SCHOOL CHILDREN, ATTENTION! Watch for the Tribune's Grand Prize Voting Contest. Particulars Monday Night's Tribune subline. Associated Press Dispatches TUB WEATHEB. Fair weather is promised foP tonight and Tuesday.- VOL. II. MEDFORD, OK., MONDAY, DECEMBER 0, 1007. No.. 221. O o o O JACKSON FUNERAL INCREASE YEGGMEN RAH CORTELYOU MAINS DELAYED IN POSTAL MURDERED INQUIRY AT REQUESTED CHANCE FORTNIGHT mm. BJ ROSSE ASHLAND TO EXPLAIN Pretty Girl Wanted to Represent Jack son County at Fair at Portland Wanted A (trfttv eirl to bo to Port land to attend tne courentioa of the Oregon State i)airr association nml rep ressnc jacKson eounrv. 1 no Tnnune and Southern Oregonian will furnish transforation, the Aledforil Coiniuercia! O lnb will pay expensive and Uie girl herself should furnish Jiit I'ostume of dairy maid. Judge G. V. Dun u,fyf pre senting the county cuurt, will officially confirm tho appointment, (liria. bore's your chance. The following cofhtminication is self slcplanatory: 0 ' Hon. (Jeorge WAjlunu, County Judge Jackson County, Jacksonrille, Or Mv Dsar JudgBThe coiiroution of tho Oru oa citato Dairy association at Port land, liocembor 12 and 13,Oia causing! tate-wido interest. A Tory uniuue foa- inra hat been arranged, in which we roust haro yoUr) instant co operatiou. O O Thursday evening. l)ocmlier 12 a to caption will bo tendered the delegates oy tne 'ortlnnd Commercial club, un dr whose auspices tho convontio is belrtp attended by many Portland peo ple. It is planned to have each county .represented by one of its girls, dressod as a dairy maid, in blue dross, Inrge q white apron and cap. O These young Indies must bo named by Awspapers a) their representatives, q i.'. 'and newspaper meji cao arrnnge through iocAl agents for their rail transportation as such representatives. Confer with your newspapeiOaml niakeQis apjSiint ment immediately. (Jet your candi dates assurance, that she can flisko the trip. 0 This is to be the greatest dairy meet ing ' held on the cgnst. Of course the young ladies would don theiodairy costumes for tho convention, and each should bo prepared to 'Jive her impres sions (i5 the dairy convention to her home paper upon oflr return. Proceed ings (feflio scssio&'nro to be jirinfed in -j elaborate form for circulation all ovor q the Uuited States as an advertisement ff Oregon 'a dairy resources. We want picture of tha d.tjjy maidfto use in O tsi, proeeedings. q o llopingto hear from you at ", Q ffui, very trSy yours, 0 O o, O TOM RICIIAlinsON' Msna'Ser. q o O "; JSBrVT DEMAND FOj O I COLLEGE 0BADUATE8 UN1VKSS1TT OF OREGON. Enaene Dec. 9,-Ths tlnivorsity oj, Oregon ia jperiencing tho largest demand in Mb history for graduates, both men and I women, to take pnncipalships nnd fnjsi . hods ns teachers in the high schools' of th atato. Of the S3 nwmliera of fast year 'a class, 80 are teacTrinir in the high schools ami colleges of Oregon xi the northwest, and the demand was niucn larger than the supply. At the resent tiras ther are a number of po J sitions vacant because there is no one, available who is adciiuatclr nrenared to take them. The university would be able next year to place as teachers some 40 or 50 men nud women, if its gradual ing clnss furnished that number. The class of JflOH now sunihers about 60 Member. Not Crazy, But Crazed 0 Shorn. Samett aiuouncet the first .ariii sals of hawr aw ffYen la Medford. v Ws hart lots of aie.ey dtit as, but on accsua f ths stringsncy nf the money market, w aa't collect, and having bought vsry hcavv, w must move our stock, for wt must' fiavs money. ' Beginning today yea will get 10 per cent off on .,ry thin'vnii huv except nails in bulk. Such action in a hardware store was nr heard of hrr l...t . P drowning man will catch at a stiawV) h"" nr wi" 1,0 rh""''"l 011 ecu' off on very)artirle. This, of coarse, it rash, for ths ersdit busi ness has hurt us tii such aa extent that w are about "busted" 41 j ir iiiiiug mi. 10 gsjrcaiT W hav the largest line of St uym- rcg'S(.v,"i t(g)nriret