o BARGAINS! O o o o o o BAR o BARGAINS! BARGAINS GALORE AT THE MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY OR OAK ROCKERS, WHILE THEY LAST 3.00 o ALSO GREAT BARGAINS IN FANCY ROCKERS, LADIES' DESKS, MUSIC CABINETS, BUFFETS, CHINA CLOSETS, DINING TABLES, DINING CHAIRS. DON'T FAIL TO INSPECT THE LARGEST FURNITURE STOCK IN SOUTHERN OREGON BEFORE MAKING YOUR SELECTION. MERRY XMAS TO ALL. Medford Furniture Co., Medford, Or. BUILDING BO AD DOWN i BOGUE RIVER TO SEA The government is making good prog reflB under the direct supervision of the forestry lerviee in extending a road down Rogue river into Curry county. This particular stretch of road will open up a wide latitude of country rich in J mineral and prolific of the host mur-: .:etnble pine. When this work has been completed 10 per cent of the proceeds will be diverted to the Bchool fund,) thus increasing the permanent means of keeping up schools. About $"000 has J boen appropriated to be used in develop ing the highway, and it is expected that congress will set aside $5000 more to be used on this project. Extreme difficulty is met in some places. For inaance, along Rogue river men in taking the initiative step in building were swung out along the bluffs of the river until the drilling condl be done. It is thought that the contiguous territory will yield millions of fir and pine, which will increase the revenues of the government at the rate of and $-.r0, a million. JACK ANDREWS GOES THE SUICIDE ROUTE CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of monej. and neither giveithe fit, style nor distinction t" your clothes thatiyour own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of atalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY HOME EIFERT The City Tailor FRENCH DRY CLEANING Medford Don't Worry About His Christmas Present Helpful Holiday Hints 4, The suicide whose hudy w.m fun ml in the Oregon hotel nt Portland Friday night was identified as .lark Andrews. formerly a well-known conductor nit the Southern Pacific between Ashland and TCoseburg. He had quit railroad ing some years ago and xisited Alaskn, returning without having made any tiling. Despondency appeared to take possession of him, his old associates Bay, and of late he had gone from bad to worse. His self-destruct ion there fore wns no surprise to those who had known him. Andrews married a daughter of Cap tain Mayo, who afterward left him. She is living in Seattle, whither n dispatch was sent informing her of her husband death. Sunrintendent Fields of the Southern Pacific Vnew Andrews well nnd speaks kindly of him. According to the proprietor of the Oregon hotel, Andrews engaged a room there Thursday evening. He was not seen: afterward, and when found las) Friday night he hnd evidently been dead for nearly 20 hours, having as phyxiated himself by turning on, the gas. MARRIED. Phillip Kennon At Yn kn. Decem ber 14. by "Rev. ,T. K. Itadger. rhnrle Ti. Phillips of Itrowncll and Kate Ken non of (Irants Pns. Abnlee Know At Portland. Decem ber 1. Christopher Almleo of Medford and Alice Susan Know. CITY NOTICE. The city council at its meeting held on Dot-ember 1.1. l!'o7, instructed the rccr-er to purchrie hoiie numbers and to furnish V fl"i to all property own ers nt as near eot as it was poible. The number can be had from the city recorder about December 2ft. The re border will alo fnrnWi ihe correct number f r b bt. TFV.T. V. rnTXTNS. if Reorder. GET UNDER COVER It, 'b a good idea or everybody ot get under cover in Med ford, including the city council, and we are here to furnish you the BEST PROPERTY IN MEDFORD for the least money. If you are a stranger in Medford, you can't afford to loso money by boarding with your family nt a hotel. The business man's way of doing is to buy a nice cheap tract and build a nice house while the present financial situation contin ues. It's a fact that you can build cheaper now than you could a month ago; or, better yet, BUY A CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN TO A BUSINESS CENTER nnd watch it grow into more muiiey before spring. Wc are pre pared to equip all homeseekers with desirable homes ato a low figure. Now is the time to buy, save rent and make money by the advance in price. Rogue River Land o. Neckwear Gloves Silk Hoso Jajamas Silk Underwear Full-Dress Protoctors Bath Robes Smoking Jackets Silk Annbandi Silk G.i iters Initial and Silk Handkerchiefs Umbrellas' Taney Waistcoats Leather Hat Box Traveling Bags Dross Suit Cases Benjamin Dress Suit Benjamin Tuxedo Suit Silk Suspenders Jewelry Merchaudiso Older Hundreds of people are taking advantage of the largest line of men's and youth's holiday goods ever offered in Medford, Cur prices will please you Coal t"i Sale. I'irl ennl at tk '"-. ' v" ,p . ot in ativ ar.'i-nt 4-' r 4 EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD, OBEGON. DANIELS - i Medford Steam Bakery! HOT BOLXS TOE BBEAttrAW m Ji i.lv little flinn.T r.,l: that will Uifit ty.t aT.ntitp ot tne M"St fastidious, la the kinl w 8fl".e pvr.' til Itjlf-Q '.H'Tlld. rra1st (, 1 g . wtit a id At- li.'imig. is i. ir s;,"eia.'ty, as well us th" rv icst. f net t i ak-m. piii tr- :i r I :ies. W:icn y i ',v:it,l. tn or . y . :r 'ii' '-. .r'). r iui l:.ke'u fi ; ;? NEW CLOTHING STORE rl'HE rOOl) LAW IN W With th I . I i.l'fi.-inN in its en. t'o -I ... ni. mvi. ll' will Infill to f ..r. - !i.-i:t. I I .. In"' K"' i'l'-H Hint, lb tnw-ii n "i ' ' -l riii.- nrl EFFECT NilXT MOVTH '"" " ' ' . i .-mi. If ss ' h.ill h.l'' (...vver t.i Jrin' ! r. ;;n!.'i ! inns tlint tlie 'l.nl'TH .'Itel ,jo In v.. !.H"i fU l,v ' a- ... i ' ) .n ,i ii.,- i.-i. i.,i ; . A . I'.r, , i ; :n ... M ti i" ! . h nri.l r .. n In ' inrn .iv. nnmr i., 'lie Ml ' "f I'm "I . 'I'M' .nrli-ill:ir .im I. II ..i r i . II. . ' Jar y 1. ,1,1, nil. I II,.. lir-l ,, l Mi Unit. v. " I'l.. '(.-i I'- u?"r Kni.il' V of the- i;.'';rn nt. jinr- I,, n -vj'1 l..'e 1. 1 nl.i U' !-.' Mli. tly. I'", I ,1. ' "Illy I..- tie -" I .,rv I . , .i,K, I.-.' III.. Inn. A l'.l-t :H t Ii.-.- nr.- i,...... nil in. i-liiinN will 1-1 n ..mi. .!.' 7.f.it p. r ro. a, J P A Ti l' (CAT. CO. 0 O (0 . 0 r.-i t 9 .0 'II C-J .W CO O 0 0. 0 0 a (9) O