Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 18, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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An ordinance to provide for the pre
vention of fires and the protection of
pmons and property endangered
thcreuy; to regulate the construc
tion, alteration and repair of build-lug.-,
auu to establish liro limits in
tho City of Medford, Oregon.
'J'lie '' nl' tin- rity uf Medfonl
do iiriliiin us I'iIIhwm:
Si-.:tiin 1. 'Hint nil that 1'iirt of tin-
t'itv of .Mnlforil, On-oii, situith, lyiuy
ami bi-iii); wi t lull tin: lollovviuy houu
tlury line, to wit:
rolnlili-lK-:nj at tin- t'ellUT or im: iu-tirai-i-lion
of Kiulilli Hlrci-t ami (t
in miiil city, running tlicniM: in a nuiw-i-rlv
clircrtion nlong the ci'liti-r lini- of
biioI (i mri'i'i t its intuwrtioii with
the south boiliolnrv line of tun norm
half of lilock fifty four (S4 i-xton.l
i d; theni'O wintorly nUuiK said booth
liuundarv line to its intorioition with
thc-OconUT line f II strci't; tlonce
liortlnTlv ulono miiil iioitir lino of 11
Bln-ot to itH inn-rsi-i-tioii with the north
iM.un.larv of tlie until li hull' of block
Jiftv-fivu (.")) cxti'inlcd; thence cnst
crlv aloiiK Hiiid nortli bouinlnry line to
it! intiTSi.'i'timi with the center line ot
li : lit reel j thence northerly iiIuiik mini
center line of li street to its internee-1
with the center line of ISixth
Btreet; thence ennerly aloin; tin- cen
ter line of said Kixth flreet extended to
.i..t..rlv meiillder line III jumii
creek; thence southerly along sum
westerlv ineiimler line oi iem '"v.ithia eighlceii inciics oi .-.i,..-,
:. i..,..'ru,.,.il., with the center line of,,. ,.,.:i:,. ,,, i all cases where smoke
Kighth street exten.led; thence westerly,
along the renter line ol l-.ighth atreer
I...I i.. il bice of beeinnihg, all
.o-cording to the duly recorilcil map oi
j.lut of said citv; be and the- same here-
l,v is declared' tu be within the fire
limit of the said city.
Seel ion 2. 'I'here shall be appointed
l,v the niiivor of the city at Hie llrst n-g-
niiir meetiilL' of the city council after
the citv election ill each year from t lie ;
members ot said council, a coin u-
of two (-), who. with the said mayor, ,
I, Willi Hie, ,. I
ficio a member and ,
said comnlillee, shall i
illlee on fire, i
shall be ex oil
rllUiriliail Ot BIIICl COIIIIIIIlO-e,
I slitllte a comilllltee on !,r,,,l which such leave is granted. II pell
There shall lilso e appointed by ; , through which such pipe shall pass
tin' mayor a duel ot the t ire uepai i.-j
f of the fire depart.
nient, who shall have Hie direct mid ,
control of all ssary acts and mens j j,, diameter than the size ot the pipe.
ures for the extinguishing of fires with- :ili ,., opening shall be protected as
in the said city, and who shall r ive j(l ,..(S, ,,f passing through partitions
for such services such compensation as : !Md jM addition by proper tin or zinc
the city council may from time to time , .(I.llt1.,;nIl upon the outside and inside
direct.' 1 of such wall or roof. Xo smoke pipe
Section 3. All buildings lierenflr-r j Ki,.,l . placi d nearer than sixteen
erected within the said fire limits shall ; j,..s to any wall except at right an
have their outside walls and party walls j K, h thereto in passing through the
made of brick or stone or other noticoni- I Samo, and such smoke pipes shall , be
lnist ible material, ami such outside walls
shall extend from the foiindat ion to
the top and above the roof of such
building, and tho roof thereof shall bp
covered willi tin or other non-combustible
wibslance, and the walls shall bo
su coast riicted as to separate all wood
work, both of I lie interior and exterior j
of hucIi building thoroughly and com- j ,,r nuv other establishment where steam
pletely from all and every part of the
; power is ust'ei, shall or iiitiiiitiiin or
interior ami exterior of any ndjoinin : (.m. Jinv nmoke-ntnck or chimney in
liuiMintf, and the outer walla f all f c-nnei'tion with any such eHtiihlmhinrnt
brick or Btone luiihlinKH hereafter rreet-1 f height than twenty feet above
t il within Haul tiro limitH ahall for one iin roofs of the adjacent buildings, nor
utorv building be not lettH than oiht , ay Hiiioke stack or chimney not
inchett in thic.knnnn; for a two ntory 1 1 rpiippod with nn adequate npark ar
buildiiiK nt Ichh than twelve inches in rt.ter, and in the event that in the
thickneHH for the flrHt story and wight ! ojtinion of the cliief of tho fire depart
inchef) for tho (tecond Btory; in nil ! :nMit a sheet iron pipe, or such spark
buildin(( more than two stories in ' nn-ester, is not ttiifficient for the safe
heijflit the wiiIIh of each Btory Hhall bo; ty of the adjacent building or building,
at least twelve inches in thickness ex-1 ),',. ,)ril notify tho owner or occuimnt
cept those of the upper story, which;
hhall be at least eight inches in thicK
ness. All walls shall bo securely an
chored to each tier of beams, said an
chors to be made of inch and a half by
three-eighths scrap iron or five-eighths I
round iron, nnd suid anchors shall be
Necurelv built into the wall at least
line-half the thickness of the wall at
intervals of not more than eight feet
apart, and well fastened to the beams.
