SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Klng'a fur LowDoy't, lt3ou'a hurt Guiitber'i obocjlatci. .luck Hinlt v tr:ii)in-ttl liiihiiH in Mvdftml Thursday. 4 Mike Hmilry, a rum Iut and turk raimT of Little Hntt i-n-ck was n Imsi now caller in Mcrifunl Tlmrsf;iv. Mr. Hauley is heavily intrenti-rt in thi cat tit' liutiineHH, and reports that all if hit stuck art lnin well and from tin jm-H ent outlook then w.mlil In- little if anv fWrtiiitf dnnt'. Kdilor S. A. i'iii(i-r of Central Point was a caller in MediTud Thurwliiv. Owen Keran of .liu-ksonvilh' wan a ItuHincKft en I lor in Med ford Thurwliiv afternoon. Kntmi Hurl tint 'k ( h nut maw fit at inn cry, tin )est ulaliumrv oa the market Hull R Art Studio, ;t1" Hpventli Ht. W, Seidv Hall, Mn of J. ('. Hall, who hail the misfortune to limine hit luu thereby necesftitatili the putting on of a plant it of puns iiihI, in iminiviiif; and the liiuli can Ite naved from ntiff in hh in the joint. The planter of pari rant will he removnl in a few (Iuvm. II, l' Mendor, foreaiaa at the old Si moil orchard, watt a 1iih i rn-sH caller it) Med ford Thursday nftcrnoon. I'Vank Ainev of Vntnil J'oint waH a caller in Mcdford Thurwlay. M inn .leunente Butler, teacher of pi, no, theory nnd harmony. Residence in West Medford. Tel. phone 7!H. tf Notwithstanding t he rainy weather, the residence prnpc-iy luiildintf Imhuii fit ill continues in Hon I Invent Medfonl. There are under coast met inn in I he Hum addition alone 1L' lnnim-H of differ tnt dizefi, q MrH. J, A. Stewart and daughter. Mrs. I i 1 1on Hill, ami grandson, flow ard Hill, left on the hoiiI abound train for Oakland, Oil., where they will make an extended vidt with n-lal es. .lrn. Stewart will spend the entire winter in Oakland, but MrH. Hill and her win will return to Mcdford wh hiu two weeks, j A pold watch to he jiea nway af a New " Venr'n present at Mull 'h Art Hludio, .'(17 Seventh street. L'LMi V. .1. Mahfuiey, Htatifm aent for the Hon t hern Pacific at (1 rants Pass, ar rived in Mcdfnnl Friday umriii nr to look after buiinoHs mutters for a few I ilavs. Mr. Mahoney was njjiMit in Med ! ford lnr several yearn. MrH. .1. V. Perkins returned to Med ford Friday morn i ne; after n wtiek 'fl visit in Porllaud with relatives. dames ('. Ttcnm, wife and daughter who have been visiting with Mr. Kelt iu'h brother, P. P. Ifeani of Med ford, for the past week, left (his morn intf for southern ( 'alifnraia points, where they will spend the remainder of the winter befnre returning to their old home in Poweshiek county, Inwa. Midi Mulkey ' annual clearance of millinery begins Saturday, Decern bei 7, and will continue for two weeks Prices cut below cost. Come rrly nnd secure your pick of latest d.ign of all kinds of hdwcnr. 2.11 Tonight, opera house, Slaylon .Tiihih Singers. Mr. and Mih. S. T. Cook of Lagodn, hid., who have been visit ing at t lit homo of .1. P. Pefley in Kant McdIWd have completed I heir visit and left for Southern California. They formed a fa vorable opinion of Medford ami may return and make this then permanent home. A. K. Hicks of the Medford Cranitej works, who has been out at their mine pian ving rork to supply I heir shop wit h a crew of workmen, returned to Mcdt'onl Thursday ewniug. They will (iro( et-d with t h ir work at the shop ::t once The ni'iilur ineefiug of the A. P. & . M. will lake place at their hall this Kr. l;i v ) t- t n tog. .1. K. H.irkduM, councilman from the Second ward, is confined ttiis bed on ice. .unt of la grippe. Mr. Parkdull., vhile Miit serioOH, is a very -tick man. Itev. .1. I,. Adams of North Medford, 't day celebrated his 7."ith birthday. He, v;n bom in Vermillion county, Indiana,' bcember PI, IS;iL. He resided in In ! li.tna and Iowa and in several count ief ii mgnn, having been a r'Hhiiif of )reg..n since 1S.":I. He preached his irst s. r. nun as a minister of the Chris inn chon hiu I V, 1. .