HOLI DAY GOODS AT wAr; o "WE MAKE WO SP CIAX CUT, PRICES BE ALWAYS EOWN TO BEDROCK! 0S o SEE OUR ELABORATE LINE OF VASES, CJJT; GLASS 0AND ' FANCY- CHINA.0 Oo 000 o0o 0 SEE OUR LIBERAL PICTURE DEAL o o o o iTTiiin iiinm nmi'f"r'ifiiifTTimriiB"Mnuniiii ii hi Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. Published evrv t vi'inrtf except Sundriy Med ford Publishing Company. . I'L'TXAM, Kilimr jin.l iJ;i:i.er. Ailui it ttl :is Second Class Matter in tlie 1'i.fittitVit-e at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Bates:. One month, ly mail or earner. .$0.."!) One yeyr, by mail 5:00 ASHLAND Optfl DEY. Aslilitml h.-H voted for prohibition and will be dry fifr the "next year. - Thin ih o neuter than tonreno Ash land orilyj and no out- otitsidt uf Ash la ml cures. I tilt A dilriml, not content with reywlat iny its mm' affairs, will try and regulate Ih-ise ( all iHher Coun ty riMinritiiiUi'S. ili vnted her m;IT dry. Ashhuid will try tu vote ,l:ick comity dry. It -is an iuif'iiliinal'' feature of Ore gon's local option law Ih'at it so one sided thai any diln.' can' e;.. 'wet' B.ii!. yet if 1 he county yoes dry. t he district must akt" dry, i. n ipeci iv of its tite a,ml wiidirn. There are many reasons why Ashland slum Id vote fur prohibit ion. H is n si'Immi! tuwn and n-ot a bus"'. un',n and ha no anrhii iuti t he. I Vi haps 10 1 k mum ' ni yuno III i-oiil.i " 'be med tlian thai put forth -in- the circulars issued b I lie pndii lot ion 1st h, whicli state: f mi i ii Mayur KYddy are in earnest, tlie inaMer is n simple ni to straighten out. In r few h'Mirs they ran find our .jiit where tiiey Mr. ml legally ami ran sai mncli needless discord and useb ss w raaylin . The elect inQ call has been issued with out calling fnr the election of a mayor. Mandamus proceedings can at onee he begun to compel the council to call for the election of a mayor mid the legal ity of the proceedings be determined nt oure. Tills is a far better 'dan than to elect another mayor. Then a legal cmtit would ensue be tween the (wo mnvnrs for possession of the office, ami while they were fiht itiy it out in the marts, all business for the city ci myil Wriihl be it a standstill. The best interests of I he fi'.y demumi that, if a fiht is tu be made over the yffice, it lie made I,, for- the lection. ' Buy Tic'cttt jy v. ire. WANT KI To do general housework. Address box SllX. L'L'S VA S'l Ell .vii experienced nurse de sires emloyim nt. inquire at Martin's Uieycle .Simp ' 'r.',2 VA."Ti;i (Jirl to do general house work; will pay u..d wages. Call at the Medford Coffee A: Spice House, or address P. O. Ih.x s;;. L:i;t To Uh.NT 'I n houses, one it-roour and b.i.V, one new (i-room and bath, both "m.i-rii :tmi centrally located, -lu-(piire at Osenhrugge 'h residence'. 2 J'Olf KF.NT (!enfk'rriaii wanted for nieily furnislitd room, near in. Apply al Mid.. I .Miinrr. tf A " W K!j7 l-:st.-Ut L f sTTkI ) -rotHil iiiHi t iss for sale in Afedford. Artrtrens P, Jiox " l, nr iiKjiiirc Tribune of fice. tf Pol; KKNT I'ive desirably convenieii! "fitr!isli:"l t-oonri for'lmuseheepin: no chilrr 'i. Xrth. (' st. tiltO " What lidvunta; fer.' Ve may as eandiil. Ashl I it v; she lias io C. telst e. mine Uoi.d payroll, but doeK Ashland of i Well lie absolutely is ioit a omiaereinl la rye fact oroH -no Tl..- railrba I lias a ' prospect nf its em ploy j n g a largely increased force. .sliland does not appeal to the laborer, but. to the honir-sechcj- and the fruit grower. ' ' I 'Si.motj.Liig which i of considemljle interest to t he public ienejally iind whicli is perhaps no ge.o'a'h' kno.vn is the system of prepaiil f-"der: now in pft"Ct between KtntbniH of '.iic Southern I'.icifie company and all p.uats in the !"; it'd States. ',y means of this system C kc1s may be purchased ah Med ford ' o:o any place in tile Tinted ytntes and ir.uiled or telegraphod direct to the party wishing to cnmo here. Sleeper accommnilat ins and small amounts of cash in con arc t ion U'ith these ticket a 'may also be furnished at the mime time." tf V'A N"J'i;i: All kinds of second hand C'oda at the Wood building near Hub bard IJndley Si Li ml Icy. tf cTIE SAM-: Vino lots, good Hoil, excel I'-nt building groui-d, UMli and I sis. Sej- owner, i'rof. M. R Signs. tf' FOR-KXCHAN GK-M M f o r d ) rrjp ert y for other property.