No brick or stone wall shall be sup
ported upon stringers of wood in any
portion of the city.
Sect ion -1. All building over one slory
in height hereafter erected iti mid fire
limits shalt have scuttle frames and :
doors leading to the roof and shall hnve
holders or stairways leading to the
same, and all such scuttles and st.iir
wuys mIiiiII be kept. si as to be ready
for immediate uh at all times, and all
such scuttles shall be at least two by
three feet iu the clear, inside measure
Sect ion ii. All repairs to build nig
coiMtiucti'd of brick, stone or oilier tU'li
t'oniliiiHt ilt1t mill it mIkiII Ii Hindu to
conform to the provisions of this ordi
Section i. It is herebv declared uu !
Inn I'ul for any person, persons, firm or I wall, unless such wall is fully protect
corporation to build, construct or erect cd bv tin or zinc plates fastened there
iniy building or buildings, or to make to. and all persons owing fire iu stoves
repairs exceeding twenty five dollars iu i shall cause to be placed under such
cost upon any building or to build any j stoves, zinc or other non combustible
addition to any I. mlding within suid tire, material sufficient to protect the floor
limns witiiout nrT suhmitniig to the
fire committee of the said cilv council
plans and specif icnt ions of such con
(ruction, alteration, repair or addition
and obtaining from said committee a
permit, which permit shall "specify fully
the nature and extent of such construe
tiou, alteration, repair or addition, and
no such permit shall be granted unless
such construction, alteration, repair or
addition conform to all the provisions
of this ordinance; provided, that not
more I ha it one permit a year shall lie
issued to repair any one building ex
cept to repair damages caused by lire
or water.
Sect ion 7. No building wit h in the
said fire limit hnll be removed except
to a portion of (he same lot on nhich
It may have stood to make room for a
inore permanent improvement, or to a
point outside the hie limits
Whenever any building i
wiinin snui ciiv snail lie m anv means
sa much injured as to be in the ju.lg
meat of the chief of the tire de'pait
meat and the said fir unmit tee a
dangerous nuisance, or whenever anv
wooden building wit hin t he fire limit
shall iu the judgment of the said chief!
of the fin- department and t he said j
file committee be damaged bv fire to
the extent oi one half of its actual!
v alue or more, t h said chief of the
fire department shall itnuiediatelv cause)
to be served upon the owner or person
having control thereof a notice in writ I
ing reiiuiriui; such person to remove the!
same fort hwi I h, and t he person reeeiv
ing -ncli not i.-e slifttl within ten davs
lifter receiving t lie same com pi v with
nil the reifltir. ments thereof.
Se, tiou !, "Xo cornice of w 1 shall
he placed on any building within the
lire i:;ult.
