o G si t I O O 'Q 0 ' THREE MEDFOED MEN ON TBEASUBER STEEL'S BOND State, Treasurer Stool has filed his new bond with 112 sureties, who aigned (for vnrioisums, aggregating $l35.000. This is :tTnnn ,., .i , - ""v man nns required. Three Medford men are on the bond W. I. Vawter for S,i)ili), J. M. Keene for $5000 and J. F. Keddy for $.-(l(IO. The bondsmen aro: 0 F. Yates, Benton, $5000; H. W. Kauphisch, Benton, $4000; C. V. Joha son, Benton, $3000; J. F. Allen, Ben ton, $3000; C. A. Dannemau, Benton, $5000; August V. Fiseher, Benton', $5000; E. I". Rands, Clackamas, $2500; Franklin T. Griffith, Clackamas, $5000; E. A. Sommeri, Clackamas, $5000; J. U. Campbell, Clackamas, $2000; C. O. Huntley, Clackamas, $5000; V. A. Huntley, Clackamas, $5000; Grant B. Himick, Clackamas, $5000; H. E. Cross, Clackaii, $5000; C. II. Dve, Clacka mas, Tom P. Randall, Clacka mas, $510; T. A. Pope, Clackamas, $2500; J. E. Hedges, Clackamas, $1500; XX. S. Mount, Clackamas, $2500; V. H. Mattnon, Clackamas, $5000; J. C. Ful lerton, Douglas, $5000; A. C. Marstors, Douglni, $10,000; Frank E. Alley, Doug las, $5000; .). Bowerman, 'Gilliam, $5000; V. I. Vawter, Jackson, $35,000; J. M. Keeno, Jackson, $5000; C. E. Harmon, Josephine, $2000; H. h. Gil key, Josephine, $2000; V. C. Hale, Jo sephine, $2000; C. D. Welter, Josephine, $2000; A. H. Carson. Josephine, $2000; If. G. Smith, Josephine, $2000; J. P. Roilgers, Marion, $50,000; E. M. Croi aan, Marion, $10,000; George F. Rodg ers, Marion, $10,000; R. E. L. Steiner Marion, $10,000; Henry B. Thielsen! Marion, $10,001); H. .1. Hendricks, Mar ion, $10,000; William P. Lord, Marion, $10,000; J. H. Albert, Marion, $40,000; W. Carltoa Smith, Marion. $2500; W. S. Dnniway, Marion, $5000; Joseph M. Healy, Multnomah, $20,000; George F. ...,Heusner, Multnomah, $10,000; Charles H. Carey, Multnomah, $10,000; Thomas C. Devlin, Multnomah, $10,000; A. B. Mauley, Multnomah. $20,000; Joseph Si mon, Multnomah, $20,000; Union Guar antee Association, Multnomah, $25,000; W.- H. Pope, Multnomah, $10,000; S. T. Britten, Multnomah, $10,000; F. S. Stanley, Multnomah, $10,000; W. B. Glafke. Multnoniali. Aloooo- r. v Walling, Mntlnomah, $10,000; C. W. l ornelius, Alultnomah, $5000; S. B. Par ker, Multnomah, $5000; B. E. Fiske, Multnomah, $5000; E. B. Ferbaeher, Multnomah, $10,000; Frank E. Doolev. Multnomah, $5000; Count Senosky, Multnomah, $!0,000;-Villiam P. Swop'e, Multnomah, $10,000; S. W. Stryker, Multnomah, $5000; J. F. Roddy, jack son, $5000; Minor Lewis, Muitnomah. $5000; G. 0. Moser, Multnomah. $5000; G. S. Sheperd, Multnomah, $2000; James rt'Brion, Multnomah, $5000; Mark Rob erts, Multnomah, $2500; IL L Keeney, Multnomah. $10,000; R. E. Williams. Polk, $10,000; E. C. Kirkpatrick, PoHt. $1000; B. S. MeCallon, Polk, $1000; T. JU.'horriiigtan, Polk, $lo00a.M. D. EUia. Colli. $1000; J. II. Raley, Umatilla, $10,000; M. V. Gwinn. Umatilla. $5000; V. J. Furnish, Umatilla, $5000; E. L. , Smith, tlmatilln, $5000; J. W. Scriber, Vl'nion. $10,000; C. J. Scribrr. Union. $3000; G. O. Butler, Wheeler. $1000; J. S. Stewart, Wheeler. $2500; W. V. Stei wrr. Wheeler. $5000; J. 11. P:-'-.-. Wheeler. $2500; W. K. Newell. Wash ington, $1000; E. W. Haines. Washing ton. $5000; M. H. Shipley, Washington, $1000; J. N. Hoffman, Washington, $1000; John Templeton, Wnshingtonfr '."'0O; L. .1. Corl, Washington. $looo; S. I',. Starred, Washington, $1000. To tal. $035,000. , JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. H. II. Beokman of Portland is spend ing the holidays with his .family in toWU. Misses Leona Ulrich and Bertha' Prim wont over to Medford Thursday eve ning to attend the Swastika party. ('. P. Briggs, the druggist, is at Butte Pi'lls looking after his timber inter ests. On last Saturday the primary pupils of Mrs. Louise f'aughthran gave a re tital at her studio, when the following programme was rendered:. " Peace in the Evening" (Behr), Blanche Apple g;ite; "Nest Eggs' (Lange), Grace Nelson; "Home. Sweet Home," Ha.el Norling; ' ' Cradle Song ' ' ( Hewitt). Cora Basye; "Boment Musicale" (Mo zart), piano and violin, Maude New bury, lone Caughthran. