.aft-,-. 'Mtj-'r- ' Medford Daily Tribune A L1t Paper in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. j O. PUTNAM, Editor and Manner. Admitted us Second Class Mattrr in tlii PoHtoffiie lit Medford, Oregon. Subscription RMon: ; o One month, by mail or carrier. ,. .it..-Vii Oae ytar, by mail 5.00 MERRY CHRISTMAS. ! The Triliuue m inlii-n earh and every une of it ri'adfi'H h merry t'hriHtina ' merry in the nal old m-iiHi. with giiod will to all tlif inn- central iiH nf the Any. To forget ourselves, our jietty worrit"' ami care., even for a day, to think of other, even though it he only fur u brief Acasun. is a tridc fnrwiird and a ti' toward tin- millenhim. ; If we could lnit liarn to irai-tice! thf golden nil', lo think of other an of miraetveg, all the wroiijfH of Hocictv ; would lie rihln and the rhrintman niril iiiHtead of lawtin a day or two woiilil he with iin always, i But better n dav nr two than not nt all. Last Chance Before Xmas Day i Wt : SEE OUR ELABORATE LINE OF o VASES, OUT GLASS AND FANCY CHINA. t t., , 1;:! o O lf.i HOLIDAY GOODS THERE IS STILL A FINE LINE TO SELECT FROM COUNTY PRISONS AND PRISONERS Am all rounly prinont like that of l'ongia county f Art- all county prin oners treated at IukImh rounlv mifnr tun tot nref If no, there in small won fler in thrown under the jni-maiil of iiisfife reform. The alitor of t li in paper can niieak f.rom experience regarding thin panic ular ItaHtile. Tin' prison i unnccessu rily dark, dittm-d and daio; ttintauitnry r iiMi ifif.-nti d nnd d'si-t e hrce ':ntf . t nwn the l hi I ilit twilight, which filter fnttn mii.iII windows ten feel altnve the fhh.r. At ntirht there in mil one globe to light t In- entire prison anil it (opd out before daylight. Tin cell never ee daylight or nrtifi. ial If washed, they do not dry. The bed ding in filthy, not change! in month The food ti furnished in two hum he, one in the forenoon and one nt n-lit. It romintn of remnants left from the tnhlea of the Hotel M c l.ien. v oil h in also operated, by the sheriff, whi i paid $4 a week each for bnnrdin- ih first funr prisoner nnd $! a wee! f..r eaeh additional one. No utensils nre given to rat with; one in nut lite fin gers in place nf kntve. f.irks and apoona. Prisoner are kept in usenKC fur : long periods. Some nay they are n.i( I even formally charged with crime, but held on suspicion and for board. Their lot is a most pitiable one. You on whom the sun of prosperity has shown thh year, stop in your Christ mas merry making to think a minute or aoeiety's outcast. Can yon not do something to ameliorate their condi tioof AT WARI NEW TOILET PARLOF.S 'iilirii ami xcit nlifir tni'tlili fur tlie I..H1 nf till .liwoiitn-ii of t In h:iir, ni-:il. .i:nl :irr. .Sliriinj.nii ,".n i-.nts. Kl.-.trir ii-;il innss.-io.- folloiviiij; Hliaiii'i-i :.'." i IS. rhv.iii-.'ll ili'f ii'ti IH-irS ilri'! 'ijnil. it "i it ii-it r i ii r. fiiifwt t'tilft :irtirl', ar.'fril i ti'iijMiiiiuIi-!!. WRS. W. L. CAMERON. Suit- 4H, 1 1 1 it i'l Mm.r1 AniifX. 