o Medford Daily Tribune A Live Piper in a Live Town. Published tvery evening except bumluy Meiirord Publlahing Company. G. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted a8 Second Clam Matter in tlie Postoffice at Medford, Oregon Subscription Bates: One month, by muil or carrier. .. .$0.50 One year, by mail 5.0(1 PRAISE FOR THE COUNCIL. The city council in to be cniinitu la ted on having mm It a Mart in the right direction. VeHterday 'moo worth of east iron pipe was pi.rehaH.-d for Seventh street, to )e shipped in Jami arv, and a new water rental nrhediile agreed upon to go into effect the firtt of the year. The laving of the pipe on Seventh street will euahle I he council to pavt the ciiv'a main thoroughfare and prin eipal miHlhole, wlnrli will ad per cent to the appearance of the city an an much to the comfort of pedeNtrianx Qand the traveling pulilic, hftjdeH fur niHliing fire protect ion rp ' liusineitq hoiiHfti and hloehn. The new water rate rtolrefliile will utop the principal leak in the city finaneea, Rerun an adequate return service rendered, and check drain f fr$m $.100 a month up on tjtxpuvciw. Many months ago lit citizen voted the council !M'U8 to ciUrMritet A Wftuif en stave pipe dtMrihntito nvmtewi. Since then tlie cunncil Ikim chased the plan, aniPresolved upon 9 rflifl ieoO d istribut Qing s.Ytem, Trlij.'li ill ct $0 '-," or $Ji ,000 more than the nfflouDl voteif. Tltf additional money trill be Onl(f) for at the .T0e0y IwMiiin. It ight In iigpd that the eoun q cil contfl jut e il boe powhssed the ortb flf pipe yetfterAay ai WMo Worth, sod bast.-oed tbe am detion rtf tb dwtriHoticg sslm. hut Ttw Trihun it fn glad to have the , c.MJO'-il Ho ojttooq to find fault. A tfuitribotuDg ystpm in Nnll? only tbe fir-t atep t ovarii making Medford a s'riv. Wben the pipes are laid an ample anpplv of pur mountain water flniwLrf lie obtained, for Medford will ptevft became a fitv, or attractive tn oi.ni phi nr others nniil this is dne. ft'ith; sa ample water supplv. paved Hlrtt-ts aed other improvements, Med fnrd will be tbe must attmrtive fit in nootbern Oregnn and Rrw as if by rpttgie. ANOTHBB NOMINATION BUSINESS CARDS. B. B. HAMILTON, M. D.. Physician and Surgeon. 8iicrMur to Dr. H. 3. DeArmoud. Office iu Hitter Dunlap Block. Phoue 083. .Vm. M. Colvlg, Medford, Or. COLVIG DURHAM, Attorneys at Law. Geo. H. Durham, Orants Pass, Or. -o-o e VM. W. P. HOLT, ft, D., (Pttyxician and Surged o o ;:niie I'oillt, o o Of, (on. O GREAT CHANCE FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS. FtfrrH; SPECIAL INDUiZJrUlT TO HIOH SCHOOL STUDENTS. V. ABBBN t CAtrGBOH. M. 0, riiynicln afl floigeon. IteHi'li-nce. Hotel Moore. LINDLEY UHDLEY. Dcilem in new and second hand ftitoi Mir.'. niova and tinware, tn)re, etc stontiN' and commHisioB. Wniyyttd m i tion. All gmiu delivered to any rt ! city. VOTES ft DBE8HLEB. Real Ratals, Rentals. Insurance. Pa B&f AND TIMBER LANDS. CorrjxDdefte Solicited. mjMvevsa ADVHKwajajjHKrs. WANTED Dining room giri.al Hotel Ntiah. Premdeot Ronaevelt ha imied anntli or atotewient moling that he will refum a raoitin taut ion fur Hie preiiidcncy. a foMown: "(in lite nivrht after election I niad tne followiatiE annoiincenienf : " 'I am doeply aenniMe