Don't Forget Your Wife This Christmas o A NICE, COMFORTABLE ROCKER, THAT YOU !q CANjSIT by the fire and read the tribune o o o A FINE DRESSER, THE LATEST DESIGN, THAT o YOU MAY ADJUST YOUR TIE BEFORE GOING TO TOUR BUSINESS. O o o o o o o AN ELEGANT DINING TABLE, BUFFET OR, CHINA CLOSET, THAT YOU CAN ENJOY YOUR DINNER AND FEEL PROUD OF YOUR FAMILY. ' SAY, A CARPET-SWEEPER. YOU CAN DO THE SWEEPING BEFORE GOING DOWN TOWN. o o O fx o o o IN FACT, YOU MAY GET MANY USEFUL PRESENTS FOR HER AT THE M edford Furniture Co., Medford, Or. OKDINANCE NO. 139. ! i n :i week day, nor at any hour on : sum. fay, aim in the event that any An ordinance licensing and regulating shuntinc nailery 1k kept open after said rtain daises of tr&de. basiiioas and luu-:-. or upon a Sunday, tin license of oocup.tion, and vocations in too cuy of Medford, Oregon. The people of the city of Medford do ordain us fellows: Section 1. It shall be unluwtnl with in the eitv of Medford, Oro(jon, after the 2d day of .laanary. 1 III is, for any person, linn, eoinpuny or corporation, to do, perform, eondllet or carry on any of the trades, businesses, occupations or professions or vocation, hereinafter mentioned without hovinu first paid to the city recorder of said city for license so to do, the ainniilit of license set op posite the respective inline and descrip tion of such trade, business, occupation, ifession or vocation in tnc sciieiiuie following, to-wil: Cne-riii, circus, one pr u -1 1 shoot iiic allerv inuv be forthwith tcvolied by the city council, without niit-i-e t" the proprietor or persons in ch:. ;e o.' '-ncll shoot itl gallery. S -ctio 0. Tor tile pin-pones of this old. nance, draymen are defined to be I e- 'lis ho k -pp any dray, wagon, car or i Iter hide used for the con ee.eace i:. fri ' ,ht, merchandise ur oth er ir axis "'' qu:" ' it y . friiin place to place ill lid i ';y 1. r hire; and express or delivery wagons are defined to be wag ons or vehii-Ws used for the delivery i f ioods, wans and merchandise sold I.,- , lo.nt.- o- ,. le-..i 1-, sail) I'it.V, for I, The New Furniture Store exhibition exhibition i-pr-riitkr t'irens, tun1 rxhiliit iim or day ..50.00 inn circus and niciuiKoi'ic, - exhibition per day . in. no , 'oif circus and menagerie, i. ihibition per day 50. on .-. . 'nir circus and mcnaoerio, ... thibition per day 50.00 circus, two exhibitions iv T:i- lv... e-:h;!iil:o::s : iil; circus, tu-o exhibitions I IV 25.00 75.00 75.00 tii, i-'iii.- circus and ingoric. 1 .... ' eh-l.itVns per da'-' -'. Two-rii. circs and moiiatrerio. 1 .vii 1 xllilet'or- I" r day 7-..' o Tin- riiii: circus mid :iieuno.crio. two exhibitions per day 5-"" All other shows lllel. r canvas. in ror.lino to size, at the discretion of tin- eitv recorder, p"t' 'lay. f sln.nn to -...00 Companies or troupes advert ism:.' or selling patent 1111 divines ..r proiub'tnrv remedies "r other jeei-i-handise. each exhibition.. lo.l'O Sir-et hawker r venders, per K".1.'ii.ediVle':s.'i'..'i: 'day. ciii-l.. . . - - :. IViiillns. with ws "' '' . , llr:. no 11. with one li"! tc. ' H''1'. r Mcar'"'' ' "' n-nvm, .,. with v.. . " . I- . i.H.'i .1 ' -;vpr "-s -r del'v I V "el! '!:s- "!"' ,..r- ' '"'h- "' i' 'ir.-r ' ' Kxpr.s- .." .Iei...ry .!:. " , liors. 1"'' '. f. r - Itsmxrl. t r 1:1 . I.I, S. lactl t lble. I'' V 'I'"'!' ""- ' ' f.wii,: ..-y. "-'' "'r r : , t...p. . ". l r iim rl. i- b- a Ui-V.mi-r i-s. pi r 'in v : 1' '.broker-, per o'e" '-1' J" H minx rinks, ner miarti r ' U: II. .iu'ii and advertisement ire, 01 101 liie eoneyance for hire of I parcels, pnekaues, f-uiiKs or ttaKac, within said city. Seetion 7. No ties or charges other 1 1: an these kere-i: piovidcd lill be im posed upon my of the tradcH. busi iiesses. occiipit inns or vocations h--rein eiinuieialeil. Section S. