Bedford) l&ily Tribune A Llva In Un Town. -e- Pobli:l every evening except Sunday Mettford FnnlUBlog company. G. PUTgAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second Clam Matter in O ' the Potoffic at Mcdford, Oregon. bacriptlon Batea: 04J month, by mail or carrier. .. .$9.50 0) year, by mail 8.00 ft OgNiUOC 8 ATTC. F.- tBcnbnixKs pnwident of Mod ford 'h city council, offendfd because The Tribune pulilinhml goaaip 1-0103- ing bis alleged candidacy for the rnayd nriilt.v, axBUiilted the editor tills morn ing, lifter having called hilll out of the hotel three different times. If it i u disgrace, and an insult to be culled n candidate for mayor, the highest office in the gift of the citizens of Medford, then the editor ia willing to admit that Mr. Osenbrngge wua most grievoitHly wronged. In the haste and hurry in which a daily newspaper is created, it is some times impossible to verify all the news that drifts into the office and gets into print. K'ffort was made to verify the story of Mr. Osenbrngge 'a enndi dacy, which was based upon informa tion given by a brother councilman, and therefore deemed reliable. The editor assured Mr. Osenbrngge that The Tribune believed in fair play, ii ml that any correction he wished would be cheerfully printed. Notwith standing this assurance, Mr. Osen brngge, wantonly and without cnuse, struck the editor. Assaulting the editor will not make n particle of difference in the policy of this pnper. When we are wrong we lire always ready to make a correction. When we are right we stand pat. ADVICE TO SHERIFF. In order to give the land fraud tdillls II square deal, President Hoosevelt re moved Jncli Miithews as United States inarsluil peremptorily without notice or without charges being filed. It was contciidt'il by the president that a jury in the atmosphere of II whispering noli tici:in tuny not find itself in that thor oughly uttloii-ool fr;im- of mind that woml induce it to give every man It sipiare iluil. Sheriff Jackson could w II n";'!'-!! to studv this lesson and liriiiLf limni- to himself its deeper mean-in-,' His lil:i:iil friends are not in :i rib :tiiiit t'-rne of nriul, nuil he would null:-, lln !i:inii:ir to feel thrit he conhl ilrnM : Tier I'tle of distinction be tweM! tli- iik'-uhki! deiiris of 1). II. .Inr! s. p .-mil tin duties of the sheriff ol' .'-"is. in roiuiti. Awlihtiil Vnllev es:.:, eti TRANSFERS. ' .i i ' ytr Mit to F'.rn .. I-1 ::. 1. !..!;-. I. Tab. . 110 . l-s- ti county to A. 1.. tot -I, Id. ick S!, .lack- Anna W. I 'ele, In rii'io..- 1 n'-i - i: I ' -. i I .1, It.ison to l-'rilllees I- id ill toU'tilii Y t rj-oti. II.. si' I ' V. 'I l'i." I ' : .. i . ii, . -. ' P I, r r ,i. i-'l x Ktl" . :t 1 A AAX,M...AA T0M0BBOW8 BVlCES AT . 4. 