THE DAILY TRIBUNE'S rand. G School Children's HATSfcAND SHOES. John B. Stetson lints in any st yU, color anil Bhi vim desire 36 VOTES. Walk-Over Sluis, your size iu any sLapo yon desire of this well known brand of a'aoer. 35 VOTES. OLD-HANDLED UMBREL LAS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. Tlii'SO umbrellas Jmvi a splendid repe'laut sii.; cover, and st..d-f nndgitunly fruni", with pretty handles in odd designs, combination of pearl, gold and silver. 35 VOTES. WATERMAN GOLD MOUNT ED, SELF-PI LL1N(9 FOUNTAIN PEN. In several sizes, artistic designs, witf? orna mental handles. Ouo of the most useful articles that every .school boy or girl should have. O u o o o RAMBLER B1CYC LE P Diamond frame fur young men or ladies' frame; your choice of tires, seat, s:uhle, bars, eninkhungera, anil u complete set of tools. This is tho beat bicycle &al is fullv guaranteed. THREE HUNDRED VOTES. RVIXCHKSTUR KttPEAT fcNU 1UFLES. :i0 SO caliber, breech lock, receiver ami nl! working parts made of the best qual itl of gun frame steel. AValit stock ami plitling f.Q eml with Oomhono action system. Yoa can have jtyy caliber you de Sire of this famous r'N w',n h-ather Ciirrviug case. ONE HUNDRED VOTES. PURSES AND J I ATEL'AINE BAGS, Heavy grained louthjflp, genuine morocco, ornamented bcatPanil silver chain hand, pocket and satchel purses. Japaui'se oriental kgiib purses in many ilesigns. TEN VOTES. V 0 iUAML'UHW SKI'S FOR GIRLS. 7, 10 and 15 niece silver mounted black ebony ln;ii'iiro sets, withO comtis, Mushes, nail clips, clothes Inches, nail files and many other useful articles for the dressing table. Some with your lonogrQi in silver on the back of (jjio brushes. KliAoU a iieavfljful Glli lined highly polished silver-trimined ebony box. OVERCOATS FOR ROTS AND YOUNG MgN. Box, medium or ankU length overcoi(t, (fi)iili uf the very best material in the latest slylrs and cuts. Cicnuino craveuette rain proof coats in (fly y ahac3r diejjtfi vou desire. Oftl HUNDRED .OEil FLOBERT 52-CALIKER 0HFLES. The small hoy's favorite, octagon, 24-in" Itarri'l, ash stock and safety haminerss at tacluaent. Just theQiing fof)huntTiig souir rids, jackrabhit-s and other small game,Qiti, f"Q target nracti9e. 0 0 FIPSPY tOPES. repflStio m!gaztne AIR GlTNS. Using ItBtgJiot ntul a magazine eapac- ily of loilO shots. Nickel plated bagel) hard wood iick anil ikrving strap. T$(ENY-FIVE VOSES. GOLUo AVATC1IES M YOUNO MEN. These watches arc rubie .eWeled, finely balanced anoQ have perfectly adjusted move ments, witk dust bands, pat ent rejl.-itnis, enameled uhitji jewel compensation batanrei and dmiblt Ilk gold hunting cases, lijindsomidy engraveil with ymiOmonogram on the rfte. ONE HUNDRED AND FIF TY VOTES. Oil A T EL A INK WATCUKrt T0 R YOUNG LADtllS. ' The case) of these watches are beaut ifully enameh'd (l&ad are a it)st ieajTj) Ol ecora t eil with floral designs and pro files Gin beaut if ul colorings. Open fuce design, stein wind a tid net, Nwi8) movement and have enameh-d Clear -de lis pin to mateh and handsome satin lined velvet box. O FIFTY VOTES. WINCHESTER DCHJBLE-1DARRELED OR RERKAT- 0 1NG SHOTGUNS. 10, 12, 10 or 22 gauge, oatcnt ejectors, walnut slocks al all working parts made of the best gull metal. These guns are guaranteed to In- the bed eu Othe market. Leather currying cat ONE HUNDREDVOTES. SINGLE-BARRELED SDOTGUNS. Pealher weight i any gn' you choose, with automatic sistance sights ,lut)tlic thing forQmnli game. SEVENtYFIVE V8"TES. GtaoS) Pfie fof Boys lftredes--oliP3 Ff&Hch Rising Motorcycle Two-cylifiUer, 4-liorsc power, Iwo-cyclifair fooled duplex engine, capable ot running the machine froy ong ia 0 miles an Iraur. ly njeans of a friction clutch the engine will run wfiile the machine is stand ing