SOCIAL iflfflTPizRSONAL W. . itiaetwtuil f Furnace lily. Nc-brasliu, 'Jo bus bwn visiting ut Tue home o($.. II. Puynter in Noutli Medfurd forfjthe j.ast week, de.arteu Suuday for llli llullie. Thin in his sei-und trip to the Kiver valley, nnd in j nil prnbility jjie ivjll rrtnrn ami make tliia hit permanent home. K. E. Mri" "llcl f""':ly of (Iriffin Oeek Httewjj-d Minion service in Medford Suiulav. , Samuel K of Missoul.-i. Mont., an old friend iifalr. lluuilev M.-.l ford, is viMilSi; al tic home of the I"' lr. Mr. Kiljtix wi ll pleased wilk Med- ford ami 01M valley and may Franli (InAi'. I'ranli Smith ami l-'red iiinj who hail been prim the llluo LiilC'. K"' I could tfet no provisions l,edee or anv other camp. k inoir hefti; so deep that t hoyo-ould tot reach th'fl I'.luc lcdgo. They trav eled down tlje mountain anil wore com pelled to v;0i 7"i mills to Horutirook, '.. ami froifl there they came ly train t Medford, i'jln-n by stiitfe to the Ulue I.edge. Tlieyjen ntereil snow on their wii.t from S'linl. wnere ine.v suinio U llnrnliro .9. t'roni one loot to seven Nelson, Hire pecting lien snowed in a from the hi fl ilep in ill. Hie miners were com- lleil to true) on foot, bv train ami W- staire n ilstanee of Hill miles to n-t ve mUcs. iS'l'l"' '''I!1" their rump jijonld not reach them, ill iW-'ulejh Hoveiy! attempts were inaile to MS in. SI 1 R. lirojjn nml .1. I". Koberts. who fctve been on bitMinesH la I'nrtlaml ami tiber utirlliehi points, ret uracil Monday K. U. Collin, who l iiipniiicil llicni. will return g!''ii'silny innrniiii!. h-niai; huv:uss at nV.i luilU John Willjams. marshal of I !' r:i t Point, ras & M' lforil caller Mo,dn' weming. g K. M. K V .1. t'lail; ami ll'obeii ''era 1-' le'l'e ri-si;.lnv. 'Til-- ' ruspi-ctive ))iiv-i..ur hit .1 in 1 :"i- ;. r '"lli'fi "' wl o h 'hey tpea Ha kitdlest f'rins. 'i'h.-e fentleme Mel of met i a 'il i rot inn f" vestments, i. wi.'i recently sol est"T"T7T'ord, will la: Id 1'ione in the sta tarl:nt Wednesday ilia contemlilates relo I'rfT in the sprie lackso'ivill were ,nnlL'" I. H. "'ii il. I liris I'lrich, II. II ill.-mi'ler anil son of palent iiaiseil llit,e!jl -lay V-V'HH W'ay llort'i. il ie-4l'.1iA's ill III" Willam AINS! 0 "BARGAIN! O O o ARGAINS! o o o o o o o BARGAINS GALORE AT THE MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. G IMvM'TI I'Tfi lAIKXIAN V OJ? OAK ROCKEKS, WIITLE TIIF.Y LA8T 3.() AI.SOIiKKAT ISAIiOAINS IX FANCY HOCKKUS, LAD1K.S' DESKS, MtTSIO CAI1IXETS, BUFFETS, CIIIX A CLOSETS, DIXIXO TAHLES, PTXTXa CHAIRS. DON'T FATL TO INSPECT THE LARURST I'l ifxiTria: stock ix southern oreoon before making your selection. MKRIiY XMAS TO ALL. Medford Furniture Co., Medford, Or. i.i properly in viKit tn In Nw York. Ihjj. Mr. 1 tt Itnsfiin U TIlOHtf fiv (Ihv niftniii (Ht!irl'n Xiii nml .1. M J. .1. Lnt. Mixlfunl M will ip'nl ptt t:i)Imv will uunA the onts-iu M "'.1 - - ku Infill vititiiiK in McilfiHil fur tlttyl Iff t Mi mlti v iiiiM-iiiti In jtiii kin fJiil.T iiljfjliii),' litarli. Cl.t Wait, wlin liiiH ln-i'ti ti-at It Hl'IlOul III If IK'll. iHiliilnvH with li'T par rvio k; wlinrti k af tlio wmti Wi.hi nt HI Oaptaiu mliil tliT f 4Hr(; Onirjit 1 knihrr, wn fnr M'Hnl . J. K. It: MpD, toft u4, wlmr tltA -HMI Itl Ktll TM. tli Imfiirn tint .1. H. r Wllft IlKH will inWiil I)m n MiiiiluliT r iiinf fj'n'n return t tlp'ii t ri.lMi'yo. ' . liaVfntis li'ft Mnmlnvj f 'ontnil'binl, having I n i nil fti'l'tMltlt nf tln nir K lliH J" Jai'liHim villi ! a buffiiicnH visilnr in MiI kilull, ono of our cniinil ilnitlay eveniny for Ti-rt : lio wa i riillcl In d'slify in ! lie pi'iiplc nf soiillii'lll hr Sunt ln-rn I'acifir rmiihany ijroa I'liinmiNsioit. niTu nf llnqitijini, Wasli.. n vmil mi' at I lie Inline nf It, wkI nf M.