are far btl! Body of Aged King Oscar of Sweden Who Died Sunday Is Embalmed STOCKHOLM, Dec. 9. The body of King Oscar of Sweden, who died cnrij Sunday inoruing. has been embalmed. The necessary urraugemeuts for thj fuueral noctsitnto delaying the cere mony a fortnight. Quogu. Victoria.otho wife of King UustiTO, arrived today. King Oscar II was born January 21 1SSMI, and succoeded hi brother, Chariot XV, September 18, 1878. At the age of 11 tie entered tho Swed ish nary, ia which he distinguished himself for aptness and diligence. Suddenly, in 1802, tiustavus, Oscar 1 s second oo, died. Young Oscar im mediately began to be looked upon as a DOABibilitr for the throne. He wna Rent to Qormany wttji a view to marriage, bringing back with him iu .Tun? Sophia, daughter of the princs of Nassau. The happiness in which slaiul her Jiuslinnd always lived shows the wisdom of the choice. When Charles XV iuhoritod tin crown Oscar bocauie crown prince. In 1872 Charles died without (tula issue, and tho crown pnncewan oalled to tho sov ereignty. On his accession to the throuo Oscar was already 43 years old. Ho became very popular, especially in Sweden, and was widely praised throughout Kurone as an accoifejMishcd gentleman, a culti vated student and an able orator. GOOD RECOED3 MADE Q BY FOOTBALL PLAYERS t'yiVERSITTP OREGON. Eueene. Dec. . University of Oregon football men during The season iust "past have mad good records in (he classroom as wou as ou tho football add. The rec ords of the rpjrrstrnr's office show that of tho 20 men composing tho regular squad only half a dozen have received grades as low as D in any of their sub jects. There nave, been no failures', and their work as A whole compares favor ably with that of last year, when in the final examinations n February the foot ball men ranked slightly better than the nvernge for the whole- student body. The records show also that for the two months just past football men have cut fewer classes than any other class of students. Reports of absences of all students are sent to the registrar's of fice daily, nnd a careful record is kept. The university works on the theory that students aro there first to shulv. anil this moans regular attendance v. classes. u FINE DISPLAY OF DAISY u PRODUCTS AT MEETING PORTLAND, Dec. 9. fresident E. T. Juild of tho Oregon- Stnie Dairy asso ciation becomes more enthusiastic ns the convention approaches, and says that 4he 12th of Deeoiuber will see splendid lot of dairy products entered for award. The committee in eharge of arrangements is already in receipt of several cheeses from Tillamook and the next boat will bring a very complete line for display. Delegates are being numed by the various commercial bod ies in overv mail. n Now, people, don't ha deceived. ,n good", but absolutely 10 per rss. handled lil V )reithe prices ssKvd at nthar places. Growth of City Re flected by P. 0. Gain of Forty Seven Percent for Month Medford s postoffice continues to re flect the rapid growth of the city in spite of fiuuncial stringency. liecelfts for November. 07, wero $1113.13 ns against $1122.71 for November, 11I0B, an increase of J2H0.42, or 47 per cent. The totul for tho yenr ending Novem ber 30 is $10,5.14.45, nil increase of 35 per cent, showing that Med ford has permanently passed the $10,000 mark and in thiB respect is entitled to free jlelivery. However, free delivery will not come until houses are numbered and sidewalks extended so that a carrier need not wonr wnders. The receipts for the year are as fol lows: December, ItHW, $022.27; quar ter ending March 31, 1007, $243S.27: quarter ending .Tune 30, 1007, $2302.27; luarter euding September. 30, " 1007, $2030; October, 1907, $1238.51 ; Novem ber, $013.13; total, $10,534.45. Tho rocoipts of tho money order de partment show a phenomenal increase fur November, duo-efir'irelv to the finan cial stringency, which forced the rise of postal orders instead of drafts and checks for eastorn exchange. (J VLADIVOSTOK CAPTURED BY THE OREGON APPLE - PORTLAND. Dec. 9. The Orogon ap lo lias captured tho orient, nnd Itus- fua. mlLMoi'lou brothers of Vladivos tok, after .