SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Ring's for Lovrnej-'i, Aldon'a and Mlregt Coinmisuiouer IliKk'B ' ia " put tine in n rnswjilk minnnitH tlm Ftii n- tist (-luii-rli mi North C-Htrppt. .1. P. Hiirr of Wat kins wan u Med tun oftllfr Tuesday. A lSI-pouiul boy baby wan born tu Mr. t,ml Mrs. Guy Thatcher, Mother ami hftliy art) loiii well. TiH'ttilny morn iny ah 8 '. miiiikI baby buy win burn to M i nnl Mih. Htnhlcr in WVhI .Med fnrd. v All partit'H eoiu-i'rued art- doiu Wfll. Dr. Hamilton was in altMidanrc on bqtli caHi s. Dr. Hamilton leaven Twndiiy fur Sa lem, Jvhere lie will take I'. K. Hmwn. wlin fins been paralyzed in t he lower part of his body for I he past two years hk tlm result of a railroad accident hi Montana. Mr. Brown ivi bllakeettnn Montana. Mr. Mrovvn will be taken to the hospital for treatment. Mips .leunesse Mutler, teaeher of pia no, theory and harmony. Resilience in West Medford. Telephone, 7!l, If loan neiiuuiii in i ihm-mia uh-m hiq the home oi ,1. v. under rmuiruuy eve nitij; and was buried at I'lnxmjx Moji day iitfternnon. Mr. Herman u wan SI vniinSf man recently f rom .U.'ihhju-Ihi, setts- One HisW, who residr-s a nix. survives him. () II. B. Nye and family wilO leave Wednesday for Foots creek, whereCjVfr. Nye is interested in mining. r II. It. Cole of the I'idesliue Hprin.4. snath of Ashland, has Ih(P)i in Mj-dfonl in the interest of wiles of mfm-nil wa O ter from his springs fnr several days. II. IQNye has soldQo Vx K. tin his residence property on the turner of Sixth and G streets for a itftusMera tion: of JM")im. Mr. Marti will Mflrt n two -kory at building on ie opim ground adjoining the r.Wiilenee,0 O JJins Mulkey's unnmtl clearance of mitlinery begins (Jini urday,- 1l)epember 7, am will eontinuj1 'tor tvri week. T'rioes cut below eosl, Conm f arty and net'tire your pick of Jafst deigns Of all Itiiids of hendwear o 2:1 1' .Samuel .Sundry, who il will bp reiuem- Tiered wad badly hurl in a railroad nri dent $ Tolo, U slilf vompellcd tn'xm ,rutelM8,,and a portion of the time is confined to bed. M. Orosbeck and wife have arrived in Medford fronv Vancouver, Wash., fur avisil athe doiue of .toseph f'ftskey. Mr. (irnshegk is a daughter of M r. and Mrs. fas key. " Cliarlt $ 'AsbiM tawed through Med ford on his way to his home in Lake county, California, lie Ims been v in it ing in Moscow, Mali". - ijjiiira A, Lonihire of North Yak imn, Wash., is ri new arrival in Med ford'jhnd n pr'rtstective land buyer, Welborti lieetu'ii of Winner Creek was a buHiness "caller in Medford Mod day. Mr, Hfeson is engaged in the cat tie business, and is t lie owner of n good raiifli. . A-Jargf assortment of post card al bums, just arrived at . Hull's I'oslal Shop, 10c to li."t0. Come and see them llubbanl building, near bridge. tf ,1 nines Allen of LMioeiiix t rausart ed business in Medford Monday after nooli. K. K. Hunt of Onkewlale, Wash., nr rived in Mdford Monday rtnd is look ing up a location on govi'tninenl land This is M r. Hunt 's Hi st visit in t In Itngue llivirr valley and he in ery fnvrtrably impressed. r S. W. Hoyd Mtal Sim from Cotla (trove, wlu have been ijii (liiffin creek t lilting up niimery n(of k, Will lenvr for their home, taking with tlicm nur sery stock, which they will sel out thi--spring. ' Mrs. Kverett Kails has left