-.ll'nnl. I. fl Sitinlny fur I'ltsflJiMia, i'hL, win -re In will Mpfinl t lie ri'inatiiiltT of I In win tor with his family, who pTv'o.i.'.l him thorc. Ho will return to M'-lfor.l in (ho Hpriiitf with a v'u t to l.atii i in tin h'oiio l:iv-r villry. II. I'. I.iiin .l. n. .1. I. ll.'.ir.I an 1 K. 1 1 a for ami tlnir wivrn. wh-i hnve luvn al I'ortlan.l ilurinn tin1 p-i-il v-ok. :iro at 1101111' n'aii). I-. I. Aiki-a ami t'harl.1 I.u.ilow. th Heniiil luiinTi, cam- il--wn fmir f If lihio l.cilyo Similar to sp-ii'l iho hli dayrt, j 1'rnlYnxnr Norliiifj ami his nr'l.' Stra j 'aim nvcr t'ntin .larkinnvillt' tn fut'iiisli auiHir fnr lhi Koil Mi ll ' ilaiit'o, which will laho placu at Ano;le'n opora Iiouho ' tonight ami will prove mm f the nn''al i i lit i of I lie season. Tim latest arrivals in Medfnnl are j YV. Mihs from W I, 'ill. ; Mr. ami Mrs. II. W. Warrington, (iiaml l-'orhs, j It. C; Pauline .Mniithih, Sealtle, Wash. Ceoie Jnhiisoli nf Central I'oillt was' a Inisiness culler iu Meiil'unl Momlay. ! Mrs. ,1. II. To ft ami (laughter arriveil i Tio'silay moniiiiK from Nort h I tend, I whnre llity have lnen visiting with a1 sinter of Mr. Tofl for the past fowl weeks. i THE USUAL STORM IN MIDDLE WEST For the Last Time This Year For ttio Inst three wo tavo claimed tt fart of your patronage and aro pleased to say wo are satisfied with what wo havo gotten. Wo have tried to please, aud for the balance of this yoar or until Christmas wo will givo you 10 per cent off of any goods you may buy, but aftor that timo T1-. panic has had no effect on us at all, and with tho now year we rlll stock up and servo you better than ever. The city council has decreed that you aud each and all of you shall place numbers on your houses, and I have them to Bell you so cheap that you can't rofuso to buy thorn. Come in aud see thom. If you have not yet put in your &uoss, you had better got busy at onco. I am Sliortio Garnctt, the hardware mau that does things. SHORTY GARNETT i llli 'Alii). I in-. '-::.- A s.'..ti' nli'i'i Hluriii H-t in la! nielli tun! binllv iln Tiiiralii-.l llit ti'lt','r:iiii.' I'Hiiiiiniiiira linns in all iliii'i'tiiins. 'I'll., wialln'r Im ri'iiu I'rriiirls Dial Him stnnu will ciiii lililli' II Uli'.-lli'l' ..l rt nf llli ilav lllt'l liiflll ill llli' Itliililli ivrst. SAI.K ill-' MI'N'li'iPAL IIO.VDH. Oil UO T? 1) MLAniOlTSK MAZELRI1 a WILLIAMS. TUESDAY, DEC. 24 Si a led pinpnsi's will lie roreived by Mi,' eity eoinieil of tl it v nf Medfnr.j, "le-'Mii, at the offieo of I kn ritv ri'cord I or ui said eity. until I'ridnv. .lanuary I't. at o'rlo. U f. in., fnr the par Jrliae nf .f''i.iiiiti hi tm year, per vvhf i l oiTjiim linmU nf wi'nl eity, in dennmina .(inns nf eaeh, interest payable tfin' aiiiinally. Knell bid must be lie j eompaiiied lf ft certified ehei-k for an amount eipial t per rent nf Hie ii'ii. unit of such bid, payable to the eity I of Medford. and Viid fit? rouneil re I Ji rri t he rii'lil to re jeet anv nr III I t 1'KC TkeJ wm if Direct A Tra, t of tfi a:Mjrn-ors HH'CTIOX 01'' ili-il at Mr.ll'm-,1, Orison, Prrcmber I'.n. iu:.i. m coi,;. ins. City Hei-onliT. Buy ii'kets f Wire. Holy City LLA MOREY S SALOME i ha LcComte It Floshor. ktructlve, Illustrative Story Days of Our Savior anparbly ittiiitcd CorriJbly Costumed ftrong rifHS K() THIS KKOAdHM KXT (V. . 