i ... .' ' 7. I . 2 :; ; i i: f' f L .t ' . 8 o o. O o SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. mid Mrs. Uuy (iuunvau tf Mon tague, Cal., spent Hie liulidiiy vm-nliou in Med ford with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiley and Mr. Cummin. Mr. tiaunvau was at our time n student in the Medfurd cnnniereial college, but hits Ucon for Keveral yeai m em ployed "an IhikhK,,,i,h" ,nt' fr'Hht depot for the Southorn Piuil'ie at Mnntnite. Five to 20m re traets near Meillonl, $75 to $!"' hii aere. (inm) hind and good nater. Kavy terms. Inquire of It. 1'iereo & S. n. HII fleorjje Merriinan and ,1oe Cankey left Hi in morning for Iteddiug, ...... wher" I hey will sM-nil the coining two weeks. John S. Orth and wife sM-nt t'lirist inns willi home folks lit Jueksonville. Ilf.irv W. M mire mid family at)' -i hriHtnnm turkey with Mr. and Mrs. II. J,. Orr in Went Medford. -. Christmas deuorutloiiM, laurel, mistle toe, fir, Oregon grape mid Xinus trees dtlivered. heave orders nt The Tog gery, enre (). T. Whitman If Jnines W. Milhr who has h-i it in I'ortland for the pn ;t five months Imihl ing residence properly, has rornpletcil th- Beeonod resilience and has In rompletelv alisorhed wilh city lift Kinif 'b for hownev's, Aldmi 'h and fl nut her ' (liiM'ohites. tf ' MeoiL'p Vox of Tent nil I'oinf, who haft been in poor health and confined to his home for two weeks, is slowly improving. Miss Jeunesse Ttutler, teaeher of pia no. theory and harmony. Rosirlencp in West Medford. Telephone 791. tf Mrs. P. X. Ilogne ami family of Wag nor creek were in Medford Tuesday purchasing rhristmns presents. J. P. Langhlfind of I.a Porte, Iml.. ; win n Meilford visitor Tuesday. Mr. i.nitgliland will cake purchases of real fslato in the valley. :rser' lent of oo:t rani al t c '.it rr'vM nt Hull's Postal Shop l to "0. Come and are th -rn. . Until. arl liuMd'itg. near Itridg'. tf .liislin Kifert. who has been firing an eng'eie in the Konthern Pacific rail road ynrdn nt Ttoseburg. is spending his holiday vacation with his parents, Mr. nnd Mm. W. W. Kifort. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Pheggley of .Stockton, Cnl., spent the past few d-iyn in Medford at the home of Mrs. I'h"u'g ley'i parents, Mr. and Mrs. John It us num. Thev left for their home T -s dav morning. Prank Kawlings of (ia.ell', Cnl.. is in Medford spending the hnlidavs with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Itnwl'iig. C. M. Pnnn left this morning for his old home in the stale of New York, where he will incite an rxtcndrd visit. Mr. Dunn will return to Medford in the course of n few monlliH nnd will make investments, Tr. It. K. DeArmond, formerly prac titioner in Medford, parsed through the city this morning on his way to north cm California, where he will spend n few dnyR looking after business mat tern. He now resides in Portland. Miss Mollie Towne, deputy county clerk, passed through Medford this morning on her way home after spend ing Christmas at Phoenix. Wilson Wait, son of Mr. and Mrs Frnnk Wait, is spending the holidays with Ins parents in Medford. Wilson is attending the (). A. C. at Comillis, Or., and will return to that place January (1. Mrs. K. W. Xtarr of North Medford. who hns been very sick for the past three weeks, is slowly improving, and In at this writing able In sit up nt her home. Mrt. Mstella Pox of Central I'ninl ar rived in Medford on I he southbound train. Mrs. Pox reports that her tins bund, who has been verv sick at hi home, is improving rapid I v. .Tack Martin nnd W. It. Nvswamer were down f mm '"lemjin 1 'reek urn liny thin week Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. (irnffis of I'lueni precinct were In Medford Tuesday trad mi with our merchants. .Toh a Conway, proprietor of Talent's shoo More, was among his Medion' friendfc Tuesday. He has secured the sen ices of an expert mechanic lo assist him in meeting the demands of his Ittrge business. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Crawford of Oold Hill, parents of Oris Crawford, are in Medford making their ion a visit. .Inst in Kifert of ltoseluirg. th,. filial railroaders, is in Me. I lord viiiin rela lives nnd friends. Charles Turner, the miner, who is de Veloping an excellent property in Wood ville dint rit-t , has' 1 n ma Mug us u short visit. A. C. Walker, manager of Keltic mier 's big nursery, located near 'en fral Point, was n recent visitor in Med ford. A. Olson, who has l-en spending the past season at Weed. Cat., is at hi homestead in Trail prei'inet ngain. Mrs. Hoy Crystal of lYndlet.oi (,i,e (teneviev Kiernan) in in MedCa-l, hir former home, for a short vi-.it. liev. (1. K. Htarbuck of Portland, a prominent minister of the N.-wnili n Adveiitiit church, in in thr alley an Sistilhg Itev. W. I.. Hlsck. (he eMieieol local pa-tor, .1. H. HawtMiT, the enti-rpri dug niiii rt, who is operatiHg in Wdlow Kprin jMrrl, HfteiM Christmas in M-dfoid. Prank Men f W;itkin. tW- iiimi-r fiiriM-r, ipfit Crif ni in Jak..n r.l mm i. tie Mtorfte?, n4 MM irWlt Wi e Ck iitter in ft-dfd. O. O. sita ftli,t o h 4vt from :- h9e at visit in Jledtrd. .1. W. WiOiTim, till-i-xpiTt film Wo lii'i'll fti.THMiif in Hi u), T i,."t' ,nml hi f.inii') nro m.w r.'i.l. (, J..f a iiMiiir.u !i.(jiil!t Th.' rrilirli.111 np .InrVlnnvilli.. O .rr.9.. fc I.. .11 f.illv (Jtif,, Thi- Krirk Krii'ks.inOr.in'iiiiiii nf llic-0.p ' .(tj) (y , til r. nilini. .1 In- nr I'nnmiliilnlrd ln. .. Im 0;"l"' lirniiN r.-r 1 iT; I'm i.:.tn I. nan ,,n In. I'ni.. to HK j the linli.lnvn. O (Diiv in I'nrlL.Q) in . n.! Y.jtnmii I'. T. SiMilt nn.1 K. lliililw with hi. ni'.lh.r. 1111.I h,0:i llinmn nniiinK iiur PfVi'liI rtlli'ri fe inl.i juil lit llns(fci)ri( riilnin w.' Kri' .7. Hnynnliln niul K. IIcW.mi of Tiilrnt were in Medford the first of the week. Air. ami Mrs. A. . Itilyen of Tort- Inml, well known pioneer of nr.L"n. itoppd off at Meil ford the fnre part of he week for a short visit with Jesse JlodKiH, lluir nephew. They were V h'f::; from a visit in Hoiit li .i tli-:r v ;'in On gnu. Mr. iiiul Mr-. Vitin-e I Iicniu'V of Al :ne visit :ii; in Medford, quests of I. ! tiiK r and Irs wife. !. II. Il.irrell r : among the miner W lifi I'HIlie (low n f rriui t lie emitter lu-It , t(l H (, , hriMtin.. amonu their valley i mis. Mi.'s gi; ; l-i.-fs of .laeksu.. ile has h .nine a r Silent of Me.lfonl. V,'. C. 1,'taau. the uienhaiit, Hud his wfe spent Chrisdnas with Mrs. ,1. II. If tfer of .lacks nvilli'. the Intters moth Cniil !i Itohoam biat. d 'hrist mas of Jacksonville cede ve with friends ii Medf.ird. Mr.4. P. A. Iliues of Jacksonville went hi nt to Appb gate Wednesday to visit her sou, Will Johnson, and his family. W. C. (iieen, who has ho)in Nevnda looking after his milling interests, re turned Tuesday, accompanied b' his family. T. II. Whipple of Woodville. the well konwii pioneer, wa-t in Melfonl Tins day after fruit trees. He is plnntitQ ipiite an area in standanl varieties. The Christmas dance given by the Red Men at their hall was a grand sue- hh. There were in attendance 50 coiides. Music was furnished by Pro feasor Wilson, which was excellent. Mr. Wilson is nn expert musician W. Itowman of West Medford has V en confined to his home on account of br.iinhial t rouble. Mr. Bowman's con P'ioii N not serious. Mrs. Celia MeClallon of Itosebnrg is sni nding the holidays with relatives liv ipe- in Medford and Jacksonville. 