1 a I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t Society Notes The event of the week iu social cir cles was the entertainment at Castle hall and banquet giveu Tiusday eve ning at the Wilson opera house by Tul isman lodge, No. 31, Knights of Pythias. Some 200 members ami gutssts partici pated in the function, which was one of the most brilliant ever given in Med furd. Castle lull and the opera house were artisilly decorated with cut flowers and ribbons in lodge colors. LadieB wore red curimtiouB and gentlemen white ones. A most enjoyable musical program was rei.dered at Castle lu$( while dancing iu.,1 card games entertained thou;? :n i. tendance. Later the com uuy adjourned to the bauquet hall and pirUo'.. oT a sumptuous banquet. Hon. W. I. Yawter acted as toastmaster and redpunses were made to various toasts. The t'oiimving was the musical pro Cf ram Wed: Selection, orchestra, Messrs. Ha -elrigg, Miller and W. Bar i:nm; S"loition, quartet, Messrs. W. Mulkr, Kd Andrews; Di. Uurdetto, H. 'Withrrgtr'n; vocal solo,'' Mrs. Hazel piano solo, Mrs. Flora Gray; se lection, quartet; selection, orchestra. The program at the banquet hall was as follows: Toastmaster, Hon, W. I. Vawter. Kesponsei Damon and Pyth ias, M, Pimlin; Talisman Lodgu, No. E. Hnyiirt; The Lmlii-a, J. p. Kobertst; Oregon, V. M. Colvig; Greater Medford, TI. Withiugton. r The bnnquet committee consisted of J. A. Ptrry am) fl. Schermerhorn. , Wednesday afternoon Mrs. P. J. Mc v Million, Mi's. Kulph Clarke nnd MrB. William Hyde Stalker drove to Cen tral Point to spend the afternoon with Mrs. Fred Hopkins at her residence. Tho afternoon w:us spent in playing five hundred. Dainty refreshments wero served. Friday Mirrnoon Mr. Ralph Clarke .ntnrtainl informally at bndgo wht a number of BomMy folk. Mrs. Ella Cairnes and her daughter,. - tjnxjt N. D., have beeu visiting Mrs. J. B, "Watt. Thry are en route to Los An geles for tho winter. Mr. nnd Mra. Ralph ('lark are occupy ing tho Rf; ly residence during the ab souce of Mm. Roddy iu Spokane, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. H. Mitchell, recently of IVndkt n( have taken the house nt Fast ti.n-eiilli and Grant streets and are at home to their friends. Judge and Mrs. E. E. Kelly have moved into the old Pierce homestead on Fast y.venth street. C. II. P" co and family have moved into their handsome ikw home on East Seventh rt'ot)t. The house is one of the most spacious in the city. w Mr. and Mrs. V. F. Isaacs returned Friday irght from their wedding trip to California nnd were given a hearty and noisy w -leome at the home of tho bride's pnroiita, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brown, by some of the irrepressible friends of the groom At From GREAT eHISTMRS STILE- GREAT HOLIDAY SALE OF BEAUTIFUL Brown, Sable, Coney, elaborately trimmed; S6.50 values $4-50 All others in proportion. Large assortment of children's sets. Men's Raincoats (. CAT OKKAT RlfllUCTIOXS. $22.50 Black Watefpwjof Coats....::...... $15.00 Gray Waterproof (foats $15.00 Wool Overcoat ;; - An Overcoat is just the thing for husband, hrcttier m- sweetln-art The Ladies' Aid society of tho Bap tit church havo been holding a great salo today in ono of tho new store rooms adjoining the Baker A Hutcha sou store. Things to eat and things to wear nave ueen on sale all day and a rushing business transacted. Fancy ar ticles, Christmas gifts, home cooking and a genuine old fashioned chicken pie dinner were offered to the public. Charles Nunan, assisted by his sisters, Mrs. Josephine Russel and Miss Frances Nunan, entertained in a charming man ner Wednesday evening at Jackson ville. Five hundred was the game of the evening, Clarence Reaiues winning tne gentleman's first prize nnd Mrs. Jay Sexton the ladies, while the eonso lution fell to Mrs. Burnett. A dainty mppor was served, after which the re mining time was spent with music. The guests wero: Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Uca-ms, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cotcliett, 4Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Virion, Mr. ami Mrs. Jay Sexton, lit, and Mm. Ii. T. Kurui tt, Miss Farlow, Miss Prim ami Mtwrs, George lierritt, Rav Sexton and J. Hrcy Wells. The Jacksonville fire department is nuking much preparation