a- 10 JO 30 EEAL ESTATE TBANSFEES. Augusttt L. I'ulmur to Thurwald Thoreen, 6 uerea in tuwushiu 311, iwe 1 E Danier-P. Brittiiiu to Tliomns Cline, 30 aervs iu township 31), rouge 1 W . Lillio p)uy to Jiispph (pVlvy, 40jncres in section 4, township 40, riingo 2 E Laura J. liiiwiinl to Jlcllic In. low, Vi, aero iu D L C 40 nnd 41, township SO, range IE.. The regeetB ofttfeo University of Californi)to llenrv 11. Krid. 1.05 acres) iu township 3:1, range IE John II. Fauoett to' J. Syil Me Nair, 4.84 acres in D L C "2, township '39. riuiL'o 1 V C. C. Wing it, E. M. Shaw, lots 1 and L', block L, Railroad addi tion to .iDuihl 0 Edwiird L. Kendall to P. A,JVn ua, lot 4, block 1, Kendall's addition to Midford 10 Minnie J. Ogg to V. E. Chain-O berlin, lots ili nml 27, lilock L, fiailroad addition to Ashland 10 Thorwnld Thorsen to 1). W. Bow orfiox, 6 acres in section 14, township 30, range IE 10 United States to Hubert Mont- f gomery, E i, of X E ', section 12, township 3S, range 3 E patent IMwnrd L. Kendall to George II. Trnna. lot 2, block 7, Ken dall's addition to Med ford ... 10 3300 10 PBE8IDENT MULKEY WILL BETIRE DECEMBER 1 Hon. B. F. Mulkcy, who has been the efficient nnd popular president of tho southern Oregon normal school dur ing tlio pnst five years on Thursday, hat formally announced that ho had tonderod his resignation to become ef fective with the beginning of the new year. The name of his successor in the school mill be made public within n short time. Tho faculty and the stu dent body upon receiving the anuounco ment passed resolutions highly commen datory of President Mulkey's school work, and his resignation is keenly re gretted in faculty nnd student circles, though all wish him success in his new venturo, says the Ashland Tidings. President Mulkey will become asso ciated with the Jackson County Ab stract company as a partner with John A. Harvey of Ashland and T. Y. Slies of Medford. lie will bo located at Jacksonville, where the company, which has acquired the Narregan & Narregan abstract plant and added it to its own. will also establish an office. President Mulkey who was admitted to the bar some years ago, will also take up a long cherished desire to practice tho profes sion of the law, and will attend to the company's court business at the county seat. HOPKINS PLANTING MANY FRUIT TREES F. H. Hopkins was in Medford Sat nrday and stated that lie is preparing to set about 0000 young trees on his Snowy Butte orchard near Central Point. The ground is being prepared, leveled and put in first-class shape for the new stock. Mr. Hopkins, aided by bis superintendent, Mr. Tankey, has made this orchard one of the most val uable and famous of the groves iu th' valley. New Cases. State of Oregon vs. William S. Bar num; assault with dangerous weapon. No Fire in '.lie Kitchen Range No Hot Water in the Bouse Then is the time you ap preciate the convenience of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS TO Attach a plug to tk. nMM-st lliniD socket aud turn the switch 4 I pott. QUART, TWO QUART AND LARGEB SIZES pint Sile i specially adapted (or nursery Simple Durable Clean iCu A Sale 7$ J CALL AT OUR OrUCE AND SEE SAMPLES Condor Water and PsiwerCo. Phono 88.1. Office on Seventh Street. Opposite the Dig Electric Sign. RANCHES FOR RENT Oraiii Alfalfa and Stock f .. q .Fancier CDR. C. R. RAY, O ' Modt'otr!,. Or. Christmas o o .0 0 O G sents FOR EVERY ONE O 'JRUTO TOilOT piBLORS (i . . .i:Otl. n.ntl..uTu fnr the Of Sll di . "f c" (i " and face. Kleclric massage, physical d--() ficiencies devclop-l. manicuring, finest toUet articles carefully omupeunded. MBS. W. L. CAMERON, Suite 49, Hotel Moors Annex. ) o FURS, HAND K( 'IIIFFS, SHAWLS, UMI?K EL LAS, NECKTIES, K)SIEKV,'(ilAVES, CI.OTH- o o Oui- store is .full (,r special values for Xinas. The Store for Evervbodv- W. H. MEEKER & GO. GET UNDER COVER It's a good idea, for cwvvlioily o pt uinlt'r cover in Mod ford, iiu'luding the cilv council, ;iml we :iru hero to furnish von tho BEST PROPERTY IN MEDFORD for the least money. If you are a stranger in Medford, you can't afford to losu money by boarding with your family at a hotel. The business mau'B way of doing is to buy a nice cheap tract and build a nice house while- the jivseiit financial situation contin ues. Jt's a fact that you can build cheaper now than you could a month ago; or, better ycf, BUY A CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN TO A BUSINESS CENTER and watch it grow into more numey ln-fore spring. W'q arc pre pared to equip all humeseekers with desirable homes at a low figure. Now is the time te biv, mne rent and make money by the advance in price. Rogue River MEDFORD, OREGON. EXHIBIT BUILDING, Nobby Holiday Gifts Christmas G Smoking? Jackets Lounging Robes Fancy Vests Bath Robes uiKjarmji Ft si 1 fi t)l , , . Holiday Ties Gloves Mufflers Hosiery Suspenders o Christmas shopping lias begun in earnest now, and every d opart mont of our store is full of many snappy patterns iu Novelties for his Christmas presents. We wish to fnll vonr attention to the faet, that almost every article which would make a swell present will he boxed in a fancy Holiday Kox FREE of eharge. If yon arc passing by, stop and look at the many beautiful presents in our windows. If not, make it a point to pome in and see them, as the time will he well spent in looking over our line of useful presents. Von are always welcome, whether von wisli to buy or are just looking. 