O o o 0 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Kioft'B for Lowuer'e, 15on' &nd Guiitbi'i 'a choojlates. Miss Maymo Kiistlule, who has boon u rt-aii ltn t u f Mitit'iml fur sume time past, leaves inr lur home iu siuu Fran cisco thin week. Janus Ifi-aine, a prosperous fiirinor of Jnwa, ami his vm riiM daughter are in Mt'ilfm ! visiting his brother, 1). 11. Keame, whom he hiol not seen fur many years. They are tui their way tu south erit 'itlitnruia tu wj.t ini the winter. l:tttni-il urlhut n t hrintiiins station try, the best stationery on the market. Hall's Art Studio, :t 1 7 Seventh nr. 2'2ii lr. T. W. Hester unit James 0. i'uteh ett of Jacksonville were business visi tors in Meitt'onl Tuesday. V. H. (lore ami his family were in from the Ish farm Tuesday afternoon. A number of our meridian ts nre dressing their windows in a handsome) The Grants Pass Commereial club SIX QUAETZ CLAIMS LEFT BY I4B0EER Killed by the caveiu of a sewer in Brooklyn November ti, Mike HahtuUli, a laborer, left six quart t claims iu J nek sou county and $o(M uu deposit ill a Grants Pass bank. II unset h is mir vivt-d by a father, two sisters and s brother iu Sweden, among whom the estate will be divided. The mining claims are considered of value, but they will not be appraised until the father of the deceased h'ivm his power uf attorney. A brother of Hansetli is said to have worked with him on the claims, but this relative has not been located. Hansetli was buried iu Mult nomah cemetery by miners from Grants Pass, who eame to Portland to give last honors to their fellow worker. v0 o :twl appropriate manner in anticipation of the holidays. One of the most beau tifully decorattd establishments iu the valley is that of Daniels, the clothier. Miss Jeunesse Iiutler, teacher of pin ivi, theory and harmony. Residence in West Medford. Telephone 7!1. tf T. YQj'ean, one of the prominent cit izens of Josephine cr;i!ety, who has been ntgujiMl in the grocery business at f :&ils Pass, was recently dechrfftl a biuKiftt't. ITis assets are considerably largerthan his linbilltus. A .:!" gold watch to be given away as a New Year s present at Hull 's Art Studio. 317 Seventh street. IffijS) J. 1. Wilson of Phoenix precinct is furnishing this market with fuel. A. 11. Simpson, the miner, is" down from Malm. He is now looking after Irs interests iu Jnsei'lnno count v. U ('. YV. Conkli GRANTS PASS VOTES TO ASSIfg) MINERS at o o rhev will retain ts at 1,hy county f wood fiber. 0 lin tuiil his family, who have been living at .liKouville dur C)mc th" past sevrTiil ears, removed to their b'uKtnerW inleri 0""- ... Just rtiijvM. .in ions M. leave orders with Postal Tjetegrayli Q) ff iep or 1. Peinhaid. 2-3' Henrr) Hoist (it)' Sates Valley m in lWedfird Tues-lay. accompanied by his Run ii. Ilc will plant tW neres in apples and funis iu the near Juture. r .1. S. Tinker. I he t Niiert rTader, lint 0, . ... . '., 1....!.. Opeon 111 v J 1 ei i I oi t f Ma - Till i imrs nun v. lie IN tHiirt lur.nni tu i him (.hihhi. isite.l a meeting held lust night passed a reso lotion asking the Oregon delegations in congress to support the bill introduced in the house by Hartlett of Nevada re lieving mine owners on public lands from performing assessment work -for the year 1!K7, jD&nuw of the (iuaiirlal stringency. Other commercial bodies will be asked by the club to take sim ilar action and wire membdjS) of our delegation. O 0 DEMOCRATS TO DECIDE ON CONVENTION CITY r1l ESTATE TRANSFERS. Ciited Slates to Itiebel, 100 acres iu ct i tion Id, township W, range Z W pawui A. D Helms to Frank Wilson, Ms S and U. block K, Helms' addition to Medford $ i 1. Hutchison tit John S. Ste ph n ho a, roperty iu Park ad dition to Medford if lchard J. Kd wards to George Tnvi im i, i roperty iu Ashland William S. i 'rowel! to A. P. Tal ent, pii h-itj in Medford ... A. P. l ab nt it". A. V. Siurgis, lot 1 1 and pan of lot 10, block 3L Medtord IT 17j . .400 1100 SO' i George Ii. Kilty to David C. Wil son, -00 tierf s in section I, tnwnship 30, range 3 W J. F Kell to U. 11. Harriet, trua tei , -0 ncres in section 10, township 35, range 2 E Medford National bank to It. II. Harris, trustee, 20 acres in sec tion 10, township 33, range 2 E 10 JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Dunn and Dr. Ii. T. Burnett drove over to Medford to meet Dr. Hurnett s sister Tuesday moruig. Messrs. Tuiigate, Wilson uud i'otch ett spout a few hours in Medford Tues day. William Mendenhall was up from Hold Hill Tuesday on business at the court house. Dr. Hester was iu Medford Tuesday for a few hours. Miss Osie Salt marsh went up to Ash land Tuesday moruiug on a viit with relatives. (.'