for its annual ')all, which always takes place ou New Star's flight. Nothing is being left -indoiie to make it ono of the principal jvents of the holiday season, as usual. Tho Central Point Dancing club an nounces a bal masque for Christmas night. Tt promises to be a delightful affair, as tho management are sparing no pains to make it ftuch. Oregon Is emerging from the legal holidays, manufactured to alelvinto the tense financial Situation, which seems to have had a discouraging effect on the matrimonial bureau also. No marriages were solemnized in Jackson county dur- j ing tho month of October and very few in November. During the next 20 days Dan Cupid will probably make up for lost time. Among the weddings chronicled dur ing the pant fortnight was that in which talist who , bwn i,,,,,,,,,,! wIth the bp8t inicteHtH ot our vallov. and M,m Abbio Kemlu n nr nm) J,Atl,Ij;ut.-i ,0 Olhftiot Thev were at Oipals. They wero at home to their large circle of friends at once. The lovers of the festive dance will be accommodated at Phoenix nnd Eagle Point on Christinas, though the events will not conflict. The first party will be given at Phoenix on Christmas eve and the other at Eagle Point on the following night. The marriage of Lillian M. Oreene ind If. 1. Plvumle was solemnized at high noon on Tlmnl;stj;lvinj day at the homo of Mr. aad Mrs. Sebastian Ply male, the groom's p.ir.M:!.-:. in Portland. I ll..t- A U M itml.d- ... '.tr nf I'm ' niauuel Baptist chmv'u, officiated. Only t lie family guests were present. The home was tastefully decorated for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Plynmle will make their home in Jacksonville, of which place the groom is n native, and .vhere his parents resided for years. The genuine holidays are fast ap proaching, and social functions, danc ing part ies, school entertainments ga lore are on the tapis. Much preparation being made therefor and the last MEEKER'S Great Dry Goods Store Now Until Christmas We Will Give Special Vahies in Every Department fortnight of the mouth will be unusu ;illy interest ing. Miss Agmw Ormiston, late of Rose burg, who has beeu a resident of Med ford during the past several months, left for Crescent chy, Cal., last Wed nesday evening. On her arrival at the Del Norte metropolis Miss O. will be joined iu matrimony to W. II. Wilson, who was employed on the newspapers of Med ford fur some time ami is now editor and manager of the Crescent City News. They have the congratula tions and best wishes of numerous friends. George von der Hellon of Wellen, who lately resigned his position as as- saver at the Blue Ledge mine, will com ply with the request of Secretary of War Tuft to servo as resident third lieutenant of constabulary hi the Phil ippine isle.nds, and will soon leave for his new hoiii", accompanied by his wife. Hut a little time before he had received i eoinuiuuicat ion from President Roose velt r.sking him to report at Fort Leav enworth fur duty iu the regular army. The lu st wislus of all accompany them. DEMOCRATS TO HOLD CONVENTION IN DENVER After deciding to hold the next dem- ocratic nal ionnl convention at Deover and fising the date of the meeting for Tuty 7, 1I-0S, the democratic national committee debated the propriety of ac ctpting more of the $100,0110 ' offered by Denver for tho convention than if actually needed to pay the convention expenses iu that city. Tho opposition to the uc.ptnnee of the contribution took the form of a resolution by Repre sentative 'layton of Alabama, declin ing money not actually needed for the convention, but after n long debate the resolution was laid on the table by n vote of 31 to 14. Ou the first ballot Denver received '22 votes against 17 for Louisville, five for Chicago mid one for St. Paul. Be fore the soeond ballot was completed ( hicago and Lou i si lie wit lid re w and Denver was selected bv m'cluinntion. Coal for Salo. We nre now prepared to furnish hand picked coal at t he mine, fivo mile ast of town, in any amount desired $7..ri0 per ton. tf PACIFIC COAL CO. Owen TCeegnn and D. It. Thompson of .laeh'HOiiville spent a couple of hours in Medford Thursday. HVJTk Fresh Comnlexton u pictured-and produced by Robertine, a mild, dahghtfui r Trepanation, delicately fragrant BJbJk the ilun exquisitely