Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 31, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    Medford Daily Tribune
A Live Paper in a Live Town.
Publitdied every evening except Sunday
Medford Publishing company.
G. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second Class Matter in
tlio Postoffico at Medford, Oregon.
Subscription Rates:
One month,, by mail or carrier. .. .$0.50
One j'ear, by mail 5.00
Doming Attractions.
Tonight "The Toy matter."
January .'1 -
Hume. ' '
January (i "A fiirl of the Ntrec
.liumarv H " Are Yon Crazy?"
' Whv (JirlH Leave
Beginning with January 1, the South
ern Pacific will have competition in tho
u-iiiiimcttH Vullev between Salem and
Portland, for on that day the Oregon
Kleetrie Hallway will begin the opera
tion of itM intertirbau electric railway
between these two points.
Thin announcement was made today
hy official of the Oregon Kleetrie
company. Only one car a day in each
direction will be operated for a few
dayn, tbun the Hervice will be increased
to two cars each way and by the end
of the month it is said tour cars each
way between Miieni aim ronmnu win
be in operation. On February I the
service will be increased to eight trains
a dav in each direction, the first of I
which will have Portland at 0:20 in
the morning ami the last at 8:15
the evening.
If ytiii were running a business
handling tens of thousands of dollars
a year, would you let your clerks go
along collecting nnd disbursing the cash
for years without checking them up?
If you did, yon would u 't have any
busirn'MS left after the course of a few
Yet this in exactly what you are do
ing when, at a taxpayer, you let twenty
years drag along without more than a
casual inspection of the county books.
JIovv do you know what condition they
are ml
One tiling nearly every taxpayer does
know, ami that is, there is a sad mud
dle somewhere. .Many taxpayers have
been asked to pay taxes twice, and j
many, uf'ler paying, have been notified
that they were on the delinquent list.
ITow much money has been received
by the county from taxes and how
mueli of the listed amount that should
be collected has been collected, and
how much uncollected? What htm be
come of the money I
All these tilings every taxpayer is
entitled to know, lie is entitled to the
protection of having an accounting by
experts every year or two. No one can
find any ob ject ion to such an inspec
tion, least of all the county officials, if
tliey are honest and capable.
It is to be hoped that these public
servants, in order to silence gossip, will
theiiiHclve'i petition the county court to
place a competent expert upon their
books, so Unit all may go before t he
people and ask reelection on the ground
that a faithful Hcrvuut ih worth while,
regardless of his political complexion.
"At least one Southern Oregon editor
has discovered that it doesn't pay to
taiubast grand juries and t he dist rift
attorney. This person m Ceo. I'utaain,
the bombastic pencil pusher of the Med
ford Tribune, who spent one night in
jail and whose t roubles are probably
not yet over, for having severely criti
ei'.'.ed and impugning the motives of the
said public officials. Putnam is find
iug that experience is indeed n dear
teacher, ami he will doubtless profit by
li's r-m-ni;u!er with the wheels of jus
tice." Th' clarion call that sounds like the
I nnt y c!.)v'ii; of a capon, is from that
choice colbe! on of boiler plale, reprint
lllld twaddle d'fdied up to the good poo
pie of Cintits Pas once in a week un
der the nam" of the Kngue Kivr Cour
ier. Vc is'-untlly a news item stnigules
into its columns t ha I ha sit 't seen the
light of d-iv elsewhere, but only occas
ionally, f'n ninllirs of public interest
and on lee a I :-'su it has the i on si si
eticy of 'i bowl of mmdi and is ns firm
us n i llv fish.
U'tyit,. Ilie use of su"h n tinner.'
Vhabilees it stand for: win I does it
blillhuV':-: v. lint d" it amount to.
.' It sb.l rs sillily
isles itnifainutica!
Mibvriln is, and
o'fvia's aid lav
an v i
fa v.