((filing a display in one of tho princtiial show windows of the eitv. removed the display and after it waP crowned and surronnded with merienn and Russian flags it was photographed, and is to be n'qiroduced in color for international advortising. Thus the glo ry of tho Oregon apple goes around the world. The displav was unusual be cause most of the boxes were shown ready for ocean shipment, eaeh encasi'd in burlap. Varieties of apples included the Winter Banana,' Ortley, Hyde's King and Arkansas Black. SHORTEN PETTIBO&E TRIAL BY ADMITTING TESTIMONY BOISE, Idaho, Dec. 1.1. By ngreo ment on both sides, the Fettitmno trial wan continued until tomorrow, when tho o(Hning statement of the prosecu tion will be mado by Attorney Ilawley. Senator Borah arrives tonight. Tho trial is greatly ehortoned by the stipu lation admitting tho testimony of the explosion at tho Bradley residence given during the Haywood trial, and n num ber of ('o)orndo witnesses nt the Hay wood trial. EIGHTY CHANCES TO WIN THE THOUSAND DOLLARS m o PORTLAND, Dep. ft. "Kighty chances to win you can't lose" is the slogan of the Portland rommercinl club in its final work connected with t flSoU fijOOi) prize contest closing December 31. People in genernl seem engrossed with tho financial condition, and thoir neglect makes the chances of those wlio do compete oven more prQioimced. . o o o 0 w - 0u u -- -- u O Bi Bafaifts0 n - - O o n JT) o 1 Holulay itwlfcai Cut Hales r . o )l Postoffice atWinlock EnteredJobbers Shoot Constable and are Killed PORTLAND, Pec. !. A Telegram special from Winlock, Wash., states that the postoffice there wnH entered last night by burglars, who were scared off by 'the burglar alarm lfore securing any plunder. Karly toibty. Marshal J. P. Castalor and CoiistiiHM T. V. Me 'Kadden accosted two men on the rail road track. After a few words, the men started to run. The officers gave I J"lrsui'- Suddenly the men turned and began shooting, one bullet hitting Con stable MeKadden in the chest. As he fell a second shot struck him in the Jjsame place. The murderers then took ;to the woods. , : A. posso was hastily formed and sur rounded the robbers, shooting them jdown without hesitation, killing both. 'They nre believed to lie professional i.veggnien. Constable McFiidden'fl con idit ion is serious. LATE LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. .' M rs. Annie Mnrtin of Jacksonville was a Medford visitor Saturday.' 0 Simon Shaw, the well known miner, is down from KIQitt creek district. J. V. Hicks, one of the energetic cit iziMis of Willow Springs district, did business iu Medford Saturday after noon. K, B. Hull spent several hours in Medford Saturday. ! I.. H. Meigs of Orchard Home was in our city a few days since. Tames R. Smith and K. (i. Coleman of Phoenix ftrecinct were iu uiir midst Freil Johnston is paying Medford n visit. Tie is now connected wit h the Sisson Flectric works. Q-:. B. Ilanley was in Medford Sat urday. lf is becoming extensively en gaged in fruit culture, i 1. J. Hanson of 'cut ral Point pre cinct made Mcdfjljrd a short business visit Saturday. ; TI. S. Morris, the titnberman, who(J)is teen operating near Talent, has re moved to Medfr&l. Miss Agnes Ormiston, late of Rose burg, who has been employed in the Mail office, left for Crescent City, Cal., Sunday, where she will be joined in matrimony to W. H. Wilson. Tho pros pective groom, who was a resident of Medford for some time, is now editor V nnd manager of the News, official pa per for Del Norte county. M. Vaughn of Sams Valley has been visiting in Medford the guest. ff) his daughter, Mrs. fleorge Porter. T. M. Huff vmh up from Phoenix Saturday. In company with his wife, he has been visiting in Kansas, where they formerly lived. H. B. Askew and Midwife of Central Point were iiOfedfonrSaturday after noon trading with our meniiifij's. Thomas H. Brown of Beagle