42 - QSthodlst Church, B (Street. "Our obligation" will be the sub ject next Sabbath at 11a. m. In view of the union-temperance meeting at the nti.t ehiK-ili. there will be no serv ices at nigl.t. Sabbath school at 10 a. m. rtpw:ith league 6:30 p. m. All are in.ifoo!. TIMETABLES Cttistlan tenr rhrimiun Science services are held every Suntlay morning at 11 o'clock in the Commercial club room, hubject for December 2!t, "Christian Science." All are welcome. Christmas Music at - ftark'a. The chorus under the direction of fi Un7,lrii;tr will render the beauti ful music of the Episcopal church Sun day morning. December JS, at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Williams will preach a aermon appropriate to the Christmas season. The evening service will be held as usual at 7:.'i'l. Sunday school meets at 9:4o. FIVE THOUSAND MILES OF NEW RAILROAD BUILT According to statistics compiled by the ltailway Age, railroad construc tion in tho United States has been nearly as heavy in 11107 as in 1906, which was the heaviest year since 1888. The total number of miles of new track laid this year has been 8730, of which 122 niiloR were ill Louiiiana, 341 in Vloriiln Mo in South Dakota, 314 in Texas and 311 in Washington. In Can ada during the same time 723 miles were built nnd 340 in Mexico. The greater part of the new track was laid before the financial stringency, nly n small amount of mileage being onstructed after September. The orders for freight and passen ger ears Mill locomotives in limi were snutller 'hen at anv time during the last seven vent'.'. The volume of orders for this pint of ruilrontl equipment was ill. nit flii per cent of the total of 11(05 and 1 (--. Tile year has been notable for the in ere. sp ill the number of block signals insiiilleil, the increase having been 372! fur the 12 months ending December 31. - SOUTHERN PACIFIC BAttWAT, I . NJ-thbound. Ne. 16 1 Oregon Express So. 14 1 PortlandJIxprl .... Soumbound. No. 15 California Express.. No. 13 San Francisco Exp.. 5:09 p. in. 9:39 s. m. 10:28 s. ra. 12:45 p. m. PACIFIC & EAfrSMK BAIL WAT. No. lQ-oavcs Medford . . No. 3 Loaves Medford.. No. 2 Arrives Medford. No. 4 j Arrives Medford. 8:00 a.m. 2:45 p. m, 10:10 a. m, 5:00s m. ROOU RIE 9ALI4KT KAXWtAY No. 2 I Leaves Medford 10:45 a. . No. 4 I Leaves Medfori :t0 p. s. MotorLoaves Medford .... 12:50p.m. MotorlLcaves Modford 9:00p.m. N'. 1 I Leaves Jacksonville.. 9.00 a.m. No. 3 I Leaves Jacksonville.. 3:30 p. t. Motor Leaves Jacksonville., j 12:00 m. MotorlLcaves Jacksonville. . 7:30p.m. Special motor car trips during day, 2.00 and upwards, according to num ber people. Phono Jacksonville office. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; electric lights. Inquire of Mrs. Ad die Rippev, West Seventh St., in the White bldg. 252 WANTED A girl to do general house work. Inquire ot fc. oaunyaw. "tr LOST Out on tno streets of Medford, poeketbook containing auu or 3110 in caBh and two or throe checks; also two small gold nuggets. D. T. Law ton, tf FOR RIONT Oontleman wanted for nicely furnished room, near in. Apoly at Hotel Moore. tt A WELL-E8TABHSHKD retail busi ness for sale in Medford. Address P. O. Box 710, or inquire Tribune of fice, tf DARK HORSE SLATED FOR BRISTOL'S POSITION A successor to District Attorney Bris tol will pri.leilily not be appointed be fore the middle of .Innniiry. when Sen ator I "it 1 1 ill nnd Representative Ellis return