toft; baniih cackled epoe&ranca atoed bv ovot-drmeai reduce, tht iUa of eiuargea pores, cleaned tnem. n- . duces inflammation and spreads an even. radiant glow due to wholesome ttounsn meut of skin elands and stimulation of the capillaries which alio feed the bn and supply iu neaitmui coior. Ait your Druggist flrafra latnpli cf OBERTINH 15 dozen Ladies' Silk Hand-Made Collars; just the article for Xmas; come in boxes ;j0! to Also a coiiiileti: stock of Lace Collars and Seta. and Overcoats No Fire in the I Jtchen Range No Hot Water In the House Then is the lime you ap preciate the convenience of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS Attach a plug to the nearest lamp socket and turn the switch PINT. QUART. TWO QUART AND LARGER SIZES Pint Size is specially adapted for nursery Clears Sale Simple Durable CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND SEE SAMPLES Condor Water and Power Co. Phone 8S. Office on Seventh Street. Opposite tho Big Klectric Sign. NEW TOILET PARLORS Modern nnd scientific methods for tfcO care of all diseases of the hair, scalp and fnce. Klectric massage, phyaU-M de ficiencies developed, manicuring, finest toilet artieles carefully compounded. MRS. W. L. CAHEROXL Suite 4S, Hotel Mooro Annex. 1 LEWIS' West Side Confectionery An Ideal Xmas Present Riser's Oregon Art Calenders Large assortmentMany designs CHOICE CANDIES AND COKFBOTIONB FANCY HOMDAT BOXHS OF STATIOWHEV SO0VBNIB POST OABD9 AND ALBUMS FURS $18.50 $12.50 $8.53 T. E. Kelso, the Applegato miner, lias been visiting in Medford. KASKINS' DRUG STORE. Leon B. Ha skins. AT HASKINS' Hare you done your Christmas shopping t If not, come and let us assist you in getting just the present you want. It will be sure to please. '3Dw would a nice Parker foun tain pen do, or a beautiful box of stationery, uud let me say that the quality of the paper is just us good or better correspondingly as the box is beautiful. If you really want to please somebody, give them a pyrography outfit; can give you a very neat set for $-2.50. Toilet and manicure sets, per fumes, mirrora, cigars, Gillctt safe ty razors, tobacco jars, etc., aro always appropriate. I would a great deal rather show them to you than tell you about thorn. Come before, they aro all picked over, liemenibor, HASKINS FOB HEALTH BURNT WORK PILLOW TOPS AND MATS. $10.00 Tops - -. 7i&0 $7.50 Mats $"-Otf 12." dozen fancy Tops !20e, 2.1c. and :'" These are extreme values. You should secure some for your Christinas ifts. TWO HUNDRED DOZEN IIANDK ER( '1 1 1 K I'S dl'ST If M( 'Kl V I'd). TH.EIICE HUNDRED PAIRS HOUSE SI, I IM ! il.'S, lL. 'K, 1,'KI) lU.'OWX, $1.00 TO $2.50 Saturday will be the greatest Sale Day our store has ever bad. Our bargains will interest you. Come and see our Christmas display. Remember, Meeker makes the prices. We have everything you want. THE STORE FOR EV El,' VUODV. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of nioncj and neither give the tit, style nor distinction t" your clothes thatyonr own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ' The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME The City Tailor 1 st National Bank CAPITAL $50,000 The Youngest and Strongest RESOURCES $360,000 WE DON'T SPECULATE WM. & QROWELIi, President. O. CRAWFORD, Assistant Cashier. F. K. DKUEL, VIcc-PreHiilent. M. L. ALFORD, Cashier. CEO. VV. DUNN. SnconC VI", ivn I'Oi-nt. R. W. GRAY. Builder Colonial Porch Work, Grill and Lath Work, Patterns, Et Telephone 471. e Leading Rooming Overthe Poilofflcs LADIES' KID GLOVES In all lciiKtlis at, special prices. We have Glove Bonds; a j 1 tick way to solve the Christinas gift problem. You should select the gloves you want. c fill in 1 1n bond, you present the bond at 1'Hst mas am! your friend can come at an' time ami be Wlcd at, our glove counters. IFERT FRENCH DRY CLEANING Medford Medford Steam Bakery HOT ROLLS FOB BREAKFAST or dainty little dinner rolls that will tempt the appetite of tho most fastidious, Is tho kind w servo every day whoa ordered, llroadstnffs, light, white and do licions, is our specialty, as well as the richest, finest oaken, pas try and pies. When you want to enjoy your meahs, order youl b.ikestuffs from us. Medford, Oregon Odell House of tHe City Medford, Oregon i it' I? 1 t; 0 W. H. MEEKER & C O.