1.(10 Aiats JSkt m sale. < mum- -hut tin i-llV Stimi-tliim; ilii,-li is nf ''t alilt-r.-sl to Hi,- , nl. Hi- n. -a. -rally ami i ll in pi-llriti-i lint L'i'lii-r.-illv Kllnwi' wsli.m nf I t i-1 in i.i ,,l..-l,l HiMV in i-l l.t w.-.-ii slalinii" nf tin- tf.uillii'rn it'ii- i-iMnaii- an. I all mint in tin- li-il Stall".. Ity Inr.'lll nt' lllin HVsl.'lll r Im niiri-liasi-.l at Mi-.ll'nnl frmn anv nlarn in tlm l'niti-il Stati-4 anil rong Supporting Company ,Kan,., r , -n,.-,,,),,.,! ,ir.-,-t m tl party w islii nl; t rmnw liiin'. SIi-ht th-rniiHtimlat inns ami mnall nninlliiN nf i-asl'. in i'nnni-1 ttnii with tin-Mi' tii-lii-t.s ilsn ln l'uniislii',1 nt tin- .-I, i I ninv time. Ha im-tf ii L Van Dyke and (Bo. w litis Htlr IviiMids ami ;toiis a Merry ( lu isl. ) ma. Nliire nscil nil day I iccwtrdicr, 2ft. Wes t LEWIS' ide Confectionery An Ideal Xmas Present Riser's Oregon Art Calenders Large assortment Many designs CHOICE CANDIES AND CONFECTIONS FANCY HOLfDAY F.OXES OF STATIONARY SOUVENIR TOST CARDS AND ALBUMS fttpnrt RED MEN'S BALL Given by tho Wetauka Social' Club December 24, 1907 Angles Hall, Medford Greater IlUedford Who ftv..i hmtif rnti iTi- nml Ihi tmiklinv "f hm I'lty In th Mntrtlh m l rwtmifiil Mtll. omsiili V Uii. Villi SttOt'I.IV Iht-n ky Mni1 your money y f.. otln-r i'i.'1'lf i" K ri.llo IViwit mr tolUr wilh u thl II my bm Ut tl C'r hoim- fiilnio l-.-i Krt v itollm rnt out tkr l hut much out nf otrclllkn hf. In .d.htion l. -em NoU-nril lUnk. w hivw k S A V INliS Dt'TAKTHKNT kd wy ln h-ifst i n Sitvlt Arit'iiTitH Oih-ii nn runi with tht- NahniiP lnk. ho offlcM ftrtd lUifftom np nil hin psti)l i'il ihittinl in tho upbu Mm of Greater MnlfonJ !d the ntir ll'if'IW.U'vt'r Vlh-y. q Q Cbc medford national Bank If You Are Uncertain ATI OUT WHAT f! II R I S T A S , TO GIVE 1 1 EU EOli 0 A L L O X T H 10 Rlletlford Jewelry and Optical Co. and Look Over Their Stock j HtWKWRIER'iJ YOU 0AX FJXD AXYTIIJXfi YOU DKHIliE IX TIIE LINE OE Jewelry and Silverware We Carry the Finest Line of Watches in Southern Oregon Optical Goods AliE STRICTLY FIRST CLASS. AX1) WE HAVE THE REST EACILTTTKS FOR TESTING YOUIi EYES AX1) FJ.TT.TXCI GLASSES TO TIIEI TO 1!E FOUX1) IX THIS PAIiT OF THE STATE Medford Jewelry and Optical Co. A New Disease (uitp irevalnt hut easily cured: nppnr8 ntmuiilly; uttm-kit alike ytiuii nnil iilil; muses n putnl ilt-al of werry niul Hinmi younger m-o-ili uffeetB the heart, often rausing eolil feet. It is iliatjiiiweil by the leailin? physicians of Meilfonl as I'UHISTMAS TROnU.K. K.illow injj is a list of eures ft.r sale at II ASK INS' niHU) STORK: rOK WOMBK Tollat Casts Hauicuro vf Work lam Pin Trays JapnntM Ooodi Perfunits Post Carls Post Card Albums Facy Box Statlomry Traveling Bolls Sanitary Sion lugs Hang Bap Pyrograpliy Outfit! Pyrography Wateritte PyraKraphy for Mc FOR MBS. NeJktle Boxes Tobacco Boxes Cigars Cigar Jars Cigar Cases Puwcs BUI Books Fountain Pens Ash Trays ' p. .Post Cards 0 Traveling Rolls Military Brushes Wishing You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year We Remain Yours Respectfully The To&ety 1' f ' 4 3- o o o n " n O Safety Raiors Renten! , Op I. 0 0 0 ,o O rr- 0 G Co oO O i . ( -i n n .0 n 01 rt Onpilnl $ HASKIN'S For Health surplus $10,000.00 JS- O