Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 21, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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    or.DIN V-VCE fCO. 133.
All ordinance to provide far the prc
venuoa oi lircs anu utj i.uiectioa oi
persons ;uid rji-ciitiLj. uiu.u: jinl
tnercby; to tiyulito i-o c-ju-.tiiu-
ingWnd to i. ii l:::iits 1.1
tiio City ol' Med! Old, Oi'cau.
'J Ik- J;c..J.k- ul tin- i 11 m ..I i : i.I i
.Id urihuii uti Cullinvi.:
N-rtiun 1. Tlmt nil 11. ill part Hi"
'it v of .Mi-ilt'.inl. Ori-'iiii,', lymy
unii bi-im; ivilliin the iulluvviiiy boun
dary lint-, to-wit:
(.'oiiiiiii'iu'iiii' at the eriiti-r of tlie in-
tcTSeetion of Kijjfltli street ami li street,
in said eltv. minimi' tlieneo in u norm
erly direetiun ulong tlie eenter line of
said O street to its interseetion wiin
tho south boundary linu of the north
ha f of b ock Iittv-totir im cxti'iiu
ed; thentB westerly alouj,' said south
houndarv line to its intersection wim
tho center Hue of Jl street: thence
northerly along said center lino of II
street to its intersection with tho north
boundary of the south half of block
fifty-five (53) extended; thenco east
erly along snid north boundary lino to
its intersection with tiio center nuo oi
(i street; thence northerly along said
center lino of 0 street to its intersec
tion with tho center line of Hiith
street; thence easterly along the cen
ter line of said Hiith street oitended to
the westerly meander line of Bear
creek; thence southerly along said
westerly meander line of Hear creek to
its intersection with the center lino of
Kighth street extended; thence westerly
along the center lino or r.iguin sireei
extended to tho place of beginuing, all
according to tho duly recorded map or
plat of said city; ho ana tno same Here
by is declared to bo within tho fire
limit of the said city;
Hection 2. Thero shall be appointed
by the mayor of the city at the firBt reg
niar meetiug of tho city council after
the city election in uiu yeur from the
members of said council, a committee
of two (2), who, with the said mayor,
shall be ex-officio a member . and
chairman of said committee, shall
constitute a committee on fire.
There .hull also e appointed by
tho mayor a chief of the fire depart
ment, who shall have tho direction anil
uontro) of irtl necessary acts and meas
ures for tho extinguishing of fires with
in tho said city, and who shall receive
for Mich AorviccA such compensation as
the city council muy from timo to time
Hertion Jt, .All buildings hereafter
erected within the Mid fire limits shall
have their outside walls and party walls
made of brick or stone or other noncom
busiibte material, nnd such outside walls
shall cxtond from tro foundation to
tho top niirl above the roof of such
building, and tho roof thereof shall be
covered with tin or other non-combust-,
ible aubstance, and tho walls shall be
so constructed as to separate all wood
work, both of tho interior nnd exterior
of Mck building thoroughly and com
pletely from all nnd every part of the
interior and exterior of nny adjoining
liiitlil!H witlmi
- i-liinili'-v
! Unit
l,li the
n.-.ll r..u:M li-'e
, hill f I . .1 li. l-' .v
I.ihI ill & t i im-
be j.l;il'-r '1 on
v. h.-n ki--iii tlir.iuan
.iHv.irtAhiill I"- l'la- !
t , .-, ( nil tile oulside. N" chimney or
fine plmllfi built which shall have any
joist or timber ri'Ntiiifym or .g
into the same further than will leave
at hunt si inches between the end
thereof nil1 the interior wall of said
hi i.nev or flue. They shall be well
jeiurid' and shall ex feud at hast four
teet above tho roof ff the building to
which thev ure attached, measuring
from the 'point where such chimney
... ri .... throuL'h the roof. In
the event that such chimney or flue
i... ,i.,.,l liv the chief of the lire ae
imrtment to be unsafe for tho building j l-Ia.---1
within t'
t iin ! ".
N.. I",
ii it per-.Mis
nv c..mlnivi ii.le'.n.l. an.l ..r.'.iii.iiu-.-s ininiliereil b.-eein.- iuim. .liari ly opepi'ive. an emer
it, ;i i. !!." ami 1J of the present ' !'.. ! h r.-l.y i1. .-!mm-.1 to exist, and
it iniHile riii'. ami all other or-I t.iis ..r.liiuin.-e, li:t!l l.e in full for.-e
-. ::;I I arts of ordinances in : 1 !f-'i-' i
.t li. r. with are h. r.-by repealed. ( -!.v th - e
i'.Iv li'ter 1M :n
I :n. i ai'iiioval l.y t lie
Mayor Pro Teiu.
