(J BEST INVESTMENT FOR THE MONEY. 'I'll.' Mo.11.jp1 Pnl,iiliiin! eiiin.any, l.iililislieii ..I' tin' M.--1 f-.i-.l Trilnnie iiml Southern ir-(j"iiiiiii, offers tin- ,eo,le .of M...II.H.1 ninl .l.-ii-Uo" i-iiiiiily ll"' 'mifi'.it iiml unrest of iiivntnioiiM, name--, fiit in.irli livi-vi nr IioihIh, ln-ar- I) .IT l.-lll illt.Ti'Mt, .il.V!ll... Willi- .iiiiiiiully. Tin- Immli in-'' i" i.oijj n.'it iiml 11 ii' i!"'i-'l'i' i-ii'nl.v- Creelc mi any .Mi-.lli.iil l-mik taken m ji:ivnn-nt. What the Bond.i Are. ili'iiiiiiiinii- iuouly, they will Iw nf-!..aiT in tin" at riL'ti'Ht v-row or me xoi.i, nut nroauii of any nemo a, i-orimraliou or cliiiiif. , , , , I ' ll.-eiiiiiie a person i a ntni-unoi'ii r - j or li..ii.lliiii'l'-r i" 'I'' '",,'r" A'"M ,.,,titl,- liini to hpe.ial liimri wli.-u tin intends nf tin- piil.lii' ili"li '!' '": , or to iiiimiiiiity from i-riticiMii. 1 il.-iri. In mini;,'.' tin- f.r"H- of tlie ilailv. In inn!:.- il I In- lii-wiii.i-r f tin' Willi v. in-teiol ..f oil" l i'y i" val ), v 'i,, ii, . , w : . 1 rw ,1 - in ir.-iiliitinn ,,,',,1 l,.i,,.-,. To II.:- .ml I ""r ,-,,,,.r:ilion. mi, I il K"' ,.,.-nili- l.ett-r tli-'.n I'.v luiyiiiK o"r N, rlirit ii--.. (I. 1'ITNWM, o j K'liinr iiml Mannoer. ' ' Am floori Investment. ,1,1 liuii.ls pay holier inn-rom 'iml mi- amply eenre.t nv iii..rlL.iiL',-. Tiny mi' n" " (froivi iik r ill' Ml, h ii:0:l I'"- ..ii will be mu ll- i" Hi'' Tln-s TJ,,...,. I'olil huh. In are .: r i-. tin ..,,,1 'I'lii'V an tin. r.ii'lii ill' a popular loan for tl ' than banks -n. r,.,l l,v il lirst Ill.illL'llUi' ,,1,,1-tOll.r,, upon t In property an. I plant of the ,ir.rty in a ni-owinu i'ity. They not Million! I'lihlisliiliK company, i'lmipris- l,.it iiiiato investment, but mil mate il,.. a ilail.v newspaper, The Tribune, rjv in tin- promotion f a praisovvor a ueini-weeitlv newspaper, the Soul hern ; , , v t,-rprin' that means more to the ', i. ...i. ;n, . Ti m. with tl, ma- oilier i;inirle enter- jirjet tin V ,. ,.ii. The lio'inl an safe investment at a holier rate of interest than any Lnnl; will pay ami better seeuritv. They are lleootinble ,1 r ,n.n,'i.,le,l by lea.linK business men of Me.lfor.l as a invest"'""'; Thev ilraw interest at I lie rale ot 0 per Vent per annil.n. paya Hi" "f .June ami Hi" li's' "f l'e''"ii'l"'i-' 1 '"-v 1!ltr,. i five vears. Kaeh l.o.iil l"' i. ...i ..ii invsiMitutmu t whirl, uj.m tin- .Int.s on whirl, it nil, j : i.. u,,i,t ,,-rll lire- ! lljel eirein.iii.-..s j- ami an iip-tu ilale newspaper Iiml , , priori" I-...I The bi.n.ls are a ... MI-'M' more lr Us ilevelopiuenl S.-inl vour siibseriotioll .Mi-:i)i'()iii) iTiii.isiiiM! Co., Meilfor.l, Or. OEDIANACE NO. 138.0 .lai'U- ., .... U lor I he lllieresi u... -I, I . ... i.i I.,- tin- trustee, tin win i- ". noli Cmiiitv bank. Why tho Bonds Arc Issued. '.,i. ,.1,1,1 I Is are issued to raise , vli. eiilm'l.'" 1 impi""'!'"!';"' plant and I" eonlinii" til" I'"1'1';'''!" ti in a better f-r'n "f H'" '""'V 1 rl' I,,,,,,- and II." Semi-Weekly Southern Ol'oouliill.l. II i ilesireil I" "U'l" 'I .till belter. It is l."vi" it"l'"l"-'"' , IuiikIIi- I he Mil' f l'""",ss w,l"'h the llipid "I'lUVlll "f 111" 1"M"'"S' I, ix ,l,si.