o i mniniiiiii I . - "j st national Bank nt A DIT A I GXA Aftf! The '()ugest 'and Strongest RESOURCES $360,000 WE DON'TSPECULATE H'M. S. OP.OWELL, President. O. CRAWFORD. Assistant Cas'uer. f. K. D3UEL, Vice-President. - i. L. ALFORD 'Jashier. r-y.o. w. DUNN. SpcohP 'i'-- -.rn-nt. '-JXW ,hC U. V. .V y'5v ,.P NS5fl B twilrt'ii r-iiVfn-v, I 1 i -r l-'iyv'" f:., .Sill If-:. -4 llsi I' V' - ' V x c I r;t I I '."Vf ' J I . . . , SOCIAL ANDjERSONAL A full line of MioS (liaricw ut the Mt-d-f.ml Hook Store, tf (i. A. liis, nf linlfioM, 8. V., is ft new nrriviil in Met ford. King's for Lowncy Aldon 'b and (iunther's clmcolatcB. tf ( niar Trantz is a new urrival in Mfdford from West Alexandria, Or. Miss Ethilyn Brown of Med ford Hpfiit Sunday wilh friends in AHhland. Mm. M. (I. lloo;e ;H Huf faring with a neve re attack nf intirenstal in nrnlyia. Dr. ,1. F. IN- My returned to Medford Sunday after an aliNenoe of two week-s. O. h. Shi Hon, nt '-.nyle I'oiiit, was a Med ford Ihi";t'sh call'-r Snturday nf tenioon. L. II. I lie Iter, a nine her of near I'hni-nix, transacted l)iisintss in Med tnirl Monday. MivH Jeum pve Ituller, teneher of pia no, theory and harmony. f(enidenee in '"West Hertford. Telephone 7!1. tf lr'-i Kurry, of the eat side, was a Meilfnrd visitor Mnmlay iimming, and while here attended to hunim-sH mat tei. , Lyle and .lohn MajjmiB of Little Sh:;la, t 'ill., are Med ford neweonierH. ha vini arrived in t he eity Suaduy uiornin((. W. .1. Virgin of Ashland passeit through Med ford on his way to hi linuie Moinlay morning on the south linutid train. ,1ne f aHl;ev mid fieortfe Merriinan. dr., retnni'-d Monday inoruing from Keddini 'i'h. where they went a week tip) on u visit. Tlie new Wells-Faro building is ronipletn anl ready for oeeupnney. Mr. Koiki tt will oeeiipy his new quartern within n day nr two. An Irew Jeldiien, formerly of Med ford, but lately reHidin in Portland, returned to Med ford Sunday to look nfh r mining interentfl, t' .1. Moss, of Vaneouver, Wash., is li i.e-v arrival in Medford. Mr. Mohb is. 1 c'winK over the Valley with a view to n.. iking purchase. Saturday night in North Medford there was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mofnteheon a son weighing tl1 pounds. All parties doing well. O. E. Snyder of (Jold Hill spent Sat u rd a y i n M ed ford . M r. Sny d er wan formerly employed in the Medford city wnt rworks and lighting plant. F'Ve to 20-aero tract near Medford, $75 to $150 an acre. Good land and (rood water. Way terms. Inquire of !. T. Pierce & Son. 41 .1. I. Lane of Talent, who has been vini;'ng at t'ottnge Grove, Or., for the past t wo weeks, panned through Med ford on his way home Monday. A large assortment of post card al bun just arrived nt Hull's Postal Sho". 10c to VJ.SO. feme and see them. Hu'-'mrd building, near bridge. tf V' and Mrs. Everett Ends, who hav-' been visiting at I'ottage Grove w it b Mrs. Eails pn rents for the past ten -lays, returned to Medford Sunday. T!iere was a la rye attendance at the unii n Hcrvi.rs lield at the H:iiiti-t chu li last iSnnday) niylir. All uther con i-yntie-iei w i re Wi ll rei.re. ni.-i. V tral , Pr. Seety t.-ft Sunday f,r -n Wa-h.. where hhe will make an ext. " led Tsit with. eld a.Mpm i n t iic't;v for three u.'ek. "5 ' T! Medf.ir.l rifle club arc hax mg a Nh. todav at their die.it in g y rounds ' east side f.T 11 JJ,,U.e. mt-,1 clic A f..r the cha .jj.-lJnp ..f M..I f.T I. r ! M.-n : l.cri: ! Mid i li 11 1 1 i itys ! 1 1 i'.'r II; y. w h. , i he - i en.l.. mi !. Mr. Ilauiii .; h id :U the h.tne f his t ut s ''.ir ! :" i-t: t, it .i:t F. il. l'atrar. Jr., has hteii xtMtinu li i-. f : t he-, -upi nn ti-nd flit ft 1 !. war w..ri,i. .Immi: the l..li,l,vs " . M I'.iinr is .-tnph.v. :is ., macl :M-t in the (i. l;. A N. ;)t P..