Bedford Daily Tribune A llri Paper in a Ut Town. fubiiibrd every evening except Sundnv Mtdford Publishing Company. Q. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted ai Second ( lam Matter in th Pottoffic at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Batea: One.month, by mail or carrier go.Sti One year, by mail 5.00 A JOUENAXISTIO PECKSNIFF. la a two-column editorial the I'urt land ip its inane of Kcntem ber T eiplaint and defend its course Wior to the land fraud trials and re pliea to criticisms made by The Tri bune. J'arta of tho editorial read likr ono of those delightful little homilies in which the moral Mr. Pecksniff was in the liHliit of eitolling hia own vir tues. I odious virtue 007.1s out of every jiorp of this journalistic Pecksniff, liar vey Scott has bad a hard time fighting iuc 11 nas tieen a hard world to frork in," but he has "done tin beat he eould with the materials." Vir hie has not been his only reward, eitli er. ,ed now, after these munv years of struggle, he can thank Oml he U 11..' like other editors. As he savs: ?'Tie Qregonian is the one force in this state of Oregon which will not en ter into any combination with those who are in politics or public effort or any kind for what there may be 'in it.' It hales elf seekers and mere par tianpa who atudy only their own silvan rage., regardless of principle; it detests liari, I i-ie servers, rheala and hum bugs, ann" naturally ia detested by them. it on'y appeal is 10 honesty and intel bgeocc, which in the long run will al ways prevail." It is a fine thing to know that then ia one incorruptible force in Ore one man auperior to the run of huuian ity, who snurns combinations with 11..... who are In politics, and who, like Royal os sing ponarer, l absolutely puro; tvli nerpsts liars, and acorns lime-servers W,natc aelf aeekers. One can almost imagine the applause of "Cherry" ami "Merrv" as iI,ma nr.i.i ......!..'. ... "1 further agree Uiat if 1 receive the support of Jonathan Uoiirnc Jr., for United St.-itis senator in 1 In- joint - sion uf the legislature tonight, that il elected I will turn nil the fcb-ml pat onage over to Jonathan Bourne, Jr. "I hereby further agree, in lieu ol receiving tin- support of Jonathan bourne tonight at the joint scsxiou ol the legislature, that whi ther eli cted 01 not, I will pay to -loniilli-'in bourne 12"), Ollll in I'nili-d (States g.ild coin." The contract was later signed anil the money paid over to the present sen alor from Oregou. The coin is under stood to have been contributed by a pool of Portland buiiness men. Mr. bourne could not deliver enough vote to elect, and Fulton emergcil triiim pliant. At .Senator Kulton's liamjuct foui days Inter, reference was made to the cost of a legislative campaign. Tin remarks passed showed plainly that all present were familiar with t lie- raising, of the 2"),(l(MI purse. Here's political purity from the one incorruptible source in Oregon. To come hack to the land fraud trials The Ori-goniau excuses and cipliiins without disproving a single assertion made by The Tribune. The facts re inaiii as slated by The Tribune, the til of the Oregonian furnish all tlnvneeded I the JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. I'lank Ni il was in from Ka'le Point his wick oil a short visit with his par nls. Judge aad Mrs. J. It. .Neil. Mrs. Miles t'nntri'll of Tnioatown jn-iii the day in Iowa Friday. Buy Tickets by Wire. ''.Something which is of considerablr nteiesr to the public generally and vhieh is p-ih-ips not generally kuown 'a the system of prepaid orders now in --ITfct belivien stations of the Southern Pacific coinpaiiy and all points in the United Mtatcs. by means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medforil from any place in the I'uiteil -States and nailed or telegraphed direct to the uirty wishing to come here. Sleeper iccouimodatioiis and small amounts of -ash in connection with these tickets nay also be furnished at the same time." tf 1IOUSKWORK or window-cleaniag, by day or hour; bamboo furniture madi aiiuii, Seventh at , near bridje. Tel. 401. tf WANTED To l.