to Washington from Oregon on tnuiinrv II or 12. At the time of their ileiinrtiir" the delegation lint! not been :iblt to agree niion any eantlitlnte, and f'riiin pn 'i nt indications the delega tion will not be able nt any time to inrte. In the hooe of rcnehitiL' an ngreement 1 ill-tint of the deltgHt'on was called Tliurs'l:i . but Senator liourne did not I'lti nd. lie :s absolutely co-nmitteil to 'hr'stojiher C. Sehuebtd of Oregon City, iht. ugh no other inenibi"- of the delega te 11 :s w:'l:ng at this time to support M: Sfluubil. SENATE PASf-ES BILL KELFTNC- OUT MINERS "I, 'i".' 1, is -ens. . VII siii-f nil '.,.. 1 - . ' tin .-., tti 7 ti e return- t tl.llt U'll. - sIl'lM -' !' MS' '' '..i-' rieir-llUl illll :ll'' til'1 tt T'ed i . I,-. 1 ,i' -. ,.1',1-ts I ,.. te r''"t-l"il i I'- i :''t;-o I, ii""' ;i : i:n; r 'S-.l'il'-ot -i' .' '"' "11 Ii'llifil' ' e' t( Hi.. , 'Oiyt- .,.' ,,. t. '.'".: Hi.- "f Mi" -.rts! 1 . :,i,. . ' ! t 1.' s'-: .t: i". I ..r l::li::: ' r-i! 'it;.e- f .' .-. : eeon.; "I I 1 ..te 11" v. .'.' 'tiT" l:ii-i'.l Af ' ' , -!-. tl't . toll 1 ti'it'l .l:ii.ii:il'- 'JOI.CoZATION AtrV" -O cn:r, td itlaxat:' r. ,ik lirai... tv. li.tlil. 1 ).:.-. it 11 't . 1 ; ' .111.1 till I' . I . I . in, .!,' 'f 1,. M,.!),.i...,i'.;i t:o i'":'"' ii,.- .. I.," ett.l . ,, ...,.. 'i.i'.e.'t I1' 111.. the tin. t.i.... r!i. . f!..:t j 'I with the 11. "ii. i buy a third M. '1" Ii ii"- fr.M. t'"'-.' ' - 11 i..,,..;'; ii- . " :" ' a. i- ..I..-. I ' 1 ., 1', . n.ti, :i, j '' ! " ,.' ,.i...'l,.ii. and e rr" lie ' ii'ii:,:nil i.m h. .-t-lir- :.''" .en. h I . Kt:i" j:;,- v'-li - i-'l-, -ntv i'.l ., M i.-l'.. tl the 1 iii;i.--i' ', !'. 't! vail, !! to I '" WANTKD All kinds of second hand goods at tho Woods building near Hub bard 's LinilloT & Lindley. tf t'Oli SALK Pine lots, good aoil, excel lent building ground, 12th and 1 sts. See owner, l'rof. M. B. Signs. tf LOST One bay mare colt, 6 months old, white strip in face. Reward for return of same. O. CI. Shirley, P. O. Box (II. Resilience second house south oil lank. tf WANTED Local r :ieentalivc for !Uilf,.ri! :niil vii-iuitv to look after rt ncwals ami increase subscription list of 11 pr...:nitient monthly iniigaxine, on a salary aiul commission basis. Kxpe rience desirable, J nit not necessary, (inod opportunity for right person. Ad tin s': Publisher,' Bnx 50, Station 0. New York Begin the New Year. m THE RIGHT WAY POIf KXCIIANGE Medford property f,,r other property. Adrdess Lock Box 418. Medford. Or. tf WANTKD Housework or window cl lining by day or hour; bamboo fur uitlire ui.'iile to order: art work repair ing. A. Tatsumi, Seventh St., near britlgv I'd! SALE Two young fresh milch co-.vs. Apply to W. M. Draton. old (Yntril !Vnt road, N. C. St., mil.' from j1 1?: ol f ice. 2.".;t !'l 1,'ST-CLASS .l:i;i:inese cmiU wishes s:t ii.'it inn. Address Cook. Tribune. 50 I I.. W.'i-li. l-'liR LI.' New resn'.i-ni 1 , ,lisl .11 pb-led. .e. ml blo-k west of high lihool. Seventh slre.-t: fine c.d till in I inleriur: cheap i!' sol-1 soon. In 'ii'lf 'i'libatie offiie. tf .'