Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 24, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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Cloudy j prnbnble ahnwors tonlglit
uml Wednesday.
Associated Press
No. 234
1 1
- Gtrae
fine Proposition for
Pensioning Rail
road Veterans By
Big Railroads.
PORTLAND, Me... Doe. 21. Tho
Gruiul Trunk railway has devised a sys
tem of pensions in go 'llt0 f f ot on
Junuury -. It is believed lo bo t he
nun comprehensive in existence. A
fmul of $2i0,nun lmtt been set aside ami
$7"),t)00 a yi'.'ir aildit ionul if m cessury.
Kinployes iire not to be n-ijnis . J to con
tribute to t'i.' fund. Tin- c .nipnlsory
rot iriui; '' yea;: vh:! any cm
ploye who I :s served 1h company for
lit years or more will bo entitled to n
pension on n gra ! u.'i i 1 rt' -ilt. The min
imum p i.s'imi is .'JiM. .vl::lo there is no
maximum. Ther. i; a provision for
employes ! iM-d whil.'.ie t!i: service,
uml also for those dismissed without
pause under bat who have not served
for over lo year..
NEW YOi:K. Deo. 21. More than
lL't 1,(100 people will e:il :i Christmas din
ner in New York to be given by the
Salvation .nn. Th dinner is being
put up in baskets for families of from
five to six, ami will be distributed
earlv tomorrow morning.
MclIMtiND, Vn., Dee. 21. The
Christmas prrsint of Mrs. William Luck
of Roanoke to her husbnud today, nays
n special to the News Leader, wnftftwo
boys and two girls. All reported us
doing well.
The Lid
!n fiict. 1 1 io liil lias never .lieen on to .any appreciable
extent i.fedford, but its off for nool iio.v, and you can
e.iiiinienee building at once.
It's cheaper to build now lliai: it is to wait till summer,
when everybody 'ill be bus;, and you can't tfot men or
UniMing hnx increased 30 per cent in Portland in the
past month. They appreciate the situation there. You
oiiLrht to, also.
Don't delay. We have all kinds of lutnlier in stock, ImiUi
native and Booth-Kelly lum)MT. You may have to wait
later on.
.Ml signs point to big building boom. (Jet in early.
Iowa Box and Lumber Co.
Many Crimes Unre
ported, Yet An
Awful Chapter for
A Single Day.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 24, Five men
wero killed by pistol or knife, in Louis
iana and Mississippi during the past 24
hours. At Covington, La., Henry Route,
a negro, oinvitcd a man named Brad-
y, a white, to settle a debt or shoot
it out. Bradley killed Route. At New-
Albany, Miss., Edward Mill house, a
section foreman, killed a section hnnd
named Martin Arnold. At Varden,
Miss., Maurice Davis, a white, and Wil
liam Spix, colored, killed each other.
.V lovo affair at Greenville, Miss.,
a used the death of Smith, u negro, who
tried to kift Jim English, a negro,
Almond Wilcox, who has been at
tending St. Mary's college at Oak
land, arrived Saturday and will spend
h is vacat i(fu"at home.
Mrs. Hattie Ridenger and Mrs. P.
Ilarbough spent the day in Med ford
Sal nnlny.
Mrs. James Buckley and Miss Kate
Buckley of Ruch spent Saturday and
Sunday in town.
C. L. Kennies left for Berkeley, Cab,
Sunday morning to spend the holidays
with his mother.
Clara Elmer came down from Phoenix
Saturday. She will spend her vacation
which lasts two weeks, at home.
Hotel Moore, December 25.
Lun-lC12 to 2; dinner 5 to 8. Tur
key, goose or chickoii. Meals, only 50c.
Wo will please you at Hotel Moore din
ing room. 2.14
o o
Author of
finance Visits The
President and Big
Explosion Follows
NEW YORK, Dec. 24. Thomas W.
Law on of Boston, who on hint Tues
day culled on President Roosevelt at
the White House and who subsequently
said he probably "would make n state
ment to the public within a few days,"
will, according to an interview, to be
published by the World tomorrow, soon
launch n new political party. Its can
didntes for president and vice presi
dent, according to the plan as announces
will be Theodore Roosevelt and Gov
ernor John A. Johnson of Minnesota.
In his formal announcement, Mr. Law
ton avoids any direct statement that
his chosen candidates have as(piisced
in his political program.
Beginning Monday, December 29,
train Nit. 33 will l-n v e Po r 1 1 a n d n t
12:30 n. in., one hour later than at pres
ent. This will bring it into Medford
the next afternoon at 1:45.