-l, contract for plow ing It acres of alfalfa; work to be done at once. Postoffice Box 2.-. 2211 r'OK 8 ALE New reaideDce, Just com plated, second block west of big) school, West Seventh street; fine col onial interiar; cheap if sold soon. In quire Tribune office. tf FOR SALE Fine lots, good soil, excel lent building ground, 12th and I its. .See owner, Prof. M. B. Signs. tf 'Merry" as these, noble Sentiments full iron their virtuous gjro, while poor i-mcn listens in nipt admiration . Referring to the senatorial election of Ifiu.I, the Oregonian sayB: "Mr. Hcolt had no thought, nor wish to he a eandi oat (for the senate) himsulf. Ho onve desired the position, for he noytr felt that it was Ins proper place. Jut the last night of the legislative aessi in February, I f03. Iliroueli Ih, ..r,.n of many persons, Mr. Hcott consented ro allow his name to lie bro.ight be un convention; yet no no more expected the election than he had do aired it. Had he wanted it. h w.&l, bare taken measures in time to obtain If, and it would have been easy. "Mr. Scott had no thought nor wish 10 raceme a candidate." V.y then nioj Mr. Hcott wire to OoorieVE. Ilrows ell on I he last night of tho session as follows: "You have often exnrusseil a dcaira. to help me; if you do, now i- tun time " V-r. 8cott did not expect to bo elect ed, he (ay. Then why waa this an,.. Ue of truth so confident of hia own election that ho wrote a long editorial on inai latetnl February nighT) that .vi! i? omui 01 tne hum session eainira luo Election of Scott "r This oaitnrinl was set up, alorootupyl anil actually on tho press, wheP tTTii news came of Fulton 'a elecli, and the press u n. ue aioppeu and the editorial cut At a, niar of fact ltyrviiyScyM waa a gum-shoe candidale for the seiin torabip. There is nothing aurnrisiu; or uugut nut lilul:ihlc in that. The sur priung fact ia ho ahould find it necessary to to often needlessly denv what every oilier of the legislature of that day knowa to be a facP Some inside history Qn connection with this) senatorial contest will shed . a little light upon Mr. ScoitfDcfmli Vdacy. F. W. I.ea.lbeltcr, son mlnw ot ,11. L. Pittnck, one of the owners of the . Oregonian, waa in Kalem the Inst ,l February, 1110,1, .(uriug the closing hour, . of the legislulive ejfOV. lie iippenrcl in behalf of Uarvey TV. Scott, who a. a, dark horse was to by. sprung ns a ; seuatorisl candidale elected at the ; c)ereuth hour. He carried a h-ttri igaeu i,y at. Krntt, which is reported by Uoi who aaw it to have contained the fallowing: " I hereby siillinrlr.e F. W. I.einlliettci to.wt for me in all matters pertaining to the election of Fnited States aenntor at the joint session of the legislature tonight, 1 will make go;d anv c.itucts or -agreement that he may make in JV behalf. H. W. Scott." The letter was read to a nvm-hcr of legislators, whose support waAnight In some cases the reading was 1 n psu.ul by the III rent thai the Orioiii nd Telegram would political rravea for 1 nose not lined up, but would sup port Ihose who voted for Scott. A prominent figure during this .