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, or nny am'iit of such person, firm or corporation, or any employe thereof, who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall noon eoiivii-rion of Bnch violation be fore the city recorder be fined not b ss than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and shall pay the costs of ;.p,sei-nt ion, and in default of pay in i't of such fine and such costs, shall be committed to anil confini d in the eitv jail of sail city one dny for each sej.oii ,,f .011 h fine nlul cosis teniaiaine. ee::tid. 11.! ev. ry -.-epf t't:on ef siu-h violation shall constitute a separate of ii l ll' di r ties section. . S. i-tion !l. ( ii-dinances iiunibired l:::: and 152 of the original serieH of ordi nances, and '-'0. :'.'. :n. :V2. 5:l. ."( and "I", .if the prey lit series, alu! all other onlaiances and parts of ordinances in conflict herew'th are hi reliy repealed. The foreoini; ordinanee was nassed be rl-e city i-o'-ni d on the 17lh day of It 'iib.-r,' l'io7. O-a nbiuee votiuj.' yes Trowbridit" yes. Kit'erl yes. I'.arkdull its. Ohvell its, llafer yes. A t.eroved 'lleeeinl.-r 17. I!t'i7. .1. V. liKlUlY. Mavor. Everything is New EverytJiinjy in our st.oix is new and of the latest dcsipi." Nearly nil of our stoek arrived within the last two weeks. It eannot he duplicated in southern ( )roi;oii. It is strictly up-to-date. We carry only late desiirns., which are not found in other stores. Is a Notable Event The opening of our new furniture store is a notable event for Medford and the West Side. -We begin anew our career among you with a determination to make this the "satisfactory store," to serve you bet ter and to sell you cheaper than .you ever knew be fore, or thought to know. si : 1!. M. I'lll. I, INS. lie i-.b r. pi. in 1 5.00 h..tin (Mllci-;. -. eer ci"'-' r 1.', .,.,,. ...I s. each, l-r dav l,,M,.l, waa ms. for ea.-h '.ariely I ; MM .lit II ,. S.i le.n 2. Anv I" hnn. ' !" .., ,-, r-.ti-e. Oi" "L'eut Hi" ,.,,, tie t-eder of He- lo-e- '"'r'' . proi iil. d. niav, in 11"' .I's.-retii'ii "l he .-if vee.-rder el' t I"' city "lb 1 ;,( y,l i do. en.l lee'- '"' ,..-:v .,. snel. trn.'-. l-.w!-.. '-.. ie .-...-i.ileu Bill. Mi -"'I i,.,.t , oil ef the it:.-, eftiie , . 1;.... ,-. ....latlAhs tl.r. '! : hat .! evl ibi'i'" a 'i 1 t" 'fi.'-tia.ii'-s , ., ll,,.lii,, ciiara.-i -r. aad :.0 bevne; or ,.U,iii;,tie c"ll"-sts lire " rob, lilted. S. ,-tien ".. Anv exIiibno.M '!'"-l '' l.,l.- I.e .--si, , ill "1 H"'l I ei.'inili tmtv. in til'1 d aiel 1. I. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. I i.,.. :.:, r.. 1 -.-it; to Mary II. Mar till, lain! in seetietl 10. t"tll. ship ::s. '-aliL-e I ' Cold Hay If' ali.v cimrnnv t.. rlar. lee H . I'mev. property '11 Pi ,1: :.5. M. dfor I .1". V. I 10 I. V. Tleeieis. hied in si.-tieii U5. township e7, ..-'.:: 2 V 'I'. It. I ,r:o II t" ;.-..IB- II- I'' a" . s y i, se.-ti' u '"ivi!iip (ienioe II. IVris,. '0 I ,...:.... I,:im In r i-otui.tiliy. limited. K ' i :ind S V 'i se.-eef . town kin ::t. imiil" 1 W: let 12.. ....-lion el. tev.t.-liip "2. rtii'L'-- I w II. V. I. I. -a 1" V. -lev V... 1. -itv i:t ISarr's addii..n I" M. il I.."' ' 11. I'. Willis to YV.slev Voji.-I. t.r,... r!- :n li t'-'' t- M.-1'..-t l,,.,-rtj:, ! ' i'1- M- !' ..!.. s '.. 1... n. I!, r-.t :el-liti. l! ! -Idalld . . . ..1. - . Hen .ten " i:i ''"a M- Tables Dressers J'ockers M'oitih Chairs Dining Chairs Parlor Sets Writing Desks !nckcrs Iimidnir Sets l'ete-a-Tetes Mirrors '.niches Kverythiiig . ceded li. Fitting utiil Fixing I n Yuir ll'iine YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT OUR NEW STORE 11 is the fines! of its kind south of Portland, with Hie largest stuck in southern Oregon. We have just moved in are not quite settled vet. but will be delighted to see you anil bine you inspect the best and biggest stock of furniture ever seen in the h'ogue Kivcr valley. )ur store is in our new building on West Seventh. Jt is WO feet 'wide and 1 40 feet flee . We occupy the entire two floors and have beside two galleries nearly K),()()() feet of floor