-i-,l to make I lie daily i" , towns of Hi" lloaue KiM'l' val- l..v iiml mnk- il i" -very way a news- II, at tl tit'l" valley will be f. AM of Hi" '"""".v ''V !i- sal,- f ti,,-.-1 i- in -; "'V'-;, .,, : il. , rtv, all ol wlmdi will i... l.i,.,. I,, the rlL'aoe eivell asji ,.rilv for Hi" ' M'-l'"!-'! i,',l to be a law "ilv, us My oreal n.'wspap r worth many times III" orieilial investuielit. Mi"'fevd r-'d'-'ilni! Compan". Tl,,.' Med ford I id.IWiii.it 1""IV .,., - ,-' i.iiial.le business men of M.,11,,1,1. v.le. liaie baekid tlndr jndu men! with I heir money. It is H'.e ral il lot' l.'""l lal.ital slo.-k. ol whii li only part l.a subs.-i ile'd The balanie is treasury stork. Ol tlm Ht,.i air iv issn.il. a majority is ii. the a: if (1. riltiiat". I'diloi' mid man .i;,.r. There is no "waler" in tin Ht.ieU it all represents money aeluall.' paid 'ill. Till' b.v laws of the ei.l.lliaav provide Hull the editor a'"' aiaiiair-. alone is responsible for til I"""' mid busiil".s pnliey "f Hi" I';'!"',!''..'1 h' ilileelnl'M of III" leu'' :' " 11 iiiK well Known husuu s men of Mid lord: W. I- Vawl. r. F. ' 'seu','ioe, .1 1-' , Ked.lv, II. C. Sloibllird, C- H. llav (I. I'lllnnni, II. tl. Smith '(' ( dwell. All of tin-so Ki-nll'-ineii, v.-Mh the oxi-i'lition of I'utniim. limit sloes niendv fi'inn a pulilie-spirileil stand point,' to seiui" for Medfiird a oi.il lailv newspaper. None of them exer eises liny emit nil over the pnliey of tin' paper. Not r Suoctil.ttlon. f vnu are biol.ini,' for s ulatiiin. ibui'l buy these ijol'l bonds. They are not siei'i'lalion. Tiny are an invest in 'it. Tins., until bonds will not make you lii'.l. but Ihev will ive you a U'i"d ''' turn li'ioii the money iiivesl.'.l. int will not pnl ;n a dollar en.ei'l in to l!'-t out ten dollais. for yon won't do it. Hut run , 'I :n yon:- ,,,l!'ir and be sure of gel lint; :l "I'l KK'i.n with K""'l '"'"'' est Ills,,. Apiin. t'i se i,,i, I bonds b "it am .,1 ie nf hidini! i',.;ii in I n b.vs or stowiiiK il away in safetv deliosils wiults. It keeps tl loney in circula tion Itll'l helps lllllke times better, as well a', enienraeitiy tl i-lai-ev.ertln i ll t erpri-.!.. Il l., I.. Hie in' i sCin;. not tin' n I .liiiLi piiblie that lh,-" li.o'di are of f 'led. The besl i US lie i el's the e'lV I ,-, oniinend Ihem. The Paper's Future. A ureal fiilnre lies before I his , ,,i,n try, and befoie th;s new .i.aper. Th. lilies An ordinance regulating the use and sale of water In the City of Med ford, and prescribing rates for the use thereof, and repealing all ordi nances in conflict herewith. The people of tl it.V of Meilfunl do ordain as follows: s,., ii,,ii 1. The I'ollowiliL' rates are her"- whieh ; l,v fix-,1 and speei fied as 111.' MINIMUM MnVTJTT.V RATES to be el-aiLO'il t i-otisnmi-rs of warer in the i-ity of Med ford. Oi-eiili. I,.r the use thereof, from and ii I'l i r the L'-l day of .lanuary. 1IMIS: Harbor slu.p-i- Cue ehair. I .; inol'e than one chair, first ehair .Um, eaeli additional ehair ."" eents; eaeli bath tub, I .!'