-, ioo waa now junior I'nilcl stales aS) tor from Oregon. Jena Hum llour-.e'. Who bad been a rmidnliile through,., it Ih session himself. Mr. bourne s head quarter were in the Flgfidg- block He was this session as at prcunia ses inn, more or less a factor iu legists ti matters, and kept n., I,,,,,,,, ( naiem. wnere he wincl ami ilined ami toasted various members of the legists ture. He had a certain following whose upport it was necessary to secure in order to bring about Scott's election a pator. Mr. Rourne, however, meant business, wanted to lu reimbursed fr expenses incurred, ami insisted upon s contract, which waa drawn up. This agreement is said by those who saw it and Dut'ieroua legislators did to hsvc read as follows: "1 caae i, receive Jonsthaa Bourne, Jr. s support for I'liiled Ntatea aenalor t the joint session of Ihe legislature tonight, I hereby gree to use Ihe full power ot the Morning Oregonian and th Evening Telegram to defeat John K- Mitchell at the next senatorial elec tion and elect Jonathan bourne, Jr., in '. !' I proof. The Oregonian did oppiTHo laud fraud trials during (ffiieir ear; stages and until Judge 'lanner confess d; it did make truce with Senator Mil hell after his last election as aena tor, which gave him immunity from altncks until his conviction became erlainty; and it did support liing' Hermann for congress in two campaigns after Ins removal bv President Knose yeJt from the offii f general land ommissioner. These facta help prove the main eon tention, that the Oregonian kept ailent about graft among republican h-tiilcrs for fear of "hurting the party" else from some more sinister reason. Regarding the Oregonian 'a anap pic ture of Roosevelt and Hermann, it was no chance affair, but took aeveral days to secure, and the president ww fol lowed through Oregon for Hi is purpooe liy I lie photographer. A large nuinlie of papen had been contract for li contain litis picture and they were dis Intuited broadenat over the district These papers were not secured after, the llrst publication, but reached all voters when regular renders received their cop ies, showing Unit tho Oregonian iobbed Mr. Itsn-vclt to see 11 re the photo for its political elfect. It was not news paper strategy, but a plain i)jc of "gc Hie money." for papers are not printed and distributed for nothing. Perhaps it is tiecuiian sur opportunities are ran under tlio direct primary that the Ore goliiau hue lost interest in the repiib Mean party. O Further on the Orvftpniun atates: "These accusers, whcB-r they call themselves democrats or republicans are all very linVh alike, ffiev excusi all tho thieves aa corriiptionisls with whom they are affiliated, whether ol ine party i(f)lho olherY The aviniinthi of peraons like him who writes in th Mcdford Tribune for this dirty g.l)g a always been ititciBy. 1 lip eilitor of The Irilnin)- I111 !yinpiiv for "this dirty (Jang. " (gjnd no ncipiiMllance 'Willi llieiu. excepl tnrougii the iiitwiiiisuiiVf's. IL. Bi-li.-ves however, that there are sins iust as (fcbl Irtjlhose puutelo'd OOil il. il scriliei- iiw, pnnriscea) nq liypocritiut rftre 14m,, linnyp. q Ihe Oregonian concludes: "TIJr (the people) have been mis led or many of Ih.-ni-l.y the locali u..l u....LIk . - , ,- t -0-11 nevnisst Ci'rrn OUHI ISIS, IIICIUUIII" those whom (a jjtiruee (Ireelev said) (lod in his inscriitnble nlovideiici- has permitled to edit or (jy.ntrol, fi)r fScir own political or h')-nnl cuds, a t.-itgc proportion uf the llage anil country sp.