Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 11, 1907, Page 1, Image 1

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u -Associated
Cloudy j probable showers tonight
and Thursday.
No. 223.
Vt&mt of R, R, V. Railroad Assaults
Dr. Reddy who is Forced to Flee to
Save Life-Escapes In Mud and Ax is
fluHed at Him District Attorney Acts.
2V tae presence, of State Railroad
CvnualWimer Oaarnld Wnt, l'ri-siili-iit
W. V. t&rrluli U( tho Rogue River Val
lay railrsa4 Wedneaduy morning nt
K;kfl Mayor .1 F. Reddy with an ax,
44 lae. city's chief executive only
9vt Ufa- by fleeing into the muddy
ttraat, Malle his assailant, frenzied with
MfS, turka) tho ax at him, narrowly
mimkr-t its; mirk. Bystanders catilit
an4 ald Bftrnum, who struggled wildly
ta (rr hiataalf. Previous to the as
ftait, .1. C. termini, son of W. S. Bar
ny ki auttckod Mayor Reddy, but
bail ajaea put to flight when the mayor
1 awMlft at him. The mayor refused to
taian kis aaaajlant 'u arrest, but Deputy
,jLri4(fict Attorney (Uafcneo Bncmes will
41 It aa UforMtina ogainat ta aid or
aVwttai, caarginj him wiaV saHralt
O pitil deadly weapoa.
Vaw Saps U Oaoaa.
CoHtilationor West came to afedforf
Tuaalaa aajat from Grants Psas, where
aa aa batia coaAuctinjr, aa inquiry into
tad Quataera Pacific train service. He
aWjbai lajor Beddy to acompauy him
Waj.aaatay Morning while he made a
- toar of ialpaction of the local railroad
fadf. Ha ttapprd to aak Mr. Bnrnum
ntig tke building of a depot for
tka acvoaaotation of hia put runs in
aacorataaca with the orders of the com
"I'Tet sraaa tim since. Mr. Bnrnum
aai4 Hut ko was preitaring to move
Ms tfctt .depot to k Bito ncross the track
front taa (ear nxpraaa office on Sev
aata. street wkea tie city Council passed
a aaaUatMca placing the railroad right
af anqr il tks Ire limits, preventing the
aasajsWil oC the old buildiag nnd erec
Uan of (ajrtkilg oacopt a fireproof
BtraMwc, aid this, he swore by all
tank u k'olT. he wouldn 't do.
' Waa tka fcuildiaf that you proposed
as antra ai ornamental atnictnref "
sjakaaV Ooaaaiiaaiiiaar West.
"Ifae, iltleai; it would have lieen
a- ramat to the rity. I intended
to fix ir ip fine," replied Mr. Hnr
"What ait la the building? " quer
M Hr. Wast.
. 'btwt It by 14," replied .laclssna
arB" railroad Magnate.
tjbnuua X a Baga.
With Ik if, Mr,' Barnum began to curse
ta. sit cptac.ll anil city officials for
nmwtlmj tat removal and re erection
af -ka olsV structure, working himself
hat w-faaaay of rage.
"I have jnat .returned from a ouple
af laaaha'.. ahaeace, ' ' explained Mayor
SaaWy, "ad I hail nothing to do with
th If ordinance. But if I had been
baaa, J would have npprovcd it, as it
y sentiments. It ought to
Tka First National hank of Med
foafl araev. oae of two Oregon banks
arUah were aurceaaful bidders for Pan
aw eaaai bottle, It aecuri-d fiOiiO
aoa4 at 102 Vi. The other Oregon pur
la tka Bcntita Tounty National
of forrallia, which secured t",
Mt at HM.
h aTtraf price paid for the bonds
eraa) aaull fraction over lo:t. The
lga is price paiA for any considerable
Wml ims 1M.875 for teo.nnc) of
; boMka by the Fariaer,' M, rchants'
Hesl hMk of Olaey, Va. The low
aak Ha realize by tke government
MbefMtf, aaa1 a eoasiderable amount
af 'taw haaaa was allotd-a at that price.