.-. lintels -- -.ni. Loilitio hmis. s l .'i.j e.-uls fur each In , I in addil ion t" family rale, 1,'estaiiraiils, eoff, , and el niiue -1.1 , Ills biiarili'i- in a Idiii.-i, ti n. lip l.h, .s-.'i.IH). houses r h-ail fiiiii il y toilet, eloset, s; eai'll no ear :Ol!l . .."ill other than It .v,ierl i I Iniill llie.ll bllsilie. and lull lip, HI business pi-in.-ipl l"i,li,-- is proei-ijssii e, l',,i' -et'. and in ,1, p. 'ml, oil . Its minute,, -r has ha I main iiais' e perien,.,- in .' .'let i,-a I uewsoa t..r work. The lie w si ,ii..-r .r,.'it ies ,o lied ll'e bound to be Hi', at lleWS ,,.-S. Ill',,' tlh'l l-,.,V,.s,.t th. wild.' p,'o,li' and st a ltd i lie; for the P"o l.le. will be , sopooit, d bv the peoide. The ilailv lei's tiuu won.l erf nil v sit,,., Hie pies-. ul maiia.-r toot, elriiee He f.-inil a lei a t. vii ut ills! it at ion with n.ith in- but debts, i!l will and . repaid eireu I ,' i -a, Il was out of fa or w ith the p !.. :iil wi'l, the a.lierlis, r I k a' 'Is i .1 us !,l;i It is iii fa or v- i'Ii b. M, Il , o- l.li,- an, tl leerliser. T I ,s I n w -..eeht will but I ll'e l V -e a Mil short spare of ton, .', 1 -.,. ,l. r , I,,,,.. will I,.' ' jl- ',1' ... i. n li- A U -art to Heart Talk. 1 .slabb Si -."". Ilnkeries -.i'.'.ii'l. Soda fountains -.".II i-.-nts; eaeli jet M.iiii; eaeh tumbler wnsher, oil cents. Persons slnkiiip; iiinc or inixinu "e in, nl --l!'i II-M1 si per barrel; wet tint; t. .-I.-!,- ' 1 1 eeiils per thousand. llnlllillL' winks, breweries, etc. if I per month. lit ii t ti I rooms . l.r.n. I'liolie.-raph galleries oil. Ilwellins. teiielneiits, flats and apart meats capital by not luiii'i fa in i iv $l.(in. All other consumers, not heroin or renfter special v provided for, inelud- inr business houses, offices, ott $1.0n. Section I lie city ciuinell may. III its eptioii. reipiire any consumer oi water within said city In install it meter, approved by said council, ar.-i tnav reouire such I'.insiinier to pay for all water consumed by li l ill at meter rules; and said council iiiny. at. its op lion, enter into a special contract wtln anv consumer for the us" of water by such cinsuiner, at special rules; prn viiled that no consumer shall bf jirllllte.I the use of water at less than the mini mum rates above provided, except In Ike case of consumers of water in larjro luiinlities for mnnufactiiriiiK or other similar purposes. Section a. I tl" meter rule lor mo use of water ill said city shall bo 1.1 cents for each thousand gallons of ...,....1 1... , I, o,,u,,o,,,r but an consumer hIiiiII bn allowed the use of cliy W iner 111 less man i ne iiiiinoiioo rales ubove specified, anil no person or family shall be furnished water under my ciri'iinistanccs for less than l.t'0 per inonlli. Section 4. Any person or family al-lou-ini; iinolher mil coniieeted with the main to draw water throliull his raucet will be churned additional ill seheiTun rules. Section .". Service pipes must lie so .'seed that the supply to each house. ,' il,- .... ...t.iu.oii.ir nine l,i emit rot led l.i a separate slop cock daced so as o tie reauiiv aecessiuie in in h-l'ities. S. -eta. n Ii. Where water i plied throuo-h one servici ral houses, families or couso'eers m oeism s, tile citv council or til" water o'timittee thereof Iliav. at their lltsere ,i,,ti. cither ibcliiie to fni'iiish walet .e''! s it,- . "".