of (lie linnoi daae me by the American people in lhn ojrfiretuiiog their conf idence in what I ha done aoA tried to do. 1 appre elate to toe full the aolcmn reBfnnai liililv tbi confidence iinpottea npon me and I Htilill do all Ihnt in toy power liei not to furfett it. On the 4tli of Marcli next, I uuall hove aerved three and i half vean and thia three and a hall' yeara cooatitntea my Brst term. Th wiae cnalota wbieb limit, the prcBidcn! to two terma rogardu the aniiatanre and not tbe foroi, and noder on circum itancet will I lie a londidotv for or ac rept ooother nomiottlion. ' "I have not changed and ahall not cbange the decision Ihna annoiin.'eil." t'onimcntinK on Ihe tMMitive nnnoiince ttieiit of aid-nit Hisnu'veli ihnt b would not be a candidate for a third term, W. .1. Itrvao said: "I have assumed from (lie he(innini that I'roBidcnt RooscveU would not hi n candidate. The atateinctit he issued the nilit of election left no room fot miiiiinderHtiindiiig, and I have fell that his friclldH were doing him an injustice in miggoat iii; thnt he would cliaiiKo hia pimition on the autijeet. ' ' FOH SAf.E Buggy and baroeaa. I, B. Brown. 29 A LKTTKH PBKHA, liiairi. fur sale; i good condition, inquire at P. (. 227 IFNTI.KMAN wanted niahed room, near in. Moore. for nicety far Anplv at Hotel tf FOB ItKNT Five deairable, eonireoient furnifliMl riMiniH for housekeeping; oo I'hilreu. :m; North (.' at. 83ti WANTEH All kinda of seeond hand g'Nidii at the Woods building near Rub hard s l.iodler A I.indley. tf IV iB 8AI.E Fine Iota, gaud soil, ezuel leot building ground, U'tb and 1 ats. 8ee owner. Prof. M. B. Sigoa. tf FOB EXCHANGE Madford property far at bar praysrty. Adrdess Lock Baa .18, Medford, Or. tf WANTED 'I'n real, a furnished hoase 6 or 7 roeuia, electric lights, close in 'all at my offirt. Dr. I! K. flamil ton. tf noimilVVORK or window cleaning, b day or hour; bamboo furnitura mad uiui, Seventh at , near bridge. Tel HH. tf aasvvret foe basbiman: BKPABATION Of BAILBOAD8 Nci;otiiitionH lire under way lictwceii the Httorni'v gencriil mid K. 11. llarri man Inokiug to an iiKrecment by which the I'uion I'aeific will nlinudon nil it direct control of the Southern I'.icit'ie in return for which Die government will j(ree not to protiecute Mr. Hnrrimiiii for violiitiun of the iinti tniHt lew and of the eonipclitii c cliiuHeH in the inter stnte colllllieri-e lltw, stnten n dlBi:ilvh The ueot iutions have not actaiolh heen coni'liuled, tint they hove renihcl II st:io;c where it ih believed an auree ra'lit will be entered into. The Southern Pacific in to lie or)aii ixed an a eepiirtitc corporntioli and the I'nion I'ncific either will tiike over tin old tVntrnl Pacific line from Ondel1 to Sun Francisco or cIhc will operate over it iih a through line, on it in per milted to do by law. The liiildini; roinpjiny orgwnixol b Mr. II :i rri mini mid hi frieiol to tuk mcr the stork of the Simla Kc and Xortheru Pacific will probiibly conlin lie. but tbe Tnion Pacific nud it emu ieling liueit will be slopped. FOB Sa l,R Now resilience, just com pieted, neeood block weal of high school, West Seventh street; fine col ooisl iatariar; cheap if sold soon. In qairs Triboos office. tf IkWT irne hay old, White atrip return of aaaia. Hex III. HeBiden oil teak. niHre colt, II months in face. Reward fot 0. (1. Shirley, P. O. e Bemad hoitiw south tf BiAl.h One ami a iuarter acrer unproved land, with 5 reoia hnuae. barn. outhiiildioKii and well, I8"0 Itlsodcd filley. 