Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 26, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    Medford Daily Tribune
A Live Paper in a Live Town.
Published every eveniuir exeeut Huuiiav
Medford Publi.btoi Company.
jucuiwiu tuuuBuiug wuiyaiij.
0. PUTNAM, K.litor mM Manner.
Admitted ns S, eond ('In s .Matter i
tlitt Irtstof f tee mi Mi dford. On kdi.
Subcri. ton H..K3:
One montli, by n::iil ur ritr.ier. .
One yrnr, by 111:1' I
The editor of Tl; Tribune is iti hi
office unee hiutv , midv to un-i 1 hi
iuiiikith a in) iiiiN v.T all act im it ionH, In
fight for lim im i; illitH :ti). tin' right
of Tin Tribune :irid for the rights of
t lit' public. This m not Rii'sia, ami Ih
district attorney anil sheriff not czar.
Th-y may railroad a man to jail uv?
niyht for leso n.aji-ste, but it im to
jury of citizen to nay whether he ntayt
there or not.
The indictment brought against the
1 h!ir of The Tribune by the gram) jtirv
re nds as follows. V net her or not
ifi tilubtiiH in Iift for the n-mU'r to il
t. rmine:
1 (ieorge I'utnatu M Jieenned y th
(intnd jury for the county of ,lacknnn
atato of Oregon, by the indictment of
flic crime of libel, coin in it ted hh fol
lows, to wit: That the Raid (Ieorg. I'm
nam on to wit, the l!Mh day of l)e
bcr, 1HD7, in the county of Jackson
Mtute- of Oregon, then ami there being
did then and there wilfully publish U
rneaiiH other than word orally sokm
tn-wit, bv printed matter in a nvwspn
per, calhd the M.dford Daily Tribune
and thru and I lore of g nrtl rircila
t'vn !n si' 7 cir;tt!y, the f.-lt -wing
: ' I ' 11 1. 1. -his rentter ai.-I Mnn-n
i. A u:t In . Wn.-U. Jn I II-i.-Eley. .1 f
;.di:f.n. I. II. VtuNl. A.ii 11 N.-hitii-lr
T. K. Potlt-ng-T and J. I, ti.irvin. 1 1 -r
ami there romp- ;inj( and muHritutnii:
the grand iurv f.r said rountv. and
Clarence I. R.-am, tlon and thn
deputy prosecuting attorney. ivore-iiit
lag the slate of Oreg.n in said mat r en
before hhii grand jury, to wit: 1 Tlo
grand jury is composed of the follow-;
men: Wallace Woods, J, li, Rohison
('. II. Vatipel, Ailam Schmidt. T. K. Cot
tcnger, J. In. (iarvin. It took them j if
I') minutes to indict a friendless Im
thief, a toor old woman mid a penirli -y.
forger. They spent three days 011 iln
Itariuun r.v and then justified the mur
ileroiiK assault. Deputy District Attor
ney Ileatnes is n most relentless prose
cutor, when n man drops ti nii kel in the
slot macliino or takes n drink on Sun
day, or a poor fallen erenture is caught
tinning. Sueh heinous crimes must be
punished; they are dangerous at once
to life anil limb. Hut anyone eay try
to brain a man with na ax and secure
immunity from the blindfolded rcpresi-u
tattves of justice. That said publira
tinn was mnde with the intent to in
jure and defame mini Wallace Woods,
.loel Hartley, ,1. It. Hobison, II. Van
jMlt Adam Schmidt, T, K. I'otteiiger.