1'ilK SAI.i: llnf ai:.'! a in r a. r.-- irii.ii. t .l laii'l. " il I. .' r ii 1 Lam. ..ii'l.iiil'tia" a::J mII. .fl'1!'. 111. .i..i.. I fill. ;.-. 7 hi. .in li ..i .1. sir.-.l l.v lt.il.i-rl T... a!-. .l.-M.-y l.-il. r .-alt', tin. I". II. Mi-utl. i.hii.t. tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. A.VI'KI) A K'rl " 'I" fc- n.-ral I. .iim Murk, hi.jnir.- ..f I!, (lauiiyaw. It' OUTLOOK TO TULE LAKE DIMINISHING .V. ."l'l:l .la.ati.-s.. want- t. 1-arti Kiilih nfl.r 7 .. i:i. Mail 1:.. 2rtl. L'.'-l I'ni: -:T Nii-flv fnmi-h.-.l ii .'ii : i-li-.-lri.- li'l.t. Iu.tiiri' ..f Mrs.. A.I-tlii- Kij..- . i-l S.- . nili st.. in tli- VI,i:. I.! WAXTKK- rliaiiil.. rinai. at tl,.- II...- KiniTirk. tf LOST Out ..n tin- str.-.-t ..f M.-.lft.r.l. I....-krtl.....k rolltaitiin -l'l ..r $1.1 ill ra-h an. I lv.. ..r tlir.-.- ili.-.s: aN: two Ktmill jr... nii.i.'.ts. IV T. Law l.-n. tf :'o: UKNT - i. n: h man want) f..r iiit . lv furnish. .1 r. !.. n. ar in. -pp;y at Mi. (.1 MiM.r.-. It WLI.I. i:sT.M'.I.ISIU:i t.tail l.;ni fr .a I.- in M -Ii.tL .,I.!r. P. o. :u;. . r ir .,!,. Tril.im.- .if I-..-. tf . .-I- l..:i i I.'- ! I n.- ; enmi 1. I'-.f. v.. I.: The (.xrili-in.iit iiit I In- iliiH-.ii-ry ..f n oiitlft to Till Itiki- is al.atini;. an. I I ". M - AI. tln-rr rc thine who nay that Hi.- lake u---lai ti ii now vmlimllv rininir in.it.-a.l nf l..iv I t-anl'.. l.-n.t! erio. Thi lnli.t r..irtii in.lirat.. tliat thf otitlpt in if rmhiT mnall ralil..-r. but Hint it run ir.il.al.lv l.( i-nlar.. . n In iln all that lia. I i .r.-.lirt. .1 An nillli't. Iii.wi.vrr. i-xi.t. an. I th.- wa Ipr of the Inki making i t H wa through nn nii..-r;rtiii. ihanm-I t Somewhere or fnlin .la.-e. Tli.- fl..w not large an. I the r.ar ri-annot unite l "hennl for inil.-i." Liigiiii-n. ha- l . i lo .- the onllit. an.) n..iiie think it ai l used in the il railing.- .f th.- iii.i'! Iin.la surroiin.ling Tnle lak.-. while ,.n. ers deem it of tin karti.-iil.-ii alu.- u, o lar a u r.iul.l .e iitili.-l in r..iin. " i! lion with the Klamath reclamation .t.. jert. Dam owner, on Hie l...r.l. r . f tl,. V-'K il AN'iK MMford pro-rtv lake will inv,lii;ai,- fnrth.-r and if' '" other proprrty. A Ir.les Ix-k Hoi anything ean In d..ne t.. mnv tl, i M'-farJ, Or. tf flow work will lw iin-l.-rtak.-n at at, farlr date. V M Ci. I'. .1: S.M.K l-nt Imil. it s. .- ..wr.i-r. I."T- o :.. win t- : ur-i . I'. i i:i. ,ul tat s-.-1-.i lai-l ii n ii. a.- II .1. tf .1 soil, .-l.-.-l il. an.l 1 st". S -s tf -!.. t". n-,Hti:lH, K. ivar.l for i ;.ni.-y. F. O i 1 1 -n.- fo.ntl. If i-'oi: hai.i: .n.- i. -in ., j t. - .l.-l.-.l. aeeon.l I.I.h 1: v.-t of high i. lio.il. West S.-.Mii sir, tin-' ,1 onial int, riar: i!,,-a;' il' s,-! i ' -n. In ijnin- 'rril-nn,' ofl'ii-e. tf H'.WTKIi-To r. nt. a f.-n,:-!.. : I.. - . l or 7 r.'.-in-i. el--. trie liu'5,T-. 1---- i'.. Tall nt my offiee. I r. I,'. K. Ilan il ton. tf A Coull iin.-s'in.-i.t i'vr s-.l, . f.r- fnortrai:-'. K'n. o! I'ir-t , ia- r- il ul,-. ili:,- in L'' 1 Hoiitiis. Ir:..-.' 7 i t il!!'