and his family nre spending the winter in .Tack soVilo. o K. A. fiiirnprr of flr.Id Hill, the elec trician, was among the inauv in U'd ford Saturdav. ' Tej4i Plvm who has been HOMMiig the past, threo years in tho Uhfted Toggery Grand ChristmaS Sale qf all Rinds of Clothing and Men's Fifhilsltiyo; Goods Now fn Pfogressi Officials of Espee and State Comis doners Gather to Investigate Trains floral Superintendent L. 11. Field, (ieneral Passenger Agent William Mur ray, Assistant lienornl Passenger Agent John M. Si-ott of the Soul hern Pacific passed through Medford ou n special car Sniul; night en route to Ashland, where the state railroad commission is investigating the withdrawal of trains II ami 11'. Deputy District Attorney Clarence Kennies, who will conduct the nitpiiry tor the complainants, the laud Commercial club, also left Astt last night for Ashland. Monday William D. Fen ton, general otinsel for the Soul hern Pacific; W. M. Colvig, local couihcI; Statii Agent Rose nbuuin, Railroad ( 'ommisNioners Oswald West, V. B. Aitcheson and T. F. Campbell panned through Medford to participate in the inquiry. After the resolul ion (passed by rail road employes and sympathizers in the Commercial club, it is doubtful whelhor tho hearing adjourns to Medford tomor row not. States army, arfrived nt his home in Roxy precinct a few days since. lYe made a good record nnd was honorably discharged. O WillufV HeftiQ of Big ButP has been visiting in Medford. O Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fry of Lake Creek precinct spent Saturday and Sun day with relati nud friends iu Me ford. Mrs. R. C. FnucottflTf Klliott Creek district is making Medford and Jack sonville A visit. FrickKon Bros., who are located at the Weslem Oregon 1 n vest men I com ( pa ay 's big orchard in Roxy precinct , spent Saturday afternoon in Medford. A. Alford of Talent, the well known pioneer, spent n fewmirs in Medforn .urtlay. Ia. Berger and L. AqRosc were up from Phoenix Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. . A. Pinett of Itoxy sent Saturday afternoon in Medford.' Vinton Heall of Cent ml Point, the! artist, tarried iiiMtledford a few hours last. Saturday. Frank Ron ml tree nf Jacksonville and John Malaey of Applegfte were Med ford .visitors Saturday. II. Lcighton, the miner, who has been in California for somo time prist, is in his section. A. C. Kd wards of Knglo Point pre cinct is visiting his parents, who live ia Medford. (31 rs. James T. Buckley and Miss Cath erine Buckley of Applegate visited in Medford and Jacksonville Saturday. .lack True, Jacksoir county's effi cient roailinaster, was In Mcdfnrd Sat urdav o SAN Fli ANCIHCO, Dec. ft. The dis appearance of former Supervisor Galla gher, one oOtjJ) (Hj'st important, wit nesses for the state in the bribery graft cases, and the des'inQf resident Pat rick Cnlhiiiiiid of the t'niteMfailivi to go to New 'lOrk, caused (t)e QhI- (pi(Hieinenf of Ca! hii's trial today until January . 1 lie ji'isecui ion lifts not yet located Gallagher. O O o ' Tillman to Inquire Into Proceedings Dili ing the Finan cial Crises WASHINGTON, Dec. ft. Senator Till man today introduced a resolution in the senate directing the committee on linauce to invest igato the proceedings t the secretary of the treasury in con lection with the linancial crisis nnd also Mio to make inquiry concerning the lea ring house cert ifieates. Senator Culberson called up tho reso lution, asking information concerning Gte issue of .flft.OOO.OOO Panama cnnnl bonds. ud the total fund of the banks in operation December 1 nnd Novem ber IS, nnd the amount of public money on deposit in the banks of each Htate umi territory at those elates. Representative Sabath of Illinois to jlny introduce'd n bill to amend tho in-te-rstate comniere'e law to enable the :cominiFMin to require theederal courts To Pcetgnizc nu apply the provisions S f state statutes to tho trial of inter state violations. The purpose of the .lull is to obviate long delays. 