. W. Conkliu and family moved their household goods to Mediord this week, where they will reside in the future. Charles Xuiiau and sister Miss Fran ces Nnnan were in Medford a short time Monday morning. f -Mrs. A. r.nner ni .iffiMisonv friends living in Medford Tuesday. A. II. "M'ilii v. 'h tins beeii-'spendiiig the past few inontljB at I-e Porte, lnd., Ir'sO for'iter home, returned during the p:ist w eh. 0 Mrs. J. I'. ( 'rutntvof Appli-gate was a isitor in Medford, and Jacksonville on T.p'sihiy. n Miss' Mulkey's annual eleawinco of Sj ;Viillinery bi'gins Balurdoy, December T. and will continue for two Weeka .Prices .'lit below cost. Como tatty Bnfl ! secure your pich of latest designs of all kinds of headwenr. 31 1 W. T. (Ji'ieve. operator iu govoniTOPnt . land, v.-.is down fmm Prospect the firs of th" Week. b. II. Itiadshnw. one of Upper Tlntte rreek'F energetic fanners, spent Tues day in Med lord. He has already com pleted plowing his farm. W. ''. P.ryan and F. M. Fauvre of India inn-dis. who are connected with -"the (iold !lill 'anal company , spent Tuesday in Medford. They speak higl'ly of our vnllev and city. John P. nidi, was among those who did hnsimst iu Mrdford Tuesday. Coal for Stile, We are now prepnnd to furnish hand picked coal at the mine, five miles east of town, in any amount desired, $7.."i0 per ton. tf PAt lFIC COAL CO. 1 ' 11 A!11-" WASIUXTpN", Dee.O 11. Every thing is in ri'udiueM,for the meeting of the democratic national committee to morrow. The principal work is the se lection of a convention city. Denver is the most active. It is expected that Louisville and Cleveland wilK be can didates, and possibly Chicago will ex tend an invitation. Kanx); City has decided not to ask for the convention, and the same is believed to hi- true of St. Louis. FAtIER AND THREE $0NJ3 ALL FACE JJSDICTttENTS oG " NKW YORfc, Dec. 11. John a Jen kins, formerly president of tftd Nation al bank of Brooklyn, and his three sons have been indicted by the Kings county grand jury on charge 'of conspiracy and perjury. The first indictment is against tbi, elder Jenkins. His sons Were previously indicted on other charges. The sons arc John C. Jenkins, Jr., former president of the Jenkins TruHt company; Prank Jenkins, former president of the Williamsburg Trust Coiupany; Frederick Jenkins, a director in these institutions, which closed sev eral weeks ago. All nre out on bail. Buy Tickets by Wire. ; "Something which m of considerable interest to the public generally and , which is perhaps not generally known is tho system of prep;rd orders now in effect between station of the Southern Pacific companv and all points in the United Ptatis, By means oi tluB system tickets may bo purchased at Medford from any place in tho United Status and mailed or telegraphed direct to tho party wishing to como here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with those tickets may h Iso bo f u rn i sh ed at the sn i n e time." tf D. Rruly, who lives in Talent pre cinct, did business in Medford Tuesday. Coat Hangers Free Get One Friday or Saturday Sure Q H(ft) is a chance to secure a present for yourself or some friend. Don't miss it. While they last (and we have a goodly number) we will give a 10c wire coat-hanger with every purchnse of ribbon amounting to 2."e or over. We think we are selling the best plain and fancy ribbon on the market today, and simply want you to try us on ribbons. If you are going to buy ribbon, might as well buy hero and get a coat-hanger FRKK, -5 Kid Gloyes AS glFTS. Our new lines of eaie and un .d ressei 1 K (vos will suroly ploiiHO y. MEN, n piiirQf jjlos will bo at'ocptinl for n Kift; you ntMtln't tako nlovi's; wo wilKWH '"" nn or-di-riauil llif recipient oml Kef' niiv B'ue,1 or Btvle alio wishes o later on. O SHORT 6JUJVB3 