.1. j, Oarvia. composing said grand .jnry,
nnd aaid Clarence L. Itcittm i, depul v
prosecuting attorney, ami that said mat
ter an printed is false and untrue. That
the words: 'Deputy District Attorney
It names' in said purdicat ion were in
tended to nnd referred to aaid Clarence
li. Itenmes, ns deputy prosecuting attor
ney, nnd the said false nnd seandaloun
matter wn 1 published of and concerning
nil of said parties by said fieorge Cut
nam with the intent to injure and de
fame ench thereof; contrary to the stat
utes mnde nnd provided mid against the
peace nnd dignity of the state of Ore
gon. - ,
Secretary Garfield and Forester I'in
eliot can imnpleti'd the draft of a bill
tu bt intr. duci'd in cnugrens for ptac
leg vacant grazing lands under gov
tr.tiiirnt "ontrid. The bill prnviiles for
tli.' slabl'j hinent of grazing dis .'li:
i- din '(l pr ', ii'i-lioii l.hitlh
hall be under the inin.ininl r: t -. 1 .'
t' f ec?i:ary of ngr'-.'.ilture, -.-ii 1 h Ml
ivsu- t,-ra ng pencils slorki.i M tot
! 1 y- ais. j iving preli-H-iiee to h uto
Kii adirt . ! permaii"ir, occuj iMiis d
rupjr,-, fixing reasi.e:ibte fv.'y. lets t
on the grazing value of the land.
The governor of each slat." is to up
point 1111 exicntive rommiilee of stock
men to net with the government officer!
in apportioning the rneje mi :t pel
capita or ncreage busis. nil of the dis
tribution of the range and d -h rmine
the number of animals for each district
hands within the gra.iug di triel shall
continue subject to homestead and mill
eral entry. Ten per cent of the pro
preds of tie- reniiils f,p ! lie benefit
of counties containing the leased laiuN,
it nd K'.Ml.non is appropriated to can
the act into effect. After its cstub
bshmcut in ni.v grazing di-dricl one
rear lime is given in whiih to obtain
II. M. Kasterly. a prominent attorney,
wag elected president of the Juvenile
Improvement Hssnciut ion of Portland to
succeed the late Arthur L. FraT. Judge
Gnutenbeia, recently assigned to the ju
venile court by his associate judges.
Ii nl indicated his wifh 1 o (o -on e.l
Judge Fr.ver as president of the
p'atihn, prefering that some member of
the organization familiar with its work j
fugs be rhnsen.
K. K. Ktlbli of the Ktthli Printing
company found a certificate of dei...i;t
for -.'iiti) belonging to John Mctiilli
vary on the streets of Portland la-t
Friday, which he hat Ins n unable to
return to the owner. Mr. McGillivnrv
is believed to live at MurshhVId or
Marshland, Or., but a search at the va
riotip local banks failed to b rente the
owner nf the amnll fortune. Mr. Kubli
will hold the cert if irate until called for
by Mr. McOillivnry.
' Margaret Itrcx-ktou never for an In
Ftunt suspected heirelf of being a neti-
..n lm... .i . ..i.. ,-. t
. , " . -
i . everv niirtk'U ur. hirlmllnir hftart
uuu buu.. bub iruariuiujf. u
i knew, nuu kuuii'h uui lain, nerur nuu
worldly wise uud worldly uilmled, aud
jet there were tbree yvinv when Mlaa
Iirockton rivaled uuy old time heroine
of romance In her Bentlmeutal attitude
It hup(ened lu tbui wine: One day
whtV sue was twenty-turee tlvHt came
ito her a certain atiihvart fellow ahe
had known from Infancy and told her
what she already knew that he loved
her and wlnejed to murry ber. -Mlaa
II rock ton, liking him exceedingly well,
realizing how pletisant life Wight be
wade with his uione his name, hl
devotion to her and hla comimnlonskll
and deciding that the ecHtatlc love of
which poeiim and novels treated would
never come to her anyway, accepted
him. The engagement cunie out duly.
The cups uud saucers came In. Mar
garet liked Jack Wblttleatoiie a great
deal and found the position of fiancee
charming, and all wua well.