for Cut" tdRitj (Irovo? where wlti will niakf an exlemled visit with relatives. CHut .Stewnrl, who sold mil I lie Hoi lywrtod orchard to A. C. Allen, Wejtl iT Medford, several years a'fl, is now uliKaKeil in putting out u lnre" orchard ,i-near Cottage (irnve, where he located nfer lenviny Jackson county. IP. II. (iitddard, miicher 'and stork raiser on Warner creek, "wa ( a Medford husinesp caller' londay' nt'ternnon. :41r. I'ickel left for Snleih Mmiduy en(nn to attend the annual stnt Jneetin of the .State Medical nsso ciatioii, which convencH there Tuesday. c: it which time the association will iMeet officers fop- the ousiiiiiR year. : Miss Lizzie Xetherlajul has left for AVillamette valh-y poinls In make an extended visit. ,s All the iiiembcivi ami friemN of tin tine Hundred club are reipies' d to he ht tlu ftupl ist church I'riday r 'eiiiiif W 7:30.- Itefreshmcnts will lie served Charles U. Schieffelin, formerly a resilient of Jackson eomilv, iassei ftlirouKh Medford 'I nesda en muto te his home in us Atieles. He m t ni his boyhood 'iiva on tin1 Koyue river on his father farm, but left Jackson county in 1.KS1. He attended thf puldii Si'hi'.ts at Jacksonville, ami expreNscd sernrisc at the growth of Meilfnrd. O. K. Sheldon of Kanlc Point tiann neied business in Medfor'l Tues.lnv . morning. Daniel llerr, who cut his foot sc verelv with an nx smne weeks ayo, is slowly recuveriiit;. but is yet compelled to weitr his crutches. William HimIsoii of the llodson Auto mobile arae returned Monday niht from n businesH trip to INirtlnnd. James Owen ami (ins Nichols from ; near the Kojjue river were Medford bus iness calh rs Tuesday inoriiinn. The fit v council will meet tonight in special seion, Krnest Korenian, recently of Med ford, has taken up his residence in Jacksonville. It. Watdiburn of the Table liock orh;ird is spending a fi w dayi in Med ford. M rs. W.-iwIihurn is visiting in the east. "Knocks tha Persimmon." Mayor Brilt "f .lack 'onvuie can Iiohmi of more iliversif ied nifricultiire n ml hor tirnlhire than any other individual in con t hern Oregon. He has rowinjj side bv s:de on his home place lemon And fit;. Kiitftish walnuts, palm, pear, pencil and n pi ile trees, minified with the per ' fume from a thousand flowers, not to men tion rare specimens of the Japan oip persimmon. Ashland Tidings. TIME TO DO YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING SK 10 Til 10 V.rpf)VV DISPTiAYH. )nn't put (if'Pvour holiday shopping too loiiu;. Tho slocks will hojjin to (hviiidlcind if yoiwaitoo (iiif vou mav tjrifik thev arc picked ovor.C Just now wo tjre iii i'inc shape to supply your wants and we would offer a ggestion;;i;(l,rn!:::ifeher Suppose vouQ'onieicre and select fPinmiher'of small c o r0 articl('s,j)utcth('Jot)inti!a neat liox and give-the collec tion.,., I l,viudr(9ls of the liltle useful articles. iire 1;o ho u o o o . r--) O . o.-,-, fouudohei.y, iliid M small riricos. 0Vou arp alwins' wel-) cjiniel whether Nu huv onvtliiniK or not. o v 0 Lace Handkerchief Sale c O o VI !T I T I ' , I iV I X I .rvj I.) I r A t I !( )X !0S. Ve bought 'a big lot, of fine 'land-niade Luce fand kerchiefs and h;id tlu.-ni put up in individual boxes. To make a Jong story short, they have..i't sold, and we. have to sell them, so down they go kerchug. fillfl VrtllU'H l'l)- Vh )ilurH Cor ...... $1.