- Adrdeu Lock Box 41S, Aledford. Or. tf. A investment Kor sale, first ! montage. ,7oii, on first clasf real r-s-, ; tfite, due in months,, draws 7 per ; cen i iut'-.-est ; w ill discount principal enoogh to make a good profit fur fatr chaser; will accept cah, check or cer tificate of deposit. Address P..O. Bos 571, Medford, Or. 233 '' VAVn:i To'ruit furnislitd house, It or 7 rooms, electric lights, close in. Call at my office. Dr. H. R. Hamil ton, tf PGR SALE New rtsidence, just com pleted, second block west of high 'nehooi, 'Wpst Seventh street; fine col onial interiar; uhenp if Bold soon. In-i quire Tribune office. tf VOR SALE At a Mrg-ain, ninety acres! of the choicest fruit land in Rogue I rivrr valloj-, ricl soil, all level, vell watered, good ail-ronm house, good ! barn, tlireo pood nolH. abundance of. water. All undor cultivation resdv' for ocliard. Intending purchasers ahould nee thin place before purchasin(.. Geo. Minis.' Nash Ilotel, ' Medford. Or. 174tf CLAOSiriED ADVERTISEMENT. LOST I tu 1 1 terrier, tan and w hite. Ii months old. lieturn to T. It. Ifnbort miti, care Office Saloon, and receive ' 'er.il r.-vanl. THX CITY ELECTION. If those ciiuilriltneii wToise coiwcience compel lliem to seek wavs aal moan . .v A I l ' - Japanese wains (o leu ill j !:e-dtsli after 7 p, ' tn. Mail Hox ! '-''it. :m i j l''oU b'K.NT -Nicidy furnishe'l 'imi":: elect ric. lights. I mpiiie of M rs. Ad die Rippi , West Se cut li st .. in t h.1 ' I Whi'e Iddg. LOST One J ay ;are colt, 0 months old, white strip in face. Uoward for return of siune. . (i. (!. Shirley, P. O. I'.ox (II. ' Residence, second house south oil tank. tf SITUATION W.WTlMJitv a widow us housekeeper, or would cook for a camp; is a good, saving cook. Address-' Mrs. Carrie L. (irant, Hnttoii, Siskiyou 'ounty, "al. 2;i I WANTI-.'D lIoiiHL'Witrk or wimlr)- ' cleaniiig by day or hour; bamboo fur I niture made to order; art work repair- i ing. A. Tatsumi, Seventh st., near' bridge. tf J i'Oli SALK One and a quarter acres j improvi d laud, with o room house, i barn, outbuildings and welt, $1SMQ. liloodod fillev. 7 inonths nld. sired by! Koberl L.. .!!(; also Jersey heifer calf." H.. I. I). Scott, owner. ' tf FOR RKNT Newly furnished rooms, I by day, we-.ek or month. The Odell, over postoffice, -Medford, Or. tf I Ghri stmas Presents FOR EVERY ONE VHH, II AN I ) K Eli VI 1 1 F8 , SHAWLS', UMBKKL LAS, NECKTIES, H OS I Ell Y, GLOVES, CLOTII-IXO.ETC. Out- store i.s full of siHrial values-f r Xnms. . The. Store for Evervixxlv W. H. & CO. NUHSKKY STOCK All kinds of fruit trees, both Jiri;e anil small, fruits, standard varieties of apples and pilars tind peaelies, including Xewton-n and Spit onticrj; appli'f: a full line of up todate mirserv stocli. in larjjc or small lots; also all kinds (tf . ornamental trees and sliruldiery, at my residence in Soirli .Mrdfoid. having just re. eeixctl a larye sliipiueut. aiu prepared to fill orders- iiutued intely.' liKuire at Warner's Store. I.. J!. Warner, Sr., Medford. Or. tf R . W. GR AY, B u i j der Colonial Porch Work, rriiTaiid Lath Work, Patterns, Etc. :: :: Telephone 471. Medford, Oregon D) ent S C I ', x E u v X V E I, T IKS i 'I'YltOCUAIMIir GOODS. , : We h;n, ,,- "iO,. ,.. iv.-s f OnHH j ( ,.ist,ll;l, ,;,,,,. , a,.,;., sU- ! Outfits. Uulr.. i;xs. .,..es. 1 1 i i 1 1 ' I I t 'U 1 1 1 l , . I l f 1, . I t ! It . etc.. Wiilrli c c-H! Oiniili n 1kh- lint ice. i Nnlllill' is I I l - iii-' :i,h iii's nu mln Uiir-v. I .. t-M ,i cks. Kr.-inici! I 'lint. is. ""ui.i..llh.-M- virus nrs e.'Al1 stn.lies, l!m- nt ,,.er Is. ' M t'llli- Iii. c! v.m ;l , -,.S(. iii I,, ynlll- Yrit'iiil iii Mtiiic cilier it nf tin. entiniry. j . 3 Our seenery is uii-surj i.is-scil. r.iuiklet- of ."il J . scenes, I'l.'ic ;iil ."ille. ' st.unpeil mid unst;niiic(, Nnelties. ; Sfniiis. Sundries. J H per cent discount u 1 h..se wli I ,.! Hltt'is nf us. I, esse'! free with Special prices in allium lots. Special wd'k made P nn'er. each mo fit . 1 it S T A.L V A II I) S The lai'.uest assortment of t'ostals in the city. The only exclusive I'ostal Shop in Southern' irep.ii. W'e do a wholesale and retail l.usiness. : See our 'liristjiui.s ranis lieforo tuiviiij? .elsewhere. It will I'ay you. Scenery, UiHhday. Name and Xovelty 'anls. A la rye assortment of Albums always in sfoi-k. HULL'S ART STUDIO, HUBBARD BLDG Near Bridge o o