Then the villain appearwil upon the
scene In the Khfljie of Louis ltadcllffe,
Jack's cousin. Louis was a delight
fully tinmodern person, who seemed
to havo taken for bis model some of
the early Victorian heroes. He was a
combination of youthful romanticism,
elderly cynicism aud other Interesting
qualities. He had a superb scorn of
the conventions, a magnltlcent bellof ,
In himself and a corresponding ami
able skepticism In regard to other peo
He "Interested" Margaret greatly,
she said, at first Then she ceased to
say auytblug about aim. Jack, not tw
in f akllled In the ways ot women, did
not worry over either his betrothed s
apeih or its absence. He knew the
new woman well euough not to assert
his rights and bid her heve less cou
rereatlon with his cousin, eren bad he
wished to do so. Liberty being the
law of Margaret's life and unsuspect
ing good until re of Jack's, the situation
had every cbauce to complicate Itself.
It did so promptly. Margaret, who
had aVclded that fervid aud ecstatic
love was not at all likely to come her
way, awoke one flue morning to the
realization that the universe had In It
Just oue uiauJnck's Impostdble, pov
erty stricken, lrreslHtlble couwin nud
Jack's cousin, who bad laughed at Mar
garet's feminine cyulclsm and pretense
of coldness, felt that sho aud she alone
could be the complement to his life.
They wero both unhappy enough to
give them credit for some good Inten
tions, but In the midst of their unbap-
pluess they were supremely conscious
of what n trltle misery was compared
to the joy of sewing each other.
Margaret knew perfectly In her few
sane hours that she did not wish to
murry Louis RadcIIfTc. She realised
that lie would develop Into a thorough
ly twdeslrable sort of huHlmnd, even
apart from his poverty.
"If only I could get over this," she
moaned to herself. "At forty I ahould
be wretched with him. At forty I
should be comfortable If not madly
happy with Jack. If only If only I
were forty now!"
It was one day when she and Louis
had sat for an hour staring ahead of
them at the sea that the climax came.
Why don't you talk?" demanded
Margaret, finding her heart Iteats op
pressive. 'Derail ho I caunot say what I wish
to," bo iinaweretl. Then of course he
proceeded lo say the things which he
should not have said, and for a few
minutes the sea and sky reeled I w fore
their eyes nnd they brent bed as If In
a trance, after which, according to the
siMTltlclal modern manner, they decid
ed to part, and the next day the com
munity was startled to team that Mr.
Kadclirfe was going to K 11 rope.
Then It was that Murgnrot showed
how thoroughly irking she was In the
modern mercenary spirit she had al
ways claimed. It garo her a mourn
ful satisfaction to think that, though
sho could not marry Loula, who, to tell
the truth, had not asked her to do so,
she naed not marry Jack. Ho she
broke her engagement promptly nnd
proceeded to Indulge herself lu her
great grief. She heard nothing of
either of the cousins for a long time,
for naturally her course of action with
Jack had susmuidetl communication
between the families.
For three years she was secretly as
romantic as (be most romantic school
girl. Hhe thought of louls constantly
and pleased herself by Imagining that
he. In Kgypt or Algiers or wherever
he wnu, n.ust know her Uioughta. Hhe
waa exceedingly happy with her grief.
Outwardly she seemed much the same.
hut Inwardly she acknowledged the
sway of love and Its power.
One evening tbree years after I.oula
HadelltTe had gone away she went to
reception, a tittle pudgy woman,
overdressed and nvergvmmpd, stood by
her hostess' side.
My cousin, Mrs. HadcllgV Mlsa
ftrocktoti." said her htwttes. Aud tlwu.
1th HUddeii remembrance; "Ton mint
reeall Mr. ItadcllfTe. 1U was Jack
Wblttlestone's cousin, you know."
And then na Margaret cordially In
quired after Mr. ltadrltru ami mm
how she well reincmlK'red hla smitl
naautallnm for the tlrst time fell away
from her. From that moment ah wan
the realty skeptical aud thorMitfttly
modern woman she had always cthtau
ed to U.
Hia Ambition.
