BAR GAINS! BARGAINS! O r BA BARGAINS GALORE AT THE MEDFORD FURNITURE GO. . , ( c BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY OR OAK KOCKEBS, WHILE THEY LAST $3.00 ALSO GREAT BARGAINS IN FANCY ROCKERS, LADIES' DESKS, MUSIC CABINETS, BUFFETS, , CHINA CLOSETS, DINING TABLES, DINING CHAIRS.. DON'T FAIL TO INSPECT THE LARGEST FURNITURE STOCK IN SOUTHERN OREGON BEFORE MAKING YOUR SELECTION. MERRY XMAS TO ALL. Medford Furniture Co., Medford, Or. ORDINANCE NO. 137. wm&iiBS&vmmmfr, An ordinance requiring and regulating the trimming of shade trees and other foliage over the streets, alleys and other public thoroughfares of the City of Medford. The people of the city of Medford do ordain as follows: Section I. It shall bo. the duty of the owner, or person. in charge or con trol of nnv shade,' 6r other trees, or other shrubbery of any kind overhang ing the streets, alleys or other public thoroughfares of the city of Medford, Oregon, forthwith to cause the same . to be so trimmed as to allow passage thereunder along such streets, alleys or other thoroughfares, free from ob- ' struct ion .to a height of 10 feet above the surface of such street, alley or oth er tliorouglifa"-. Snot inn 2. In the event of the fail ure of such owner or person in charge, ov control of such shrubbery, to cause ' the same tn be trimmed as herein pro vided, within ten days from tho taking effect of this or.l:nauee, it shall be the dutv of the chief, of police and the street commissioner of the city of Med foriltp cause written notice to bo give.n" 3Uch"owner"'oT"rerson in' charge, which notice shall require such shrub-l,i-v ,r foliaee to be so trimmed with- In ten dnvs from the service of such j notice. In the event of the failure of such person or persons to comply 1 with such notice within the time pre-1 attrition I. herein, lae cuy cooiu-u m citv mav cause such shrubbery or fo liage to'be trimmed as herein provided, and declare the cost of such trimming to be a lien npon the property to which such trees or shrubbery are appurte nant,' and such lien shall be recorded in the citv lien docket and shall be en forced in all respects in like mnnner and with like effect as a lien for the improvement of n street. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the owner or person in chnTge or con trol of rniv shade or other tree or oth er shrubbery of any kind, situate upon the streets or sidewalks of said city in front of or abutting npon any preni ises therein, which are used for busi ness purposes, forthwith to cause the said trees or shrubbery or both to be entirelv removed, so as to permit the unobstructed use of and passage along and across audi streets and sidewalks. Section 4. In the event of the fail ure of such owner or person in charge or control of such trees or shrubhrry tn ,.iiiie Hie same to be r"""o't 'is herein provided, within ten days after the taking effect ot this oruinance. , shall be the duty of the chief of police nud the street commissioner of sauli citv to cause written notice to be given to such owner or person in charge or control, which notice shall, reiiirre such I trees or shrublierv to be removed within : ten dnvs from the servic" of s'idi no tice. In the event of the failure of such person or nersims to comply withj such notice within the time prescribed ' tl., r,. in t.llo i-itv council of said city may caiise such trees nr shrubberv to be i sn removed lis herein prnvule.i. nun j declare the cost thereof to be a lieu : upim the property to which such trees; or shrubberv are appurtenant, and such ' liens shall be reconb'd in the Citv lien, docket, and shirll be enforced in all respects with like effect and in like, iimnnir as a lien 'for the improvement fit h itroH. The foregoing ordinance was pa-sed bv the city council December lr'.th. I 11107, Osenhrugge volino- "arc." Trnrr ! bridge "aye." Kifert "aye. Ilafer nnd Barkdnll nbsenr. Approved bv th" ma.v'T the 1.1'h day of December.' 10"T. J.F. RKDDV. Mnvnr. Attest: nKN'J. M. COLLINS. Recorder. CITV N'OTH K. The city council at its meeting held on December 13, W07, instructed the recorder to purchase house numbers and to furnish the same to all property own ers at as near cost as it was possible. The numbers can he had from the city recorder about December 2". The corder will also furnish the rorrect number for each lot. BEN.'. M. COM.IVS. t or,ler. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of monej and neither give the fit, style nor distinction t" your clothes thatiyour own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY fpfJJ The City Tailor FRENCH DRY CLEANING Medford Don't Worry About His Christmas Present Helpful Holiday Hints GET UNDER COYER It's a good idea lor everybody ot get under cover in Med ford, including the city council, und we arc here to furnish you the BEST PROPERTY IN MEDFORD for the least money. If you are a stranger in Medford, you can't afford to lose money by boarding with your family at a hotel. The business man's way of doing is to buy a nice cheap tract and build a nice houso while the present financial situation contin ues. It 's a fact that you can build cheaper now than you could a month ngo; or, better yet, BUY A CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN TO A BUSINESS CENTER :iml watch it tfrow into more niniier brforf Hpriiij:. We tire pre p.-irrt! to all lioinrsmfkent with drsirabk- homes at u low niin Now i tin' time t' l'1. v. "live rent sunl make minify by tin- tilvuncp in pri-. Land Go. Neckwear Gloves Silk Hose Jajamas JSilU Silk Underwear Full-Dress Protectors Bath Kobes Smoking Jackets Silk AnnbaniU Silk Garters Initial and Silk Handkerchiefs Umbrellas Fancy Waistcoats -Leatlior Hat Box Traveling Bags Dress Suit Oases Benjamin Dress Suit 1 .: !. I .. . .- V Benjamin Tuxedo Suit Silk Suspenders jewelry Merchandise Order ii.-iHIEIT BUILDING, MBDFOCD, OREGON. Medford Steam Bakery HOT BOLLS FOR BREAKFAST I or dainty little dinner rolls that will tempt the appetite of thei must fastidious, Is the kind vr i serve every day when ordered. Hrea.lstwffs, light, white and dc Hundreds of people are taking advantage of the largest line of men's and youth's holiday goods ever offered iu Medford, Cur prices will please you DANIELS' NEW CLOTHING STORE EPSOM fiALTS FOUND licitiuB, is our aporialty, b well an t ho rirhnnt. finest iUnf pas trv and pi'-s. Wfcfn rou mat to rniov vonr mrah, nrtUr rom h.ikf-iti!ff from ui. TO BE ANAESTHETIC A It fl f Pltll!''l)lll t of Mif new rtjiHinth.'th'. I C l IN('HVTV lit' lir.-i.r'liiiy to til' , iii'-rn an ti1in. will o"H i"- m;i'M- ny j)h- l.fM-krMIrr iiwtitiiti- fur medical I war-a. Th Tif nnrMtlit'n' in notliigg dim tluiii pltiiii, common HiiltM, nr to y,vn it be produced by tho injection of n 20 per rent Kolntioii of tin familiar drug itw Mrirnt ific iiiiiiif, milpluiti of iiihk into tin- m-rvc tract K,,v,'rilillK fie cn fii'diii. II wm liHro r(! by Dr. Mam- ' Mitioiis of tli part to be oHnitifl upon. ml .1. Mi'ltuwr, ojic of tlx Kockffcller fxpi-riiHi'iitiTu J t tfrcjiti'Ml valiif in that MittfUg Licennos. it pcisiitfi any ort of operation with- I'mnU K. Trntier ami Mmnlo Kirli- out any Hjtfi'-r to th heart of ihn (a f nTlB ticrit. OcimthI aoBMrhfniH, it aM, ioy o ') )C5) a