7 moniha old. sired by Robert 1,., Aiiu; sins .laracy heifer calf. lo. P. II. Scott, owner. ' tf JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. MiH TlertliH Prim, who Iihh fiiiin)te,l a three inontliH nehnol lit Hoek Point i home nnniii. Mre. A. s, lmii.it spent the dar in Vledfi.rd Thurmlay. A. H. SnltninrNh w:ia in from lliincotn Thurwlnv. Rates for Dairymen. "Fo' the benefit of those who limy be interested in the promotion of the clniry indimtry in the state, the South ero Pacific company will iamie tickcln at n rate of one furc and one-thinl for the minimi meeting of the Oregon Dal r.vmcn's association at Portland, tic ciinbcr and IS, provided (SO or more nttend from all pnrta of the aisle. Tick ts mny be purchaiicd December 9 to IS. Inclusive, and will he good for re turn passage including December Ifl.tf A U(Hll) investment For sale, Urn mortgage. 7."u. on Irnt cIsm reel es tats, due in 1!0 moatlis, draws 7 pel cent interest; will diMouBl principal enough to make a good profit for pur chaser; will accept ciihIi, check or cet tiliiSle of deposit. Address P. (V. lo jTii I. Medford, Or. 2.1s 11KI.P WANTED We Ornish belli foi miners, loinheroien, mills, hotels, res tauraul.. housekeepers, loumlrys raiiihmen, on-hardiata. woim! cutting buihlcrs, merehaats. coatraclors, or anyone deairiug help of any kind. Leave your orders with us. Noyes ft Dressier, near Hotel Meme tf FOR 8AI.K At a bargain, ninety seres of tlie choicest fruit lanrl is Rogue river valley, rich soil, all level, well watered, geod an room boose, good barn, three good wells, aauadaoce of water. All under cultivation readi for orchard. Intending par. baser should usitbia plaea before pnr, h:iiug Oeo. Uint. Nash Hotel, Uedfnl . K4,f FOH s.u.K-SO a. res land, with house bar ii and ether buildings, good spriai; a few bearing apple trees. 1'7 ajnlc from railroad station: prite srino fiur able t'J'Hi down and t'-'n a mouth, si will eirliange for Medford residence property. Also 4" acre goad apple Ol iear land in swna locality: low prin end cssv terms. Address P. O. Hot .171, Medford, Or. ti FOI! SAl.K-The rcnl estate tirna of NiniH Dressier will lie fooati nt Iheii old office on thr V?-if M id c iicbt tlif M,h.fi, hinn tit , iil.tl not lit move. Wi i-Hii xhi'W Von n yoml i hun in lli.Tr nir t. W hail. It' vou ' hiixi- proHrty In m l, atn- tin. "t ran h.'II n for v. Wi- mil hIum c..ii,liirt nn up lo.liilf I'mplovim-nl offirp whore wv run furnish Vlp to nnvoni pniplov I intf HJtmo. Nu nuitlrr what vour bnni L 4) 0 For securing 25 new yearly suloieriberH to The Tribune we will out fit the high aehool baseball team with a complete set of now uniforms, belts, i-nyf, baseballs, bats, masks, catcher's pads. Jir tnt the same number of subscribers we will furnish the girls bi(k)tbnll team syitii a complete outfit of uniforms, balls, etc. I.'lub together,aiid by a lew hours' work you will be able to secure this grand offer. Call at thi'friliune office for receipt 1 ks, etc. 0 Prizes are on exhibition in the show wimlnwH of tin following Hlorivi: Klin K-1J wnlolMV ami dlftmoinl rin Mfilfonl Ji w.