still. Qrip spark and air Controls, eoastr brake, eShaust gut off, carbon head air dtail lamps, rein forced spring forks, jockey spring saddle, 3 l-2-inch tihPsovith detachable hickory rims, and adji'.stalile belt drive. These are the finest and coStoiest syid handsoniest lffiitorcycles built and are used by tlO: 1110-oi-ycle police oNev tYork u1(E) and by ofessioflal track racers as )acing madiines. ?'hey. are beauti fully finished in bright Vermillion, full Qiickeled working parts and the frame is constructed oehronie steel. The priijj1 and jov of evervov's heai4. q : 1,, -9 sTt(5' voice" 1 A "I J I US 10 A L INSTR LLM ENTS. . Viidius, mamlolius, guitars and alt kinds of string in struments of the bent, makes; Comets, drums, slide and valve trombones, baritones, etc., in silver and brass. These iustrumei are of Kronen and American manufae turo and lU'QguuQiitccd. SETS OF "SHAYNE" FURS FOR (URLS. The black and blue wolf muff and throw nmkn one of the most stylish, service; o nud beautiful presents there is for a girl. The muff is large square shape, beiiutifully lo and satin lima. The throw to match is (0 inches iu loiujtji and six inches wide at the bottom. SEVENTY-FIVE VOTES. V YR (HiRA 1MI.Y O UT KITS. Kor decorating beautiful things on wod, leatheaml plush. These splendiil out fits are complete in every de tail and include platinum points, cork handle, rubber tubing, tlouhle action bulb, metal union cork, bottle, alcohol lamp. With these sets we give handkerchief, glove and jewelry hexes to burn designs on and complete instruct Whs for the nperatoV, o TWENTY FIVE VOTES. W?NSLOV ROLLER SKATES FOR KINK OR o SIDFAVALKS. t The best and most durable skate made, in designs tt nuit every foot and fancy. Perfect in detail, with heavy aluminum wheels, leill bear ings and nirkel-plnted fftiish. ( Q Twenty-five votes, , i SUITS QOF CLOTHES FOR ' Your choice of p;ittern and design in the famtrfls , niiti iieu,amiu x to. cor ret-r, uiaoe in iew i oru (clothes. The most stylish and best wearing clothe inmb'. Kxclusive do'Q nd nobby patterns. f ONE HUNDRED VOTES. S1M JT 15AMI500 FISUINO .1 0- ROUS. Sillc wrapped, five joints, best Japanese split Olnni(t)im, nickeled t ri minings, plush, brass banded carrying case with silk cover. Itristol iteel fishing rods, made of flexih!' chriOno steel, wit h alumiii0ii t riinmings and metal case, nii-luded with whieliogtes 1H0 ynrds f oiled flilli line and an niitoniat repad easting reel. THIRTY-FIVE VOTES. TW'JUiver visible writing typewriter, with ruling device, balance d)ifl, double release and UtitQnatie paper register. Iu implii;ity, precision aid perfect ' unison id' their working jarts these machines are regarded by (Jporl, st'iioff;iphers as bei the best t (J7$ writer matl q ONE THOUSAND VOTES. QTY REWRITFRS. m 1 & n rJ5IO!)l)Y UIVRS. ' 'Qy Hi.f, K.'nnino liciir 1'iir, ciivcri'il in Tvliilo limwii. TWENTY-FIVE VOTES. I OLl8 GORD WATeiUvS loOR YOUNG LADIES o O VICTOR UIIONOORA1MIS. No sinplo lliinp firriwll? ho niurh intiTt.'iinni'nl, iiiniim'incnl find I'n.jnvmi'iir n fnniily, f-.p'-iully when' iiti' :irc i-liililr.'n nml .vininu fill!H, na n Vii'lor j0(i),'riiili. It iiiiliif nil kimlH of iimnwmcnt nl liltli' 1'xpnisi', nivm ynn li nifjiiKH of entiTlniniiiK ynnr frii-nils nml ni-iilnn mi'l it u-f ycui np tn d:if3 with I'li'rv kinil (if gmul iinwic. Wt- will gWi- yon nnr of ilii'W h.Ii-ikIxI in:i, l,iu.- villi inruo liorn nml ..- for n TWO HUNDRED VOTES. ART NEEI)liE?)UTFIT AND COM I'LETE EESSOXS FOR GIRLS. All I hi inatiTin) nml iinpli i I n (iiiili' fur nrl n IJ9 work, wil'i bimkii of inatmi'lion, clc. Any irl)wln I'msnai'S this outfit n rruclily Irani 'o il" ri'iinissniii'i', B:iliiiiil 1 Ii-niiml irnl 1 inliroidi ry, fiuicv work in lim'ii nud roltun iiiat.Tiiib. Fin VOTES. o o VVRITIXO 1)IKS. Solid 011k parlor writing ilt-nkfi, wilh piyt holrs, i 11 k hI .