Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, December 09, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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P. Dodg$ returned, Monday from
Ashland, where be had been attending
the fiUxral of hit brother-in law, H.
WUIUidb, which occurred Sunday.
Hod,.' J. W. Perkint and wife left
Monday to visit in Portland.
- Rough dry. tf
Mrs. Bedding, a sister of Mrs. E. X.
Warner, who has been visiting the lat
ter for the past two weeks, left Satur
day night for her home in Berkeley.
J. N. Dennis of Klamath Falls ar
rived In Medford Sunday and will spend
a few days.
King's for Lowney's, Aldon's and
Cunther'a chocolates.
Lloyd El wood shot a very large mal
lard duck on Rogue river Sunday. It
weighed 8i pounds.
M. 8. Herring and wife from Colors
do Rprings, 'ol.t arrived in Med ford
Monday with a view to locating and
engaging in business.
Rough dry, 35 cents a nozen at Peil'r
Elite Laundry. tf
Mrs. Street, mother of F. W. Street.
. arrived in Medford Monday tn visit
her ion.
The best Xmas present Is a good por
trait of yourself, fiet it at Goodpas
ture'. Or. J. (. rioble left Monday morn
tug on the southbound train for V ilia in
etle points. The doctor will be absent
for three weeks.
Eaton llurlltut 's Christmas station
ejv, the best stationery on the market.
Hull's Art Studio, 317 Seventh st. 21$
' F'eter Applegsle, Jackson county 's as
lessor, transacted business in Medford
ifondsy morning.
Miss Jeunesse Butler, teacher f)
no, theory and harmony. Residence in
West Med ford. Telephone 701. tf
Charles Nun an and wife of Jnekson
ville were Med ford visitors Monday.
Mrs. Frank flute and daughter left
Sunday for Klamath Falls to join Mr.
A $25 gold watch to be given away at
a New Year's present at Hull's Art
Studio. .117 Seventh street. 22
Dr. W. S. Jones and wife returned to
Medford Saturday, after an absence of
three weeks visiting in Denver and oth
cr eastern cities.
The Medford Studio I)e Witt, flood
pastura, prop., over Model Clothing
Co. tf
Tba little daughter of J. G. Hodges
of West Medford who has been seriously
sick, hat fully recovered.
" Why worry over a wash ftp at home,
trbaa you can get rough dy done at
Neil's Elite Laundry for 3!5 cents a
Aaaen. tf
, Weeks ft MrQownn, West Side furni
ture dealers have moved their stock into
their new brick building across the al
Toy from the old stand.
Now located in new quarters, with en
Urged facilities for handling onr work
with neatness and dispatch Peil
61 its Laundry. tf
D. B. Ream, who has be($ ton fined tn
his home in West Medford on account
df sickness, is improving and will soon
be upon (he streetB again.
Miss Mulkey s annual clearance of
millinery begins Saturday, December
7, and will continue for two weeks.
Prices cut belttw cost. Come early and
secure your pick of latest designs of
all kinds of head wear. 2.11
Jeff P. Heard, wife and daughter nr
rived Sunday evening from Hnn Fran
Cisco, as did F.dgar Hnfer and wife.
J. W. Smiley, who left for Wallnee.
fdabo, to he present at the deathbed
of his brother, wires that his brother
died Sstitrday and that be will return
to Medford with the body about Wed
newluy morning.
Dr. Shearer Inn res for Portland Mon
day evening.
Noah Lyons, wlo baa been in Red
ding. Oat., ftir the nt three wiek.yp
turned to Medio nl Monday.
P. If. Daily of Jacksonville was a
Medford business visitor Monday.
II. Dnfipon and wife of Chicago ar
rived in Medford Saturday and will b
cats in the vn!(oy.
Aftdrew Jeldiiesa of Portland nrrif
In Medford Sunday morning. He watt
formerly a resident of Vedfonl.
Rev. Miller of Duluth. M(n., is n
new arrival in Medford and in well
pleased with Medford a)nd the UogiifV
Kiver valley and will loeate, provided
suitable investments can be had.
B. J, Trotlhridgc has ret urn til to Med
ford after three days' nhni'p in Sin
Icirou countv, California. O
Mrs. Dr. llullfr nod daughter left on
the northbound train fur Sams Valley
wbre she will viit with old (ieUBiiit
Mrs. Frank Mute and little daughter
returned Sunday from Klamath county.
Jerry Berks t horne of Butte Falls,
who-Wts opersted upon Wednesday of
!nt week, is not better.
Miss F-dith Cranfill has
brnie' from Portland and oth-r vatl. v
pit, where she h been viit trttf
Hhe visited stun in Wanhinglon.