-lrv coiiiiiunv. - Solid g.ihi foimtiiin pens, luIia' (jnhl writing n n, jfr.M li:inilh'l uriihri-llaa ami ornitiiv-ntul ehu'1 , nlwuotl 'h Jcwt-lrv H'on. WiiH-heHtcr rifltH uhotunn Hnydit'H hiinlwan- hIiti. HuitH of f lotbrH-t-Janicls ' clol liinjf utorn. IfoHi-wooi) manienre n?tH, nninic mils M'lforil I'liiirniiii-y. HirdKi've in a pic pnrlor writini; iIphI.b Afcilfonl Finnilurr Siimkiiij jjickttf 'I'hf Moili-L Clut him; euinpnny. Tcidly Htar. inaniiMiro aetH Mi'dfonl Uoul; Sinn-. Paiicy HTatioiicry (uWll candy at ore. Curving nets, chafing ilitth setti Shorty (Jarnott. 'fl. I'nrHOH ainl (firlfs' Hvitt its Hakcrf Hot Iianot. rompaiiy. A Optical riiiupany. I p. Irnve. your or A DroAAlor. tf iii'n. if you Iu'imI hi ilern wilh im. .Novi M'UHKftV STOCK All kind of fruit! tree, hoih lnre and urn nil fruit, i Mtntidtinl xnrietir of npplrrlSId pears' and S.'hi'. inrludintf Newtown and, Spiti iiI.cik :pplin; n full lint' of up 1 liMliiti1 utnitir nioik, in lai-ifc or amalli lotrt; alno all kind of ortintnentnl ' trrfu and nhruhhet v, nl jj nident't ! in South Medford, having pint re 1 reivnd a large nhipment, am prepared to fill order immediately. Inquire nt Warner 'a Store. I.. 11. Warner, Hr., Medford, Or. tf , Tfac Trihune aehoid Imv and girls coa feat ia now on and aa large ntnnbfra of the Btiid' iit.a n' busily engaged in ae 'iirinn rimr aubacribera fur The Tri liune .so aa to ohtaia one of the' bean : i ful priu-a itttftiid, high Bi-boid at it d'-ntR Bhould avail themaelvea of tbii oppnrtiinity to wi ore a diamond ring. rfikl wnt.-h, suit of rlotbea or Winrbea ter rif If. A littit effort on your part and you wifl hr ab)e to earn moat aay prize ynu linirA within a few days. l all at Tbe Tribune offiee and get a t.cipt bMk, visit your friendi, reia tivea and arqnaintanefti, induee rh' in to iiihuril for tbe beat newspaper in southern Oregon, and ynn will get the r.rize you dt-g.re before vou havo half atarted. Kat b r0 cents see u red aa a aubserip tion eutitlea tbe eontratant to one vote. r ne get a new aubaeriher for on? mootb b geta one vote. Jf be geta a new aubseribar for two months, he geta wo voter Three mootba entitles him 'o three votes, and so on. Nuw is your chance to earn a beauti ful Christmas present for voureelf or your frieods. Look in tbe allow windows nt the Medford Pharmaev, HaDtels. the Model and Toggery rlothiog stores. Boy- den's hardware, and Shorty Oarnett's, Mtxlfuni .lewelrv and Optieal eompanv. Klwnod 's jewelry store, Russell ' and King's enndy storea, Hawkins' drugj it ore, Meilfurd Furniture eoinpany and purses and gnia' aweaters at Tla-J ker MutehasMrH and many otlu r stores j for tlu pri.ia. L i J!oll at or write to The Tribune offif for BMb-riptiiiu blank and (I't busy with ynor friemla and relntives. Th'y will help you along. Home of the prizes are an follows: j 1,00 Stetson hata 35 votes! 1.W) dreas shoes 3.1 vntoft i f 10 Watennr.r fountain pens, gold i7.onnil 50vot-)i ?.