-r--, W. P. Pntrop returne.1 to Medford rmii Ihitte KjiIIh Friday evening for a j 'ew i-'fv visit. V. Y Andrews of .liicksoliville wft a oisiness caller in Med ford Friday morn ;ng. C. P. Kennies, deputy district attor icy from Jacksonville, was a profession I i-dje)r in Medford Friday. J. II. Fitzgerald, who has spent I he mst mouth in eastern Oregon, rot,,rned Pridav. Coat Hangers Free You Should Come For These Soon Buy Useful Presents We'll Jeep them for you until Xmo$ id ch art ides otic usually AN INDUSTRY UNAfJECTED BY FINANCIAL FLUBttT The legal holidays thiif'linvp been orevailing for some time past have vi leiifly been taken advantage of by the 'ican, too, for they assumed a state of ijitietivitv that is just beginning to dour1. Willi eggs retailing at 4" rents per Inen uud clearing house ncrip to pay for them with, liogue Hiver valley is merging unscathed f rom a short pe noo: or temporary depression, tmt with Mie convictin firmer than ever that the ultry busiiicsH is one at least whicli holds its own under all circumstances. Turkeys and chickens are Helling al i price remunerative to their rniserH ut he big tnarketH of the coast, which is :iicreasing as Christmas and New York ipproach. MINE EXPLOSION, DUE TO COAL DUST BLO'V UP i i. ;,.. f,.r ).. fMiiid.'tv Hade this vear we foindtt div of the jiuieracks an. I sAiv about this time of il.e year and bought heavy on tin- us. fnl articles, such as Gloves Handkerchiefs, Um brellas, Bas, Belts, Back Combs, Neckwear,, Sweater Waists, Skirts, Raincoats, Knit Slnwls, Etc., Etc. LAY IT AWAY..If you don't want to take The article jut now, we suggest that you come in and pick ....I .1I..W to lav it awav until Xiuas eve. Then voii can take it with vou and no, v. til be the wiser. Don't klnviutil tde lines are jo.-ked over. Our goods are all new. " G G G Ladies' Belts Galore A WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT. '- ... o G A belt makcH a verv acceptable gift. We have the newest ideaH in eltic, lk and leathers all sizes and all grades. Come and IaI m show yoii. Vtui will recognize the values very quickly. O 25C AND ALONG TO $2.00. O New Leather Bags We have the leather bag assortment of southern Ore- gon. ;nr collection of styles U yery g 1. Alligator lings up- all the rage now. And' the. genuine wears for years and years and iihtfty looks good. The prices are right. q 25c AND ALONC TO $11.00. ItPld.K VPKN'ON, Pa , Iee. ?.. The oromrs' .jury investigating the exp'.i iton in the Naomi mine of the Tinted 'on I company at Payette City, Pti., vhieh resulti'd in the death of 'M mill rs, today returned a verdict, stating hat the explosion was caused by gas Inst, believed to have been ignited by Hpnrks from elect ric wires or open hts. It recommends amendments to lining laws ho that human life will e belter protected nnd the present ii wh rigidly enforced. Confederate StatoKuuui Dend. NASH VIM. P. I lee. IX- Colonel A. t. Colvar, n distinguished jnnrist uud tatcHuuni, died pt his home today, aged to. lie was n member of the eon f filer ite congress. Coal for Sale. We are now prepared to furnish hand icked coal at the mine, fivo milch fi ut nf town, in any amount desired, ".oil per ton. tf PACIP1C COAL CO. ) o Ladies' Silk Underskirts O o n ALSO SATINE, IIEATHERELOOM AND BILK MOIRE. ( J Have vim n'Wi tliosi- liiaulilul iila'nl sill; Stiiits? Tlicy an ri-rtainly if lialiilfinmi' anil (if mii-h K"inl silk. tun. AM plain culnrs nml si'Vi'ial bean- lil'nl plaiils; an extra' nf mlk al tin- low k'"7 1111 K .vrvf $3.98 $5.50 price ut O. ,Q . A lot of Colored 8)11; Skirts; extra value; for Alimited supply of Colored Kijk Petticoats Silk Moire Skirts, in black only, extra value $4.25 Ladies, a nice petticoat would be nceptable as a gift for some one. Buy Raincoats Now $27.d0 VALUES FOR $10.50. Our entire line nf Milk HainrnalH i nnw nn dale. You ran grt the limit rnlilicriwil "ilk in plain i-nlnrs, plniiU nn.l Htripi-H; nil im'n; tuM ri'cuhir in tin" rith'H fur 7..W nnd (ivit; nur fnriiHT pr'u-c fJll.H0; mw ml ali- to rlusn tin Int at tin- riilirulmmly Inw priii' nf $16 50 A Good Umbrella wnnlil man' handy tln si' ilavs. Wi Hi'll tin- Instill kiml. $1.00 AND UP TO J7.00. Swell Back Combs BUY HER A BACK COMB. Wht'ri' iK tin1 unman ur yniin laily whn lines tint just lnv; n ni'W li.'U-U eninh Mi'n, ynil ran please lier liy sileetinn nne nf nur many linuilsinne styles. She will like it nil I lie lielter fur yniir having seleeteil it In-r. Our as.