As this train will hereafter stop at
all points between Koseburg and Ash
land, the service will be corresponding
ly improved and much more popular
than now.
The Southern Pacific freight house
will not be opened tomorrow. Christ
mas day. Perishable articles wjll be
delivered until 10 o'clock a. in., how
ever. CHICAGO, Dec. 24. Tho government
has formally rested the case in tho pros
ecution of John R. Walsh, licensed of
misapplying the funds of the Chicago
National bank, and the court adjourned
O o
00 CO
The Tribune's Big
Horticultural Papr
to Be Ready Early
in January.
Enrly in Jiinunry tin- niniiiinoth lmrti
cultural i-ilitiiiu of Tlu Trillium will lie
.iff the pri'sw ami ri'iuly for ilidtrilinl inn
ovor llic wnrlil. Tlu n.lvertisiiiK ninnii
(its of many tniinviintinoiitnl ruilrnailx
ami of tin1 li'itf t r:in-A t lunt io ami I'n
I'ifio. Htriiitixliip liiu'H will linvi liallii'V
liimlin-i inniln for this paper ami will
place it nlioanl tin' various Btoaaisliips
ami observation cars. This means of
distribution will carry tin' paper all
over tho globe ami will show the on
tiro world what tho Unfile liiver valley
proiluces. II will cnconrano lionieseek
ors to purchase lands and will do more
to advertise southern Oregon than any
thinj; that has ever been attempted.
Halftone cuts from photographs
showing the various orchards, tho towns
and points of interest, will be made.
The cost of publishing this mammoth
edition will be derived from the udver
tisemeuls, and as a very low rate will
lie charged, the merchants should all
secure space and do all in their power
to help make this medium of publicity
a success.
The various departments will be edit
ed by the most prominent, horticultur
ists, mining men and practical farmers
in southern Oregon. There will be ar
ticles by stale and government mining,
forest and horticultural officials unci
by experts from the United States de
partment of agriculture. Hull and
(loodpastnre, Hie local plmtograhpol'S,
will have charge of the photographing.
Hicks Chattel! of I'ortlaud wil!tilo the
Order copies now lo send to your
friends and to prospective future resi
.T. II. Thnieltmiirtiin of Applegale was
a Medford business caller Monday morn
ing. Mr. Throckmorton repnrts that
they experienced one of the heaviest
raias Sunday on the Applegato river
that he ever saw.
Vive to LMIacre tracts near Medford,
$7ii to $!'.( an acre, (lood laud and
good water. Kasy terms. lniiiire of
('. 11. Pierce & .Son. 211
Christmas decorations, laurel, mistle
toe, fir, Oregon grape and Xmas trees
delivered. Leave orders at The Tog
gery, eare O. T. Whitman tf
Mr. and Mrs. .1. I), ohvell returned
Tuesday morning from Portland, where
Ihey have been the past few days.
King's for Lowney's, Aldon's and
Ounther's chocolates. tf
Miss K. Mae Klwond. daughter of M.
Klwood. returned to Medford to spend
the holidays with her parents. Miss
Klwood has been utteiidiug the Laurel
wood academy near Purllaiid, and after
tho holiday vacation she, together with
her brother, will lake up school work
again after January 1.
Miss .Teuaesse Ilutler, teacher of pia
no, theory and harmony. Residence in
West Medford. Telephone 7!U. tf
John Hammer, the mining man from
Willow creek mining district, is in Med
ford to HiK'iid the holidays.
Ft. M. Collins and A. W. Stalker, who
have been in Portland on business, re
turned to Medford on the 10:.'lll train
Tuesday morning.
W. E. Kurtz of Salem, Or., is visiting
at the home of Frank E. Martin in
Southwest Medford.
A Inrge assortment of post card ftl
bums just nrrived at Hull's I'ostal
Shop, Wc to 2..10. Come and see them,
llubbnrd building, n'-ar bridge. tf
The city council at Its meeting held
on December l.'l, l!o7, instructed the
recorder to purchase house numbers and
to furnish the same to all property own
ers at as near cost as it was possible.
The numbers can be had from thn city
recorder about II 'labor 20. The re
corder will also furnish tho correct
number for inch lot.
if leeordor.
Coal for Bale.
We are now prepared to furnish hnn-l
picked coal nt the mine, five mile
nst of town, in any amount denired
7..10 per ton.
KOBE. Dec. 21. Fire bn broken out
tn th'-QVmWirrtn atVitrnhip SfTinn0Otrt
in thin hnrbor. The vem'! nm enrgo
are bndlv dnrn:ig'd. Tin- Minm-aotn wn
bound from Hid tile for HmiMig viy
Yokohama. ()
Prosecution in The
Pettibone Case Has
Close Darrow Will
Soon Begin.