-ipirs. We biuf) the Medforil Tri bum t to consider this unUd. n "So no more at prcac(r)feut " The Cftrsoaillily of Ihe editor The Tri uuir-, lines not figure in I his on(rocr He is only A)poor country st who's principal worry is to tuakc Hildas no interests outside of rn i-jH loin cmls nleot. He is not a "urn shoe nor an loyowcil caiuliiliite for arij off (cl- iiper, so lie can hiird I allerT 11 self seeking corrupt ionlril . " Q NEW TOILET PARLOES iNlernnl scientific metliials for the -are of all diseiiHi-a of the hair, scalp ind face. Flectric massage, physical de 'iciencies developed, manicuring, finest oilet articlis carefullv coitiiouudi-d. MRS. W. L. CAMERON, Suite 4S, Hotel Moor j Annex. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. THE real estate firm of Xoyes & Dress ler will be found at their old office, on Ihe west aide near the Hotel Moore, having decided not to move. We can show yon as good buys as there arc to be had. If you have property to Boll, sec us. We can sell it for you We will also conduct an up to date employ meifl office, where we cna furnish help to nnyone employing same. No matter what your business, if you need help, leave your ordera with us. Noves 1c Lireasler. tf HELP WANTED We furnish help for miners, lumbermen, mills, hotels, res tniirants, housekeepers, laiindrys, ranchmen, nrchardists, wood cutting, builders, mi'rchnnts, contractors, or anyone desiring help of nny kind. I-enve your orders with us. iS'oyes & Dressier, near Hotel Moore tf FOR EXCHANGE Med ford property fur other property. Adrdess Lock Bos 418, MedforA, Or. tf LOST One bay mare colt, 6 mouths old, white strip ih face. Reward foi return of name. (I. (I. Shirley, P. O box (II. Residence second house south oil tank. tf t-Olt MALK One and a ipiafter acre improved land, with .Vroora house barn, ootbuihVjigs and well, 1 1 lull blooded filley, 7 luoiiths old, aired by Robert I... $110; also Jersey heifer calf l. P. J). Hcott. owner. tf A (JOOD iiivcstraeat For sale, first mortgage, $750, on first-class real es tate, iluc in Zll months, drawa 7 pet cent interest; will discount principal enough to make a good profit for pur chaser; will accept cash, check or cer tifieate of deposit. Addn-ss P. O. Box .171, Mcdford, Or. 238 FOR SALE 20 acre land, with house barn anil other linililinira anaA snrisa a few bearing aple trees, Wj miles from railroad slntios; price $1200, pay able $200 down and $20 a month, or will exchange for Mcdford residence proporty. Also 40 acred good apple or pear land in aamo loculity; low price aBd easy terms. Address P. O. Box !7I, Mcdford, Or. 226 WANTED To let, contract for plow ing 14 acres of alfalfa; work to bo done at once. P. f). Box 22;". 220 WANTED Dining room girl at Hotel Nash. NEWLY furnished rooms for rent; eon- venient to tho business part of town; light, hot and cold wnter and bath, furnished. For terms see Wra. Joe Thomas. South H street. tf FOR 8ALE At a bargain, ninety acreB of the choicest fruit land H) Rogue river valley, rich aoil, all level, well watorad, good aix-room house, goad barn, three good wells, abundance of water. All under cultivation ready for orchard. Intending purchasers 811011m see this placo bofor--Purchasing. ueo. Minis, IN ash 'gotel, Medfd Or. iutt WANTED To rent, a furnished house, o or 1 roonQ. electric lights, close in Call at my office. Dr. R. R. Ifamil ton. tf THE MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Friday, December 13th SUYTOiV JUBILEE SINGEKI Those Tuneful Culluci Bolks P168? NUMBER HIOH 9CHOOL LYCEUM COUBSB. fRIOES 18SA8ON TICKET, FOUB $UMBEB,9 $1.00; EINOLE NUMBERS 60c Al0j75c. SSATf Off SALE WEDNgSDAY, DECEMBER 11. etober I Xoveiiilu-r slut isl ies tfor heal aituV flour shit n( ; from Port Inn. I and Paget .