-f nd. Mi and Mis. Albeit v, i s el' K -. :, Mr- a 'i. N. V.. ate iMting that ladv' niece. .Mis. M. M. Aer, n. ir Grit'i'm vr,yl. T'-ey a'-. isn.. ' . C. Hoe'. raa ( . iv ill. . Mr. A wis and !i li. I, i -it Te- M 1 I dax - A OEOUP OF SHOWGIRLS WITH "THE TOYMAKER." p""" K. C. Hensley and family of t'entral Point trauuacted biKsiiieNH in Medford S'.turday afternoon. Huilding operations in all pari V f the city have resumed this morning af ter several weeks of suspension on ac count of the bud weather. The new city hall has all of the brickwork done, and the carpenters at work on the in side finishing and the entire building will koou he complete. Buy Tickets by Wire. 'Something which is of 'considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known is the svstem nf prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and nil points in th? Tnited St at ey. Hy mi nus of tins system tickets may be purchased nt Medford from any place in the United States nnd mailed or teb graphed direct to the ,.arty wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations nnd small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may also be furnished at the same time. ' tf SALE OF MUNICIPAL BONDS. Staled proposals will be received by the city council of the, city of Medford, Oregon, nt the office of the city record er of said city, until Friday, January 10, ions, nt fi o'clock p. m., for the ptir--h'ie of $2.",ono in ten-year, 5 per cent coupon bonds of said city, in denomina t ions of $"H10 each, interest payable oomi-nnnunlly. Each bid must be ac companied by n certified check for an ;i-ti '-:) e"i'al t 5 per cent of the amount of such bid, payable to the city of Medford, and said city council re serves the rigbt to reject any or all bids. Dated at Medford, Oregon, December II, 107. BEN.T. M. COLLINS, 250 City Recorder. BUFFALO FACTORIES TO RESUME OPERATIONS DFFFALO, Dec. 30 It is believed the first week in January will see nil the large industrial plants of Buffalo and vicinity resume operation with their full working forces. The Slow Steam Pump works is now within 00 men of its full working force and by the middle of January will, it is said, add these employes to its payrolls. The managers of the Lnekawunna steel plant have been holding daily con ferences this week nnd expect to place another portion of the plnnt in commis sion early in January. Since forces were reduced three mouths ago this ex tensive plant, which, tinder normal con ditions, give employment .to 10,000 workmen, has been repaired in all its departments and when it goes back in full blast it will be prepared to do business for n long time without inter ruption. TIME TABLES SOUTHERN PACirrO RAILWAY. Northbound, i No. lii ereyon Kxpre-s.. . . . ! Tc'Ut p. m No. 1-1 Portland Express. . . 1 !:4!t a. uj, No. For Ashland H: l a. m ' Southbound. 1 Nt. t "sHfitrnja Express. . 10;;i.n. m ij. ' i;t S;ni Francis,-,! Exp.1 t . in N.i, l'l'i From Grants Pass.. i:!". m, PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY. N., 1 Leaves M ed ford" 77. . " K:07lT.m. No. : Leaves M-dford !' U:4rp. m. N.. U Arrives Medford ! 10: 10 a. m. No 1 Arrived Medford ! 5:00p.m. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY N ... L, a v . s M edford". 1o74ia. m. N.i 1 l.eav.s Me.lford ' .:.. .p. m. M .r l.-av.s Me.lford p. m. M.'t.r l.eav.s Mistford . ... 0:00p.m. N. 1 Leav es Jacksonville..! 0:'n n. m. No. ;i Leaves Ja.'ksonville. .' oOp. m. M.t et I . a . s .1 ack -itu villi-. I :i'0 p. tn. M...tr l.eavi .lac'.sonvillc..' Trop.m do ivg .la. -kM.ux tile BIG SHIPMENTS OF FRUIT FOR YEAR. Millions Spent by Southern Pacific in Building Refrigerator Cars to Handle Enormous Business for Fruitgrowers of Golden State. NEW YORK, Dec. :in. Figures have hi t n compiled by Southern Pacific Kailroa 1 officials showing the extraor dinary character oi ( aiiforuin fruit shipments and the means taken to make the shipping service safe ami expeditious. During the season ending October Ml, 1 in Mi, oO'tO cars of deciduous green fruit were shipped east from