O ,
(-. m bill baa been introduced in the
fitted fHarlax aeitate by Senator, Hans
fcrogpjfc of North Dakota wbirhpormits
IdMHVaaicta to be absent from their'
tlttrkTI 4t(rtDg tbe four aHnter month
P5 pvrmlttiog abaeorc during that pa-
fa), tM gavernmcmt can rensonald de
M5 jreidtnee during the neat n( the
ntff '-'
ttl matter af fiatt. it' la all s man's
lift it erortb to try to live on a home
'Meal In the middle weet in winter.
Rrrt the Pacific coast, where the
wlntora are much warmer, there is no
raaeon why residence should be required
ra that season.
Coot Oouorr Wofjoer Cntl.
' Thomas Walker, pioneer of fcTirB.-
Oeoa eounrw, mpi his death in roe smo:e
aaal flames ofjjdii ajivn home, ivare he
hreaa alone. The ewifcyif the fire is
bat hnown, but is supposed to be nn
overturned lamp.
have been passed , long, ago. Thero is
ao reason in tho world why you should
aot build a depot that will be a credit
both to you itnd the towa. The patron
age of your road justifioe it and your
patrons are entitled to thia much con
sideration." ry
Barnaul Oets Frantic. '
With thia. Mr. liarnuiu bi'eamo fran
tic. Ho caller! the mayor all tho names
in the calendar, lie lost ull control of
bimsolf,:nnd his features bet'hme con
torted and twisted in a spasm of, paa
aioa. 0
1 If you were not an old man, I would
Wring1 your nook," exclaimed the mny
or,' after listening to the torrent ,of
abuse. o o
With this, Jy (( Jlnrnum came rnn-(
ning to attack the mayor in his fath
er's rbchnlf. He struckr at the mayor,
ba latter made n terrific passat tho
young man, who did not stay to receive
it. Before Dr. 'Iteddy could recover
his balance the elder Barnum had leapt
from the engine cab swinging an ax.
He made1 for the nine' v nnd struck at
him with the a. The in-vor dodged
and ran into the strt-!t, v. ith Barnum
striking at him with .hi? v capon. Had
Barnum landed a blow, and ho certain-,
ly tried hard to, he would have split
the ''mayor's head open. When the
mayor got beyond ljim, Barnum hurled
the nx at the fleeing executive, narrow
ly missing him. o
Acts Like Maniac. n
ByBlanrterrt'grnbbed Mr. Barnum nnd
held him. r He acted like n mriuiac,
struggling frantically to free himself.
The mayor picked up the ax and
brought it back to the Bldewalk with
him. A large crowd quickly gathered.
Among thciu wub Councilman (Ksen
brufige, who as mayor pn tern signed
the new fire ordinance. On him Mr.
Barnum turned the vials of his yrath,
bestowing a choice assortment of epi
thet j
- "1 want to congratulate you for your
forbearance and coolness under very
tvving circumstances, " said t'ommis-
sinner Wrst to Mayor Reddy after quiet.
had been-restored, "ton certainly be
haved admirably."
-j Friends endeavored to persuade the
mayor to swear out. a complaint charg
ing Mr. Barnum with assault, with a
deadly weapon, but the mayor refused
to prosecute.
Deputy District Attorney Bennies will
He n complaint before Justice Slewart
this afternoon against Mr. Barnum,
charging him with aswult with a dead
ly weapon. He will probably be held
lo thef grand jurv, which meets Mon
d ay. '
Clrand Rapids (Mich.) Herald: The
Slayton .Jubilee yingi-rs entertained a
big aedienee in the Auditorium, laid,
night. The fllsl half of the progi'ltie
wan composed of plantation and jubilee
songs, which were sung to the gratifi
cation of all. The second part consist
ed of solos and specialties. The ensem
ble work was all interesting, and the
company sang the plantation jnbiless
and modern "coon" songs in a very
pleasing manner and only ns "darkies"
can sing them. The company made an
excellent, impression and the audience
was highly entertained.
Medford opera honse, Friday, Decem
ber l.'t. Scats now on sale at Haskinn'.