Oeorge H. Went rsme in on the 'n
nfir It Kim tern fnon Katie (Kjniitt ,B n
dar morning
Mrs. A A. Mac 1 1 and daughter a
arrived in Medford for s few dnv ' with relative.
Mr. snd Mrs. David Tavlor of (j-d
ford itfi for Ashland. where th-v w ill
spend a few davs.
Chsrles M .t'rve of 0 rants 1'h
psssed through Medford Hnndnv on hi
WSV to Jarhnonville tn visit with
fiiesds. Mr. M '-nerve st one time pub
lisbed the Medford Sureean.
II. B. Nve of Will ow fsrVk niininf,
d(trii t returned 1o Medford Snnda v
aid will remain a few dnvs with hi
family. Mr. Vve'n mines ni)"hwiiiK
P well
J. S. Monnev of Wenntehee. Wah.. i
a new arrival, having reached Medford
Sunday. He will in all probability in
et in on hard land.
W. J. Virgin of Anhlaft ied
Point Snsdav.
J. L. Hsmmrrnttv and wife of Hold
Hill were viaitors in Medford Sunday
Mstbew Oalhonn of Phoenii wsa an
over Sunday visitor in M til ford.
Mr. and Mrs. Tsssc J. to 0f On
tral Point were oyer Sunday -'mi tor
in Medford.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Askew of Cen
trnl Point were Medford business call
erg Saturday afternoon.
II. P. MrliitnHh from Montana is a
in w arrival in the rilv Mini ' v -1 1
leuM-'J with the vulliy, and rspet ially
Midtoid. Mr. M hilo-li will hnute mid
make this his permum ut home.
The HeaiiK'B chapter. No. of I In
Order of the Kiinnrii Si:ir, will bold
its auniiiil elfctin of iffu-TH VVdns
day, Derembfr II. All intiniieiH are
n queMt-d to be pr'i'iit. Lillian B.
Woodford, secretary.
Morris Itrnwn and ilaughter left Md
ft.rd this morn i ok f"r tlifir lionif in
Mitchell county, KaiisuH. Tiny iQive
been visiting at the home of W. I.
Browu, a brother of M.rris Brown, for
the past week.
Claude K. Jones of the Kant Side
transacted business in Medford Satur
da v.
The V. M. C(3. held its usual de
vot ional meet ing Wedliewlny, led by
Harvey DeArtnond, the subject beinjj
" Earthly Trenaures. '
Senator Miller of I. inn county gave
an unusually interesting add reus in
ehapel Monday morning on "Present
Opiort unities.'
The fooiball jratne at (Irants I'avt
between the normal and f irants Past,
team resulted in n score of 1 to (i in
favor of the CranM Pass team.
There will be a recital in the chapel
Tuesday evening, December 1", given
by the senior elocution clans.
An educational and also very benefi
eial talk wan (jiven by President Mill
key Wednesday morning in chapel on
the 'K(Tect of Kdueution." p
The normal girls' basket hall team
playM a game with the (irants Pass
team a week ago Thursday, (fr)iieh nv,
suited in a score of 11 to 7 in favor of
the nonuairls. The preliminary
was played hii'tKeen the junior boys and
ill the school, which resulted n the
score of II to S in favor of the hool
team. Q
The ibdiate on the initiative and ref
ill lip lu-lil toi-i-mli.Ti-jn in
I hp ,-lui -l. Ailinilii it". All
;iro inviti'il.
A Itililp slncly i-Iiim linn lii-pn nr(;ii
iziil liv t ho limn nf Hip yiiiiiiK inonV
lorinitnry. They im-it Mulul.'iy nfti-r
I'linilii.'ilil v wiib tri-nti-il in n vi-ry in
ti-ri'Hliiiji way liy PrufpHmir Varilrii
in rliapt'l Tliurnllty liiorniiiK.
Prpniili-nl Mulkoy nml Mm. Wirkpr
ilinni-liiivp hppn liplpiny )in "" i"""
IntrNviirk in Klnmiilli Falli ft munp
limp, but liavo rpturiipil.
Tlip rhiiu-l 'tlinp li tnki-n up WpiI
ni'K-lny nmrninK by lli-v Mi lli-nry, who
'ill tlip lliblptuiiy rliuw. Thi-ro wan n
ftr(.p (ottpniiiincp, whii'll hIiowh tlint
ni(l((li inti ri'Bt in bpii Taken 'in this
ork. o O
1'rpniilent Mulkpy n-tunipil from Sn
Ic-in last Thursilay. nhi-rp lip ilolivi-iwl
in aililrpH nl hii- Kllm' Jni-morinl ki tv
T,he spirit of Chrislmnn is in the air.