HOISK, Idaho, ltL 24. Tho state
routed 'n the IVtlihone trial today nfter
l hr oxainiiiiition of V. H. (Jnbbort, jim
tii'O nt tlu Hiipri'iin court of Colorado,
who toslificd to tin ntU'iupt to Kill In in,
a bomb hcinj; placed in the path he
usually took in yoiny from his rcid
di'iico (o tln capital. A man named
Wnlley was killed in consequence of
Oabbt rt having taken a different route
that ilav.
LAIlOliK, ln.lin, Dec. 24. Remark
able diminution of wheat planting is
reported ta tho Punjab bccauHO of the
prolong! drought. Tho area shrunk
frion !i,oiM,nini to ."1,000,0(10 acres. Many
permanent cauala are running short of
water, while many irrigation caualH are
ipiile dry.
i 'oiispii'UoiiH for Haaciotm manage
hi. -ill nt' their companies preHentinj; Lu
'lla Morey, Lc Cnnile and VlcHher, have
with lhin seanon 's production excelled
in theatrieal endeavor. In Huh great
Itibical drama, "The Holy City," there
ih combined such wealth of acting, nllo
nry, music and Hpcctacle as has rarely
if ever been seen. The possibilities
for dramatic ellVct with which I he
thrilling narrative of John the ltuptiht
abounds have been utiliod with great
dtill and apparently uiilimiteil coHt. The
art ing company iH noted for its integral
brilliancy; the scenes present hifltory
in radiant splendor; the stage parapher
nalia, all of which is carried by the
company, being of impressivo beauty.
The integrity of its management first
called public attention to tho play; its
matchless performances are carrying
those indorsements which honesty of
purpose and slfillful design command.
The presentation of "Tho Holy (Mty"
here will be eagerly anticipated, inas
much as the well known and intensely
artistic Imella Morey heads the com
pany and will bo scon as Salome, the
beautiful daughter of King Herod.
If half that may bo read is true, T,r
1,'omto & l-Mesiier's latest production is
one of unusual beauty. It is generally
I'onroilrd that the performances of Miss
Morey in "Cleopatra" were superior,
but there has been provided for "The
Holy City" dramatic embellishments
and stage accessories of even more r
rnarkable magnificence. The powerful
Mtury, niced by those forming one of
the largest and most talented companies
traveling, is o aided by allegorical,
nn sicttl and spectacular effects that as
tiiiiishtm-nt and delight is manifest cd
in every mention of this play. In the
.-Dtnplete Hatisfaetioti that each produc
tion of this capable nnd praiseworthy
management insures, past succesies nrr
understood and future confidence is in
spired. To the lavish expenditure noe
esary t the presentation "Cleopatra"
t h af rical pesi mists shook their wise
hends ami prelieted failure. The inan
.igers paiil their bills and banked their
surplus. The much greater expense at
tending the representations of "The
Holy City" is met in sagacious belief
that for the drama loving public noth
ing can be too good. With always In
ci easing artistic endeavor, Messrs. Lc
Comte & Flesher prove their commercial
Tho Nash Orfll.
A souvenir menu in an envelope
ready for mailing will be presented to
each guest dining at the Nash ft rill
Christmas evening. These bills of fare
are the product of The Tribune job
office nnd are u work of art.
Too Lnto to Classify.
WAN'TKd -Local representative for
Medford and vicinity to look after re
newals arid increase subscript ion list of
a prominent monthly magazine, on a
salary and commission basis. Kxpo
rioiM'f desirable, but not necessary,
(loo'l opportunity for right person. Ad
drcM Publisher, ftox 5l, Station ,
New V.rk
FOR-SALK 'trt.i oui.g fresh milth
cows. Apply to W. M. Denton, old
Central Point road, N. C. st., mile'
from office. 2Xt j
Fl l(STTI,AkJanese cook wti "
tit ut ion. Address Cook, Tribune, GO,
Former Governor of
Kentucky Makes
Deposition. Marshal
Gives New Evidence
UKOItOETOWN,, Deo. 24. The reud
ing of Governor Taylor's deposition in
the Powers case was concluded today.
Ueneral denial of any knowledge or par
ticipation In the plot to murder Ooebel
as alleged by Youtsey, Golden and
Xoakes was made.
I. P. Mcdlovo testified that Youtsey,
while in Frankfort jail, admitted to
him he had filed off the key to Pow
ers' private office on the day Goebcl
was killed, and Powers nnd Captain
John Davis ought not to have ncceptod
pardon and left Frankfort, ns that tend
ed to causo them to be suspected of
being guilty of tho crime.