'Q o Jho house, after n brief session, nd jonmed until Thursday. Several con gressmen were Q'om in. TAFT NEILY CAUGHT IN MARINE DISASTER O BOttjTJMiC? IW. ft. Secretary Wil li" m II. Taft and other passengers, while being conveyed by n harbor ten der to the steaship President Grant, 'had' n nrrrnnv escnpe froi wreck' nnd dis:)er. The tender was caught in heavy seas. A giant wavo broko the rudder and the boat drifted helplevssly in the elarl(3kss aniidQaging wave's. The irissengers were thrown ulmut in over Tireclion. Finally she got her nnchor caught ami uuide repnirs. M. Risch maun, sub-prefect at Boulogne, greeted Secretary Taft in the name of France. 'Co made an appropriate reply, regret ting that tlicQliange in his plans had caused the abandonment eif his visit to Paris. O FEEBLE-MINDED WOMAN qDROWNS HER CH&DREN SOM Kit VILMC. Mass.,ec. ft. Mrs. njiily Huntley walked into the police station today and announced that she had killed her two grandchildren, aged 'i and 1. Tlie.dies were found later. The children were stupefied by ilium mating gas and drowned in a bathtub. It is alleged that .Mrs. Iluntli is con sidered uienlallv weak. HOLIDAYS CONTINUED FOR ALL THIS WEEK POI.TLAXD, Dee. ft. It develops that last Friday and Saturday were not le ijoli.ed holidays in Oregon. The gov ernor today coADniyful the holidays for all this week. O II BABIES Om O o . 0 : .I tier Voll lies tlinl wo luiff' in our (jslys. pi'curvi's iiiulniit more wliolcsoinc for tlic lirc;il. iniiile rroiii our superior li.irtl wlioat flour. il ins. jellies iiinl ni;iri)i;il.iile iii.uli fruits Mini fruit jGiccs. Our stock of relislies. olives, trreeu cliili. ,'nul pimientos is nlwavs kept at 1 lie liiuliesl slandard op MILLER & BANKER WALKER ARRESTED Head of California Safe Deposit and Trust Co. Caught at Santa Barbara SANTA BARBARA, Col., Dec. 9. The chief of police has received orders from San Francisco to plnco D. F. Wal ker, president of tho California State Pepeisit & Trust, company, under arrest. Walker was later arreHted at his ho-' tel. In a Htatemteut ho claims that he ia innocent of wrongdoing nnd taut hev ontiuued to make his private deposits iu the failed bank, besides being a heavy 'stockholder aiid that he ia loft without a dollar. The bunk i rh'u in luivn tn nrt non .nihilities nnd only $1,000,000 assets in sight. . - . SALT LAKH, Dec. ft. D. F. Walk er, president of the California Safo De- msit & Trust company, who wna ar- re'sie'el nt wanta ifarlmrn toetay, was for merly of this city. Ho was beirn in Kn gland and came to this country, his father oml9acing tho Mormon faith. The Ihreio brothers wore prominent in hanking and mercantile business in this (Sly. After tho ile'uth of his first wife, iWalker married a member of the Chris tian Science faith, resulting in n qunr- frei between tho brothers, Walker tuk ling his share of tho business in cash and removing to Ban Francisco. DEVELOPMENT LEAGUES' WORK BECOMING FAMOUS Profitable Advertising," published at llostoti, nnd one of the lending jour nals of its character in the Fnitcd States, reproduces the letterhead of the Oregon Develeipment league in it De cember number, nnd nrints an oxhaust- Fivo ledter from the secretary telling of the league 'a methods nnd accomplish ments. Oregon is nationally known fYur -licT dovidopmi'iit work. NEW LAND REGISTER FOR VANCOUVER OFFICE WASHINGTON, Dec. ft. The 'presi dent, today sent to the Semite the uoiu itatio(F)of Hugh C. Phillips to be regis" lor eif the la ml offico nt Vancouver, Wash. o O Fire Sweeps Pawnee-. PAWNFK, Okla., Dec. ft Fire early today ib'stroyed six stores and a liotel, the Masonic lodgerootn, postoffice, uewn iiid and drug (1)ire. The loss Ik $200,- 000. GOLD PURCHASED AT REDUCED PRICE LONDON, Di-c. !)0-Tho Trnited States te day secured l,.r,;ii),00l) pounds sterling of gold in the open market at a re'dnc'1 tion of :d In the price. CRY FOR IT .' liili r;iilc stock of rol- ln;itcr. Tin- is nothiiiif lilllc ones t lio 11 lel itioiia pure excellence EWBANK aSliORTY GARNBTT