11. It. Andrews, secretary of the Ci-Mttis Pass Commercial club, nnd his fa'itity sowif Chri itnias in Meilford with Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Vogeli, Mrs. An fire v.s pirents. V r and M rs. Hamilton Smith, who have Ik en residents of Medford during the piit t leontlis, have located in Ash laud. Andrew Hartley and W. J. Milnes of (lilts, Cnl., who have been engaged in aiining for th" two yenrs, lire spending the holidays in Medford. Ii. K. Smith, foreman of the Washburn orchard, on the Tlogue river, spent Mon lav in Medford. J. A. Perry ret urned Monday from Portland, when' he hail been called to give testimony at the hearing he fore the state railroad commission with ref rence to the Southern Pacific com pany tailing oir two regular trains. Several others were also summoned for the same purpose. Herbert I'euel, who has been attend ing the military academy at i uiver. lie'., for the past IK months, nrrived in Medford Turfldnv to spend the holi days with his parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. P. . IVucl. Hi' will return to finish his -oor-e, leaving here about January 2. RI,K OK MPNICIPAL BONOS. S : Ie pr..:. I V ei-lllte im:t!s will lie received by -I ,.f the city of Medford. office of Ike city record ly. lint I Friday. January " Ylodc p. in., for the pur l-e' oi, nt Cm t i ' sa: I cil '. i;os. r! base of tVt.0''0 in ten vear. Ti per cent niTpon bonds of sn;d city, in denominn- tioiis of is'iOO ench. interest payable semi nn una 1 1 v. Kaeli bid must bp c- "ompnnird by a certified check for nn 'iMumut ciii-'il to Ii per cent of the iMi"int e1 "'U'li bid. oavable to the city f Medf.-rd. and rid city council re serves t he rigm to re ect nnv or nil lii.ls. Paled at Midfonl, Oregon. Pccember 1 1, too;. nrcx.T. M. COT.TJNS. 2"0 City Uecnrdor, SOMETIITNO VERY NEW ON RAILROAD LANDS (:r:nl.T P.ts.- Courier. W. I). Kenton, who stands at the head f the legal department of the South mi Pue i lie in Oregon, informed a Cour ier npn ,sriitat ive t hat in t. is opinioti 1 railroad was not going to lose any of its land obtained under the grant, u hVh 'f so in in-h talked about these lavs. I'-iit lie volunteered the informn liii that I lie road officials would pro ed i have t lie laud reappraised ns I he ii.-. ids were all burned in the Sjin Ft-ie'MTo fire, and t his work will be done in the spring, as soon as the weather will permit the surveyors to go out. Th; land, that is good for a-'i it-oltinal ii's.l mineral purposes, lie I, inks and fe.ds eon f ideal I v, will be 'Id nt reasoi"hle figures to home net kers. Hut the laud best suited for 'tinber, and wnich has timber on it and s accessible will be retained by the :dr.ad, a it uotng to need alt the f i'o her it eati see are for its own con tiniit inn. and it would be unwise to 1... , se i.f the land suitable for this ;i,irp.w(- at.d then h:ie to turn iroiiud i .1 boy h.-r lan.l. Hut he thinks V' wh. re (lo re is timber land in out .f :'e j.l.-n-.Mt md near H.-nrmills, ) tl,e timl, r lands of this kind will '';tS If .., i n (hi. i-.M-ions directly i.m-s to Kmii Praneiseo shortly nnd i.illr wilt Iheii be taken up fr with the h-nd offi.-. r. and he MtJi w rv y.M.d pnperts of be '. iTablv Jl. tel upon TXK rolTLAND JOURNAL DKNOUNCKS Tflt OUTAOE . II. rirrr.t nri'1 i a prixintn.