"What do you want to hecom wkaM
you grow up, Tomtnle?"
"A fireman."
"Ami why, young uianr"
"Cause when Willie Drown'a house
catches lire I could take an ax '
kuock the Hlurlln' otit'n It."
Pbttn dealer
nu uiaraet la your object and
you are aure you can n-gularly aunplr
comfortable Imciea, then one of to '
leghorn vnrleilea Kill suit you. j
If you waoi a good all around bird
-hona good layera. iwkarela good big'
mnatera at an moatna and If turned ,
Into (i.Hiiii eupcrlor blrda at ten or
eleve- months-then one of th Plyro-1
outt. ll.s k varletlea will ault you. Thla 1
l iiiidoiibteillr the moat popular fowl i
'j the worl.l today. The market rbar i
RO'erlstlca of thla breed ara rouu.L I
pluui yellow akin liodlea on ahurl
Pathetic Tragedy of thj War Petwean
the Statci.
Ot all the rud Htorles of wartime
cule fr",n ,1,c
...... .a
uLarTurv"K i wn rev; -n-.i mi ui n
of hjf kl,M .,,,.,,
Tho civil
war knew no more tiogS occurrence
t u,a" ",H ,u'"w ".
lom t!l1' Nl"' urk s,l": A olU.r
; eiilWtwl from his home In Cwrglu.
j v here b! fatber remuiued undl -turb.d
(tbrougli tbe Htnigu'le. The yoiiiig mar
fought Ctrotigh the wr v..:;. out
1 1
st-ratt-h. save a slight wound wtiicti
left him a little deaf. This atlllctlou
he never mentioned In his lott.-ra.)
After the surrender fie sent bis fa
ther word that be would reach hoie
11 bout a certain date. Travel then was
uncertain, and he could not tell jo
when he would nrrlve.
Ills father prepared to receive him.
He had brought out the b.-st plate
which had been secreted for a long
time, aud with gold which bad been
exhumed he bought such substantiate
and delicacies as the southern market
at that time afforded. As mauy of th
old time neighbors as were living lu
the vblnlty wre Invited to the hicne
The Aoung soldier arrived on th
plantation the night ln'fore the earliest
date he had mentioned. It was late
and the family bad retired, but the
log heard the noise and begun to bark.
Tho sound roused the father, who rose
and got his ahorgnu. The country wna
overrun at the time with strugglera
and sneak thieves. The father, gun In
hand, went to the door, saw the np
n Touching figure and challenged It.
The young mau. being deaf, made no
reply, but still advanced, whereupon
the father raised his gun and fired.
His sou fell, shot through the heart.
It was a pitiful sight to see that al
most erased father carrying hla life
less son Into the home which had been
made ready to welcome him. The
next day the guests arrived. Instead
of joyously greeting the apturned sol
dier they gazed at the still form,
wrapped lu the flag for which the
young mau bad bravely fought. Ev
ery' private burial ground bad in It a
grave made by the war, but no funeral
like that ever took place In the vicinity
or possibly In the whole south.
Tha Part Electricity la Said to Play
In Their Formation.
The formation of hall through elec
trical action, according to the theory nf
scientists attached to the weather bu
reau at Washington, Is an interesting
and even wonderful process.
The wind draws out a cloud Into a
long, narrow strip. Iu that form, ow
ing to the great amount of surface ex
posed to tho ulr, the cloud evaporates
rnpldly, and the rapid evaporation pro
duces Intense cold. Dry particles of
snow are thcu formed, aud these, by
friction with the water drops, quickly
become charged with negntlvo elec
tricity. Put the water drops them
selves carry Mltlve electricity, and,
since negntlvo nttracts positive, n film
of water Is formed upon each auow
particle and Is distantly frozen Into n
layer of Ice.