David'iv. one of the oldest, res
I iilents of .Inmliiae, c.mnitv. di:d Deceui-
her ,i. lie was s.-, yean old. r. veteran
of the Mexican war. and also fought
in the cimfubrate nnny. He leaves a
widow ' the following ( children:
.lanus' W. l.ind .ny of Klatnath Falls,
Dnvid A. Richard It. Lindsay,
.Teff B. Mrs. Martha J. Mi
senger. Mm. Itilln B. Dean. Mrs. Laura
' B. Herbie of ' s-:.khia eouiit.v. and Mr
Bimna T-eg r and Mrs. It. stc foer of
Mr. Li'i.lsav nwaisl a farm ftyr manv
years in the Applegate valley nnd 0)so
was proprietor of the in which
the last big fire tliflAt (Grants Pons bos
had sti-Wt.-d.
(jacBsowttM miss
Mrs! Will Warn4f of U-4fori 4hf
visiting fr;llitid ri lfl)vis t IIW
Monday. L" w
Milff l'l'ilaj Tlmwpsi.n is home ,,JJfin,
having finish. iaBf ci-ssful terili of
school near Womlville(6 )
ASKS tll.000 FOB NEW
Secretary of the Treasury Makes Bec-
omuiendatious for Annual Expend!
tures Based Upon Superintendent
Araut's Report for National Park.
The secretary of tho treasury has rec
ommended an appropriation of $11,0011
tor the construction of new roads and
the mainteiiaite expenses of the nation
al iark nt Crater lake. This is tho reg
ular niiuual appropriation nnd has noth
ing to do with the proposed improve
ment of the rend through the forest
reserve proimsei lQy iSt'croturv Oar
fii'ltl. The (t'port of tho secretary of
tho inUfior is anxiously nwaitcri lien,
ns it is expect o.l to recommend a sub
3tuntiul appropriation. O
c,hrQ..',M11izrd statement ofJmpnm'"
meats in eon tern plat Ton, ns given in
Secretary CortelVou's reeommemlntions.
is ns follows. n O
1. For the improvement"1 of the
road from south line' of q
pnrlv-to CratoHLako post--O
office ...x9 $ 400
9 V,-.r tlin iiintritvoiiwMif
roiti? from the wet line ofP
O )ark to Crater Lake pnat-
.1. For rtie improvement of tho
0 roAd from post office to
rjm of crater
. For the extension ofotrailO
o o o Claeier peak, convert-
ing same into wagon road
5. cFor repairing trail inside of
O Crater U O 2.0
fl. For repairti on bridges .r00
7. For electric light plant0 for
station ....9 C-"''1
8. For construction of trails to
flarfield pea,k, Applegate
peak, Suti creek,' Sand
o Creok g()Vge'nnda l'inn
o and Mount Scott ...
0.For two park rangers....?
10. For emermMipy expeuses ...
U. For salary of superintendent
I-, For allowance of keeping oni?
o horse ...... .c
, nor.
Total )
...... $10,84:
Trriited States Attorney Coleclins
filed in the federal court l(Jo suits
against an efjnal number of defendants
for the cancellation of patents to 100
acres of valuable timber land in Linn
comity, nefpjired .WourIi thf1 lamVfmud
operations of the I'uter-McKinley-Wat-son
Rang, o Of the dozen defendants,
nine are fictitious persons, the three
actual settlers being Maud 'Witt:, Frank
H. Walgainot and Harry C. Barr. When
the patents to thorn lands had booif'ob
tained, it is alk'gfM they 1 were trims
ferred by forgery toAirs.-Fmma L.
Watson arid afterwards deeded by her
to Frederick A. Kribe. -,. o o
- Tho complaint alleges that there., ex
isted u conspiracy between Watson, Tu
tor and McKinley. nnd with pimIi c of
the entrymen, rtal and imaginary. The
cotnphHnt does ; not charge that Krjhs
wna in tho coii,Siiracy, but maintains
that he was cognizant of tito niann in
which tin1 lauds were 4-ukeiI up.
o It wuH0for these fr'nids that Pu!cr,
McKinh.-y. nnd oMrs. Wiltson wrtle con
Interest rateft,have raised somewhat
as a result of the tightness of the moii
f'V market, and borrowers arc com
pelted to pay 8 and 10 per rent per uu
num, where h few months ngo binii
money Tras plentiful. , 7
Those "who loan money report tbnt
impiiry is brisk) for funds for which
mortgages on re estate an' offered.