-'.".t ; v. ill !i- t-rl:- 'M. i: .-n.-n-li f m:.k a e ''' f--r j-ur . In-, r: v. il! a.-.-.-t-t .-.s'.. . lo . '-: . r .-. r tifi. at. ,.f ,l,-i..i!. A.I s- I'. ' i. I'. 1 -.71. M.-lfnr.!. Or. IS I'oli SALL At a oaro-i. tn::.t- a.-r-.i. of tne ,-h-.i..-t fruit '.at.', :a ll.-.l-'-rii .-r -.ali.-y. ri, h s.. I. all l. v. I. well tvat.-r, .1. ' -o-l si x r--o::-. I.. it- :..oi han-.. Il.r. i;...wl .1. r.L.-r. Ian. e of water. All nn-i.-r e-.i!t: ati.'ii realy for (r.-!ir.r.. I:iten.tiiio ,;:r. I, as- r? sl.oni I p.-e tliii .!a.'e l. fore j.ur.-l.a-iin-j, Co. Minin. a.h ll.it.l. .!,-iford. Or. 174tf i: m:nt N- iriy f .n , l.v .1 ... v . or inoi.-li. o ,.- ,. fl' .-e. M. If -.1. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of nione and neither ilive t he lit. style nor distinction j-our clothes th.nt your own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry dist'.r.ctii.n." that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue hnr.sc.e. KEEP YOUR MONEY HOME FRENCH DRY CLEANING AND REPAIRING Nl bom; The City Tailor Medford EIFERT M i:-i'l:v " K tr.-. s. I-. I'. l.-:r- -::.. .ial-l a-'i. . a. I i-.. ii.' S. - nl-.-io . t--l n:.r. -v .' .-, -All I n Is of f till St. I !' ail fit'. '-., f ai-i s :noi :tts , in.- . i..n a'"! I a fol! lit., of t:;. in 1 i. or -..nail Because He Paid by Check. N ; b-tiL n". n l.-.isi.i.'ss in this community vras presented with ;i t ';i tbat 1;.- had air.-ady pai ;. lie prod ued "the i:ad cluck as nr. li-r in tvid-nce. an! it -vast thus .it once proven that h hnd pn 1 :!.- b;:!. I fi t yni see tie irnpor.auC' of paying by check 1 1 :i - ) in,' et)r,lia!iy invitf your account, subject to check, and 1 ; t. rm.ier vti.j tiie most efficient service. JACKSON COUNTY BANK Established ISS8 MEDFORD, ORE. Capita!, Surplus and Deposits Over $625,000 Christmas 'resents FOR EVERY ONE Fl'K'S. UAXDKKRCHIF.KS. S1IAAVLS. UMDRKL LAS. XKCKTIKS. IIOSIKUV, (ILOVKS. CLOT1T JXCl. ETC. Our stove i full of spci-ial values fi-r Xmas. The Store fur Hven htulv . H. MEEKER & CO. "ITCATIoN" WANTili I'.v ,- I...:- -r v...;,!-! ', i ' : i r. if,.i.i. .i . im; Mr .,rr.. I.. ..mi.;. n id"W j i, f..r :. Ad lr.-. : I-'!- . :n-.. 'ill t .ii ff . r ti ; nu'lit :t 1 t - nn : vflr,11,. ryi nt tii v r-i in V- I'.-,!, I rivii:- i vt rta. i-!.-l :i i.-ir-' tt"i' f!t. a't: pr--; I'm! .T'l- r iui'-nilirWrly. !(i.,uir.- M W';iriM r S;,ir.-. I,. !!. V :i mi-r. Sr., M.-U T 1 Or. tf 1! T . r wni'.cT t: l...n.l f ir i r-. r- ; air " tl. t . I.. at tf :. i c.i-fs. ti i:. i -. r I.. . . .. . r ! .-' - . i l.ii- . nl , 79 ' mm . "i i - n l i'A l II ui r OUT. CHRISTMAS BILL OF TARE Nash Hotel Grill Public Dinners, Banquets, Ball Suppers Catered For T;...'.es .iecovated and dinners served at yon own ivsidci.ee, any distance. out :ine ail the u od old fashioned dishif aHOi-iat'il with the day and many inure t-esides. Come and eat yours hi-ri-. Jlrinfi y.oir wife with you. She'll enjuv Th- conkiiit; at thi rost:uir:iut w kiit.w. And she'll approciate immensely the tnat of eat inn su-h a fine im-al with. nit the troul'Ir and lal-.