--. s avo pro, : ' ,- ihaf one person shall pay for all on the name service. Seel ion 7. Any person desirini; to use the city waler tor anv purposr citv an now sup to sev TIME TABLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY, j Northbound. .t. Iti'Orru.Hi I'.xpivs ' .".n'.i p. in No, 1 1 lWtlini.l Kxprc-s ... 1 M-.M :. in Southbound. 1 Nil. 1 i 'hIiI'.m iiin '.r -ss , . : t l : J J . in Ntt. Ill Sjmi l-'i iiih-isi't) Kxp. . ' t -: 4 " p. in cirv pnrpn'M, -.-.ItMnsihlr fu nnnliratiorLtherofor, and Buch ai-plit-atinn shall iMnnh, in thf form lirt'SLTibed hy the aM water coinmitf.-c, and sliali state the purpoM; or purpos.-s for which said water is to lf. hh.-I. In the fvi-nt that th con ni.1(T shall d-in- to n-.- wat-r for h i.nr'Hw u-t sp'-i-iii'-d ' oriKiual ii.ph.ation. a n--w upplu-atioii iraii J-o i,,:,.!,., ii nd p-rniil ol.iain.d from tin- Wi'IHT c.lll'llitt'M'. S'.-tinn Any pn-oii rlirin t" diM-oiitiniM- th-- nf ..t w titer tVr any tin- rity n-c.!!!!-f(,rt- anv n hut rat. Section Tin watr may, ;it ali liiii". ! sliut uir' f"r -in tlie mains with fur ivnairs or orht-r in-ces- nl tin1 city will not bo anv chaiio in consc- MlM IK-f lo i;ilii, " t'rtv. l liil- the water is shut ott from .!.' ...t.iitu id., hot water faucets should i . ..i.n l.v coimiiin.'rs to allow Vtv I fu i..!.nP from the water heatQ Sfctiun 1". Consumers will keep all i.tpt-H and faucets on their respective premis. s in repair at their own expense, and will be hdd liable for any leakage and all damage which may result from their failure to do so. Section fl. Water will not be fur nished, except through meter, to any ,r..uiics wle-re there are defective or le-"l;iny faucets or closets or other fix-tin-i or where there are water closets or urinals without self-closing valves, and when any such leakage or other defective valves are discovered, the wa ter shall be turned off by the city untjl lepairs are made. All tanks are re quired to have self-acti'in float valves. Section lli. Xo water shall be fur nished for purposes of irrigation ex e. pt through a meter, at the prescribed in i ( i rates, and no water shall be used for irrigation purposes except between th. h urs to be prescribed therefor for the virions portions of the city by the water coni-nitt'-e from time to time. r-er;..n ! i, Water must not be al low. -i iru t waste through any fan u- t" ; 1 1 1 : to prevent freezing, or h. pt running at any time longer than is actually required except where meter is nsi . 'Winn such waste is discov ,.ivd. the water will be shut off from ihe premises. 