(1(1 'S'lilncs for ... f vuliU'H for . $1.0 iiliicn for jfl.T.'f vuliw'f for .37c R7C ...73c .08C ...... 19 $1.29 2.00 vnlncK fi.r $2.2." vn for . $L;j0 A'ltllli'H for $1.47 $l.fi0 $1,87 :i.(IO vnlllfs fur $2.25 :i..10 viiluWfi.r $2.73 (.00 values fur . .$3.00 Norfolk Sweaters $1.00 VALUES $3.7,r. We hud nbonl ."( piiIIh for Nurfullt .Swviilers, wo ordered Home r direct from the mills. They-tiro exception nil) jjoimI valncH nt $4.ri()( but we imist Hell tliem, so will give you I he hijr end of the profit and s:iv lalie them for. . $3.75 Du Barry : Scarfs ' REDUCED ONE-QUARTER. l.S.'i Si'iirfK, iikw ." -98c l..r.O Scni'l'n. nciw ' $1.19 1S.(I0 Ki-ii rfs, now ".$1.-17 K.'2) SiMliff," niiw .... .:'.. .'.'.$1.07 'J.So, SiiiiI'h, now ; ...'..$1.87 :!.()0 Si iill'n. iiiiw $2.2fi :i.r,ll Srntl's. now' $2.G3 Fancy Box Goods PUT I'l' KSIMOCIAId-V K() (II I'TS.; ' When yon sit, down to oal ii meal you like pleasant surroundings. When you give a presenl, you' like1 for it lo be fixed up nciilly.' These goods are al! rur!;.- ! give: , ' . ; " - IIAXDKIOI.CHIIOFS, iu individual' boxes, ' ' from .2."c TO Sl'IM'Oi; i'K'S, in 1'auiy indi'i-l'ial' boxes, beauli 'n' line.... .'' '. ..L'.'ic T()".f 1.00 (JAliTlOI.'S. in boxes, with glass tops, no, two alike . ' :..-.", TO ;0c L ITfAL 1 1 AX 1)K KKM'I I HOI-'S. Hire.; in a ne-ii box,"l'':r itly' .. 'lv HACK CO.MliS, beaulil'nlly mounted and in individual boxes 7"ic 'i') .-rLOi) Sale of Kimonos and Saques MANY Hr'ALTI Fl'L KOi'lOS, TC0. I'ioug Kiininias, made vevy full and with a cord to fas ten around the waist, are the handiest house dresses yon can get. 10a sy to get on and oft' and always easy to laundry, they are certainly comfortable and very sat isl'actory. All long and short Kinionas must, get out of the house, and vou get the benefit. II V Vltlll, H . . 1 1. "II Voile's l.'!"i MllllrS 1 . "'H Mlhli 1 . . . Mil' . . 71IC . . .Ode $1.10 i1.7.- vahifM . Milium 'i. "lll V II I MI'S til. i"l i :ihii i ....Sl.'.H . . . .$l.f0 $1.87 $I.M) Sale of Knit Shawls We hac too many fine wool knit Shawls in black, or while, and you can have them for less. A shawl comes mighty handy about the house when a light wrap is needed, and may save you doctor's bills and suffer ing. Kegular prices from ."!c to .fl.OO; sale prices: 17c. ."!. Tile. OSc. AND TO :!.00. M 10 1 )!') I ' lOXCM'SI VIO . I.ADIIOS' STOKIO BAKER riRST ROOM NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BANK. The New Furniture Store Everything is New Everything in our store is new and of the latest design. Nearly all of our stock arrived within the last two weeks. t cannot be duplicated in southern )regon. It is strictly up-to-date. We carry only late designs,, which are not found in other stores. Is a Notable Event The opening of our new furniture store is a notable event for Medford and the West Side. We begin anew our career among you with a determination to make this the "satisfactory store," to serve you bet ter and to sell you cheaper than you ever knew be fore, or thought to know. O u Tables) O Dressers p ) n "O C u ( ) I'ockei.'S r (,. ";i o- Morris ( 'uuvh )iriing,r 'hairs rarlor Sets Writing Desks' Kockej-.s Dondoir Sets Teto-a-Tetes Islii'i'ors Couches Everything Needed Jn Fitting mid Fixijig Up Your Home JO VISIT OUR NEW STORE YOU AREo