AfiB $1.50 atid $1.75 G LONG OfcOVBS TEOM $3.25 to $3.75 0- Dainty Laces Have you been hunting T.acosf We have an extra Idjjfre assort uient of the daintiest laces you ever saw. They nyf; suitablo for putting on haudker c(i'fs, aprons and various and undry articles of fanPv work. OpJH OU$ FglCES. a. NecEweat Go into the nvernge town the size of (JJodford iindo-olbQ't nil ffte dillerent styttis of ladies' neckwear you q,i find, theii compare with our Ssort meut; 'Wo have tho assortment and every cotlM' and turjo)er is new, lv fiajc como to UBi lesshan 0 days ago lriet?s tytTi $t.25 New Umbrellas BUT HSB A GOOD UMBEELLA. Just received, a line of Umbrellas, bought especially to accommodate our Xmas trade. The designs in han dles are new and very neat. The best paragon frames, with steel rods and the new cup runners. The covers will wear or we stand the loss. Soo them soon. $1.00 and to $7.00 The Suit Sale MEN", wo can sell you A aoit fi your vife. 11' alio donsD't like it Wo Will tl'ftil the money tot-Sionel liiii); else or it. 1. ADIEU, you Bru nilsaio g t lis IiobI opporlunity to save money oir tbo iiewat atyle miita ever ffereil in Midford. Don't take rttir Word for it, hut eome anil invttigute. Sslo prioos $7.50 and up to 37 50 CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They chain the towns of mouej. and neither give the fit, style nor distinction t" yonr clothes that' your own city tailor can. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are superior in every detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. KEEP YOUR MONEY AT HOME rirrnT FRENCH DRY CLEANIH6 til til I AND REPAIRING" The City Tailor Medford THE FEELING OF PERFECT CONTENTMENT wliieh comes after dining at tbe Nash Cafe i proof positive that our patrons are not only well served and fed, but hit vi; had tho very lioBt that tha mar kets afford. Our menu contaiua every Inxnrv of the season. ' THE NASH 6 u Medford Steam Bakery HOT ROLLS FOB BREAXTAST or dainty little dinner rolls that wilt tempt the appetite ef the in oat ftifttitliniiB, Is the kind w flprvo every day when ordered. ItrojulHtiil'fH, light, white and de licious, is our specialty, hs well as the richoflt, finest cakes, pat try nnd i(a. Whon you want to enjoy your meals, order youi bakoatuffs from us. "MKDFORD'M ITOLIDAY STORE FOR LADIES. SEE THE WINDOWS BAKER - rf UTCHASON SEE THE WrNDDWS. FJRST ROOM NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY BANK. R. W. GRAY, Builder Colonial Porch Work, Grill and h&th Work, Patterns, Etc. Telenhone 471. Medford, Oregon Ii Odeli Leading Rooming HoascP of the City Over the PottoMce M4fArd, Oregon EMT eMISTMM S" SALE' At MEEKER'S Great Dry Goods Store From Now Until Christmas We Will Give Special Values in Every Department o GREAT HOLIDAY SALE OF BEAUTIFUL FURS BURNT WORK PILLOW TOPS AND MATS. c'3 Pi-own, Sulilc, Coney, claliur.utely trimmed; ?6.5o values $4.;"0 Allotliern in pi'iipoHinii. Larj'e assdi-luieiit of cliililren's sets. 1." dozen Ladies' Silk Hand-Made Collars; just ( the article for Xmas; eome in lioxiss .")() to 1.") Also a eouiplete stock of liaee ( 'ollars and Sfts. I LADIES KID GLOVES Iii all lennliis al special prices. e have Glove liomls ; ?i (iiick way to solve the Christmas gift liroliieiii. 'oti should select the irlovcs vou want. 25 dozen fancy To s 20c, 25c and l')D ! We I'iiPiii Hie hoiid. you present the bond at Thes(!,re extreme valucaL You should secure i hrislrtjas affd your friend can eome at any time some for" youM'hristiiias f?ifts. q r .Hid hctitted al our love counters. 10.00 Tons -tT.SO 7.50 Mats 5.00 O Men's Raincoats and Overcoats AT ORKAT liKDl'LTIOXS. 22.5(l I .lack Waterproof Coats ''.'.$18.50 .fl5.no Cray Waterjiroof Coats $12.50 .f!5.(Nl W.M.l Oven-oats : : $H."0 An Overcoat is just the thing for husliand, hrotlu- orsweet heart. o TWO HUNDRED DOZEN HANDKKRCJII M l-'S .M'ST Ii KCKI V KD. w O THREE HUNDRED PAIRS HOUSE SLI 11' l.l'S. JtLA 'K. I.'ED lil.'OWX, $1.00 TO $2.50 0 Saturday will he the greatest Sale Day our store has ever had. Our bargains will interest you. Come and see our Christmas display. R.eiiilicr, Meeker makes the prices. AVe have everything you want. THE STORE FORJj'.V EI.'VMODV. 1 -a- W. H. MEEKER St CO