Tliongh prohibition went into effect
in Tillamook county three years ago,
and carried again last year, a writer in
the Herald says that people drink ns
much there now ns ever. On the last
trip of the Klrnore, he says, there were
27 barrels of beer consigned to local
parties besides kegs of liquid refresh
ment, and there may have been as
many more boxes containing smaller
shipments of the brew of hops. The
'27 bands contained about 500 gallons
of beer. The whisky nnd wine ship
ments this week alone would give
everybody in Tillamook one glorious
week's jag. The Herald representa
tive counted no less than 35 boxeH of
booze consigned to local people. There
wa i enough in those boxes nlone, we
have since figured out, to give every
person in Tillamook county the jim
jams if divided up and taken in one
The recent heavy storms have made
the country roads unusually "bad,"
but travelers by team report that the
very worst stretch of road for hauling
uml driving into Ashland from the
north is found within the city limits
on North Main street, the city's main
thoroughfare. Hays the Ashland Tid
ings. The heavy hauling from the rock
crusher plant has contributed its share
to a condition of affairs which is not
only disgraceful but is u menace to the
country trade that comes in from the
north. Let us hope for the good nmne
of t he city and t he protection of its
business interests that North Main
street, will get a little long needed at
tention in city st net improvement
work during the coming year.
There was a double wedding in Ash
land last Thursday afternoon, at the
Pratt residence on Oresham street.
The happy couples were C. Koy Hamil
ton, a prominent stockgrower of Love-
land. Colo,, and Miss Nora D. Pratt,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Pratt
of this city, and Charles L. Spindler, an
employe of the Ashland Ice & Storage
Company, and Miss Katie M. Goble.
daughter of Mr. and Mr. II. Goble, of
this city. Messrs. Glen ('unwell and
Manly Hrower acted as groomsmen, and
Misses Lottie Crews and Huby Kussell
as bridesmaids. The bridal party en
tered the room while the wedding march
from Lohengrin was being played by
Mrs. Van Komcn. The double knot was
tied with simple but impressive cere
mony hy the Kev. II. u. van fossen,
of the M. K. church, in tho presence of
a company of 20 relatives and friends
who extended their heartiest congratu
lations. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton left on
the evening northbound train for Port
land and Kasteru Oregon and thence to
Mieir future Colorado home. Mr. and
Mrs. Spindler went to housekeeping at
once in their comfortable cottage on
Libertv street. Asland Tidings.
l-'l IfKT-CLASS Japanese cook wishes
situation. Address Cook, Tribune. 50
KOK SALK Town lots, good location,
$;)( each; terms. Page & Lawtou. 207
SALK One glass show ease, 8
feet long, nearly new; cheap. Lindley
& Lindley. ' tf
WANTKD All kinds of second hand
goods at the Woods building near Hub
bard 'b Lindley & Lindley. tf
FOR BALE Fine lots, good soil, excel
lent building ground, i?th and 1 sts.
See owner, Prof. M. B. Signs. tf
'OH RKNT Gentleman wanted for
nicely furnished room, near in. Apdy
at Hotel Moore. tt
FOR EXCHANGE Medford property
for other property. Adrdcss Lock Box
418. Medford, Or. tf
ness for sale in Medford. Address P.
O. Box 71G, or inquire Tribune of
fice, tf
C. C. Ileinriclisen. a German, 75 years
old, who has been engaged in garden
tig in Klamath Falls for six years, fell
lead Friday evening in (he pnrlor of
a hotel in that city while wait '-ting tit
'he marring' feast of a friend, Henry
lanssen. Deceased was a bnelodor, held
u high esteem ;n the community for
dil in 'nee and frugality. I'.v n will
Miade about ti n day ago he bequeathed
ill of his property, real and personal,
! A lex Mart in. i, easlii'-r of the
Klamath Countv bank.
RENT Nicely furnished rooms;
electric lights. 1 nqnire of Mrs. Ad
die llipt''"', West Seventh st., in the
White bhlg.
'OK SALE Two young fresh milch
cows. Apply to W. M. Denton, old
Centril Point road, X. 0. St., i mile
from post office. 2'A'j
IOirSALK C)neTi'cre, wesfof Medford
city limits; price $liiM), payable $10
down and $10 a month, without inter
est. Address P. O. Box 571, Medford,
Oregon. 7S
''OR SALE Before buying nursery or
ornamental stock call and see G. F.