-1 iiiIh mid Mlalionr drH)iT, l"lnSMli'(l 111 liriuht of wi'iilhi'nil oak, Willi linokrasi' nnd 'fc i-linir to nmt.h. SEVENTY-WVB VOTE) - 1 ; O TOOKET KNIYKS. ... , . .,-0 .,.0 .... . ... 1.,... ri'iiri, norn 111m ivory iinnoii's, riimt mi-fi, NiriMifr, io iovbi o:..... A 5136 Sliolliidil. I.VEl Ki'ioi KutliT ami llalnh I'.fulvn inakcH. We liavi' 11 Inri?.- asKorl inolit of thi'Ho iiopular l.raiidH vilfi aortwl HtvloM, Hliapcf and ntak'H to irivo away Q n irc ininia. TEN VOTES. 2) These ladies' wStlidies Ul.iy be 80 leeted with either Wnll hiinor Klgin movemeMts. You need no efj r(. ail vice on this watch, since I In: works JU" st;iiard nnrf like the ease is guaranteed. A beaut it'll I long g"Q neck elm in gm's with each watch. ONE HUNDRED VOICES. FIXE (HIV - MKT AT 'WATCHES EOR I SOYS AND (ORES. Silver (Jiiiiiio-d, Htom wind $nd to-t, open faro, with Kili'lldid Swiss iiiovomrfT) uflij vill last, n tifotinii'. TWENTY IVE JOrES. diamonT) rings for YOUNG MEN AND bA o , 1)1 ''"S- o I'ani'v onravod Tiffaiiy nioiinl-iiikOiolitaii-o iliaiiioinl rinH, iirauli- fill k h of niaivoloiis 1 1 r i I - linncy that will iarrrasi' in aluc fronl year to rl'ar. Always a vain altl itcini possi-ssioii and in cas.i olOliiisforliiiic ralPhc lirliod into r'ash at n nioinoiit's noticr. O O " vv- ' O TWO HUNDRED AND FIITY VOTES. School Children's Grand Prize Contest Any enrolled student attending the primary, grammar or high schools of Meiford, Ashland, Jacksonville, Talent, Clold Hill, Central Point and Grants Pass may enter this contest and compete for the most value ble prizes ever offered by an Oregon newspaper. Q (O, Every contestant is guaranteed a prie, and those bringing or sending in votes will get the premium that corresponds with tU number of Votes. Tho opportunity now presents itself for every student who is willing to work a few hours after school to earn ono or moro of lioautiful prlzcB There is everything you would sh for bicycles, gold watches Winchester repeating rifles and shotguns, phonographs, sewing machines, camora, suits of clothes and many other attractive and value articles. y f Absolutely every contestant in this great contest will win a prlw. Every contestant will bo liberally rownWdd, rliWhor ho or sho wins ono of the big prizes or not, and The Tribune guarantees it. That's pretty fine, Isn't it? And there Is still one Jjlng more: In addition wn will pay cash besides. The Tribune occupies the band wagon of the southern Oregon newspaper procession, it commences where others loavo ofl. Up to d.ito modornlstu non parJsyn, all the news all tho time, make it what we aim it at the fanijite of ovoryhousehold In southern Oregon. i Our object in offering these magnificent prizes is to place Tho Tribune in every home in southern Oregon, whero it will be a welcome factor! fchi the etrirv d.ny life of the family. Within a tart time It will he in elEht-oane oancr. devoted to the interests of the Rokuo River valloy, and f 0 Yon ru-f invited Id ontor lliis ronlcst, and so is every fjllii'i' scIkhiI ny ir nirl, und you will ho surprid to see liow ea'sy, it is to ejini u prie. Cut oiirfiis coiipuii, sin your niuno nnd mail it to Goii tesj, .Manager, 'I'lie 1 1 riliune, .Medford, Or. I Sauk elieeks taken in paytneiit for snliseripl ions. Montest Mi.nager, Dally Trlliuno, Mcdford, Or.: I dojjro to enter your Grand Trlzo Contest and eaW Mw.of tho P'fis you offer. Pleaso send ion full particulars Immediately so I may win a prize boforo Christmas. L (S) NAME .ie).D P. O. Box ITV Frium I Uoftiro to vM give the local, foreign and domestic news 11 hours ahead of tho Portland d.illles. . , ( ! Oregon.