Think ! ten! Stop y Lis o o Only one day mor of the greatest cut rate sale Medford has ever exper- " 1 o jpnr.fd. Greatest cut rate Holiday Bargains offered every minute of the MONSTER MERGER OF UNION LABOR NKW YOHK, live. 23. Mans are complete feir the formation of a tem porary orKJiiiiy.ation which will embrace all tho building tnuIeH unioiiB in the country in accordance with an npienl made at the last aunual meeting nf the American Federation of Labor. A char ter for the new organization will be attked fur at the next meeting of the (txeeutiro council of the federation, which will bo held in New York on Jan uary 20. A meeting to form permanent organ ization will be held January 9. The new federation, it is said, will include 1,11(10,0(1(1 members CHRISTIA SCIENTISTS HAVE GREAT PLAN BOSTON, Dec. !!.'(. A Ciirintian Sci ence, .limtitution to coat $1,000,000, to poor, U the Intt-tOr aid . .ot iltUmcm lie devoted cHpccially to lie) ping the poor, in the Intent project of the church. The Weokly Sentinel, the official organ of the Ohriittinn Science church, contains n lotter from Mrs. Mary Halter (1. Kddy, the leader of (he ChriHtinu Science faith, in which she Hays: " I desire to com mence i m mediately to found a Chris tiau Science institution for the special benefit of the poor and general good of all mankind. The founding and endow inent of tli is iiiHtitutiioi will cost at least $1,000,000.' THE HOTEL NASH AND GRILL. It is the house of baiopiets. It Ih the In. use of excellence. It is the citadel of service fitting for a king. It is the -11' 1 v grill in Medt'urd having the person r! suoervision of Frederick !. Odell, the uiuti who as a caterer has a reputation nn (lie entire Pacific const. He been at the head of some of the hirg.-st fin log parlors nnd end ring rwdililislinu'iitH in California. Persons dining at ordinary public phices are imtnnipliril nt the revelnt inns of tlie Nash tlrill. They are more than astonished, t hey are charmed delight fit. The table d 'hole dinner Sunday rwiiiiiL" are tin1 talk of the town. St i m a id ( VI ell will htr e an elnho i ate t hrisi mas tnm t from fi till S I' in., and IIiom- ho u ih to'diiu1 at the a-li on tlcit day will do w.ll to ti-le lioTie and i njure tables, slat illg lininlier of seal h il-str d. OKF.liN AND GAYNOR AT BAY AT LAST W sll I Nii'l' , .. -::. The . pren rt of the I'imI. d Slaten denied II ptt it ion for writs of eortiorari bring ini; to that court in the s ,,f tiiereni- l 1 1 I Canor, who are ninler si utetice to pa a fine ef "7"t.7 I,' and mtdi'rgo (mis of imprionnn-nt of tour on rliiit H' H of i nib.' , r'l.-nt and -ii s i r a ev in eoiiuortioM with I'aptain I . ll r In M. Carti-r's m-Iu me to defraud the I'liiled States go ei tuneii t iti ceunec t en with the harbor impro enicnts at Sa atinali, (9a. ANOTHER CALAMITY NABaOWLT AVKRTtO PITTSBURG. Dec. ):! '-Thai l"i men narrowly etiiaped cremation, in u ffre at the SehonihtTgiT coal mi ne at Paird station, ;io mil from here, esterday be.iime Uliown today. The fire imginat ed from electric "parhs. and the men li r I to fl.-e to nave t1!- ,r liven. The mine V ill be f'leoded .dlV. day. THE OREOON SENATORS ON GOOG COMMITTEES In the new alignment of sennto cotr mitteeB for the Bixtieth congreBS, north western Henatora and particularly those from Oregon, fared exceedingly well. Senator Fulton 'retains his chairman ship of claims, which is one of the more important committees of the senate and has places on expenditures in the treas ury department, industrial expositions, judiciary, public InndB and revision of laws. Although he gavo up military affairs, his place is going to La Fol lette, it is prosed to enlarge this com mittee nnd again make him a member. Senator l.ourne is pleased with his assignments, tic is made chairman of fisheries, which is an active working committee, and has places on coast do fi 'totes, expenditures in the department of justice, postoffices and post roads, pubuc health and railroads. PETTIBONE'S TRIAL IS DELAYED SOMEWHAT ItOlSK, Idaho, Dec. 23. Owing to the failure of one of the witnesses for the s'uto to arrive, only a brief eiession of the Pottibotio trial was held today and adjournment was taken until tonight, when the prosecution- will rest, and tin motion of the defense for the court to direct a verdict of not guilty will be argued. iJiirrow is so ill that It will be impoos sible for him to make the opening state limit for the defense before Thursday. K. M. Sabin, an attorney of Colorado Springs, test ified that Lyte Gregory, whom Orchard said he killed at the di rection of Haywood and I'ettibone, was employed to look ll( evidence in the cases of the federation men charged with destroying property of a mining ,-t,mpaiiy in t "uloradu. N'JMBER YOUR HOUSES ACCORDING TO CITY PLAN Tomorrow the city engineer wM mence mi in be ring houses in I he inal townsite, following with the tiou as soon as practicable. Kach holder (will be presented with a beat ing his correct house number, a note of tliirt number and leav card with the hardware merchant whom you buy your numbers. Most impel Hint of all, after rec I com urig addi house card Make e the from ivmg yun r card, get your numbers am 1 pul tin III up. T V . OSGOOD, City Kngiu Newspaper Advertising. A new -paper may boom a dm n Muoi.iih it news and editorial columns. !i may u'ite items constantly about rops, tdl of t he enormous