-nt uf I'nlii.H.,. c,lit..r ..f llir M.-y.,r. Tlll'IMIr, nii.tr- t.i lunr 1 n in. mi !hi;1i ti:ilt.li .1 nil.! ilM trn.yhlr ntiu.r of tin- niri. timt rv itt ttii w. l'litiinin rrit I irinril Un- .Itllil .Ihlrirl III li.rni'V .mill Hi.- unm.l inrv f..r Ih.ir fniluro In ii,,l n mini Im,!,,.,!, u,,Qi v nf (m. - . - iil v mistaken, those rMOonsilile for The outrage will dearly re ni it. pHf ff-j nam is nn experienced nemspHprr man Knows his riuhts nnd never bncli down a fight. Portland Journal iS-cem W ,; BEST INVESTMENT FOR THE MONEY. The MtJford Publish tug company, piibli&lnrM uf (ho Meilford Tribune and South. ru Orcgoiiian, offers the people of Medford and Jack Hon county the itafiHt and surest of investments, name- I;', first u.orlgage five-year bonds, bear ing U p r cent interest, payable senii a ii una My. The bondtt are in mnall de homiiiatioii and a negotiable necurity. Creeks on anv Medford bunk taken in payment. What the Bonds Are, These gold bonds, are in deiiotniua turns of $., $1U aud They are in the form uf a popular loan for $4000. They are secured by a first mortgage upon the property and plant of the Medford Publishing company, compris ing a daily newspaper, The Tribune, a semi weekly newspaper, the Southern Oregon in u ami Jacksonville Times, with the largest circulations in southern Ore gon; and un up to date newspaper and job printing plant The bonds are a aafe investment at a higher rate of interest than any bank will pay and better security. They are negotiable and recommended by leading business men ii Medford as a good investment They draw interest at the rata of per cent per annuia, payable the first of tune and the first of December. They mature in five years. Kach bond has nupons attached, on presentation of which noon the .dates on which it ma tores, calls for fhe interest duo, which will be paid by the trustee, the .lack sou County bank. Why the Bonds Are issued. These gold bonds are issued to raise money to enlarge and improve the print mg plant and to continue the publica lion in a better form of the Daily Tn bu ne a ml t he Semi- Week ly Sou t horn Orcgo"inn, It is desired to make it still oetter. It in proving iundeiuate to handle the volume of business which the rapid growth of the city insures. It is desired to make the duily cover all the towns of the Rogue River val ley aud make it in every way a news paper that the entire valley will be proud of. All of the money secured by the aalc. of these bonds will be invest ed in the property, all of which will be subject to the mortgage given a security for the bonds. Medford m destined to be a large city, its daily a great newspaper worth many times the original investment. Medford Publishing Company. The Med ford Publishing company is composed of reputable business men of Medford, who have- backed their judg ment with their money. It is incorpo rated for $lo.0on capital stock, of which only part has been (tubscribed. The balance is treasury stock. Of the stock already issued, a majority is in the uaniu of U. Putnam, editor nnd man -iger. There is no "water" in the stock, it all represents money actually paid in. The by laws of the company provide that the editor and manager i lone is responsible for the editorial Mid busine-'s policy of the paper. The diroctois of th.t concern are the follow ng well known business men of Med tord: W. I. Vawtcr, P. Osenbrugge. ,1 P. Meddy, II. (". Stoddard. C. K. Ray. Putnam. R. (I. Smith and J. I ' lvell. All of these