The briak demand for property shown
itself nt all points, nnd buyers are will
ing to pay part in cash nnd assume
mortgages running frojn one to six y nrs
on the remainder, in many cases clear-ing-houw
certificates represent the bulk
of tin moneys thus transferred, nnd
thus bustneSH is getting hack gradually
into its former channels, without await
ing the ending of the holidays. '
Writing in rt .lackfion county jaMr.
('. li. Wtttofi tif Ashland saytt tbat at
one time the oc-e.ia extended t the
present city limits of that town and
I here was a bnmd expanse, of water
down through what U now western
0:egon. He (Ioph not express the hope,
however, that th inlnm) sea will be re
torfil ns a means of getting satisfac
tory traoaportatiun 1 between Ashland
and the Columbia river. Kven n jerk
water train to ben preferred to tlie
flooding of western ' Owgiirj, Orego
ninn. (a ''V-,.
ran chbistma; ttjrkeys
Portland merchants lm' for Hotter
tinker prices at Christina th:m 'pre
vaded Thnnksgivltig. but nie of the
dealer have been fully nd ied yet ns
1i the shipments, o q Q
A wenker tone prevail ; 'rcn
egg ttiofket. as receipts :r- ri," finally
in 'reading. On tli other h.nut, eantorii
I'Ug are firrnar. q
The bieft-T market, in a strong po
't:t!en. but it im not. iikidy' fbat nftl ad
VTce wl be .itt''fWT'tedoon.
Inspect your ten dollar bills closely
as f,tjttre is large number of counter
feit ' ftotea of that denomination in cir
cnl:itioi-,nt.he coii-,1. It in said that a
gord ninliyVWf thene npurirtgh bills are
floating around.
o 0
tifies in Pettibone
Dynamited Miners.
o o o
ItOlSK, Itlaho, Pec. fl. Harry Or
chard was the first Witness in ilio Pot-
(ihone trial dnj. Tli0witness was
dressed in a neat sui nnd his general
appearance bViwed bift liylo change
tunco the Jlaywoid tnal0 Pettibone
and iUViyer owntehetl aim osely, but
thjv witness merely glnm;e4 in teir
direction'. 0 o 0 o o
. Pett ibone sc name was brought into
the testimony, fjrtl first time wfcWi
Orcliaid said that thg tfefemlaut told
him in 1f04 that the guns ftfrd bV he
1S!0 riots were shipl'd in jiiirt.o boxes
by him froth Penver.oOrelinrd described
the taking, possession of n tPain by
miners going to Wnrdncr, Idaliop nnd
told how he touched off ftvie ofQ tjje
boxos of dynamiteo atd blow.) upQ the
liuhker Hill-Sullivan to quoeotv Aft-,
wnvnrds he went to Cripple 'reek and
engaged in " high0gradiug " nt the Vin
dicator mine. Q lJ o 0 o o
Orchnnl testified tl? W.qF. Davis?1
a striker, had-asked lyjm fobrow iff
the initio while the non-nnio(n'in(1n were
at work and that he consented to do bo.
oThe kilting of Beck and MeCormi.ek'l
in the (Vindicator by n bomb thnt Or
chanlsaid that he jnd Billy Aikman
placed0 there foij. tbe purpose of killing
non union 'ivorkmcn was detailed by
the witness. At noon the court took n
recess. n 0 o
That Oregoti repubticana nnd demo
crats will hold state convention net
year hi) choose dclcgntoa to0their re
spective,, tuition I . convert iona and nom
inees for presidential electors, seems
certain. The direct primary law is
silent on these two functions, therefore
it is practically agreed among leaders
of eaeli party that conventions nro nec
essary. Itepublieans will hold, in ad
dition to a state1 convention, n conven
tion for ;each congrenionnl dlstrictpto
choo; two national delegates for each
district,. The state conv ent ion will se
lect in nddition for delegates at laro.
The democratic method has been that
of selecting eight delegates, in state
convent ion. liepubljcaiiff hnve, a cen
tral committee for the First0 congres
sional district, of whii li, ('laud , (Jauh
of Salem is chairman, but the Tiepub
Hcan central' committee for the Second
district wan, not organized after: the
primaries' in l!KHi. I, ike memberH of
the state centi;alQcomiiiitfee,J those of
the district Vofn.iritto.ert are selected ltV
county eeiitra! committees, one, man for
each county. The members of the coun
ty centra! convnittees are, rlmwii !
county primaries every two years, one
man for each precinct.