-ini-tuient is euiuplete, nearly every i-nuil. Ii:iviu finii.' tn iis li'?s than Mil ilavs an. 2i")C AND UP TO $1.00. LOOK AROUND, THEN LOOK HERfl BEFORE 'BUYING. BEE THE WINDOWS BAKER-HUTCHASON SEE THE WINDOWS. FIRST KOOM KORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY HANK. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS -e- They chain the towns of nionej and licitbef Kivc.the fit, stylo nor distinc.n t- gnir clothes thatiyour own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY 'he clothes I make are the kind that "cany distinctiou,"that bespeak the niaufhat keeps your money at home and are snp,n&r in every jlotail to. the "sweatsSop" jroods ot catalogue houses. d) KEEP YOUR MONEY AT ffiENCH DRY CLEANIN6 HICCDT HOME LIILISS The City Tailor n Q 'Medford CANDREPAIRIN6NK,ffi f 0 o o . O ) TUB'1 FEELING OF O O PERFECT CONTENTMENT which ennies .after iliuiiif at the Nash Q-afi' i yrfOt ins:tive that, uur palrnnit are 'unt inlMVell senwj anil fell, have had tin' very liest. that thejiiar kets affiinl. (ur nieuil onulnuis every huviiry nf v0ie sensna. l!II .NASil Medford Steam BaRcry HOT ROLLS FOR BREAKFAST or ilainty little dinner mils that will tempt the nppetite. jiC thu most, fastidious, Is Hie hind m. servo every day when oniored. I'.readsluffs, li((ht, white nml de lirious, is our , specialty, as well as the richest, finest cakes, iu trv and pies. When you want to enjoy your meals, order youi li.-iUesluffs from us. R . WG LR Al Y , Builder Colonial Porch Work, Grill and Lath Work, Patterns, Etc. :: :: Telephone 471. Medford, Oregon The Odel! LeadingRooming House of the City Ovprthe Poitofflce Medford, Oregon GREAT en is TMM At MEEKER'S Great Dry Goods Store o O o o o o 5 From Now Until Christians We Will Give Special Values in Everyo Department GREAT HOLIDAY SALE CF BEAUTIFUL FURS Iiniwn, Siiltlc, ('uiifv, cl.ilHir.itely ( riniiiicd ; ?6.So values .,")() All ollicrs in irnnirt imi. 1 ,a rue assort meiil of cliililren's sets. 1." dozen Ladies' Silk I laiul--Made Collars; jnsl tlie arliile for Xinns; eoine in lioxrs .")0c to l.oO Also a complete stock of Lace Collars and Sots. O o I o o O LADIES'oKID GLOyES BURNT WORK IMld.OW TOPS AND MATS J , M fe11,,llQ ,vi;fl ,.i(r, Wo have (Hove $10.00 Tops O 79"0 ! IJon-k.: a .inTd; wr.jfe to s.ive tfio Christina sift ...i.OO : ii'iilili ii'. (JOmi -'ioulri select t Idkivi's yon want. .T.")0 .Mats down fancy Tops L'Oc, L'.'nand '.'' I hest are extreme values. on shniilisectirc some-for voiir Cliritinas gifts. o o !-' - o u o W' fill in the lmnd. von nresent the lioiiu at ln islnias and voiir f fiend can nn&at auPtinit' i';.....t i..,. U.i, ,,(.... u Ij 1 1 1 n' in i lino 11 1 1 1., 1 1 1 v i i n 1 1 1 1 v i q o s e- o Men's Raincoats and Overcoats AT (JIJKAT h'KDl'CTIONS. -j $2-2.: lilack Waterproof Coats lS.oi, O o o o ifl.'t.OO (I my Walerproof Coats 1.".(H) Wool ( h ei ats An Overcoat is just the thing for husliand, rot her or sweet heait, r.'.ao ,ts..-)) O n n 'HVO lH'NDIJKl) DOZKN UAX1KF.K 'U I V. FS ,1 CHT IO'.CKI VED. O O O TllliKK lU'Nl)T?t:i l'AIK'S llorsK si. I IT KliS. iu.acR KI I!IyW)(ai m TO o T5 " o o o oo o o o o o o o o O o n O n o n'-O u O : .... P.. . .o. . . - o Saturday will he the grect sale Day our store lias ever had. Or) hargams interest you. Come JjU see our ClirUtTia display. Ixemeinher. ckcr,4j) s th9 price0 ly& everyt liing you whnt. Till", S'UfMiK K(fK KVI-llfVliOgV. o (7) O O O O. o W. H. MEEKER & CO. Glt3 oo O, J O O O O oo o o 1 at -oj o o o G G ocl o o o o o o a o o o o' o O I n 1 1 0 X . r o o i o o on O o era O O o o o u c?, u c o r3