Attest: '
jin.vr. M. f-oi.uxs.
-u. li l.u'ht
a lain. ru.
-lit iviiere
-ting .ai.l
or buildings adjoining, such chimney
or flue shall be carried up to such a
heiuht as may be deemed necessary by
I, chief of tho tiro department,
not to exceed, however, four feet above
the extreme height of said adjoining
building or building,
si. 11. No smoke nine in any
building with wooden or combustible
floors or ceilings shall cater any flue
thin eighteen inches or eimer iioor
or ceiling, and in all cases where smoke
pipes pass through any wooden or other
ci.uioustioie parillioua lur.
guarded by a double collar of metal
with at least two inches air space and
holes for ventilation, or by a soapstone
or earthenware ring three inches in
thickness or three inches from the pipe
and extending through the partition or
tv a solid coating ut plaster of paris
three inches thick. 1 No stovepipe nor
smoke pipe shall pass through any win
dow, side wall or roof of any building,
except by permit granted by the chief
of the fire deuartment, and such permit
shall designate the length of time for
which such leave is granted, ine open
ing through which such pipe shall pass
through such roof or side wall shall be
in all case at least four inches greater
in diameter than the size of the pipe,
anil such opening shall be protected as
in casus of passing through partitions
and in addition by proper tin or zinc
Tirotcction upon the outside and inside
of such wall or roof. No smoke pipe
shall be placed nearer than sixteen
ine(ics to any wan except at rigui an-
gles thereto in passing through the
same, and such smoke pipes shall be
subnet to all the restrictions ana reg-
ulai ons horein nrovidod for himne38
and flues under like eircumstancoa. No
person, ouner owner, proprietor, Buyer
inteiident. aizent or occupant of, or oth
er person using, or managing, or having
control of any ateara saw or planing mill
or factory or foundry or machine shop
or any other establishment where Btcam
power is used, shall use or maintain or
erect any smoke-stack or chimney in
cr-naectioa with any such establishment
BViHiiHW, mmn im onu-r whip hi 1111 - ...... L . . . .
brick 7r stono buihlinH ..Pmiftor erer.t-1 of .eft height thaa twenty feet above
M within niMl fire limUn nhnll fur one
story building bo nut 1cm than flight
iiK'twa in MiickncMi; for two atury
building not let than twelve inches In
thirkitrM for tkr Drt liory &nd eight
inchra for tke necond ntory t 'n
buildinjrtt more than two torii in
heikt the walli of nai'h utory itwall be
at WHt twelve in c hen in thickneM ex
epit tho of tb ujiM'r story, which
hall t at ktrt cipht inWe ia Ihk'k
a aw. AH walk ihall bo are u rely an
ehortsl to vvh tier of (team, an id an
eh or to lie made of inrh and a half by
thrreeihtliB wrap iron or five-eiyliths
round iron, and Raid anehorn ttlutll be
fciirclv built into the wall at leant
one -half tho thicknewi of the wall ut
intervals of not more nian eight feet
,Aiart and widl faateiinj to the iK-amit.
'o brick or tttoni wall Hhnll be mip
inrli'd hmii Htrinern of wood in any
(Ktrtion of the eity.
, rWtiun 4. All buildiiiK over one utory
in height hereafter ererted in aaid fire
limitn nliall have ne little fnimen nnd
doom leniliiiK to the roof anil nhall liave
laddrrH or MairwnyH lending to the
aame, and nil flitch acuttlci nnd utair
wayn flhall be kept ho ns to bo ready
for immediate iue at all tiiueH, and all
auth acutlb-d Ahull be at leant two by
three feet in the clear, innide measure
rVetion ,1, All repair to building
count meted of brick. Atone or other non
fomhtiPtitdc muterial flhnll be made to
conform to the provinionn of thit ordi
nance. 1
rVetioJi ft. It in brreby (fee la red un
lawful for any imtwhi, Nrftona, firm or
corporation to build, conntruet ot eroet
nny building or building, or to make
repaint rueOeding twenty five dollarn in
ciHt upon any ttuilding or to build nny
addition to any building within siiid fire
limit without first nubinitting to-the
tlr? committee of tho anid city council
plattfi and Hpecifiintioiin of ouch con
fructiou, alteratiim, repair -or addition
and obtaining from m;id committee a
(kermit, which permit ahnll specify fully
the nature and exlcnt of such coimlruc
tion, alteration, repair or addition, atul
Mo mich permit uluUl be grantetl unlem
Hitch ronstrnctioi, nlterntion, reair or
addition conform to all the provisiMiifi
of thifl ordinance: prm-ided, that "not
more than one permit a year nha1l be
isnetl to ri-pnir any one building ex
eept to rep:ur damages cnuTd by tire
or water.
