.SOCIAL ANDPERSOiNAL (V Miss Jfiuu'ssi liutlt-r, t'aflit'r of pin im, theory ttml liurmouy. Residence ill V(st Mfllfiiril. Telephone 71. tf I. A. I'lilmer, the architn-t, h:tn an attack of seiutiva rltfiimuti.sui, uml is compelled tu use crutches. C.eorue H. Vva$ of Hut to Falls came Hi on the l'aeifiVfc Eastern trahQ in'f-'tay 1 11 mute tor Ashland, when- OMr. AVest lias been taking treatment I'm- ffl' urt several weeks, lie will spend several days in Ashland before returning. O Squire Gault of Sams "VATfey has .itt several days iifJTedford Visit ing (1)1 time ft()iaintances. Mr. Gault is one (. ,lj)ksun yinty'n oldest set tlers, a nil has held the office of jus tice of the peatj in liin district for maiiv years. William Qr. Iteardsle.O of Phoefx spentthe day iu Med ford Wednesday. Mrs. Hammond nl children of lhoe O nix visited relutiv in Med ford Tues day and Vr(f)iesdny of thiseek. A larj;eSisHortiient of post catS1 al liums, just arrived at Hull 's Postal Simp, lie to CokR) ji!d seeyin. fiBWdmrd lii)4jng, neaPliridge. O tf O G. &itcln'tt of Jacksonville tians- acted ImsimO-t in Medford0 Wednesday. 3 Attorney S. S. lYntz wishes to say that The Tribune was nustaken in quot ing him as being of the opinion that Mayor I? eddy's time expired with the coming January. He has always held that Mayor I-ddy was el.-rted for fait two years fnu January, lOOti. J.'(B. ?6 Smith of Cold liav. v.Imi has tii-en visiting in Ashland for t tiO O past sevnEnl'dns passed through Mel ford Wednesday nuitning on his way homo. O Chief of Police C. A. Simons, Cap tain J. E. Thornton and IX R Grant tif Ashland all passed through Modford j : im their way to Jacksonville tn attend' Court Wednesday. j (r. A. K. Ki-llogg of Gold Hill, who is county cortoor, phssed through Med- j fnrd on his way to 'Jacksonville to at- j tend court Wednesday. ' 1,. E. Hoover has just received a car- ! lnad of fruit trees from the Settleinhr j nursery at Hoseburg, all of which have ( been ordered and will be put out imiue- i diately. ; J. M. Darby of Griffin Creek was : M i'd fnrd visitor Wednesday. Mr. Dar- j by is ii cont ractor and builder and , spends most of his time in Med ford working at his trade. Pev. L. D. Minear of Griffin Cn-vh is very sick at this writing, having cancer of the bowels, with no hope of recovery. C. X. Xoycs and family left Medford Sat unlay evening for their old home nt Seattle. Wash. , Willis BoHtwick of Apph'gate was a , Mi'tford business caller Tm-sdiiv: j Chirles Painter of 'entral Point was a Mi ')Pord caller Tuesday. A. Wno will leave for Wagner Creek,, 'vherf he will work out his assessments. Tie i the owner of several mining cbbim; .1. G. Morrison of Table Rock was a Medford business caller Tuesday after-: noon. H . Ti. Eaton, a recent arrival from Klamath county, is in the city looking for investment!!. Mr. Eaton is very much pleased with cmidit ions iu the Koguo River valley. A. D. Singler, formerly managed of the Singler music house in Medford, has been confined to his home on ac count of sickness for the past two weeks. Nr. Singler is now able to ho j upon the streets again. j Christmas decorations, laurel, mistle toe, fir, Oregon giape and Xmas trees dilivercd. heave orders at The Tog-1 geiv. care O. T. Whitman. tf Adolph Shult. of Jacksonville was a Medfnrd Vuisiness caller Tuesday. Attorney !. W. Treffreu passed ( lhrnt"ih Medford on Ins wav from Jack-'hoimmIU- t Ahl'ind T.wdv -..-..i..-r. W. A. Stewart, ramher troni the East Sido. was a Medford caller Tues day. X. Kime of Griffin tVek district has been in Medfmd several times latelv. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Roberts of Agate j wire among those who interviewed our merchants during the past week. Fred Straube, one of the energetic young farmers of Willow Snrings dis trict, made Medford a business vNit Saturday. W. F. Towne and his daughter. Miss Anna, were up from IMmeuix Tuesday. C. M. Kurh of Applegate and C. C. Kelsoe of njf Unite witi- in Miilfiinl oiw dny during ttio ('lift week. .1. M. Dungim. wlm hus I n ill Cnli- fnruia for srvrriil yt'.'irs. is , i ti 1 ( ill III his fill-Ill ill Sums Vallrv. His wife, wlm ni'riilliiiilliiil him hither, ilieil :i few ibiys li'ii, liynl Luster nf Acate .-mil liw wife . were nmenn tlie many in Meilfnpl Sat urday. -:! Italsey (liwl .Mm Tlumiiiui. wh" live in the nnrlhrrn part nf the eininly. st-n a few hours in Me'll'enl repeiitle. Mr. an.l Mrs. .lohn H. Shi.leler nf Talent ireeimt made M-!t'..r.l :i hni- j. ,.., visit Tllisflav. Mll.k aiel .1. K. Aii'!erxn wire in Me,f,.r. .luri in; the .a-t we,l. Miv Xln ml llarr. I Ik- yl.,.l i.