(,., J ports are partial lllrly interesting lis shoniiiir tlio(Vtn 'liensc resources being converted into (ul cash in Oregon iiiul vV'h-iliiiiutoti He-en million four llllb.lce.l and thirty tour thotKnnd t liuiidn-d nod ninety one bushels of wheat and fl-tojll-j t,.,r rels of flour are the exact figure, yet it must be r ibered Hint th,- crop is only just getting under way in earnest. O lfWW' cU'en During the two iths of fall col mist rates, S, I to ili)t,er SI. Hie Denver t Ifio 1 1 nude railroud sold 10SI lioineyeekers' tickets to the north west, which was an incre.-ise of 'NIT OV)'' last ,vciii(V)linsiiics. ,,r more lhh in rfhl. -1 u q QColr Sale. are now prepared to furtial) hand -I eoal at the mine, five milcn of town, in anv amount desiriHl. t.-lO per toll. ' " PSlFlf COAL I'O. I I GET UMDEI COVER '''UJ1'1 ' lU'j" Ij' i "'i good idea for cvervlnsl)' ot get under cover in Vvi ford, including the cityijouncil, nil wo are hero to furnish vou tho BEST PROPERTY m MEDFORP fifflthe least money. If you nre a stranger in Medford, you cu't fB,.firiJ to lose nropey by boarding wilh your family at a hota). q The laiiinem man : way of doing is to buy a nico chcup tract , nutt huil.l a nico hoiisr wbile the present financial situation coutia , nes. It 's a fai l tbat yon can hnlluV cheaper ml tlitn tjrou could a moivfh ago; or, better yet, &UY A CHEAP HOME CLOSE IN TO A BUSINESS CENTER itnd watch it gruff, into moro money before spring. We are pre piiroit, to .-quip all hoincscekers with desirable homes at Cm figure. Now is the time to buy,) save rent and make lliimev bv ,. . ...-. - v - price. (j the advanee in o n RogaegRiver Land 6XOIJ3IT BUHUtttfO. MEDFOEX), OEJIOOH, pick east ites for DJ(v)liien. 'For I,P 1,,.,.,,;, ,,t ,k Cs.. (S) interested in tin- promotion of the nry iinlustry in H, state, the South in Pscific ,-ompniiv will issue ticket st a rate of one fan- sin! one third (fi- f li BIUIIImI lne.-i;., ,1... . i? i wrrgon I'ai . nmcn's sssociatioii at Portland. Do iinbir ainl 1.1. provided .',0 or more nllelid from allAsrl of the state. Tick I '" ln,v pWhased I) ,,r p i: I ', in.-lusiie, and will be good for re ' turn passage including December l.t! Because. He Paid bj "hk. Not long ago, a huainMt man in this continually was presented with a loll that he had already paid. He produced "the paid check ma voucher in evidence, ami it was thus at once proven that he had paid the bill. Don 't you the importance of paying , by eheckl this bank cordially invite your account, subject to cheek, and will be plraseil to render you the most efficient service JACKSON COUNTY BANK E&biWKd I88& MEDFORD, ORE. Capital, forpfrsand Qtyfxsfo Over S&S.OOQ No Fire In (be Kitchen Range No Hot Water in the Bouse o The lath time yon ap preciate the eoDTCDleoce of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS r tne nearest tamp a i aocket and turn the switch m PINT, QUART. TWO QUART AND LARGER SIZES Plat Six Is specially adapted for nursery Sloiple Durable Clean tTilTrt? Sate Wyift) CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND SEE SAMPLES CoLUtorWatcr amJ Power Co. 835 Offic M 7U StrwS Oaaetita Ik tie fledrk Sioa . RANCHES FOB RENT Urain Alfalfa and Uck Sanches. DR. C. It. BAY, MoMford, Or. Baby Goods For Xmas At Meekers Shoes, Hoods, Coals, just vli:il you waul. linirove 1lio nvsciit. WATCH ()lTR CiiK'is'I'MAf? DiSI'LAV THE STORK FOR KVI'IUVUOHV. VY. iiuuktui 1 BUSINP AISCB. B. B. HAMILTON, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Hucacssor to Dr. B. 8. DeArmond. Office in ilitter-Dunlnp Block. Phono 0S.1. M. M. COLVIG odedford, Oieoon COLVKi & DURHAM ATTOHftfeYS AT LAW GEO. H. DURHAM Giants Past. Outgo Witu w. p. Holt, w.a Physician Eag e fcrint Oregon 4BBH L. 0AJSURON. IS. D., Physlc7.ui ani