CORDIALLY INVITED It is the finest of its kind soufii of Portland, with tne largest stock in southern Orcgon.o We' have just moved in are not quite settled yet, but will be delighted to see you and have you inspect the best and biggest stock of furniture ever seen r in the Rogue , River valley. o q , Our store is in our new building on West Seventh. It is 30 feet wide and 140 feet deep. We occupy the entire two floors and have besides two galleries nearly 10,000 feet of floor space. Our work shop in the rear is the most complete and modern. When down town at night, drop around our way and see our store by electricity. It is as bright as day, brighter, we think, and big arc lights and 70 incandescent globes illuminate the entire in terior. As you go into the main entrance you will sec the latest dining room sets in golden and antique oak and other dining room fads and fancies. Then there are bed room sets and costly pieces of furniture, as well as those of moderate prices. There are special sets designed only for my lady's boudoir. There arc. tete-a-tete setters and comfortable lounging chairs. There are Morris easy chairs and all makes and designs of rockers. There arc Russian leather couches the most complete stock in the country and ev erything that is needed in the furnishing of a modern and up-to-date house. ' Our space is too limited to give more than a passing glimpse of what we have. Come in and see for yourself. Carpets Tapestries Oriental Rugs Sofas QBuffets Iron Beds Brass Beds Plate Racks Chiffoniers Perambulators Cradles High Chairs Whatever You Need in a House You'll Find . We Have We Seek Your Patronage We have shown our faith in Medford by putting in a store and stock larger than most towns twice its size can boast of. We have faith iu Med ford's future and are here to stay. We are here to please you and will carry only the best goods that money can buy. ( ne price to all. 10,000 Feet Floor Space We are able to make a comprehensive display of our furniture because of our facilities. You stand in our front door and see at a glance the latest de signs in household furniture. We guarantee all of our goods. Money back if you are not satisfied. Weeks & Mc. Cowan His Christmas WHAT FIFTY CENTS V)1,t.Fv ?ou HIM A Tie, Handkerchief, Carters, Slick Pin. Cuff Buttons. Suspenders, Hose.' WHAT FROM 17-'0 TO ft'-WOO WILL IU?Y HTM '.. iU of Clothes, . '.:.o y.w'A Case, A !"l :o Overcoat. AVI 1 AT FROM $2.50 TO $.1.00 WflVL BUY TITORE- Unihrella, Smoking Jacket, Bath Robe, (I rip. Cloves, Silk Hose, Fancy Yests, Hats, Underwear, (iood Fants. ShirN. Collar Dags. WHAT Toe. $1,00, $L.')0, $2.00 WILT; BUY HTM " Box Handkerchiefs, one Box and Tie Yest, Gloves, Suspenders, Night Robes, Hats, UmbrellasShirt, . Mufflers WHAT FROM $0.00 TO fll-lOO WILL BUY HERE Suits, Overcoats, Umbrellas, Bath Robes, House Coats, Suit Cases, Grips, Underwear and many other articles. We have the largest as well as swellest line of llolidav Presents of any house in the citv. We extend to v on and your friends a hearty welcome to view our lines of merchandise whenever you come in. Always glad to show and suggest some useful present for his Christmas. fodei Olothiiig Oompany mm L m U ' 1 s edford's? x4 orrect Olothiers IV B SEVENTH AND D STREETS. SEE OUR WINDOWS. ry iilliliniiml tmln Mntiinmv n