S.vtina T. A'o buihlini; within the
Kiiiil tire limit vluill .i n im ed exet-pt
to a pi'itiou of the same lot on whivlt
it 'iiav li:iv rti'nd to tn.-il.e rnion fur n
wore permanent impritv eniert. r t. -i
Mninr eutxide the tire limit.
tion S. Whenever nnv buiMitii'
the roofs of tho adjacent buildings, nor
unv smoke-stack or cnimney noi
eouinued with an adequate spark ar
rester, nnd in tho ovent that in the
opinion of the chief of tho fire depart
ment a sheet iron pipe, or Buch spark
nrretiter, i not sufficient for the safe
ty of the adjacent building or buildings,
ho shall notify the owner or occujAnt
thrvof and shall order a brick or stone
fbimaey or Adoqaat spark arrester,
which order shall be complied with
witaia twenty days after such notice.
The owaers or persons in charge of
l.ntels or restaurants shall in all cowyt
provide brick or stone chimneys to be
used in place of stove-pipes. All own
ers and occupants of nny building with
in said city in which there is n smoke
pipe shall, wheu notified by the chief
of the fire department, comply with all
of tho foregoing requirements nnd shall
also replace a bad or defective smoke
pipe or spark arrester with n new one
when so ordered by the snid chief of the
fire department.
Section 12. In tho event that the
chief of the fire department shall deem
any flue, smoko pipe, Bpnrk arrester or
chimney in the said city to be unsafe,
he shall notify tho owner or occupant
of the building in which the snmn is
situated that the same must be repaired
or removed within ten davs thereafter,
and the said owner hull forthwith dis
continue tho use of such chimney,
smoke-pipe or fluo, nad forthwith cause
the same to be sa repaired or removed.
Section in. No 9tove-pijw shall stand
within two fnet of any wooden or cloth
wall, uuleas Buck wall is fully protect
ed by tin or zinc, plates fastened there
to, and all persons using fire in stoves
shall cuae to be placed under suprh
stoves, zinc or other non combititiblc
material sufficient to protect the floor
thereunder from fire.
Section H. It shf.ll be unlawful for
nnv MTton or persons te deposit any
ashes un any wooden floor or in Any
wooden or combuitible vemcl in said
city, or to deposit such ashes in any
ithin M.i,l citv h:,ll be U
nnii'h in uif' d 'is f In ii
- of tli.' , ,i, ..(' ,,..
:V :uel II,.. .-m. 'ire , ,
Northbound. I
No. Id! Oregon Kxprs. . .
No. 14 Portland Kx press.,
No. l"'('aliftr!iia Kx press
.No. U' I S;ui rranei-ico Kxp
. fl:i0 p. m.
. ! J:3(. n. m.
. 1 10:'JS a. m.
No. I l.eave
o. It l,e:ivef
No. 'J rrie
No. I rrie
'Med ford. .
M.'dfold. .
; M.dlnrd.
No. L' 1 .i
''No. I I,
aes Mi
dford . . .
d'oi.l . . .
S:0 n. m
'2 : to p. in
I1: lo a. in
o:(Hp. Ill
a. i"
-.nielv , :..-:o, .1 i:--on
iim' a I
!e materials are
aliiiM it. without so prot.
lijjlit us to prevent such materials from
falling uiion or coming in contact with
sueh light.
Section 17. Kvry person using or
making (siavings shall at the close of
each dax cauae the same to be securely
stored or disposed of so as to be safe
from fire, and all hay, straw and other
combustible materials shall be stored
so as to be safe from fire, and when not
so stored the chief of tho firo depart
ment ninv direct the removal of the
same or cnuse the same to be protected
from fire ht the expense of the owner or
occupant of the premises whereon the
same is situate. S'o owner or occupant
of any livery stable in Baid city shall,
either in person or by ageut, UBe or per
mit to be used therein or in anv place
where hay. Btrsw or other combustible
materials are stored, any lighted candle
or other light, unless the same be pro
tected securelv bv a laiiteru.
Section 18. The chief of the fire de
partment of the said city shall at all
times have the right to enter upon any
premises or into any building witLin
said city for the purpose of discovering
or ascertaining any violations or th:
Section 1U. No person shall make or
cause to be made any tire on any wooa
"u pavement or planking within said
city, or make or cause to De made any
open fie for the burning of rubbish or
otner romousiiuie materials wnnin i air
ly feet of any building, nor shall such
fire bj made upon any street or lot
within paid fire limits without the per
mission of the chief of the fire de
partment first had and obtained.