Surgao. Residence, Hotel Moore. CATALOG HOUSES ARE NOT MERCHANT TAILORS They drain the towns of iioiie aaul neither give the tit, style nor distinction t" your dollies thfjlyonr own city tailfM" can. nmmt worn industry The clothes I make are the kind that "carry distinction," that bespeak the man, that keeps your money at home and are .superior in cveiy detail to the "sweatshop" goods of catalogue houses. o EIFERT The City Tailor JtEEP YOUR SIONEY AT 0 HOME FRENCH DRV CLEANING ANDREPAIRINGv,:iVim: Mefofd It Nash Hotef Grill Public Dinners, Banquets, Pall Suppers Catered For Tallies decorated and dinners served at vou own Pesidence, any distance. Time Eclipse o No matter h - - j " - - "w v T Vl.l V V(V- tl 1 v- uti niaja j q a little in the lead at The Medforjd Pharmacy Exclusive lines of Toilet Sets, Leather Goods, Imported a, id Domeslic LVrl'unies, Cut Olass, Shavius Sets, the Si'lumper line of Elinors, Ilahv Sels, Holiday Stationery, Sniokin"; Sets, Pompadour Jars. Photograph anQ I N.stciti-il Allnuns. Rich Cut Glass u Latest shrnvii" of Vases, K-WPiW, lSmr BowB, Sugar and CroB Pltcfclni. Etc. It in. Napic from $1.25 to 15 8-in. llerry Bowls (clirysun tbnniuui cut) from 3.G0 to 2 SiHj.'ir anil (.'ream set, Whirl wluJ pattern. ,3.50 to 111.75 NOYES DRKSHLER. H.-sl Kstatr, K.-ntals, Insumsrs KAHM AM) TIMIIKK I. A Mis. fnrri'spoii,!,-!!,-,., Who rsvnrs h.ini vnlrprt sml ths tuislin of s Urv Clly In tha MniM.f ,k. !. 1., ih., kJl 1.. ".. ' . M m m, In ix.irritttm tu our NMlkitwl IUNIi.mi k.w. . J a vim.: j .mi. . .. , s. - , lrMl,...U.lnlMU "V ' ", M I Ml ill- ivknM ofTWrt and dlrvetor mr iirrtir Mniitmi and th ntiM mm vinr a co hi 11 x ( ' Cbe mcdford national Bank SurpliiB $10,000.00 ( Capital ffiO.OOO.OO oillwth BAPBTT aZOB8. Jtf'W TflB TBIHO roa 18.00 UPWAJIDS, Byptrsii .tliristmas Time At !le(lfrd Pharmacy is nl-:ij :i s .... ;,,! i(n ., '""' . ' Xlllil "iffi - :111V cou 'II ." 'I'" -I - call ''. 1i:.m- I'ln-iioli for 1 . i- V V ill Mill' Kll- -nr.-i.v of .,M Is.' II I-,,,- l,oN-,-s of I'l-lliiic, s, I, 1,1, -in-,, i,. ill liati.N s. l,.n,.,.. -i w" -' : l-:.liriil lino of I.c::lll,-- ll..,,, ,11, Il II- l,.,,,,!!,;,-. ilsr.-l f !ll.'l ' ,u, r... -l. .1.- T!iIiii1 prices. W,- ..I... !,:,,- :l I,:.,,.!...,,,,. ;,,,:,y f Christ .mi!. I'ostnls. .1 snitnl.!.- t',ri-iin.'i.-i lor your li O O O IfEHKAUK S.)VlR Ol OTTT? RPPnttl t 'iiriM.- ,v. , 'TP... "....77. " .. )IN0 HOLIDAYS: HKAUTIKITL 1IAXD-PAIXTK1) AV T l-J'or , i AND ('RAYON PrCTlTRF v J.-.. , & .?. .OM).u J) KV'P win wirn imnu' vmV.V n,V' J,l:7 1 '7-.: l"-u "I-1 I, IWKK- 0 o o o0 Toilet Sets o o In Elory, Sterli-ngilrtr, fHul,.ican,l K, .-,,, ,,-n. ."llh linc.l Cotubiaation Brrnh anj (tomb ifcl, ft'.phtn, eb ot, plush lined case $17.50 Comliisstioo Brnnh tm Comb 8ct,!f (licccs, sterl ing llvr, plush lit case C.11.00 cOsbinti Hronh ai Comb Sut, 4 pieces, cb' Bt, pIMk li.a cse Q.f g.00 Bril' and fomb Set, 3 pieces, ealluloid, plush line.1 si ... ( 1 . - - , i.m Jntirt l Comls, S pie.s, celluloid, silk Ual o v-r ,im 1 .fiQ ) Mtotn'itr Hi, S pii?3l ebony, plush lined case.f 6.00 Minvinu 's''l, rhonc Military llrnslo-v in rosrwoo.l, rln', sti rl 'r anil i-licrrv, Iroin Siiiokinj Sets from 0 SI llilliy Sots, celluloid, pink, blue mid wliit OloviYioxcs, ci-lluloid, from Handkerchief Itov s. rolli,l..i-l. fi -::i Tic IIom-s, e-lluloid, fr Cuff nnd Collar Itox.-s from. c.-ise. .9 3.:"0 $ ,r,0.) $ 4 .no 11' sil- $l.fi0 UB .'J'i to SlO.dO $1 nc. .."me to $:;.no to $.;.oo ,r-Oi' to S.l.Oi) -T.ic to $i.rm fax.. lUuKB'ftia 0 0 X.Y, WIIKKK AKK YOU (iOl.S'df Wild, Mi:f Vis: WHV TIIi: Medford Pfiarmacy (TO I1K Sl'RKl i"7 skvknth stim:i-. I' I 9 4 Jo o