'I'lie service pipe, within ami wirhont the premises, and Ihrnugh- ,.it its eiitir" length to the tap in the. nii'i), must kepi in repair ami ketf 1 t fr.rr freezing at the expi use of tie1 ..M'siimei', and the consumer will bf held responsible for all damage result ing him breaks. No reduction will be made in charges for water for want of -.apply caused by the stoppage of serv er pip'-s by treenig or any other cause. Section It. On u- failure of any onMiuirr to comply witli the rules and i"ulations hereby established as a con- liii.in to the use ot city water, or to rates hereby established on or I" fore the tilth d:iv of any calendar n:l, for the use of water during the pr ceding calendar mont h, t he water supply to such consumer may be shut ff bv the citv until such time as pay- ni'-nt is made of t he amount due, to getiier with the sum of one dollar addi tional tor the expense ot turning the wit el off and on, and t he violated rules and regulations are fullv complied with. Miction 1.1. No plumber or other t. jr- son will be allowed to make connec tion with the mains, or to make any illi ratioiiH in anv conduit, pipe or other f!tuie connecting therewith, or to con nect pipes when t hey have been dis .mnected by the city authorities, with out tirst obtaining a permit from th" ity. and any persoH or persons violat ng this provision shall on convictim thereof before tin1 citv recorder, be fined not less th.ui $".tm no" more thanj not lers than two days nor more tlwiii ten dm s. Sectnu Ifi. Officers of the city, and di persons as may be designated by thi' ettv council, shall have tree access at all hours of the day to any and all pails ot all buildings and premises in which water may lie delivered from the mains, for the purpone of inspecting th,' iondni n of the pipes and fixtures and the manner in which the water is used. Section 17. After the water has been hut off as provided in section 14 here of, if it should be turned on by any person other than an employe of the it v dnlv authorized sn to ilo. an excava tion will be made in the street, and the water supply of such consumer shut off ;it the tap in the main, and not turned tin again until the arrears, the cost of replacing the street pavement and two dollars for the oxp"iise of turning tin water off and on, are fully paid. Sect ton 1 The city may refuse to furnish water to auv consumer outside of the citv lim'N. and no such consumer shall be furnished water except at me ter rules; and when any meter, either winiiiu or without the city limits, tails i to reutst'T correctly, the charge shall! be according to the average .piantity of. water used daily by the consumer, as J shown by the meter when operating , correct 1 v, ' Section l!. All consumers of water. .u ii riiv shall cause all faucets and fixtur.(o be turned off immediately upon tin- sounding of an alarm of fire in taid citv, and shall keep the water so turned off until the fire department shall have ceased to use th1 city water supplv to extinguish such fin'. Section L'O. All the I'or-'going rule, and n galations must be strictly com died with in every instance, and water herein provided: and the right is re- si rved by the city to amend ot add to these rules and rates and regulations at any time withuut notice to the con sumer. Section 21. Ordinances Xos. 170, 15 and 4H. and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict hero with are hereby repealed. j The forei;ninr ordinance was passed uI t.n .