Section lo. Kvery chimney or flue
I nut may hereafter be built ill any
frame buildinjj within the wild city
shall have walls of eood quality of
biicii or Htone at l"at four iucheb in
i.icl:iics, which hhall commence not
lews titan two and one half feet below
lh tilling and be laid in good lime
ami mortar, and shall be idastcri'il on
the inside, and when .assing through
or near auv woolwork, shall lie jilas
ureOiMl tl ut.-ide. No rhilMlier or
flue shall be built whi-li .hull have any
joist ur timber resting on or entering
ii.I-i the same fuftjer than will leave
lit lc.ltl six inches between the end
ll-ereof and tie- interior wall of said
.l.lM.ev or flue. They shall be well
se ined and shall extend at least lour
lift) above the roof of the building to
which thev are attached, incasuiiiig
from tie- point when- such
or flue passes through the l
the event that sucli chimney
l... bv the chief of tie
oof. In
or flue
fire de
piirtmeut to be unsafe for the building
or buildings adjoining, such chimney
or Hue shall be carried up to such a
height, as mav be deemed necessary by
the said chief of the lire departu t,
I.ol to exreeel, however, four feet above
the extreme height ot haul a.ljoining
building or buildings.
Seel ion II. Xo smoke pipe in any
I...11.I:,.,, it-ill, wooden
,!,, r ceilings shall enter any line
; ,.K .1SB through any wooden or other
, ( ,,,blst i,le partitions
, ,i i,.. ,. ,l,,ubb-
thev shall be
collar of metal
it, :lt ,..,,t two inches air apace anu
jL. ,.K f,,r ventilation, or by a soapstone
I.,. ,.rrlii.uvHr- ring tlin-e inches in
thickness or three inches from the pipe
1 ,u, ..xtemling through the partition or
j , H,,;, routing of plaster of pans
, jm.hrs thick. Xo stove-pipe nor
,,,,,1. pipe shall pass through any w
,mv, H),t,. wall or roor or
anv building.
,.x,.,..,t 1V permit grant
-l bv the ehlet
I, i,.,,..,,!. roof or side wall shall be
, i,,,,), stll-li root or sub
, Mll cases at least lour inches greater
si.bii-ct to all the restrictions and reg
ulations herein provided for chimneys
and flues under like circtiinstuiieos. Xo
persi itlier owner, proprietor, super
intendent, agent or occupant of, or oth
er nerson using, or managing, or having
cbnl rid of any steam saw or planing mill
,,. factorv or foundry or machine shot
thereof and shall order a brick or stone
chimney or adequate spark arrester,
which order shall be complied with
within twenty davn after mich notice.
The owners or persons in charge of
.,,t(.s or restaurants shall in all cases
provide brick or stone chimneys to be
used iu place of stove-pipes. All own
ers and ccupants of any building with
in suid city in which there is a smoke
pipe shall, when notified by the chief
tif the fire department, comply with nil
of the foregoing requirements and shall
also replace a bad or defective smoke
pipe or spark arrester with a new one
when so ordered by the said chief of the
fire department.
Section 111. In the event that the
chief of the tire department shall deem
anv flue, smoke pipe, spnrk arrester or
ehimnev in the said city to bo unsafe,
he shall notify the owner or occupant
of the building iu which the same is
situated that the same must be repaired
or removed within ten days thereafter,
and the said owner diall forthwith dis
continue the use of smdi ehimnev.
smoke pine or flue, and forthwith cause
xame to be so repaired or removed.
Hon I.'!. Xo stove pipe shall stand
within two feet of anv wooden or doth
thereunder from fire
Sect ton II. It shall be unlawful for
nuv person or persons to deposit any
ashes on any wooden floor or in ttny
wooden or combustible vessel iu 8a id
city, or to deposit such ashes iu any
place within ten feet of any woodwork.
Sect ion 15. No person or persons
shall manufacture nuv combustible
goods, or erect or cause to lie erected
auv apparatus, machiuerv or building
for tlte manufacture of combustible
goods within saiil fire limits.
Section lit. No person or persons shall
use any portable light in any building
or place where any combustible mate
rials are stored or kept unless such light
shall be securely enclosed in a lantern,
and no person shall use n light where
combust ible materials nre suspended
above it, without so protecting -said
liuht as to prevent such materials from
falling upon or
ruining in contact with
such light.
Section 17. 1'very person using or
making shavings shall at the close of
each dav cause the same to be seenrelv
t nred or disposed of so a to be safe
from fire, and all hav. straw and other
omhustiMe materials shall be stored
so as to be safe from fire, and when not
so stored the chief of the fire depart
ment may direct the removal of the
same or cause the same to be protected
from fire at the epeno of tlte owner or
occupant of the premises whereon the
i;ime is situate, Xo owner or occupant
if nnv liverv stable in said city shall,
either in pencil .r bv agent, use or per
nut to lii ii,,t h- rein nr in anv place
where lriv, ..i raw ,tr ..tier combustible
mah rials s'ored. anv lighted candle
or oJher light, nnl.v- Mie sa-.,, b,' pro
eM', '111. IIV perillll gru " ,,''" i -.- - - ,,f ,,
f nj.,. ,,.part nieiit. and such permit j qmreinoiits hereof, shall In gunn or a
,,, ,site the length of time for I misdemeanor, nnd shall, upon conviction
......n , T lien- thereof, be lined not less than five
tected securely by a lautern.