-nclier. was dewi fr'.iln WniKins 'rne(ny. Ph" . emict"'1. a wnfl" ssfu! lenn nf s. len,! t. nnilioiit .lir.-T f -iitlv. O. si. H!a!:ful.l Wil.'ew Sl.riafs rti.tri.-t all'l hi" fi,-iiily w. re in M.'l f. i-.' a jIhiiV li'ti. !." Mr. r.1 Mr'. SWml. wl... t fa.- fro'ii lenlial I'eiel. ' ni'ien.' tin- i Anv h. tri.dr I in M.-.!f..rd S-.t-ttnlav. o o oro to oro. Christmas Draws Near Have you (U'cidul what to give "1IIM" for Christmas? lYrhaps we can hoi) you. Our time is yours, and we'll he pleased to show you the many choice and exclusive things we have in Neckwear, Gloves, Mufflers, Shirts, Underwear, House Coats, Bath Hohes, Umbrellas, Rain Coats, Suspenders, Hosiery and any other article you may want in our line. O ' O c O Smoking Jackets and House (Boats Every man appreciates a House Coat and gets oceans of comfort out of one when he has it. Still 0 he'll ner bftv one for himself o o Give Him One for Christmas ' o .PRICKS HANG K FROM .f4.o0 UP TO .flO.OO. GIVE HIM A fancv box of Hose il.'iO to !r4."0 o A fancy box of Handkerchiefs ir1-Q A fancy box of Ties Toe to ..OO' A fancy box with a Muffler $1.'2." to sjU.OO A fancy box of Suspenders Toe to (jM.oT) BUY FOR HIM A Nice Hat A Fine Suit Case A N'ohbv Shirt A Neat Collar Hag A Beautiful Scarf Pin A Comfortable Lounging Robe M odel Olothiner .edford's orrect SEVENTH AND B STREETS. Company lothiers SEE OUR AVINDOWS. Watch Our Windows YOU WILL ENJOY A LOOK. The windows at this store are worth coming quite a distance out of your way to see. They are trimmed every few days, and as neatly as the best windows in the cities. People go many miles to see the windows there. Our windows are but a canvas, on which we flash the kaleidoscopic changes of our store and reflect the lines carried of new goods that arrive every little while. Through our windows, we offer an invitation to you to visit our store and examine the goods at. close range. Letters to Santa Claus MUST BIO IN liY SATURDAY. Saturday will be the last day we will have time to consider letters to Santa', so tell your children who can write to send their letters before that time. Xo It Hers consitlcrol ttfh r Sil iinlni. Coat Hangers FREE THIS IS TlIK LAST CALL. From now until Ninas (if they last that Jong) we will give, absolutely free, a good, strong wire coat hanger with every purchase of ribbon to the amount of L'.'n- or over. We have already given away a great number, and the supply is getting low, so don't delay. Swell Line of Skirts .Il'ST RKCKIVKD P.Y EXPRESS. Ncarlv every store cuts flown their stock about this time of year, and instead of getting in new goods, en deavors to sell off everything in the old line before getting in the new. NOT SO here. We have just re ceived a swell lot of fine black, brown and navy Skirts iu Panamas. We invite you to sec this line and assure vou that this lot is the best we have ever shown. Skirt, prices. .!..-)( I AXP ALONG TO ").(. MEDI'ORD'S HOLIDAY. STORE BAKER i FIEST EOOM NORTH OT JACKiON COUNTY BANK. Medford Steam Bakery HOT ROLLS FOB BREAKFAST or Anility lit tlo dinner rolls tlint will tempt tlie nppcMto of tho most fiiHtidioiiB, 1b tho kind wo sorvo every day when ordered, ttrttuilstiiffti, light, white nnd de licious, is our specialty, as well ns the richest, finest cakes, pns try nnd pies. When you wnnt to enjoy your men Is, order your hkestuffs from us. Because He Paid by Check. Not Iciiik ago, a buaincxB man in this comiriiiiitv wus prnsontod with n bill that ho hud alrnady paii. 1 1 pril;uid tho paid check as voni'hnr in cvidiinoo, and it van thus at onco provi'n that ho had paid tho bill. Don 't you hpp thn importune, of paying by chnckl Thin bnnlt cordially Inviton your nccount, subject to chock, and will bo pIciiHod to reader vou tin numt ott'ieient Hervieo. JACKSON COUNTY BANK Established 1888 MEDFORD, ORE. Capital, Surplus and Deposits Over $625,000 1 s National Bank nf Medford The CAPITAL $50,000 Youngest and Strongest RESOURCES $360,000 WE DON'T SPECULATE VM. 8. CROVVELL, President. O. CRAWFORD. Annlstant Cash lor. F. K. DEUEL, Vice-President. M. L. ALFORD. Cashier. GEO. W. DUNN. Hoconn Vicn "lOI'Ci nt. i E M K I) F O U 1 () I' H K' A IK; IIAZELRIOO ft WILLIAMS, MORS. The National Stock Co's The Jumbo of Popular Priced Attractions. Two Nights and MatJnoe, Bo ginning Friday, December 20th OPENINO BILL 'TENNESSEE'S PARTNER." PRICES GENERAL ADMISSION, 3r.c; RESERVED SEATS, f0c.