' Ashland will hidd H annnal munPci
pal, jKli'filion on Tuesday Jecember 17,
lor thi' election of a mayor, five ('oitn
cilmen, recorder me I treasurers'' The
o,iiesti'"iJ of licence or no Hceiise for
ialo.m.s within the ;Ity for liS 'Will
i.lso he submitted to popular vot Cnn
dtdnts for the city ofticoa a,re nomin
ated by petition inntead of by conven
tion or primaries, nnd itis not likely
that- the slate will lf finally complete
until the approach of the five days lie
fore elect fott limit for filing nomina
tions and accept anees. The only ean
d.idates tints far 'On record nre W. F.
Loomis, who haft fihd an ' ncceptnnftr
of the nomination for mayor, and M. P.
Kggleston, who will stniui for, re; lec
lion an recottler. urjther; pMitious art
lieinj circulated (o be filM Inter.
, o
' ; ' O -r o "
T?i'ph Fuller, representing David Kd
br, fr big sherp iji nil of ,nv9 county,
st1n week 1 clofo-d 'A deiil in which he
furliasM nil hf hee of .1. U. Nenl
of ford. The trarmfer wa,H completed
in tin city Monday and it look f&.OWt
jn money. f.Ve m- inforiiie the price
was fO", per h-.'ol with n certain cot
01 'i f-ill iiIIh. n '-'0
) Tliis(is Wne of the big sales to be
reporieil this sensK, and. Mr. eal re
eeivi-ifka )ig prii-e per hiidi?i fn
; : t)
Hay Going Up In Price
Hay was the cheapest of farm prod
nets in lltof,, and as a result there was
titdji) effort to produce that crop In
lliih . Now hay is sonringiul it is
reported that n large increse is being
sown to ehe:it and etch in the val
Efforts Made by Mine-Owners to Have
Colonel Reynolds, Commanding the
Troops, Declare Martial Law No
Disordor or Disturbance Reported.
tUUlFlRU Dee. 11. The situation
hero is becoming more tense nnd nearly
everybody anticipates trouble of some
sort tonigut or tomorrow nt too latest.
jiptaiu Swain ofthe Thield detective
agency ha9 left tor San Frnncisco to
bring f00 miners here, who are mostly
strikebreakers from Idaho nnd Califor
nia. It nppenrs I hat efforts are being
made by the mint- owners association
to inducc(?'olon& Kevnolds. eoniniiindiiiLT
tli? troops, to declare martini law. HeJ
olds (js unwilliiKj to taketho nction
until sonK'.iet or violence is commiued
Rr the arrival of General Funstoi
hx-nolttso was shown specimens ot
ore taken from meiA'hnrged with "high
grading. Three mi9-V highCfjhtdcrs "
erg ensured toda .'Jrjie mine own
ers asaociaiion otticcrs still assert that
the iti(ns will bo worked tomorrow n'Sd
I hat they IR)'9 tho men engaged to work
Tiiem. o " n
n er -
D 0q o0 a, o o
0 M A USUI1. KLD,()r., Dec. 1 P-DFimr
teen passengers hl n niino'ulogs es
cane from deathand sevcr;d were in-
jmred) Moitdaji? in n inost inursnat ael
dent on tjje Drbi atage0 liifl. ,'he
concnwns lost in n tnlal wave, hut
the passyifters, nfter bMng cfiVrjod 100
fee oukofrjuu shone were ibtshed back
8iOfivud) and all saved. 0
For a distance fif about 2.1 miles from
a poinf oppiwitMarslitieldQto the moth
of the ITmpqnn "Per the0stiy;iP runs
ahuig tlHOcirnstt low tide on the wet
sand hetwoen tlWo'a wall and the wa
This morning 0 while the stage
was iibontwo miJerTout, without warn
ng" an enormous Vvnll of wnter envoi
opctl the uiveynijce. Jt cane so quick
ly that Hiere wns n8 escape
o Almost nt0the fcrfte moriient cA log
strutik the stage on ml danhed1 it to
pieces. (Ten men owere carried our to
deep wnter by dthe rtK'odiug wave, a Oil
the three womeji nnd n child who were
among ihe iniipengers were pinned tin
ier tipat of the wrecked Utag
0 . o
r-, o O O r
o " 0
It would bo, a fijtiug reward cf or' lii
services if KKruMeeker 's rojine should
be betitowod orbn cement roadtvRy from
the Atlanl ic -,to t-lii Pneificooceau, says
the Suit1 Lake lt'p,Tilicim. The man
drove tti the Jfar norlhwest manyo years
ago, following tlie Oregon otrnil-r-or
helping tit make jt. In tho fresent year
hi! has driven ettKt tit New Yorkniind
later to Washington wflh his ox team
and covoreilJ wagon. Hi plan is to In
terest the government .in the making ot,'
: highway across the continent. D
J Jlis driving does not add anything to
the evidences ofiits need. Hut hi feat
hav had the ell'Oct of calling attention
to ''the nberf o(:, such a. road. And in the
tSimuion acceptance of f hat sent itneiit
Uf (Uf liO'ie that it mav.,be buill.