0 odel Olothing Company V JLedf ord's orrect lotniers SEVENTH AND B STREETS. SEE OUR WINDOWS. The New Furniture Store 1 HI ES CRY FOR IT after von have been feeding them on the jams and jellies that we have in our high grade stock of rel ishes, preserves and nut butter. There is nothing more wholesome for the es than delicious bread, made from our superior hard wheat flour. and jams, jellies and marmalade made from pure fruits and fruit juices. Qui- stock of relishes, olives, trroeu chili, and piniieiitos is always kept, at the highest standard of excellence. MILLER & EWBANK Everything is New Everything in our store is new and of the latest, design. Nearly all of our stock arrived within the last two weeks! It cannot Iks duplicated in southern Oregon. It is strictly up-to-date. We carry only late designs,, which are not found in other stores. Is a Notable Event The opening of our new furniture store is a notable event for Medford and the West Side. We begin anew our career among von with a determination to make this the "satisfactory store," to serve you bet ter ami to sell you cheaper than you ever knew be fore, or thought to know. -: A ROlf AL FI1A8T n-A-ints nnyoiic who orders a Ktcafc at tlie N.-.jOi. And o It l with anything o:i our hill of fiire. .Vo havu not only th-? very choicest of peasonable selec tions that the markets CAU give, but th"y are rooked in pcrved in a man ner mo t f.yiietizing. Till NASH ' m i: I i- (i im.) i i: if v 1 1 y v s k 0'- HAZELRIOG S Wii.i.iAi-1!-. biuho. The NHonal Stock Go's The Jumbo of Popular-Priced Attrition. Two Nmhts sr.d Matinee, Be ginning fc Friday, December 20tii--fl OPENING E1LL-"TEN1..'SSEE S PARTNER." PRICES OENERAL ADMISSION, 3Sc; i'.ESERVED SEATS, 60c. ?)i(f)u Tables Dressers Rockers Morris Chairs Dining Chairs Rarlor Sets Writing Desks Rockers Doudoir Sets Tete-a-Tetes Mirrors Couches Everything N ceded in Fitting and Fixing Up Your Home YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT OUR NEW STORE ft is the finest of its kind south of Portland, with the largest stock in southern Oregon. We have just moved in are not quite settled yet, but will be delighted to see yon and have you inspect the best and biggest stock of fur nit u re ever seen in the Rogue River valley. Our store is in our new building on West Seventh. Tt is 30 feet wide and 140 feet deep. We occupy the entire two floors and have besides two galleries nearly 10,000 feet of floor space. Our work shop in the rear is the most complete and modern. When down town at night, drop around our way and see our store by electricity. Jt is as bright as day, brighter, we think, and big arc lights and 70 incandescent globes illuminate the entire in terio''. As you go into the main entrance? you will see tho latest dining room sets in golden and antique oak and other dining room fads and fancies. Then there are bed room sets and costly pieces of furniture, as well as those of moderate prices. There are special sets designed only for my lady's boudoir. There arc tete-a-tete Kctt(M!s and comfortable lounging chairs. There are Morris easy chairs and all makes and designs of rockers. There are Russian leather couches the most complete stock in the country and ev erything that is needed in the furnishing of a modern and up-to-date house. Our space is too limited to give more than a passing glimpse of what we haw. Come in and see for yourself. Carpets Tapestries Oriental Rugs Sofas Buffets o '. Iron Beds Brass Bods Plate Racks Chiffoniers Perambulators Cradles High Chair : Whatever ' i i i You Need ' in a House You'll Find We Have We Seek Your Patronage n We haveishown our faith" in Medfol'd by putting iu a store and stock larger than most towns twice its, size can boast ot. Ve have faith in Medford's future and are here to stay. We are here to please you and 'will Cfirry only the best goods tllat money can (bnv One price to all. o "' - V , 10,000 Feet Floor Space ; 1 We a're able to make a comprehensive display of )(.ur furniture because of our facilities. You stand in our front door and see at a glance the latest de signs in household furniture. We guarantee all of our roods. Money back if you are not satisfied. Wbel$? &0 McGowao