(Ml prvn.'s 10vt(H $10 m,i nure 8- ts lOOvot'K (18 overeoats 100 votes 7.:o Vlohert rifles 50 vote 4.01) air gun a 25 voto.s 420 Elgin gold Wfiteh I'M votes $50 Rambler ltievcle 300 votes $18 Winchester repeating rifle.100 vate $18 Winehe-ster Hhotgun 100 votes $14 single barrel shotgun 75 votes $40 Vb-for phonograph 200 vote $7.50 embroidery outfit 75 votes $2 pocket knives 10 votes $15 furs, muff ami throw 75 votes $'1.50 pyrography outfit 25 votea $:i.50 roller skates 25 voteH $20 suit of eluthea 100 votes $100 Oliver typewriter 1000 votes $:t.50 Teddy bears 25 votes $-0 frJlgin gold ladies watch. .100 votes $.'t.50 gun me la I wntrhea 25 votes $45 diamond ring 200 votes $-(- silk dress 100 votes 1 $10 chafing dish Ret 50 votes 1 $10 carving Hita 50 votes I and ninny other valuable prizes, j Buy Your Xmas Gifts Now. Don't Put It 0)f ONLY FOURTEEN DATS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. The proper time to select your gifta isTOW. Buy now, when we have a good s-lection. REMEMBER, we carry the lnrgent exclusive imi the ciiy of exclusive Q n 0 0 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W. .1. Drumhill to ( A. McCutch- eon, property in West 'a addi tion to Medford $ Thuny Aichlmuyer to Mary A. lirokt-r, land in township 37, range 2 W I. K. tireen to ,!.(;. Kinerick, property on (' street, Med ford Martha A. Haas to Altu Naylor, lots f and 0, block 51, Meilfonl Wallie Ma honey to ( 'harle Itoardman, N . lot 10, block I, Cottage addition to Medford HAT JO OF MUNT' 'T VW liONOS. R0 850 1500 540 250 POSTAL IS SUIHA FOR BALLAOAD RIGHT OF WAT A suit to compel the Oregon & Cali fornia railroad to grant the Pacific .Vi tal Telegraph company right of way for iH hue through Oregon linn been be gun iu the Tniled States district court before .lodge Wolverton. The right of wiih in question extends from Portland to the ( nl i font ia line, a distance of Ul miles. The Pacific PoMnl Tele graph company i allied with the Pos tal Telrgraph company. Sealed proposals will be received by the city council of the city of MedfoTd, Orogon, at the office of the city reeord or of anid city, until Friday, .1 ami arv 10, !M8, at 0 o'clock p. m for the pur chase of $i:5,000 iu ten year, 5 per cent coupon bomta of said city, in denouiinn tioiis of $5110 each, iBtereat payable Mem i annually. Kach bid muHt be ac companied by a certified check for an amount equal to 5 per cent of t he amount of such bid, payable to thn city of Medford, and said city council re serves tin1 right to reject any or all bids, Hated at Medford, Oregon, Peceniber 11, 1007. TiEN.T. M. COLUNS, 250 (Jitv Uocordor. NEW TOILET PARLORS Modern and scientific method for the I care of nil diseases of the hair, scalp and face. Kleetrie massage, physical de ( f icii'iu-ii s developed, manicuring, fines! I toilet art ielen t jiref tiHv compounded, j MRS. W. L. CAMERON, I Suite 4S, Hotel Moore Annex. THE MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Tfl-WlfiHT OWLY Slayton Jubilee Singers THOSE TUNEFUL CULLUD FOLKS riTUST NUMBGB HIGH SCHOOL LYCEUM COURSE. PRICES SEASON TICKET, TOUR NUMBERS. 