J. M. Hardgrove stated Hint he mw
Youtsey emerge from Powers' prlvato
office directly after tho shooting, hat
less, eoatless nnd with a pistol in his
hand, much excited. Ho testified that
he informed the prosecutor of these
facts, but that he was not called to
t est i fy.
Captain Stophen Hhnrp, United States
marshal, testified that directly nftor
the shooting ho tendered his services
to Governor Taylor, who directed htm
to take charge of tho defense of the
building, whoclt ho did, not allowing
anyone to enter. Sharp startled the
mi rt nnd spectators by stating that
three days before Gocbel was shot he
(Sharp) was given reliablo information
that democrats had ordered 2000 guns
and ammunition nnd that Taylor and
other republicans were to be ejected
from the executive building. This, he
mid, explained the prosenerf-nf nnned
republicans nrouiul the building and
why the state troops had boon put in
readiness to move.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex., Dec. 24. A
Toepperweia has completed a ten days'
shooting series during which he shot
at 72,500 targets nnd missed nine. This
breaks tho world 'b record In sovorn.1
lill'oronl, wavs, both as to tho number of
lurgcta shot at and the number missed.
Mr. Tocppcrwein closed the exhibitoin
in whirlwind fashion, shooting at tbo
final (1500 targets and missing oulyi
one. Toeppnrwein used a 22-caliber H- j
flo and the blocks were two and n half,
inches thick nnd were thrown into tho
air at a distance of 20 feet from the
point where tho mnrksinan stood,
Annual Christmas Fostlval.
Tonight at the Methodist church on
II st root tho program will consist of
lass drills, songs, recitations, solos and
anthems. There will bo a tree loaded
with presents. Tho church has been
tastefully decorated. All are invited.
Christmas Dinner, $1.00
A Martini Cocktail
Toko Point Oysters on Deep Shell
Santa Ana Celery
Green Turtle, Amontillado
Filet of Knglish Holo a la Joinvillo
Pommcs In Rose
Praised Calf's Hwoetbreads on Tonst
with Mushrooms
Frozen Kgg Nog
Roast Young Turkey,
Drowned Hwoct Potatoes
Aspnragus Tips
Chilled Tomatoes, Surprise
Hot Mino Pio Pumpkin Pio
Christmas Plum Pudding, Hard and
Hrsndy Sauce
Noapolitniae Ico ('renin
Assorted Cakes
Nuts and Raisins Assorted Fruit
Kiskiyoti Sparkling Wnter
Battleships Causing
y w
Much Attention and
Getting Royal Wel
come Everywhere
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Dec. 24.
The American fleet of battleships was
welcomed here with considerable enthu
siasm. Admiral Kvaus called on Sir
Henry Moore Jackson, governor Trini
dad, nnd this afternoon n party of of
ficers from the fleet are coming ashore.
Also n large number of men from tho
SACK A M ENTO, Dec. 24. Orders
from the general Southern Pacific of
fices in Sua Francisco have been post
ed in the local railroad shops to tho
effect that tho shops will close, with
the exception of enough men to han
dle roundhouse work, next Tuesday and
remain closed until January 1. It is
stated unofficially that after tho first
of the year tho force in each of tho
shops will be reduced or tho men will
be given from three to four days a
week. It is also said that a similar
reduction will bo made all over tho
llarriman system in the west. Two
thousand men in this city will bo af
fected. In this city there nro indications that
the Southern Pacific will not sign an
agreement with the blacksmiths, ma
chinists or other departments of tho -railroad's
Bhops, nnd that it is prepar
ing for a prospective strike. A stock
ado eight feet high, topped with barbed
wire, is being built and in tho oucloa
uio a bunkhousc iH) foot long and 40
feet wide is finished, with tho excep
tion of tho roof and a dining room,
cookhouse nnd outbuildings nro going
up. It is believed that, if a strike is
declared, non union men will bo cared
for inside tho stockade.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. President
IMoserelt has received and accepted
the resignation of Hear Adatiral Willard
H. Itrownson, chief of the bureau of
navigation to go into effect immediate
ly. No reason for tho resignation is .
given out at the White House, and Cap
tain Cameron Melt. Win slow has been
appointed his successor.
MFMPHIH, Dec. 24. Ono of tho old
est banking institutions in the city has
closed its door.. President Read of the
.Memphis Ch aring House association
said ho felt certain that the depositors
will be paid in full.
Ripe Olives
Chestnut Dressing
F. O. ODKLL, Btoward.