H entraining sithvol child rAii' ire pre
iring for a orogrnm, which will be
rendered the Friday evening before
cbristmns, December 'JO, in th ehapid.
The following nvftj students have en
tered the academic "deimrt (nfut during
the pnst woes: Miss Alive lloekersinith.
Mrs. Anna TIiwjuiih, Prtul Mulkey, Kv
rett CulbertsoiT, Ivan Culbertson, M is
'tesdie Davit.' q
The normal team will piny the uni
vfritv bnsketbnll tenm at Ashland De
eiwber l.
A genefi(l misunderstuntling exists re
'a rdi n J the coming city election to be
held next month. -.Mayor UcdlK holds
over another year, but three council
men nre to be elected, Messrs. Osen
brugge, Kifert and Itarkdull letiriug
It is probalde that tH wil1pl.e canli
dates for reelection. Attorne W. K.
I'hipps is a c:ind?dat for the mayoral
v.i but the charter provides that "the
mayor hiill be elected and hold office
for a term of two years," so unless
Mayor iieddy resigns, lie can't, run. A
ity'r'eci-riier is nlso to(l)r' elected. The
ncuirt'tient will be a candidate for re
Fltthty f Cash in Oregon.
I'llfd'l.WII. Dec. !t. -The Hlatenieiit
..f the nji,ri..iial I'iKs (ifpporlbiml on
December :i pmved (hat They had, am
pie cash - nmre than the uiostf rnrbnsi
ast ic had nut in pat ed. The saute is
true ut the bunks throughout t:lirt state.
If you havi-n't viniti-il thin Htorp for a day or two, you will b)surpriiiid
whi-ii you eoiiii- anain. tt'e have tunipil it into tCyi-gular 'holiday
more," ami you rmi pp (aluiimt nt a glanep) oxi-eptinnally larfjp 88
Horlitipiitx iiProllam. ltiiitu, Ib-lta, Turnovprs, llamlkprpliipfs, Faiu-y (lift
Hiuph, Hiiiporti M. Vi-ilH, Auto and Hat llrapi-a, Kamy llonii-ry, Jjipp
llan.lki n lii.-l'it, I )u Hurry Si-urfa, I'lliii-y llibboliii, I'illow TopB and (VjV.-r9,
Waists, Ki noH, Knit Kliawh, i-to., i-to. We have put forth pitra
i fforts to rolli-rt nil IIu-bp bpaiitiful novi-ltipa and ohhutp you tt pvpry
tiling wp bIiow Is now. Prices low.
O :
We want you to become acquainted
wild our line of knit underwear. rWi8
Monarch Mills certainly turn out the
finest lia of ftiderwenr shown on tho
Pacific coa:U. As an inducement to
look, we are offering some special in
n garment fof 11 icH1 fine rihbed silk
and wool riidexwear,lit is retailed all
over the country at $1.25 a garment;
about I .V dozen in t.foift lot to offer;
guaranteed not to shrink, nnd the best
uuilerwoar bargain ever offered by a
vSU 23c
30O 05c
Virtues Value
n garment for ladies ' ' fibbed,
flciri'd cottin Hnderwear in cot
ton;' worth XV. Seo If you can
duplicate, those. q (
for cotton, ribbed union suits for
women ; all sizes; n ti -"', vitluo;
fleeced. Be if JOB can ttuplioato
these. v
In our Big Shew Window, 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 4 9. m.
ii-1 mm) 1
W !
tk. WW I 1
r u 1
j n
st National Bank
CAPITAL $50,000 0
The Youngest and Strongest
RESOURCES $360,000
WM S CROWBLL, ProEidont. O. OB-1WTOSD. AatelnM OUblar.
F. K. DT.UEL, Vice Prosldoiit. - Js L. ALFOBD. OnOiW
fiEO. W. DUNN, Snconrt Vloo Piei'Cint.
I". 1.. Tou Veil" to W. C. Hopson,
i- ''ft a.-rtv 111 tw-irtiou 5. towu-
hio 3. ranee 1 W -i..16000
Melindu J. Hawk to O. H. P.
Vorhiri, property iu Barr'a ad
diliuu to Medford
William Rush tu John Wolff, lot
3. Mock 7, Ross' addition to
Mantjie Burrou(la, to Walter Da
vis et al., 30 Wres in aeitiona
and 3U, township 37, range
R.nUh Stalker et al. to Edward
E. Kelly, 30 ai res iu sections
29 and 30, township 37, range
1 W
i-'peder'u k ;. Paee to Peter Edin, -
(Jo) property in Page addition .. .