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply to the city council, of Med ford. Or., at its next meeting to be' held January 7, 1!"K, for a license to sell malt, vinous nnd spiritous liquor in less quantities than a gallon, for a period of si months at my place of buHinps at lot 14, block 90, Medford. Or. C. M. (UPttOS. Dflted December 2. 19117. 24 Mrs. Kerwlww. who Uas been visit At tle honin of'Tnw Kaler is Knst Itavd for thn ptwrt thrpe weeks, left fnndav morning on the southbound irntn for hr home in Ka'rtern Oregon. The Nash Hotel and GrlU car ftreiM ( 0 ITEMS FROM PEYTON. " ' ' ,' Bv MissM. E , Pevton. ! K. .11 Kirby and Clarence Boussum are spending tho. holidays with friends j and relatives at Peyton. j Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Richardson and son Edmund are visiting friends and relatives at Medford during the holi days. They expect to return home in two weeks. Miss Gladys Miller, who is teaching school at Peyton, has returned to her home at Wirner to spend the holidays. The nmilcarrier failed to come from Eaglo Point last Thursday on account of high water. W. O, Vaughn visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Peyton a few days ago. R. E. Peyton returned home a few days ago from Eagle Point. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Love, who have been staying on Mr. Vaughn 's place, have moved to Central Point. The big dance at the hall at Peyton passed off fine. Eve ry one had a good time. Ed Ilollenbeak attended the big dance Christmas eve. He came from Beagle. NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned will apply at the regular meeting of the city council of the city of Med ford. O r e go n , to be held on J an u a r r 7, 100S, for a license to sell spiritous, vinous and malt liquors in quantities less than one gallon for a period of six months, nt their place of business in the Hotel Nash building, on lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, inblock 20, in said city. ' 5 HOTEL NASH COMPAXW ' Dated December 26, 1907. 246 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN'. Tjiis is to certify that I will prosecute any pnrty or parties to the full extent of the law that attempt to cut timber on my claims, located in the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter, the north half of the southeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section S, in township 39 3. of range 1 west of Willamette Meridian in Oregon, containing one hundred and sixtv acres of land. tf (Signed) ANNIE M. LODER. CITY NOTICE. The city council at its meeting held on December 13, 1907, instructed the recorder to purchase house numbers and' to furnish the same to all property own; ers nt as near cost as it wns possible. The numbers can be had from the city recorder about December 20. The re corder will also furnish the correct ii umber or each lot. BEN.T. M. COLLINS, tf Recorder, i it .if. -. NOTICE Is-4iio4yi.giuim that thej.uulersigned will apnlv to the citv council of Med- ford. Or., at its next meeting to be held .Inuuarv 7, 190S. for a license to sell malt, vinous and spiritous liquors in less mianttties than a gallon, for a period of six months, at my place of business at parts of lots 10 nnd 11 block 4-1, Medford, Or. T. H. MOORE. Dated December 26,. 1907.;. 