gentlemen, with Hie eiceptioH of Putnam, took stock merely f rum a public -spi riled stand point, to secure for Medford n good laily newspaper. None of t hem cier eises way control over tho polier of t lit pnpv. Not a Speculation. I f you re looking for speculation, don't buy these gold bonds. They arc not n speculation. They are nn invest 1ieut. These gold bonds will not make you rich, but they w II give you n good re turn upon the money invested. Von will tint put in a dollar expecting to get out 'en dollars, for you won't do it. Hut on can put in your dollar and be sure if getting it out ngaiu with good inter t r.I.c Again, these gold bonds bent nnv -tehcuie of hid'iig coin in tin boxes or stowing it away in safety deposits raultvS. It keeps the money In circula tion and helps make times better, as .veil ns encouraging a praiseworthy on terprise, II is to the investing, not the specu iatiig public that these bonds nre of ferod. The best tiuaueiers in the city recommend them. The Paper's Future. A great future lies before tins conn try, and before this newspaper. The property in built upon business lines tnd run upon business principles. Its poliey is progressive, forceful nnd in b pendent. Its manager has had many venrs eiperience in practical newspa per work. The newspaper properties owned are bonnd tn be grent news p.ip-'rs, becaase tlmy represent the wh.de people and standing for the peo lte. will be supported by the people Th daily has grown wonderfully since thf pnent manater took charge. He f-miid n bankrupt institution with noth ing but debts, ill will and prepaid ciren l.-iiinn. It whs out of favor with th public snd wilh the advertiser. I.oek it its rolumns tiMhiy. It is in favor with both the public nnd the advertiser. The rliMif hn been wrought wit4) but litll mon,-, in a very short space of lime. A still g rea t er change will be wrought in the next few month. A Heart to-Heart Talk. (iitie nnd Southern Drcgoninn: The f will alwnys b nm m iiulep4-ndent. (m tiiicsllr and riininieriullv. I have n iNTsonal or corporate laterests to fico , J:icep the fen iM iMi3onnected with the pnpra, and 1 intend to be eon tiouousiy, (Jt will be newspapers i the stTTitesl eenee mS the word, Qtt?t not organs of person, corpixtr '1 lees use a (erson is t stockholder r bo44)odder in this ronerrn diMs not tititbUhiiu to w'ial fiixtrt when the JUST OPENED - j We Ae carry a full line of TEAS, COFFEES, and Extracts We make a specialty of pure goods; also have a complete line of . , . QUEENSWARE, CUT GLASS, HAVELIN CHINA, VASES AND JARDINIERES and a large Jap assortment. M'GLASHAN&JUNKEN AMUSEMENTS. -f j Krank W. Ilea,ly, who was earth pinked from the position of nssistant mnnager of the famous Tivoli open house, San Francisco, arrived in Med ford Tuesday and spent Xmns as the guetf of Manager llazelrigg. Mr. Ilealy is here in the interest of the Han Fran cisco opera company, the splendid light opar organiznt ion that will present "The ToMiir.ker" nt the Medforc' en ra hou-.. Tuesday. December .11 (iV-.w M'f.r'M cm ). ! Ilealy informed Mr. Hn.elrigg that, owing to the fact that he has his scenery, special I built, no as to be utili.ed on small ns well ns large stagt, "The Toyniaker" will be giv en a presentation equal in every respect to the production now running at the Miinunm Grand theater, Portland. The Portland papers of last Monday devot ed volnmns of praise to "The T.:y maker. " The San Francisco opera compaay has played some 1! weeks in Portland, and it is doubtful, indeed, if any light opera