William T. Holme et ai. to
Freeburg, property in Ashland
W. A. Freeburg to B. S. Radclitf,
property in Ashland
George W. StephenBon to A. W.
McDonnell, lots 13 and 14, block
P, Railroad addition to Ash
land TV Johnson to Carolii Bellin
ger, lots 1, 2 and 3, block 66,
l..rlfnrH H75
irrit. lk-lliuct-r to Lucinda Slo-
ver, lot 5, block 81, Medford.. 100
Caroline Bc-llinger to Kathleen
Tulent, lots 3 aua 4, diock i,
Park addition to Medford ... 1
P. A. Trana to W. C. Deble.v,
lota 1, 2 and 3, block 3, Sun
uvBide addition to Medford ... 840
United States to Jesse E. En
ynrt, S of S '4 section 18,
township 3.3, range 2 E patent
R. C. Messner to Flora A. Kel
sev, (! acres in 8 Vi of 8 W .
section 16, township 36, range
3 W ! 1
Exchange Bank Checks
ior nome 01 l our ywu
-) o
O There is nothing lifee oming your own home in those
times. Then, eoino what inav. yon are fixed. cNo danger
e o
O that, imaginary fmanoial stringeneies fan lose yon your,
shelter, for thev ean't. You are" fixed. And-then, how
G ' u 0
niUeh. nieer it is for your wife and family! Just think o
0 how many worry- lines on your wife's dear faee yon save o
by owning the roof over her head. It means a lot to1 both
of you; hut more to her. 1otli of von faee the world so
nnich more eonfidentlv than as if von did not know wh;it.
was ;oniing or what would happen, with that nameless'
0 dread hanging over yon constantly. Do not postpone it
r longer. Now is the time to Imild. (let, a lot they arc
3 cheap. Buy it on the installment plan, if yon don't want c
to pay for it all at once, and then get vour lumber from ns o
and build. It Kll Otit yoii no nioif than rent : and yon
o will have something to show for it at the end of a year.
Yfe will take elaecka on any bank in Melford in exchange
for mir lumlx'r, anfl'Ave sell the Ix-st that is made- rough
and finished, hard or soft, native or Tiooth-Kelly what
ever you want. Opportunity knocks but once "If sleep-'
ing.vke If feasting, turn away Tt, is the hour of fate."
r, Opportunity is kntx-king at your door Awake and build
, Ix'fore it is too late.
Iowa Lumber & Box Co.
' wliit h riimcs lifter ilitiinK At tlio NjihIi
4'jilV pruof xifiitivp that nur pntroiiH
h' not only well sirvv.l nml fiwl, but
liavw t:ul tin' virv Ut tliftt tht mar
kt'tM afftinl. Our iih'QH contaitin every
limi' (if tilt' HI-llHOll.
Chrigtmae Goods
Now Oo DispJay
Medford Steam BaKcry
hot Bom roB brb Aft Past
nr diiinljr lilllo d In nor rails tluil
will tempt tlio npp'tite f thi
' Mjt faritiilions,, In the knnl w
; rv( v ery day when ordered
ItremlNturfH, tbtte Slid lo
C lii'iont, is our flpeoinlty, an lll
the rirhet, fineat rakir pas
try fitud pies! Wlin you lit U
enjoy ymir menla order ymu
lukefftuffs frujii Oft
Model Clothing Co.
('of. Kevenlh mid H Hlrertn,
R. W. GRAY. Builder
Colonial Porch WoiC Grill and
S&x Work, Patterns, Etc. :: ::
Telepfeme 471. Medford, Oregon
The Odell
i..j jy
Leading Rooming Qouse of the City
Overlhs Poilofflcs
Meilford, Oregon
Extra Large and Fine Assortments
Handkerchiefs in silk and linen, plain and initial '
Mcii'h Muffins, in Mack and white silk, at 7:c, l.(X), iM.jO and up to i(3.50 each
(Squaiv and oblong shapes.) o
Men's and 's Nockwcar, i i; endless assortments.,) o g
Fancy Suspenders in individual b.-xesat, per pair C.J.I ....r()c to 3,00
r. Unibrdias, Smoking Jackets, cG
l'urs.'s, IWtts, fine Shirts for men, Silk iMt icoats for women. Furs, fine H,e,
lnrnVaiul women's fine fJloves, Silk Waists (new and just received), Slipirs,
Silk Shawls, Suit Cases, Fancy Back Combs. ' ' "e '; ' t'-1
Broken Lines of Goods Still On Sale
-J rr
Some biiken lines of Slwipp, IJatt, Overcoats, Vinterwear, Flaunel Kliirts, etc., at
o, less than enst