At this thickness Its outer surface re
mains moist, the water not freezing
there so rapidly, whereuKn the elec
trical charge changes from negntlvc to
positive, and the particle is repelled by
the water drops and driven to the outer
parts of the cloud. Here the Increased
cold covers It with snow again, and
friction charges It anew with negatlvo
electricity. Repulsion Is uow once
more changed for attraction, and the
particles rush laick Into tho cloud, re
ceiving upon their surfaces another
film of water, which Is turned Into sec
ond Ice layers.
Thus the growing ha I Ih tone darts xlg
aug through the clouds, piling up Its
alternate layers of snow nnd Ico until
gravitation gains control aud sends It,
with a Jlugllng crowd of Its fellows,
spinning to tho ground. Minneapolis
1 ue loiiuwing tame la put forth bj
tbu milk producer of Toronto to Rhow
tho Adruuce that bait taken place In
the price of rows and their feed since
com pa a ati v it rntrn o in. am.
tAny. May. Per et
HOT. taoT. Ina. Inc.
Milk ODOi. .aoh . ObOO H.0D H 00 )!-J
llreMm) Bon. ewt. 1(0 ICO 160 4
CrnA'.ry buK.r. lb. It .S .01 ill-S
II... ton W W 14.00 1 60 114
Whfnl. bunhel T M .06 1
Inrtor. bii.hel U .6 . 624
OnL. bunhl 24 . 42 .18 75
nrnn. ton 10 00 3.00 12.00 120
Sliortl. ton 10 00 22.00 12.00 120
Hoard'n liiilryman aHya thie prlcea
will ronipun' very well with thiwe
which govern In the Culled States.
Aga and tha Milk Flow.
Iilnvtor J. I. llllls of the Vermont
eiiierltiioiit Htntlou, whoHe strong ln
I crest In dairy niattera haa been well
proved, haa lately Investigated the
problem of ago n It n IT. vis the milk
value of eowa. Klgurliig on the year
ly record of ninety-nine eowa, hoion
cludea that the cow innkea a gain of
oornlith In How In her third year and
attnlna the iiiailiiiuni flow during the
fifth year of her life.
Kxaort Chaaaa.
a"or areat piiai'lplea laid down by
Heiwary Barr of the Ontario Hairy
ea'a aaaoclAtAlou for the making oi
MHM-t oheoae are swwt, ek'Sn. who'e
aome milk, ewl curing, a clean man
a 14 a clean factory. High grada e
port cheese cannot be pnxluoed n':b
out these eaaentlnlltlea. Kri-pliig roe
tprda of oferatlona la very neit'ssar
AcKlometer must tw used In deteriuln
lug acidity. The amount of acid I'
vary decidedly In dltTerent loenlit'e
and kind of feed aupplll the her.'
The wire rnrd knife ta prefernldi'
The curd n uat le ruokml aivordlug I
achllty. The eooklng should never e
vl HO trv tli degree". The aim I
producing eiport atock ta to hnvc -rlieeae
that la meaty and smooth.
eaalng a allky llae teiture.
Aftar Separating.
To ImK"h " eannot be give,
U ,w0 ,H,I"U """' er""
n,ni1Jf. ,n '!' nd thorough co.i
to Immediately after acpanitlug ami
n-garu 10 ine mixing
the warm aud the cu)d crvam
Ht-nt sale for tho San Kram-iseo Opera
company's production of " I He TovnilK-
' will heein at HaskiiiH uruff atore
Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Priced,
Physician and Surgeon.
Successor to Dr. R. S. UoArmoed.
Office in Ritter Dunlnp lilook.
Phono (18.1.
W'm. M. Colvig, Medford, Or.
Oeo. H. Durhaai, Grants Pass, Or.
WM. W. P. HOLT, M. D.,
Fhyitlcian and Surgeon.
igle Point, Oregon.
PhyBlclnn and Surgeon.
Residence, Hotel Mnore.
Peril ers in new and se'im.! IkuhI f urn i
lure, atoves nnd tinwiitc, h:inlwnre, etc.