Section 15. The chief of the fire de
partment of the .aid city shall at all
times have the right to enter upon any
pn.eice, or into any building within
i....,Ci)v for the purpose of discovering
,'.r ...... rininiiiir any violations of
Sect loll IU. N" l'"" """ "',"ll-
ennse to lie maoe tin,
planking within said i
en piiveliiellt ol
city, or make ol
oi.eii fin- for tic
ciiuse to lie no uu. i
burning of rubbish or
mbustible materials within intr-
of auv building, nor shall such.
IV lee
I.. nooli 11IIV Slicei
within said fire limits without the pe
mission of the chief of the tire d
partlnent first had and obtained.
Section -". X" person shall boil an
i, itch 'ar. tiiriientiiie, varnish, rosia i
other inflammable substalic
I in .- Ill II Spacl
in saul
not less
than thirtv feet from any building.
in a fire proof building. J he
.1... fir., .leonrtinent is hereby
and rcouircd to see that the provisions
... ,l.;u Mnlm.-Mice are obscrveil llll'l ell
fol d. and to make complaint to I hi
citv recorder of any violation thereof
K,.,.ii,,,i "1 l-lverv person using or oc
: l, il, line in which there ks a
lo, s'twav or well hole through the fli.oror
ti . .1...1I keen such hoist-wav or w
1...1... .'.-1..... ,...1 h, nctnal use. surround
bv a' substantial railing, and shall cause
the same to be securely rloseil ai iiigui
by a suitable trap door or other cover-
" section 21. It is hereby declared un-l..-f,,l
fo- nnv iterson or is-rsons what
ever to tamper, meddle or otherwise in
terfere with auv water ditch, cistern,
pipe, hvilrant. faucet or other means or
appliance bv which water is supplied
to the citv' of Med ford, or with the
water supply thereof or the water run
ning therein.
Section 'J.I. Any person or persons
who shall violate or cause or permit to
be violated any or all of the provisions
of this ordina or who shall fail
omldv with anv ami all ot the i
dollars imr nuuje than one nuimreu
dollars iu addition to the costs of the
prosecution, and in default of payment
1( anv fine imposed hereunder, the per
son liable therefor shall be imprisoned
..tie dav in the city jail of said city lor
ea-di two dollars of such fine and costs
remaining unpaid.
Section 24. In addition to the f'uc
or imprisonment above provided, every
person found guilty of n violation of
anv of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be required to remedy or .remove
the fault or neglect complained of, and
each and every day that such persons
or person continues such refusal or neg
lect to comply herewith shall be deemed
to constitute' a separate offense here
Section 25. In the event that any
person or persons shall refuse to reme
dy " remove any fault or neglect in
violation of any of the provisions or
requirements of this ordinance after be
ing notified so to do as herein provided,
the chief of the fire department and
tho said fire committee may, if they
deem it necessary or expedient, cause
such fault or neglect to be remedied or
removed, at the expense of the city in
the first instance, and the cost of such
reined v or removal shall be declared by
the citv council to be a lien irnn the
property upon which Hitch fault or neg
lect existed, and such lien shuV be re
corded in the city lien docket a 1 shall
lie enforced in ail respects in li' e man
ner mid with like effect as in the case
of a lien for the improvement, of a
Section 2(1. Ordinances numbered 89,
IU, 117, 1"7 of the original series of
numbering of the ordinances of the city
of Mod ford, and ordinances numbered
17. .in, n, and 102 of the resent
series of numbering, and all other or
dinances nnd parts of ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 27. Inasmuch as there is like
lihood that structures which will or
mav increase tho danger of fire in the
said citv may be erected within the
aforesaid fire limits, and inasmuch as it
is for such reason necessary for the
immediate preservation of the safety
of the city that, this ordinance should
become immediately operative, an emer
gency is hereby declared to exist, and
this 'ordinance' shall bo iu full force
and effect immediately after ils pns
sage by the council nnd approval by the
The foregoing ordinance was passed
Poeember :i, l!'07. Osenbmgge voting
nve, Kifert voting aye. Trowbridge vot
ing uye. Unrkdull voting nye. Olwell.
llnfer and Mayor Heddy absent.