oKearlv 9 MiourtTnfter his braiu had
been '-pierced by tin sleel point of an
umbrellii, Thomas McCarthy, lw-ad of
a detective ngencty in S;m Francisco,
diotl. lie recrtlved his injury as a re
sult,of a quarrel wilTiCjIr, H. H. Lee,
who htfi neen arrested. 0
The rhltenntion that rcMiiHfd iu the
death of Mcfftrthv was the culmination
of a ipiarrel of Uoig standing and the
cause of had blood that existed between
(he 'men in ai1 to have been h woman.
Lee, who claims tin "Woman as his wife,
took exception to McCarthy taking her
to diiirtf-r. i; 0 O ' 0
Dr- Lee0is known" in y yt , or les4' iu
JnelfKnii county, hitving held u home
Head claim in Wimer d ist riet ' Indjong
o .. - - o o
WilliftTji C. Hryari nf Indianapolis, one
of the directors of the (irdd Hill Canal
company, is here on biralnCHrf eonnit
ed with thf mi rg,r of his company with
the Condor Vnrr A Power Company
under Ihe name 1(oguo Ttivcr Fleet ric
company, which was recently organiznd
ns a holding company, capitalized nt
$ Mr.' Bryan is also heavily
intftrestnd iii drV-dgt .mining ami extum
h'i pintle nrft underatond to' under
wttj'- " - n " o
- Healed prorMmalfi will Uo received by
the ciff cnincil of iho eity if Milfwr'l,
Oregon, at the office of the city record
r of IK. id city;' tjntiL Priilay, .latttian
Kl)OiV. at S) VIeV p. m, fo the rmr
chase otQf'.ii.OOO lii 'ten -yea, 5 per ent
coupon boioN o sairf city, tn donomiim
tions ot'iO0 eaii, inte-.t payahb-
si-mi annually.
rompaQ'd l)V
K4u-li hid lliust lie
n certified chi-Wc f.
ninoiint wjiial
I" -pereiit. of the
amotitiLiif such bid. payable to the city
Meffford, nnd said city rouncil re
server I lie right to reject any
Dated at Medford, Oregon, Weember
n. i (tor.
lift) City Recorder.
Few Witnesses Ai?
Greivances at Pass
o o
Little Fault with
That u hi(t)er case for, tho railroad
than tfer the
lehna been estab
lished By the inquiry intotho removal
of trails 11 nnd 12 bv theiate rail
road commission is the opinion of most(J
of those who huvo attended tho hear
ings nt Grant a Pass nnd Ashland. The
liraulSQ Pass hearing wsis pnrticuhtfly
disnppoiuftug to tlfflso who hoped to
iuipel the railroad to restoi tho re-,
moved trains.o An yet the railroad ,aide
of the case has not been heard, but only
a weak ami wiyeriiui case lyts been
niftdo against them. Q
I reih( Good Enough.
riie secretary of tho Grants Pnss
CommerciaPclub invited (flft commission
tiD sit tilery assuring them that 200
Vitneses 0were to testify, but
they couldn't die found Qwhen the time
Define, and Oof toso ho were
piu.yii i ne Minim nao oeirer na ve siaycli
off. Deputy IJistrict Attorney Iteames
did theliest he could with tjo material
offered, but complainants were lacking,
ami, it is evi.iint. thaP n majority of
tUe people of southern Orogon do not
deserve or desire a better servico than
thnf now given tty-ecionrs between
trains and a 21-iionr wntt t-r tho next,
and n freight hoftveen.