Linxwilcr, North 0 street, or address
him Box 114, Medford, Or., and get
lowest trices. 240
LOST Out on tlic street vx Medford,
poekethook containing $10 or $15 in
cash nnd two or three checks; also
two small gold nuggets. I). T. Law
ton, tf
. . r
FOR SALK New residence, jusc com
pleted, second block west of high
school, West Seventh Btreetr, fine col
onial interior; cheap if sold soon. In
quire Tribune office. tf
court he-.- . bl-u e. ilw'i, e be
dri-M-, I ftll. 1,,., ,, .. ' 'J ,,n inej,. and
tl V.W of -i free' .. ,,.,),. he m!,, the ..I vl, mm th- hillsM
arid ! h. tea h i ' ! h: .urn:' Pl m- j
apol.HM- v i:l,l iii i r h -w of tv ;t
w ould si ill t-innv its clumber.
If the U Win Winkle ubo p-m.ed
the above li:d but i:e euo 'igh to
I. mm and reali-- it, Ilie fiy!'' that the
Tribune is malsiny foi l'r nf the
press in thi-; t rii'-ip. -1 -i i I t n ' Mii
vbf.muhl t. vitM th.- -rud-.- of a '
yrand jiiM s'li!' b -i in-! .1 it ii'i-'ii :
and the ,til,.r's frc-l on ; e so,,, ,.,.
(to gralifx t..t- spied of -I sle-riff wlm
hides brl.iM.I Ips ol'fhT to ;n -V,-r .e
sotial nrr a mi e 1 . is mi i'':i!in the i .mi
ier's fiylit as ,) ;is H,, t'llit ,.f . ty
oilier lii'wsii.ii-i r ill Soiithrni Or. ..t. If
The Tribune (. b:i!t!.- Co.- tie
freedom of tin- press, ,rr pai.-:- in
Southern O-.-jou loses, (r the pow.T
and M'esl nj.' i.f e er papr I 'II b-
cripple.l. nd to limit the power at' the
press I,, Ineit tie- peuer ,.f I lie pe..
Mv the II Would not be ', bad
idea to n-al, asririM, uul an ''
nminafon 'e an.-.-ar ' for. sreurlh-
the piiMl, ;;.- ,.f Mtiiv M,.. uoi.l r.htor
utter Geo'- e in-, s , e -b. mail . :ir
ii. s ,a . (.. I. - ex .t ,
a. id V.U eoi e. ...t e,. . . uie -e . f
! o'.-r n -l -1 - d ,l,e
Ti V ). v . A I'.... .
m t V. 1 " ' . t !..
liier I .... v ' .. i " -'..CH f. 1 t.
past w..'.
PLKTOV. Or.. Dec. III. All fear
o'! famine in I-la dem Oregon has
He I am! wood prices have
1 from to $."0 per cord with-
leist fi u- days. Tlu re are now
1'iti eot l.- stored on the dumps
llhte I'ountaitis, nnd with the
half u' in- there is- every pros
be! e;j; n surplus for t he year,
oedihoppeis- ate at wort; in the
ns raw, although the prices paid
t;ng run from 1."0 to $- per
WA NT 1)1) Housework or window
cleaning by day or hour; bamboo fur
niture made to order; art work repair
ing. A. Tatsnmi, Seven t h st., near
bridge. tf
roil SALK At a nargain, ninety acres
of the choicest fruit bunt in Rogue
river valley, rich so: I, nil level, well
watered, good six room house, good
barn, three good "veils, abundance of
water. All under cultivation ready
for orchard. Intending purchasers
should sec this place before purchasing.
Geo. Minis. Nash Hotel, Medford.
Or. 174tf
IVr lasit-ii his temper and striking the
-alitor of The Tribune, F. ( Wenbrugi'e,
on;detit ,.f the city council, yesterday
afternoon was fined $td by City hV
order t'tdlin-i for n-smilt, which lie
to ptlv paid. Putnam refused to file
a eompla'ut or appear as a witness
ayainsl the councilman, who was ar
rested by Chief of I'olice Turpin.
WV N'ewly furnished rooms,
. iveek or month. The Odell,
stoffice, Medford. Or. tf
Hunters' License Needed,
man 1 hunters' licenses for
of ( hvyon expire, and new
On d:i
lie- stat
lie. -uses
The greatest e;tll for
conies to tlie eoiinlv c
Septi tuber and IVtobe
II be d
crk "s
ff ice in
U onbr
(dies (.f the
I meet Monda
i', a t the i 'emne
er Medford
I'liiiiKii, Pe
I club room.