potatoes, apples, cableses, nnd so forth, grown in its neie.hbotlie.pd, but when all. is said Mill done, it is the amount of advertis ing that ipoeary in a paper that appeal to the invrst.r. To him it i the ad ert is ing that measures the business done mi town. It is the puNe that he iVMs to see if the different businesses are proMpt'i'ing. He knows very well that if tin' torn I merchants advertise freely there umt lie a prospect of a good country ttt draw from, or the couldn't afford to do so. Merchant' nifty iinrtliV( luoked nt it in this light, b.if every thinking man will read ily agree with us that when he increases The m.v of lot ad lie i helping to bo M his t..n Cat more than wh-n he pa. the professional wpeiler nnd spends Ins money for all hind of ,t air literatim that is b.ok.d ,, vx iti, snpj,.i., ;U11 ,:tk,P :g- P-.ll HI vilt. Iix U"gi'. TOGG1 Bedford's Greatest Value Givers INCREASES IN PENSIONS ASKED FOR BY HAWLEY Representative Hawley has intro duced bills increasing the pensions of Samuel Hawkins, Hattio E. Wheeler, Helen M. Silsby, William Chittenden, Garrett P. Atchison, Salisbury Sherman, William 8. Winsor and Mary Bruntner. Also bills granting pensions to Mary Haney and Luman O. .Tudd. He also presented to the house of representatives the following memorials ef the Oregon Btate legislature: House joint memorial No. 5, favoring legisla tion for the relief of settlers on unsur veyed lauds; senate joint resolution favoring the pensioning of veterans of the Hannock war; senate concurrent res olution No. 20, favoring the promotion of Colonel J nun's Jackson to the grade Almost too Late lil'T STILL THK1IK IS TIM K TO G K T Y OT R PICT C RES MADE l'Oh XMAS AT THE MEDFORD STCIHO. ALL PICTURES TAK EN THIS WEEK WILL BE FIN ISHED liV (i O'CLOCK TUESDAY. NOTHING FINER FOR X.MAS PRESENTS. DON'T STOP FOR THE RAIN. No Fire in the Kitchen Range No Hat Water in the House Then is the time you ap preciate the couvcuicuce of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS Alliii h n hi to the lu-urcst lump ockct and turn the svrltcb fort. QUART, TWO Qt'AJTT AND LAB UUt SUCS Put bize is ipccially adapted for nurMry ;cail AT cm tHCE AD ME 5AVILIS CondorWalcrlaiii P wer Co. Pi a, COUngila Sofa lim'M' MM of brigadier general on tho .retired list, and senate joint resolution No. 4. fa voring an increase in the pensions of Indian war veterans. WHERE NEWTOWN PIPPINS WERE FIRST ORIGINATED Newtown, less thnn a century ago a charming district on Long Island, N. Y., the place where the famous Newtown Pippin originated, is now the Second ward of Queens borough in Greater New York. They are having a dispute over the naming and renaming of their streets. One party insists on sacrificing old names and substituting such misfits as Ajax avenue, Neptune avenue, Venus avenue, nnd so on, for Horse Brook road, Old Shell road, Feather Bod lane, and the like. Among the historic names that have been sacrificed is Washington street, wh ich was In id out through a field in which Washington encamped in 1770. Tho native town of Oregon's great Newtown Pippin deserves better handling. This apple, like all great fruits, - was a freak or accident. Ex change. GREAT SCIENTIST IS LAID TO REST LONDON, Dec. 2:.. Under tjie shad ow of the monument of Sir Isaac New ton of Westminster Abbey the body of Lord Kelvin was buried at noon today. Impressive but simple services were held. F. J. Mc Malum, the clever Eileen landlord, is spending' the holidays in Medford. A New Disease finite pn'vah'ut lint easily enrrrt: nppenrs iiiuiually: nttaeks alike young and old; eauseit a good deal of worry and among younger peo ple nffeets the heart, often eausing eold feet. It. ia diagnosed hy the leading pliyHiciniiH of Medford as CHRISTMAS THorilLK. Follow ing is n list of enres for sale at I! ASK INS' PlifG STORE: FOR WOISN Toilet Cases Manicure Sets Work Boxes Pin Trays Japanese Goods Perfumes Post Cards Post Card Albums Fancy Box Stationery Traveling Kolls Sanitary Sponge Bags Hang Bags Pyrography Outfits Pyrography . Materials Pyrography for Jin FOB NIK. Ntcktio Boxes Tobacco Bones Cigars Cigar Jars Cigar Caiwa. Pur.MV Bill Books Fountain TVtoi Ask Trays Post Cardt Traveling lolls Military Bnishes S.itety Raiors llfinemlier, HASKIN'S For Health For the Last Time This Year For the last three years we have claimed a part of your patronage and are pleased to say we are satisfied with what we have gotten. We have tried to please, and for the balance of this year or until Christmas we will give you 10 per cent off of any goods you may buy, but after that time the old prices will prevail. The panic has had no effect on us at all, and with the new year we will stock up and serve yon better than ever. The oity council has decreed that you and each and all of you shall place numbers on your houses, and I have them to sell you so cheap that you can't refuse to buy them. Come In and see them. If you have not yet put in your guess, you had better get busy at once. I am Shortie Oarnett, the hardware man that does things. SHORTY LEWIS' West Side Confectionery An Ideal Xmas Present Kiser's Oregon Art Calenders Large assortmentMany designs CHOICE CAXDIE8 AND CONFECTIONS FANCY HOLIDAY BOXES OF STATIONERY SOUVENIR POST CARDS AND ALBUMS aS- RED MEN'S BALL Given by the Wetauka Social Club December 24, 1907 Angles Hall, Medford GARNBTT Office on Seventh Street. ! t li IIik Kli'i'tric Sign. j