Approved December 3, 1 907.
Mayor Pro Tetn.
Itl'NT. M. COI.L1X3,
An ordinance making the annual tax
levy for the City of Medford. Orogon,
and the Medford Koad District, for
the year 1907.
The people of the city of Medford do
ordain as follow:
Section 1. There shall be levied for
the year 1907 the following taxes npnn
t he assessed valuation of all taxable
property in the city of Medford. Ore
gon, as shown by tho assessment roll
for .lackson county. Oregon, for the
vear 1907, for tho following purposes,
to wit :
For citv purposes, four mills on the
For park purposes, otto half mill on
the dollar;
For general sewer fund purposes, two
mills on the dollar:
For street light purposes, one half
mill on the dollar;
For debt fund for payment of inter--st
on citv debt, four mills on the dol
For street and road purposes, three
mills on the dollar. struetion ,to a height of Id feet nbovo
The low for street and road pur- tho surface of such stret, alley or oth
;vses shall be levied upon all of theier thoroughfare.
taxable property in the city of Med , Section 2. In the event of the fail
ford and in the Medford Kond District, j urc of such owner or person in charge,
Section 2. It is hereby made the ditty .
f the citv recorder to certify to the.
county clerk of Jackson count v, Ore
;en, the lew made by this ordinance.
The foregoing ordinance was passed
'iv the citv council tho 13th day of
Heee-nbcr. 1107, bv the following vote:
Venbruirg' ' ' aye. Trowbridge " aye."
Kifert "aye." (dwell "aye." Hafer
and Jlarkdiill alo-uit.
Approved by mayor this l:lth dav
of December, l!ei7.
.1. K HKiJDV, Mayor.
HK.N'.I. M. COI.I.1XS, Recorder.
An ordinance prescribing the duties and
fixinir the compensation of the City
. Recorder of tse City oi flicaiora, ure-
The peopl.
' the citv of M.-dford do
Sect inn lo'l'li' city recorder of the
city of Mo.lford, Oregon, shall perform
such dutiis jis am required of him by
the charter of the city of Medford, and
-uch other duties as the citv council
Mav from time to time prescribe in
addition th-n To.
Section 2. The city recorder shall
r ive as full compensation for nil
services rendered by him to said city
the sum of one hundred dollurs per
mouth, payable as other hi9) of said
citv are paid.
Section :i, This ordinance shall take
effect upon the third Tuesday in Janu
ary. 190H.
Section t. Ordinance Xo. 14.1 and
all other ordinances and parts of or
dinances in conflict herewith are here
by repealed.
j The foregoing ordinance was passed
by the council December IX 1907, Osen
brugge voting ave, Trowbridge aye,
Kifert ave, OJvell aye, Harkdull ab
sent, Hafer absent.
Approved by the mayor December 13,
.7. F. TiKDDY, Mayor.
DKX.T. M. COLLINS, Recorder.
An ordinance requiring and regulating;
tne numueimg oi residences, piaces oi
business and other places within the
City of Medford, Oregon.
The people of the citv of Medford do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the I
owner, or tenant or every residence orl
place of business or other structure j
'lung upon or having access to the
streets of the city ot Medtord, Ore-
gon. to cause to be placed in a conspic
uous place upon the main entrance or1
at t he principal place of ingress to .
such premises a number, such number'
to be ascertained as hereinafter pro-;
Section 2, It shall be the duty of the
engineer ot the city ot .Mctltord to pre
pare or cause to be prepared, .with all r
reasonable expedition, a map or maps'
of said citv. and to clearly indicate I
upon such map or maps the several :
respective numbers which shall bo used i
to designate tho corresponding premises;
as provided in section one hereof, and i
to file such mnpfl with the city record
er. In assigning such numbers, said
city engineer shall use Seventh street
and the main line of the Southern Pa-1
cific railway as base linos for starting i
points for such numbering and shall
allow one hundred numbers to each
block, and not K'ss than one number to
each twenty-five feet of Btreet front;
odd numbers shall be placed upon the
north and oast sides of the street and
even numbers upon tho west and south
sides thereof.
Section 3. It shall be the duty of
each property owner or tenant, as pro
vided in section one hereof, to ascer
tain from tho said city engineer the
number so assigned to his, or her, re
spective premises, and to cause such
number to be affixed thereto forthwith
in figures not less than three inches
high, such figures to be so placed as
to be easily legible from the adjoining
sidewalk or street.