244 No Fire In the Kitchen Range No Hot Water In the Bouse Then is the time you ap preciate the convenience of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS Attach a plug to ' the nearest lamp socket and turn the switch PINT. QUART, TWO QUART AND LARGER SIZES Plat Size U ipecully adapted for nursery Simple Durable ;CA1L A'l 1 1 R I HCE AtD f I I tt IIS Cftudar Water and Pwar Ca. P4nm ". Office SMWBtk StMftt. Oppnaitr tk Big Kltric Sign. ietattx a wa gna bjtwn Clean (CuJlJ Sale Sryjw 0 t -o p on o n uo o o o C-.oo c O V-iO o 0 ,o 0 o 0 o Q il V4L, t m if X M E D Y O R I) OPERA II O U S E HAZELRIGG & WILLIAMS, MORS. TUESDAY, DEC. 31st "First real novelty since 'Peter Pan." Frank W. Healy presents comp1n7co 0PEEA "The Toymaker" A Dainty, Dancing, Delightful Comic Opnra. "Big laughing hit." Portland Oregonian. "Will enjoy it from curtain to curtain." Portland Journal. "Cannot fail to please both young and old." Portland Telegram. SPECIAL PRICES 50c, S1.00 AND 51.60. SEATS ON SALE 10 A. M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27TH, AT HASKINS'. THE BIG MEDFOED TRIBUNE'S MAMMOTH 1908 EDITION BEADY IN JANUARY PROMOTING PUBLICITY THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY CONCERNING AMERICA'S GREATEST APPLE AND PEAR PRODUCING DISTRICT, THE ROGUE RIVER VALLEY, THE CREAM OF CREATION FIRST ISSUE 10,000 COPIES ORDER NOW TO SEND THEM TO YOUR FRIENDS. DISTRIBUTED OVER THE WORLD SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS. JUST OPENED We arc Ve cari'v TE QUEENS WARE, OUT GLASS, HAVELIN CHINA. VASES AND JARDINIERES M'GLASHAN&JUNKEN 11 O o o Medford Steam Bakery! HOT BOLLS FOB BREAXFAST or dainty little dinner rolls that will tempt the appetite of the i most fastidious, Is the kind w ! serve evory day when ordered, j Broadstuffs, light, white and de- j licious, is our specialty, as well as the richest, finest cakes, pas- j try and pics. When you want tui enjoy your meals, order youi br.Uestuffs from us. OUR NEW YEAR'S BILL OF FARE Contains nil the good old-fashioned d'shes associated with the day and many more besides. Come and eat yours here. Bring your wife with you. She'll enjoy tlu cooking at this restaurant wo know. And she'll appreciate immensely the treat of eating such a fino meal ; without tho trouble nnd labor involved in its cooking. TH NASH BOOMER now open for business on the a full line of AS, eOFFEBS, and Extracts We make a specialty of pure goods; aad a large One More Day of the Pre-inventory Sale Are vmi poing to pass up this opportunity to. savo money on EVERX ARTICLE IN THIS STORE. The I aiice Sale in January and a few have something else to interest you then. Wo will show new goods two months ahead of the majority of stores of the country. Better Bomo to nforrow. Hosiery Underwear Reduced One-Fourth Half Price Suit and Coat Sale Continues SALE LASTS UNTIL JANUARY 15TH, 1908. If wo have any Units left to sell by that time. If you want a Suit o Coat at from $1.01) to $7.00 Iosh than tho eastern wholesale cost, now is tin Hmo to buy it. Oou't wait. Mvery suit and coat in the house must go nnd in order to movo them quickly, WE SAY HALF PRICE ON ALL. LADIES' GOODS Baker-Hutchason Co. FIRST ROOM NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BANK. West Side next to the Presbyterian church. nlwo have a complete line of Jap assortment,. o o old way would be to have our Clear cleanup sales iu February; but we wiM Kvory puir of Hoao in tho stun urn! our linos aro in good com!' tion, wilt bo on ante tomorrow. You nover saw such good valuej in n regular way, and whon wo say one-fourth off, well, wo have seen nierchnntfl jump at th' chance to buy tho samo values a', the prieoa we aak you uow. All lii'ic and Wo Hosiery .. :i All 17c and 20c Honiery ...21c All 25e Hosiery now only.,.. 10c All 40c and !15c Hosiery ...,29c All oOc and (10c Hosiery ....''3' All 73c Hosiery now 67c All $1.00 HoBiory now 7BC All 1.2o Hosiery now 98c EXCLUSIVELY. Spices lo