-r iaulvc-d in itn e.tokiin;. THE NASH R. W. G R A Y, B u i 1 Ider Colonial Porch Work, C rill and Lath Work, Patterns, Etc. Telephone 471. Medford, Oregon Satisfied Purchasers Tmrr..w m Kri. K n.'l. .1.. anil Ih.- utoir mil (.. ,!..-, I . nrtUr of tli I ...., who ..ti.l ).. i; all: '(. holm' an.t .-i.m.v ,.-iir 'lvr, an foto.-t t1t. i.h.ji.,. (trio.l f...- on,- ,!,, . ' I (i . rat from tl.r I....... I.nt I nn'i 8 . iK I -ii it I.. f..t- t ii. .1. a. in. at .In tight. I ,.,. m I.. ,. I -ling pi. lit o.h.I al.,.,,1 n..n. , it n't .f.M ion. a.n . r . ..i l h.r a I.I.H-k , , ,.,f , ii,,,. K.l utiiff for th. " on.. ' ' It . a plra.nr,' I.. Iikii.I out htgh yr , I. (.) an.l I., knon l.Mt .-wion. who Im,, will ,,.,r .,., Ihat won't rom off" )M.i,!i,. KuaranK-r i- .-r tlimo . aa K'a.llv rorrrrt anv err.. I. Minn rmra rr,-,'i in. W. ll, ma o.,,,," lo hair a r.t turkey for .linn, i tomorrow, anil I 'vi o,. t., t;., a,mi rhpNtnuta hoin,. to tnff it with. Wr'rr n till II ',,., i, tonight. S'lon! Miller and Ewbank The New Furniture Store We li.'tvr ju-t iiiiivi-.l into our m y l.iiilili;.' aitil i-"i'.!i:il!y invite tlu ulilie to e;ill and insjieet our store aiul mir stoi-k llie In 1 in th" vallev. Everything is New l'.Vl'l tl,,, j;) v,,,-,. j ,t.w ,,(' I,,. 1 ; , t -1 ile-iuu. X. . ;,!! ", ,! Mi.rk arrive.l within the ll-t tv.u wi-rkv It .aiili.'t he illl.lieate.l ill -eitln i'll (tl'e-..,. It is -i ii, t' ui -lo-hlte. W'e e;rr' otllv !.!e !' -il.Mi.. uhi.-!i a'v Ii. I f..!i;.,l in utin-r iw. Our t"iv i iii ..-ir new leiihlm on Vi Seei.t!t. It is HO feet wi.le .:;, 1 il ', ,- .l,-, ,,. '(. ,.,-,.,,, (lie entire two t'l.M.i- an.l liae lie-i,lev ivm, i,-s i;, ar- lv 1 0.i h k t tV.'t nf t'l,...r spa.-e. Our w ..rh-lioi. in Un real' is the must ei.niiih'te aiul iiioilem. Christmas Holiday Gocds hae e -ervthiitir. von iircil ahoiit the !"'. an.l ou i-aii t'iinl no more suitahle ''I'. 'i i'i t'.ir our wife or huslnunl tliau soine- ,! '" : n t'i'illv ti lml. Huv soiiiethini: that ' '1 , v nleasiire cvitv lav in the year, in ' ' . ': i 1 ei.inf'il t ean he taken. ( iet sn.iie-tl'.M--. whi.-h will ornament your home in-, ! u,iti;i'.r vniir .fuiiils in perjshal'le t"1' ',i that are l'.ir".tten as sn,m as ve- eeive,!. One Price to Ail Tin1 ojieniii"; of our new furniture sti.-. e is a netalile event for Me.lforil anil the West Si.le. We U-irin anew our eareer anions you wit! j a it'; rtiiinat ion lo make this the "sat isfaetory store." to serve ..u hot ter ;i i ill to sell you eheaper tliau oil ever ' new ln -fere. or tho'mhl to know. 0 ' i We i ave faitli in Me. 1 1'. i ,1' - I'm i .-- ,,. are here to stay. We ore lu re I i .!e;a ;,,,u iini v:ilrv oiiU; the list l(0"is lli.il on. in ,nV ) 1,1-;,.' to all. We ".uaraiili e all of . O if 1W, a)'!1 Hot salisl'leil. "CO o 0 r') MnpeV liaek eu 0 ?3 0 n ' 9 . o il Co h 0 l' I v U GO-;' I I ( OMK ANli SKI! AND Vol' Wl 1.1, ISfV, tiik stoi.t; that swks mw MirYx i ;v. : i; 8