Section 4. It shall bo the duty of the
chief of police and of tho street com
missioner of the city of Medford to
cause written notice to bo given to
either the owner, agent or occupant of
each residence and place of business
within tho said city which shall not
have been numbered as herein provided
bv the 1st dav of January. 190H, which
said notice shall designate the proper
number to be affixed to said promises
and shall require tho same to bo af
fixed within ton davs from tho date
of service of such notice upon such
owner, agent or occupant, and upon
the failure of such owner, ngent or oc
cupant to so affix said number within
said ten days the city council of said
citv mav can-so tho same to bo so af
fixed, and tho costs thereof shall he
declared a lien upon the particular lot
or parcel of html upon which said costs
are so expended, which lieu shall bo
recorded upon tho city lien docket, nnd
t heron ft er en forced ngn i nst t he prop
erty therein described in nil respects
like manner and with like effect as
lieu for tho improvement of any
Tho foregoing ordinance was passed
bv tho citv council Decomlor 13th. 190".
Osenbrugge voting "nyo," Trowbridge
"aye, " Kifert "aye. Olwell 'ayo, '
Hafer absent. Harkdull absent.
Approved bv the mavor December
13th, 1907.
J. F. KKDDY, Mnvor.
11KX.T M. fOLLTXS, Kecorder.
An ordinance reqairinc ftad regnlatiuff
th trimming of mm trn and other
foliage over the streets, alleys and
other public thoroighfares of the City
of Medford.
The people of tho citv of Medford do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. It shall be the dutv of
the owner, or porson in charge or con
trol of anv shade, or other trees, or
other shrubbery of any kind overhang
ing the streets, alleys or other public
thoroughfares of the citv of Medford,
Oregon, forthwith to conso the same
to bo so trimmed as to allow passage
thereunder nlong
such streets, allevs
tor other thoroughfares, free from ob-
or control of such shrnbberv, to cause
i ne saute to ne Trim moo: ns nerem pro
vided, within ten davs from the taking
ftVet of this ordinance, ft shall be the
duty of the chief of police and the 1
street commissioner of the city of Med-j
ford to cause written notice to be given
to neh ow ner or person in charge. '
which notice shall require such shrub
' b rv or folintre to be so trimmed with
! in ten duv4 front the service of such
notice. In the event of the failure
of such person or persons to comply
'with such notice within the time pre
'scribed therein, the citv council of said
1 cirv mav cause such shrubbery or fo
I liage to be trimmed as herein provided,
'and declare the cost of such trimming
, to be a lien upon the property to which
such trees or shrubbery an1 appurre
j nant. and such lieu shall h recorded
! in th' citv lien docket and shall bo en-
: forced in all respects in like manner
and with'iiko etlect as a hen for the
imnrovemriit of a street.
Section 3. t shall be tho dutv of
the owner or person in charge or con
trol of any shade or other tree or oth
er shrubbery of any kind, situate upon
the streets or side walks of said city
in front of or abutting upon any prem
ises therein, which are used CJor busi
ness purposes, forthwith to cause the
said trees or shrubbery or both to be
entirely removed, so as to permit tho
unobstructed u"' of and u'i,:age nlong
and p"-ns't su"h streets and sidewalks.
Sr -() n -I. In the event o the fail
ure of viich owner or person in charge
or control of such trees or hrubbery
to cause th- same to bo removed as
herein provided, within ten davs after
the taking effect of this or'iic'cp. it
sh'il! bo the duty of the chief of udice
and the street commissioner of said
city to cniise written notice to 1" given
to r-o'h owner or pernm in charge or
co'-'-ol. which notice shall requ're such
t '' or shruMierv to bo remove ) i-ithin
t -rt riri-s "Voni tho service of o--!t no
' r T Mir o'"nt- of the failure of
p.w.1, tarpon or P'TSOI'S to eoi'inly with
si -h ioiert wbhip the time friltOfl
th th1 citv council " '-n itl city
may cnuse such trees or shrubbery to be
so removed as heroin provided, nnd
declare the cost thereof to bo n lien
upon the property to which such trees
or shrubbery are npnurtennnt, and such
bens shall be recorded in the citv lion
docket, and shall be enforced in nil
respects with like effect and in like
manner as n lion for the improvement
of a street.