I M'h'NKKY STOCK All kind of Ouit
t reos. hot h large and small f nuts,
J standard varieties of npp :s and pears ,
and peaches-, including ?ewtovn and
' Spiti'.enberg apples; a full line of up-
todate nursery stock, in large or junall
lots; also all kinds of ornamental
, trees nnd shrubbery, at my residence
in Sou: h Medford, having just re
i ceixed a lnrye shipment, am prepared
, to fill orders immediately. Inejnire at
( Warner's Store. L. H. Warner, Sr.,
Medford. Or. tf
miis. u. a. i.i Msnrv
e ar
a-d of for S.tIc.
now pr. par. d to i'
tf P.i ll'h c.AI. co.
''.ruin Alfalfa an'l St, k
liaur he.
t . u. i;.y.
M.'ilf.T.I. IT.
(Begin the New Year
By Building
A good start means lmu.-h to you. Get off on the right
foot and keep going. Don't continue to throw money
away by paying rent, when you can own your own home.
How much did you pay out for rent during 1907? Stop
and figure it out. AVhat have you got to show for it?
Nothing but a bunch of receipts. Suppose you hud put
this money into building a home and buying a lot? You'd
have something to show for your coin, wouldn't you? The
same thing holds true in the coming year. Are you going
to waste your niazuma all year, and have 1908 net you noth
ing but a living? Ask your wife about it, and see what
she says.
Building is going to be cheaper this year than ever.
You can buy practically at your own terms. We sell all
kinds of lumber everything needed in any kind of a
house from a small cabin to a palatial mansion. AVe also
sell Booth-Kellv lumber.
Iowa Box and Lumber Co.
it's a good icloa for everybody n. get under cover in Med
ford, including the city council, and we are lirro to furnish you
for the least money. If you are a stranger in .Medford, you can't
afford to lose monoy by boarding with your family at a hotel.
The business man's way of doing is to buy n uice cheap tract
and build a nice houso while the present financial situation contin
ues, 't 's a fact that you can build cheaper now tliau you could
a month ago; or, better yet,
and watch it grow into more nucicy before spring. We are pre
pared to equip all hoineseekers with desirable homes at a low
figure. Now is the time tr le.v, save rent and make money by
the advance in price.
otiue River
eve ;1
They drain the towns of nione and neither
jjive tlie fit, style nor distinction t" your clothes
thatiyom own city tailor can.
The clothes I make are the kind that "carry
distinction," that bespeak the mau, that keeps
vour money at home and are superior in every
detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue
home fclrLH!
The City Tailor
Tonight's the night you try
to blow the end out of a horn
in order to celebrate the New
Year and tomorrow is the day
you go on the water wagon.
If you're going to turn over ;i
new leaf and do alt your trad
ing at tli is store next year,
come in this evening and get
better acitiattired ami have a
glass of that good mountain
eider the old man hits opened
up for all our customers. He
isn 'r nine It of a hiind to get
out in front and give the glnd
hand to folks, but he wants
vt iy i. ne to ;now that we ap
preciate their trade, nnd we'll
do ! 1 in e:irn the
continued approbntion of tlnne
who love good things to eat.
So, Mnppy New Year! And
don't forget the good cider on
tap all dny tomorrow.
Miller & Ewbank
Sealed propog will .1. received b;
the city council tf the city of Mnlford,
"m-imi, ni mi' cur ire cii me cur record
er of ,iaid city, until Friday, ft-yy
I". !!('. at fi oYhn-k p. m.. for thTW
che nf $l.",(M'U in ten year, S per tmf
coupon bonds of ftaid city, in drnivrii na
tions of f.lnii ra.-h, interest payable
semi ami unity. Karh bid must be ac
companied by a certified check f'-r an
amount eouut to P jw-r cent nf th.1
amount of u. h bid, payatdc to the city
of Mrf,,rd, nnd said oily ronnril re
serves the rigbt t" re (pet aov or &M
Tinted at Mt-tlford, Oregon, Ikcombir
11, 19P7.
20 City EMordcr.