California. This season to November 1, 7o4S ears. This has been the banner year in the green fruit business. California has received more money net than during any pre vious season. Many ears of fruit brought over $'J(MH each, while cher ries in a number of cases ranged from $31101) to ."U0ii per car. Eleven Thousand Cars. The total Northern California ship meilts of vegetables, green deciduous and citrus fruits during the season just closing have been 10,012 cars, nearly a thousand more than last year. From Southern California the shipments via all lines were 27,533 cars of citrus fruit and 3477 of vegetables, The prospect for this season is good, j Since October 1 more than 450 cars of deciduous fruit and 1400 cars of or anges and lemons have been shipped from Northern California, a far greater number than during last year's corre sponding period. The present outlook for the Southern California citrus fruit crop is 32,000 cars vegetables 4000 cars this season, altogether spelling pros perity in capital letters for California fruitgrowers. Refrigerator Cars Built. To carry this fruit 6600 of the most expensive refrigerator cars yet con structed have been purchased at a cost of $11,550,000. They were built by the Southern Pacific, Union Pacific, Ore gon Short Line and Oregon Railway & Navigation Companies to care for the fruit business originating on these lines. 00 per cent of which grows in Califor nia. To insure greatest efficieny in operation a separate company, the Pa cific Fruit Express, was originated to look after the distribution, use, icing, etc., of these ears. It has it-i own rep resentatives, but all agents nnd depart ments of the Southern Pacific give these cars the same consideration as if they were directly operated. ..The cars were built specially for fruit transpor tation, with such dimensions n to make it possible to load the product low, giv ing full efficiency in ref rigeration. Icing is done carefully, nnd the ice shortage of Inst sen son is being met by the construction by the Pacific Fruit Express of two great icemaking plants, one at Colton, one at Roseville, to sup plement the private companies ' snppliex and other plants will be builfif needed. Othr cars also'. will be constructed business demands. idleman chairman ofjmultn6mah o. o. p. . PORTLAND. Dec. 30. The Republi can county committee has carried out the programme arranged for it by the election of C-. M. Idleman as chairman to succeed W. M. Cake. The commit tee also selected J. Frank Siunott to fill the office of vice chairman, created under new by laws, the election in ecfc case being by acclamation. The committee alo took a glancing, ind irect shot in the direction of f xntring the count v convention idea. Work by the Depositor'' Association of be Oregon Savings A Trust company) for the week ending last night was pro-; do. five of but small r. utt It. Fes thnn : lVti .) ,l;,v writ averaj. d in the "i iPC f-r H.ene Telephone b.uds ard ban li st oek bv depoiitors in Vn ftf their claims. This is the lowest record made in any week since the Depositors' as sociation started in its attempt to se cure a reorganization of the bank. It is na:d that approximately $50,000 of bonds and bank stock remain to be subscribed by creditors btfore the asso ciation can hope to have its proposition entertained by nun who are expected to put in sufficient new capital to re open the bank. President Day of the association said last n'ghr that himself and associates won Id emit in ue their ef fortj another w(:;. wlrch would carry the movement to the first of the new vear. By a scheme old as knavery itself, hut srill a money-maker among the hop sfmwt rs of Origin. H-'rnian. I'ehtmau and A. E. Eib-r ao sa:d to have sue-c-bd in u"tt;n'u' i-veml Thousand dol lars from lioj,s for which they had not :a' l a pi r'-v . t ivtl suits have been f il"d in the Portland coir's aga;nst the two h tpbuvers who are in partner hip. Xe-'th' r Filer nor Fei"n could be found -.