Storage nnd cnmnmHion. Woudyard in
citiuieetitin. All gooda deliveriMl to any
part of city.
Real Estate, RenlalH, hiHiirance.
Correspondence Snlieit.'d.
Modern and scientific tnetlunl-t for the
i-ire of nil diseases of the hair, scalp
anil face. Shampoo oil cents. Klectrie
sculp massage following shampoo ".-
cents. Physical deficiencies devti
tipi d, ir'tnieuriitg, finest toilet articles
arefnll, l oinpounded.
Suite 4S, H,tel Maora Annex
drain Alfnlfa and Stock
DR. (!. R. RAY,
Mod ford. Or.
Satisfied Purchasers
Tomorrow is Kris K ingle's day,
and the store will be closed by
order of the hosts, who said to us
nil: "lb. hme nnd enjoy your
siivrs ami forget the business
grind ft.. one day." 1 got a pres
cut from the boss, but 1 ain't go
ing to open it before tomorrow
a. tu. at daylight. 1 guess he is
i'-eling pntt fr'od about now. We!
S-it n!t previous season's records
by a block and a half in selling
good stuff for the "joyous." It's
a pleasure to baud nut high grade
goods and to know that eeryone
who buys will wear ' 'the smile
that won '! mine off. ' Besides,
we guarantee everything we sell
and gladly correct any errors when
errors creep in. Well, ma is going
to have a roat turkey for dinner
tomorrow, ami I ve got to take
some cheat nuts home to stuff it
with. We're open till II o'clock
tonight. S lmm!
Miller and Ewbank
Scene from The Toymaker;, San Francisco Opera Company.
5H. 11.00 and 1.50.
Mr. 'bftrlig D. ilJIzelrig annoiiiioes
the long looked for production of "Tho
Jlaseot" lor i'dniiay. January 1:1.
To tlnw who were tortunnte enough
to ai-e the performances of ' Martha,"
CLAManmu aIDTioitiiements,
WANTED A girl to do general housf)
work. Imjuire of E. flaunyaw. tf
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; j
electric lights. Inquire of Mrs. Ad-
die Rippey, West Seventh at., in the
White bldg. 252
-Chambermaid at the Hoel
LOST Out on tne streets of Medford,
pocketbonk containing $10 or $15 in
cash and two or three checks; also
two snndl gold nuggets. D. T. Law
ton, tf
FOR RENT Gentleman wanted for
nicely furnished room, near in. Aptdy
at Hotel Moore. tf
ness fur sale in Medford. Address I.
O. Box 71fi, or inquire Tribune of
fice, tf
WANTED All kinds of second hand
goods at the Woods building near Hub
bard 'a Li nd ley & Lindley. tf
FOR SALE Finn lots, good soil, excel
lent hmiuing ground, jutn and 1 sts.
See ownor. Prof. M. B. Signs. tf
LOST One bay marc colt, C months
old, white strip in face. Reward for
return of same. O. O. Shirley, P. O.
Box (l. Residence second house south
oil tank. tf
WANTED Local representative for
Medford and vicinity to look after re
newals and increase subscription list of
a prominent monthly magazine, on a
salary and commission basis. Kxpe
rieneo desirable, hut not nccessarv.
(Jooil opportunity for right person. Ad
dress Publisher, Box 50, Station (, ,
New York
FOR" EIIANGE- iledford property
for other property. Adrdess Lock Box
118, Medford, Or." tf
WANTED Housework or window
cleaning by day or hour; bamboo fur
niture mado to order; art work repair
ing. A. Tat sum i. Seventh at., near
bridge. tf
FOR SALE Two young fresh milch
cows. Apply to W. M. Beat on, old
Central Point roail, N. C. St., i mile
from poptolfiee. ?'.
FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wishes
situation. Address Cook. Tribune. fiO
FOR SALE Now residence, just com-
pleted, second block west of high
school, West Seventh street; fine col
onial intoriar; cheap if sold soon. In
quire Tribune offico. tf '
WANTED To rent, a furnished house,
(t or 7 rooms, electric lights, close in.