At Grants Pas Postmnster Hnnon
iyst;j'ied thnt 'Ihe mail for tho star
and rural0 rouleso Were cpomewhut do
laved underpresent eoSiditious. ICast
eru nuftl, which made thg connections.
whi'Mi came in No. 12 frimi Davirfille,
uvt came on No. 14p reaching (Inputs
Pass nt o10:;i0 n. m. ngains fl:ao0 p.
in. formerly.
A. C. Huijghiid O. S. Blachnrd, at
torneya Grants Pass, te-sf ified
hojng inconvenienced in going to Koso
bnrg. T(hvst.ated thn madic tho (ip
to Rosebnrg threerttr0fpui times n yenr.
R. L. Wilson iAf llnrlb Son stated
the drumniers were somoivhat inconve
niencedp T. K. AnderHon, n miifer frun
:nlico0cTeok,0Btnti:3l thnte made from
six toVight trii n eflr from Merlin to
Grnnts VnHs (fanO citsy and found
o. II n convenience.
o 0 . o
0 Andrew a Diannpolntniftnt.
H. Tj.oAndfews, secretary of the Com
mercial club, wail ?i good 0witnes8 for
the railroads-) He found No It iP con
Viiieiico to come to rMedford, but stat
ed (dial ?or Ihe few time he camenhc
did rfiot .vpeet the company to ojTrtt
Mioffnin, il if ws dmngCBo nt n loss,
lie thought the eompjinyowaa cin the
bst position to know whet her , trnins
paid or tM, but he would urge upon the
Company, if possible, to separate train
Xo. I."ir ami l.'t. o He slated that the
Grants Pahs lommerciftl club had tak
en no action on the matter, but had
been askid by Ashland to fiend dole
gates to Aihland an-l h.-ol invited the
commission to 4,-omc to Grants Pass.
Andrews staled Thato Inn expected
some 200 wihtfrHHOH would attend the
Grftiirs Pass hearing, but Hfoy did not
how up, O-j o0
c,l hose presOjit were Comml'isioners
Atnhisoii ami1 West., Attorney Heames,
II. Ti.'Andrews of Grotita Pass Commer
cial club, ' Attorneys Hough and Blan
chard. Others pjvent were W. D. fen
loYt. L. li. Sliiehls. William Mi-Murrav,
lolm M. tfcottVfW. IL .tonkin othe
Sriithern- iSifjc of fh ialso o ' o c
Mr. Wef, is JaeUiionvillc0 tudn?
l0ikin over the Tfogue TliveR'-' q
A. K If.-W iihauui. the Hoiitherit Pft
eifie ng"tit nt Medfoni, w;isnasked to
expl.iiit1 1 he'oretjnliiMon pnssed by the
Medford t 'ommercial club. . n
- n
o -0 0
Vh.'renJ',l,.The ComnT-rcial luh jf
MedfVti.f has w0)j ff;t toOmloM xesohtr
tiout 9iiirtntr( ilic t4 rctiresc nt the ntt !
fmle of thinOeitv in rV-gard Ri griefs
anewt with the rriAuf hern r'ifigj otn
tmnr' Ui thjts efT.vt thnlQlhere nror,iftj
!?rievnnces with sai'U company, while
ii yiev of the fact flint there is inity
oiit grad'crosxing on the Southern Pn
c;fic c'mi(anvs trackwithin n radius
of thretrt.ddoc'gpr. not to speak of the Jn
ceneufe'iice of giving to ride on locnl
fright trains in the plffi-e of the old
train service, therefore he it
Kesolve.l, That. thYs bod the soclnl
it party of Medford, do cWidemnOhe
action of the Commercial club ns unfair
and not to the interest of tho citizens
of M'dford; and that a copy of then"
ren.;ions be sent to the daily nnd
weekly press.