-. b(i- ."hi- fffiffi-i -it K-t'. lem who have bten searching for them with warrant wre unabl" to locate the men. Filer is said to have been seen mi S'lb ie a short atro flashing a roll of ffHinil. and Ohtmnn was in Portland this week. a The Secret of a Beautiful Face liei in keeping the tkin pro tected as well as cleansed. Just washing is not enough that only leaves the delicate surface more exposed to the irritation of dust and germs j to merci less attacks of sun and weather After washing, ap ply Robertine and experience its delightful refreshment. You willadmire the line-less softness It imparts to face, neck and arms. It not only timulates a radiant glow, but protects the skin from becom ing coarse. Prevents burn ing, tan and freckles. A Jhktmr PnaM Satisfied Purchasers Tomorrow is Kris Kingle's day. and the store w:!l be dosed by oder Of the boss, who sail fo us nil: . J home and enjoy niV selvts :hm forget the busjnes. grind ft., r.ne day." 1 got a pres ent from the boss, but I nnf go is,gi trf open it before tomorrow i. m. at daylight. I guess he is : e'ing p'et:y good about n4w. W. S.it a'.! vr ious s. s,n 'j fe cords by a block and a half in soli tig Kood stuff for the ".joyous.." It' a pleasure to hand out hinjride jjoods and t' hi;o that errose ftk bu t.l W'r "thel niile that won 't come off. ' ' Beside. . e auaranf ee everyt liii 41 sail and g'adly cornet any error whan error creep in. Well, ma is oing to h:ie 4 roast turkey for dinner tomorrow. ant I 'viO got to tuke soiee 'testnurs hltf - to stuff it With. We're 1. pen till II o'clock tonight. S "bu: Miller and Ewbank fltnv w frm MMk tmt Tlr In Who frivors home epie-rrriff vrt the bnfldirp of n larire Cily in the cerjv " the m i-t teut il ul Valle'' on earth.' W K HO. YOU bliOL'LD. Then whj end youAtoney away f'r othbr people tn h r.iileV Dep' i-it your dollars with us that it mity b- fai ed f jt iitn.c enterprise. Kvery dollar s-tnt out tukts that much out of circulation fiTro. In addition to our National fcunk. we huve a SAVING-: DEPARTMENT und pay m terst on Savings Accounts. Opfn an account with the Mcdford National Bank, whose officers und directors arp nil home peoule nnd inierefated in the upLu Idinjf of a Greater Mcdford and the entire RoKue River V'-illey. Cbe IHedford national Batik Capital 50,000.00 Surplus $10,000.00 Because He Paid by Check. Not long ago, a business man in this community wab prosented with a bill that he had already paio. He prodxed the paid check aa voucher in evidence, and it was thus at once proven that ho had paid the bill. Don 't you see the importance of paying by check f This bank cordially invite? your account, subject to check, and will be pleased to render vou the most efficient service. JACKSON COUNTY BANK Fstablished 1888 MEDFORD, ORE. Capital, Surplus and For the Last Time This Year For tho last three years we have claimed a part of your patronage and are pleased to say we are satisfied with what we have gotten. We have tried to please, and for the balance of this year or until Christmas we will give you 10 per cent off of any goods you may buy, but after that time the old prices will prevail. The panic has had mo effect on us at all, and with the new year we will stock up and serve you better than ever. The city council has decreed that you and each and all of you shall place numbers on your houses, and I have them to sell you so cheap that you can't refuse to buy then. Come in and see them. If you have not yet put in your guess, you had better get busy at once. I am Shortie Oarnett, the hardware man that does things. SHORTY Watch Meeker & Co.'s Great Dry fronds Store January has in store great Bargains for many customers. Watch ! Watch ! W. Hr MEEKER. & R. W. GRAYBuildef Colonial Porch Work, Grill and Lath Work, Patterns, Etc. Telephone 471. Deposits Over $625,000 GARNBTT CO. Medford, Oregon