiro Tribune office. tf
The New Year's meeting at I he NOTIi'K
hnsiiaii .hutch was a great eNent o"(h IntvLv given ttiat the undersigned
Ho season A spl.ndid,ni,m m ,v , . (.!(v ,.tnil,i, , Ml..,
uas earned o, A fu,e d, r was!,.,,. a( ju
" no. . laige pan 01 mi
membership was in at I euda nee.
I he leporls from the ari.
pailaieuls ol chuich work we
I held January 7, li'", for a license to
I sell malt, itoms and spiritous liipiors
''' ; in h ss ipiajitities than a gallon, for a
! ''" ' 1,11 "" i.u- ,,ts ..f'i'.. 10 '.,',,1 11.
",.,,',r" "' 11 1"lr''1' 1.-.. M,'n-,.l.
1 in- .-Miiioav kcmooi nas inure tlian
doubled 111 attendance and enrollment
iiice ,lanuai. Dt'7. Al t tlti has
U-eu laised , Die N a. set l( NOTll'F
cnapiers in ine.j, lt ,
Mine n.w In en read bv the -holart
dlllinK the ,;it
WANTKD Housework . or window
cleaning by day or hour; bamboo fur
niture made to order; art work repair
ing. A. Tat sum i. Seventh f , near
bridge. tf
FOR SALK At a hargain, ninety acres
of the choicest fruit Intid in Rogue
river valley, rich soil, all level, well
watered, good aix-room house, good
barn, threo good "Veils, abundance of
wal r. All under cultivation ready
fo" orchard. Intending purchasers
should see this place before pureha-un-;.
Geo. Minis. Nash Hotel, Medford.
Or. 174tf
T. II. MooliK.
Dated December 20. Iii7. 211
given that the undersigned
Inill ;uu!v lo the citv n.-il tf Med
A iT.idle roll and a : f,irii ). ... -., t, ,...,.;., t , i,
n-iie it. p-lfrilii'iti imi Ihi1 tl H htiil '" held Jfttni
T'lf HCI'o.ll.
The t . I' M 1 . K. le n mark
kroth M.v s-1 1 t 11. mnnbei
lns been
act n r n- it is i Im r y.
tai-ed for 11 ! p.'!. I ,
The r.a'lo-s' ,d seiiitv hah done a
splendid wotb .e a f ttituicial as w,l as
in a social wnv. o.t ;.. j,.,h I n
iais.,1 bv ii,.- n-c.-rv f .r t.-in.-M, hn.s
el' . Inn. !i ,.r',. This r0. r. (v h ts be, 11
a gu at I'.u-tor in t h sn, e, ri ..t t !,,-
!!'", for, a license to
Brll limit. in. mis and spifitotis liipiors
10 ! j; ';,': l',es fliail .'I gallon, tor tt
poritHl of si in. tilths, at m place of
busiu,s at lot 11, bl,,ek 2'. Medford.
FoR I? K NT Newly furni-led rooms
by day. week or month. The O-bdl.
over postoffiie. Medford. Or. tf
NI'RSKKY STOCK All Kinds of f.uit ,
trees, both large and small fruits. J
standard varieties of app .-s and pears,
and peaches, including Newtown and !
Spit .euberg apples; a full line of up
todate nursery stock, in large or matl
lots; also all kinds of ornamental
trees ami shrubbery, at my residence'
in Sou- h Medfoid. ha ing just re-i-eived
a large shipment, am prepare!
to fill orders iniineiliatelv . Inquire at
Warner's Store. L. B. Warner, Sr..
Medford. Or. . tf 1
Totted Pec. mb,
Cord for Sale.
We are now pr. pir.d to furnish hand
picked coa! at th- mine, five mil
a st of town, in anv amount desir. I
vear's otk. I'h.v n:e pl,imiit, tot p,r ten.
larger things foi " tf FAClFlC IOAI. CO
( r a i u Alfalfa and St oc k
Iil. i R. RAY.
Medford, Or.
Begin the New Year
o . o
By Building
A piod start means much to you. (ut off on the riht
foot and keep sjohig. Don't continuo to throw money
away by )aying rent, when you can own your own home.
How much did you pay out for rent during 1!)07? Stop
and figure it out. What have you got to show for it I
Nothing but a bunch of receipts. Suppose you had put
this money into building a home and buying a lotf You'd
have something to show for your coin, wouldn 't you ? The
same thing holds true in the coming year. Are you going
to waste your manuina all year, and have 1908 net you noth
ing but a living? Ask your wife about it, and see what
she says.
Building is going to be cheaper this year than ever.
You can buy practically at your own terms. AVe sell all
kinds of lumber everything needed in any kind of a
house from a small cabin to a palatial mansion. "Ye also
sell Booth-Kellv lumber.
Iowa Box and Lumber Co.
ft 8 a good idea for everybody ot get under cover in Med
ford, including tho city council, and wc are here to furnish you
for the least money. If you are a stranger in Medford, you can't
. afford to loso money by boarding with your family at a hotel.
The business man's way of doing is to buy a nico cheap tract
and build a nico houso while tho present financial situation contin
ues. It's a fact that you can build cheaper now than you could
a month ago; or, better yet,
and watch it grow into more money lu fnre spring. We are pre
pared to equip all homeseekers with desirable homes at a low
figure. Js'ow is tho time te bnv. save rent and make money by
the advance in price.
Rogue River
Land Go.
They drain the towns of monev and neither
giveithe tit, style nor distinction t'- your clothes
thatiyour own city tailor cau.
The clothes I make arc the kind that "carry
distinction," that bespeak the man, that keep.-."
your money at home and are superior in every
. detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue
The City Tailor
Tonight's Hi,, niht you try
to tilmv tin. ciiil out nf 11 liiirii
ill order to ci'Miniti' the .New
Year iiud tomorrow is the ilnv
vou K" " t lie water wagon.
If you're doing to turn over a
new lent' ami do all your trail
int; nt this store next year,
eoine in this evening mid get
lietter aciiinii,red and have a
(.'lass of that g I mountain
-i.l -r tl Id man lias opened
up for all our customers, lie
isn't miiih of a hand to get
out ill front and give the (-lad
hand to folks, lit he wants
every ..lie to know that we ap
proeiate their trade, ami we'll
do our level l.est to earn the
eoiitiniied approbation of thoe
who love good things to eat.
So. Happy New Voar! ;nd
don't forget the g 1 (.i,l,.r
tap all day tomorrow.
Miller & Ewbank
Sealed proposals will lie reniv. )1V
the rity council of tho city of .Medftir,j
Oregon, nt the office of tho city rccrH
er of said city, until Friday. ,)niiimrv
1". IOCS, at f. o'clock r. in., for (hop,,;,
chase of JS.-i.non in ten year, n p, r f,,nt
coupon lmnds of said city, in donnmina.
tions of .Ion each, interest p.-iv.ihl..
s.mi annually. Kfh bid must ho Sf.
eotnpnnicl ley n certified rheek f..r a
amount eiiial to 5 per cent of t,.
amount of such did, payable to tho oi(v
of Medford. and said city enmiri;4ti
ervis the riirht to reject any or a'l
Pato.l at Medforrl. On iron. Decoi. l . -
11, 101V
bex .r. m. cor.r.ixs.
City Recorder.