organization in Amer ica can boast of as many really fine singers, good comedians nnd beautiful girls in the chnru. Manager Hazelrigg, at whose personal request the company decided to give Medford a date, is leav ing no stone unturned in order that "The Toyniaker" will be given a re ception in keeping with its excellence. interests of the public clash with his; or to immunity from criticism. "I desire to enlarge the scope of the daily, to make it the newspaper of the valley, instead of one city in the val ley, nnd to quadruple its circulation and business. To this end I ask your cooperation, and in no way cftn you cooperate better than by buying our securit it a. "0. PUTNAM, Kditor nnd Manager." Are Good Investment. These gold bonds pay higher interest than banks, nnd nre amply sm-urod by mortgage. They are on a growing property in a growing city. They not legit imnrn in vestment, but aid mate rially in the promotion of a praisewor thy enterprise that means more to the country than any other single enter prise in it, more for its development and progress. Send vour subscript ion to MKDFOUD PVBWHHlNO H.( Medford, Or. CITY XOTU'K. The city council at Its meeting Weld on December 1.1, 1107, instructed the recorder tn purchase hoese numbers and to furnish the an me to all property own era at as near cost m It was possible. The numbers can be had" from the city recorder about Peenther 20. The re corder will also furnish tfce correct number for ehlot. 0 HKN.T. M. COMJX8, it eeor.hr. NOTICK Is hereby given th.? the unVrsigned will apply to the city council of MJ foW, (r nt its next meeting io be h. M January 7. ife. fjQi license0 ;fcy efr malt, vinous and spiritous (tfepiors in le niinittitiea ttmn iiillnn f.tr n IX".1 f -i months. t mv ofllWIml .r t.l.nril.tt.l dint to lQ.in.-w nt !flsOf loll 10 nnY II. P"-v ''"K to romo b.-r. SI liUk 45. MntfuriT. tVT) T. II. MOORK. ii.-i iv 1-H17. 244 are now -en for business on O O The Lid Is Off Boy TtcMS ft 'Sompthin?; whit'h ki of eoai-it-reMe intpr.r to tt public );enpimilf Snd whirh is erhn.fi not (junMrnlly -Vmn in He .rfwi of prcOJil rrdol X-W im tttivt liotcn Mntlnn of the Sduikern Paritf.' romimnv nml nil pml ia tk- UnittM SlMon. Ity ntcnnfl of t ri iff 4)nUm "tioki'tn nmv be nun-hnnnl Mr.lfr.Rl from any plnoo in tho UnitrHtntiu nnd thf' noconinioilntioiit i(n mail nniountu of,i rn.h in connprtfon with th.-ito tickets, mnr lo br itirnisbnl nt the umr ' the West Side next to the Presbyterian church. O O 'Tis Time Build Tn fact, the lid has never boon on to any appreciable oxl ent in Modford, but its off for j-ood n ,v. and you can commence building at once. It's cheaper to build now IIkiii it is to wait till summer, when pverybody will bo bus;, and you can't got men or materials. Building has increased .0 per cent in Portland in the past month. They appreciate the situation there. You ought to, also. Don't delay. We have all kinds of lumber in stock, both native and Rooth-Kolly lumber. You may have to waif later on. All signs point to big building boom. Hot in early. Iowa Box and Lumber Co. M E 1) F O Ii 1) () V K It A If TS H THURSDAY, DEO. 31tp T ut nal ttltt-tf -rMr ran." rr.i: V. iltajy prrtiMt TuXZl?"0 0P&A "The Toymakef?'; A IHiaty, iMiitiM. Oenebtmi dermic Opa a. Blfl latielllag hit." Uand OtesUin,j "WJ4njoy it. Jrom curtun to curtain."- -Porbid Joniud.i "Cnnnotifafe to pleaw both yonns and old." Poiitnd TllecfJi. SPECIAL PRICES me, 1 AND l.r.0. SE.t3, CHIJ SALE 10 A. M. fRIDAY, DECEMBEB 27TH. AT HASKUJ3'. .- o Or Spices I To O O time." 0 tf L