Call nt my office. Pr. It. R. Hamil
ton, tf
A OOOD investment For ante, first
mortgage, $750, on first class real es
tate, due in LM) months, draws 7 per
ceut interest ; will discount principal
enough to make a good profit for pur- j
chaser; will accept cash, check or cer-;
tificata of deposit. Address P. O, Box
571, M otl ford, Or. 238 j
FOR SALE At a oargain, nineiy acres I
of the choicest fruit land in Rogue !
river valley, rich soil, all level, well '
wa I ered , good six room ho use, good
barn, thrcti good wells, abundance, of j
n a ter. All under cultivation ready 1
for orchard. Intending purchasers ,
should see this place before purchasing. !
Geo. Minis. Nak Hotel, Medfard,
Or. 174tf
FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms,
by day, week or month. Tie O.b'11,
over postoffiea, Medford, Or. tf
NCRSKRY STOCK All kinds nf fruit
trees, both largo and small fruits,
standard varieties of app es and pears
and peaches, including Newtown and
Spitrenherg apples: a full line of up
todalc nursery stock, in large or small
lots; also all kinds of ornamental
trees And shrubbery, nt my residence
in South Medford, having just re
ceived a large shipment, nin prepared
to fit! orders immediately. Inquire at
Warner's Store. L. B. Warner, Sr..
Medford. Or. tf
("The Mikado" iiml "Tin- I'iralis of
, IVimuin," t)it moro iiiutoiiiii'i-iuoiit of
j the date will be snilieient to pack tho
nouso. nut wnon m r. iiazeinnu guaran
tecs that I'.d Amln-WA, that prince ot
. comedians, haa really a funnier art
Watch Meeker
& Cos
Great Dry Gods Store
January has in store
great Bargains for many
custom e s.
Watch ! Watch !
& CO.
They drain the towns of nioncj and neither
p-ivo t' c lit, .style nor distinction t" your clothes
l!::-.t'y ;r own city tailor can.
The clothes I make are the kind that "carry
distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps
your money at home and arc superior in every
detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue
The City Tailor
Because He Paid by Check.
Nnl lone n'n, a Iiuhmii'sb mm, in tins ,-,.imi unitv wiia rcarnlcrl witli
n bill IIiiiMii' li:id iilr.' pai ,. II,. ,r.; i, ,.,1 Mm :ii.l ,I.TU na
vourli.'r in cvi.loiico, an. I itfis Mixs .it . i .-. p: nv it ' I h:il lit-
paul llin Mil. Dun 't ,vuu aiv tl . iiiijuir.nii,.. tit paiin ,v clu'okf
nn ri,iii, t-ttniiany invui
will III- pli-amil tu'r inn in
Established 1888 MEDFORD, ORE.
Capita!. Surplus and
R. W. GRAY, Builder
Colonial Porch Work, f. rill and
Lath Work, Patterns, Etc. :: ::
Telephone 471.
had in "The
is that he'll
" turn 'em away."
Announcement of the full cant and
eiiHemlile, with prices of seats and date
nf sale, will be made
a few davs.
ynnr acruii nt .
SllPjl'I't In
Iiivk, ami
rfl'il'il lll HIT' ire.
Deposits Over $625,000 f
',n;,ii. nil the ..ud old fnsliit.nrd
d'-di s :issoci:it.y v.- it li tlie il;iy and
nt:iny rnore ln s. ('nine anrt eat yours
here. Itriiij; your wife with yon. She'll
rnj'y the conking nt this re.-t mint nt we
Know. And she'll npireei:ito imtnensely
I lie treat of fntin hu-h ;i tine no-al
without the trouMr :w l:ilnr involveil
in its ennkinn.
Medford, Oregon
in the "Mascot " than
Mikado," the linswe