Tho foregoing ordinance was parsed
bv tlin citv council December 13th,
19"7, Osenbrugge votinp "ave." Trow
br ;dn ' ' ave. ' Kifert ' ' aye, " Hafer
and BnrkduM absent.
nroved by th1 mavor the 13th day
of December.' 1907.
J.F. T?KDDY. Mavor.
BKX.T. M. COLLTXS, 'Recorder.
An ordinance regulating the use and
sale of water in the City of Med
ford, and prescribing rates for the
use thereof, and repealing all ordi
nances in conflict herewith.
The people of the city of Medford do
ordain as follows:
Section 1. The following rates are here
bv fixed and specified as the MINIMUM
MONTHLY RATES to be charged to
consumers of water in the city of Med
ford, Oregon, for the use thereof, from
and after the 2d day of January, 1908:
Harber shops One chair, $1.00; more
than one chair, first chair $1.00, each
additional chair 50 cents; each bath
tub, $1.25.
Hotels $5.00.
Lodging-houses 2'2 cents for each
bed iu addition to family rate.
Restaurants, coffee and chop houses
Hoarding-houBOs 15 cents per head
for each boarder iu addition to family
Saloons $3.50, including one toilet,
comprising one urinal and one closet.
Horse and carriage 50 cents; each
additional horse, 25 cents. i
Livery stable $5.00, including ear- j
ringc washing. !
Feed vards and stables $2.50.
Bakeries $2.00.
Soda fountains 50 cents; each jet
$1.00; each tumbler washer, oO cents,
Persons slaking lime or mixing ce
ment 20 cents per barrel; wetting
brick. 20 cents iter thousand.
. Mottling works, breweries, etc. $1.50
per month.
Dental rooms $1.50.
I'hotoirraph galleries $2.50.
Dwellings, tenements, flats and other
apartments, occupied by not more than
one family $1.00.
All other consumers, not herein oi
hereafter specially provided for, includ
ing business houses, offices, etc $1.00,
Section 2. The citv council may, nt
its option, require any consumer
water within said city to install
meter, approved bv said council, aim
may require such consumer to pay for
all Water consumed by him nt meter
rates; and said council may, nt its op
tion, outer into n special contract wfth
anv consumer for the use of water by
such consumer, at .special rates; pro
vided that no consumer shall be grante.l
the use of water ot less than the mint
mum rates above provided, except n
the case of consumers of water in Urge
quantities for manufacturing or other
similar purposes.
Section 3. The meter rate for the
use of water in said city shall be l.t
cents for ench thousand gallons of
water consumed bv each consumer, but
no consumer shall bo allowed tho use of
citv water nt less than the minimum
rates nbovo specified, and no person or
family shall be furnished water under
nnv circttmitances for less than $1.00
per month.
Section 4. Anv person or familv nl
lowing another not connected with tli
main to draw water through his faucet
will be charged additional at sehemtTi
Section 5. Service pipes must he s
placed that the supply to each houe,
family or consumer mav bo controlled
bv n separate stop cock placed m ns
to bo readily accessible to the city au
thorities. Section tl. Where water is now sup
plied through one service to sev
eral houses, families or consumers or
persons, tho city council or tho water
committee thereof may, nt their diserc
tion, either decline to furnish water
until separate services are provided, o
may continue the supply on condition
that one person shall pay for all on
the same Henrico.
Section 7. Any person desiring to
use the city water for any purpose
thai! make written application therefor,
and such application shall be made tn
the form prescribed by the sail water
committee, and shall state the purpose,
or purp.e fur which paid wnicr in to!
be used. In the event that the con
sumer shall desire to use wateror a
purpose not specified in the i.Wiiual
application, a new application must be
made, and permit obtained from t$e
vvater committee.
Section s. Any person desiring to
discontinue the use of water for' any
purpose, must give notice iu writing to
the city recorder of such intention be
fore any reduction wilt be made in the
rat s.
Section 9. The water may, at any
time, be hut tiff from the mains with
out notice, for repairs or other neces
sary purposes, and the city will not be
responsible for any change iu conse
quence to tanks, boilers, or other prop
erty. While the water is shut off from
tin mains, the hot water faucets should
br kept (ijyn by consumers to allow the
sttam to i scape from t!e) water heat
ers. Section 10. Consumers will keep all
pipes and faueet-s on their respective
premises in repair at their own expense,
and will be held liable for any leak:
and nl! damage wlpch may result fnnn
their failure to do so.