.., NTKI 'if rttit. :i fiii nislii .1 lions". :'. i, 7 minis, tie. trie I'chts. close in. 1 n': ::: my 1 fl'ici. Tr. U. U. Il.-mil :, :'. tf 1 U'lllli ill' .t.arut i'r: ale. til'.'' , . 7"i 011 f:rst c!ass real ts :a:e, -ine ':i I"1 iiHiutli.-i. d'.liws 7 pel . a: ! -lit ' : : will d'sri'lll t pl'ill,! i i'i 1 :;a 1,, a.a'i.' a i....l MPtfil fr pur , Iimm :" iv'il'. t-:.h. cheek or eel' 'if, a I ' ,, 1'. O. IS- :.7!. M.''l!',.r.l. Or. ":i ''I'K S 1 . 1 At a li-ire,:n::. tfti'T. It-T- -..f tin- ili..i..s' ft'li;l I :.'. ill ':! . t, -. !..,.. i". Ii s.l all ! . i v, t w-.l.T.-t. n-...: .1.1 1 a 1io.-o ki.i' I'liie. tin.- if....-! '.-il;-i. .-ili'iil.l.iii ' Mil.-r A"! it'i'l T ctil'it st-'in i'i l I'.." ii,!iiri! li.leti.l'ai: oir.l.'te-i I...U H-e t h .Ui-.' tie"'!!. .. pur. I. -Mi-; i:.., Miits. Nasi. ll.ecl. Or. I 4 r t C1TV NOTICE. I! Hi ' IT ! " ii n: 11 'til hr II, II. It! The ,-itv fiMineil at :t tiiei'tinu' loM on l 111I1.'" Cl. H'11;. instructed the reco-der t.i piirehiisi' house tiiltnliers and ' t.t furnish the same to all p.operty own , ers lit lis near cost as it was possible. 'The numbers can be Im.l from the citv recorder abnut December 2(1. The - crder will"U,i furnish the correct .number for cn.-h lot. ItEN.I. M. COLLINS, tf m Recorder. ,1: : ll, ,t I -:ji 01..S. tin- full f', "t 11. ,' in 1 .t t.. . lit tin. I. . r - '" ,1. 1 ir the .,.,lt I,.-!..! ' ' (-. ' !' . ." .'I,... i'-i r aii.l is ,a ' 1 he S.M'll.Vl s' s, I ..a v nslrn I'.ll S ,. ..I ' ,i' "It.. ll I'iilOil' , ,,,, I,, n I,, ,f ;,o ! " "rr1. I'1 the city council of Med ., l-,i,. o d' AWIIM .i'i;jl NOTICE Is hiril'9 given that the undersigned l'oli b'l!NT -Newly fiirnishel rooms by day. v.,e!. or ' month. The Odd!, iner postoffi.e. Medf.r.l. Of. tf By Building A good start means much to you. Get off on the right foot and keep going. Don't continue to throw money away by paying rent, when you can own your own home. How much did you pay out for rent during 1907? Stop and figure it out. What have you got to show for it? Nothing but a bunch of receipts. Suppose you had put this money into building a home and buying a lot ? You'd have something to show for your coin, wouldn't you? The same thing holds true in the coming year. Are you going to waste your mazuma all year, and have 1908 net you noth ing but a living? Ask your wife about it, and see what she says. Building is going to be cheaper this year than ever. You can buy practically at your own terms. We sell all kinds of lumber everything needed in any kind of a house from a small cabin to a palatial mansion. We also sell Booth-Kellv lumber. Iowa Bo BUSINESS CARDS. x and Lumber Co. B. R. HAMILTON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Successor to Dr. K. S. DcAnnond. Office in Rittcr Dunlnp Block. Phone GS'i. Will. K. Colvig, Medford, Or. COLVIG & DURHAM, Attomeys-rit-L.-.w. Ceo, H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. WM. W. P. HOLT. M. D. Fhysicirn i.nd Surgtou. E-lgle IV. nt, Oregon. WARREN L. CAMSltON, 51. D., Physician and Snrscoa. llesiil. m e, II. del .Vomit. LINDinY : II.'TLEV, 11,- llels ii: new ate! s" 'nil I hliud fi'.rui ;i:iv. stir, s nail t in. ait'. l,:irtlw:i:c. . te. -:o:ag" ati.l n.ini!:oll. Wo nlv.iril in .nil. : . All goods il bvered f .lu ll "I . I' city. ::oys Drjs".:.ER. !:.