space. Our work shop in the rear is the most complete and modern. When down town at night', drop around our why anil see our st'To by elect ricity. It is as bright as day, brighter, we think, and big are lights and 7! incandescent globe-; illuminate the entire in terior. As vou go into 1 li:1 main cut I'i'.nce yoii will see the latest dining ( :i -i ts in golden and antique oak and oilier dining room lads :i:i'' ' 'in :c.i. Then there are bod room sets, and costly pieces of I'ti.:! lire, as well as those of miulcrat prices. There are special : i ( - designed only for my lady's boudoii. There are lete-a-tele set 1 s a-it! cenif'oi'I'ilile lounging chairs. There are .Morris easy ch'drs ami all makes and designs of rockers. There arc Russian 'i :'.'.: ci iiehes -t he inot eoiiiplet" st' ck in liie count ry and ev crvtiiing that is needed in the furnishing of a modern and itp-to-0 la' c Icnse. Our sjiaco is too limited to give more than a missing glimpse of 'what we have. Come in and see for vourself. Carpets Tapestries Oriental Hugs Sofas - Duffels Iron Heds Drass Beds 'Plate Hacks Chiffoniers I Vrainbiilators Cradles High Chairs Whatever Vou Need in a House You'll Find Wo Have f V ll. be Pe t I .. ret ion ..f the .,itte, to I.e eivetl t i e-.tte lit of anv II. .w. 11. Ma ' .,oi,, 1 N..tliitii! herein , out a i lied -I -ill be , ,,1-tnicl t" i.rexent r.-..l-nts :..-' ....c I ..e.t, fi'tiitL'lv adv.-rlisinB t heir e II I i'-:!ie-- "f lt:i the oaveeiit "t art' '"' ' ' I ,i,b,. tltf.t !" 1 peis.o.s. ...... lall it p'ti.". tlo-rwi-e inscribe any v. rti-iliL' matter anv r pavein-nt in er up"" "v .ets or all.-vs or other public rate I.e. tt:t S. re. Ill le .M:i ,;. p., i, i ;,. ietvii-1 ip r?r.- 1 V . . ha M:,i-I, ill t-. Meit;ii St.r..-.ll. land in ll 1. 1 eti. fovn.-hip :ni. ranee i' V . without, ,r,,, , Karl and U.dbert leense tees, pro- -,,,,..,, .,,. :,, I r ,,.!. township .'ttt. ranne 2 W We Seek Your Pat,onaie We have slmwn our faith in Medford by putting in a -lure and stock larger than most towns twice it de ;m licat of. We have failh in .Metlford's future ali'l are here t:. stay. We .".re here to please you and wdl earrv "lily the best goods that money can buy. ( (lie price to all. 10,000 Feet Floor Space We are able to make a comprehensive displav ' I our furni! ore because of our facililics. Vou st-n, 1 in cur front door and sec at a ulance the lale-f de signs in hoiwc hold furniliire. W'e guarantee all i.f our Liooils. .Mmii'v back if von are not salNficd. Weeks & McG e, .e si. 1, -wal!: of the place., ill tie Section said city. o dioetiiik' nallerv sh: arl Marshall to Ira and I In r enen Marshall, til acres in I I, i: 511. township .'1''. rane-' 2 W Stephen I". Sims to A. W. Sil-bv. be pertuilted to remain ".''" ,,",:'7 "1 N K 1 i sect ion ratntc I W . . .'I, township 31. owars A. W. Sil-l.y to II. A. Noilh. X K 1, 21. tnlMl-llip I , W COLONEL WILLIAM CROOKS DEAD IN PORTLAND I'.iHTI.AMI. I'ec. 17. Colonel Wil liam Crook', assistant to Uu- general I from hi. I'aul. Minn., about, ten yciiM aiaiiaa.-r of lh.- 1 1 a rriutati lines in lit.- :if. to beeouie as-itsaut. to the presi I'aeilic nnrthwest, died todl.v in this!'!'.:! of the Oi.-uon Itailroad i. S,,i eit v fr.uu ciiiplii at inns j;r..vll:( out of i e.-itii.u ....inpanv. When that company a cold cut railed about si weeks ai;i..!as t:il,iu .m-r by the llarriiaati sys Colonel ( ro..k was TH years old. a lid teui ' I ..loin I t'rool.s beet. lie- nssistnnl one of the best known railr I men in I I" the ic-ueral ui:inaier of the llarri- tli- Cai-iftc northwest. He came here niau lines in Oregon mid Washington. .Miss Mulltey's aiiiiutil clearance of millinery begins Saturday, December 7, and will continue for two wccl.s. I'riees cut below cost. Come i n rljr and se.-nre your picli of latest ilMlgn If all kinds of hendwear. 231 Klng'f for Lowneji'f, ldon'n and Ganthor'i chocolate!. eitv after the hour ot v o . uu