-;.! f.,r bv- nil riersiiii'i sup-' liv I lie eimiie il December 1 7. l!ll)7. Osi n-I iccorauig to tne r;iin oruggc vomit ves. rowprnige yi s, r.i- .. o L - fert ves, Barkdull ves, Hafcr yes and dwell yes. Approved December 17, lfu7. J. F. REDDY, Mayor. Attest: 0 liEXJ. M. COLLINS, Keeorder. "Thnck" Wilcox, the expert balltoX-. v.ho is attending a California col-.. ptied therewith, ii ge, has returned home to spend the a i- oral pel, 11, . A. i. , I ,,, ,.. Willi I lie p,,, r-. I I .1 ., 1 PACIF10 & EASTERN RAILWAY. '. 1 l.emes Me.lt'or.l ! S:UU . m o it Leaves e,t',l ' 'J 1 I', l. Ill No. - Arm . i M, ,ifi,l Ill: In a. m No. I Arrives l e.l loi.l i ,"i:00 p. in R00UE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY S., '.' I.env.s M..,lt'..i-,l in: I.', a. i .. I l..:iv,, Me.ltei.l ... .".:-J" , : Motor !.. :iv.. Me.ll'er.l .... l'.':.-,n o. m M.e.O l.e.'iv , s ,.,t'r. .... ):" I' HI ., I I., nv , s .l:i, -. -,.nv ill,. . ii.'ln a. in ... :'. I. , uv . -. .l ,,l,,i,in ill,...' .1::f . in i l , ,,.,, .1 ,, ..s.oiv ill, I:' " . . I M!r l.ieiM- .l:,,!,-nv ill,..' 7 : :to o ,,.,,,! .,ti , , t,.. .lei ,-e 1, j - " ".' , i, I.. ,., ,.,.,t I., ;... I'll. Oie .1 ..!. .IL ,1 t I, I. r i k i) k o u I) :. oi'HiiA norsK I i HAZELRIOO & WILLIAMS, MORS. TUESDAY, DEC. 24 A spMPTroi'S PU'ODriTION OF The Holy Citv WITH LUELLA MOftEY AS SALONtE Direction LeComte & Flesher. A rro. In-triictive, Illustrative Story ol t'.:e D.iys of Our Sivior Sunerbly Mounted Co.Teotly Costumed Stien- Siripovtini? Comp.iny I'KKT.s l-OK" Tills KNCA4IKMKNT ."( .-. 1. Ui I. tfc.it iirnv on s.tl, o If You Are Uncertain o ABOUT WHAT TO GIVE (JIER POl! c ii ry T MAS, CALL 0 X T II E ( Jewelry and Optical Bo and Look Over Their Stock k rtEflDQUARTtM ER1Tii.M& n, JEWELRY YOU CAX FIND AXYTMXU YOU DKSIIM5 IX THE LINE OF Jewelry and Silverware We Carry the Finest Line of Watches in Southern Oregon ptica AI? E STRICTLY VI RST CLASS, A XI) AVK I LVYE THE LEST FACILITIES FOR TESTIXC, YOUR EYES AXI) FITTIXC GLASSES TO THEM TO HE FOUXD IX TIMS PART OF THE STATE Medford Jewelry and Optical Co. The Lid Is Off 'Tis Time To Build In i'iit t, t he lid luis never been mi tn any ;irei-ialk' extent in .Meill'iird. Inn its nt't' 1'iir l; i ii-iiv. and you can i-i .1 liieni-e liuildiiiti at once. It's clieap'';- in build l low lliau it is tn wis it till suiiinier. when everybody "ill be l.nis; and vim i-an't li't't hk'h i!'.-i!erials. liiiililinu' lias ini-reased lid per cent in Portland in the past niontli. They appreciate the situation there. You oun'lit to. also. 1 ou't delay. We have all Uinds of lumber in stock, both native and l!ootli-Kelly lumber. You may have to wait lateV on. All sinus point to biir buildint;' bnoin. Get in earlv. Iowa Box and Lumber Co. iiwwwwiiiwwwKMrainiii niiiii iwwn iiiiiiiwuii i i iiiiiiuiuajiiiiuiiiu O ' W C53Q 0; 0 () . . iJ ') (1) o (!) i.) P y O (.) w 0 () g o ly o