-a! Ira:.-. I!i ii'.ii!i, !uur nice. l'A !!! N!' t;m;;ei: lands. I lie-' S,,liei! si. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of money and neither give the tit, style nor distinction t your clothes that your own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction,'' that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the ''sweatshop" gooes of catalogue houses. KEEP YO'Ja MONEY HOME FEB! rh'.j City Tailor FRENCH DRY CLEAKINd Me4brd TEW TOIXfc' PAALOI.S i 'i n rt'itl -"-it nt il'ir :nrtlul fnr t ! i-l Ail li' ff tin i:iir. s-inu fai'C. Shainitn.t .n (nl. Klectrii . al; in foil.' I? ii.' i'hy At f a-u ?,t i it rl il. irinitiiniig. J'i t"il''t a' ! ii -If? t jr-'l'iill. rnTiunmn'1','l. MES W. I CAMEBON. S:iiic 4. U.fH Va Arnfx Because He Paid t,y Check. Nut Ion :ik, a Linvnrss nm'i in tiro ri'iirrrniiy .. jircxi-Bt'! with k liiM thai he liH'l alrvm ly !.. lit- r i M the jW-l i-h-rk h mii-h-T in rvitli'nrc, a it I it tba.s ii tine' .' n I hnt hi- hil pftid tin- MM. Lti t von r 1 1 - iin op1 in r, if .tviii(f hv fherk? invito ....... hi ti tiKi.,.t t., , .,) rill t', pha-.l to run-Itr i tin' nnl ffficii-nf HTvict' JACKSON COUNTY BANK Established 1888 MEDFORD, ORE. Capita!, Surplus and Deposits Over $625,000 M'USKUV M'Oi K Alt Kimls of f-uil, tt-.trs. Iiolh l.-i rkff ninl .null frutf. tit.'iii'liiiil xnrit'tit'K of 'npi i'i ninl poniS ninl n :u Ih'i. im In.'.toi; Nrftti.wti ninl il , iipt :i. i,'-; n .full I it.- of iii l...liilt- mil.i r sli.i't.. in l:iti;r or stn.-ill I'o. l (or S.ilf. ... t -, . 't.t ' l' II' o Or., in il-. lii'xl ni.'ftini; lo tV lul. I .l;iliii;ir 7. lIltiH. for II lifOllH,' In m il mult, Min.ii. mi. I .pinion. litiior. ; . I nil kin.l. of uriiiitm'iital t in !, iiininlilif. Hum n n.llloll. for 11 It. t mi l flirulil.. ri . -V mv r.;.l..m-o . i -. I itri...l of i mo nlli". nt niv )l.i'f of ii. n.m.'Ii Mflfoi.l. Iimiif jr: rt ,,. I.imii.. nl part, of lot" 1" mil illJ " v '' ! ' '''' -'" ' "''' I I.lo.'k lo.'.T,!. Or. to fill i inn ifliil-.h. In, purr if., Wmiitt' w Mttlt. I.. Jl. Vtrtitr. Sr..' M.vlfor.l. dr. tf i; u o T. If. Moouk. il, t o O.-iloJ IVtrtiil.or -I'', ll'i'T. '.'It RANCHES FOR RENT 'Int-ll A'ftilfi nn.t S.nk i'.;. i- n r..Y, V.-lf' t I. ' Greater medford t Vi'tut ft-bvtrr- Tiif.i)T-'- i -.1 tin bin Wirt- r.f i rft ri' at ih inlrof if mi MittfUi -.-nwi h1 VI 1' hH'T'Iii Thci h rl vnt tm,tv fur ih-r imx tr h r' I'kii ytnr noHsr wi'h im rh i nuT Im ki ro tir bvtr ttp i Jwrj .:'int -tr' ml n.i 'hut n ath mr f Pir't niK cr In rdili'ior. toon, Nn'mnnl Hii.k vc have 8 AV: NO tFAMUf NT .itt in- lf' i n S.i vinr- Ai-V'iii'H. i n i'v . nnt w, , ,hr 'ml N-.thnii V ni . wtou i(Tt tn eHiim it: h .tfi iT..rif r ti m-i-!!(. ,i t if uitl ii Kiinif of i.rcnto. Mm . .: n ut tr rnuc R .ii U'vi-t '(;, CIk mcdfoN national Bank ( 'j;.'!j. 5.V .'Mi . -n i . J t ' .( tl 1 1 i I O " r- - -i O o o o L o o 0 , ':'0 ( J o o