11.00; SINGLE NUMBERS. Mc AND -te. SEATS ON RALE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11. nf Medford 1st National Bank CAPITAL $50,000 Thco Youngest and Strongest RESOURCES $360,000 WE OON'T SPECULATE a CROWELL, President ? CRAWTORO. Assistant Castor, r. K. DEUBL, Vlca-PtMldent. Itt. L. ALTORD, Cashier. OEO. W. UNN, Baron Vim .iM. nt. No trmible to slww goods. CALL AND SEE US. Rich Cut Glass I-Hi-st slnnviii(ft of Vase, Nr.pica, Berry Bowls, Sugar and Cream Pitchers, Etc. li in. N:i..i- from l.'ir to (5 Sin. lirrry l.lnysan tlo-iiiiiui rut) from $2.50 to $12 .Hutf.ir and Cri-nni act. Whirl wind pamrii. ?:i.5t) to (11.75 GILLETTE SATETY BAZOBS. JUST TUB THTNO FOB A MAN. (5.00 UPWABD& Chrisiflias Time At I Medford Hharntacy ia al.va.vH a Imsy Heasoii, and if you L'hofsi v,ir Xiii:m Rifts e:irly yim wiJl yet :h. Ii.-ii M-lectiou, altlhiuh we have enough for e ervhodj iu d'" MUierl) arinv of Vuias goiuln: ll:tiM"me Immi of iM-rtitiuen, manitftire aiwl toilet sots in liiiiidHome Ixixch, sliuving stts. We hIho have a 1 lautit'ul line of Leather (Jo.wls, u-h lis liandliaB, puree. Witllets aii'l car4 ctt.sis, etc. Ko&aCPj fricoa We :itsi. have ;i hiuidp.-me orrat of Christmas Pd!tRl. a Biiitahle Christmas gift for your friends. HKKK AKB SOME OF OUR SPECIAL ATTIt ACTIONS FOR THK HM N(1 HOLIDAYS: BKAUT1FUL 1IANT)-PAINTET W A T K R COLORE!) ANJ CRAYON VIOTURES, BY NOTED ARTISTS. A BEAUTIFUL PRES ENT FOR YOUR FRIENDS, VERY SUITABLE FOR FRAMING. Toilet Sets In Ebony, Sterling Silver, Celluloid and Staghorn. M":.i-i rp -c '. 4 i' Combination Brash and Comb Bet, 0 pieces, eb ony, iluuh lined ease (17.50 Combination Brush and Comb Het, 0 piccca, sterl ing ailver, plush lined case (11.00 Comhinntion BruBfa and Comb But, 4 pieces, eb ony, fdush lined case ( 8.00 Brush and Comb Sot, 3 pieces, celluloid, pluah lined case ( 4.75 Brush and Comb set, 3 pieces, celluloid, silk lined case ( 1.60 Manicure Set, 0 pieces, ebony, plush lined case.( 6.00 ebony, plush lined cnoe. .( 3.50 !'. '. :,' : t: ii'- i ( 5.00 Shaving Het, enony ( 4.50 Military Bruahea in rosewoodf ebony, aterling ait- vcr and cherry, from (1.50 np SinokinK H-ta from (1.25 to (10.00 Batty Ht-ts, celluloid, pink, blue and whito (1 np Clove Hones, celluloid, from 50C to (:l.U0 Tr.-ui lki ri l.u f Uoxia, celluloid, from 50c to $1.00 Tie Bnxea, celluloid, from 60C to I '..00 Cuff ,'unl Collar Rues from 75c to (1.50 SAV, WUERK ABE YOU OOlNCi! WHO, MKt Y KHI WHY THK The Medford Pharmacy I HONF. (TO BE SUIiK) -.07 SKVKNTH HTItHKT Christmas Goods Now On Display AT VAN Extra Large and Fine Assortments ITaiidkcvcliiefs iu silk and linen, plain and initial Men's Mufflers, in black and white silk, at 75e, 1.00, ifsl.f0 and up to $3.50 each (Square and oblong shapes.) Men's and Women's Neckwear, i n. endless assortments. Fancy Suspenders in individual boxes at, per pair 50c to $3.(X) Umbrellas, Smoking Jackets, Purses, lielts, fine Shirts for men. Silk Petticoats for women. Furs, fine Hose, men's and women's fine Gloves, Silk Waists (new and just received), Slippers, Silk Shawls, Suit Cases, Fancy Back Combs. Broken Lines of Goods Still On Sale Some broken lines of Shoes, Hats, Overcoats, Underwear. Flannel Shirls, etc., at !-ss than cost VAN DYK H RANCHES Nash Hotel Grill FOR RENT o&k OiRrers, Bpouet "' A'ff M Supiw Qiterta For lianchrs, (g) tst k 1 nn. c. r. ray, TaUesjlecoratod and dinners sewed at y0 own igj MiHifoni, or. 0 ( residcuee, any distance. rl3 o