Too Late to Classify.
F11 HALF Buggy nnd harness.
B. Brown. 2
Fierce Rare War In
Progress in Alabama-Thirty
Others Burned.
MEMPIITS, Dec. 11. A apecinl to
the News-Scimitnr from Columbus, snya
that 25 or .'10 negroes nro dead, five
whites nnd ns many negroes wounded
and five negro lodge rooms burned in a
tierce nice war thnt is in progress in
Pickens county, Alabama. Five ne
groes were burned to death in a lodge
room near liefonn, Aln., Inst night,
when whites attacked the plnee. Find
ing rifles nnd shotguns, the0mob fired
the building. The blacks were penned
iu by the shooting of tho whites. Those
not killed in attempting to escnpe were
burned alive. Gogdon three negroes wero Bhot
to deifth when n posse of white men nt
ini ed n lodge room. The trouble start
ed Mondny with the nrrest of a negro
on the change of atenliug cotton.
Now Arkansaa Senator Challenges Any
Legislator to Step Forth and Debate
jVith Him-Doclnros His Bill Rigor
ously Enforced, Will Kill Combines.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. Senator
Jefferson Davis went to tjio cnpitol to
day carrying a suit case filled witl.t"
arguments he wished to Imvo on -his
desk for reference in his speech against,-,
trusts. When tho senator secured the
floor nnd began his address nil senators,
both republicans and demoernts, were'
in their seats nnd gnvestrict attention,
Da'is delivered g p:tssionate0 nddreas.
tfo (declared his bill, rigorously enforced
would kill the trusts, and with dramntic
effect challenged nny senntor to stop
forward mid contest the issue with him.
M Onwron vtiU'fH will IcmMlntn on n
number of subjects nv9l Juno, under "
Uio initiative and tho referendum,
which enables them to mako laws the
same as do (heir representatives in the
Bills to be voted on nre: ..'
Annul npprnprinlion of $125,000 for-,
state university. . .
Appropriation of $100,000 for armo
ries and cotinty officials.
The four bills offered for tho initin--tive
by the People's Power league nre -ns
follows: o
tpcople to hnve power to dischnrge iu-rO '
com p" font or unworthy ifl'ficials, nfter
an election, cnlld by .l per cent of
voters, at any tint?' during their nn
Afofficeknown ns recnll amendment
ho ct'nptitiition. 0 o-
(J'olitical parties and organizations to
be repnnr uted n legislative bodies In
propottivn t their voting0 etrengt h in
eleetiohV proportional rejayesentation. .
Liu.iting rnfapain expenses of can
didates iVtr0 ofri-, publishing stnte
meits of fa ml id ales fifttnto nomia
lioiis aiP of tile rdutrat committees
by the ntate, amlo punishingo corruj)t
practv' in !rimaries nnd election.
fNtatutory0ne1.jP o 0
1 itetnort irtg candifatesOfor f?gislaturo
to subscribe statement No. Ql, ns to
i-etion of J'nited States senntor, nnd
to vote for Candidates receiving high
est :popn'r vote. (Statutory net.)
The question of ho is to be the next
jiiiiMster of Grants Pass is arousing
considerald? inteW. C. K. Harmon,
resentposf.nasler, has closed his sec-
ot ni term. Having serven eigni years.
For the honor of being named by th?
president and the $2100 n year snlnry
there nre threo nppltcnn' t and each
lifti st rimg Jiacking among 'he business
men nnd The patrons of tho office.
These aft W. A. New.dl, G. W. Donnell
and W. M. Moore. Mr. N.'well in ns
Mstatit postmaster here, having held
1 1. 'i I iittsil ion for t lie nfist throe vfnr
pud prior to thnt he wns in tho rnilway.
mail service for 12 years, running out Of
I'ortiami. .Mr. Uooueii wuv until ltxnt
spring, roadmaster on theGrnttts Piss
division of the Southern Pacifier nnd
since then has been superintendent' "fnrtaX
the Pncific A F.f.storn nt McdforHI.,'Mri.
i o'M in nn mi in imvc nil' leiiu ill X ill'
c3 a