Section 20, No person shall boil any
pitch, tar. turpentine, varniBh, rosin or
otner in nam ma Die euDstance in sum
citv except in an open space; not less
than thirty feet from any building, or
in a Tire-proof buuuing. ine enter, or
the fire department iB hereby directed
and required to see that the provisions
of this ordinance aro observed and en
forced, and to mako complaint to the
city recorder of any violation thereof.
Section m. Kvery person using or oc
cupying a building in which there is a
hoistwuy or well-bole through the floor or
floors hall keep such homt-way or well
hole, when not in actual use, surrounded
by a substantial railing, and shall cause
the same to be securely closed at night
by a suitable trap-door or other covering.
Seetion 22. It is hereby declared un-1
lawful for any person or persons what
ever to tamper, meddle or otherwise in
terfere with any water ditch, cistern,
pipe, hydrant, faucet or other means or
appliance by which water is supplied
to the city of Medford, or with the
water supply thereof or the water run
ning therein.
Section 23. Any persoa or persons
who shall violate or cause or permit to
be violated any or nil of the provisions
of this ordinance, or who shall fail
to comply with any and all of the re
quirements hereof, .shall bs guilty of a
misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction
thereof, be fined not Jess than five
dollars nor more than one hundred
dollars in addition to the coats of the
prosecution, and In default of payment
of any fine imposed hereunder, the por
son liable therefor shnll be imprisoned
one day in the city jail of said city for
each two dollars of such fine and cost3
remaining uupaid.
Section 24. In addition to the fine
or imprisonment above provided, every
person found guilty of a violation of
nny of tho provisions of this ordinance
shnll be reqnin'd to remedy or remove
the fault or neglect complained of, and
each iind every day that such persons
or person continues such refusal or neg
lect to comply herewith shall be deemed
to constitute a eparate offense here
Seetion 25. In th event that odt
person or persons shall Tofuso to reme
dv or remove .any fault or neglect in
violation of nnv or the provisions or
requirements of this ordinance after be
ing notified so to uo as nerein provwea,
the chief of tho Arc, department - ad
the said fire committee may, if they
deem it necessary or expedient, cause
such fault ot neglect to b remedied or
removed, at the expes of the city In
the fin iastaae, and tho wrt of sueh
remedy or removal shall be declared by
the city council to be a lien upon the
property upoa which such fault or a(r
lect existed, and such lira shall be re
corded in the city lien docket and shall
be enforced ia ail rcvpects in like ssan and with like effect a in th cmp
of n Jiea for the improvement of a
Seetion 2fl. Ordinances numbefwl M.
91, 117, 157 of the original writ of
numbering of the ordinances of the city
M R D F O R 11
a st'Mrrrors
The Holy City
Direction LeCnto !t Flcsher.
V Ture. Instructive. Illustrative Story
c: t'.ic Diys of Oar S vior.
:upfv"'ly Mounted
CVinvtly Co.tu'ned
Strom: Snnuortiiii? Ciimny
KN ! A( i KM KT
"ic, H.iHi.
Sett, now an Ml.
:"'... n .; ;, s wiiieh will or 'i
; !:. . 1- o-' fir-- iii t ho !
s.l.1 : . v ',.e rive.. I within th
v.i'rri iii! i i- li'tiils, aie (n-niiie)i as ir
s ft ir sii'-ii r-' tii met -;;trv t'ir the Kr:
immediate preservation oi the safety
of the eitv that thin ordinnnee should
oMiMiine" was pas!"d
hi , , piir::i.".'.' voting
voti!;-' :ivv. Itowbrulgo vut
T!--rMu!. -.-.':ig
.Terry Heeivathorue, formerly a resi
dent or" .Medr'onl, who has been se
ri.uly nt h's home at Hijtte Full,
diiv.ti I 's gi"il!''iMv KiiiKing, wiin no nope ot
. ! !:,v-.r Ie.!.)v absent.
Ai-proved December 3. lOn.
recovery. Mr. iiecKatnorne has been
in very poor health for sevoiXjyear.s.
If You Are Uncertain
Mwi Jeuelrv and Optical Go.
and Look Over Their Stock
fllfriTHIhfr I
Jewelry and Silverware
We Carry the finest Line of Watches in Southern Oregon
Optical Goods
Medford Jewelry and Optical Co.
The Lid
Is Off
Tis Time To
In fat-t, the lid has never bwn on to any appreciable
extent in Medford, .but its off for good now, arid you can
coiiunence building it once.
It's cheaper To build now Hum it is to wait till summer,
when everybody will be busy and yon 'an't get men or
Building has increased 30 per cent in Portland in tlie
past month. They appreciate the situation there. You
ought to, also.
' Don't delay. We have all kinds of luniW in stock, both
native and Booth-Kelly lumlor. You may have to wait
later on.
All signs point to big building boom. Get in early.
Iowa Box and Lumber Co.