Section 11. Water will not bo fur
nished, except through meter, to anyO
premises whore there are defective or
leaking faucets or closets or other fix
tures, or where there are water closets
or urinals without rMlf -closing vab es,
and when any such leakage or ot her
defective valves are discovered, the
ter shall be turned off by the uity u'TtTf
repair's are made. All tanks are re
quired to have self-action float valves.
Section 12. No water shall be fur
nished for purposes of irrigation, ex
cept through a meter, at the prescribed
miter rates, and no water shall be used
for irrigation purposes except between
the hours to be prescribed therefor for
the :i,,ious portions of the city by th
water committee from' time to time.
Section lit. Water must not bo al
loue i to it n to waste through any fau
cet tr fiMure to prevent freezing, or
kept running at any time longer than
is actually required except where m-ter
is used. When such waste is discov
ered, the water will be shut off from
ihe promises. The service pipe, within
and without the premises, ami through
out its entire length to the tap in the
main, must be kept in repair and kept
from freezing at the expense of the
consumer, and the consumer will bo
held responsible for all damage result
ing from breaks. Xo reduction will be
it.nde in charges for water for want of
supply caused by the stoppage of serv
ice pipes by freezing or any other cause.
Section 1-b On the failure of uuy
"oiisumcr to comply with the rules nnd
lobulations hereby established as a con
dition to the use of city water, or to
pay the rates hereby established on or
biVore the 10th day of any calendar
month for the use of water during the
priced ing calendar mouth, the water
sv.pplv to such consumer may be shut
off by the city until hucIi time ns pay
ment 'is made' of the amount due, to
gether with the sum of one dollar addi
tional for the expense of turning the
vvitei off and on, and the violated
rules and regulations are fully complied
Section 15. Xo plumber or other per
son will be allowed to make connec
tion with the mains, or to make any
all orations in any conduit, pipe or other
fixture connecting therewith, or to con
nect pipes when they have been dis
connected by the city authorities, with,t
out first obtaining a permit from the
city, and any person or persons violat
ing this provision shall on convict ioii
thereof before the city recorder, bo
fined not less than $5.00 nor more than
25, 00 or imprisoned in the city jail
not less than two days nor more than
ton dns.
Section HI. Officers of the city, nnd
such persons as may be designated by
the city council, shall have free access
all hours of the dav to any nnd all
parts ot all buildings nnd premises in
which water may be delivered from
tho mains, for the purpose of inspecting
th cumin ion of the pipes and fixtures
and the manner iu which tho water is
Section 17. After the water has been
shut off as provided in section 14 here
of, if it should be turned on by any
person other than nn employe of the
city duly authorized so to do, an excava
tion will be made in the street, and the
water supply of such consumer shut off
at the tap in the main, and not turned
on again until the arrears, the cost of
replacing the street pavement nnd two
dollars for the expense of turning tho
water off and on, nre fully paid.
Section IS. The city may refuse to
furnish water to any consumer outside
of the city limits, and -no such consumer
shall be furnished water except nt me
ter rates; nnd when any meter, either
within or without the city limits, fail
to register correctly, the charge shall
bo according to tho average quantity of
water used daily by the commuter,
shown by the meter when operating
Section 19. All consumers of ' water
in said city shall csuse all fsncets snd
futures to be turned off immediately
upon tho sounding of an alarm of fire
in said city, and shall keep the water so
turned off until the fire department
si. nil have conned to use tho city water .
supply to oEtiuguish such fire.
Section 20, All the foregoing ml
and regulations must bo strietlv com
plied with in every instenee, and water
must be paid for by all ierons sup
plied therewith, according to the rnts
herein provided; and the right is re
srrvefl bv the city to amend or add to
those rules and rates snd rrgnlstions
nt any time without notice to tho eftfl
snmer. Si'etioa 21. Ordinances Nis. 17ft. IS
nnd 41. and sll other ordinance snd
pirts of ordinances in conflict herewith
nre hereby repealed.
Tho foregoing ordinance was passed
by tho council IVeerTibor 17. 1907, Osen
brugge voting ven, Trowbridge yts. Ki
fert ves. Harkdull ves, Hafer ves and
Olwell yes.
Approved December 17. 1907.
.1. P. RKDPY, Mayor.
HKX.T. M. COLL7XS, Recorder.
Coal for Sal.
Wo are now prepared to furnish h.ltid
picked coal nt tho mine, five milr
ast of town, in any amount desired
$7.50 per ton.
tf TAnnr roAL rn.
(- 3 O '